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The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest (Megaman Legends Arc)

Started by DededeCloneChris, March 04, 2008, 02:00:26 PM

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Chapter 1: START OF DISC 1: A real adventure begins!

Finally, the time has come to invade all the worlds, we will conquer all, we will eliminate anyone who dares to stop us, we will take every world to rule them all, we will be powerful, let the invasion begin...

It was morning, it was very sunny, this story tells about a boy who loves to play videogames and believes in the fantasy. And also, he was very happy when he finally got a game he was waiting for a long time.

He was running in a hurry to his house to play, he didn't want to lose more time and begin the game.

"Hello, I'm Chris, I'm a 16 year old boy who lives all alone in his house, well, not exactly alone, I have someone special there, but to not get sidetracked, let's talk about me. I love to play videogames because they have amazing places to see which you can't find anywhere else, I'm also very smart, and I love to draw too, and now, this day was special, because I got Super Smash Bros Brawl now! Isn't it cool?

After finally reaching his house and panting a little before opening the door, he shouted for someone inside.

"Lucario! I'm home!"

In the terrace, there was a person meditating, when he heard someone calling for him, he smiled a little bit and got up to go.

You won't believe this, that special person was no other than Lucario, how did I met him if he was inside a game? Well, I can't explain that, but it was the fate who decided to let me meet him, but let's talk about him now.

When it was the first day of summer the last year, it was a stormy night and I was alone in the night playing Pok?mon in my DS, after turning off the game while I was looking to the status of Lucario, I placed the DS in the open window and after a while a thunder struck down the DS and from that a Pokeball came out, and inside of it was Lucario, suffering from a fever, I quickly got up and tried to cure him, I placed him in the bed with a wet towel in his forehead and I slept in a chair waiting for his recuperation

The next day, I found myself in the bed instead of Lucario, I thought it was a dream, but it wasn't, because Lucario was to my right looking outside, he saw me in the bed and approached to me, he knelted and told me "I'm grateful to be fine because of you...master"

I told him that it wasn't really necessary to say "Master" to me, but he didn't understand until the third time, and you know what he say after, he wants to stay with me! I have never been so happy in my life before!

Thanks to Lucario, I never was alone, because he was always with me everytime, wanting to know about the real world, there was some mistakes, but he eventually learned them all in no time.

And something that is interesting is this, Lucario has a amazing strength and speed, I knew he is strong, but I never knew he was too strong! On top of that, the most weird thing is, he is as tall as me, weird, isn't? A tall Lucario, just wonderful! He is very proctective, every time I got myself in danger, he jumps and defends me.

Also he got the same likes of videogames, at first, he didn't knew how to play them, but he got very good at it in no time, thanks to me. He is very friendly when you got the time to know him well, that is the most important thing I like from him.

"Did you found it?" Lucario asked.

Chris then placed the game between their eyes "Yep, I got it!" He smiled "Now we can play it together!"

Lucario nodded, but then, he felt a strange presence coming from the game.

"There is something wrong with this game" He said staring at the box.

"Wrong?" Chris asked confused.

"I don't know what it is, but it feels evil"

"Please, that doesn't make any sense, maybe you're too excited to play and you're feelings things inside"



Subspace Emissary is awsome. Can't wait to see how this goes.
...Friend codes were probably implemented by the same people who wanted tripping in Brawl...
...It's quite obvious...


Quote from: Ridley on March 04, 2008, 02:04:08 PM
Subspace Emissary is awsome. Can't wait to see how this goes.
The first time I see you posting in my stories. O_O


Quote from: wiiboychris on March 04, 2008, 02:08:24 PM
Quote from: Ridley on March 04, 2008, 02:04:08 PM
Subspace Emissary is awsome. Can't wait to see how this goes.
The first time I see you posting in my stories. O_O

Yeah I decided to post in more boards than usual.
...Friend codes were probably implemented by the same people who wanted tripping in Brawl...
...It's quite obvious...


Would this be considered a "sequel" to Lucario and Chris?



Quote from: wiiboychris on March 04, 2008, 07:33:17 PM
Quote from: Triforce_Luigi on March 04, 2008, 07:12:39 PM
Would this be considered a "sequel" to Lucario and Chris?
It is.

Okay. And did Lucario just call SSBB "evil"? Cause if he did... Well...... >:(


They went to their room and Chris took the disc out of the box.

"See? Nothing seems evil or something" He then placed the disc inside the Wii "Seriously, nothing is happening" And then he selected the game screen.

But something was wrong, the game stopped.

"Huh? Why the game isn't starting?"

"Something is happening in reality" Lucario said.

"That's weird, let me check it" He approached to the Wii and suddenly, a purple light was coming from where the disc was "Strange, when did the light turned purple instead of blue?"

"Look out!" Lucario shouted.

