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The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest (Megaman Legends Arc)

Started by DededeCloneChris, March 04, 2008, 02:00:26 PM

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As much as I like the chapter, I don't get why you chose that particular Final Fantasy.


Quote from: Triforce_Luigi on September 25, 2008, 08:14:55 PM
As much as I like the chapter, I don't get why you chose that particular Final Fantasy.
You see, people at FanFiction liked the idea, so I decided to write an arc of FF9, don't worry, I'll give it a chance to FF8 and the lower ones.


Garnet Tries Harder

We see now Link, Toon Link, Zelda and Garnet about to enter the only shop from the village, previously, when Garnet went to the "little plant maze," she tried to be like a villager to not raise suspicions about her being Princess Garnet Till Alexandros, the royal princess of Alexandria.

That rank in the royalty made Zelda to give her a hand, the princess of Hyrule was happy to find a real princess like her (Peach didn't counted so much when she was in the mansion...oddly enough, she acted royalty only in her kingdom).

"Do you know how to act like a commoner?" Garnet asked.

"I've been living in my own kingdom for so long that I didn't noted that." Zelda said shaking slowly her head.

"Yeah," Toon Link began. "I mean, when that old woman threw that weird thing, Oglop to you, you were supposed to jump scared and you only stared at it in your palm."

"Then she screamed after 5 seconds." Link added.

"Why don't you ask Link how to act like one? He has been living in a village." Zelda said.

"I think it's the best way..."

"First, what do I need to do?"

Several minutes later...


Garnet was entering the shop by herself and the girl in the counter, Eve, stared at her. "(I must speak with this girl and learn how common folk talk...let us see...what did Link told me to do?)" Garnet thought.

"Welcome!" Eve said happily.

"Um, yes, can we talk for a bit?"

"Talk?" Eve repeated confused.

"(Now, is my chance.) So, how have you been?"

Meanwhile, the other 3 were peering from the door behind her and Toon Link smacked his forehead. "Link! That was stupid to ask that to somebody she doesn't knows!"

"Well, she wanted something quick, so why not?" Link asked.

"Excuse me?" Eve asked confused. "Have we seen somewhere before?"

Garnet gasped in her mind. "(Oh no, did I do something wrong? Was my way to talk weird that it raised suspicions?) I...just wanted to examine this place..."

"I don't think "examine" is the appropiate word right now." Zelda whispered.

"...Um...well...have a look around?" Eve asked very confused.

Garnet bowed her head. "God, did she screwed it all up..." Toon Link whispered embarrassed.

"Shh! Don't get to quick conclusions yet!" Link whispered angrily as they returned to see her talking with Eve.

"Thank you so much for you consideration." Garnet said.

"Shh! Dagger!" Toon Link whispered from behind her.

"What is it?" Garnet asked turning her back to Eve.

"Why don't you say something shorter than that? You don't need to add "for your consideration" now, it's not necessary!"

"T-then what should I ask for?"

"Just say thanks!"

"I-I understand..."

"It's "okay!"

"O-okay!" Garnet said sweating as she turned to Eve. "I-I mean, thanks!"

"...You're welcome?" Eve said tilting her head, still confused as Garnet sighed in relief.

"...We're not too good in teaching her well..." Toon Link said sweatdropping.

"If only someone else could give her some pointers..." Link said wondering, in that moment, a kid ran close to them and stopped in front of the counter, panting a little.

"Eve!!!" The kid named Yacha yelled.

"Yacha! Can't you see I'm with a customer?" Eve asked embarrassed, glancing at Garnet.

"But I just heard something awesome!"

"(Awesome? What is "awesome?")" Garnet asked in her mind.

"Can't you see I'm working?" Eve asked while she still stared at Garnet.

"Um, please... I mean, don't mind me." Garnet said shaking her head.

"Shh! Dagger! Try to hear their conversation to talk like them!" Link whispered from behind her.

"...Oh, I know! "(Here's a chance to listen in on some last, an example.)" Garnet said relieved.

"Thanks, lady!" Yacha said happily. "I was gonna say..."

Then Eve and Yacha began to talk between each other as Garnet looked to another way, but kept hearing the conversation as the trio smiled to each other.

Near the Cargo Ship's landing place

Unfortunately for the World Traveler, he got really clueless about where to look for the others, that he gave up very quickly and decided to go alone near the village, in the landing place for the Cargo Ship, of course, Lucario followed him as they sat next to each other in the grass.

"...Isn't this too peaceful for you, Lucario?" Chris asked.

"It is, it reminds me of our home." Lucario said with a small smile as the gentle wind touched their faces.

"I miss my home as you do too...but...I'm so happy to be in a place like this."

"No matter where we are, it's very enjoyable my time when I'm with you."

"Thank you Lucario, that was very nice of you."

"And will always be."

Both of them sighed in unison and chuckled to each other as Chris took a deep breath.

"Are you tired?" Lucario asked.

"I think so...remember? I always do this whenever we stay for too long without doing anything..." He looked to Lucario, who was looking away. "...Are you okay?"

"What?... Yes... I'm fine..."

Chris knew Lucario very well, the tone of his voice sounded a little depressed.

"...Hmm..." Chris rested his head on Lucario's lap and the Aura Pokémon looked down at him.

"What are you doing?" Lucario asked with curiosity.

"Isn't obvious? I'm trying to enjoy my time with you...speaking of which...can you do me a favor?"


"I want to have a nap right now and I was wondering if you...could...rub my head a little to fall asleep faster?"

Without hesitation, Lucario did Chris's favor by slowly rubbing his head and Chris smiled a little at him. "Now try to sleep, I will keep you safe."

"...Thank you..." Chris whispered as he fell asleep on Lucario's lap. The Aura Pokémon was happy instead of being depressed for serving his trainer as he looked to the distant clouds floating away in the sky.

Lucario closed his eyes as he continued to look up. "(I like these moments so much...thank you Master...)" He thought while he looked down to Chris, who was sleeping peacefully.


"Zidane?!" Garnet gasped when Zidane was looking over her shoulder for a while when she was looking at the merchandise.

Zidane looked at the exit spotted the trio. "Hey, why don't you come here? It's bad to eavesdrop."

"Zidane, do not think wrong about them, they are Chris's friends."

"There you go again, speaking like if you were in t-" Toon Link gasped and shut his mouth.

"Hey! Don't dare to say the last part!" Link said walking to them.

Zidane pushed Toon Link away from him. "Geez! Sorry, I think I got carried away..."

"Hmm..." Garnet looked away.

"Dagger? Why is your face all red?"

"I-I'm fine..."

Zidane snapped his fingers. "I know! You changed the way you talk!..." He remained silent for a moment. "You still sound funny though..."

Garnet stammered a little. "I just started! I'll master it soon enough!"

"Yeah, sure." Zidane said trying to annoy her a little.

"...Zidane...I was wondering something..."

"You love him!" Toon Link said all of a sudden and both turned red of embarrassment.

"What?! N-no! I am not in love with him!"

"S-she's not my type of girl either!" Zidane said embarrassed.


"A-HA!" Toon Link said triumphaly.

"I'M SAYING THE TRUTH!" Both protested in unison.

"Um..." Eve called from the desk, blushing a little. "Could you 2...please...stop shouting? You're going to scare my customers..."

"Sorry..." Zidane apologized.

"It happened so quickly..." Garnet said. "...What I was trying to wonder...was if I did fine in the play."

Zidane quickly shook his head to return his face to his normal color. "Yeah! You sure know how to fake it!"

"Dagger made a play?" Zelda asked interested.

"Fake!?" Garnet's right eye twitched a little. "How insensitive! I love Lord Avon's plays. I've seen all of them. 'I Want to Be Your Canary' is one of my favorites. I even have all the lines memorized! I shall...I'll learn soon enough."

"But what was someone like you doing in a play?" Link asked.

Garnet looked at Eve, who was staring at them. "I...think we should return to the inn for now...I don't want to talk here..."

Zidane walked to the exit. "I'm going in first."

The trio walked to the exit. "Alrighty, I'll catch you later."

"That's! That's how you do it!" Toon Link said, until she bowed to Eve, however... "...Okay...we need to work in that..."


"No way! You saved a kingdom?!" Zidane asked surprised, some time in the inn was enough for Link and Zidane to get along well, even he met Zelda and Toon Link.

"Interesting, I'd like to read that book someday if you lend it to me." Zelda said to Garnet.

Zidane kept an eye on Garnet to see if she could talk like a commoner. "You'll like, the story is a in all Alexandria, the characters are so alive and the plot is very good too." Zidane winked and gave a thumbs-up when he returned to talk with both Links.

Then, Geno came in and found the 5 talking with each other. "Oh, you're here."

"Geno, it's something wrong?" Toon Link asked.

"Yes, as a matter of fact, we can't find Vivi anywhere."

Zidane jumped out from the bed. "Wait, you know Vivi?" Geno nodded. "Now that I remember...I didn't saw Vivi on my way here near the windmill..."

"I'm worried about Vivi, can we search for him?" Garnet asked.


"I-I mean...can we look for him?"

"That's better, hey guys, could you help us find Vivi?"

Link nodded. "Okay, I'll lend you a hand."

"I-I'll go too!" Toon Link said hopping from his bed.

"Maybe I should go as well." Zelda said as she stood up.

"Thanks guys." Zidane said as they ran outside.


Ness and Lucas reunited with the group. "Link! We haven't found Vivi yet!" Ness said to Toon Link.

"Wait a minute..." Zidane said as he glanced at the windmill. "Last time I saw Vivi he was here..." He got closer to the windmill.

Geno went with him. "Well, this is the first place where he disappeared."

"What were you 3 doing then?"

"Looking to another way..." Ness responded embarrassed.

"And I was looking to this hole..." Lucas said, pointing to a hole in the ground. "There were some "kweh" sounds coming from it."

"That's the sound Chocobos make, didn't I told you that before?"

"What sound?" Link asked.

"Shh, stay silent for a moment and you'll find out..."

The 8 remained silent as they looked around...then...someone was sniffing close to them...

"Is somebody crying?" Zidane asked.

Ness looked at Lucas quickly. "H-hey! I'm not crying!" Lucas said angrily.

There were more sniffs, then, Zidane looks at the ground and to the pipe that Lucas mentioned. "It's coming from the hole... Vivi?"

"Please, there's no way Vivi could have disappeared in there, just look! The hole it's at the size of our feet!" Ness said.


Their eyes widened in unison and they looked at the pipe in curiosity. "Vivi!" Zidane and Lucas shouted surprised.

"Vivi! Where are you? Are you underground? Can you move?" Zidane asked.

"Calm down Zidane! You're asking many questions!" Link said patting Zidane's left shoulder.

"...They told me to stay here..." Vivi said sniffing a little.

"They? Who are they?" Garnet asked.

"Did they hurt you?" Geno asked.

"...No...I'm fine...for now..." Vivi said studdering in fear.

"We're going to find a way underground, stay there and don't move! You hear me?" Zidane asked.

"...Okay...but hurry up..."

"Vivi..." Lucas said worried.

"We'll get him out, I promise," Zidane said as he looked around. "What's going on in this village...? There's gotta be a way into the underground somewhere. Let's look for one."

"You know...there is something weird here, I mean, I haven't seen an adult while we were here." Toon Link wondered.

"And there are only girls attending the shop and pub." Ness pointed out.

"We shouldn't waste any more time, let's look around for Vivi." Garnet suggested and they nodded.

"Our first place is the windmill!" Zidane said, kicking the door to enter the windmill.

"W-wait! It's rude to enter to a building without knocking first!" Lucas said.

"Nah, I've been doing this before and the people inside don't do anything, plus, anything I find on the bed or the floor is mine to take and they don't say anything, weird, isn't?"


"I know...that stupid cliché book was right..." Ness said sweatdropping as they entered the windmill to examine it.

Near the Cargo Ship's landing place

The World Traveler was still sleeping on Lucario's lap, the Aura Pokémon hasn't stopped from rubbing Chris's head either.

Lucario sighed. "How I like these moments..."


"Grrr..." Lucario turned his head to find Wolf staring down at him.

"Hey, I'm not here to start a fight or something."

"Then go away, leave us alone."

Wolf rolled his right eye and sat various meters away from them. "...You 2 do this a lot or something?"

"Go ahead and laugh, I don't care what other people think about us."

Wolf chuckled a little. "Heh, sorry, but it's not like me to not laugh at others...maybe my stance at the mansion made me a little different."

"..." Lucario kept staring at him.

After a moment, Wolf folded his arms and layed down on the grass. "...What? I have something on my face?"

"'s're being a little kind right now..."

"...Say that again and I'll kill you 2 someday."

"You won't."

"Watch me."

"Then how will I know when you kill me?"

"..." Wolf chuckled a little. "Maybe my only alternative to live with all of you wasn't so bad after all..."

"You didn't wanted to stay with us before if I can remember."

"It's because..."

"Fox and Falco?"

"Yeah, because of them, just by seeing their faces, it boils my blood with disturbs me so much."

"Then why did you decide to live with us?"

"Because I didn't had any other choice left, mostly because to find my way back to Corneria and reunite with Leon and Panther, those 2 are complete idiots without someone telling them what to do."

"...Hm...I don't think that's all..."

"...I told you everything, don't try to find another reason or else..."

"Nobody can lie to me, I can read people's mind to find out if they're saying the truth or not, but you hold another reaso-"

"Fine, it was because of the same problem with Fox and the bird brain, ever since the kid told me that I have the chance to beat any of those 2 anytime if I lived in the mansion made up my mind," he made his hand a fist. "And I'm waiting for that fight, if battles on the air can't resolve our hatred for each other, then a fight of one-on-one would be the best."

"I can't see the reason for you 3 to be hating each other."

"That's what rivals are for."

"But I know Falco isn't your rival."

"Nah, the bird brain is another different story, it's very easy to make him angry and also amusing and funny to watch for me...and also because he gets too cocky." He closed his eye. "What about you? Do you have a rival?"

Lucario looked at Chris. "I don't, and I'm glad for that too, Chris told me rivals are good to have...but they just distract you to feel uncertain, that's why he doesn't have one."

"...Oh, how am I going to enjoy fighting against you and your pointless response..."

"You're not my rival and never will...ever..."

"Be that way...if the kid wonders what I was doing with you, this conversation never happened."

"I agree."


For the surprise of everyone, there was an underground facility under the village, it looked like a secret mine but the sounds of the Chocobos were heard...along with the sounds of machines.

"What in the heck is this place?" Link asked.

"Looks like the village wasn't so peaceful after all..." Garnet said.

"Great going, you're learning so much in such little time!" Zidane remarked and Garnet blushed a little.

"H-hey! We should be looking around for Vivi!" Lucas said a little impacient.

"Calm down Lucas!" Ness said.

"...S-sorry, I think Vivi and me are different but...similar..."

"We'll find somewhere around here, let's keep moving an-" Zidane was interrupted.

"HIDE!" Geno yelled as he pulled Zidane behind a big barrel.

There was a hut inside the cave that was leading to somewhere deeper, also, 2 workers, probably from the village, had Vivi with them as he trembled scared.

What surprised Garnet wasn't Vivi, it was the oddly familiar pattern on the big barrel where they hid. "(This's...)" Garnet thought as Zelda looked at her.

"It's something wrong?" Zelda whispered, before they heard the 2 workers talking.

"Hey, let's put this in a box." The worker said looking at Vivi.

"I guess the guys at the castle will take care of it." The other worker said.

"(The castle?!)" Zidane thought shocked.

"Yup. We're only in charge of production."


When the 2 workers walked outside the hut, Vivi was walking between them and they led the black mage deeper into the cave, but Vivi stumbled and the worker in the front kicked him. "Hurry up!"

"That bastard!" Zidane whispered angrily as he tried to ran towards the workers, but both Links pulled him to the group, the 2 workers also got away with Vivi. "Hey! What's the big deal?!"

"Did you see the large barrel next to the shed? I've seen the exact same pattern on some of the barrels at the castle. This place must have some kind of connection with Alexandria Castle. I must know what it is! So please... I beg of you, don't cause any trouble just yet." Garnet said joining her hands.

"Why are you so concerned?" Geno asked.

"It's because...this place must be related to my mother and what she has been doing lately...the barrels, the patterns of them, they are from Alexandria Castle..."

Zidane got in a thinking position and nodded. "...Alright. But I will start trouble if Vivi is in danger. Agreed?"

"I will do that too!" Lucas said determined.

"Sure." Garnet said.

"Knowing Lucas, he will blow up the place by tripping." Ness joked.

"N-Ness! I'm not going to do that!" Lucas said blushing a little.

"...Because I will be the one blowing the place up!" Toon Link said.

"No, you won't, now let's go." Link said frowning as they decided to go deeper into the strange storage facility.

It was not long before they came up with a large machine making odd eggs. "What the heck is that?!" Zidane asked surprised.

Garnet looked to an odd box that was sniffing. "Zidane!"

"What is it?" Zidane asked.

"Someone's crying..."

Lucas leaned his ear to the box and knocked it a little. "...Vivi?"

"...Lucas?" Vivi's voice came from the box.

"Guys! Vivi is in here!"

"It IS you! I'll get you out! Why would they stuff you in a box?" Zidane asked confused.

"How could they?" Garnet asked wondering.

"Get me out of here!" Vivi yelled from inside.

"Link, Ness, Lucas, Geno and the other little guy named Link too, help me get Vivi out!"

"Told you, it would be better to call you Toon Link." Ness said laughing a little.

"Grr!" Toon Link grunted at him.

When mentioned characters tried to get Vivi out, the black mage dusted off his baggy pants again and looked at them while he tried to stop crying.

"Vivi! Thanks goodness you're okay!" Lucas said.

"I-I don't like this place..." Vivi said trembling a little.


After Vivi explained everything to the group, they decided to investigate the facility to find out what was happening there.

Zidane met face-to-face with double-doors. "Hmm...I wonder what is on the other side...there's mist coming out."

"Mist?" Zelda asked.

"I don't remember any mist outside..." Link said.

"Wait, when we were walking to this place, we saw mist covering the lower fields from down below the mountains." Toon Link said.

"Yeah, mist is the most dangerous thing in all Gaia, it attracts monsters." Zidane said.

Lucas trembled a little after he looked at the mist coming out from the doors. "T-they are on the other side?"

Zidane laughed a little. "I don't think so...because..." He closed his eyes, opened the double-doors and looked at them. "There aren't any monsters on the othe-"

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!" Lucas and Vivi screamed terrorized.

Zidane quickly turned his back to find a lot of monsters roaring, laughing evily and grunting at them. "W-whoa!"

Final Fantasy lX - Battle Theme

He backstepped and took out his dual blades. "Guess we won't get through this place so easily after all! Ness, Lucas! Hide to not be hu-"



Zidane watched a blue mist, then a green flash flying over his head that exploded right after the other in the Ghosts that appeared and were killed. "...What the..." Zidane trailed off surprised.

"Vivi, are those attacks magic like yours?" Garnet asked.

"N-no, I don't think so...that magic was very different..." Vivi said.

"It's because it's our PSI or PK attacks." Ness explained.

"I wasn't talking about that! I was surprised to see Ghosts here!" Zidane said.

"...Oh..." Vivi, Ness and Lucas said in unison. "..." They remained silent for a moment. "GHOSTS!" Before they ran around screaming.

Toon Link frowned and rolled his eyes. "Pfft, ghosts, big deal, they aren't that scary."

"THERE'S ONE BEHIND YOU!" Link yelled.

"A-AAH!!! GET AWAY FROM ME!" Toon Link said swinging his sword crazily nothing. "Hey, where did the ghost go?"

Link was holding his stomach since he bursted out laughing. "Trick you! You should have seen your face! Hahaha!"


"Yeah, right, there's a ghost behind m-AAAHH!!" Link was smacked in the face by a Vice (soldier-mischievous like enemy) and he backed away and unsheathed his sword. "You'll pay for that!"

"W-wait! Let me do this, ha!" Vivi casted Fire on the enemy and a burst of flames burned the Vice enterely. "T-there."

"Wow! Y-you called fire out of nowhere!" Lucas said surprised.

"I-it's that incredible?" Vivi ased embarrassed.

"Of course, magic is the best thing ever!... But PK attacks are better." Ness scoffed.

"B-but, black magic is powerful if you know how to control it!"

"I have another kind of power..." Garnet said.

"Really?" Zelda asked.

"Yes, I have summoning magic."

"Summoning magic? Hey, I saw that magic before, Chris knows how to call summons too." Ness said.

However, Garnet's eyes widened a little after hearing this. "R-really? Then there are more people that can summon magic too?!"

"...Chris is the only one I know."

"Oh...I see... (I need to ask him about the summons...maybe he knows...)"

"Dagger? Are you wondering something?" Zelda asked.

"What? No, I'm fine."

"Hello? We have more company coming this way!" Zidane yelled as more Vices and Ghosts ran and floated towards them.

Then Geno dashed in front of the group. "Leave this to me, I want to see if I can use the Geno Whirl."

"Geno Whirl?" Lucas repeated confused.

When a squad of Vices ran towards Geno to use their hammers, Geno watched carefully for the right moment to fire a very fast glowing ring that appeared on his right hand, when the Vices were aligned... "GENO WHIRL!" He yelled firing the ring at high speed that cut the Vices in half as they vanished in the air. "...I can use it after all!"

"T-that attack was amazing!"

"No kidding, it must have dealt like an insane amount of damage to them!" Zidane said.

"9999." Geno said.

"...What?" Link asked confused.

"A friend, Mallow, told me it deals 9999 of damage sometimes." Geno said.

"...You know, you should be a Smashers like us." Ness suggested.

"That's a great idea!" Toon Link said.

"I-I agree too!" Lucas said.

"Hey, I'd love to, but unfortunately I have a duty to find and rescue the Star Spirits from the Subspace Army." Geno said.

"Subspace Army?" Garnet asked confused.

"Y-you're fighting against an army?" Vivi asked trembling a little.

"You guys think you're all that strong, huh?" Zidane asked.

Link grinned and closed his eyes. "Of course we are, we are a lot of fighters in a team, we're only 6 right now, but we have 15 or more allies in our base."

"Are Chris and Lucario one of them too?" Zidane asked and Toon Link nodded.

"Yep, each one of us are very talented on certain styles of fight." Toon Link said.

"Oh, so you are the so called Smashers then?"

"Hahaha, I laugh at your strength."

"Even Mario proved to be more than a threat! You look weaker than him!"

"Heheh, Smashers..."

The entire group made confused faces and looked around the place. "Hey where did those voices came from?" Link asked.

A sudden strong wind came out of nowhere and they covered their faces, then, Garnet heard some footsteps coming from the same door Zidane opened before, when they opened their eyes and looked in front of them, there were 4 different turtles of different colors and headbands around their eyes.

Music stops

"...Turtles?" Lucas said confused before the 4 turtles gave thumbs up to all of them, what was weird was that their thumbs shone in 1 second.

Koopa Bros. Theme

"Ha! We're here again! The great and mighty, Koopa Bros!" A red turtle said, or more accurately, a red koopa said.

"Koopa Bros?" The whole group repeated very confused.

A yellow koopa walked in front of them. "That's right! We're the ones holding a Star Spirit captive, it turns out it's the same one we once held captive!"

"Oh yeah baby, Mario isn't here to screw our things up!" A green koopa said.

"Heheh... Mario..." A black koopa said chuckling a little.

"...Could all of you introduce yourselves? Please?" Garnet asked.

"But of course! We're going to introduce before you all die!" The red koopa said laughing. "I'm Red Ninjakoopa, the leader!"

"I'm Yellow Ninjakoopa!" The yellow koopa said.

"My name is Green Ninjakoopa!" The green koopa said.

"Heheh, Black Ninjakoopa..." The black koopa said chuckling.

"And we are..." Red Ninjakoopa trailed off.

"THE KOOPA BROS!" They replied in unison.

...Silent fell in the cave and a dried plant came rolling out of nowhere between the 2 groups.

"...Never hear of you." Zidane said folding his arms.

"WHAT?! You haven't seen the awesomeness of our team?!" Red Ninjakoopa said.

"It's a very high disgrace!" Yellow Ninjakoopa said angrily.

"C-calm down, we just met you a moment ago..." Vivi said.

Green Ninjakoopa sniffed. "You're mean, man, you're mean!"

"Heheh, mean..." Black Ninjakoopa said chuckling.

The other 3 stared at him angrily. "That wasn't even funny!" Red Ninjakoopa said angrily.

"You lost your particular shine, Black." Yellow Ninjakoopa said frowning.

"Dude, you must recover or else." Green Ninjakoopa said patting his shell.

"Heheh, recover..." Black Ninjakoopa said chuckling.

The other 3 koopas sweatdropped at this and turned to the Smashers. "Ahem! As I was saying before, we have the first Star Spirit in our hands right now, and you won't take it from us!"

"You! Return the Star Spirit to us in this moment, right now!" Geno said glaring at them.

"Tsk tsk, nope! It's ours!" Yellow Ninjakoopa said smiling.

"And guess what? We're going to kill all of you right now!" Green Ninjakoopa said laughing.

"Heheh, going..." Black Ninjakoopa said chuckling.

"..." Red Ninjakoopa shook his head. "A-anyway! Ignore Black and let's fight right now!"

Zidane cracked his fists. "Alright! Bring it o-"

"RED! WAIT!" Green Ninjakoopa yelled.

"Oww! Don't yell like that again! What?!" Red Ninjakoopa asked angrily.

"We don't have the Shadow Bugs to make us stronger right now!"

"C-crap! You're right! We forgot to ask Tabuu for them, didn't we?"

"Good, it's easier for us to beat all of you!" Ness said as he took out his bat.

"W-wait! We need to get prepared first! Have mercy!" Yellow Ninjakoopa pleaded.

"Heheh, mercy..." Black Ninjakoopa said chuckling.

"SHUT UP BLACK!" The other 3 yelled angrily at him.

Link slowly approached the quartet and they began to panic. "GO AWAY! PLEASE!" Yellow Ninjakoopa said.

"OH, FORGET IT! LET'S JUST GET OUT OF HERE USING THIS!" Red Ninjakoopa said, taking out a small ball that he threw at the floor, exploding in a cloud of smoke which made everyone to cough, when the smoke cleared out, they were gone.

Music stops

Geno ran where they were and cursed under his breath. "No...we didn't make it..."

"C-cheer up Geno, I know we can still find them somewhere in this place." Lucas said patting his back.

"...I guess you're right..."

"So Mario defeated those Koopas before then..." Zelda said wondering.

"Who's Mario?" Zidane asked.

"A friend and one of us," Link said. "He's very good at fighting too."

"E-excuse me everyone," Vivi began. "I-I want to see what is further inside this place if you don't mind..."

Garnet put her hands on Vivi's shoulders. "I want to investigate this place too, there must be some kind of connection with the castle and this factory."

"I-if Vivi wants to go, I'll go too!" Lucas said a little determined.

"We'll go too!" Ness and Toon Link said excited.

"I'm a little interested about this place too..." Zelda trailed off.

Zidane looked further deeper in the cave. "Then, don't waste more time and let's go!" He said running ahead and they followed him.

However, they couldn't believe what they found deeper...

Near the Cargo Ship's landing place

That's why we are changing the scene to Chris, Lucario and Wolf.

Lucario was already getting irritated by Wolf, why? Because the grey vulpine decided to take a nap, but that wasn't all, after 5 minutes, Wolf started to let out long and deep snores from his mouth that almost everybody in a radius of 1 kilometer could hear from far away, to tell the truth, Lucario wasn't irritated by that...

