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The Jedi Temple

Started by Keirfire, February 16, 2008, 01:35:36 PM

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It is the time of the New Republic, the empire has been decimated, save the rebel factions of course, and the New Republic is starting to flourish. This new temple is an attempt to find the force that lay dormant in the young minds of the many species.

*An automated droid walks up*
"Welcome to the New Jedi Order,
Please check in with Master Keirfire or Master Lion"
*He walks away*
A holocron is located in front of you, with information about the temple
The holocron reads - The glorious species of Kamino here have granted us a vastly large city platform to develop into our new training grounds. There are currently two masters here, Master Keirfire, and Master Lion. There are many rules here
-No killing other RPers without permission
-Promotions must be granted by the masters, not the knights
-Everyone, unless Keirfire says so, starts out as a padawan

*A small computer screen shows up*
"Please input the following information"-
Lightsaber Color-
Lightsaber Type (Single, Double, Dual, etc...)-
Lightsaber fighting style(optional)-
Jedi Type (Consular, sentinal, etc...)-

Welcome, and have fun


Name- Sage (Master Consular) Keirfire
Age- 29
Gender- Male
Species- Jawa
Background- From tatooine, kidnapped by smugglers and was shot down over hoth. Developed white eyes from the cold temperatures, and went along with the rebel alliance after the imperial attack. Trained under master skywalker and far surpassed him after only 10 years of training. Left after mastering the force, and negotiated with the kaminoans to get a city above water to start his own academy on, which is were this is taking place
Appearance- Just like any other jawa, except has a grey robe instead of brown, and has glowing white eyes, instead of red
Lightsaber Color- Yellow
Lightsaber Type (Single, Double, Dual, etc...)- Double bladed
Lightsaber fighting style(optional)- Defensive
Jedi Type (Consular, sentinal, etc...)- Consular


Name-Kumori Zetusmei
Age- 17
Background-I grew up in Alderran nothing to intresting happened there, I had a boring childhood that led me to want to become a jedi.
Appearance-Long black hair, Green eyes, wears a jedi knight robe.
Lightsaber Color-Green
Lightsaber Type (Single, Double, Dual, etc...)- Double sided also has dual where one is green one is blue.
Lightsaber fighting style(optional)- A good definsive style and a good attacking style
Jedi Type (Consular, sentinal, etc...)-Consular


*a Jawa floats over to Alegretto person (i didnt remember your name)*
Welcome young padawan. waht experience have you had with otehr masters or wahtever personal experience you might have had?


Quote from: Keirfire on February 16, 2008, 01:56:46 PM
*a Jawa floats over to Alegretto person (i didnt remember your name)*
Welcome young padawan. waht experience have you had with otehr masters or wahtever personal experience you might have had?
I have had much experience. I grew up on Alderann which was very boring, so I left to Corucant where i was a padawan to Jedi Master Le Zing. I have much experience with a Lightsaber and with the force. I have combated the Sith and have become quite powerful from it.


Name-Jedi Master Lion
Age- quite older than most jedi
Gender- Male
Species- Wookiee
Background- Was born sometime before the clone wars. Lion's parents and name were never known, he only grew up being called lion by his fellow wookiees. During the clone wars, he fought as a soldier on the front lines. Master Yoda hearing his story took a special into him promising to one day return for Lion. After Master Yoda was defeated by Emperor Palpatine, Master Yoda made a quick stop on Kashyyyk to pick up Lion saying he would train lion while in exile not knowing if the children of Anakin would be able to complete the job alone. Master yoda taught him on dagobah day after day, focusing more on battle than on the force, although training him a great deal in the force also. Leaving the planet a few days before Luke arrived I began doing what I could to help the rebellion. After the war had ended and I observed the new jedi order founded by luke skywalker and took a special interest in Luke's trainee appeared to be far more talented then any jedi. After I noticed, as well as him, that he was far surpassing luke, we decided to found a new Jedi Temple
Appearance- Large regular wookiee appearence, dark hair, but much more muscle than regular wookiees due to extensive jedi training.
Lightsaber Color- Green
Lightsaber Type (Single, Double, Dual, etc...)- double, although the second side rarely used.
Lightsaber fighting style(optional)- Aggresive but smart
Jedi Type (Consular, sentinal, etc...)- Warrior Master

*appears out of the shadows* Well excellent, we need talented members to help combat the sith in our new order. Welcome to the temple, I am Jedi Master Lion.


hm. well, until i see some of this "power",  you will have to remain as a padawan here. (ill think of a test eventually). once you can pass the tests that i give you, you will be a padawan to master Lion, and you will go to him for advice and such. He will tell you when you are ready to take the tests, which he will then send ou to me for the test. (ooc- not sure, but did that sound somewhat redundant?)


Quote from: Keirfire on February 16, 2008, 02:07:05 PM
hm. well, until i see some of this "power",  you will have to remain as a padawan here. (ill think of a test eventually). once you can pass the tests that i give you, you will be a padawan to master Lion, and you will go to him for advice and such. He will tell you when you are ready to take the tests, which he will then send ou to me for the test. (ooc- not sure, but did that sound somewhat redundant?)
Very well, where shall I reside until then?


well, there are many places. you can go find the droid and have him show you to your room
or you could go visit the meditation chambers
or theres the combat training room
your choice really.
I have cameras around to monitor your progress, so Lion wont always have to be around


Yes. So you can rest up and we can begin training whenever you're ready. I have a private matter to talk to Master Keirfire about...
*walks away with keirfire* I know this is the last place you would want to go but... The hutt family has called for Jedi help, saying that they some rouge sith are controlling them. I received the distress call today... I dont know if the padawan is ready for this kind of mission but maybe we could see his skills here, see if he is ready, I mean he has already been trained. But if you would like to go on this mission I would understand.


Quote from: Keirfire on February 16, 2008, 02:17:14 PM
well, there are many places. you can go find the droid and have him show you to your room
or you could go visit the meditation chambers
or theres the combat training room
your choice really.
I have cameras around to monitor your progress, so Lion wont always have to be around
I will head to the combat training room and perhaps after words I will head to the meditation chamber.            *Walks towards the training room*


ok. ill... go with him. Ill stay back and monitor his progress. you may join him as a companion to assist him in the work. ill stay behind in the shadows to monitor how the two of you work


Right. Hey padawan, youre coming with me on a mission.


Huh me? Already..Whats the mission?


a sith problem. on tatooine. and the hutts. sound interesting, eh?