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Fantasy's End: Ruin of Souls (FotM Winner!) (Chapter 6 added 6/25/08!)

Started by X_Hero, February 13, 2008, 06:20:50 PM

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Ch. 4 Pt. 2

     It was later, and the sun was beginning to go down. Bo had offered to let the group stay at his place for the night. Politely accepting, they had gone in for some of the dinner that he had prepared as thanks.

     ?So, you did see Bowser?? Ray said after hearing what Bo had to say. He had explained everything that had happened before their arrival.

     ?And you say the creatures had taken this Link?? Kaumori said as he set down a cup of water that he had half finished.

     ?Yes?? Bo replied. ?And the thing is that we have no clue why.?

     ?To add to that, you also said that something like this happened two years ago?? Irene asked as she leaned forward in her seat.

     ?Right.? Bo started. ?It was an incident that Link said involved Princess Zelda. In the end, he also said that he had to kill this evil man who called himself Ganondorf. I had never known that Link would ever have to kill like that??

     As Bo continued to explain, Xacherai heard something. Turning his head, he saw that Ilia was quietly slipping out the door.

     ?Um? may I please be excused?? Xacherai politely asked.

     ?Yes, sure?? Bo replied. Xacherai got up and also went out the door. Ilia was already over the creek bridge, and it looked like she was heading back towards the spring. Xacherai kept his distance while trying to follow her closely. He wasn?t quite sure what she was doing.

     Xacherai followed her the whole time. She had stopped to look at Link?s house for a moment. The fire that was on the roof was obviously gone by now. Ilia then continued on to the spring. As she walked in, Xacherai stopped at the gate and stayed out of view. Ilia knelt down in the shallow water of the spring, as if she were going to pray.

     ?Please?? Ilia began to speak in a heartfelt voice. ?Please, if you?re listening, spirit of the spring, please? Tell me what to do? Link had risked his own life to save Hyrule, but he had also saved me? Please, tell me what to do so that I may help him in his time of need?? Xacherai remained silent as he listened to her. He wasn?t sure who exactly she was speaking to. For a while, nothing happened. Ilia lowered her head in dismay, and she again began to cry.

     ?Do not despair, young one?? A voice emanated from nowhere. Xacherai looked everywhere, but he didn?t see anything. Ilia had looked up in surprise.

     From the middle of the spring several feet in front of Ilia, a small, glowing drop of water rose out of the spring and landed back, sending glowing ripples throughout the entire surface of the water. Ilia then stood up as a small ball of light then slowly came up from the now glowing waters. It grew larger, and there was now clear, swirling patterns spanned all around it. Then, the glowing figure of a large goat, like from the ranch, walked forward from nothing, the light sphere centered between its horns.

     ?Do not despair, for there is hope for Link?? The spirit spoke to Ilia. ?But first, I must speak of what it is that is happening?? The spirit then turned its attention to Xacherai. ?And he must hear this as well, for it holds even more concern for him.? Ilia turned to see Xacherai standing there. Confused, Xacherai came out from around the gate and walked forward.

     ?Now?? The spirit began as Xacherai came up next to Ilia. ?There is a legend of a great place somewhere deep in the cosmos, where all spirits are said to dwell? And a prophecy of things to come lies with it that is even more ancient than the three goddesses of Hyrule? A dark spirit has been trying to get into this place of great light for ages, denied because of his evil soul? It was once a powerful beast of immense destruction, and it was slain by a lone hero. His evil was his true bane. Now that it has been reborn, a second spirit has also come with it? But with it, the hero has been reborn as well. That hero? Is you, Xacherai Hiro.? Xacherai?s eyes widened with shock.

     ?Wait?? Xacherai began. ?I?m? some kind of hero??

     ?Yes?? The spirit replied. ?Unfortunately, the two dark spirits had reached you, and made you into what you see yourself as of now? However, they were also unsuccessful in completing their duty? I cannot quite yet see what exactly they have done to you on the plain of souls, but it is obvious in your physical appearance?? Ilia just looked at Xacherai as the spirit continued.

     ?But?? Xacherai interjected. ?Is there any chance of me going back to normal? And my memory? Will that come back??

     ?Indeed, you will revert back to your normal self?? The spirit answered. ?Your memory will also slowly return? For it is the past that will be able to let you succeed in your battles? I cannot say much more, for the forces that govern this prophecy are far greater than I can reach out to? You must find out more for yourself?? The spirit turned back to Ilia. ?And the key to saving Link lay within this prophecy as well? It will be affected by your choices?? Ilia seemed surprised.

