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DMDTS Episode 2/14: Party Under the Moon

Started by Anarchy_Jas, February 16, 2008, 07:05:10 PM

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*Note: This is a side story of Dead Men Don't Tell Secrets made to keep the original RP somewhat alive with Birdie of Aces gone for the moment... so there's not ten pages of wasted space. XD You don't have to be part of the main RP to participate, but it would probably be best if you are. For places, people, etc I'm referring to, here: and the RP's not mine, so dun sue me. It'll probably end when the original can actually start back up.*


The heroes were last left in confusion and disorder, putting their chances of winning the fight against the Dead Men at high risk. However, a much needed rest is in store for them...

Jas was sneaking through Scalus, not caring who or what she ran into, even though it was still early. She needed a good fight anyways. After an unsuccessful attempt of clearing her head, the ninja started back to the ship, planning on sleeping the rest of the night away. What she didn't expect to come across was flashing lights, the scent of food wafting throughout the area, and the sound of music blaring.

"What the hell!?" Jas started running towards the vessel. What could the others be thinking!? The last thing they needed to do was attract attention! Another unexpected thing literally crashes into her. "Oww..."

"Jasi! About time you got here!" It's one of the ninja's friends from Crescent Island .

"Are you insane!? Wait, don't answer that," Jas shakes her head. "What did you do!? You can't throw a party here!"

"I already got that covered," Jas' friend starts says with a devious glint in her eye. She starts dragging Jas back into her cabin on the ship. "Let's fix your hair... oh, and you're GOING to wear that dress."

The look on Jas' face grows more horrified as they pass by many posted papers with hearts on them, advertising the party.

"But I HATE Valentine's Day!"

Let's start the party...

*See link in note*

Info: ((*=necessary))
*Appearance: ((It's a formal prom-like party... poor Jas...))
Why you're at the party:

It's not really required for members of the original RP to post their info, but it'll help...

No weapons needed; they're supposed to be having fun!

My Character:

Name: Jas
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Personality: Independent, strong-willed, rebellious
Appearance: Black, caramel complexion... dark brown shoulder length hair that's held up in a curly ponytail with curls hanging loosely... dark hazel eyes that seem to get darker when she's upset, or shine in the light when she's in a good mood, claws, a tail, and fangs because of an incident involving her spell book... Has on a dark blue almost black low v-neck halter dress with the back out, stopping just above the knees, a slit on the right side, black stilettos...   
Why you're at the party: Her friend somehow set the party up, and she's being forced to attend.

"This... isn't... happening..." Jas steps out of her room smirking a bit.

"Oh come on," Jas' friend runs up on the deck in her own outfit, to the party she started.

Jas sighs for the umpteenth time, and slowly follows after.

"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


*Name: Lanbar
*Age: 32
*Gender: Male
*Personality: Generally a good guy but his personallity completely changes when drunk.
*Appearance: except his clothes are red for the valentine's party
Why you're at the party: Well, he's got nothing better to do and there's probably free stuff there too. XP

*Name: Tanbar
*Age: 32
*Gender: Male
*Personality: Like his twin brother, he's a nice guy if not nicer than Lanbar. He's less likely to go and get drunk.
*Appearance: Just like Lanbar except his clothes are pink for the valentine's party
Why you're at the party: He's always liked holidays no matter what it was and so he's the one who decorated the ship and arranged the party.

Max Headroom

*Name: Mira
*Age: 14
*Gender: Male
*Personality: Whatever the situation desires
Why you're at the party: Just because

"This is high school all over again." Mira said, looking around as he entered the room.


*Name:Hattori Hanzö
*Personality:Hanzö is a ninja, but relaxed and speaks a lot. He is clever, and friendly but will go for a fight whenever asked for.
*Appearance: Instead of his mask and ninja outfit, he has a tuxedo and a top hat similar to Slash's
Why you're at the party:He needed to rest from finding the Dead Men. He likes to do sparring on the holiday carnivals and throwing darts and dunking people in the water tank.


"Lanbar, don't you think that valentines is really a great holiday?" Tanbar said looking around admirring how well he decorated the place.

"Yeah, sure. Whatever." He said back at him taking a cup of the fruit punch and then eyeing the wine. No...Resist temptation. I want to wake up in the morning remembering what I did this time! He then walked away drinking the punch.


"And the winner is, Hanzö!" The referee held up Hanzö's hand as he held up his sparring stick. The opponent walked away, embarrassed.

"Who's next?"


((High School all over again? Isn't Mira supposed to be 14? XD))

Jas steps onto the deck, and starts making her way to the food table. For some reason, she can't find the little devil who got her into this. "The point of this party was to what?" Jas asks herself. 'Once again by myself on this stupid day...'
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."

Max Headroom

((Mira did some things to get out early)).

"Sparring? At a party like this? It's more likely than you think." Mira took a cup and drank some punch. Punch? At this party? It's more likely than you think.


"Have fun of course." Lanbar said as he couldn't help himself but to answer Jas's rhetorical question. "Now c'mon and have some fun!" can we have fun with all these people on this ship. We're like a beacon to the Dead Men. the only way I could have fun is if I got some vodka or maybe some rum. Lanbar thought to himself as he watched Hanzo spar the amateurs on the ship. "Although watching Hanzo beat the snot out of these people is pretty fun to watch." He mumbled to himself taking another sip of the punch.



"Fun," Jas trails off, then sees the sparring matches. 'I should go over there and start kickin' his ass...' She looks at her outfit. 'But it's impossible in this thing...'
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."

Max Headroom

"I don't think he's the type who would want to challenge you."


*Name: Venice
*Age: 17
*Gender: Male
*Personality: Sarcastic and mean at almost all times. Rather pessimistic tendencies.
*Appearance: Pale skin, dark brown eyes, black hair, a tattered, stolen tux.
Why you're at the party: Nothing better to do. :|


"Woah! No thanks. I'd rather be a spectator right now." Lanbar said to him. "I'm here to have fun, not get my ass whooped."


Venice stepped out of his room after a nap and found a party going on. He closed his eyes and sighed before sneaking off the ship and heading into a store. When he walked out, he was wearing a somewhat tattered tux. He went back to the ship and saw Jas. A few seconds later, he was doubled over laughing at the image of her in a dress.