It was the sleeping Chris who made Lucario irritated, no, don't get the wrong idea, it was because Chris couldn't sleep very well with all the snores Wolf was making that made Lucario grunt at the vulpine in rage, anybody who dared to disturb his master's dreams was asking to be killed...unfortunately, Wolf was an exception, keeping Lucario's hands off his throat.

"(...Shut...up...shut...up...)" Lucario repeated in his mind angrily.


Lucario showed his fangs at the sleeping bounty hunter. "(Why can't he stop snoring?! If he snores one more time...I WILL kill him this time!)"

His promise was slowly coming true, he waited for the moment for Wolf to snore one more time to jump towards him and crush his throat, when Wolf was slowly opening his mouth...

The Koopa Bros. appeared running to who-knows-where and Lucario opened his mouth a little when he saw them running away.

"Run! Run!" Red Ninjakoopa said panting. "We must go and hide on the castle across the border!"

"We're dead if we don't make it!" Yellow Ninjakoopa said running.

"Hurry! Haste! Anything!" Green Ninjakoopa said panting heavily.

"Heheh, anything..." Black Ninjakoopa said panting as he ran.

"SHUT THE HELL UP, BLACK!" The other replied as they ran away.

"...Huh?" Wolf slowly woke up and wiped something from his eye. "Hey, did you were shouting?"

Lucario looked at him. "No, there were some Koopas running away to that direction just now."

"...Yeah, whatever, don't say things I don't know about..." He yawned as he returned to his nap.

"But I didn't..."


Lucario looked down to see Chris yawning. "Chris?"

"Did you were shouting just now?"

His right eye twitched a little. "I-I wasn't shouting! There were some Koopas running away to that direction!"



"Don't be stupid, there aren't any Koopas in this world, now let me go to sleep..." He fell asleep on his lap again.

"..." Lucario trembled in rage. "I WASN'T SHOUTING!!!"

"SHUT UP!" Chris and Wolf shouted angrily as they returned to sleep.

"..." The Aura Pokémon sighed in defeat and swore to kill those Koopas if he saw them again.

"Hey! You 3 over there! You need to get out of that place, the Cargo Ship is going to land!" A villager said from afar and the 2 woke up and looked to the sky, the Cargo Ship was already going to land and Wolf got up and walked away with Lucario, who had Chris on his arms as the Cargo Ship landed close to the village.

"An airship? Heh, my Wolfen can destroy that thing any day." Wolf said chuckling.

"Always you and your wishes to destroy something..." Chris said frowning. "By the way, can you tell me what happened in that battle now?"






"Yes, thank you." Chris said smiling a little as Lucario put him down safely on the ground.

The trio watched the 2 workers coming out from the underground with a big barrel that was sometimes moving when they didn't looked.

"I wonder what they're gonna use them for? We've been making lots of 'em since they set up the factory six months ago." A worker said.

"Who cares? This is a piece of cake compared to farming. Better money, too...... H-Hey! Is that scary guy in armor running towards US!?" The other worker asked scared when a guy in a silly armor was running towards should know by now who was that guy...

"...... Let's get outta here!" The first worker yelled scared as they ran away from Steiner, who came up and looked at the barrel as the other 3 walked towards him.

"YOU 3 AGAIN?! DID NOT I TOLD YOU TO GO AWAY?!" Steiner asked irritated.

"You didn't." Chris, Lucario and Wolf repeated in unison, making Steiner to sweatdrop.

"..." He sighed and looked down at the grass. "It is hard to convince you...fine! Be that way! But stop following me!"

"Hey, hear me you stupid steel can, I'm not following anyone anywhere here!" Wolf said angrily.

"ARGH! You are making so mad that I wish I could stab this giant barrel right NOW!" Steiner had all the guts to stab the barrel with his sword that suddenly moved, making them to back away from it. "...Did this barrel just moved?"

"LOOK OUT!" Chris shouted when the barrel fell above Steiner, crushing him under the weight as the rest of the Smashers, with Zidane, Vivi and Garnet, crawled out from it.

Several minutes later...

"Princess, what in the world is going on!? You scoundrel! Is this your doing!?" Steiner asked impaciently as he jumped several times in fury.

"Steiner, please!" Garnet said.

"Yes, Your Highness..." Steiner calmed down, earning various chuckles from Wolf.

"Zidane, I don't know what to say to Vivi. I never knew anything suspicious was going on at the castle..."

"We still don't know for sure. Let's stay by Vivi's side." Zidane suggested while Ness and Lucas were patting Vivi's back as the black mage looked down in shame for something that happened in the facility.

"(This is not the time to panic... I must get the princess onboard the cargo ship somehow. Then we can head back to Alexandria Castle.)" Steiner thought.

"W-what happened to all of you?" Chris asked confused.

"...You don't want to know." Toon Link said, trying to not remember what he and the others saw in the underground.

"Yo, Rusty, do you know where this airship's going?" Zidane asked as he looked at the Cargo Ship.

"...L-Lindblum. Yes, to Lindblum." Steiner said.

"Alright! Let's go on aboard!" The bandit sprinted towards the ship, but Steiner stopped him.

"I-I shall go ask them!" Steiner said studdering a little.

"Oh, really. How come?"

"I-It is not for your benefit. I am only doing this for the princess!" He said and he ran off to the ship.

"Talk about weird and stupid..." Wolf said frowning.

"Z-Zidane..." Vivi said studdering a little.

"Look Vivi, whatever we saw below, they're not like you, they were just dolls."

"Can you tell me what happened?" Chris asked, for his bad luck, he forgot most of the things that happened in the game.

"...I'll explain it later..." Zidane then looked at the Cargo Ship that was starting to fly and he gasped. "It's moving. What the heck is Steiner up to? Alright, we have to get on, Dagger."

"On a ship that's not going to Lindblum?!" Garnet asked surprised since the Cargo Ship was destined to arrived at Alexandria Castle, the first place where she escaped.

"I don't have time to explain, hey, you guys, do you want to come with us? We could use a hand in our way there."

Chris looked at the airship. "O-on an airship?! Hell yes! I want to ride that thing!" He said excited before Lucario grabbed him. "Lucario? What are you doing?"

"I'm going to jump to the deck." Lucario said.

"O-okay!" Chris said before Lucario jumped high in the air and landed on the deck.

"...He just keeps surprising me..." Zidane said as they ran to the ladder which Vivi ascend first before Ness, Lucas and Geno followed after him.

"An airship...this is going to be fun!" Toon Link said chuckling a little as he climbed the ladder with Link and Zelda.

"...Oh, what the heck..." Wolf climbed the ladder and entered the airship.

Zidane looked at Garnet. "Hurry up before it takes off!"

"But..." Garnet shook his head, before the Cargo Ship began to fly a little.

"It's taking off!" Zidane yelled as Garnet quickly climbed the ladder as Zidane followed he-" Ooh, soft..."

"Aah!" Garnet slapped Zidane when the bandit touched her butt...yes, you readed well, he touched her butt.


"Yes, he did it Zelda." Garnet said crossing her arms.

"Z-Zidane! That was so...ugh! You're like C. Falcon!"

"Captain who?" Zidane asked confused.

"Dagger, let's go inside." Zelda said as she and Garnet entered inside the airship, before Garnet gasped and ran towards Zidane.

"What? You're not mad at me?"

"It's Vivi..."

"Vivi?" Both of them ran inside.

Engine Room

"U-UAAH!!" Lucas tripped when he backed away.

"T-they're alive...and they're moving too..." Link said gasping a little.

Vivi was trying to talk to another black mage that was operating the engine on the room, the small black mage tried to get a response, but with no result, the others who previously inspected the underground were watching in surprise.

Vivi walked to Zidane as he looked down at the floor. "Were you able to talk to any of them?"

"No... It's like...they don't even...see me at all...I tried...again and again...but...they won't even turn around." Vivi said sadly as Ness patted his back and Lucas walked to him worried about him

"Vivi." Zidane said feeling sorry for him.


Steiner was dropped on his knees while Wolf was leaned with crossed arms near the cockpit of the ship. "Grow up you idiot..." Wolf said chuckling.

"How could I let this happen...? What am I to do...? I never expected things to go so badly... I cannot believe the ship took off without the princess! What will I say to Queen Brahne...?" Steiner asked to himself, trying to hit his head on the floor.

"What the heck were you doing? You almost took off without us!" Zidane said appearing from behind him.

"That is because...this ship's crew... Hey!" Steiner got up in his feet and pointed an accusing finger to him. "Why, you! Where is the princess!?"

"In the engine room." Zidane replied simply.

"She is on the ship!? All is well, now. The ship is returning to the castle. You will be hanged for the kidnapping of a member of the royal family! Enjoy your freedom while you can." Steiner said triumphaly as he crossed his arms behind his back, laughing a little as Zidane looked at Wolf.

"Sorry if he annoyed you."


Wolf smirked a little. "You speak by yourself, I've got even more annoying people hanging around with me."

"I hear that!" Chris yelled angrily sitting close to Lucario, far away from them.

"But the steel can can be tolerable if you know how to handle him."

"Damm straight." Zidane said as both of them laughed while the bandit walked inside the cockpit.

"YOU LITTLE SWINES!" Steiner yelled angrily.

"Shut up, steel can."

"Why you little...argh! Forget it!" Steiner yelled as he walked to the front of the deck and crossed his arms. "At last! Queen Brahne is sure to be pleased." He got in a thinking position. "However...the princess would have been left behind without the thief's aid. I shall petition for a life sentence on his behalf. Yes, that would be the honorable thing!"

"What a weirdo you are, talking to yourself." Wolf said chuckling, rather evily.

But the knight ignored him. "But that was because the crew wouldn't listen! I must run a background check on them. Ah, yes. It is my duty as a knight!" Then, the ship began to shake violently and Steiner almost trips, that's when Link, Toon Link, Zelda and Geno came from the engine room and Wolf looked at the cockpit. "Wh-What the-why is the ship turning directions?!" The impacient knight asked as he quickly ran to the cockpit.


Steiner was overly outraged now, because Zidane was happily steering the Cargo Ship while he whistled, there was another black mage staring at him since the mage was the one steering the ship.

"Y-Y-Y." Steiner wasn't able to find the words to argue with Zidane.

"What's wrong? Something stuck in your throat?" Zidane asked sarcastically, laughing.

"Y-You insolent fool! Turn the ship around!" Steiner tries to punch Zidane, but the bandit dodges it easily by jumping away. "GRAAAAAH!" He tries to punch Zidane again, but Zidane uses his monkey tail to hold into a pipe of the cockpit to grapple.

"I will have your head for that!" Steiner said jumping furiously, as a sudden swarm of black mages surround the cockpit.

"Hey, I think we upset them."


"...Oww!" Chris hit the floor by accident becaude the wind was just too strong.

"Chris! Are you alright?!" Lucario asked worried.

Chris rubbed his head. "I...I'm fine..." He blinked in surprise. "...Lucario...guess what! That hit made me remember all the things that happened here!"


"Yes! I thought I forgot just a moment!" He then remained silent for a moment.

"...It's something wrong?"

"This is so strange..." Chris muttered.

"What is it?" Lucario asked.

"We skipped the part where we should be fighting against Black Waltz 2 now that we are in the airship...but then...that means..." The airship began to shook violently. "BLACK WALTZ 2 AND 3 ARE ATTACKING TOGETHER!"

The swarm of black mages left the cockpit and starts to walk to the deck, where 2 flying black mages with menacing red eyes were glaring at Vivi and Garnet, who appeared from the engine room as all the Smashers (except Zidane and Steiner) looked surprised at the mages.

"No!" Vivi said trembling.

The first black mage was Black Waltz 2, he didn't feet but he had 2 purple wings on his back with antlers on his mage hat with a long blue robe, he was also hovering above the floor, the other black mage was nastier than the last one, his name was Black Waltz 3, he had longer wings with a feathery blue robe, he was also carrying a staff on his right hand and prefered to stay on the floor rather than flying like Black Waltz 2, both mages were also bigger than Vivi himself as they chuckled evily.

"So, Princess Garnet is here along with all these filthy black mages." Black Waltz 2 said chuckling evily.

"It's wasn't my option to fight alongside another Black Waltz, but someone told us to attack together since there are so many of you." Black Waltz 3 said.

"Let's make a bet."

"What was that?"

"The first one who manages to kill more pests gets to be the strongest Black Waltz out of the 3."

"'s worthless to do that since I'm the stronger one...but the challenge is too tempting...fine! I'll accept your bet!" He pointed at Vivi and Garnet, when everyone except Zidane and Steiner walked behind them.

"...H-huh?" Lucas saw all the swarm of black mages walking silently in front of the group, making a barrier of black mages to protect them. "W-what are they doing?!"

"We have to go to the cockpit, hurry!" Link suggested and they ran away from the black mages.

"Are you protecting them?! ...Nonsense. You are no different from mindless dolls! What can you do? Get out of my way! Do you dare to fight a Black Waltz like us?!" Black Waltz 3 asked angrily as he gathered a dangerous amount of magic on his staff.
"GET OUT OF OUR SIGHT!" Black Waltz 2 yelled furiously creating the same magic, all the Smashers and Zidane's group were watching from the cockpit the event.

...When a huge explosion of fire and lightining was created, shattering the glass of the cockpit as they ducked in horror, Vivi peered trembling from the shattered window, his yellow eyes widened in terror as he saw every last black mage being pushed out from the airship and to the nothingness, the others got up and gasped for all the destruction that was happening on the deck by the 2 black mages, for Vivi's misfortune, the electricity reached the barrels from down beloe and exploded, revealing even more black mages that fell without doing anything.

Vivi backed away as he tried to stop his tears from coming, both PK users patted his back and Garnet put her hands on his shoulders to try to help him a little.

"...No...not this scene again..." Chris said frowning. "...This was...too cruel..."

"They wiped out every last one of them..." Toon Link said surprised.

"I don't know why...but I feel sorry for all of them...even though they didn't do anything for us...they risked their lifes..." Zelda said shocked.

"No! They did do something for us, and that was protection!" Ness said sniffing a little. "...Why..."

"...And I thought they wished something better than this..." Geno said sadly.

Wolf grunted. "Be prepared..."

"What?" Garnet asked.

"Here they come!"

"GRRRRRRR!!!" Lucario grunted in rage after the 2 black mages descended from the sky crackling with electricity, everyone except Vivi gave the mages nasty looks of pure fury that they enjoyed to watch.

"Wh-What cruelty!" Steiner said enraged.

Final Fantasy 9 - Boss Theme

Vivi looked down at the floor when suddenly, he starts to stomps in fury and Garnet backs away from him. "AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!" Vivi yelled furiously, rushing off the cockpit.

"Vivi!" Ness, Lucas and Toon Link ran with him to the deck.

"M-Master Vivi!" Steiner ran to the deck with Geno.

"Wait for us!" Link shouted running with Lucario and Wolf.

"Zelda, let's go!" Chris said but Zidane stopped him. "What?!"

"You stay here and protect Dagger from getting kidnapped." Zidane said.

"B-but I want to fight to-"

"Chris, Zidane is right, we must protect Garnet from getting kidnapped." Zelda said and Garnet gasped.

"N-no! You were not supposed to know my true name, I do not want to divulge it!"

"Don't worry, your secret is alright with me." Zelda reassured her with a smile.

"...Okay, I'll stay behind and protect Garnet," Chris looked at Lucario. "Lucario! Do your best!"

"We'll take care of the Black Waltz. You steer the ship. Things are gonna get even more dangerous from here on. It's not too late to turn back. You can go back to the castle or cross South Gate into Lindblum. It's your choice! I'll be with you either way! But try not to crash the ship!" Zidane explained quickly as he went to join the others.

"...CRASH THE SHIP?!" Chris and Zelda yelled scared.

"I'm not going to crash the ship, believe in me! Be careful Zidane!" Garnet said, steering the airship.

"I will!" Zidane shouted.


"Why? Why would you do such a thing!? Weren't they your friends!?" Vivi asked while Ness and Lucas were standing besides him with everyone else.

"You fool. Do I look like some lowly black mage soldier?" Black Waltz 3 asked laughing.

"How pitiful, we didn't left any trail of those filthy rats." Black Waltz 2 said chuckling evily.

"Even if they weren't your allies, what you did was reprehensible!" Steiner said as he took out his sword.

"Kwahahaha! Worry not about them, many more are being produced even now!" Black Waltz 3 said laughing evily.

"More pests to destroy, better for us!" Black Waltz 2 said.

"...What?! You mean there are more?!" Ness asked.

"Ah, the princess's bodyguards have gathered! How very convenient!" Black Waltz 3 said laughing louder.

"You monsters! What kind of people are you?!" Geno asked furiously.

"Answer me!" Zidane demanded.

"It wouldn't do you any good if I answered, since you're all going to die! Kwahahaha! I will eliminate any who stand in my way!" Black Waltz 3 said opening his wings.

"Let's see who gets eliminated first then." Wolf said.

"LET'S BEGIN!" Black Waltz 2 yelled as both groups rushed at each other.

Preview of the next chapter

"Lucario! Are you alright?!" Chris asked worried.

"...No...t-the's hurting me..." Lucario said panting.


"Phew! We made it!" Zidane said, taking a deep breath.

"W-whoa...this castle is so big..." Vivi and Lucas said in unison.


"I was waiting for this moment! Tell us what happened in that battle!" Chris said excited.

"...Ugh...fine, but I won't repeat it again." Wolf said frowning.


"Hey guys! I signed everyone in the Festival of Hunt!" Zidane said.

"YOU BASTARD!" Chris said lunging at him.


"Next time: Lindblum, the city inside a castle!" Zidane said.

A moogle suddenly appears behind Chris. "H-hey! Where did you appeared?! We're on the middle of a fight!"

"Kupo! Do you want to save your game?"

"...Well...I should take the yes."

"Kupo-po!" The moogle flipped in the air and slammed his book into the floor.

Loading game data. Do not turn the power off or take Memory Card in Slot a...

Zidane, Garnet, Steiner, Vivi, Chris, Toon Link
Dali Village

Overwrite file?


Saving. Do not turn the power off or take the Memory Card in Slot A...

Zidane, Garnet, Steiner, Vivi, Chris, Toon Link, Link, Zelda, Lucario, Ness, Lucas, Wolf, Geno
Cargo Ship


Chapter 79: Lindblum, the city inside a castle

"...Kupo?" A moogle woke up grogily from the dark floor and gasped. "Kupo! I forgot! Forgive me! Let's see the saved file!"

Zidane, Garnet, Steiner, Vivi, Chris, Toon Link, Link, Zelda, Lucario, Ness, Lucas, Wolf, Geno
Cargo Ship

"Let's get on with it, kupo!"


Final Fantasy lX - Boss Theme

"GO AWAY! HUSH!" Zelda said throwing the moogle outside.

"Z-Zelda! He didn't do anything bad!" Chris said alarmed.

"And you just killed him!" Garnet said.

"Kupo! I'm fine!" The moogle said flying from outside. "KUP-" He crashed into a random bird and they sweatdropped at this.

"...He's fine..." Chris said worried.


And back with the fight...

"Trance!" Vivi yelled as electricity began to appear around him and he shone brightly, making Ness and Lucas to block their eyes before he stopped glowing, now, Vivi was glowing with blinks, his clothes were white and purple, shining brightly, his hat wasn't bended anymore and it was very pointy. "I-I'm going to avenge every black mage you 2 killed!"

"V-Vivi! What happened to you?!" Lucas asked shocked.

"He's in Trance, a sudden power gained from strong emotions, it greatly boosts the power of somebody!" Zidane said.

"FIRA!" Black Waltz 3 yelled casting a huge envelopment of fire that burned every single one of them.

"Ugh!" Link backed away and dusted off his hat to stop it from getting burned. "They can use magic too?!"

"But of course, they're black mages like Vivi!" Zidane said.

"Fire!" Vivi yelled casting a fire that bursted into the 2 evil mages. "Blizzard!" He called a chunk of ice that shattered between them.

"How pathetic, is that all?!" Black Waltz 2 asked.

"NO!" Toon Link shouted firing an arrow from behind, it went straight to his chest and Black Waltz 2 backed away by floating.

"You little twerp!"

"HI-YAH!" Wolf trusted his claw behind his back when he wasn't looking, causing more damage.

"FI-RA!" Black Waltz 2 casted Fira on only Wolf.

"UAAAH!" Wolf was surrounded by a strong fire that vanished after 3 seconds.

"Hey, what were you doing with this?" Zidane asked behind Black Waltz 2, holding a Potion.

"G-give me that back!" Black Waltz 2 said trying to reach his back to grab Zidane.

"Steiner! Catch it!" The monkey-tailed bandit threw the Potion to Steiner.

"What?" Steiner looked behind him and the Potion crashed and shattered into his face since he was distracted fighting against Black Waltz 3. "AAAAAAHHHHH!!! THIS HURTS! AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!" He began to hold his face in pain and began to run around madly.

"Sorry!" Zidane yelled as he jumped away.

"THUNDARA!" Black Waltz 3 called forth lightnings that fell with force above their opponents who yelled in pain.

"V-Vivi! Do you know how to cast that?!" Lucas asked as he stumbled to evade fire magic from Black Waltz 2.

"N-no! It's a little advanced for me right now!" Vivi said as he started to look around for Steiner since he wanted to fuse his magic with Steiner's sword.

"PK BLAST!" Ness yelled casting a green flash towards Black Waltz 2, but the mage teleported before the blow could reach him and he chuckled. "Rats! Who the heck do you think you are? Mewtwo, or Mewthree?"

Black Waltz 2 teleported behind him. "BLIZZARA!" A big spiked ice covered Ness and it exploded, hurting the PK user severly.

"Oww! T-that hurts...brrr..." Ness studdered and snizzed.

"Arrow power!" Toon Link shouted firing another arrow with Link that went flying towards Black Waltz 3, it reached him and got attacked by the arrows on one of his wings.

"Insolent fools! FIRA!" Black Waltz 3 yelled furiously as he saw Lucario about to shoot an Aura Sphere at him, the Aura Pokémon gasped when a strong fire enveloped him.

"GUUUUARRRGGGGHH!!!" Lucario yelled in pain as he dropped on his right knee and gasped for breath.

"Lucario! Are you alright?!" Chris asked worried.

"...No...t-the hurting me..." Lucario said panting.


"I-I know this is too early to worry about, but I need to help them!" Chris said as he took out his harp, but Zelda lowered it. "Zelda!"

"You wait here with me, we must protect Garnet from getting hurt." Zelda said calmly.

"H-how can you be so calm in this situation?!" When he asked that, Steiner ran inside the cockpit, yelling in pain and he ran to the deck, still screaming, but they ignored him. "Everyone is suffering because of their magic!"

"Even so, we have to protec-"


"Zelda! Chris!" Garnet yelled and they turned their heads to see Black Waltz 2 preparing a spell to attck them. "Hurry!"

"LUUCAARIIOO!" Chris yelled crying a little, the Aura Pokémon growled in fury and landed a powerful punch on Black Waltz's stomach, pushing him away from him. "Thank you!"

"...Chris...I know this is not the time to ask but...can you summon?" Garnet asked in a serious tone.

"...Who told you that?"


"Wait here a second." Chris ran to the deck and smacked his harp on Ness, then he returned. "What did you said before?"

"OWW!" Ness yelled.

"That if you can summon, entities of great power." Garnet said.

"What's that?" Chris pointed to a random direction and ducked.

"Where?" Garnet looked around confused. "I don't see anything..." She found Chris in his Summoner job. "...When did you changed clothes so quickly?"

"I'll explain later."

"Then, can you summon too?"

"Y-yes...but I can only summon a chocobo..."

"Can I see for myself?"

"...Well..." Chris began to chant to call Lenne, his chocobo.


"FIRE! THUNDER!" Vivi casted more fire on Black Waltz 3, but the sinister mage backstepped to evade the fire and the lightning and chuckled evily. "N-no! It's over!" Vivi said shocked when he started to glow, ending his Trance form.

"Even so, your magic wasn't that effective." Wolf said as he did a somersault to evade a Thunder.

"...T-that's not true..." Vivi said looking down.

"D-don't listen to him, cheer up!" Lucas said trying to cheer Vivi.

"He's right, magic can be powerful sometimes." Geno said as he protected both of them using the Geno Beam in Black Waltz 2, who yelled in pain.

"...Thank you...I...appreciate it very much..." Vivi said looking up and preparing to cast another spell.

"THUNDARA!" Black Waltz 3 yelled casting an enhanced version of Thunder on Link, but the Hero of Twilight covered using his shield to resist the attack as he gritted his teeth.

"UGH! ...NEED...HELP...HERE..." Link said struggling, the thunder attack didn't seized to disappear.

"YAH!" Toon Link threw a bomb at the mage's head, exploding right into it, which made Black Waltz 3 to yell in pain as he blew the cartoony smoke by flapping his wings.

"I'll get you, you twerp!" Black Waltz 3 cursed. "FIRA!"

"AAAAAAHHHH!!!" Toon Link was instantly covered in a scorching fire, giving him a lot of damage.

"(...Wait...if I can use my Reflector and deduce the magic as projectiles...) Hey! You! Winged idiot! You can't even hit someone like me because your eye sight sucks!" Wolf yelled taunting at Black Waltz 2.

"WHAT DID YOU SAID?! BLIZZARA!" Black Waltz 2 shouted furiously casting Blizzara on Wolf.

"(Heh.)" Wolf smirked in his mind and activated his Reflector, the cold attack bounced off from him and went directly to its owner, Black Waltz 2's eyes widened and was frozen in the spiked, chunk of ice that shattered instantly, dealing moderate damage.


A toon vein popped out from Wolf's head. "You're dead!"

The mage flew high above the deck to evade any kind of attacks. "Now try to reach me if you can, heheheh..."


He frowned. "Magic isn't that effective against me, insolent-AAHHH!!" It wasn't magic that reached Black Waltz 2, because the arrows of both Links hit directly his back with force. "I'm hate all of you..."

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Steiner continued to run around in circles, since the pain on his face didn't seized.

"S-Steiner! Calm down! W-we have to cooperate!" Vivi yelled before a powerful lightning fell on him. "AAAAHH!!"

"Vivi!" Ness and Lucas shouted worried, Lucas saw Ness gasping and jumped away, the blond PK user got confused before a scroching flame covered him completely.

"HEEEELP!" Lucas screamed in pain.

"Lucas! Hold, on, I'm going!" Zidane shouted as he evaded a hit from Black Waltz 3's staff. "Lucas! Drop and roll!"

"AAAAHHH!!!" Lucas began to roll in the floor, but the fire didn't seized. "PLEASE!"

"USE PK FREEZE!" Ness suggested.

"P-PK FREEZE!" A cold glyph appeared from Lucas and it exploded right into him, saving him from being burned alive, he got up trembling a little. "...I...I can't go on....I'm too scared..."

"We have to defeat these guys!"

"FIRA!" Both Black Waltzes casted at the same time, increasing the potency of the fire on Ness, his eyes widened when the fire began to surround him, but...

"NO!" Geno came in and pushed Ness out of the way before an explosion of fire caught him instead of the PK user.

"GENO!" Ness and Toon Link shouted worried.

"...F-fire..." Geno managed to say before he fainted and fell defeated.

"GENO!" Chris yelled from the cockpit, forgetting about his chant.

"I'll avenge him, don't worry!" Lucario said determined firing a charged Aura Sphere towards Black Waltz 2, but he teleported out of the way and chuckled evily.

"You need to have better accuracy to land a hit on me." Black Waltz 2 taunted.

"And who said the attack missed you?" Lucario asked in a serious tone.

"What?!" Black Waltz 2 turned his head behind him where the Aura Sphere from before followed him and exploded right into his face. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!! WHY IS THIS WEAK ORB HURTING ME SO MUCH?!"