     ?This is all I can now say?? The spirit said as his light began to fade. ?The rest is up to you? Xacherai Hiro.? The spirit then began to fade back into the water, the light of the spring dimming down until everything had returned to normal. For a while more, there was no sound except for the gentle breeze that blew the leaves, making then rustle.

     ?If I can save Link?? Ilia began as she then turned to Xacherai. ?Then I guess I?ll have to go with you where ever it is that you?re going.? Xacherai seemed a bit surprised that she had made a decision like that so quickly.

     ?But? I don?t know where it is we?re actually going yet?? Xacherai replied.

     ?The spirit said that I can save Link if I go with you?? Ilia spoke back. ?So long as I have a chance, then I?ll go.? Xacherai thought a moment.

     ?All right?? Xacherai answered Ilia.

     ?Thank you?? Ilia said as she walked forward a bit.

     ?Well, I think we should go back?? Xacherai suggested as he turned a bit towards the exit of the spring.

     ?Right?? Ilia agreed as she began to follow him. They walked out the gate of the spring and began to head back towards the village.


nice new chap. I sort knew from the title that the spirit of Ordon Spring would appear. Now, what happened to link? Kidnapped by bowser and the strange creatures?


Quote from: Pokemaster218 on April 29, 2008, 06:23:21 PM
nice new chap. I sort knew from the title that the spirit of Ordon Spring would appear. Now, what happened to link? Kidnapped by bowser and the strange creatures?
Yes, that's exactly what happened to him.


Quote from: X_Hero on April 29, 2008, 06:31:14 PM
Quote from: Pokemaster218 on April 29, 2008, 06:23:21 PM
nice new chap. I sort knew from the title that the spirit of Ordon Spring would appear. Now, what happened to link? Kidnapped by bowser and the strange creatures?
Yes, that's exactly what happened to him.
ZOMG! Spoilers!


Quote from: Pokemaster218 on April 29, 2008, 06:38:39 PM
Quote from: X_Hero on April 29, 2008, 06:31:14 PM
Quote from: Pokemaster218 on April 29, 2008, 06:23:21 PM
nice new chap. I sort knew from the title that the spirit of Ordon Spring would appear. Now, what happened to link? Kidnapped by bowser and the strange creatures?
Yes, that's exactly what happened to him.
ZOMG! Spoilers!
Well, it was kinda obvious, wasn't it? XD


Not the first time I guessed  right on a fan fic. Check out Your Memories Are Not Enough by Superkeeleybro. Last page.


Is Ilia going to stay with them the whole story? She annoys me. <_< :P

Good chapter! Yay Twilight Princess!


I was wondering when the next chapter of this fanfis will come out.


Quote from: Pokemaster218 on May 05, 2008, 05:59:11 PM
I was wondering when the next chapter of this fanfis will come out.
Well, I've finished the chapter, but it will depend on when I'll be able to post it... It'll be up either today or tomorrow, but it'll definitely be up this week. =P


Okay, sorry about the delay, but here's Chapter five. It's long, but it has to be in one part because it's all continuous... XD

Chapter 5: Requesting the Guard

     It was the next day. Ilia told her father that she had decided to go with the group, and after much convincing, he finally submitted and let her go. Xacherai also told everyone about what the spirit had said to him. They were about as confused as he was. When it came time to leave, a man came running out of the woods and into the village. He was a soldier from the Hyrule Castle Town, and he had escaped. That?s where he told them that the Princess Zelda had also been kidnapped. Now they had four people to save, including Link and the princess.

     ?So? Why are we doing this?? Xacherai said as he was standing behind a large curtain someone had put up on the others? ship. They had already taken off from Hyrule, and were currently waiting to decide where to head next.

     ?I told you!? Kaumori said as he threw random clothes over the curtain. ?If you?re going to be some big shot hero, you need the look, not just a sweatshirt and pants. Oh, try this on?? Kaumori threw a headband over.

     ?Jeez, and I though that I would be one to complain about this sort of thing?? Irene said as she was sitting at a table. Ilia was next to her, looking out the porthole, seeming like she was a bit nervous.

     ?And I don?t know why I had to change?? Holden said as he was standing next to the table. He was now wearing a green and white sweatshirt that was clearly too large for him, along with deep green pants and black sneakers.

