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Post a funny metroid story / memory

Started by butterflyboy1974, February 11, 2008, 01:50:03 PM

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Post something funny that happened that's metroid related!   It could be something that happened in the game while playing, or something noobish, or anything that would make someone crack up. (This board needs to get moving)

Here's mine:

In December of 1988 I was 14 and living in Denver, Colorado.  My friends and I all had the NES and of course we all had Metroid.  Back then the game was kinda hard since we were so young and the concept of a non-linear adventure game was brand spanking new. One of my schoolmates came to class one day swearing up and down that lastnight he had beaten Metroid and that Samus was actually a woman!   Not only was 'she' a chick but he could play the game as samus without her suit, and she had flowing long hair and a red leotard.  Of course we all that it was the biggest load of crap we had heard all day.  But the kid was so persistent and he wouldn't give up.  He swore up and down the school that it was true, and he wasn't one to be a compulsive liar.  After a few hours of him telling this unbelievable tale, we started to actually wonder if it might be true.  If it was true, it would be the biggest news to ever surface since our geek careers began at birth 14 years earlier.  He was so frustrated that we didn't believe him that he challenged us to come to his house after school and see for ourselves.  Now it was serious!  If he were lying then there's no way he would have invited us to see with our own eyes.  Still, the story was just too outrageous.  We accepted his dare and when school ended that day we all snuck onto his bus.  The whole way to his house he kept telling us that we would be amazed and we would be sorry for calling him a liar.  Also the whole way we told him that if he was lying we would have to destroy him and hide his body parts.  We all had plenty of time to threaten each other because his bus took us all the way to the opposite side of the district, many miles from my house.  How I would get back was no longer important, I had to see if it was true.  Could Samus be female?  Was the way-cool orange 'dude' that I had doing flips and firing ice-beams for months be a chick?  You have to remember, this was a long time ago and back then there were no female main characters in a big action/adventure video game, only dudes.  There was one lame video game with a female character called Athena that every other household had so that their little sister could play it once in a while, but nothing as cool as metroid.  If it was true then not only would we have to fall on our knees and beg for his forgiveness, but we would be traumatized from the whole mind-f***k of thinking all this time that samus was a dude like us.  Would we feel betrayed, or just plain disturbed by it?   Finally we got to his house and the moment of truth had arrived.  We waited forever for him to enter the big crazy password to restart his game.  Finally the password was complete and to our amazement a green haired woman in a red leotard materialized at the starting point in Brinstar!! We were in speechless for a while, then apologetic, then fighting over the controller.  Only weeks later did we figure out that you had to beat the game in a relatively short amount of time to unlock this cool feature and reveal samus' true identity, at the time we had no idea how it had happened.  As consolation for not believing him, our friend earned coolness points within our group which was rare since he was just another geek among geeks.  Then I realized that it was after 8PM and I hadn't called home or anything!  When I finally called my Mom she had to drive all the way out there in a snowstorm to get me, and I was grounded until Christmas.
OK that's mine, now I wanna hear yours!! 
