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Fantasy's End: Ruin of Souls (FotM Winner!) (Chapter 6 added 6/25/08!)

Started by X_Hero, February 13, 2008, 06:20:50 PM

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Quote from: Triforce_Luigi on April 18, 2008, 01:37:06 PM
Quote from: X_Hero on April 18, 2008, 12:35:18 PM
Hmm... This needs more readers... :-\

It's a dead board, as unfortunate as that may be. :(
If I had enough time (and enough drawing skill, even though I'm ok), I could probably draw this out as a manga or something, but I dunno...


Quote from: X_Hero on April 18, 2008, 01:40:20 PM
Quote from: Triforce_Luigi on April 18, 2008, 01:37:06 PM
Quote from: X_Hero on April 18, 2008, 12:35:18 PM
Hmm... This needs more readers... :-\

It's a dead board, as unfortunate as that may be. :(
If I had enough time (and enough drawing skill, even though I'm ok), I could probably draw this out as a manga or something, but I dunno...

The fanart board is almost as dead. >_>


Quote from: Triforce_Luigi on April 18, 2008, 01:43:30 PM
Quote from: X_Hero on April 18, 2008, 01:40:20 PM
Quote from: Triforce_Luigi on April 18, 2008, 01:37:06 PM
Quote from: X_Hero on April 18, 2008, 12:35:18 PM
Hmm... This needs more readers... :-\

It's a dead board, as unfortunate as that may be. :(
If I had enough time (and enough drawing skill, even though I'm ok), I could probably draw this out as a manga or something, but I dunno...

The fanart board is almost as dead. >_>
Aw, man... DX


Quote from: X_Hero on April 18, 2008, 02:12:59 PM
Quote from: Triforce_Luigi on April 18, 2008, 01:43:30 PM
Quote from: X_Hero on April 18, 2008, 01:40:20 PM
Quote from: Triforce_Luigi on April 18, 2008, 01:37:06 PM
Quote from: X_Hero on April 18, 2008, 12:35:18 PM
Hmm... This needs more readers... :-\

It's a dead board, as unfortunate as that may be. :(
If I had enough time (and enough drawing skill, even though I'm ok), I could probably draw this out as a manga or something, but I dunno...

The fanart board is almost as dead. >_>
Aw, man... DX

Well, you never know, people might just look at it. ;)

EDIT: Why don't you enter it into the fanfic of the month contest? The judges would be forced to read it, and if they like it, they might tell friends to read it! Also, if you win, you'd gather a little... publicity.


Say, you're right! Jeez, why did I forget about that? XD


Probably cause its a dad board that only a few people look at. XD

Plus, the contest needs entries... or LightningSword will get edgy... :P


Well, it won. Yay. :D And just as good, I now present... Chapter 3! It's a bit shorter than the other two, but it's still good. Enjoy. :P

Chapter 3: Planetary Interest

     Above the planet of the Mushroom Kingdom, Xacherai?s ship was floating, conjoined with the ship of the other three that had just joined them earlier.

     ?I found it!? Holden shouted as he came up to Xacherai and the others, who were sitting at a table in the other ship. ?I found where I remembered Hyrule from.? He pulled out a small device and pulled on one side. It split, and a holographic screen stretched out in between the two sides. He tapped a few areas, and then a map pulled up.

     ?It kinda looks like one of those old scroll maps?? Ray mentioned as he looked a bit closer.

     ?Well, it isn?t.? Holden began. ?It?s actually a world map for one of those ancient video games from about several hundred years ago.? Everyone just looked at him.

     ?What?? Kaumori said in some disbelief. ?Are you saying that they?re heading for some place that doesn?t even exist??

     ?That?s where you?re wrong.? Holden answered as he tapped the screen a few more times. Soon, another map, this time of the system and other surrounding ones, pulled up, and it began to zoom into one planet that was in a system just neighboring their current one. ?In fact, Hyrule?s right here. There used to be nothing in this vicinity, but it?s here now.?