"I'll tell you why," Lucario began. "All your fire attacks towards me made my aura stronger, and all my attacks got much stronger than the last time."


"It DOES make sense to me!" Chris yelled cheering from behind, which made Lucario to blush a little.


"Tsk, tsk, don't turn your back to your enemy!"

The mage gasped as he turned his head behind to see Zidane descending from a previous jump he did to reach him, who made an X-cross slash using his twin blades that left a serious scar on his dark face. "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!! STOP! I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!"

"D-die! Thunder!" Vivi yelled casting Thunder that fell directly on the mage, energy started to appear around Black Waltz 2, like electricity, that made him to tremble violently.

"N-NO! I CAN'T...DIE...TO SUCH INFERIOR...MAGE! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Black Waltz 2 yelled as he descended slowly and stopped trembling before he vanished in the floor.

"...He's down?" Link asked.

"I think so, he vanished." Toon Link said.

"...Hey..." Zidane looked around. "Where is the other mage?"

Scorch my enemies in this strong heat...

"...Heat?... Fire?" Lucario said surprised as he looked around.

Turn them to ashes and take them away...

"A-ashes?!" Ness said alarmed.

I'll bring them to your destruction!

All of them looked above and gasped when Black Waltz 3 had a big orb of searing fire above his staff, his eyes were wide and he was laughing evily as he floated in the air. "FIRAGA!"

"F-Firaga?! I-It's the strongest fire magic ever known!" Vivi said terrified.

Zidane remembered that Wolf used something to reflect the magic and looked to him. "How about if you use that thing again before he defeats us?!"

However, Wolf lost his Reflector and looked around for it. "Good time to lost the only thing that can save me!" Wolf snarled angrily as he looked around.

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!" Steiner ran around screaming in pain.

"...He hasn't wiped out the Potion from his face?" Zidane asked confused.

"LOOK OUT!" Toon Link yelled to warn all of them of the huge orb of fire that went stricking the floor with a huge explosion of fire, everyone on the deck screamed in a lot of pain and Zelda gasped when she found all of them unconscious.


"No, he defeated all of them!" Zelda said shocked and she looked at the other 2.

"! Come to me! Please!" Chris said pointing his staff to the sky, but nothing happened.

"Maybe it was all a lie..." Garnet said ashamed before finding the black mage with crossed arms walking slowly towards them. "Oh no...everybody lost?"


"Princess Garnet Till Alexandros," Black Waltz 3 began. "You're coming with me and to the castle!" He demanded.

"I will not let you take me!" Garnet said glaring at him as she continued to steer the ship.

"Zelda! It's your turn to help!" Chris said, still continuing to call Lenne.

"Right." Zelda said simply as she threw a Din's Fire towards Black Waltz 3, but the mage used his wings to protect himself. "Strange, I thought his wings were going to catch fire."

"Mwhahahaha, Black Waltz 2 told you already, magic isn't effective against us at all." Black Waltz 3 said chuckling.

"...That is it, I lost my common sense now." Zelda said sighing and both of them looked at her. "We're dead, all my attacks are mostly based on magic, meaning that you Chris need to hurry up with the summon."

"...Wow, it's impressive that you can be so calm in this situatio-" Zelda quickly grabbed Chris by the shoulders and began to shook him violently.


"Z-Zelda! Why did you acted so weird all of a sudden?!" Garnet asked surprised, sweatdropping.


"B-but Zelda, last time I tried to call a powerful entity, I called Lenne instead an-" Chris was once again interrupted.


"...It's quite amusing to see a princess getting this crazy..." Black Waltz 3 said before he shook his head. "PREPARE TO GO!"


"Z-Zelda! Please! You have t-"


A very big red toon vein appeared on Chris's forehead. "WHO ARE YOU CALLING A KID?! YOU WANT A POWERFUL SUMMON?! FINE! I'LL GIVE IT TO YOU! COME FORTH, WHOEVER YOU ARE!"

Chris casted a summon with all his forces and the airship began to shook violently, Black Waltz 3 looked around a little amused before something caught his attention between them...

...There was a weird cactus creature with a weird face as he "danced" by moving his legs and arms.

The trio peered from the window and made confused faces in unison. "...What the..." Garnet trailed off.

"...Is that a moving cactus?" Zelda asked.

"'s a freaking Cactuar..." Chris pointed out as the Cactuar looked at them, before looking at the mage who laughed evily.

"Do you think this pathetic creature is going to kill me?! What a laugh!" Black Waltz 3 said laughing.

The Cactuar pointed at him as he bended a little. "What is he doing?" Garnet asked.

"THUNDARA!" Black Waltz 3 called a powerful lightning, but it didn't do any damage to the cactus who kept his position. "...What the...FIRA! THUNDARA! BLIZZARA! THUNDARA! FIRA! BLIZZARA!"

The mage kept going on like if there was no end, the cactus didn't received any damage and he was tiring himself out from using magic on the cactus.

The Cactuar started to spin his spiny arms and began to shot a furious barrage of 1000 Needles, piercing through Black Waltz 3's body as he yelled in pain for every needle that went through him as the trio watched rather surprised at this weird attack. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Black Waltz 3 yelled in pain as he dropped to his knees, holding his staff to stay standing.

Music stops

The Cactuar didn't went away and was running in circles around the fallen black mage, jumping sometimes as Chris ran to them. "Good job, Cacty!" He said hugging his...wait, no! You idiot! Don't ever hug a- "AAHHH!!" Chris yelled in pain after he hugged "Cacty."

Zelda sighed in relief. "...I thought we were a goner..."

"Shouldn't we help them?"

"But how?"

Garnet took out her staff. "Let me do it." Spores of light began to fly around her and she pointed her staff at the unconscious group. "Cure!"

More spores of light appeared around the deck and it touched the floor, making all their bodies to glow in a healing light, curing them a little from their wounds as they slowly got up.

"...We won?" Zidane asked confused as he scratched his head.

" won't get away with this... I exist only to kill!" Black Waltz 3 muttered and yelled the last part before he flew off, as Vivi ran to his direction but stopped right next to a hat of a falled black mage that was destroyed.

"..." Vivi looked down in shame.

"...Chris? Why are you hugging a Cactuar? Doesn't that hurt you?" Lucario asked confused, tilting his head.

"..." Chris's face was a very crazy one and Cacty didn't went away yet.

"...Chris?" Lucario got in a thinking position and suddenly had an idea. "Master?"

"What?!" Chris asked glaring at Lucario.

"That's better, are you feeling alright?"

"...Well..." He looked down to Cacty. " arms are all pinched..."

Toon Link walked to them and stared at Cacty. "What are you doing hugging that cactus?"

"THIS cactus saved our lifes, so be respectful to him!" Chris defended Cacty.

Wolf rolled his eye and crossed his arms. "I'm not going to be respectful to a plant...ever..."

"...Cacty, show him what I mean."

Nobody knew about Wolf ever since Cacty met him from that day...well, for about 10 seconds.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Wolf yelled at the top of his lungs as he glared menacingly, showing his fangs at Cacty. "GIVE ME THAT THING!"

And Chris made a run for it from the 1000 Needled Wolf who chased him around as Toon Link and Lucario watched without doing anything. "Are you going to do something to help Chris?" Toon Link asked.

"Why? He's laughing." Lucario pointed out.

"...Vivi?" Lucas walked towards Vivi, who stared at the hat. "...Are you okay?"

"..." Vivi didn't spoke.

"Vivi..." Lucas said worried. "...Geno!"

The puppet appeared from behind him and sighed in relief. "I'm impressed, maybe this team is the elite I've been hearing a lot about."

"..." Lucas looked at Vivi and Geno looked at him.

"...I know...I don't know what he feels right now for what happened..."

Ness walked to them. "We should be cheering him up again."


Zidane ran to the princesses. "Do you see South Gate?"

"Yes!" Garnet said as she steered the ship.

"What is the South Gate?" Zelda asked.

"South Gate is a huge gate built exclusively for airships," Zidane explained. "But...maneuvering through it could be tricky. Do you want me to do it, Dagger?"

"I want to do it on my own..." Garnet said simply.

"You're a very interesting princess, Garnet." Zelda remarked.

"Alright... We don't have clearance. They might close the gate on us. It should be okay, though. Security was totally lax when I came through here on the theater ship. It'll be fine, Captain Dagger!"

"What a fitting name..." Zelda said sarcastically.


The bandit walked towards the engine. "...It's old, but the engine's got power." Then, suddenly, Steiner runs in jumping.

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" Steiner screamed since he still had the shards of the Potion of his face.

...But somehow, Zidane knew what he was trying to say. "(We must turn back!!! Princess! Please turn the ship around! The Black Waltz is heading straight toward us on an airship! He might crash into us!)" Steiner's translation said.

Zidane looked through the window and saw Black Waltz 3 flying a small jet towards them, he was yeling that he only existed to kill while he approached them. "Dagger, Rusty's right! It's headed straight for us! Punch it! Go through South Gate!" Zidane said alarmed.

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!! (Don't be ridiculous! What if the gate closes on us!?)"

"There's no way we can outmaneuver him in this cargo ship! We'll slide in before the gate closes and shut him out! That's our only chance! Rusty! Turn the power up to max with that lever over there!" He pointed to a lever which Steiner quickly went to as he tried to stop screaming from the Potion. "Dagger, stay on course no matter what!"

"Okay!" Garnet said determined.

"I know we can make it!" Zidane said.

Then both Links ran in. "Why is the ship accelerating?" Link asked.

"We're going to get through the South Gate and escape from the Black Waltz!"

"He's right! The mage is still alive!" Toon Link shouted when he glanced outside.

"Did I missed something?" Geno asked as he entered.

"We're going to get through that closing gate from afar!" Link said pointing to the South Gate.

"Wh-what?! But what if the..."

"Don't worry about that, trust Dagger!" Zidane said.


The Cargo Ship accelerates through the clouds of the mountains as Black Waltz 3 flew quickly at high speed, then, Chris looked to Vivi, Lucas and Ness staring at the hat. "G-guys! Get out of there! The Black Waltz is going to attack you 3!"

"AAAAAHHHHHH!!!" Ness and Lucas yelled scared and ducked when the evil black mage was about to fire lightning.

"...Don't....HURT THEM!" Vivi yelled furiously casting Fire on the jet that knocked it off the course a little bit to protect both kids. "Ness! Lucas!"

"...Huh? He's gone?" Ness asked looking around.

"We're going through the gate, hold on to something!" Wolf yelled as everybody managed to duck and stay close to the floor.


"VIVI!" Chris, Ness, Lucas and Zidane yelled when Vivi was pushed out of the ship by the strong wind. "NO! I GOT YOU!" Zidane said jumping towards Vivi to catch him. "WAIT! SOMEBODY CATCH ME!"

"NO!" Ness jumped towards Zidane to grab him, but he was being pulled too. "HELP!"

"AH!" Lucas lunged at them to pull them back, but the same happened to him. "MERCY PLEASE!"

"I WON'T LET YOU FALL!" Chris jumped quickly to pull them back, but his feet was slowly getting off the floor. "I DON'T WANT TO FALL!"

"GUUUUUUAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!" Lucario grabbed Chris using his right hand as he wrapped his other arm on a nearby pole, preventing all of them from falling.

"I EXIST ONLY TO KILL!" Black Waltz 3 came in with the jet charging up Thunder to strike all of them.

The 5 who were going to fall (except Lucario, who glared at him) gasped in unison. "PULL US BACK LUCARIO!" Chris yelled.

"DIE!" However, the lightning that he was charging up touched the engine of the jet that caused an explosion, getting his attention as the others watch in surprise when he looks at them rather worried.

"THE GATE IS CLOSING!" Geno yelled as they looked to the other side, where the huge gate was closing and left a small space, which made the things look dangerous.

"PULL THROUGH!" Link yelled at the top of his lungs and Garnet accelerated the ship at full speed.

"NOW!" Lucario yelled pulling the 5 with great force back to the ship before the gate closed, Black Waltz 3 wasn't so fortunate and his jet exploded when the gate closed at the same time he was between it.

"..." Everyone blinked in surprise at the dangerous event and looked to each other.

"...We made it! We made it! We made it! WOHOO!" Zidane said making a fist in the air and everyone began to celebrate loudly, Chris hugged Lucario for saving his life (the Aura Pokémon growled happily and rubbed his trainer's head), Ness and Lucas did a high-five, both Links and Zidane shook hands and Toon Link even shook hands with Steiner, Geno just sighed and nodded with a small smile to Garnet and Zelda, who nodded back and Wolf dropped to the floor but leaned to the wooden wall as he grinned with a small nod.

...However, Lucas looked to Vivi who was still depressed. "Vivi?"

Zidane walked to Vivi. "Vivi...listen to me, those mages and you are very different, you won't turn evil like them, you're an individual, no matter what happens!"

Vivi looked away before he looked at Zidane. "...R-right!"

"I'm glad everything turned out so well!" Ness said happily.

"M-me too, don't forget about me!" Lucas said raising his hand.

"Well, the South Gate was badly damaged...but they'll fix it in no time." Zidane said as he walked back to the cockpit.

"...I can see Lindblum!" Garnet said impressed and everybody stared in awe after seeing the biggest castle in Gaia, Lindblum, the city inside a castle.

"Phew! We made it!" Zidane said, taking a deep breath.

"W-whoa...this castle is so big..." Vivi and Lucas said in unison.

"...Maybe this is not going to be so bad...heh, I'll admit it, traveling around the worlds was just the thing I needed." Wolf said grinning a little.

"That's Lindblum Castle?! How gigantic!" Steiner said impressed.

"Isn't that amazing Lucario?" Chris asked and Lucario nodded with a small smile.

The cargo ship flew between the gates of Lindblum that opened instantly, may other airships got out as well and the Smashers watched the city from the inside, in the sky, Vivi, Lucas, Ness and Toon Link got closer to the edge of the ship to look down to enjoy the sight, Zelda was also admiring the place, maybe she could build a similar kingdom like Lindblum someday?

Even so, all the characters flew inside the main part of the castle, the Grand Castle.

Grand Castle

The cargo ship docked on the hangar and they walked out to safe floor, above the red carpet.

"Wow! This castle is huge! It's even bigger than Alexandria Castle!" Vivi said amazed.

"Yeah. They don't call it Lindblum Grand Castle to nothing." Zidane said folding his arms.

"An indoor airship dock! This is truly amazing! Even Her Majesty's Red Rose would easily fit in here." Steiner said impressed.

"Just look at all those moving gears!" Toon Link said pointing at the moving gears from nearby.

"It's official, I like to visit these kind of castles!" Chris said happily.

"If you like, I like it too." Lucario said.

"...Yes, I figured you were going to say that." He said sweatdropping.

Zidane looked at Garnet, who wasn't that impressed. "...Dagger, you don't look too impressed. Have you been here before?"

Dagger looked at him. "Yes, I came here a few times when I was little... I haven't been here since my father passed away."

"I'm sorry for hearing that." Zelda said.

"No, it's okay." Garnet reassured her.

"My, what a kingdom is this, I'd like to meet the king and queen, they must be very dedicated to their kingdom."

"I thought you were going to said that." Link said.

"Well, you don't seem to respect at all the laws of a kingdom like in Hyrule."

"I-I do!"

Zelda crossed her arms. "No, you don't."

Wolf looked around the place, and the statue near the hangar. "...Hm, I wonder how the city looks like..."

"I'll show it to all of you, after all, I live here," Zidane began before 3 elite guards walked towards them. "Here comes the welcome committee."

"That's a really old airship." An elite guard "remarked" the destroyed ship from the battle.

Garnet bowed to them cordially. "Greetings. I am Princess Garnet Til Alexandros. I humbly request an audience with Regent Cid."

Zelda didn't wanted to lose the chance either and bowed to them. "I am Princess Zelda, I come from the distant kingdom of Hyrule with Princess Garnet."

"You must be kidding!" The elite guard said. "No member of the royal family, let alone 2 princesses, would ever ride in such a shabby airship." He looked at all of them. "And look at the company you're keeping."

Steiner got very mad at this moment. "How dare you accuse the princess of lying!? The princess was forced to come here under extreme circumstances!... But you can take the furry guy if you want to prison."

"I heard that!" Wolf said grunting at him.

"Then show me some kind of proof of your royal heritage." The elite guard demanded to see if Garnet had any proof of royalty.

"Very well..." And she took out a pendant.


"This pendant... Is it a Falcon Claw!?... No. The shape is a little different. Call Minister Artania!" The elite guard commanded and one of them walked away.

"Oh, nice pendant." Link said.

"If you weren't such a filthy-looking oaf, they would not be suspicious of us!" Steiner said angrily to Zidane before turning to all of them who looked at him. "And all of you! Why did you followed us here?!"

"Hey, I'm not the idiot with the loud voice, and the dirty, rusty armor." Zidane said crossing his arms as the young Smashers began to laugh loudly at this.


"STEINER!" Garnet snapped out and Steiner quickly kneeled to her. "Stop acting like that right now! They helped us so much in our escape and our arrival here, behave yourself right now!"

"B-but princess! H-how can you trust them?!"

"They're our new companions, I order you to be kind to them in this instant!"

Steiner yelled loudly inside his mind. "(WHYYYYYYYYYYYY?!)"

Suddenly, a minister walks to them and he glances at everyone. "What is going on?" He asked.

"Sir, we have unknown visitors who wish to see the regent. And one of them is carrying a pendant that looks like a Falcon Claw." The elite guard said and the minister looks at Garnet's pendant before he gasped.

"Huh?!... You are dismissed. I'll take care of this."

"Yes, sir!" The guard saluted before walking away with his other comrade.

"Uncle Artania!" Garnet said smiling.

"He's your uncle?" Ness asked and Garnet nodded.

"Well, he is not exactly my uncle, but he looked after me when the regent and my father had conferences and I call him uncle."

"It's good to see you, Princess. Please follow me. The regent is waiting." Artania said as he looked at all of them. "Please, if you would, follow us as well." He said nodding before he walked away.

Garnet got a little confused after hearing that the regent was waiting for her. "I'm very excited to see the king, let's go." Zelda said and Garnet nodded, and the others followed the fugitive princess tot he elevator


All of them got above an elevator with Minister Artania, it began to accelerate slowly as he explained all the levels. "Lindblum Castle has three levels, all connected by this lift. From the base level, which lies below the Mist, you can take a trolley to the harbor and the back gate. Ships hardly arrive at the harbor anymore since travel by air has become so popular. The Mist poses great danger, so we've sealed off everything. Just above the Base Level is the Mid Level. You can ride the air cab from the Mid Level to go to town. The Upper Level contains the royal chambers and conference room. Access to that level is restricted, because the regent himself resides there." Artania explained.

"I-I'd like to see the town if I can..." Vivi said.

"I want to do it, too..." Lucas said curiously.

"If they go, I'll go." Ness said.

"W-what about me?" Toon Link asked.

"Don't worry, I know Lindblum very well, I'll show you the city once we're done here," Zidane said. "Hey, Dagger, what's Regent Cid like? I lived in Lindblum for a while, but I've never met him."

"Regent Cid is very wise. He always thinks ahead. He may seem a bit odd at times, but he is very dependable. He and my father were best friends... ...I wonder if he will listen to what I have to say..." Garnet said joining her hands a little as Zelda patted her back.

"With that information in mind, I'd like to meet him right now." Zelda said.

"Don't worry. We're not leaving until he does." Zidane said.

"We will arrive at the Upper Level shortly." Artania said as they arrived to the Upper Level and walked towards the throne room.

Throne Room

All the party walked inside before the minister Artania. "Sire, Princess Garnet of Alexandria wishes to see you, there is also another princess who wishes to meet you as well." Artania said, but Garnet looked around.

"Princess, is something wrong?" Steiner asked.

"The regent isn't here, and I don't know who... Take a look at the throne." She pointed at the throne, were someone was sitting on it already and they glanced to it.

"Who left his pet here?" Geno asked.

"What in the world?" Steiner got a closer look of the creature and his eyes widened together with Garnet's, Link's, Toon Link's and Zelda's eyes.

Because the creature looked them and jumped towards them, he had a big white mustache and it looked like a big bug. "Gwok-gwok. Gwok-gwok! Greetings!" He spoke.

"OG!!! OGLOP!!!" Steiner and both Links yelled in unison, when the big Oglop was close, Steiner delivered a strong punch, sending it crashing into the throne.

"Sire!" Artania said gasping.

"What?!" The oglop, who appeared to be the regent, asked recovering from his state.

"Huh?!" Steiner was suprised and shocked.

"What!?" Garnet was even more confused.

"T-the king of this kingdom is a bug?!" Zelda asked very shocked. (And even she wondered if bugs could rule the world anytime).

On a side note, not everyone entered the room, because Zidane and Vivi walked in. "Dagger, what's wrong? Why aren't you talking to-GEEZ! That's an oglop!" He said disgusted.

"Wow... Even the oglops are big in Lindblum." Vivi said rather amused.

"I-I don't think so..." Chris said sweatdropping.

"What is the meaning of this!? How dare you greet the princess like this!? Get that repulsive bug off the throne immediately, and call the regent!" Steiner demanded jumping angrily.

"Please, settle down! You ARE before the regent!" Artania said calming the knight down.

"What!? Enough of your nonsense!" Steiner said stopping.

"Steiner, stand down. I remember that mustache. Is that really you, Uncle Cid?" Garnet asked kneeling to the Oglop, who was the regent himself.

"Yes. Greetings, all gwok. I am Cid Fabool, Regent of Lindblum." Regent Cid said, sometimes "gwoking".

"It's incredible how people can recognize others by their mustaches." Ness said.

"It's even one of Mario's trademark symbols." Link said.

"...It is?"

Regent Cid coughed to get their attention. "I knew it was you, I recognized your pendant's description, it's so much like my 'Falcon Claw.' I'm delighted to see you again, Garnet. You have truly gwok become a fine lady. I, on the other hand..." He trailed off looking away.

"You're disguising as a stupid bug thing..." Wolf said frowning.

Minister Artania coughed. "Allow me to explain. About six months ago, someone snuck into the castle and attacked the regent in his sleep. Unfortunately, we were too late... The regent had been transformed into an oglop, and his wife, Lady Hilda, was abducted."

"My goodness..." Garnet said shocked a little.

"Whoever pulled this off had to be highly skilled, like me." Zidane said grinning.

"Suuuuuure." Both Links said in unison, sarcastically.

"Hmph! I bet it was you!" Steiner said with an accusing finger to the bandit.

"That's not possible." Cid said and they looked at him.

"How can you be so sure? Do you know who we are?" Zidane asked.

"Of course. I may be a bug gwok, but I am still the ruler of Lindblum."

"And it's still hard to believe all of this..." Zelda trailed off.

"May I ask for your name?"

"C-certainly, I am Princess Zelda, I come from the distant kingdom of Hyrule." Zelda said bowing.

"I have never heard of the Hyrule kingdom before, is somewhere around the continent or it's a far away kingdom?"

"...You could say that."

"Uncle Cid, I appreciate you seeing me on such short notice. I desperately need to speak to you about my mother." Garnet said.

"That's what I figured. But I'm sure it can wait 'til tomorrow. Why don't you all get some rest for today?" Cid suggested.

"Thank you."

"It is time for lunch. Please follow me." Artania said walking away to the dining room.

The Smashers made a small circle to talk to themselves. "So, what are we going to do here?" Geno asked.

Chris took out his DS and Kawashima appeared. "Professor, can you tell us if the Subspace Army is here?" Chris asked.

"Of looks like there are 4 minions hidding somewhere around the castle, or more specifically, the entire city." Kawashima said as Chris kept him on his pocket.

"4 minions...the Koopas?" Lucario wondered.

"Koopas? But there aren't any Koopas around he-"

"Actually, we found the Koopa Bros back in the village a while ago." Geno said.

"...So Lucario was telling me the truth all along? And of all people, the Koopa Bros?!"

"Yes." Toon Link said nodding.

Chris looked to Lucario. "I-I'm sorry for not believing in you..."

Lucario nodded. "I'm glad you understand."

"First off, who is staying in the castle and who is going to the town?"

At that moment, Zidane approached them. "Hey, I'm going to hit the town, wanna come with me?"

"I'll go." Wolf said walking away.

"I'll stay here at the castle and have a pleasant talk with the regent." Zelda said walking away with Garnet, who was on the door wondering about something, then Steiner ran out of the room.

"If the regent meant the lunch must be a very expensive one!" Toon Link said drooling a little before running to the dining room.

"I'll make sure to stop him from stealing all the food." Link said frowning as he walked away. (And both Links began to argue on their way there).

"Um...what to do..." Chris wondered.

"I'll go to the town and look for those 4." Geno said walking away.

"Z-Zidane? Can you show us the town?" Vivi asked with both PK users on both sides.

"Of course! Follow me!" Zidane said.

"Um..." Chris kept wondering. "(5-star food, Wolf's battle, 5-star food, Wolf's battle, 5-star food...)"

"I' to go to the town if you don't mind." Lucario said blushing a little.

"...Huh? What? Oh, okay! Let's go!"

Industrial District

Zidane, Chris, Lucario and Wolf walked between the buildings and Zidane stops in front of a bar that he knows. "I can't stand the food at the castle. It's way too high-class for my tastes. How can anyone get full on that stuff?" He asked to himself.

"Good, since I'm not that hungry, I would kill you right now for saying that." Chris said.

"The cheap food here is a lot better. Today's special is..." The bandit looked at the menu. "Soup du Silence. Not bad."

"Soup du silence?"

"It's good stuff, believe me!"

"I thought he was going to replace "me" with "it" for a moment..." Lucario said.

"...Yes, Lucario, I miss watching Naruto too..." Chris trailed off as they entered inside.


As they got in, they stopped right in front of the desk and Wolf decided to sit down on a seat before the trio did. "Yo, Pops. I'll have the stupid special." Zidane said rudly.

"What manners..." Chris said sarcastically, then, there she was, the lady in red clothes drinking peacefully on a seat close to the counter. "(Ooooohhh, there she is...)" He quickly sat down close to her, but sometimes he looked away to not get her attention as Lucario sat to his right.

"Who said that!? Zidane... I figured it was you." Bobo, the owner of the bar, said a little angry.

"How've you been?" Zidane asked grinning a little.

"Alright, I guess... Have a seat. Your soup'll be ready in a minute." Bobo said and Zidane nodded, then, a waitress stops right next to him and he starts a conversation (flirting with her to be precise) as the others were sitting.

"...Wolf..." Chris trailed off as he glanced to Wolf, who looked at him with a glare and snarled a little.

"...Alright kid, it's better to tell you what happened before you keep annoying me for the rest of the day." Wolf said irritated.

"I was waiting for this moment! Tell us what happened in that battle!" Chris said excited.

"...Ugh...fine, but I won't repeat it again." Wolf said frowning.

"...Wait a were going to say a lie!" Lucario said grunting at him.

Wolf began to sweat a little. "Wh-what is he blabbing about?! I-I was going to tell you the truth!"

"Chris, don't listen to him, he was trying to hide something from his story to cover what really happened."

Then, the Aura Pokémon closed his eyes and received a telepathy talk from Mewtwo, from the Smash Mansion. "(Lucario, I warn you, if you ever tell anyone about what happened, I'll make sure to torture you slowly but painfully!)" Mewtwo said furiously.

"(Just try it, Chris will never allow you to do such thing.)" Lucario said before he looked at Chris, ending the telepatic talk "I know now what happened in reality..."

"Why is Wolf aiming his Blaster at you?" Chris asked and Lucario quickly turned his head to Wolf, who hid the Blaster behind his back. "..."

"...Now, let me tell you what happened..."


Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen

Viridian Forest

The four henchmen surrounded the Psychic Pokémon, some were cracking their fists and others were doing different movements to prepare to attack him. "Interesting, 4 against 1..." Wolf said darkly.