     ?You?re a tech mage, right?? Kaumori asked. Holden nodded. ?Well, then you have to look the part. Now you actually look a bit like a mage.? Holden just stood there staring at Kaumori from the answer he received.

     ?Okay, hold on?? Xacherai said after a while. Everyone noticed that he was probably almost done. The curtain opened, and Xacherai came out.

     He was wearing a black muffler that covered his shoulders over an open front blue t-shirt, the left sleeve longer than the left. Deep green cargo pants suspended by a belt went down to his back paws. Brown fingerless gloves were on his front paws, and the headband Kaumori tossed over earlier was around his head.

     ?Yeah, that?s better!? Kaumori said triumphantly as he walked over to Xacherai. He turned him to a mirror. Xacherai just looked at his reflection for a moment.

     ?Hmm? It?s all right?? Xacherai said as he turned back towards the others.

     ?See, that wasn?t so bad, right?? Kaumori asked as he patted Xacherai?s shoulder again. He just looked at Kaumori for a while.

     ?? You?re touching me again?? Xacherai said with a bit of a blank stare. Kaumori took his hand off of him.

     ?Eh? Sorry?? Kaumori said a bit embarrassedly.

     ?Kay then?? Xacherai said as he walked back towards the table. ?So what?s next??

     ?Since this problem is not just with one or two planets?? Ray said as he walked back into the area where the group was. ?There?s no use just trying to do it ourselves. My suggestion is that we notify the High Council XCIX Guard of the situation.? Xacherai then got a bit of a hesitant look on his face.

     ?No, we can?t?? Xacherai said right back. Everyone just looked at him oddly. ?I mean? If they saw me, they?d try and capture me for scientific research or something.?

     ?Ah yes?? Ray said as he thought for a bit. ?Then you?ll just have to wait in the ship as we go in and inform the Guard. There?s no avoiding their involvement in this.? Xacherai calmed a bit, but was shill thinking quickly.

     ?All right, fine?? Xacherai finally agreed.

     ?Then it?s settled.? Ray said as he began to head for the cockpit of the others? ship. ?We head for Jasrulen.? Ilia turned from the porthole and to the others.

     ?Jasrulen?? Ilia asked. ?What?s that place?? Luigi also turned his attention to the others. Ray paused, and then turned to her.

     ?It?s the home of the High Council XCIX, the capitol planet of our galaxy.? Ray answered her.

     Soon, the thrusters of the ships began to react, and the ships separated, their new destination Jasrulen, the planet that governed all the rest.

     Almost a day had passed before they finally reached Jasrulen. By now, they had just entered the planet?s atmosphere, and they were over the vast ocean that surrounded the planet?s only continent, which still took up a third of the surface.

     ?So, hold on? Tell me again?? Ilia said as she sat at the table in Xacherai?s ship. ?What does the High Council XCIX do?? Holden had just explained, but he wasn?t quite clear the first time.

     ?Okay?? Holden began again. ?The High Council XCIX is basically the government of our galaxy. There are ninty-nine members that are in it, hence the roman numerals in the name. They are divided into various groups.

     ?Three are council judges. They have the highest power in the council, and finalize on decisions. Twenty-four are representatives from each of the planets that have the most influence in the galaxy. They present problems that need to be worked with or fixed. Thirty-two members are in charge of deciding on those problems, along with handling the economy and other things. They are very smart, which helps them make logical choices in their decisions. Three groups of thirteen are for arranging meetings, handling the press, and heading the Department of Intelligence and Technology, or the DIT. The DIT is in charge of new research and gathering information for the thirty-two in charge of decision making. The last member is the head of the High Council XCIX Guard, which is basically like both the army and the police of the galaxy.?

     Ilia was just sitting there, listening to everything he was saying.

     ?So does it make a bit more sense?? Holden asked her.

     ?Um? A bit?? Ilia answered as she got up and walked back over to a porthole, looking over the ocean that was speeding by. Holden knew what she was thinking.

     ?Don?t worry?? Holden started as he turned towards her. ?We?ll help you save Link? It?ll be all right.? Ilia turned towards him.

     ?I hope so?? Ilia said a bit sadly.

     ?We?re here.? Ray?s voice came over the intercom as the ships began to rise a bit. Holden got up and looked out the porthole with Ilia as Luigi was looking out the one a few feet away from them. Ilia?s eyes widened.