     ?Now, that?s just weird?? Irene said with a bit of a confused tone. She looked at the map as well.

     ?And that?s not all?? Holden continued as he tapped the screen a few more times again. It zoomed back out, and several circles appeared around several other planets and one of the neighboring systems. ?Every single one of these planets are in places where there never used to be any. There?s even an entire system right here.? He pointed to the system, and it zoomed in to show the planets that were orbiting around their sun.

     ?Freaky?? Kaumori muttered. He leaned back to think about it all.

     ?And they all came from those old video games?? Xacherai started to think out loud. ?My question is how that?s even possible.?

     ?Well, I?m not sure on that at the moment?? Holden said as he pressed the two sides of the device back together, making the screen recede. ?But while I try to figure that out, I want to know more about you, Xacherai. I never got a chance to ask before.? Everyone looked at Xacherai. There was a long silence as they waited for him to start.

     ?Okay?? Xacherai began as he got up and walked over to one of the portholes of the ship. ?I woke up a few months ago, and I was in a tank. The lab it was in was abandoned, and it looked like someone had wrecked it. Up until that few months ago, I can?t remember anything about my past?? All the others looked at him in disbelief.

     ?Whoa, whoa, whoa?? Kaumori said as he got up and walked a bit. ?Basically, you?re saying that someone did this to you??

     ?Yes, but I?m not sure who?? Xacherai added as he walked back over to them. ?The only thing that I know now is my name, and I only got that from the computer screen that had it printed out.?

     ?Wow?? Holden said as he began to process what Xacherai said.

     ?Well, while we?re trying to find out what?s going on with all these places?? Ray began as he got up. ?We can try and help you with trying to find out more about your past.? Xacherai looked at him.

     ?I?d hate to trouble you guys over this?? Xacherai began, but Kaumori came over and put his hand on his shoulder.

     ?Ah, c?mon.? Kaumori interjected. ?It wouldn?t be that bad? Besides, Your past might be connected to what?s happening!? There was another silence as the Ray and Irene just looked at him.

     ?Kaumori?? Irene said with a slightly annoyed tone. ?Don?t be ridiculous, it?s really unlikely that it?s true.?

     ?No, he?s right?? Xacherai interrupted. ?There is a chance that this is all connected, but it?s not one hundred percent certain.?

     ?Exactly!? Kumori exclaimed. ?See, Xacherai here gets what I?m saying! Haha!? he was continuously patting Xacherai on the shoulder, which he felt was a bit uncomfortable.

     ?Um? You can stop touching me now?? Xacherai mentioned. Kaumori paused a moment before taking his hand off a bit embarrassedly.

     ?Eh? Sorry?? Kaumori said. There was yet another long silence.

     ?That-a was an awkward-a moment?? Luigi commented after a small while.

     ?So, are we heading for this Hyrule place?? Irene asked as she too got up.

     ?It?s where Bowser was heading, so I guess we should go, too.? Xacherai mentioned as he began to head through the door to his ship.

     ?Right. Now let?s head on and get ready to go.? Ray also said. He got up and walked over to the cockpit of the others? ship, and Luigi and Holden followed Xacherai. The hatches on each of the ships closed, and the section holding the ships together separated. After a short moment, the thrusters of each ship roared to life, and they began to head towards the place called Hyrule.

     ?Heeyyy!! Ilia!!!? Bo shouted as he ran down the path searching for his daughter. ?Ilia!! Where are you?!?

     Some of the houses were on fire in Ordon Village. A few had already been put out thanks to the nearby stream, but there were still others that were in danger. Bo had seen Ilia run in the direction of Link?s house, so he had decided to try that way.

     ?Why is this happening?? Bo asked himself as he ran past the shop, which had already been put out. ?First came the monsters that were here two years ago, and now there are these monsters!? He now ran under the small arch that was right before the small area that lead to Link?s house. As he reached the clearing that Link had his house built, Bo saw that the house was completely ransacked, complete with a giant hole on the right side, and the fire that was on the roof.