"I will not need more help from anyone else to defeat all of you at the same time." Mewtwo said bluntly. "How amusing...another Charizard..."

"Got a problem with that?" Charizard asked snarling.

"No, let's see how you fare against my power!"

"CHARGE!" The 4 generals said in unison, charging after Mewtwo.

...But, oddly enough, Charizard tripped and began to roll towards Mewtwo and Wolf who raised their eyebrows (if Mewtwo had one) and were run over by the heavy Pokémon. "...I can't believe I was ran over by him..." Mewtwo said as he got up and quickly evaded Ganondorf's Warlock Punch.

"Wolf! Get the Subspace Gun!" Ganondorf ordered and Wolf stopped in front of him.

"Why should I use that bulky gun? Use it yourself!" Wolf grunted as he got up and pointed to the table with wheels and grey mantle covering the Subspace Gun near a tree, telling also where Chris got the things to take Wolf's trophy to the mansion. "Hell no I'm not going to use that thing!"

"Do as I say!"

"Make me!"

Both began to grunt menacingly to each other before Charizard shot a Flamethrower to Mewtwo, who teleported out of the way and the flames got both villains.

When the fire cleared out, they had their bodies covered in ashes. "...Shouldn't we fight against him rather than argue?" Ganondorf asked.

"You! Stupid dragon! Be more careful where you shoot that fire!" Wolf shouted angrily to Charizard.

"Hmph, it's not my problem!" Charizard said smirking a little.

Mewtwo was busy getting away from Dedede who tried to catch up with him as he panted heavily. "" King Dedede said panting as Mewtwo chuckled.

"Heh, try to catch me, I doubt you'll make it without hel-"


Mewtwo crashed right into a tree's branch and fell on the floor as his eyes spun around a little in confusion. " the world...spinning around me?" He asked confused before Dedede threw a Waddle Dee at him. "Hello..."

Ganondorf sweatdropped at this. "...That was unexpected, coming from Mewtwo, Dedede or Charizard! Get the Subspace Gun right now!"

"Heck no, I'm not using that weird gun!" Charizard said glaring at him.

"Mah hammer is better than that dingo dingy gun!" Dedede said spinning his hammer a little.

"Tabuu told us to use it on Mewtwo if we got the chance, now obey his orders!" Ganondorf said angrily.

"And why don't you use it?!" Charizard asked making a point.

"I'm the lord of all evil! I'm recognized for using magic and not guns!"

"Then I'm the lord of all the idiots and have a right to not use it too!"

Mewtwo, meanwhile, was trying to regain his composture as he floated around the place, as his head moved awkwardly. "What a day is this..." He said as the quartet were still arguing.

King Dedede was getting furious by this talk that he finally decided to sneak towards the gun to shoot at Mewtwo while he floated around confused.

"USE IT!" Wolf yelled furiously.

"USE IT!" Charizard yelled angrily.

"USE IT!" Ganondorf yelled enraged.

"This ain't getting us anywhere!" King Dedede said as he revealed the Subspace Gun from the mantle and he aimed the gun at Mewtwo. "Dragon! Attack him while I prepare dah gun!"

"WHAT?!" Charizard roared as he looked to the currently dumb Mewtwo, who kept floating around, saying very awkward things. "BURN!" Charizard roared again firing his Flamethrower to Mewtwo...but...

"...Chris, you're going to be more surprised at this part..." Lucario said outside the flashback.


Mewtwo quickly jumped (literally) out of the Flamethrower's way...ballerina style? "I'm a butterfly...a sweet, pretty butterfly..." Mewtwo sang.


"I even can't picture him doing that, it's stupid!"

Lucario quickly skipped all the ballerina jumps Mewtwo was doing until 30 minutes later, Wolf and Ganondorf even didn't do anything to help the dragon who burned the entire area down because they were still arguing (the fire even caught them, but they became numb to the pain), for his misfortune, Mewtwo regained his composture and glared at him. "You...insolent idiots!" Mewtwo said charging up a Shadow Ball.

"GUYS! A HAND WOULDN'T BE SO BAD RIGHT NOW!" Charizard yelled and both villains looked at him.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU GRABBED HIM?!" Dedede asked irritated as he charged up the gun.

"You didn't saw him?! He was dancing around all over the place!"

"Well, it was very hard to aim, since you couldn't stop firing your fire every 3 seconds, you even burned the entire area!" Dedede pointed out.

Wolf flexed his claws and glared at Mewtwo. "This time, I'm not going to fail! YAH!" He quickly dashed above the ground and reached the Psychic Pokémon trusting his claw, but Mewtwo teleproted out of the way and used Confusion to stop the grey vulpine. "LET ME GO!"

"I won't do that." Mewtwo said before Ganondorf came behind him, pushing him using his arm to set Wolf free.

"THE GUN IS ALMOST READY TO FIRE, HURRY!" Dedede yelled as the gun began to shine brightly.

Mewtwo, however, chuckled. "I bet I can get out of here before that gun even hits me."

"I doubt it!" Ganondorf said trying to crush Mewtwo into a nearby tree using his force, but the Pokémon teleported out of the way and appeared right in front of Wolf.

"I'll finish you off now!" Mewtwo said raising his glowing hand above Wolf.

"You wouldn't dare!" Wolf taunted.

"FIRE!" Time began to slow down and Wolf saw a black arrow being fired towards him, his eyes widened when the arrows touched his body and turned him into a trophy, but Mewtwo quickly beagn to float away chuckling.

"It's that all the speed of tha shot? How stup-"


Unfortunately, he hit a charred tree with great force on his head that made him to have a very dumb face as the arrow touched his body and turned him into a trophy, also explaining the image on the charred tree that Chris saw before.

"THERE! WE CAUGHT HIM!" Dedede said triumphaly.

"But we "got" Wolf too!" Charizard said.

However, the 3 villains began to chuckle evily as they glanced down at Wolf's trophy.

"Heh, that's what he gets for not obeying us." Ganondorf said kicking the trophy away.

"He was starting to get annoying anyway." Charizard said smirking.

"Yeah, nobody orders me around!" Dedede said before a lightning (probably from Tabuu) crashed down to him and he coughed. "A-alright! Nobody except Tabuu does!"

"So, we leave him here?" Charizard asked.

"But of course, let him alone get lost in this world. Charizard! Carry our new trophy!" Ganondorf said as Charizard took Mewtwo's trophy below his arm.

"It's a pleasure, now let's scram."

End of flashback

Final Fantasy lX


"...So...both of you...messed it up?" Chris asked.

"...I'm afraid so..." Wolf said frowning to himself before he looked at Lucario. "Wait, I don't remember that last part."

"It appears they were already planning to throw you away from the army." Lucario said.

"But what happened to Mewtwo in the Subspace?" Chris asked.

"Tabuu tried to use the Shadow Bugs to get Mewtwo, but he was stronger to be manipulated, so Tabuu didn't had any choice left but to throw him in the Dark World of Aether, where the Shadow Bugs got stronger by the atmosphere and thus, he was manipulated."

Wolf slammed his fist in the counter. "Those idiots backstabbed me from behind?!"

"I-it appears so..." Chris said trembling.

"Grr! Once I see them again, I'll cut their throats in half!"

"...You know, I'll be glad to help you in an-"

"Don't do that, this is something I need to do by myself."

At that moment, the woman to Chris's left spoke when Zidane was still flirting with the waitress. "Hey, monkey-tail, you're disturbing the other customers." She said as she took her drink.

Zidane turned to her and the waitress walked away with the food. "What the-you've got a tail, too, rat-face!"

"BUUUURN!" Chris said.

"CHRIS!" Lucario said angrily.

"S-sorry, I-I got carried away..."

The woma lowered her drink slowly. "Rat-face... After I finish my drink, I'm gonna kick your butt."

"I want to see that." Wolf said crossing his arms, smirking a little. (Chris wondered how he snapped out of his rage just a moment ago).

"Hey, Zidane, take it outside." Bobo said, when the woman looked at Zidane, he gasped.

"Long time, Zidane." She said as she got out from her seat.

"Hey! What's up!?" Zidane asked cheerfully but stopped to get in a thinking position. "Wait a minute..."

"You forgot my name?"

"No, I remember. You're Helga, right?"



"No!" She said irritated.

Zidane snapped his fingers. "...Oh yeah! You used to live next door to me. How's it going... Ratchel? Man, you've really gotten...big."

Rache-I mean, the woman clenched her hands. "You nasty little-"

"Brat." Wolf finished.

Since Chris already wanted to finish this, he took the iniciative. "Hey! I know you, you're Freya!"

The woman looked at him. " did you knew my name?"

He sweated. "I...hear around?"

"You know her?" Zidane asked surprised.

"Wait...if you know my name, did anyone named Fratley told you?!" Freya asked shocked.

"N-no! I just hear from somebody in a private conversation, I swear!"

Zidane decided to speak. "...So, how've you been, Freya?"

Freya shook her head and sat back on her chair. "...Same old Zidane."

Zidane sat to her left. "How long has it been?"

"About 3 years."

"Hey, did you ever find out anything about your boyfriend?"

"No..." She said looking to Chris, who began to sweat a little.

"So... What brings you to Lindblum?"

"The Festival of the Hunt. What else? It's a good opportunity to test my skills."

Wolf glanced to Freya. "Festival of Hunt?"

"The Festival of Hunt is a great event where monsters are released into the streets of the whole city and all the people watch from their houses how all the hunters kills them, whoever gets the most points, he or she receives a great prize, whatever they want!" Zidane explained.

"...Hm...that doesn't sounds too bad..." Wolf muttered.

Zidane looked at Freya. "Oh... Well, I'm sure you'll find him someday."

"Aren't you participating?" Freya asked.

"...Nah. I think I'll pass."

"Lazy bum." Freya and Wolf said in unison and they shook their heads afterwards.

"...Are you ever gonna go back?"

"I have no reason to return to Burmecia. There is nothing there for me anymore."

"Hey, you, I want to know where I can sign to enter the festival." Wolf said, rahter interested.

"If you want to sign up, you need to go the Grand Castle and request a permit to participate, it's easy." Freya said.

"...What are the prizes?" Lucario asked.

"Whatever you want."

Lucario looked at Chris, who was already eating his soup. "...Then, I'll enter."

Chris began to choke a little but gasped for breath. "W-why are you entering?"

"I want to see if I can get something good, also, I want to test my abilities as Freya."

"...Something is telling me you're doing it for another reason..."

Lucario sweated a little. "N-no..."

Airship Hangar

We change the scene to Lindblum's Grand Castle, in the Airship Hangar where Garnet, both Links, Zelda and Regent Cid were walking around. "What is this place?" Garnet asked.

"The heart and soul of Lindblum: our airship dock. This is Dock No. 1, where we conduct our research gwok." Regent Cid said as Toon Link ran ahead and admired the empty spaces.

"Wow! You mean there are even bigger airships?!" Toon Link asked excited.

"Of course, gwok."

"But...where are the airships?" Zelda asked.

"Lonely, isn't it...? We had a new airship model in here about 6 months ago. It was our latest creation; it didn't require Mist to fly."

"Zidane told me mist is needed to fly airships here, right?" Link asked and Zelda nodded.

"The man who attacked you...was he the one who ran off with it?" Garnet asked to Cid.

"Good guess, but no... Actually... I met a lovely lady at the pub..."


"What?" Link and Zelda asked confused while Toon Link was just about to fall from the floor since he slipped accidentaly.

"When Hilda found out about my little affair, she used her magic and turned me into an oglop. Then she stormed off in the new airship, which I named Hilda Garde. Pretty ironic, eh?...... She hasn't been back ever since gwok. I've been working on Hilda Garde 2, but it hasn't been going too well. My mind just isn't the same as an oglop. I'm hopeless... But that doesn't mean I can't help you. I'll do my best for Alexandria."

"..." Zelda began to tremble as she imagined Regent Cid as C. Falcon. "YOU SMARTY LITTLE DORK!" She lunged at him and began to attack him endlessly, trying to kill the king oglop.

"Z-ZELDA! STOP!" Link said trying to pull Zelda away from the king. "HEY! HELP ME HERE!"

"C-COMING!" Toon Link said getting back on the floor and helping Link to drag Zelda away from Cid, who was twitching a little on the floor as Garnet saw the trio getting away.

"...Thank you... But with South Gate badly damaged, I don't know how we can get to Alexandria..."

Regent Cid dusted off his cape. "Don't worry. South Gate is being repaired as we speak. Once the repairs are finished, we'll go to Alexandria." He backed away when Zelda tried to murder him behind Garnet, who ignored her and began to thought secretly if Zelda was a person to trust.

"Yes. I'm sure Mother will finally open her eyes to the truth."

"...." Cid didn't spoke.

"Uncle, is something wrong?"

"Huh? No, I was just thinking...about how the theater ship crashed. Baku sure has good men working under him..."

The next day...


"Vivi! Let's go!" Ness said running down the stairs.

"I-I'm coming!" Vivi and Lucas shouted running down the stairs.

The Smashers decided to take a rest to regain their energies, we now see Lucario sleeping with Chris leaning to his chest, because the World Traveler began to shiver a little but his Pokémon wrapped him to keep him warm.

"...I like this so warm..." Chris said while he was sleeping on Lucario's chest, moving a little that made Lucario to growl happily, licking his forehead.

But then, Zidane walked inside and found both of them sleeping together, then, the bandit walked towards them and touched Chris. "Chris? Are you awake?"

"Grrr..." Lucario grunted silently so Zidane couldn't hear him.

"Chris? Wake up!" He shook him a little.


"C'mon! Do you want to see the town?"


"Let's go!"


Zidane backed away a little from the grunting, sleeping Pokémon. "...Oh...well..." He walked away, but then, returned and shook Chris violently. "WAKE UP!"


"So, where do you want to go?" Ness asked to Vivi as the trio walked down, and a familiar blue explosion with a familiar, menacing roar were created behind them back in the Inn but they ignored it.

"I-I want to go to that shop over there..." Vivi said pointing to a shop.

Lucas could have sworn someone was singing "DIRI! DI-RI!" somewhere, even the background of the shop was white while the shop bounced from time to time, the label of the shop had this on it: "Convenient Store."

"I-I don't think that shop looks good..." Lucas said sweating a little after they walked ahead of the weird shop. "What about that one?"

Vivi's Shopping

Not the Convenient Store, that's for sure

"Do you have bombs?"


"Do you have arrows?"


"Do you have Deku Nuts?"

"No, only Kupo Nuts."

"Do you have Red Potion?"


"Do you have Bait?"


"Do yo-"

"NO! I DON'T HAVE ANYTHING YOU'RE ASKING TO ME! HAPPY?!" Alice yelled angrily after spending a "beautiful" time with Toon Link, who kept asking for things she didn't had.

"Geez, you didn't had to be so mad about it." Toon Link said frowning, walking away to the exit as Alice blushed embarrassed. "You guys!" He found the trio reading a sign, telling about the Festival of Hunt while Vivi had a Kupo Nut in his right hand.

"Wow, there's gonna be a festival!" Vivi said excited.

"Sweet! I like festivals!" Ness said.

"Festival? With Candy?" Lucas asked as they walked towards Alice, where they saw Toon Link. "Oh, hi there..."

"Did I interrupted something?" Toon Link asked.

"No...I don't think so..."

Vivi was already in the counter showing the nut with Ness. "Hi. I wanna buy this."

"Oh, are you friends with the moogles?" Alice asked interested.

"Huh?" Vivi and Ness asked confused.

"That item is called a Kupo Nut. Kupo Nuts are moogles's favorite food."

"Oh. I didn't know that." Vivi said.

"That's too bad, I thought it was candy by the smell." Ness said.

"I thought it was like the sesame beans of my grandpa..."

"I think that's the last one... Go ahead, honey. It's on me." Ailce said smiling a little.

"Really!? Thank you!" Vivi said nodding.

"Hey, what is this Festival of Hunt?" Toon Link asked after he readed the sign.

"Well, we let a bunch of animals loose and..." Alice trailed off.

"(Oh, there's gonna be a lot of animals.) "It sounds like fun! Thank you!" Vivi said happily.

"Animals? Like rabbits? I want to see rabbits!" Lucas said.

"I want to see the PIGS!" Toon Link said.

"I want to see the birds!" Vivi said.

"I want to see the bears!" Ness said and the trio stared at him. "...What?"

"How can bears be funny?" Toon Link asked as they ran outside, questioning him.

Alice got in a thinking position. "What's so fun about fighting savage beasts...? Wait a minute! Did I say 'animals' again?!" She asked to herself alarmed.


Theater District

"Here's my hideout, pretty awesome, huh?" Said a very beaten up Zidane shwoing Chris and Lucario his hideout, which was currently empty inside the clock tower.

"It is, but doesn't the sound of the bell gets annoying after a while?" Chris asked while Zidane leaned to a gear.

"You'll get used to it."

"Lucario, why was Zidane twitching in pain in our room?"

Zidane looked away scared when Lucario glared at him. "He tripped, that's all." Lucario said.

"Oh, I see..." He said before the bell starts to ring and they look above the hideout.

"Geez, it's that late already... I wonder what Dagger's doing..." Zidane wondered.

"We haven't seen her in a while..." Lucario said.

What can I do?

Guest's Room

Garnet was talking with Zelda and Link when the bell suddenly rings and they look at the window, outside. "...A bell's ringing... A performance in the Theater District must've just ended."

"They have plays here?" Zelda asked.

"I know that because Uncle Artania once showed me."

"Is there anything you need, Your Highnesses?" An elite guard came asking.

"No, thank you. I'm thinking of going outside and having a look around, Zelda wants to do it too."

"I'm sorry, Your Highnesses, but we cannot grant this request. Right now, there are many people coming to Lindblum for the Festival of the Hunt. Therefore, things are quite chaotic in town, making security rather difficult. Also, very few people know of your presence here. It's for your own safety. Please understand."

"Okay, I understand..."

"Wait, what is the Festival of Hunt?" Link asked interested.

"A festival where we set monsters on the loose around the castle, hunters need to kill as many as they can to raise at the highest rank, if somebody can win, he or she is named the "Master Hunter." The elite guard explained.

"Hmm...where can I sign to enter?"

"Link, are you planning to enter?" Zelda asked.

"Yes! It's probably a good idea to do something interesting in this place!"

"What about finding those 4 minions?"

"Chris and the others can take care of them, I know, e-excuse me, can you show me where to sign?"

"Certainly sire, follow me." The guard said leading Link to sign.

"...I can't stand sitting around like this. I didn't come here to be protected. I just want to help Mother..." Garnet said as she looked away outside. "...And I know, I'm very remarkable."

"H-how did you knew I was going to say that?" Zelda asked a little surprised.

"Because it's the 47th time already!"

Theater District

Zidane just finished talking with 2 kids and he looked at the 2. "I wonder if she got to talk to Cid... Maybe I should go see her..." He wondered.

"Zidane? Where are you going?" Chris asked.

"I'm going to see Dagger, want to come?"

"...O-oh well, we have nothing better to do..." Chris said as the trio walked outside...and they found 4 rather shady guys looking at them with tough faces. "..."

"Hey, you punks, yeah, you!" A person with red clothes called them.

"Chris..." Lucario trailed off blinking bored.

"Do you think we're that stupid?! GET THEM!" Chris yelled raising his staff in the air and the 4 shady guys gasped.


"We're dead!" Yellow Ninjakoopa yelled.

"..." Black Ninjakoopa didn't spoke because he had his mouth blocked with bandages.

"YOU'RE NOT GETTING AWAY!" Lucario said enraged as they chased them down.

Not far away from there, Wolf was leaned to a wall with crossed arms. "Hmph, I need to wait a little it longer for the festival to boring..."

"YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" The Koopa Bros revealed their identities, screamed and ran in front of him with a confused look on his face.

"GET THEM! THEY'RE THE MINIONS!" Chris yelled and Wolf watched the trio getting away.

"...Pfft, fine, but I'll take it as a warm up for the festival." Wolf said before he followed them.

"OH NO!" Yellow Ninjakoopa yelled when he saw Geno on the middle on their way charging up his Geno Beam.

"FIRE!" Geno yelled firing the beam towards the Koopas, but they ducked in terror and the beam went above them, even the chasers rolled out of the way of the beam.

"HA-HA! SUCKER!" Red Ninjakoopa said running away with the rest of his brothers.

"Get back here and return the Star Spirit!" Geno demanded running after them, joining the previous group in the process.

Business District

Steiner was seen walking aimlessly around the Business District, why? Because the city was so big that he got himself lost as he groaned and threw his arms down. "Why is this city so big? I do not know how to return to the castle now!"

"GET OUT, STEEL CAN!" Green Ninjakoopa said pushing Steiner out of the way while the 4 ninjas ran over him leaving footprints on his armor.

"...First, I got lost, then the next things are those weirdos running all over me...what's next?" Steiner asked while his face was still on the floor.

What was next was that the Smashers and Zidane didn't saw him on the floor and ran completely over him (although Wolf was aware of that, so he stomped on him) and they ran away to catch the Koopa Bros.

"" Steiner asked with an accusing finger before he fainted.

Vivi, Ness, Lucas and Toon Link were walking down the shops talking about the animals of the festival. "So, why do you think they set animals on the loose here? Doesn't that sounds a little weird to you?" Ness asked.

A kid walked right next to them and overheard the conversation. "What do you mean? We don't set animals on the loose, we set monsters on the loose." He said before he walked away.

"..." The group didn't spoke and looked at each other. "M-MONSTERS?!"

"W-why they would set monsters free?!" Lucas asked terrified.

"Because many hunters come to the castle and the regent takes notice about that that he decided to make a festival like this one!" The kid from before shouted from afar.

"But isn't there another reason for that?" Toon Link asked.

"To be named the Master Hunter, a very important title!" The kid shouted before he disappeared from sight.

"Master Hunter? Hmm..."

"...D-don't tell me you're going to enter..." Vivi said studdering a little.

"Hey, I want to have a title! Just think about it! "Link, the Master Hunter."

"You mean Toon Link, the Master Hunter." Ness pointed out.

"SHUT UP! MY NAME IS NOT TOON LI-YAAAAAAHHHHH!!!" The cartoony Link was ran over by the Koopa Bros who didn't slowed down and got away.

"Those were the same idiots from before!" Ness said remembering.

"GUYS!" Chris called from afar and they looked at him.


"R-right! C-come back here!" Lucas said as he started to run.

"G-get back here, you scumbags!" Vivi yelled while he ran with both PK users.

"Alright! You learned it!" Zidane said triumphaly as both groups joined the chase.

...But they left Toon Link on the floor, when Steiner was seen running to him with the footprints still on his armor. "L-Link! Are you alright?!"

"I-I guess so..." Toon Link said as he got up.

"We must make haste and catch all those thieves!"

"You mean the turtles right?"

"No! I meant Zidane and those weird persons!" He said when he started to chase them down.

"W-wait! Don't do that!" Toon Link said alarmed, joining the chase.

When all the 10 joined together to capture the Koopa Bros...well, we're going to change the scene to the dragoon, Freya, who was conveniently staring at the clouds near a fence, on the other side of the fence, there was a long abyss where the city expanded with more houses. "The sky looks ominous... Something's about to happen. Sir Fratley, where are you?... I need you..." She muttered to herself in sorrow.


Freya watched rather amused when 4 weird turtles dressed in ninja's clothes jumped over the fence, then, she found Zidane's group stopping where the turtles jumped and watched them celebrating. "What's happening?"

"Yeah! Yeah! We're away from you, how's that?!" Red Ninjakoopa said jumping happily.

"We so totally owned you guys!" Yellow Ninjakoopa said laughing.

"You can't catch us now!" Green Ninjakoopa said happily.

Black Ninjakoopa removed the bandages from his face and spoke. "Heheh, catch..."

"Well..." Freya began when she walked towards the Smashers while she was still looking at the Koopas. "You do have a point, nobody is stupid enough to jump over a fence that has a deep abyss."

"That's right!" Red Ninjakoopa said before he stopped laughing when he saw that the floor was quite far away from his feet. "...Um...why are we floating in midair?"

"Don't be stupid! We can't float in midai-" Yellow Ninjakoopa looked down. "...Oh crap..."

"QUICK! TO SAFE FLOOR!" Green Ninjakoopa said alarmed flailing his arms and legs.

"Heheh, too late..." Black Ninjakoopa said chuckling.

"SHUT THE HECK AND HELL UP BLACK! AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" The Koopa Bros. fell straight down the abyss, where they crashed into a roof of a random house and moaned in pain.

"..." Geno looked down the fence. "Shouldn't we capture them?"

"Nah, they will probably look for us again." Zidane said.

"I think he is right..." Chris said.

"Zidane, may I ask what happened here?" Freya asked interested.

"Well..." Zidane trailed off.

Garnet's Song

And suddenly, someone was singing somewhere in the castle and they looked around for the source. (But Lucario rather sat on the floor and enjoyed it).

"Laaaaa, la, la,, la, la, la, la,, laaa, la, la, la, laaa, la, la, lala laaa...laaa la la laaa! Lala..." The person sang with a beautiful voice that echoed through the castle.

"That was beautiful..." Geno remarked.

"...Where is the thief?!" Steiner asked as he looked around for Zidane who instantly disappeared.


Zelda and Garnet were high above the terrace of the Grand Castle, the princess of Hyrule listened to the princess of Alexandria's song, it was very peaceful that even attracted a flock of white birds that sat around the place. "Garnet...your song is excellent...and beautiful..." Zelda said.

"...Thanks." Garnet said smiling a little as she finished.

"But do you remember where did you hear it to sing it?"

"...I don't know. I can't even remember where I learned it. I sing it whenever I feel sad or lonely... For some reason, it comforts me and reminds me that I'm not alone."

"So, you were the one singing." Zidane said as he walked towards both princesses.

"Z-Zidane! How did you get in here?!"

"I'm a thief, I should know how to sneak into places, Lindblum's Grand Castle is no exception."

"That's why you're in Baku's group..."

"Hey, Dagger. So when do you wanna go on that airship cruise?"

"What are you talking about?" Garnet and Zelda asked confused before Zidane gasped.

"(What am I thinking!? I asked the girl at the...) Never mind."

" sounds like you've asked the wrong girl." Zelda said.

"Wait. I-I can explai-"

"Why bother? Go have a wonderful time." Garnet said a little annoyed, looking away.

"Oh, man... Okay, how about this? If I get first place in tomorrow's hunting festival, you and me'll go out on a date!"

"How does that have anything to do with her?" Zelda asked.

"Come on. Pleaaase."

"...Fine." Garnet responded, grunting silently.

"What!?" Zelda asked surprised. "B-but that was all of a-"

"Okay, it's a date!" Zidane said interrupting Zelda, then he ran away.

"...I-I don't understand why you accepted his deal!"

"..." Garnet didn't spoke.

"...Garnet? Is something wrong?"

"W-what? No... I'm fine..."

Varios places around Lindblum

"It may be tradition, but this is a dreadful festival. So many lives lost each year, especially because of him..." A soldier said as a carriage loaded with Fangs (wolf monsters) shook violently.

"Hardly. The festival is a test of manhood. I tingle with excitement every year." The officer said while he kept looking at the carriage.

"This is the last carraige. All the preparations for the Festival of the Hunt are complete."

"Very good. Now we wait for the signal."

"Yes, sir."

The carriage opens quickly and the soldier and officer runs away scared, but the captain, who was staring at another way, didn't escaped as a Fang stands behind him.

"The fangs have been freed." Another soldier in a different area announced.

"What!? We haven't even received the minister's authorization!" Another officer said alarmed.

"We believe that they're going to release 'him' any minute."