     ?Oh? Oh, wow?? Ilia said in complete amazement.

     About a fourth ways into the continent, tall, white buildings began to rise up from the ground, growing taller as it went farther into the center of the city. Large, elegant trains hovering above near invisible tracks ran everywhere through the buildings, along with literally hundreds of flying cars buzzing through the deep crevices of the city.

     ?I?ve? I?ve never seen anything like this?? Ilia continued as she kept looking out over the masses of white buildings.

     ?Me either?? Luigi said right after.

     ?We?re coming up on the Council Tower.? Ray?s voice said over the intercom again. The three decided to go up to the controls so that they could see a better view. After making it up next to Xacherai, Ilia and Luigi had even more amazed looks on their faces.

     There was a point where the buildings gave way, and a gigantic tower stood in a clearing of grass and road. It seemed to just loom over all of the other buildings with its great height and shape. Near the middle, there were numerous ports for ships to dock at.

     ?We should try to dock at one of the higher docks?? Xacherai started. ?That way, you can get to the council a bit quicker.?

     ?Right.? Ray agreed as they began to head towards one of the docks.

     As they pulled in next to each other, a few of the members of security came up to secure the ships to the dock. Xacherai slid down in his seat a bit to keep from having them see him.

     ?Yeah, like I said?? Xacherai began. ?I?ll wait here.?

     ?I will, too?? Ilia said.

     ?Same-a here?? Luigi finished.

     ?I?ll go with the others?? Holden started. ?Since me and Xacherai know what happened on Epsiliette, I can give a statement.?

     ?All right?? Xacherai said as he hit the button that opened the hatch. Holden nodded, and then exited the ship. Xacherai pushed the button again and closed the hatch.

     As the ship closed up behind Holden, he saw that the others had already gotten out. He walked over, and at the same time, another guard came over to them.

     ?All right, I?m going to have to ask for your names and reasons for coming.? The guard started.

     ?I?m Ray Dodson?? Ray began. He then pointed to everyone correspondingly. ?Irene Edwards? Kaumori Atsumini? And Holden Jericho.?

     ?We?re here about Epsiliette.? Holden interjected. ?I was there when attack happened, and we think that it?s going to continue.?

     ?That?s why we need the Guard to step in and handle a majority of the problem.? Ray finished off. The guard just looked at them strangely.

     ?Look?? The guard began after a while. ?You?re a bunch of kids; I can?t just go on what you say.?

     ?But this is serious!? Irene exclaimed at the guard?s remark. ?If you don?t do something-!?

     ?All right, I suggest that you leave now, you?re causing trouble.? The guard interrupted her, seeming a bit annoyed now. ?Just go home and-?

     ?Is there something the matter here?? A voice came from behind the guard. Shocked, he turned to see a girl standing there. Inside the ship, Xacherai got a strange feeling, but it went quickly.

     ?Oh, erm? N-nothing, Lady Lordren?? The guard stuttered a bit as he saw who it was.

     ?Well, then head back to your post?? She said with a bit of a smile. The guard quickly bowed and returned to where he was before they had arrived. She then turned to the four.

     She had long silver hair, but not the kind that elderly people would have, but serene silver that only seemed to shimmer a bit. Her face was young, but the two lines underneath her slate blue eyes made her seem a bit smarter. She was also wearing a bit more elaborate Guard uniform that the other guard. Ray seemed to recognize her.

     ?Xera Lordren?? Ray began. ?Head of the High Council XCIX Guard.? The others just looked at him a bit shocked, and then they looked back at Xera.

     ?Yes, I am quite young?? Xera said as she noticed their expressions. ?But believe me; I?m qualified for the job.?

     ?Either way, it?s fortunate that we happened to meet you under the circumstances.? Ray mentioned.

     ?Ah, yes, I overheard?? Xera interjected. ?You say that you know more about the attack on Epsiliette, correct??

     ?Yeah, that?s where I live. I escaped the attack with?? Holden began, but paused a moment. He couldn?t tell her about Xacherai. ?With these three. The ship belongs to my father, he?s waiting on board.?

     ?I see?? Xera said as she though a bit. ?Well, then tell me everything that you know.?

     ?Right then?? Ray said before they began to give the long explanation to her, making sure that they didn?t mention Xacherai, but to include everything else. It took about fifteen minutes to give all the details, but they finished. As they did, Xera was thinking through everything.