     ?And why did they take Link?? Bo asked himself with a bit more of a confused voice. He ran past the house and was about to head down the path that lead to Faron Woods, and Rusl came from Link?s house after checking what the creatures might have taken.

     ?It looks like they came just for Link.? Rusl said as he came up besides Bo. ?Why would they want him??

     ?I asked that myself.? Bo replied as they were now heading for Faron Woods. The view of the gate to the Ordona Springs was coming up. As they passed by the gate, something caught Rusl?s eye, and he slid to a stop and ran back to see that the creatures had Ilia. She was kneeling, and had a crudely made sword resting on the back of her neck. Her clothes were slightly singed and torn.

     ?Bo! Here!? Rusl shouted, but only to catch the attention of the creatures as well. As Bo ran back, two of the creatures came forward and blocked them off from her.

     ?We?re terribly sorry?? One of the creatures started in a taunting voice.

     ?But we?ll have to keep you here while we ask the little lady a few more questions?? The other creature finished.

     ?Please!? Ilia shouted as she looked up. The right side of her face looked bruised. ?I already told you, I have no idea about anything you?re asking!?

     ?Silence!? One of the creatures next to her shouted as it struck her with the back of its hand.

     ?She?s holding strong?? Another of the creatures said. ?Since she won?t speak at all, then we have no more use for her? Do it.?

     The one creature that had the sword at he neck then grinned as he lifted it to strike. Before he could bring it down, the sound of engines was heard over head. Everyone looked, and saw two ships coming down out of the sky. They landed behind the area where the spring came from, which was out of view.

     ?You!? The creature that had ordered the armed one earlier shouted. ?Go over the ledge and check who?s inside of those ships!? The creature nodded as he began to waddle off and jump over the small waterfalls that led to the spring. After it had reached the top, it looked for a moment.

     ?It?s probably more of those things?? Bo whispered to Rusl with a worried tone.

     ?You?re right? they might have sent more to enslave us all?? Rusl whispered back.

     ?Huh?! You?re not-! GYAAH!!? The creature shrieked as an enormous sword pierced straight through it. As it faded, the form of a large animal on two legs was standing there holding the sword. Leaping up in the air, he took out a section of the sword and threw it another one of the creatures on the ground near Ilia.

     ?What the-?!? Bo said as he watched in utter surprise. It landed and grabbed the sword section, slashing through the other one before running at the two in front of Bo and Rusl. As he put the sword parts back together, several others came over the ledge and came up behind him.

     ?So have you seen this big ugly lizard with a shell around lately?? Xacherai asked as he looked at Bo and Rusl.


Awesome chapter yet again. ^_^

My favorite part was when Xacherai told Kaumori, "Umm.... ou can stop touching me now..."



Yeah, yeah, I'm replying. I was held up a bit. <_<


"Uh... You can stop touching me now..."



I remember reading something similar, but instead of going to gam worlds, they played a VR game of sorts.


Quote from: Pokemaster218 on April 29, 2008, 04:09:16 PM
I remember reading something similar, but instead of going to gam worlds, they played a VR game of sorts.
Ah, yeah, that was the older version that I had written. I changed the story just a bit from the original, but it still basically runs along the same lines. Glad you remembered, though. ;)



Quote from: Pokemaster218 on April 29, 2008, 05:13:45 PM
you're a good writer. when will the next Chap be up
Well... *checks* Just a few minutes. It's ready. :)


Okay, here's Chapter 4. For this one, there's two parts. Like other multi-part chapters, you'll have to wait until the last part is up. ;)

Chapter 4: Spirits

     ?Wh? What the?? Bo muttered under his breath as he was trying to comprehend what was now happening. Ilia was just looking at the group that had just arrived in confusion and awe.

     ?Xacherai?? Ray began as he was looking in another direction. ?I see smoke? There must be a fire off in that direction.?

     ?Y-yes, our village is on fire?? Rusl explained, still a bit afraid of what was happening. ?Those creatures started it.?

     ?I?ll head there to help put out the fires.? Holden said as he came up next to Xacherai. He turned to Rusl. ?You think you can take me there??