"Alright, release the Mus before they let him loose. Hurry!"

The 2 ran away when another carriage released the Mus (blue squirrels like monsters) who began to spread around the city.

Meanwhile, in another different area...

"All is ready!" A voice shouted.

"Alright. Standby!" A soldier said.

"This year's specimen is perfect. Nothing can stop him! Ha ha ha! What power!" The breeder of the monsters said as a huge cage shook violently with force below him, then, the Koopa Bros were shown hiding behind some bushes as the stared at the cage and smirked in unison.

"I think we got our monster to get revenge on them..." Red Ninjakoopa said.

"Sweet, slow revenge." Yellow Ninjakoopa said.

"Hehehe, now, let's call the Shadow Bugs and take control of him." Green Ninjakoopa suggested and Black Ninjakoopa nodded.

"Heheh, Shadow Bugs..." Black Ninjakoopa said chuckling.

"Hey, make him stop! It's too early to let him loose!" The soldier yelled.

"How? I have no control over him." The breeder said calmly.

"Damit! Open the gate at once! The gate's gonna fall apart!"

"GO, ZAGHNOL!" The breeder yelled enthusiastically and the big, swine-like monster, Zaghnol, ran when the cage was opened, then the Koopas snuck between the buildings as the Shadow Bugs began to appear behind them...

Guest's Room

The entire group were waiting in the room to be called to the festival, even Freya was there leaning to the wall with crossed arms (with Wolf), both Links were training a little by swinging their swords and checking their equipment.

"(Where's Zidane?)" Vivi thought.

Steiner tried to cheer Garnet up since she looked a little depressed. "Please, Princess. You might actually enjoy it."

"Okay..." Garnet said nodding worried.

"(Garnet...)" Zelda thought on her mind.

"(I wonder if Zidane has improved his skills...)" Freya thought as she glanced to Wolf, who glared at her, earning also a grunt, before Zidane appears and they look at him.

"Hey, guys. Sorry I'm late." Zidane said scratching his neck.

Chris and Lucario were talking between themselves, even Chris changed to his Swordsman job because he was getting a little hot (not the appearance one, the feeling one, mind you).

"I hope Vivi doesn't get surprised." Chris said.

"Why?" Lucario asked.

"Well, Zidane acts as "Vivi's father" and signs him in the festival even if he didn't signed."

"But you don't look that worried."

"Haha, of course not, I don't have to participate at all in this festival, I hate fighting with those Fangs, they're scary."

Lucario kneeled to him. "If you want, I will only hunt them down and kill them."


"Alright, let's begin." The elite guard in the room said.

= Festival of the Hunt =
Hunters, on your mark! Ferocious beasts swarm about the
castle town! The bigger the catch, the higher the score!
The time limit is 12 minutes. Use air cabs to go to other
districts. Once you lose in a battle, you will be forced to
retire. The winner will be crowned Master Hunter and
receive the hunter's reward. Who will come out on top?!

"What do you wish for your hunter's reward?" The guard asked.

"I'll go with Gil all the way!" Zidane said making a fist.

"I'll take an Add-on." Freya said.

"Gil, I guess..." Wolf said.

"Me too." Link said.

"Pigs!" Toon Link said and they stared at him in confusion.

"Chris, do you want anything special fo-OH NO!" Lucario gasped.

"A-HA! You entered because you wanted to make me happy with the prize!" Chris said proudly of his guess.

"...It was going to be a surprise..." Lucario said frowning before Chris quickly hugged him.

"I'm so happy now for your choice Lucario, you made me already very happy!"

"I...I'm very happy too..." Lucario said smiling a little. "...And what do you want?"

"Well, I was playing Tetra Master the other day an-"

"I'll choose a Card." Lucario said to the soldier quickly.

"..." Chris shook his head. "Well, I guess is time for Vivi to know he was signed without permission from Zidane, but if Zidane ever signed all of us, may I kill him with my sword and arrows!"

"And you, Mr. Vivi?" The soldier asked.

"WHAT?! I never signed up!" Vivi said very shocked.

"I thought you would do pretty well, so I signed you up. Don't worry. With your black magic, it'll be a piece of cake." Zidane said.

"I...I don't know..."

"Y-you can do it Vivi! I'm rooting for you all the way!" Lucas said before Zidane snapped his fingers.

"Hey guys! I signed everyone in the Festival of Hunt!" Zidane said.

"YOU BASTARD!" Chris said lunging at him.

"HEY! STOP! AH! DON'T STAB ME THERE! HEEEEEELP!" Zidane said running around the floor from the enraged Chris.

"That was very inconsiderate of you, Zidane." Freya said sarcastically.

"W-what?! I-I can't believe he signed me in too!" Lucas said.

"And me too..." Ness said frowning.

"...W-what if we work together to win?" Vivi suggested.

"...That's a great idea!" Ness and Lucas said in unison.

Chris lost Zidane for a minute and began to look around the room, but then, Zidane appeared behind Vivi to suggest him for a prize. "Oh!How about this? If you win, I'll fix you up for a date with Dagger." He whispered, making Vivi's yellow eyes to widen a lot as he trembled.

"Me and the princess?!" Vivi yelled shocked.

"SHHH! Keep it down!"

"THERE YOU ARE!" Chris said jumping above Zidane to stab him, but the bandit dodged the blow and continued to run around.

Steiner glared at the bandit when he heard Vivi saying something about her. "What was that!? You just mentioned the princess. What evil deeds are you plotting now!?"

"It's nothing, right, Vivi?!" Zidane asked as he ran around from Chris.

"Y-Yeah." Vivi said unsure.

"So, what would you like for your reward?" The soldier asked.

"Oh, um... I'll take a Card as Lucario if you don't mind..."

"Okay. Money, an Add-on, and...2 Cards. The festival will begin shortly. You all have different starting points. Hunters Zidane, Chris, Wolf and Toon Link will start in the Theater District, Hunters Freya, Geno and Lucas will start in the Industrial District, and Hunters Vivi, Ness and Link will start in the Business District."

"I don't get to stay with you?" Lucario asked.

"I-I'm sorry, there's nothing we can do about it..." Chris said sadly, he didn't wanted to participate because the monsters scared him, since they look scarier in this world, but the Aura Pokémon thought of a plan as he walked away alone, leaving Chris behind.

"N-Ness, we get to work together!" Vivi said excited.

"Yeah! Let's go and grab the title!"

"B-by the way, for what did you asked for a prize?"

"Candy, I wasn't able to think of a good prize..." Ness replied as both walked away with Link, while Lucas looked down ashamed for not being with Vivi.

"Cheer up, if you want, we can work together." Geno said.

Lucas looked to him and gave him a small smile. "O-okay! Thank you!" He said happily as the 2 walked away with Freya.

"Princess Garnet, Princess Zelda, let us go and watch Master Vivi win the festival!" Steiner said running to the bridge where the Zaghnol was previously held.

"After you." Zelda said and Garnet nodded, walking ahead of her.

Everyone left, except for Zidane, Chris, Wolf Toon Link and the soldier.

"Your starting point is the Theater District. You'll need to take an air cab to get there." The guard said and they nodded, walking towards the cab to the Theater District.

Bridge above the Zaghnol's cage

Hunter's Chance

"Such rudeness! Princess, they are treating you like a commoner!" Steiner said angrily pushing a spectator to let the princesses to have a watch of the festival, the whole city was above the buildings watching from the windows as all the monsters and hunters ran around to hunt them down.

"Oh, hush. We get a great view from here." Garnet said.

"I know Link is going to win." Zelda said.

"You're not going to cheer on the others?"

"I will, but Link has the upper hand."

"Hmm, you're right. I can see the entire town. Princess, look! Master Vivi is also participating!" Steiner said excited, pointing out the OBVIOUS.

"I can't believe it. He seemed to reluctant earlier." Garnet said.

"People change so quickly in this kind of events." Zelda said.

"MASTER VIVI!!! THE PRINCESS AND I ARE ROOTING FOR YOU!!!" Steiner yelled at the top of his lungs since all the spectators were cheering loudly.

"COME ON, VIVI!!! YOU CAN DO IT!" Garnet cheered loudly.


"No! Master Vivi!" Steiner gasped.

"Look out! Oh, gosh! I can't watch anymore!" Garnet said covering her eyes.

"Don't do that! We need to keep an eye on them for the whole event!" Zelda said.

"YOU CAN'T WIN JUST BY RUNNING! A GOOD OFFENSE IS THE BEST DEFENSE! ATTACK! You can't lose to that monkey Zidane and those other thieves! YES! THAT'S IT! NOW'S YOUR CHANCE! ONE MORE TIME! VIVI, BEHIND YOU! YES! GO!" Steiner continued to cheer loudly.

But what about the Zaghnol and the Koopa Bros?

"Hehehe...we got him..." Black Ninjakoopa said darkly.

Preview of the next chapter

"I-I won't hold back! Prepare!" Chris said running towards the Fang, but the wolf dodged the slash of his sword and lunged quickly at him with a grunt. "AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!"


"HAHAHAHAHA! NOW WATCH OUR POWER! GO! DARK ZAGHNOL!" Red Ninjakoopa said as Dark Zaghnol charged at the group while the 4 Koopas rode the swine above its back.

"This is going to get dangerous, be on your guards!" Freya warned them.


"Z-Zelda?!" Garnet gasped surprised.

"I'm not Zelda for now, I'm Sheik." Sheik said as she jumped high in the air and jumped from building to building.


"The time is up! The winner of the Festival of Hunt is..." The announcer said speaking to all the citizens of Lindblum, the Smashers, Zidane, Freya, Steiner, Garnet and Vivi waited anxiously for who won the event.


"Next time: The Festival of Hunt: Currently Hunting Koopas!" Freya said.

"Who are you?" Zelda asked to the weird creature staring at her.

"I'm the same moogle you kicked from the airship, kupo!" The moogle from before said angrily.

"And what are you doing here?"

"I'm here to save your progress, duh, kupo..."

Loading game data. Do not turn the power off or take Memory Card in Slot a...

Zidane, Garnet, Steiner, Vivi, Chris, Toon Link, Link, Zelda, Lucario, Ness, Lucas, Wolf, Geno
Cargo Ship

Overwrite file?


Saving. Do not turn the power off or take the Memory Card in Slot A...

Zidane, Garnet, Steiner, Vivi, Chris, Toon Link, Link, Zelda, Lucario, Ness, Lucas, Wolf, Geno
Lindblum's Theater District
(We counted the stay at the Inn, too, kupo).


Chapter 80: The Festival of Hunt: Currently Hunting Koopas!

Bridge above the Zaghnol's cage


"You're still here?" Zelda asked tapping her foot.


Zidane, Garnet, Steiner, Vivi, Chris, Toon Link, Link, Zelda, Lucario, Ness, Lucas, Wolf, Geno
Lindblum's Theater District

"THERE!" The moogle said angrily. "I'm going to report you for moogle abuse, kupo!" The moogle said angrily flying away, cursing.

"Pfft, moogle abuse, sure." Zelda said crossing her arms as Garnet and Steiner sweatdropped.

Theater District

Hunter's Chance

The 4 "hunters" arrived by the cab, Zidane quickly ran away, Wolf got out and went to his way, leaving Toon Link and Chris behind.

The World Traveler wasn't so sure in participating, gosh, he had the chance to kill Zidane but he let it go...

"Chris?" Toon Link called and Chris shook his head.


"Are you wondering about something?"

"'s just...I didn't wanted to participate in this thing..." Chris noticed that ever since he said "just," Toon Link already disappeared from his sight, leaving a yellow mark where he was supposed to be. "YOU STUPID BAS-"

"GRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!" A Fang appeared behind him, growling menacingly.

"YAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!" Chris ran for his live screaming like a lunatic and the Fang got a little insulted and began to chase him around.

"You're pathetic!" Wolf yelled appearing from the top of a roof and slashing his claws directly into the Fang's skin, the monster let out a yell of pain before it died.

"Hunter Wolf is taking the lead of the competition!" The announcer said and many began to cheer.

"...B-but why?" Chris asked stopping.

"If you want to win, you just have to kill these pathetic excuses for monsters!" Wolf replied with a glare.

"H-hey! I-I'm a little afraid of these monsters! I know, it's weird, but the monsters in this world are a lot scarier than other worlds!"

"Then don't stay quiet and get moving!"

"Hunter Ness and Vivi are taking the lead of the competition!"

Wolf grunted at the sky. "And look at what have you done! I'm losing to those kids, stop interrupting me!" He said angrily before running away.

"W-who said I was interrupting you! I didn't asked for your help!" Chris shouted angrily, pouting a little.



Industrial District

"Lucas! There's another parrot behind you!"

"PK FREEZE!" Lucas shouted freezing a Sparrow, then Geno threw his Rocket Punch on it, shattering the ice in pieces as his hand returned to him. "One more down!"

"It seems you have recovered your enthusiasm."

Lucas blushed a little and looked down. "...Y-yes..."

"Hunters Geno and Lucas are taking the lead of the competition!"

"You hear that? The crowd is wild." Geno said looking at the roof.

"I-it's not so bad after all...GENO!"

"GOT YOU!" Geno quickly spun and shot many bullets from his fingers, taking 3 Mus down.

" don't even need me help at all..."

"That's not true, if you didn't adviced me from those squirrels I could be in trouble."

"B-but you seemed like if they weren't there..."

"My reflexes are very high, I guess."

"Y-you're incredible Geno..." Lucas said crossing his arms behind his back.

Geno merely blinked but laughed a little. "Maybe..."

"N-now you lost it..."

"..." Geno rolled his eyes.

"Hunter Freya is taking the lead of the competition!"

"It seems Hunter Lani took the lead after Hunter Freya!"

"W-who's Lani?" Lucas asked.

"Maybe the woman with the big axe we saw earlier...c'mon! We have to keep killing these monsters!"

"I-I know!"

Business District


"FIRE!" Vivi and Ness yelled finishing a Mu and a Sparrow using fire attacks, when the monsters were killed, they cheered at this. "W-we're doing it!"

"See? I told you before, we're a strong team!"

"U-unfortunately, we're not on the top yet..."


"BLIZZARD!" Vivi casted quickly on a Sparrow that was diving down on him, but the cold attack got him in time and killed it.

"Hunters Vivi and Ness are now taking the lead!"

"You were saying?" Ness asked.

"N-nevermind that..."

"NESS! ROLL OUT!" Link yelled before a Fang was about to pin Ness down, but Link stabbed him in time and killed it. "Don't get in the way of those wolves, man, they're harder to beat than the other ones!"

"L-Link, how many monsters have you killed by now?" Vivi asked.

"About 2 birds and 2 wolves."

"And you haven't raised to the top yet?" Ness asked.

"It's a little harder than I expected it would be, there are many hunters around besides us, you know!"

"...Hey, Lucario should be here in this district, where is he?"

"...Hmm...I recall seeing a blue spot jumping towards the Theater District a moment ago...maybe it was him?"

"I-I wonder why did he went there, it seems there are many monsters in this district." Vivi wondered.

"Well, I heard there is this big bull that gives you a lot of points if you can kill it." Link said and both kids gasped a little.

"FIRST TO KILL IT IS THE BETTER SMASHER!" Ness yelled running off with a confused Vivi being dragged on his left hand.

"You cheater!" Link called before he began to run.

Theater District

"GERONIMOOOOO!!!" Zidane appeared from the air and slashed the Fang that was chasing Chris. "You gotta defend against them if you want to win you know!"

"Hunter Zidane is taking the lead now!"

"Alright! I have the date with Dagger if I keep up the good work!"

"T-thanks for rescuing me Zidane..." Chris said nodding his head a little ashamed.

"No problem, I wish you good luck!" He said before he leaped from the fence close to his hideout.

"It seems Hunter Chris is at the bottom of the rank with 0 points! Can he recover from this desperate state?!"

Chris only clenched his hands and tried to retrain his tears from coming, he wasn't a very good hunter and he unfortunately thought it was true.

Until another Fang showed up...

"I-I won't hold back! Prepare!" Chris said running towards the Fang, but the wolf dodged the slash of his sword and lunged quickly at him with a grunt. "AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!"

"GRRRRRR!!!" The Fang's...fangs were embedded into his skin as he yelled i pain.

"Get off me! Get off me!" Chris yelled hitting the Fang with his sword, then the monster jumped from him and he watched his blood on the Fang's teeth. "You...nasty...little..."

"GRRRRRR!!!" The Fang once again lunged at him with his claws prepared to slash Chris.

The World Traveler ducked in horror and waited for the attack of the monster, but then, he felt a sudden wind that touched his face and looked up to see the Aura Pokémon's back as he held the monster with his right hand, staring at him.

"GRRRRRRRR!!!" The Fang grunted menacingly at Lucario.

The Aura Pokémon pulled the monster closer to his face. "GUUUUUUUUAAAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!" Lucario roared loudly on its face, the monster began to whine a little before Lucario threw him towards a wall at full force, killing him in a strong blow for revenge. "Chris? Are you alright?" He asked kneeling to his trainer. "Your's bleeding..."

"I-it's okay...y-you don't have to worry about me..." Chris said sniffing a little.

"Are you...crying?"

Chris broke into tears and quickly hugged his Pokémon. "Lucario! I was so scared! T-that monster was going to kill me! And if you haven't appeared...I...I..."

Lucario hugged his trainer back and patted his head. "It's okay now...I'm going to stay with you until this festival ends..."

"And after that too?"

"Like always."

"Lucario!" Chris hugged Lucario tightlier. "You're the best Pokémon that I could wish for!"

"...The best?" Lucario repeated.

Inside his mind, there was a very happy Riolu jumping happily and excited after hearing his master's appreciation. "Yay! I saved my master from dying! And he told me I'm the best Pokémon he ever had before! I'm the best! I'm the best! I'm the best!"

"(Riiiiiiiiii!!!)" The voice of the Riolu rang inside Lucario's mind, the Aura Pokémon closed his eyes and growled happily as he rubbed his cheek with his trainer's cheek. "I will protect you no matter what, you can rest assured now."

"...Thank you..." Chris whispered before they got up and looked at each other with small smiles. "Lucario..."


"I have a favor to ask to you..."

He kneeled to him and looked down to the floor. "I'm listening."

"Could you please help me to get to the top of the festival to win it? I-I need someone to take care of me while I fight against the monsters."

"And what will I receive in exchange?"

"...You can call me Master as much as you want while we're here starting from now."

Lucario gasped and smiled at Chris. "Master! I won't let you down, I'm putting down all my strength at your service and for you!"

"(You nasty little dork, you didn't said that when we met the first time!)" Chris thought angrily. "Thank you so much Lucario! I knew you were going to help me after all!" Chris said very happily.

Lucario got up. "Shall we continue?"


"LUCARIO!" Chris quickly hid trembling behind Lucario's back after yet another Fang appeared growling at them.


Industrial District

"Hunter Freya has taken the lead for now!" The announcer said as Freya removed her lance from 3 dead bodies of Mus.

"I need to find something or someone to put my skills to test, anyone can find these monsters around the Alexandria kingdom's region by walking around." Freya said, suddenly, she began to feel on her feet a strong tremble from an enormous monster somewhere nearby and jumped very high in the air and landed on the roof of one of the many houses. "Maybe I found what I was looking for...wait...what the...they're the same retards that fell into the abyss a while ago...and what are they doing riding that monster's back?"

"Heheh, retards..." Black Ninjakoopa repeated.

"What was that, Black?" Yellow Ninjakoopa asked looking behind.

"He doesn't talk too much, remember?" Green Ninjakoopa said.

"No, that statement is clearly wrong, I do talk a lot, it's just that I was just trying to find the exact moment to be funny, that's why I repeat someone's word to try to sound funny, haven't I? Well, if you wondered about what I listened to a moment ago, then the answer would be the same girl that pointed out our lack of floor various hours ago, which made us to fall at high speed into a random house, and unfortunately, into someone's bath, and we took quite a beating from a fat woman before we got this bull-animal thing to control it and achieve our evil schemes once and for all to keep the Star Spirit away from them, but I know they won't do that even in a million years, because we're bright." Black Ninjakoopa explained. (0_0)

"Well, he's right for once, and I still have the headache." Red Ninjakoopa said.

"Look! It's the same girl from before!" Yellow Ninjakoopa yelled pointing to Freya.

"Let's show her who's the boss AND man around he-" Green, Yellow and Red Ninjakoopa did a double-take when a record scratched.


Black Ninjakoopa shifted his eyes. "...Heheh....paragraph..."

"...Naaah!" They said throwing their arms up.

"Anyway! See this new pet we have now? He will help us in destroying all of you, once and for all!" Red Ninjakoopa said determined.

They were riding the Zaghnol from the breeder, they managed to get control of it by using the Shadow Bugs, increasing its strength greatly.

"Well, if I can take down the 5 of you, my points are going to rise up to the top." Freya said lifting her lance.

"Pfft! Points? Who needs 'em?" Green Ninjakoopa said chuckling.

"We WILL show you! GO!" Red Ninjakoopa shouted pointing at Freya, the dragoon jumped high in the air and disappeared from sight. "Hey, where'd she go?"

Suddenly, Freya's lance fell at high speed from the sky and it was stuck on Dark Zaghnol's skin, then Freya came in and retrieved her lance from the monster as it roared in pain. "You rat-face! Don't do that!" Red Ninjakoopa yelled angrily.

"I'm just being a tactician, because I use my mind and not brute force to resolve my problems." Freya explained as she landed on the floor.

"Even so, that didn't do much damage to our little pet!" Yellow Ninjakoopa said proudly, slapping the monster.

In that moment, Geno and Lucas came in and gasped when they saw Dark Zaghnol stomping on the floor. "You're Freya, right?" Geno asked.

"Yes, I am." Freya responded.

"G-Geno! T-that monster was possesed by the Shadow Bugs!" Lucas said terrified.

"So those are the Shadow Bugs..." Geno trailed off.

"I don't know what you 2 are talking about, but, may as well ask for help to take those 5 down." Freya said.


"Because they pointed out that my lance didn't do much damage to the beast."

Geno prepared his rocket punch. "Then let's work together."

"Hunters Chris and Lucario are quickly rising up to the top! But Hunter Zidane is currently taking the gold!"

"G-Geno! We're forgetting about the festival!" Lucas said alarmed.

"Hmm...the first one that manages to take down the Zaghnol will get the points." Freya said.

"And if the Shadow Bugs increased its strength, then the points are going to be much more." Geno said.

"B-but don't forget, we need to cooperate!" Lucas reminded.

"HAHAHAHAHA! NOW WATCH OUR POWER! GO! DARK ZAGHNOL!" Red Ninjakoopa said as Dark Zaghnol charged at the group while the 4 Koopas rode the swine above its back.

"This is going to get dangerous, be on your guards!" Freya warned them.

"PK FREEZE!" Lucas shouted casting an ice glyph that exploded on Dark Zaghnol, but the pig didn't felt the cold, instead, Green Ninjakoopa did as was frozen.

"GREEN!" Yellow Ninjakoopa yelled punching the ice to break the ice.

"Forget about him! We're going to win this thing!" Red Ninjakoopa said determined. "DARK ZAGHNOL! START CHARGING UP YOUR ATTACK!"

Dark Zaghnol began to electrocute himself to charge an electric type attack before he ran after Geno, the puppet shot a fast rocket punch on its nose and rolled out of the way from the ramming attack. "Maybe this is going to be easy after all."

"THUNDAGA!" Red Ninjakoopa shouted at the sky.

"W-wait...Vivi told me that Thundaga was one of the most powerful magic and...LOOK OUT!" Lucas yelled terrorized after a purple tower appeared on the center on the area, after that, it exploded in a huge bolt of lightnings that spreaded around, delivering massive damage to the trio, depleting their health to the critical point. "...Help..." Lucas moaned in pain.

"Ugh...I underestimated them..." Freya said dropping on one knee.

"But nevertheless...we must defeat them...and retrieve the Star Spirit..." Geno said panting heavily.

"HAHAHAHA! SEE OUR POWERFUL POWER?!" Red Ninjakoopa said proudly.

"Heheh, power..." Black Ninjakoopa said chuckling.


"..God, they're bad at jokes..." Freya said frowning as she panted.

"I agree..." Geno trailed off recovering.

"Hunter Toon Link has taken the lead!"

"MY DAMM NAME IS NOT TOON LINK!" Toon Link shouted angrily from the Theater District.

"At this rate...I'm not going to win the festival..." Freya said.

"N-neither we will..." Lucas said weakly.

Dark Zaghnol began to stomp the floor as steam began to appear from his nostrils. "We're going to get a raise! We're going to get a raise! We're going to get a raise!" The Koopa Bros sang happily.

" us..."

"NOW CRUSH THEM!" Red Ninjakoopa yelled angrily, Dark Zaghnol prepared to crush the trio and then it rushed towards them, stomping the floor in rage while Freya, Geno and Lucas tried to stand up.

"...I guess this is it..." Freya muttered to herself.

"No is not!"

An arrow came from the sky and it hit the left eye of the Dark Zaghnol, making him to lose control and ram into a house (the Koopa Bros were sent flying straight to the wall by accident) and Link jumped from one of the buildings and ran to them.

"Is everyone alright?" Link asked.

"D-do we look alright to you?" Lucas asked.

" must defeat that thing..." Geno said panting.

Link glanced to Dark Zaghnol, who turned to him as the Koopa Bros rode his back again, shaking their heads. "You little son of a-!"

"Hunter Wolf took the lead once again!"

"Stupid little-"

"But Hunters Vivi and Ness took the lead after him!"

"Go f-"

"Hunters Lucario and Chris are now on the top!"

"Yourself and f-"

"Hunter Lani made a comeback!"

"Your mother and suck up your d-"

"ACHOO! Sorry!"

"You hear me?!" Red Ninjakoopa cursed but was interrupted consecutively.

"W-what is a d-" Lucas's mouth was quickly blocked by Geno.

"It's better if you don't know." Geno said frowning.

"Do you need any help?" Link asked.

"HERE IT COMES!" Lucas yelled and Link saw Dark Zaghnol charging at him while Red Ninjakoopa yelled like a barbarian, the Hero of Twilight ran towards it with his sword ready, but Red Ninjakoopa told Dark Zaghnol to stab his horns into him, but as soon as both were close, Link used both horns to climb its back and began to kick down every Koopa Bros to the floor, and the monster lost control of itself and crashed directly into another house's wall.

"YOU STUPID LITTLE PIECE OF SH-" Red Ninjakoopa was interrupted.

"Hunter Zidane is winning!"

Bridge above the Zaghnol's cage


"Link is going to win, he's fighting against that big swine." Zelda said.

"Blasphemy! If you kill weaker enemies like Master Vivi does, your rank is going to rise up faster!"

"Look, Lucario is hugging Chris." Garnet said.

"Those 2 are very close to each other." Zelda said.

"...Why is Chris's face a litte funny?"

"...I guess Lucario used his brute force, I know he has that because Mewtwo told me."


"At this rate, Zidane is going to win...and...I...accepted a deal...for a date...with..." Garnet's eyes began to grow wide by every second. "SOMEBODY WIN INSTEAD OF HIM! PLEASE! I BEG OF YOU!"

Garnet didn't noticed that she yelled even louder than any spectator, making Zelda and EVEN Steiner to back away a little from her (along with the spectators).

Industrial District

"L-Link! Do you want any help?" Vivi asked as he ran to Lucas with Ness.

"Lucas! Are you feeling okay?" Ness asked worried.

"N-no..." Lucas replied weakly.

"MORE IDIOTS! GREAT!" Red Ninjakoopa yelled laughing maniacally.

"...Don't tell anyone, but Red has turned into a power hungry fool or something..." Green Ninjakoopa whispered.