     ?So?? Xera began. ?There seem to be these strange creatures, along with this large lizard called Bowser from what used to be a video game??

     ?Yeah, it sounds really hard to believe?? Kaumori started. ?But heck, we saw it for ourselves, and we definitely believe it.?

     ?Well, then?? Xera began. ?I guess I?ll have to present this problem to the rest of the Council and see if the DIT can look into it any farther. It will probably take only a few days, but I suggest that you stay on guard in case the creatures do decide to make an attempt at an attack.?

     ?Thank you, Lady Lordren.? Ray said as he bowed a bit.

     ?Please, call me Xera? Saying ?lady? makes me feel like an old woman or something.? Xera said with a smile as she began to head towards the elevator. ?And I do? Wish you the best of luck?? She stepped on as soon at it opened, and she disappeared behind the doors. Holden sighed with relief.

     ?Well, we seemed to have made accomplishment?? Ray began. ?Let?s leave and then think about where we?ll need to head next.? Ray then began to walk back towards the ship, with Kaumori and Irene following behind him. Holden walked back towards Xacherai?s ship and knocked. The hatch opened and he went inside.

     ?Well, how?d it go?? Xacherai asked as he prepared to turn the ship off for departure.

     ?We managed to talk to the head of the High Council XCIX Guard?? Holden began as he sat down at the table. ?She said that she?ll present the problem to the rest of the council.?

     ?All right?? Xacherai said as he thought a minute. ?Wait? She??

     ?Yeah, the head of the guard turned out to be around the others? age?? Holden answered.

     ?What was her name?? Xacherai asked as he looked back at Holden.

     ?Um? I think it was something like? ?Xera Lordren??? Holden said. ?Yeah, that was it.? Xacherai thought a moment. For a moment, he thought that the name seemed almost familiar to him. But then he somehow thought that it wasn?t that important.

     ?Hmm? All right then?? Xacherai then replied. He turned back to the front and began to lift the ship from the deck. The other ship did as well, and they then made a thrust off, and they soon reached space again. Xacherai pressed a button. ?Hey, what are we doing now??

     ?Well, we need to find out where we should probably go next?? Ray responded over the intercom. ?Holden, you think you can pull up that map of all the new planets again??

     ?Sure.? Holden said as he took out the small device again. He pulled it apart to show the screen, and then tapped it a few times to make the map appear again. Xacherai turned in his seat so he could look as well. Holden then tapped three planets, two of them in circles.

     ?Those are the places that they?ve attacked so far, right?? Xacherai asked to be sure.

     ?Yeah, we have Epsiliette, the Mushroom Kingdom, and Hyrule so far?? Holden responded as he looked over the map a bit more. ?I?m not sure about any other planets. So what I think we might want to try is looking for any SOS messages we might pick up.?

     As soon as Holden had said that, the radio suddenly began to make strange sounds.

     ?What the heck?? Xacherai said as he looked back at the radio. Examining it for a moment, he tapped it a few times, but the sound didn?t improve.

     ?Here, let me look?? Holden said as he went over to the radio. He took out yet another device and held it towards the radio. ?What the? This can?t be right??

     ?What?s the matter?? Ray asked over the intercom.

     ?It?s Xacherai?s radio?? Holden began. ?It?s picking up old FM frequencies.?



Yay!  Great chapter! *is too lazy to say anything else at the moment*


Ah, sorry for the long wait... Been having a small bit of writer's block, but it's passed, so I'm writing chapter six now. XD Also, I put up a banner. Not much for MS Paint, but it works for now. =P If anyone can help me out with it, just give me a PM so I can tell you what I need.


Okay, Sorry for the (even longer) wait, but here's Chapter 6. =P This is a two part chapter, so wait until they're both up.

Chapter 6: Asteroids are a Freaking Pain

     ?FM frequencies?? Ray asked in surprise.

     ?Yeah?? Holden replied as he just continued to read the display of his device?s screen. ?But what I don?t understand is that we stopped using FM at least four hundred years ago after we had discovered the properties of HGM frequency? Why would there still be some floating around??

     ?Who knows?? Ray replied. ?But it might be a good idea to see where exactly the frequencies are coming from? Do you think you could do that??

     ?Well, sure, that?s easy!? Holden said as he pressed a few buttons on the small device he had taken out to check the transmission. It then began to make small beeping noises. ?This?ll only take a few minutes??