     ?Um? Sure?? Rusl replied as he turned to head down the path back to Ordon Village. ?It?s this way. Just follow me.? The two of them then began to run down the path.

     ?I?ll get the girl?? Ray said as he leaned down to help up Ilia. ?Come on?? Ilia was just looking at him with tears in her eyes. She extended her hand, and Ray pulled her up and supported her as she got to her feet.

     ?There?s not much else?? Bo mentioned. ?I think we might want to go back to the village as well.?

     ?That sounds good?? Xacherai started as he walked past him. ?Plus, we?ll be able to hold off any more of those creatures if they show up.?

     ?Yes? Thank you?? Bo replied.

     ?It?s no problem.? Irene said with a smile as she came up next to him. ?Now let?s see this village.?

     ?All right?? Bo replied back to her. As they were walking, Ilia kept looking between all of the different people that had shown up. But she was still worried. Worried about Link.

     Water sprayed over another one of the houses in the village. Holden was directing a small machine that he had made to draw water from the stream and onto the fires. Everyone was just standing back, looking skeptically at the strange contraption that he had just made out of nowhere. Through the gate where Bo had ran through earlier, the group walked on through, and Holden waved them over.

     ?How?s everything doing?? Xacherai asked as he approached Holden.

     ?Well, this is the last house here in town?? Holden began to explain. ?But the ranch just up north is going to need some work.?

     ?All right, Xacherai, Irene, and I will go up there?? Ray began. ?Kaumori and Luigi will stay here in the village with Holden to make sure everything?s all right.?

     ?Hey, why don?t I get to go to the ranch?? Kaumori complained.

     ?Because I?m the oldest one here, and I?m giving the orders?? Ray rebutted back at him.

     ?What about Xacherai? He could be thirty for all we know!? Kaumori mentioned with a forceful voice. There was an awkward silence at the comment.

     ?? That?s actually a good point.? Ray agreed as he then turned to Xacherai. ?What do you say??

     ?I don?t really mind?? Xacherai replied back to Ray.

     ?Then it?s settled.? Ray finished as he, Xacherai, and Irene began to head towards the ranch.

     ?Aw, man?? Kaumori said with a disappointed voice.

     ?Hey, it?s-a all right?? Luigi started. ?I usually get left behind a lot, too?? Kaumori just looked at him a moment.

     ?Um? Yeah?? Kaumori said quietly to himself as he slid back a little.

     ?Those? don?t quite look like goats?? Irene said as they were finally getting to the ranch. They were running now, seeing that the barn was on fire. ?But they?re kinda cute.?

     ?Well, whatever they are, we need to get them out of there.? Xacherai said as he started to gain a bit of speed.

     ?I?ll take care of the fire.? Ray said as he took his staff from his back. He slashed it through the air, and he vanished into a blue rift. Xacherai and Irene kept running for the barn.

     As they came up, most of the goats seemed mostly afraid of Xacherai now instead of the fire. They began to run from him as he got close to them.

     ?Ah, jeez?? Xacherai muttered to himself as he realized that it would take a while. All of the sudden, he spotted Irene actually riding one of them, and she was rather enjoying it.

     ?Whee!? Irene shouted happily as the goat was trotting out of the barn at a fair speed. Xacherai was just staring at her strangely.

     ?Uh? What are you doing?? Xacherai shouted over to her. Irene wasn?t quite paying attention, so she didn?t hear him. ?Kay then?? As he was watching her just ride the goat out, he noticed that the other goats were suddenly starting to follow after. Xacherai wasn?t quite sure what to say.

     ?I have no idea how she does that?? Ray suddenly said from the roof of the barn. Xacherai looked up and saw that half of the fire was already out. Ray turned and slashed the blade again. A rift opened up, and the remaining fire began to be swallowed up. ?We?re basically finished up here??

     ?All right?? Xacherai said as he then began to walk over to Irene to tell her. She was still riding the goat, shouting with joy. ?Um? I think I?ll just let her be a few minutes more??