Power Hungry Fool

"What? Did I tell you to change the music?"

Hunter's Chance

"That's better."

"H-hey! I won't let this opportunity go off my hands! If we can kill this pig, then we'll win the festival!" Ness said excited.

"So am I." Link said, taking out his bow.

"G-guys! That monster is electrocuting himself!" Vivi said trembling.

"NOW WATCH MY POWER! THUNDAGA!" Red Ninjakoopa yelled loudly to the sky, and another purple tower appeared on the center.

"R-RUN! THAT ATTACK IS DANGEROUS!" Freya yelled trying to warn them.

But then, a huge explosion of lightning fell on the area and a cloud of smoke was created from the catastrophic magic.

"..." Freya was coughing, but when the smoke cleared out, she looked below and noticed she was being carried by someone.

"Hey, are you crazy or something? You were going to get killed back there!" Zidane said while he was grabbing Freya.


"Yeah, I know, you're my hero and all I want to date you anytime from now on since you're the most coolets hunter in th-"

"LET ME GO YOU STUPID PERV!" Freya yelled furiously, doing an uppercut on Zidane that make his nose to bleed like crazy, the reason? He was grabbing Freya...

...By her breast.

"OWW!!! MY NOSE! YOU BROKE IT!" Zidane said holding his nose in pain.


"H-hey! I saved your life! Didn't I?"


"I-it was accident! Who would marry and rat-face like you anywAYYYYYY!!!"

Freya grabbed Zidane by the throat. "YOU...DID...NOT...SAID...THAT...YOU HEAR ME?!"

"I...DIDN'T...I...SWEAR...IT...UGH..." Zidane said struggling from Freya's grip.

"HEY! YOU 2! COME DOWN AND BE KILLED!" Red Ninjakoopa called from below, before a familiar lance almost hits his crotch but hit the monster as it roared in extreme pain. "Y-YIKES! WOMEN ARE SCARY!"



Bridge above the Zaghnol's cage

"LOL." Said Steiner.

Industrial District

"...Oh...sorry..." Freya replied releasing Zidane from the grip of her hands.


"M-man...what's with you..." Zidane said wiping out the blood from his nose.

"Well, you tell me." Freya said crossing her arms.

"H-hello? Lady? Aren't you mad anymor-I mean, MWHAHAHAHA!" Red Ninjakoopa laughed maniacally.

"...Do you want to cooperate and take down those guys?" Zidane asked stretching his hand to Freya.

Freya shook hands with Zidane. "Deal."

The bandit took out his dual blades and jumped off the building. "Let's begin with this!" He yelled falling above the back of Dark Zaghnol and kicked Red Ninjakoopa down from it. "Who's next?"

"YAAAAAAH!" Yellow Ninjakoopa yelled flailing his arms around, but Zidane merely walked a little to the left, and the Koopa tripped from the monster and fell on his shell. "HELP ME TO GET UP!" Yellow Ninjakoopa yelled.

"I won't go down as them!" Green Ninjakoopa said cracking his fists.

Then, Freya came behind Zidane, pulled out her lance and pointed the tip and Green's throat. "You were saying?" She asked.

"...MOMMY!" Green Ninjakoopa cried and jumped off the monster...leaving Black Ninjakoopa with 2 hunters.

"...Heheh, cornered..." Black Ninjakoopa chuckled and both hunters sweatdropped, before Zidane threw him off the monster and both jumped from it.

"They're down!" Zidane said proudly.

"Y-you idiots!" Red Ninjakoopa said angrily slamming his fist to the floor.

"I know, that monster doesn't have control anymore and will be standing there dumbl-"

"No! You don't understand! Now that the monster doesn't have anyone to tell him what to do..." Dark Zaghnol roared loudly and began to electrocute himself again. "...He will destroy anyone in sight now that we're off its back..."

Zidane gasped when another purple tower appeared on the center and looked quickly to Link, Geno, Lucas, Vivi and Ness fainted on the floor, that attack could kill them for good this time if he didn't acted quickly to defend them. "Freya! Grab many as fast as you can to save them!"

"It's no use! It's too late!" Freya said alarmed when another huge explosion of lightning was created in the area.

Bridge above the Zaghnol's cage

"I...I can't stand this anymore! I need to help them before they get killed by that monster!" Zelda said worried.

"B-but we're too far away to help them..." Garnet said before magic began to surround Zelda.

"...SHE IS A WITCH!" Steiner yelled scared as he hid behind the spectators.

"Hunter Wolf has recovered the first place!"

"Z-Zelda?!" Garnet gasped surprised.

"I'm not Zelda for now, I'm Sheik." Sheik said as she jumped high in the air and jumped from building to building.

"I KNEW IT! I AM NOT CRAZY! THEY ARE WIZARDS! EVIL WIZARDS!" Steiner screamed terrified before Garnet slapped him.

"Steiner! You gotta stop talking like that this instant!" Garnet said, putting her hands on her hips.

"G-gotta?! You're speaking like that thief!"

"So what?"


"I have freedom you know!"


Garnet only rolled her eyes and looked to Sheik jumping away to help them. " I'm the one saying you're remarkable..."

Industrial District

"...I'm dead?" Zidane asked while he opened slowly his eyes and found himself alright, breathing normally but confused at the situation. " did I..."

"Lucario! Great job in using Extremespeed!" Chris was just various meters away from Zidane, the World Traveler was rubbing the Aura Pokémon's head with care and the bandit looked around, they were above a building with all the other hunters unconscious except for him and Freya.

"Master, I do everything to make you proud." Lucario said kneeling to him.

"...Wait, Lucario saved us? But how?" Zidane asked confused.

"He knows a special technique called Extremespeed, with that, Lucario's speed drastically increases to the maximum level, and since he is the legendary Lucario, he was able to grab all of you in time." Chris said.

"...Huh?" Vivi woke up and looked around. "Where am I?"

"Lucario saved us, as Chris says..." Zidane said.

"What's that purple tower?" Chris asked.



"Understood!" Lucario said using Extremespeed to grab everyone to another building before the explosion of lightning could land on them.

"W-we have to attack him or we are going to do the same thing over and over again!" Ness shouted awakening from his state.

"Let me change jobs!" Chris said selecting the Musician job. "Hear me out, I'll stand far away from that thing to heal everyone a little!"

"Y-you can heal?" Vivi asked.

"Sure, Soul Etude!" He began to play his song and a healing air began to heal their wounds a little.

"...Wow...that healing me..."

"See now?"

"Y-yes...I see it..." Lucas said recovering.

"Not enough time to be surprised, alright, let's cooperate together to finish that monster!" Zidane said making a fist in the air.

"...Wait...m-m-monster?" Chris looked down and saw Dark Zaghnol roaring in fury. "MONSTER!" He yelled before fainting.

"Great, we lost our source of healing..." Ness said ashamed.

Lucario grabbed his trainer. "I'll put him away just to be safe, in the meantime, try to kill it." He said before he went away by jumping from house to house.

"It's electrocuting again!" Freya warned all of them.

"Disperse!" Link said awakening from his state and all the "hunters" spreaded around before the explosion of bolts could reach them. "NO!" Link wasn't able to reach a building and he was going to fall...

But a hand grabbed him in time and he looked up and gasped. "Sheik!"

"Stop being too reckless next time." Sheik said pulling Link to safe floor.


"That's right, reckless."

"I'm not reckless! Watch!" Link prepared his arrow and shot it into its eye, making the Dark Zaghnol to roar in pain. "Ha! Who's reckless now?"

"Good job, my plan went well just as I planned." Sheik said nodding before disappearing in a poof of smoke.

"...Sometimes, I think in having the Triforce of Wisdom would be better than the Courage..." Link said scratching his head before he leaped from the building to the floor...before he realized something. "Wait a minute, we can resist long falls, why did I gasp for then?"

"Idiot." Sheik said as she hanged from the wall.

"Well, do something!"


Various explosions were created around the monster and it roared in pain again. "What the-did you used those prohibited explosion tags Master Hand told you not to use?" Link shouted asking to Sheik somewhere.

"Isn't obvious?" Sheik asked appearing behind him, making Link to jump in surprise.

"GAH! S-stop doing that!"

"Is not my fault that your reflexes are poor."

"And speaking of reflexes, watch out!" Zidane yelled from afar and Sheik grabbed Link's hand and jumped out of Dark Zaghnol's ramming attack.

"DAMIT! IT'S ELECTROCUTING ITSELF AGAIN!" Ness cursed when more electricity began to cover the monster again.

"We have to find a way to make that attack backfire at him!" Freya said.

Vivi looked at Freya's lance, then he looked at the electricity, then at the lance, and back and forth. "I-if we use the lance as a lightning rod perhaps?"

"What do you mean by that?"

"I-I mean, lightning falls at lightning rods, correct? S-so, if we can somehow use your lance as the rod, we could make the magic to land on it!"

"How are we going to do that?"


Geno appeared. "Maybe if we can thrust the lance on its back to get it stuck there, the lightning would fall on it."

"B-but the skin on its back is even harder to pierce through!" Freya said.

Then, Lucario appeared from behind them. "I'll do it, give me your lance, I already used one before."

"THE THUNDER!" Lucas yelled out loud and everyone quickly spreaded to evade the explosion of bolts.

"TAKE IT!" Freya said throwing the lance directly to Lucario, who catched it by jumping.

"Hunter Lani is winning!"


"...Was that Dagger just now?" Zidane asked confused.

"Er... (She said she wanted anyone else to win rather than Zidane)... No..." Sheik said sweating a little.

"...Oh, guess that spectator was crazy."

"(She's so going to kill him now...)"


"Everyone! We must create some kind of decoy to let Lucario to thrust the lance on its back!" Geno yelled. "...That's it! Link! Shoot arrows to its eyes!"

"I heard you!" Link said taking out his bow.

"I could help him using my kunais too." Sheik said taking out kunais using magic.

"Somebody quick needs to distract him." Geno said.

"Leave it to me, I'm very sneaky, that's why I'm a bandit, right?" Zidane asked as he dashed towards Dark Zaghnol.

"W-what can we do?" Lucas asked raising his hand with Ness.

"...You could...well...use your PK attacks to...I...don't know..."

"...Lucas could freeze it while I use PK Blast to deal massive damage to make the ice shatter." Ness said.

"Y-yeah! I could do that!" Lucas said smiling a little.

"W-wait!" Vivi ran up to them (stumbled in his way) and continued to run. "I-I could support them using my magic too!"

"So let's summarize it quickly..." Geno said as he got in a thinking position.

"HURRY! IT'S GOING TO ATTACK!" Link yelled from afar preparing to shoot his arrow.

"Hunter Wolf has taken back the first place!"

"Link and Sheik will shot his eyes, Zidane will distract him, Ness, Vivi and Lucas will use magic to make him to stagger and I will use my beam to add something while Lucario gets on its back to thrust the lance while Freya does absolutely nothing, (Freya: Hey!) alright, begin!"

"GO!" Link and Sheik yelled and fired their weapons at the same time into Dark Zaghnol's eyes, they managed to thrust them on its eyes and it began to roar.

"Hey! See this?" Zidane asked grabbing his tail. "You can't chew on it, 'cause you don't see!" He laughed and ran away while the monster tried to figure where he was.

"PK FREEZE!" Lucas casted his ice glyph that was fully charged and exploded into Dark Zaghnol, trapping him inside a big chunk on ice.

"PK BLAST!" Ness casted his green flash that went growing overtime and it exploded on the chunk of ice, shattering the ice in a million of pieces.

"GENO BEAM!" Geno fired his beam from his right hand, colliding with Dark Zaghnol's stomach.

"F-FIRA!" Vivi casted a stronger fire that covered Dark Zaghnol completely.

"V-Vivi! How did you do that?!" Lucas asked surprised.

"See this?" Vivi asked pointing at his staff that was yellow with a red crystal on its top. "Zidane said he found it while we were fighting against the Black Waltzes, it enabled me to cast Fira!"

"...Where is Lucario?" Link asked.

"Right here!" Freya yelled from above, everyone looked above to find Freya and Lucario holding the lance together at a very high altitude, Freya's jumping abilities and Lucario's made the jump longer and stronger that they went at full speed towards the back, combinating Lucario's brute force, both managed to thrust the lance on its back before they jumped away from it.

"H-hey! Where's that bastard Wolf?" Ness asked looking around.

"Who needs him? We're handling this situation very well by ourselves!" Link said.

"And where is Toon Link?" Sheik asked, she just could have sworn someone was sneaking somewhere in the buildings.

"BACK AWAY! IT'S GOING TO CAST IT!" Geno yelled loudly and all of them ran to different directions as fast as they could.

A huge explosion of lightning fell directly on Dark Zaghnol's back, the monster yelled loudly in extreme pain before it threw itself to the floor with a tremble it created, then, Freya's lance fell from its back and the dragoon walked to it and got it back as she put it above her shoulder.

Final Fantasy lX - Victory Theme

"W-we won! We got all the points!" Vivi said jumping happily.

"...No! It's alive!" Lucario said grunting and Vivi gasped when the monster was able to stand up, it prepared to ram into the black mage that everybody yelled Vivi's name loudly.

The black mage ducked in horror as he cried a little and waited for his death.

...Until all of them heard a long moan of pain from Dark Zaghnol, who stopped on its track and fell defeated.

"Hunter Wolf has defeated Zaghnol, making him the possible winner of the festival!"

"WHAT?!" Every hunter in the area asked shocked in unison, on the top of the monster, there was Wolf's claw dug deeply on its skin as the grey vulpine grinned and stood up as he crossed his arms in victory as the monster's Shadow Bugs vanished along with it.

"Bunch of weaklings." Wolf said smirking, rather evily.

"N-no way!" Ness said dropping to his knees.

"T-that's not fair!" Lucas said doing the same.

"After all the work we did, he just appears out of nowhere and deals the finishing blow!" Link said very annoyed, doing a groan.

"Actually, he was waiting for the exact moment to appear here." Sheik said.

"And you didn't said anything about it?!" Zidane asked irritated.

"Hey," Wolf began. "It's not my fault that all of you couldn't finish this pathetic excuse of a monster."

"Watch your mouth, we could have done that a long time ago!"

"Heheh, how ironic, you stole the words from my mouth."

"Huh?" Freya said confused.

Wolf took out a diagonal-shaped device. "You forgot about this, my Reflector."

"...So that's why..." Lucario said.

"What?" Geno asked.

"Since the magic from the battle against the Black Waltzes bounced off from Wolf's Reflector, he could have finished the encouter just by using it." Lucario explained.

"I see now..."

"...And it seems the time is up." Wolf replied grinning again.

"The time is up! The winner of the Festival of Hunt is..." The announcer said speaking to all the citizens of Lindblum, the Smashers, Zidane, Freya, Steiner, Garnet and Vivi waited anxiously for who won the event.

Wolf merely smirked and raised his fist slowly in the air to reclaim the victory.


"Yeah, I won...WHAT?!" Wolf asked very annoyed and furiously after hearing those names being announced instead of his, making him to snarl.

"...Master! I forgot about him!" Lucario said gasping.


The crowd, or Lindblum itself, began to cheer loudly with many applauses as they saw many airships throwing the insane amount of confetti that covered the whole castle while the cheers began to be louder and louder by every second, as the Smashers and hunters began to think for what was the confetti necessary for as they were buried on it.

Throne Room

"WE WON! WE WON! WE WON WE WON WE WON!" Chris and Toon Link said jumping happily with hands joined together as they jumped in a circle.

Zidane, Vivi, Ness, Lucas, Geno, Lucario, Freya, Wolf, Link were behind them in a line, wondering how could they win, Zelda, Garnet and an utterly happy Steiner (because Toon Link was his friend and because he won) were standing right next to Regent Cid.

"That was marvelous! All of you!" Regent Cid said very pleased.

"437,328,049,957,215,375,397,254,754,908,927,547,032,089,374,143,978,341 points!... Congratulations!" Artania said panting heavily after saying the WHOLE new number.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" Every single character (including Lucario himself) asked very very very shocked and surprised at this very insane amount of points.

"H-HOW IN THE HELL DID YOU 2 GET SO MANY POINTS?!" Freya asked utterly shocked.

Chris and Toon Link looked at each other and chuckled and laughed after. "Well, it was pretty simple!" Toon Link said chuckling.


Business District

"A-Alice! Are you sure this is going to work?!" Toon Link asked to Alice, the owner of the shop that was introduced in the previous chapter.

Alice peered from a huge box of food. "Yes! Monsters love to be attracted to this food that they quickly gather to eat it!"

"So what am I going to do?"

"Simple, you need to put all the bombs you ordered to me around this area, you need to be quick, the whole district is going to be filled probably with all the monsters of the festival!" She looked to the ground below her feet trembling. "Hurry! They're coming this way!"

"Right!" Toon Link took a big pile of bombs and began to spread around the explosives around. "...Huh? What are you doing here?" He found Chris unconscious on the floor and he woke up grogily.

"...Ugh...monsters...I hate them..." Chris said. "...Toon Link? What are you doing with all those bombs?"

"That's right! There's going to be a huge massacre of monsters if I can put all these bombs in time around all the district!"


"...Well...I'm not a killer so..."

"Why didn't you said that before?! I'd love to help you out as your companion!"

Toon Link chuckled and smiled instantly. "Thank you! Here, grab a pile and help me out!"

5 minutes later...

"HURRY UP! THEY'RE COMING!" Alice shouted from her shop and both hunters screamed as they ran inside before Alice closed the door, then, all the monsters from the festival began to gather above each other to get the food Alice ordered for Toon Link.

When all the bombs that both of them gathered, Toon Link threw an igniter from the window and all the bombs exploded at the same time, creating a huge chain reaction that killed EVERY single monster, blood was flying everywhere in the district that it covered it completely.

"DIE! YOU SCUM! DIE!" Chris said laughing maniacally while he watched the scene from the window as he took out 3 blackglasses (where did he got those was a mystery) and gave each one to Toon Link and Alice to protect them from all the lights of the explosions.

"Oooooooh, fireworks." Chris, Toon Link and Alice said in unison amazed by all the massacre they just have created.

End of flashback

Throne Room

Link had his mouth wide open after hearing that. "...Both of you are freaking monster killers!"

"Well, I hate monsters so much, so why not just blow them up? Alice also offered a hand to Toon Link to give propaganda for her shop!" Chris asked laughing with Toon Link.

Business District

There was a huge crowd of customers in Alice's shop, trying to buy all the things
she had to sell as she attended every last one of them very happily.

Throne Room

"Oh, and Link, you can have the title and the prize, it was your idea to blow them up after all."

"We grand you the 'Master Hunter' and your reward." Artania said to Toon Link.

"YAY! PIGS! Where are they?!" Toon Link asked excited.

"Over here sonny!" The breeder called from the door and Toon Link followed him to get his prize.

"..." Lucario looked at Chris. "Master...about that way in defeating the monsters...wasn't that stupid?"

"...No..." Chris answered.

"...Sorry but...I should return calling you by your name for now, I-I'm sorry, but you don't feel worthy enough to be called Master anymore..."

"..." Chris walked and hugged him. "Thank you...thank you so much Lucario..."

"...Chris, you don't have to trick me anymore..."


"I knew you were trying to trick me to get appreciated by you, so I just acted depressed from the beginning to get you close to me."

"...You...planned this from the beginning?!"


"Because what?"

Lucario laughed a little. "I learned it from you."

"...LUCARIO!" Chris hugged Lucario tightlier. "YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY THE BEST POKÉMON EVER!"

"Chris!" Lucario said growling happily.

"...Wait, aren't we forgetting something?" Geno asked.

"...Y-you're right! The Koopa Bros!" Vivi said gasping.

At that moment, the doors exploded (but they weren't destroyed) and mentioned characters walked with electricity constantly electrocuting them, they were also very angry.

"Y-YOU! YOU BUNCH OF IDIOTS!" Red Ninjakoopa said pointing angrily at them.

"WE'RE HERE TO GET REVENGE ON ALL OF YOU!" Yellow Ninjakoopa said angrily.

"YEAH! USING OUR SHADOW BUGS!" Green Ninjakoopa said angrily.

Black Ninjakoopa chuckled. "Yes, we will use the Shadow Bugs to grow 100 feet tall, our bodies are going to be covered in hard rock muscles that our shells will break with the first flex of arms we make, all the citizens living here will be crushed by our mighty power of our feet as they scream in pain while their bones are shattered in a million of pieces, yes, I can taste it, the power running through us, we will torture all of you so much that we will enjoy licking the blood coming out from everyone here, then next thing will be total power over this insolent world that even Tabuu will fear, did I mention that the package comes with laser eyes? Oh yeah."

"...All the things he said are 100 percent true!" Red Ninjakoopa said angrily.

"N-no! We must stop them at once!" Geno said glaring at them as all the fighters inside prepared for the worst.


...Cricket chirps were heard after the Koopa Bros pointed at the sky.

Red Ninjakoopa shifted his eyes. "...I SAID, SHADOW BUGS! COME FORTH!"

More cricket chirps were heard.


Even the cricket chirps stopped.


"...Wolf..." Chris began. "Close the doors please."

Wolf appeared behind the Koopa Bros and closed the doors. "With pleasure." Wolf said cracking his fists as he approached them.

"I-I'm going to get revenge this time!" Lucas said, taking out his branch.

"Now you're finished." Geno said preparing his fingers to shot bullets.

"I'm really going to enjoy this moment." Chris said thinking of smacking his harp to them.

"So do I, Chris." Lucario said cracking his fists with aura.

"This is for calling us idiots and many more things!" Ness said, taking out his bat.

"You're not even ninjas, you're pathetic." Zelda said as her right hand glowed.

"I shall get revenge for calling the princess an idiot!" Steiner said angrily as his sword glowed with fire magic.

"F-finally, we're gonna use the Black Sword at last." Vivi said nodding to Steiner.

"Hmm, do you have something of value?" Zidane asked as he prepared his dual blades.

"This is for trying to hurt me AND Zelda!" Link said, taking out a bomb.

"May as well help them." Garnet said, taking out her staff.

"I have serious problems to resolve with them too, let me deal the finishing blow." Freya said, taking out her lance.

The Koopa Bros were cornered in small circle that went shrinking over time. "M-MERCY! WE'LL GIVE YOU THE STAR SPIRIT!" Green Ninjakoopa pleaded.

"PLEASE! I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO SAY!" Yellow Ninjakoopa said bowing to them.

"FOR THIS TIME, WE'RE TELLING THR TRUTH!" Black Ninjakoopa pleaded.

All of them stopped and the Koopa Bros sighed in relief. "Remember, try to not get this place dirty with their blood gwok." Regent Cid reminded before the circle began to shrink again.


"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! MERCY!!! WE BEG OF YOU!!!! AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!" The Koopa Bros screamed terrorized after many punches, fists, slashes, magic and many more things fell on them, then, a small dot (probably them) blasted off from the castle and into the sky where a dark portal opened up. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" They yelled before disappearing inside the portal, along with it.

Throne Room

"..." Geno looked down to find a card with the picture of Eldstar. "...This is...COME OUT!"


The card began to shine brightly and all of them gasped when the card broke into dust, then, on the center of the room, Eldstar appeared blinking confused by his surroundings. "...Where am I?"

Geno quickly ran and kneeled in front of him. "Eldstar, we have rescued you."

"Geno? Is that really you?... It is you! Boy, I'm so happy to be breathing again!"

"It seems gwok we have many surprises this day." Regent Cid said laughing a little.

"Eldstar, this couldn't have happened if the Smashers, the special elite of fighters didn't helped us." Geno announced and Eldstar flew towards Chris, who blushed embarrassed and played with his fingers.

"H-hello...i-it's a pleasure to meet you..." Chris said shyly.

"What a young hero you are, so, you were the one wishing pure wishes?"

"Y-yes sir!"

"My, I'm honored to be rescued by the World Traveler himself, it is truly honorable."

"B-but we all helped!" Chris said pointing to the Smashers.

"Hohoho! Of course! Your heart is one of the most kindest too, how could I forget that?" Eldstar said laughing. "World Traveler, Smashers, hear me out, while I was imprisoned, Tabuu, leader of the Subspace Army took the other 6 Star Spirits to different worlds, he also revived old adversaries of probably enemies related to all of you," the camera zoomed to his face. "Not only that, he revived Smithy and that creator of weapons is probably residing inside Exor."

"Smithy?!" Geno asked shocked.

"Yes, Smithy, the same one you and Mario defeated a long time ago."

"That bastard...he's creating more weapons to conquer the worlds?!"

"No, you're misunderstanding Geno, there is another enemy that is controlling Smithy's actions."


" not someone else he called in a twisted dimension, all that I remember were 4 rhombus-shaped objects floating around him."

"Hmm...where did I saw those 4 rhombus before..." Chris wondered.

"There's no need to wonder now! World Traveler Chris! I ask you to lend you my power for the good of the worlds and the wishes!"


"Stay quiet for a moment." Eldstar said before he shone a little and began to fly around Chris as spored stars surrounded Chris, before a white circle grew in size, earning a new star power.

Chris has learned Refresh!

Refresh restores 50 percent of damage to an ally or the user and heals the target from status ailments or debuffs!

"W-wow! I can feel a new ability!"

"Now, Chris, your new task is to rescue all the Star Spirits to repair the Star Road, it's going to be a difficult journey and mission, so use Geno and Twink's help to the fullest, along with the Smashers, and don't forget to call me to use my power too." Eldstar said.

Chris joined his hands together and kneeled to him. "I humbly accept this task, I will save all the Star Spirits from being taken away."

"No need for mannerisms from you! Don't worry about that!"

Chris got up. "Sorry..."

"No need to apologize too!" Eldstar said chuckling. "Now, I must return to the Star Shrine and wait for the other Star Spirits to come," he toom out a blue star. "This is one of the 7 Star Pieces that each star have, we guard them with our lifes, once all of us are gathered, we will open a path to Exor to save the city it fell on," he began to shine brightly. "I must return now! Good luck Geno! You too, Chris! The World Traveler! If you 2 can find Mario, tell him I said hi!" And with a blink of spores, he disappeared to the Star Shrine.

"...We're done here everyone! We have to return to the Smash Mansion!" Chris said smiling.

"Wait, are you leaving now?" Zidane asked.

"Y-yes...sorry, but we have an important mission to complete."

The bandit walked to Link. "Then good luck my friend, be sure to visit us sometime."

Link shook hands with Link. "I will, be sure of that."

Vivi looked at Ness, Lucas and Geno. "I...I...I'll miss you guys too..."

Lucas sniffed. "V-Vivi...t-try to be strong please...I-I'll do that too..."

"I-I'm sure we will meet again..." Ness said sniffing.

"You're very strong Vivi, I know that." Geno said nodding.

"...WAAAAAAHHHH!!!" Geno, Lucas and Ness hugged each other as they cried, but Geno patted their backs as he smiled a little.

"Please tell Link that I asked him to join the Knights of Pluto." Steiner said saluting Chris.

"Y-yes...of course I will..." Chris said sweatdropping.

"Zelda, I really enjoyed my time together with you, it's a shame that you have to go away for now..." Garnet said to Zelda, who put her hand on her shoulder.

"Garnet, I'll never forget our moments together, as a princess of Hyrule, I wish you good luck." Zelda said with a small smile.

"Thanks, I appreciate it so much."

"Even if we didn't get to know each other very well, it was great to work together with you 3." Freya said to Chris, Lucario and Wolf.

"T-thank you Freya." Chris said shaking hands with her.

"I'm sure you'll find Sir Fratley very soon." Lucario said.

"...But I didn't told you about Sir Fratley, how did you know that?" Freya asked suspiciously.

Chris stomped Lucario's toe and the Aura Pokémon tried to not scream. "I-I told him! That's why!"