     The few minutes went by rather quickly, and the screen flashed a bit. Holden looked back down at it, and then seemed a bit confused.

     ?Something wrong?? Xacherai asked in his usual low tone.

     ?It?s coming from an uninhabited planet that?s lying within a gigantic asteroid field?? Holden began. ?No-one?s ever been able to get to it before because of those asteroids? This is freaky??

     ?Does the planet have a name at all?? Ray asked. ?It?s regulation that all planets need to be named, whether you can reach it or not.?

     ?Oh, yeah?? Holden said as he checked the screen again. ?It?s called Kaisht?mir.?

     Xacherai?s eyes widened a bit. That name was definitely familiar to him. Much more familiar than the name of the head of the High Council XCIX Guard. It was probably the only thing that he could fully recognize.

     ?We?ve got to check it out.? Xacherai said immediately as he fully turned to Holden. Holden looked at him as if he were insane.

     ?Didn?t you hear me?? Holden began in a hurried voice. ?It?s completely surrounded by asteroids; we?d never be able to get through alive. And on top of that-?

     ?I remember that name somehow.? Xacherai interrupted. ?This is probably one of the first things I?ve been able to remember?? There was a long pause.

     ?Well, then I think it?s worth the try.? Ray said soon afterwards. ?There might be something important there if Xacherai remembers that name.?

     ?Hello? Asteroids!? Holden began in protest. ?We have no way of even destroying any of them, let alone the proper shielding! We?ll get banged up in seconds!?

     ?Well, I heard about something?? Kaumori?s voice came over the intercom rather than Ray?s. ?I heard that there was a place in Kaisht?mir?s asteroids that had a lot less rocks? Why not look for that?? Holden stood there a moment, thinking

     ?He?s right?? Holden began. ?There?s an area in the field where the asteroid groupings are least dense. Can?t believe I forgot about that, but we can go through there and get out fairly well.?

     ?Then I think we might want to try to find it?? Ray said right after. ?Go ahead and do a scan of the asteroid field, Holden.?

     ?All right.? Holden said as he took out another small device and attached it to Xacherai?s scanner. He pressed a few buttons, and it turned on. It didn?t take too long for the device to react, and Holden seemed surprised.

     ?Wow, it?s actually not too far from here?? Holden said soon afterwards, and he put away the device.

     ?I have the coordinates saved, so let?s go.? Xacherai said as he turned the thrusters back on after their brief pause. The two ships began to head for the area where they could get through.


Ch. 16, Pt. 2

     It only took a few minutes to reach. They could clearly see that the asteroids were much more spaced then other areas in the field. Without a spare moment, they began to head on through. Holden still seemed a bit nervous about the entire idea, along with Ilia, who was still new to the idea of space travel.

     ?A-are you sure we won?t get killed?? Ilia asked in a bit of a nervous tone. She was sitting back at the table behind the cockpit.

     ?Meh, don?t worry?? Xacherai said as he steered around the floating hunks of rock that were scattered everywhere.

     ?Well? All right?? Ilia replied, but she still seemed nervous.

     Without warning, the two ships suddenly shook back and forth. Ilia gave a small scream while Luigi was then under the table with his hands over his head.

     ?Hey, what was that?? Xacherai said as he regained control after a few seconds.

     ?I think it was a shock wave of some sort.? Ray answered, but with a bit of an unsure sound in his voice.

     ?Aw, man, if it was, then-!? Holden started, but he was cut off as a large asteroid flew in front of the ship, making Xacherai quickly steer out of the way.

     ?Whoa!? Xacherai said out of surprise. The other ship also swerved to avoid a collision with another asteroid.

     ?That shock wave threw off the asteroids!? Holden shouted. ?Man, this is bad!? Ilia was now hiding under the table with Luigi, the two of them holding onto the pole that attached it to the floor.

     ?Gah?? Xacherai said out of annoyance. ?Asteroids are a freaking pain.?

     Xacherai continued to swerve in and out of the incoming waves of asteroids that were barreling towards them. One of the asteroids just barely missed the front of the ship, which caused both Xacherai and Holden to flinch.

     ?Dang, we?re not going to make it!? Holden shouted in fear.

     ?We?re going to make it, just hold on?? Xacherai said as he quickly looked at him, then back at the view of numerous asteroids flying in their path.