"Heh." Wolf chuckled a little at this.

"Please be welcomed to live in my kingdom." Regent Cid said bowing to the Smashers.

"T-thanks your majesty." Chris said bowing to Cid before he looked to the Smashers. "Let's go! We have the task to save the wishes of everybody!" And with that, they walked away to the double doors while Zidane, Garnet, Vivi, Steiner (who was crying), Freya, Artania and Regent Cid waved to them.

Industrial District

"Why did we ignored the injured soldier struggling on the floor on our way here?" Link asked.

"B-because he was faking it?" Chris asked sweating, if they knew a war was going to come, they would stay for a little longer so Chris managed to trick them.

"I hate those people." Zelda said narrowing his eyes.

And suddenly, Chris began to shine brightly before his clothes changed again, earning a new job. "W-what?"


Stealing the items of your enemies may be your only way to survive, with loot, that is! Sometimes, you can even steal weapons so you can use them as you please as long as the enemies don't take it back! Your evasion and speed also increases a little.

Chris was now wearing a brown shirt below a green cape from his back, he was also wearing a cap covering his hair, with hair sticking out of it, he wore dark yellow pants and brown boots, there was also a knife on his new belt for storing goods. "W-why did I learned to use this job?"

"Maybe because you understand the true meaning of being a bandit." Geno said.

"Geno? Are you an adept in knowing why this happened?"

"I act like a sage sometimes, it was easy for me to point this out, it's possible that your stance with Zidane made you a bandit."

"Or Steiner constantly calling us thieves of bandits..." Link said shaking her head.

"Why aren't we going?" Ness asked.

"Well, if you remember, we're missing Toon Link."

"...yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!" Toon Link appeared running screaming like a lunatic and they watched him getting away in the distance.

"Why was he running?" Link asked.

Lucario looked to the direction Toon Link came from and quickly grabbed Chris under his arm and ran towards Toon Link. "Run!" Lucario yelled.

"Why?" Geno asked.

"...T-THAT'S WHY!" Lucas and Ness yelled running away screaming.

"RUN!" Wolf yelled sprinting together with a terrorized Zelda, Link and Geno who were following him.

If you remember, Toon Link won pigs, correct? The breeder, that happened to be the same breeder of the Zaghnol, gave Toon Link nothing more than 5 Zaghnols since they are the official "pigs" of Gaia, and the old man laughed as Toon Link ran away for his life screaming.

Final Fantasy lX - Airship Theme

"OPEN THE PORTAL CHRIS!" Lucario yelled before glancing at his trainer under his arm doing something. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"

"Tales of Symphonia, check! Final Fantasy lX, check! Yes! We're doing progress!" Chris said happily putting a circle inside a notepad on each new world.

"For what is that notepad?!"

"For pointing out what new worlds we have been traveling to!" He looked at his list. "And I wish our next one is a Megaman one!"

"WISH LATER! THEY'RE GOING TO ELECTROCUTE THEMSELVES!" Geno screamed running past behind of them.

"AND OFF WE GO!" Chris yelled excited opening the portal which everyone entered in a hurry for their lifes before 5 Thundaras could hit them with force.

And thus, they managed to save Eldstar, the first Star Spirit.



Link's, Zelda's and Toon Link's partnership level were filled! 2 paths to different worlds have been opened!

The same moogle Zelda kicked earlier appeared chuckling evily. "Heheh, just you wait, you're going to be thrown in jail for moogle abuse...KUPO?!" He gasped when he saw the readers. "S-sorry! But my job is done here for now, kupo! See you all next time in another Final Fantasy world, kupo!" He waved happily as he flew off.

Do you want to save your data?


Overwrite File?


Smash Mansion
Chris, Lucario, Pikachu, Pichu, Jigglypuff, Mewtwo, Red, Squirtle, Ivysaur, Kirby, Meta Knight, Link, Zelda, Toon Link, Fox, Falco, Wolf, Captain Falcon, Marth, Roy, Ness, Lucas, Pit, Ice Climbers, Geno, Twink


Viva! Smash of...


"ACHOO!" Chris sneezed. "H-hello everyone! W-we're once again in another section of SMAS-ACHOO!" He cleaned his nose. "S-sorry, but I have a terrible cold today, meaning tha-ACHOO! Someone else is going to take the role of this section, and since we left the Smash Channel location for a long time, I asked these 2 guys to help me ou-ACHOO! G-give a warm welcome (please!) to one of the new introduced characters of this story, ZELOS WILDER! ACHOO!"

"HELLO, EVERYBODY! The great and unique Zelos has returned to impress all my fans out there!" Zelos said happily as many of his fans began to cheer loudly and asking him for marriage.

"A-and since Zelos gets ahead of himself all the time, w-we present you a future character of a future arc, ACHOO! G-give an aplause to the necromancer and the Malkuth Empire, Colonel of the Third Division, ACHOO! Jade Curtiss!"


"Hmph." There was another man reading a book about how to conduct a show, he was extremely relaxed by the look of his red eyes behind his glasses, then, he hid his book behind his back of the uniform of the general. "My, it's a pleasure to be here today, hahaha."

"A-always relaxed, I see, w-well, ACHOO! I leave you 2 the main topic of the show, it's on the desk, so please present the 5 guests of today, by-ACHOO!" Chris left the studio.

"So!" Zelos began, taking the note on his hand. "We have today our next guests for this story, first, we present to you Zidane Tribal!"

"Hey! Missed me?" Zidane asked with a grin.

"The lovely Princess Garnet Till Alexandros!" Zelos said with heart eyes.

"It is good to be here today." Garnet said bowing.

"The small but powerful black mage, Vivi Orunitia!"

"H-hi!" Vivi said waving silently.

"The Dragoon of Burmecia, Freya Crescent!" Freya merely nodded. "And those are the guests of-"

"HEY!" Steiner called out angrily.

Jade adjusted his glasses and took the paper from Zelos. "Of course, we couldn't forget Adelbert Steiner by any means." Jade said.

"...Okay!" Zelos said cheerfully. "The topic for today is...Why Zelos is so damm popular with the girls!"

"Or more accurately, what kind of items do you think would be good for SSBB." Jade corrected Zelos with a smile.

"Man, you're not funny at all."

"Oh, sorry, I thought I was supposed to not be funny on this show at all." Jade said sarcastically, laughing a little like he always does.

"...Zidane! Your answer for this topic?" Zelos asked twitching in anger.

"Hmm...the only thing that will always follow a Final Fantasy game, the Potion!" Zidane said. "You know, you could find it laying somewhere in the stage, its percentage of appearance would be of 80 percent, it will recover 20 percent of damage but if the stage moves and if the Potion is about to fall to another level, it'll break and the item would be lost and then turn into a slippery floor!"

"Ha! That was a good one! Now, cutey, would you like to say your item?"

"C-cutey?! Me?!" Garnet asked blushing a little.

"HANDS OFF THE PRINCESS!" Steiner said angrily, taking out his sword.

"Okay, okay, geez..." Zelos said backing away.

"M-my item would guess the could boost your next power attack instead of healing MP points, but you have to use it carefully, because the slightlies attack could waste it." Garnet said.

"Vivi, your item if you would?" Jade asked with a smile.

" item...would be...I know...the Oak Staff, it could only be usable for powering up magic attacks..."

"Well, what an interesting weapon, but I'm afraid that would only work as a sticker since only Peach and Zelda use magic so you lost your opportunity."

"...Oh..." Vivi looked down in shame.

"Hahah, don't get depressed, you did your best, Steiner, now's your turn."

"The Legendary sword, Save the Queen! You know? The one Beatrix uses? It could be stronger that your pathetic "Beamsword" and use it as a short range weapon, but with a strong blow that could send your opponents of the screen, and it is going to be rare to find one, because its rate to appear would be of only 1 percent!"

"Dangerous and yet interesting, Freya, your turn."

"Since weapons are technically items, I'll choose Kain's Lance, once you take it, it would pull you quickly to the sky and crash into a random opponent, anywhere on the stage, and the rate would be of 30 percent." Freya said.

"And since that was all for this section, I'm going off to send autographs to all the hunnies!" Zelos said excited.

"Good luck with the assassins, Zelos." Jade said chuckling a little and they looked at him rather confused.


"Girls can be the most dangerous people of the world."

"Hahahaha! That was a good one!"

"No, I'm serious," Jade's face suddenly turned a little dark as he adjusted his glasses, who remained shining creepily. "Many girls have become expert assassins that seek the richest men of the world, and it just happen that you're from the royalty and one of them would seek marriage, then, they kill you from behind and run off with all your money."

"...Is that even true?" Zidane asked.

"Well, we have 2 girls in this studio, or not?"

Zelos looked at Freya and Garnet. "...You girls are no assassins, right?"

Jade walked towards the door of the exit and laughed more. "Well, you don't have to worry about that."

"...Really?" Zelos asked excited.

"" Jade opened the door of the exit revealing the craziest community of Zelos's fans in story, screaming like crazy for him, making the 6 of them to back away from the weird women trying to pass the door.


"I advice our 5 guests to run, I've heard they like to kill people around the vicinity too."

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!" Zelos, along with the FF9 cast ran away for their lives as the crazy fangirl community ran after them, asking Zelos for marriage that probably left a serious phobia on his mind.

Then Chris, all recovered, came out from the exit's door. "Phew, I recovered...where are the guests, Jade?"

"Oh? Them? They already left, there was an army of girls that tried to get Zelos just a moment ago, I tried hard to stop them, but since my back aches, I couldn't do anything to help Zelos." Jade said folding his arms, laughing sarcastically...or was him laughing really?

"...Sometimes, I really don't get videogame characters at all..." Chris said frowning.



Chapter 81: The Greil Mercenaries

Deep inside the Great Maze

"YOU FOOLS!" Tabuu yelled angrily to the Koopa Bros, who were hugging in each other trembling in fear for something scary.

"B-but it's not our fault! They were too strong!" Red Ninjakoopa said trembling in fear.

"SILENCE!" The Koopa Bros hid inside their shells. "BY MY POWER AND COMMAND, I HEREBY PUNISH AND BANISH YOU 4 FROM THE SUBSPACE FROM THIS DAY AND ON!" Tabuu raised his hand and a black thunder fell on the brothers, making them to disappear in a poof of smoke to their homes. "Hmph..."

"It's something wrong, Lord Tabuu?"
The Ancient Minister asked.

"Yes, a new world has opened once again after the first, this time, we're sending an assassin to kill the blue-haired swordsman that caused us trouble that time."

"Then it's my job!"
A tall but skinny figure said.

"Very well, since you're an adept in using spears and the power of the water to aid you, your task is to take the next Star Spirit away with you and kill this swordsman," the Ancient Minister said nodding as he opened a dark portal which the dark figure entered quickly. "Ganondorf, keep an eye on him, we don't know what could he do all alone."

"I shall return with a mission complete report."
Ganondorf said chuckling evily, entering the dark portal that disappeared.

"When it's my turn?" Charizard asked with a glare.

"Patience, wait a little longer, we have plans in invading Mario's world once again, I've heard he and his friends and holding up a festival of sports very soon and many people are going to attend it, that time, we're going to drop off the Subspace Bombs we've been created lately."

Charizard roared furiously.

"QUIET!" Tabuu yelled angrily and the dragon sweatdropped scared.

"Dah dragon got owned! Dah dragon got owned!" King Dedede said laughing, earning a nasty glare of Charizard.

"We will also send Dedede with you, in the meantime, try to get along or something." The Ancient Minister said floating away as Tabuu disappeared by teleporting away.

"...ME AND HIM?! HMPH!" Both looked away annoyed with crossed arms, cursing under their breaths.



"...Why now..."

"It's something wrong, brother?"

"W-what? N-no, it's nothing..."

"You can't fool me, I know you very well, something is bothering you."

"...I told you, nothing is bothering me."

"You can't hide it, admit it!"

"...Fine...I was wondering if I'm a good mercenary for the company of my father, after I argued with him about letting me join, I think the stress got me very soon."

"Please! Don't be stupid, you have been training many times, haven't you? For joining the Greil Mercenaries?"

"Of course, I've been training a lot lately...maybe that's where the stress came from..."

"Just you don't worry about it, I know you're going to do it just fine."

"...You're right...thanks Mist..."

"You're welcome anytime, Ike." She said giggling a little.

"I'm off, Titania needs to see me to discuss my first mission."

"If you can get through alive, I'll prepare you and everyone a good meal, I promise!"

" didn't needed to say it like that..."

Smash Mansion
Command Room

"The first Star Spirit was rescued successfully!" Chris said happily.

"Once again, good job." Master Hand said...wearing a tropical hat.

"...What happened when we weren't here?" Ness asked looking around the room, it was all decorated with hawaian stuff, most of the Smashers were holding lemonades or wearing sunglasses or both.

"We've been enjoying the sweet life thanks to the Prinnies!" Popo said wearing sunglasses and drinking his lemonade.

"Why didn't we think about having servants before?" Nana asked licking an ice cream.

"These guys sure know how to have fun with my subordinates." Etna said appearing from the roof, drinking lemonade as she laughed a little.

"THIS, is life." C. Falcon said drinking, laying on a beach chair.

"...Riiiiiiiiiight..." Chris said while his right eye twitched a little.

"CHRIS!" Crazy Hand (wearing a small tropical hat) yelled from his hawaian styled counter. "I got new stuff to sell that will amaze everyone here inside! Including Etna!"

"...Are you sure you're not going to sell the stickers that we CAN'T currently use?"


"Are you sure?"


"And what are they?"

"...Fiiiiiind ouuuuuuuttt..."



Smash Coins in hand: 4900

Jobs - Stickers - Smashing Abilites

"...Huh? The "Smashing Abilities" part wasn't here before..." Chris said wondering.

"Well, using the help of my brother and myself, we managed to create special abilities that will not only help you, but everyone else! You'll get amazed by the abilities, we used our mighty magic to combine, change and add new things together!" Crazy Hand explained excited.

"...Okay, but to clear out the jobs list, let me buy the Psychic User job."


Chris gave 900 Smash Coins and his blothes began to shine brightly, but Mewtwo gasped and quickly teleported to him.

...Though his clothes didn't changed that much, he was wearing only a white shirt, white shoes, white pants, white gloves and white SOCKS to be more specific, but the strange thing was that his face didn't showed any emotion as Mewtwo was straining himself, glowing. "Sorry...but you're not ready for this power yet...change to another" Mewtwo said.

"...Yes..." Chris replied with a small whisper, changing to his Musician job. "...What happened just now?"

"I felt a strong but chaotic power building up in you." Lucario said walking to him.

"I even felt it." Zelda said.

"It's because that job included psychic powers like the ones I use, it's possible that the job is compatible with me too, but that's not the point," Mewtwo explained as he stopped glowing. "Psychic powers are not a thing you can master instantly in one day."

"What do you mean?" Kirby asked wondering.

"I mean to control those powers, you need hard training, control of thoughts and emotions, since Chris has almost a very lively mind, his thoughts aren't very well controled and the telekinesis inside him would have gone chaotic and probably could have hurt us without intention."

Chris gulped. "Y-you mean I need to stay away from using that job then?"

"Exactly." Mewtwo said nodding.

"...O-okay...I'll ask you to have meditation so I can control them well..."

"It would be for the best, sorry if you wanted to use it right now."

"It's okay, thanks for the advice though."

"Ahem, Chris?" Crazy Hand called coughing.

"...Oh, right!"

Smashing Abilities

Over Limit Lvl. 1 - 1000 Smash Coins

Enables one member of a party or group to use his/her Final Smash when the gauge is filled completely.

"...Over Limit Lvl. 1? Isn't that from Tales of Symphonia?" Chris asked.

"Well, maybe, but we changed it a little bit to be more efficient, buy it! You'll need!" Crazy Hand suggested.

"...Fine! I'll buy it!"

"EXCELLENT!" Master Hand said as Chris handed over the money, when suddenly, all of them began to glow for a moment before stopping. "Now you have adquired a very important and useful ability!"

"But why did we all glowed?" Roy asked.

"Oh, if you want to know how to use this ability, care to be teleported to the tutorial?"

"There's a tutorial for this?" Chris asked before getting in a thinking position. "Well...okay, we want to go."

"I didn't decided, don't talk for all of us!" Pikachu said angrily.

"Bing!" Master Hand said snapping his fingers and they were teleported to another area.

Wi-Fi Waiting Room

Burn More, Fighting Spirit

"And here we are! The Wi-Fi Waiting Room with the Sandbag!" Master Hand said, locating all of them in a very creepy place with a grey background, a simple flat platform with a Sandbag staring without emotion at them.

"Is this place our first stage to fight?" Pichu asked.


"Phew, I thought it was just a moment an official stage!" Link said sighing in relief.

Fox looked at the Sandbag. "...And...that is for..."

"Nothing." Master Hand said and most of them fell in anime style. "Well, only one of you will use this place, but for this time, we're using this room for tutorials!"

They got up slowly. "So...for what is the ability then?" Toon Link asked as he aimed his arrow to the eye of the Sandbag.

"See that bar over there?" The hand pointed to the left and they looked to that direction.

"I don't see a bar." Geno said.

"Well, you can't see it, but it's there." Master Hand looked at the Sandbag. "Okay, listen up, the Over Limit is a special ability that lets you use a Final Smash, Final Smashs are different for each fighter as you have seen before with Chris."

C. Falcon got interested and walked in up to the front. "So, how do we use the Over Limit?"

"Simple, see the Sandbag? Once you land many hits or receive hits from the enemy, the bar is going to grow little by little and the gauge will be ready for the use of the first person that says a certain sentence to activate it."

Every Smasher (minus Chris, Geno, Etna, Mewtwo, Meta Knight and Lucario) slowly walked towards the Sandbag with weapons ready. "...And...can we start now?" Asked a very impacient Falco.

"I don't see why no-"

"AAAAAH!!!" They all started to beat up the Sandbag like it was a person that made something very bad to them, shots, yells and even weapons began to appear inside the cloud of dust.

"...And they're still being so brute..." Geno said frowning.

"Wow! Looks like the bar has been filled already!" Master Hand said surprised.

"...Meh, it was expected." Etna said simply.

"Okay...but they haven't noticed it yet..."

"...I'll start," Chris began, thinking for a good sentence to start the Over Limit. "Hmm...what can I say Lucario?"

"Something like "the aura is with me" with a yell to the sky?" Lucario suggested.

"...I'm not you!"


"...Maybe this one," he cleared his throat. "I-I am so gonna make you!!" Chris yelled spinning above his feet as the whole background got dark and a rainbow aura covered his body. "...Hell no, I'm not going to say that I can feel the absolute power or something running through me."

Master Hand snapped his fingers and Chris stopped glowing. "Sorry if you wanted to see the Final Smash for that job, but we need the barbarians over there to stop hitting the Sandbag that the Sandbag over there?"

The Sandbag had his sand getting out from many holes, outside the cloud of dust for the fight. "I think they ripped it off." Geno said.

"..." Master Hand frowned at this.

10 minutes later...

All the Smashers were tapping their foots in impacience as another Sandbag appeared from above. "Okay, let's do this like we need to do, Chris, since you're probably the most sane person out of most of them, you go and hit the Sandbag as many times as you can, but to do this quickly, Meta Knight is going to help you." Master Hand said.

"Please, be careful in not slicing me." Chris said sweating.

"I'm always careful, now, go!" Meta Knight yelled flying towards the Sandbag with Chris wh-

"W-wait! I need to have a job that can attack!" Chris called before changing to his Thief job, taking out his knife. "I-I'm ready!"

"Hit it with all your force." Meta Knight said slashing continuously the bag.

"M-multiple hits are more effective, ha!" Chris started with 2 slashs before thrusting his knife continuously.

"The bar is filling up!" Master Hand said. "...There! Say out loud a sentence to activate it!"

"R-right! I-I'm so gonna make yo-"

"Blink and die..." Meta Knight said as an explosion of a rainbow aura pushed Chris out of the way as Meta Knight glowed.

"Oww!" Chris hit the floor and got up. "H-hey! You didn't said an explosion was included!"

"My bad, activating the Over Limit causes an explosion to push anyone away from the one using it," Master Hand explained. "Meta Knight! Use your Final Smash on the Sandbag!"

"Let's see..." Meta Knight saw the Sandbag coming down and grabbed his cape. "Know my power..."

Everyone noticed that the whole background got dark and Pichu began to scream terrorized. "The lights turned off!" Roy said in the darkness.

"Stages don't have lights, you idiot!" C. Falcon said.

Master Hand gasped. "Wait, if you all were able to hurt yourselves...then that means...META KNIGHT! STOP!"

A very fast long slash reached everyone and they were pushed into the air before falling to the floor, moaning in pain for the strong attack as Meta Knight was seen with his sword out before sheathing it. "What...was that?" Marth asked.

"That was...the Final Smash of Meta Knight...first...he hits the target with his cape and everything will turn dark...and he will fastly slash everyone before a second can pass...ugh..." Master Hand said moaning a little in pain.

"Hmph, it was interesting to use it." Meta Knight said walking to them.

" wasn't for us!" Etna said angrily.

"Then, my apologies."

"DARN IT! LET ME USE MINE AND SHOW HIM!" Link said angrily rushing towards the Sandbag.

Music stops

Command Room

"No fair!" Link complained.

"Sorry, but if you want to see and use your Final Smash, you have to fight against the Subspace Army and activate the Over Limit once the bar is filled." Master Hand said.

"...You have to take me the next time, got it?" C. Falcon said pointing at Chris.

C. Falcon was pushed. "Why wasting time with him? You know you want to see mine!" Link said.

Link was also pushed away. "Don't listen to them, I'm sure you want see my own one." Fox said.

"Mine's better than Fox's!" Falco said pushing Fox out of the way.

"Er..." Chris already knew what was Falco's Final Smash.

Falco was pushed away. "Forget about them! I'm better!" Pikachu said.

The yellow mouse was hit by a bat. "Why you don't see mine?" Ness asked.

Then Roy pushed him out. "How about me?"

"(Roy's Final Smash? Heck yes!) I'll think about it."


"Chris, you forgot the other section!" Crazy Hand said from the counter.

Jobs - Stickers - Smashing Abilities - Items

"...The "Items" part wasn't there before!" Chris complained.

"It was my most recent part yet! Inside, you're going to find all the items avaiable for the matches, both old and new items are here!" Crazy Hand said excited.

"...Fine, I'll see what you have..."

Banana Peel - 100 Smash Coins

"Why do we need a banana peel? For tripping?" Red asked.

"...Uh-huh." Master Hand responded.

"...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Most of the Smashers bursted out laughing after hearing the word tripping.

"Tripping, that's funny, we never EVER trip in fights!" Popo said rolling laughing in the floor.

"I'm not buying that thing!" Chris said.

Beam Sword - 400 Smash Coins - 2 copies

"You mean the Beam Sword that is better than the Master Sword?" Nana asked.

"Hey! My sword is stronger than that thing!" Link said angrily.

"Give me one, please." Chris said paying for the Beam Sword that he...well, kept in his invisible bag that is behind his back that is easy to carry around as many do.

Bob-omb - 300 Smash Coins - 3 copies

"Bom-ombs are the worst thing you can ever have, don't buy them!" Pikachu said.

" item..."

Bumper - 500 Smash Coins - 1 copy

"Wait, wasn't the Bumper the same item from the first tournament?" Pikachu asked.

"Yes, it is, I decided to bring it back to this one." Master Hand said.

"Why did you bothered in bringing it back? It was very weak an annoying." Fox said crossing his arms.

"Chris, here, throw it to Fox." Master Hand said giving a free Bumper to Fox.

"Pfft, I'm not bothering using my Reflector." Fox said rolling his eyes.

"Here you go!" Chris said throwing the Bumper to Fox.


"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!" Fox was flung instantly and quickly to the other side of the room, crashing into the wall where his head got stuck. "GET ME OUT OF HERE!" He yelled angrily.

Command Room

"DON'T EVER MAKE FUN OF MY ITEMS, YOU HEAR ME?!" Master Hand yelled angrily as Falco went for Fox, but Wolf was rather amused at this. "Now, see it? It's floating in midair, it can be put down in the ground too, if someone approaches it, they'll bounce off, the higher the damage, the longer they'll bounce."

The bumper disappeared and Chris looked at Crazy Hand. "I'm not buying it either."

Bunny Hood - 300 Smash Coins - 1 copy

"You mean the funny hat that increases your speed?" Chris asked excited.

"Yes!" Crazy Hand said cheerfully.

"GIMME GIMME GIMME!" Chris gave 400 Smash Coins to the hand and stored the item.

Cracker Launcher - 500 Smash Coins - 1 copy

Master Hand snapped his fingers and the item fell in front of them. "Allow me to pesent to you the Cracker Launcher, it has 16 firecrackers and you can aim it to your opponents and fire, the last shot will be slightly stronger too."

Pichu took the Cracker Launcher. "So...I need to press this button and..."


"RUN!" Roy yelled terrorized and they ran away screaming (most of them) from the crazy item that kept firing firecrackers, the last shot hitting the screen.

Everyone entered back coughing from the smoke. "I'm-" Chris coughed. "Not buying it either..."

Deku Nut - 200 Smash Coins - 2 copies

"The Deku Nut?" Link, Toon Link and Zelda asked at the same time.

"It serves to stun and confuse your target for a moment by the explosion of the flash, it can also be used as a bomb but when someone is in the air." Master Hand explained.

He made a Deku Nut and Toon Link grabbed it. " looks odd..." He threw it...


"Heeeeeey look weeeeeeeirddddddd..." Popo said twirling his head.

"I believe I can flyyyyyyyy..." Chris said before trying to fly but fell. "Oww!"

"I wiiiiiiiiill protect you." Lucario said confused.

"Stop iiiiiiiiiiit guys..." Master Hand said before recovering.

Chris got up. "Next."

Fan - 100 Smash Coins - 4 copies

"Nobody uses those things." Zelda said.

"But it's great to break shields." Master Hand pointed out.

"...Hmm...fine, I'll buy one." Chris said buying a Fan.

Fire Flower - 200 Smash Coins - 2 copies

"Oh, the Fire Flower, good source to recover." Ness said smiling a little.

"Now you can use the Fire Flower while moving around." Master Hand said.

"I'll buy another thing." Chris said.

Food (contains 10 dishes) - 400 Smash Coins - 3 copies

"Food! Buy it! Buy it!" Kirby said pleading.

"But just because you want it doesn't means..." Chris looked at Kirby's face, who suddenly got sad that was very hard to avoid. "(Aww, look at that face, how can I say no to that face?) Okay! I'll buy the food!"


Chris bought the food. "But you do know we'll use it if we're tired, right?"

"...You're not fun." Kirby said simply walking away and Chris sweatdropped.

Franklin Badge - 400 Smash Coins - 1 copy

"The Franklin Badge? Huh? You know about it?" Ness and Lucas said and asked to themselves.

Master Hand made the badge appear. "If someone equips this item, a reflective shield will protect you from any kind of projectiles."

Pit walked up to it and wore it in his chest. "Like this?" Pit asked.

"Yes, like that."

"FIRE!" Pikachu yelled firing a Thunder Jolt towards Pit, the angel covered his face with his blades but the jolt bounced off and hit Pikachu. "Oww! That hurts a little even if I'm an electric type!"

"Told you." Master Hand said before the badge disappeared.

"I want one." Chris said buying the badge.

Freezie - 300 Smash Coins - 2 copies

"Freezies, hate them." Falco said shrugging.

"Tsk, fine..." Chris said rolling his eyes.

Golden Hammer - 1000 Smash Coins - 1 copy

"The Golden Hammer is a new item, it's better than the normal Hammer because it lets you float above depths for a time, it's faster to swing it too."

"But the head won't come out like the Hammer?" Popo asked.

"...Sorry, I couldn't fix that part." Mostly everyone groaned. "H-hey! Those things are hard to make!"

"Let me use it!" C. Falcon said as Master Hand made a Golden Hammer and C. Falcon took it, then he started to to swing it crazily fast with the music of the Golden Hammer.

"GET AWAY!" Pit yelled and everyone backed away from the crazy captain.

But after several seconds, the hammer disappeared and C. Falcon was panting heavily. "Man...that was...exhausting..."

"Even that freaky spell with the music is on that hammer as well." Ness said.

"...Hmm...I'll buy it later." Chris said.

Gooey Bomb - 200 Smash Coins - 3 copies

"The Gooey Bomb is an explosive encased in a gummy goo, if you throw it to an opponent or any part, it will get stick until it explodes, but if someone comes into contact with the one with the Gooey Bomb, it will change targets." Master Hand explained.

"Care to show us how the item looks like first?" Squirtle asked.

"Why not, it's behind your shell."

"DUAAAAAHHHH!!!" Squirtle ran around screaming until he got close to Red.

"H-HEY! GET THIS THING OFF ME!" Red yelled trying to get the bomb off him, but since it gets stuck, he couldn't do it until he touched Roy.

"I DON'T WANT IT EITHER! YOU HAVE IT!" Roy said touching Marth.

"I-I don't want to have an explosion on my face, yours!" Marth said.

"UAAAAAAHHHHHH!!" Lucas screamed until he touched Falco's tail by accident.


"G-get this off me!" Wolf said irritated touching Fox, and the bomb began to shine.

"NOT ME!" Fox said touching Mewtwo.

"D-don't drag me into this nonsense!" Mewtwo said angrily before touching Master Hand.

"...Oh...f-" The bomb exploded on Master Hand. "YOU...BUNCH...OF..."

Green Shell - 200 Smash Coins - 2 copies

"We know what that is, skip it." Nana said.

Hammer - 700 Smash Coins - 1 copy

"Skip!" Popo said.

Heart Container - 500 Smash Coins - 1 copy

"I'll buy one." Chris said buying the heart.

Home-Run Bat - 400 Smash Coins - 2 copies

"Now everybody has their own swing stance!" Master Hand said turning back to his white color.

"I want that one!" Chris bought that too.

Hothead - 200 Smash Coins - 3 copies

"When thrown, the Hothead will roll across the ground, inflicting fire damage, the longer the Hothead is rolling, the faster it moves across the ground." Master Hand explained as he threw a Hothead.

"Jump!" Pichu said jumping over the item with Pikachu.

"Jump!" Popo said jumping over with Nana as the othead vanished.

"Although it seems fun I don't want it." Chris said.

Lightning - 600 Smash Coins - 2 copies

"Wasn't that the same thing that made us grow bigger than the Super Mushroom?" Ness asked wondering.

"That item can do that?" C. Falcon asked.

"Well, the Lightning decreases the size of everyone but the user in a match," Master Hand explained. "But it sometimes malfunctions and shrinks the user instead or it can supersize everyone else, careful, using one of these can be either helpful or dangerous."

"Buy one! Buy one and use it right now!" Pichu said excited.

"...For once, I'll give you a sample." Master Hand said giving a free Lightning that Chris touched.

"Yes! We're big again!"

" the other way around..." Pikachu said squeaking.

"Oh god! Somebody turn me back to normal!" Jigglypuff said.

"We can't, we have to wait for the effect to worn off." Master Hand said.

15 seconds later...

Everyone grew up. "Phew, I thought I was going to be a Pichu for the eternity." Link said.

"Yes, be a Pi-hey!" Pichu said angrily.

Lip's Stick - 200 Smash Coins - 2 copies

"A.K.A useless item that nobody uses." Nana said.

"But you got to remark, that flower looks very well detailed." Pikachu said.

Maxim Tomato - 300 Smash Coins - 2 copies

"I'll take 2!" Chris said buying 2 tomatos.

Metal Box - 300 Smash Coins - 3 copies

"The Metal Box turns you into a metal version that is heavier to knock out, right?" Chris asked.

"That's right, it also makes you to lose speech." Master Hand said making a Metal Box to appear and roll towards Lucario.

"Lucario, use it and try to talk."

"Fine." Lucario said kicking the box and he turned into ametal version of himself and tried to talk.

"...Let's lost your eyes, you can't either scream or yell, you're shiny, oh, who's the pretty guy in the metal?"

Chris was pushed away by C. Falcon. "That's me! I can't believe it! That's me!"

"Lucario's now a Steel/Fighting/Metal type Pokémon!" Jigglypuff said.

"Metal is made of steel so that doesn't counts." Pikachu pointed out.


Lucario turned back to normal. "I felt...weird...I couldn't talk and..."

"Yeah, all of us wondered the same thing." Roy said.

"Next." Chris said.

Motion-Sensor Bomb - 100 Smash Coins - 3 copies

"I once stepped on those explosives somewhere, and that hurt a lot because they were like 4!" Link said angrily.

"Um...yeah...heheh..." Pichu said sweating a little.

"Next." Chris said.

Mr. Saturn - 100 Smash Coins - 100 copies

"100 copies?!" Ness said shocked. "Those guys aren't too helpful at all in the field of battle are you're letting them hang around with us?!"

"H-hey! You hurt his feelings!" Lucas said pointing at the random Mr. Saturn that appeared on his head.

"BoInG! NesS baD PeRsoN, BoiNG!" Mr. Saturn said before he disappeared.

Ness rolled his eyes. "Please, don't buy him."

"...Okay..." Chris said.

Pitfall - 200 Smash Coins - 3 copies

"The Pitfall is a ball that once it hits a target when thrown by someone, he or she will become stuck on the ground," Master Hand made a Pitfall and they looked at it. "I'll give you an example, CATCH IT!" He threw the ball at high speed towards Zelda, who used Nayru's Love to reflect it back to Master Hand who hit the cold floor quickly. "OWW! Why'd you do that?!"

"Because that was going to attack me." Zelda said crossing her arms.

"...I deserved that, alright," Master Hand said getting up. "If that item hits you when you're above a platform, you're going to fall through it instead of being stuck on the ground."

"I'll take 1." Chris said buying a Pitfall.

"Oops! Looks like your inventory became full and you have only 700 Smash Coins!" Crazy Hand said. "Don't worry though, you can still buy more things to have them stored here and decide which item you want to bring with you!"

Poison Mushroom - 400 Smash Coins - 2 copies

"Ew, not that mushroom, don't buy that." Nana said.

Pokeball - 800 Smash Coins - 6 copies

"Wait, Pokeballs but with Pokémon inside?! Buy them for me!" Red said excited.

"Red!" Squirtle and Ivysaur said angrily.

"...No thanks, too expensive." Chris said.

Ray Gun - 300 Smash Coins - 3 copies

"Biri-didiiiiiidididi-dororo!" Chris sang the James Bond theme.

"You want it?" Crazy Hand asked.


"It's yours my friend, as long as you have enough Smash Coins!" Crazy Hand said giving Chris the Ray Gun.

"Brr! T-those sentences are very familiar to me for an odd reason..." Link said shuddering.

Zelda shuddered too. "I wonder what was that about..."

Toon Link exchanged glances with Link but shrugged it off.

Screw Attack - 200 Smash Coins - 3 copies

"I called that item, the Screw You Attack." Falco joked and some of them chuckled.

"Okay, that was funny, but I'm not buying it either." Chris said.

Smart Bomb - 400 Smash Coins - 2 copies

"Wait, the Smart Bomb is an official item in this tournament?" Fox asked.

"Yes, I decided to bring even more explosives like the Gooey Bomb, the Smart Bomb creates an expandive sphere of explosion that catches anyone near, sometimes it's going to malfunction when thrown but will explode later." Master Hand explained.

"Hmph, I hate those things." Wolf said crossing his arms.

"So do I, that's why I'm not buying them." Chris said.

Smash Ball - 1000 Smash Coins - 1 copy


"That's...the best item...ever...nuff said..." Popo said crying a little.

"Nothing can compare its awesomeness..." Ness said crying a little.

"Just imagine what lies inside that ball..." Nana said poetically.

"A very strong power." Mewtwo pointed out calmly, not like many of them who were admiring the image that Master Hand showed them.

"It makes me feel strong already..." Pikachu said sniffing and cleaning his nose with a napkin Pichu gave him.

"BUY IT! BUY IT! BUY IT!" Pikachu, Pichu, Popo, Nana, Ness, Lucas, Toon Link, Jigglypuff (and even Link, Roy, C. Falcon and Falco) cheered.

"...Sorry, but as much as I like to buy it...I don't have enough money left with me..." Chris said ashamed.

"...You suck." Previous characters said in unison with glares and Chris sweatdropped.


I read your comment on Super Mario Bros. Z.

Have you watched all the episodes? Or just the first few minutes. (It gets better you know.)

It IS good. So there.

And don't send Lucario after me, I have a 50-ft. metallic, shape shifting Giga Bowser with the powers of the Star Rod absorbed (I call him Omega Bowser) in my possession. He has the power to take down a Moderator. (He had some help taking down an Administrator, so of course he can take down a Moderator). AND I'M NOT AFRAID TO USE HIM!

I can give you a reference to him if you want.
To be heard, speak up. To be seen, stand up. To be appreciated, shut up.


Quote from: makuta on October 07, 2008, 07:46:47 PM
I read your comment on Super Mario Bros. Z.

Have you watched all the episodes? Or just the first few minutes. (It gets better you know.)

It IS good. So there.

And don't send Lucario after me, I have a 50-ft. metallic, shape shifting Giga Bowser with the powers of the Star Rod absorbed (I call him Omega Bowser) in my possession. He has the power to take down a Moderator. (He had some help taking down an Administrator, so of course he can take down a Moderator). AND I'M NOT AFRAID TO USE HIM!

I can give you a reference to him if you want.
No, thanks, the series is horrible, only for me.


Smoke Ball - 100 Smash Coins - 5 copies

"The Smoke Ball is just a ball that spreades out a rainbow colored smoke that cloaks somebody or traps like the Motion-Sensor Bomb." Master Hand explained, throwing a Smoke Ball that got stuck on Pit.

"H-hey, get this off me!" Pit said before the smoke increased and next thing that happened, the whole room got covered in smoke and they coughed.

Several minutes later of coughing, the Smoke Ball disappeared with the smoke.

"Next." Chris said.

Soccer Ball - 500 Smash Coins - 1 copy

"A super-powered ball that releases a powerful hit whoever can hit the opponent with a strong attack!" Master Hand said as he created a free Soccer Ball that went rolling to the floor to the Smashers.

Fox picked up the Soccer Ball and sighed. "This makes me remember the good times in school..."

"Sweet, school times..." Falco said.


Middle School's Soccer Field

"Okay, listen up boys, today we're doing a hard training exercise," the coach said holding a Soccer Ball. "We're going to train hard to beat the other Middle School's team an-"

"STOP THE FLASHBACK!" Chris yelled outside and the whole scene breaks like a glass, shattering.

Smash Mansion
Command Room

"What was that for? We were remembering the good times in Middle School!" Falco said angrily.

"But we didn't asked to remember it with you 2!" Pikachu said, as the Soccer Ball disappeared.

"Well, if you have a flashback in the future, don't continue with it!"

"Next, I don't have enough money." Chris said.

Spring - 200 Smash Coins - 2 copies

"The Spring is the thing that ALWAYS appear in most worlds, you don't need an explanation for that." Master Hand said.

"Next." Chris said.

Starman - 800 Smash Coins - 1 copy

"Do I need to explain that?"

"No...but it's too expensive." Chris pointed out.

Star Rod - 400 Smash Coins - 2 copies

"Hmm...nope, next." Chris said.

Super Mushroom - 400 Smash Coins - 2 copies

"I want to be BIG anytime!" Pichu said.

"One please!" Chris saying buying the mushroom, now having 100 Smash Coins.

Super Scope - 400 Smash Coins - 2 copies

"Now you can jump and move around to fire a charged shot or multiple ones!" Crazy Hand said.

"But even so, I don't have enough money." Chris said.

Superspicy Curry - 300 Smash Coins - 3 copies

"Ooohhh, I want curry!" Kirby said and they glared at him (the same characters who ate the curry before).

"No, we don't want THAT inside us again." Nana said frowning.

"It's just curry." C. Falcon said chuckling.

1 minute later...

"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! IT BURNS SO MUCH!!! WATER! WATER! WATER! I NEED WATER!" C. Falcon begged while everyone ran away from his mouth's fireballs.

"You just have to wait for 20 seconds to pass." Master Hand said hiding in the counter.

21 seconds later...>_>

"...Ah...that" C. Falcon said panting.

"Next!" Chris said impaciently.

Team Healer - 200 Smash Coins - 3 copies

Master Hand created the Team Healer. "Grab and throw this item to one of your allies to recover damage, the higher the damage, the higher they're healed."

Meta Knight grabbed it. "Hmm..." He threw it to C. Falcon, who sighed in relief.

"Thanks." C. Falcon said.

"Next." Chris said.

Timer - 500 Smash Coins - 2 copies

"The Timer slows down everyone's time except for the user, but it also can malfunction and slow only the user instead." Master Hand explained as the Timer came floating down.

"...Is it just me or many items malfunctions?" Marth wondered.

"You really did screwed up this time." Link said.

"Screw this!" Master Hand taking the Timer, slowing everyone's time.

"Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyy, wwwwwwwwwwwwwhat's haaaaappeeeeeeenniiiiiiiiiiinnnnnng?" Ness asked.

"Theeeeee tttttttimeeeeee sloooooooowed dooooooooooooooownnnnnnnn." Roy said.

"IIIIIIIIII feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel weeeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrrd." Lucas said.

"Meeeeeeeeeeee tooooooooooooooooooooo!" Popo said.

"IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT wooooooooooondeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrr iiiiiiiiif IIIIIIIIIII siiiiiiiiiinnngggggggg..." Jigglypuff thought and Mewtwo SLOWLY, but very slowly shook his head.

"Weeeeeeeeeeeee neeeeeeeeeeeed toooooooooo waaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiit tweeeeeeeeelve seeeeeeeecooooooooondsssssssssss." Master Hand said.

"Whyyyyyyyyyyy diiiiiid yoooooou weeeeeeeereeeeeeee affeeeeeeeeecteeeeeeeedddd?" Pit asked.

"Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit baaaaaaackfiiiiiiireeeeeedddddd!"

12 seconds later...

"Not buying that thing either." Chris said frowning.

Unira - 200 Smash Coins - 4 copies

"The Unira is a spiked ball that grows its spikes once its thrown or hit, it attaches itself on the ground or the walls." Master Hand said creating an Unira.

"...You know you want to, Pichu." Pikachu said.

"Yay!" Pichu took the Unira and threw it to the wall, where its spikes grew when it got attached before disappearing.

"It's going to be easy to deal with that item around." Nana said.

"Next." Chris said.

Warp Star - 600 Smash Coins - 2 copies

"I love to use my Warp Star!" Kirby said hopping.

"But's very expensive for me right now..." Chris said.

"And those were all the items, these were the items you bought, choose which ones you want to take with you!" Crazy Hand said shwoing Chris the list.

Beam Sword
Bunny Hood
Franklin Badge
Heart Container
Home-Run Bat
2 Maxim Tomatos
Ray Gun
Super Mushroom

"I'll take with me the Beam Sword, Bunny Hood, Food (Kirby: Yay!), Franklin Badge, Heart Container, Home-Run Bat, 1 Maxim Tomato, the Pitfall, the Ray Gun and the Super Mushroom."

"Then you're storing the Fan and the other tomato, fine! And since everything is a little too expensive, you're going to receive more Smash Coins after clearing a world!" Crazy Hand said.

"Well, now we just need to wait until they attack another world." Ivysaur said.

"...Wait..." Geno said. "I need to make a letter to a friend."

"For what?" Chris asked.

"Because we need him to help us, and as a matter of fact, I have the letter ready." Geno said holding a letter.

"Then we should call Parakarry to deliver that let-"

"Hey, something is moving inside that drawer close to that machine!" Toon Link said, when he opened the drawer, someone popped out happily, making him to back away. "YAAAH!"

"Hello everyone!" Parakarry said smiling.

"B-but how did you were inside there?!"

"I'm a very sneaky person, may I say," Parakarry said chuckling. "Anyway, someone needs to send a letter to someone? I heard that from far away and decided to appear here!"

"Are you an instant postman for us or something?" Link asked.

"Something like that!"

"Oh no, that creepy postman is coming to my mind again."

"By the way, the office has a new postman, the Postman!"

"Great, thank you very much!" Link said crossing his arms angrily.

"Here, please, deliver this letter as fast as you can." Geno said handing over the letter to Parakarry, who nodded and kept it inside his mailbag.

"Parakarry, how are the citizens of the city?" Master Hand asked and Parakarry's face turned serious this time.

"Everyone decided to abandon the city until that sword, Exor, was it? Disappears to enter the city, but Quil, Postman and me decided to stay behind to see if you guys could do something about it." Parakarry said.

"We will do something, that's because I need you to deliver the letter to him." Geno said.

"Who is him?" Kirby asked.

"You'll see soon enough."

"Well, it was a pleasure to stay here, but I have work to do now!" Parakarry entered in the same drawer he came from while his head was sticking out. "I'll deliver the letter as fast as I can! Good bye!" He entered inside the drawer and disappeared when Toon Link opened it again.

"...That guy is WEIRD." Toon Link said.

"Meh, instant postmans are good, I guess." Roy said.

"No, they aren't." Link said.

"By the way Chris," Master Hand began. "Since Etna's Prinnies destroyed EVERY single CD, I'm asking you a favor."

"W-what favor?" Chris asked confused.

"Could you please call any kind of musician to the mansion so they can recover the lost tracks? It doesn't matter what kind of instrument they use, it matters if they can use them to recreate all the music-" Etna looked away after Master Hand looked at her. "Etna's Prinnies destroyed, if you can do that, I'll give you a reward."

"...You mean as a sidequest or something?"

"You could say it like that if you want."

"...Fine, I'll look around for musicians."

"Wanted: Musicians" sidequest has been added to the sidequests list

"I'll keep that note on my list if you want to see it again!" Professor Kawashima said from Chris's pocket.

"Oh!" Flonne appeared from the hall. "Could you do me a favor too?"

"What is it?" Chris asked.

"I-I'm trying to find where is Laharl to kill him so I was wondering if you...could search that world for me...pretty please?"

"Wait," Etna jumped off from the desk she was sitting on. "Take that favor for me too, I want to prevent this little knucklehead to stop from doing that."

"E-Etna! I-I'm sorry, but it's my work as an angel to assassinate him!"

"And it's my work as a vassal to protect and serve him." Etna said, putting her hands on her hips.

"Y-you'll decided once I find that "Laharl" person." Chris said.

"Wanted: Laharl" sidequest has been added to the sidequests list

"Thank you!" Etna and Flonne said smiling before they stared at each other.

"..." Chris sat on the floor. "...So many things to keep track on..."

"You'll do it just fine if you concentrate in only one thing." Master Hand said before a small alarm was activated and he gasped.

"I-it's another invasion?" Lucas asked.

"No! It's a new Smasher that is ready to join us!" Master Hand said as a new portal opened. "Chris, do the honors and convince the next one."

"...Okay..." Chris said stepping inside the portal.

And all the lights turned off and a spotlight shone of Master Hand with a red curtain to his left side, then another spotlight shone on all Smashers and Geno, Etna and Flonne.

"W-what happened?" Pit asked.

"Let's do this with a little more fun, if you can guess who is the new Smasher, you get to see your Final Smash in action!" Master Hand said.

"Knuckle Joe!" Kirby said excited.


"Krystal!" Fox said.

"Hahahaha!... No."

"Plusle and Minum!" Pichu said excited.


"Another Zelda?" Zelda asked.


"Another japanese character?" Marth asked.


"Samurai Goroh?" C. Falcon asked.


"An old Link?" Link asked.

"You wish! No!"

"Leon." Wolf said.

"No! Everyone but him!" Falco said alarmed.

"No." Master Hand said and Falco sighed in relief.

"Paula!" Ness said excited.


"Kumatora!" Lucas said excited.


"Jeff?" Ness asked again.



"You already choose!"

"Duster?" Lucas asked doing the same as Ness.




"Blaziken?" Pikachu asked.


"Lloyd!" Roy said excited.


"Colette?" Pit asked.


"Bill?" Falco asked.


"A Topi?" Popo asked.


"The Polar Bear?" Nana asked.


"A Topi?" Popo asked again.


"Whismur?" Jigglypuff asked.


"Hitmonchan?" Red asked.


"Blastoise?" Squirtle asked.


"Venasaur?" Ivysaur asked.


"Tetra?" Toon Link asked.


"A random enemy." Meta Knight said.


"Someone that nobody knows about!" Twink (who decided to appear from the darkness) said excited.

"Correct!... But since you're not a Smasher, you don't get a Smash Ball."


The red curtain moved, indicating that Chris came back. "Our new Smasher is...." Master Hand removed the curtain, and Chris was standing there looking around. "Olimar!"


Olimar joined your team!

"...No, that's Chris." C. Falcon said as the lights turned on.

"Weird, he was with me a moment ago, where is he?" Chris asked looking around.

"...There! Close to your right foot!" Master Hand said using a magnifying glass to show Olimar rather alarmed at his surroundings.

"WHERE AM I?!" Olimar asked screaming and running around in circles. "WHY IS EVERYTHING SO BIG?!"

The Smashers approached closer to see the mini captain panicking. "...I could beat him with one stomp, not to be rude or something..." C. Falcon said pointing at Olimar.


"Oh, just shut up and let me resize you!" Master Hand said firing a laser to Olimar, who made him to grow about Mario's size...but still, he was panicking until Chris stopped him.

"CALM DOWN!" Chris said slapping Olimar's helmet.

"...Huh? W-what happened? Why did I grow up suddenly?" Olimar asked looking at his hands.

"Olimar, I welcome you to the Smash Mansion and to the Smashers." Master Hand said.

"...A-A FLOATING HAND! PIKMINS!" Olimar yelled ordering his apparently invisible army of Pikmins to attack Master Hand.

"Relax! Your Pikmin are waiting to be pulled out of the ground when you try to call one!"

Needless to say, Olimar listened to Master Hand and called 6 Pikmins (about his size) that directly went after the hand. "ATTACK!"


"No, don't listen to him, it's funny!" Zelda said chuckling.


"...If it has "Cruel" next to "Brawl" then...IT'S THE BRAWL VERSION OF CRUEL MELEE!" C. Falcon gasped throwing the Pikmin away that died once they touched the walls, turning into ghosts.

"NO! THEY WERE JUST BORN!" Olimar said dropping to his knees.


"Hi Olimar!" The Ice Climbers said waving at him.

"Oh, Popo! Nana! It's nice to meet you 2 again!" Olimar said quickly calming down.

"...That was fast..." Master Hand said.

"Wait, let me explain everything to Olimar." Chris said and they nodded.

1 hour later...

"And whatever you think, any person you see looks like an animal is just a friendly anthro." Chris said explaining everything to Olimar, who kept nodding at all things.

"...Oh...I see...let me write this down in my journal..." Olimar said taking out a pen.

Day 389
It seems I was recruited to fight an evil organization called "The Subspace Army" that my friends that helped me the other time were fighting against, oh, I hope my dear wife and kids don't get worried about me.

...However, I need to keep the Pikmins away from that "Falco" person, what if he is acquainted with those bird heads or whatever their names were I used to run away from?

"...I...ready to understand all this problem..." Olimar said.

"Wait, you say you were a captain?" C. Falcon asked.

"Y-yes, I'm a captain from my own company I work for."

"...Pfft, you're a worker instead of a captain."

"W-what? No! I'm a captain!"

"Neither of you are captains, C. Falcon only has the "captain" word just for disguising his true identity...which makes the question what is below that helmet..." Zelda said wondering.

"If you go on a date with me, I'll show you." C. Falcon said winking at her.

"...Then again, he knows how to scare me away."

"Yeah, I-HEY!"

"THE ALARMS WERE ACTIVATED!" Master Hand said as the alarms, along with the small alarm activated at the same time. "It's a new Smasher's world!"

"A Topi!" Popo said again.

"NO! He comes from the same kind of world where Marth and Roy came from!"

"I'm already interested to see who is him." Marth said interested.

"So am I." Roy said.

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
Current Status: Ike's iniciation of a mercenary
Race: Humans, tigers, birds and dragons
Number of protagonists: 1
Level of danger: Medium
Members allowed to dispatch: 9
Highly recommended abilities: Sword play/skills

Chris changed to his Ranger job. "UAH!" He fell because he held his sword with 2 hands instead of one. "I-Ike! He is the next one!"

"Ike?" Roy asked.

"Just imagine a person with the same clothes as me but taller and with blue hair...and not slightly black."

"In other words, only Link, Toon Link, Pit, Marth, Roy, Meta Knight, Geno and C. Falcon can go." Master Hand said.

"I still have energy to continue so..." Toon Link trailed off.

"Hey! I'm a bird!" Falco protested raising his hand.

"And we're humans too!" Ness, Lucas and the Ice Climbers said in unison raising their hands.

"But I'm tired..." Lucas complained.

"...Well, me too." Ness said embarrassed.

"Then that means Link, Toon Link, Marth, Roy, Pit, Meta Knight, Geno, C. Falcon and Falco can come with me?"

"What about us?!" The Ice Climbers asked.

"...Meh, let them go instead of me, I'm tired too." Link said.


"Let Pit go instead of me too." Toon Link said deciding.

"Thanks, I'll apreciate it." Pit said.

"So the final characters are the Ice Climbers, Pit, Marth, Roy, Meta Knight, Geno, C. Falcon and Falco...I'm not sure about the Ice Climbers, C. Falcon and Falco since they're not swordsmen so...I'll accept them." Chris said.

"(Just a little longer, and when the Over Limit gauge fills, I'll USE my Final Smash to show it off! MWHAHAHA, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!)"

"Falco and C. Falcon, is bad to say out loud what were you thinking." Master Hand pointed out.

"Heheheheh...heheh...heh..." Both looked away embarrassed.

"Lucario, you'll have to wait here until I return, no complains, okay?" Chris asked.

"I understand." Lucario said nodding.

"Since Olimar is still confused about all of this, Jigglypuff will show the mansion and the other stuff to him." Master Hand said.

"W-why do I need to do that?" Jigglypuff asked.

"Because you have to do SOMETHING."

"...Chris...when you return...take me to the next world to show him, alright?" Jigglypuff demanded.

"O-okay..." Chris said before opening the portal. "Please, don't try to do something stupid in front of Geno."

"Like you haven't done something embarrassing." Nana said.

"...I-I didn't, I think..." Chris said a little embarrassed before they entered inside and vanished.

"You say the Prinnies are butlers?" Ness asked interested.

"Yes." Mewtwo said nodding.

"Prinnies! Bring me my lemonade!" Ness ordered.

"I want some too!" Pichu said.

"I-I want some too!" Lucas said.

Preview of the next chapter

"They said some strange people appeared out of nowhere on the other side of the village." Titania said.

"Then I'll go to see them personally." Ike said.


"Next time: Mist knows best!" Olimar said.

Do you want to save your data?


Overwrite file?


, Lucario, Pikachu, Pichu, Jigglypuff, Mewtwo, Red, Squirtle, Ivysaur, Kirby, Meta Knight, Link, Zelda, Toon Link, Fox, Falco, Wolf, Captain Falcon, Olimar, Marth, Roy, Ness, Lucas, Pit, Ice Climbers, Geno, Twink