     Ahead of the two ships, a group of very large asteroids began to close off their path, and their size made it impossible to go around them in time. Holden?s eyes widened in fear. On the intercom, the scream of Irene could be heard. She must have been underneath a table as well.

     ?Xacherai!? Holden shouted as they got closer.

     ?Hang on.? Xacherai then said as he made the ship thrust forward faster than it had been going.

     Holden hung on to the back of Xacherai?s seat as the other ship followed suit and began dashing towards the shrinking space between the massive asteroids. The two ships began to pick up even more speed now. They blasted through the opening as the asteroids collided behind them, sending small chunks of rock everywhere from the impact behind them. Soon, they reached a point where the asteroids stopped, and it was clear space.

     ?Hey?? Xacherai said as he looked back at Holden. ?It?s over.?

     It took a while for Holden?s eyes to open up again. He looked around for a bit as Luigi and Ilia got out from under the table.

     ?? Whoa?? Holden said after a while. ?That? Was a little too close for comfort.?

     ?Meh? I?ve seen worse?? Xacherai said a bit afterwards.

     From out of nowhere, there was a large ?clang? from outside the ship, which made everyone jump.

     ?What the heck?? Xacherai said as he then started to push a few buttons on his display. ?? Aw, dang? It looks like a spare bit of asteroid just came and knocked the receptor off center??

     ?Is that-a bad?? Luigi asked as he came closer to Xacherai and Holden.

     ?Not too bad? We can send messages out, but we can?t receive any?? Holden replied. He then leaned closer to the intercom. ?Hey, our receptor got knocked off center? We need to get to Kaisht?mir so we can fix it.? Xacherai then turned to Holden again. ?Where is it anyway??

     ?Right there?? Holden said as he was staring out the window of the cockpit. He seemed a bit amazed. Xacherai turned his attention out the window to find what he was looking at.

     Sitting right in front of them was a planet, covered in nothing but gray clouds. It wasn?t even possible to see the surface, and no-one could tell if there was even a safe place to land just at first glance.

     ?Is that? All clouds?? Ilia asked as she was looking at the gray planet.

     ?Apparently so?? Holden said as he continued to look. ?They said that there was a complete overcast on the planet all the time? Didn?t think it was like this??

     ?Well, we need to head down there, so let?s go?? Xacherai said as he got ready to start the ship back up. ?And scan the atmosphere to make sure that the air?s safe to breathe, kay??

     ?Kay?? Holden replied.

     They were now on the surface of Kaisht?mir. Not only were there clouds, but there was also a fog that spanned everywhere as well. It wasn?t too thick, but it made it hard to see off far distances. The ships were positioned on a small plateau.

     ?Wow?? Kaumori started as the group looked around at the foggy landscape. ?This fog is unreal.?

     ?And yet, it?s still possible for sunlight to be able to get through the clouds?? Holden began. ?Not that much, but enough to let everything become a bit visible.?

     Xacherai was starting to walk towards the edge of the plateau. As he stopped, he looked to see if it was possible to see what lay below. Unfortunately, all he could see were outlines of the ground. But there was one thing that puzzled him a bit. How could he see the outline of flat terrain?

     ?Guys??Xacherai began. ?There might be something down there.? The others looked over at him, then walked over to see the same strange outline.

     ?Holden, have anything that can clear up this fog just a little?? Ray asked as he turned to him.

     ?No, but I will in a moment??Holden said as he motioned everyone to stand back. He held out his hands, and small parts began to materialize from nowhere and place themselves together. After a minute, there was a fairly sized machine that now stood before them.

     ?It won?t completely get rid of the fog??Holden started. ?But it will make it less dense.? He pressed a button on the side of the machine, and it began to sound off with a quiet ?whirr? type of noise. IT didn?t take too long before they began to notice the effects.

     ?I think I can start to see something?? Irene said as she continued to look down the edge of the plateau. Everything was growing just a bit lighter, and the outline began to seem like a shadow, until it was now visible. Everyone was now just staring at what the fog now revealed.

     It was enormous. A giant ring of steel, with large metal boxes protruding straight up out of it stood there, spanning over what seemed to be at least two miles. In the center seemed like a rusted city that had been abandoned. Many of the buildings were missing large chunks off either the tops or the sides, leaving large I-beams exposed and jutting out everywhere. One of the boxes seemed to have collapsed in towards the city. On each of the boxes was writing. Japanese writing.