"Why-" The light was shining brightly and a force pushed Chris to the wall, luckily Lucario got him before he could hit the wall.

"What is happening?" Chris asked in terror, suddenly purple lights came from the disc and were flying in a circle in the middle of the room.

"This is getting out of hand!" Chris said, then all the purple lights fired to all the games of Chris's collection and began to glow in a purple aura before fading out.

"I told you, something was wrong with that game you got" Lucario pointed out. Chris approached to the Wii and examined it.

"But, what were those strange lights?" Suddenly, the Wii was shining again, but instead of purple it was this time a yellow light. Chris backed away to where Lucario was. But it stopped glowing, the duo approached curiously to the Wii, and after 3 seconds, 2 big figures appeared and crushed both of them.

"Where are we brother?" One figure asked to the other.

"Crazy, get off me now!" The other one replied in an angrily tone because the other was above him.

Then the 2 started to shake, Lucario was carrying them from him and Chris and he threw them to the floor.

"Phew, I thought I was crushed!" Chris said in relief, then his eyes widened when he saw who were the 2 figures.

"Who are they Chris?" Lucario asked.

"They are...Master Hand and Crazy Hand" He answered, indeed, the 2 figures were the hand of creation Master Hand and the hand of destruction Crazy Hand.

"You know our names? Wait, you're a human!" Master Hand turned to Lucario "And you're a Pok?mon!" Chris and Lucario nodded.

"Humans? I thought Yoshi was a human!" Crazy Hand said.

"Crazy, you don't know how to see the differences now" Master Hand said ashamed of his brother.

Lucario charged up an Aura Sphere in front of his right hand "Ok, you 2 need to tell us what is happening before Lucario kills you" Chris told to both hands.

"Alright alright! We will tell! But first, tell your killer friend to stop charging up that thing!" Master Hand said and Chris told Lucario to stop charging the Aura Sphere.

10 minutes later in the living room with the curtains closed...

"First, we want to know what were those purple lights coming from the disc" Chris asked.

Master Hand cleared his invisible throat before speaking "Those purple lights were the Primids, the culprits for invading all the Subspace Emissary, those evil and foul creatures want to conquer all the worlds by first invading them and then use a Subspace bomb for making their own world, which will be ruled by their boss"

"But how did you 2 got out of the disc?" Lucario asked.

"You see, the disc you 2 have now is very different from the other ones, is a special one, it holds an unbelievable power to transport any living being to any world, if is of fantasy or not" Master Hand pointed out.

"But there wasn't any creature besides you who got here" Chris pointed out.

"That is exactly the goal of the Primids, they want to create their own world and then move their plan to the real world, where they will gain absolute control"

"Absolute control?!" Chris asked in surprise.

Master Hand nodded his hand "That's right, if they make it here, the game is over for everyone!"

Crazy Hand yelled in horror "NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!"

"Shut up your brother before he can break a window with that voice!" Chris said while he was blocking his ears. Master Hand slapped his insane brother and he calmed down.

"And what about Mario and the others?" Chris asked.

"They were returned to their worlds because they fighted but fell in battle, I used my magical powers to return them, but then me and Crazy needed to escape from the army and we got here, I erased their minds about the event and everything they could remember was erased"

"Wait a minute, then the Primids are hunting them to eliminate them once and for all?"

Master Hand nodded "Yes, they don't want any kind of obstacle to interfere in their plans"

"Did they killed somebody in the process?"

Master Hand looked away to his brother and the 2 nodded "They've killed Lucario"

Chris's and Lucario's eyes widened after hearing this "What? How?" Lucario asked.

"Lucario risked his life for everyone because they shot him with a devastating beam attack before it reached to the others, I couldn't cure him because I don't know how, it was a risky situation, Roy, Pichu and Mewtwo gave their lifes too in the battle"

"This is an outrage! We have to do something before they can kill somebody else!" Chris said angrily.

Master Hand paused for a moment "Then I have a plan, follow me you 2"

The 4 went to the room were the Wii and the games are.

"Chris, Lucario" Master Hand said to the 2 "We have to stop the Primid invasion to the other worlds before they can take them"

"But, how can we go there?" Lucario asked.

Master Hand saw a Wiimote in the desk and pointed at it, he fired a yellow light to the control and it went in front of Chris and Lucario.

"Use this, this control is a key to go to the other worlds" Master Hand said.

"Save them before they vanish!" Crazy Hand said.

"What about you 2?" Chris asked.

"We will do some changes at this place to complete this task" Chris looked at him annoyed "Hey! What are you 2 going to do to my house?"

"Don't worry, we will keep your things in the same position, the only thing that will change will be the space, I mean, we need more space than this!" Master Hand said looking around "And besides, is possible that someone will join us"

Chris opened his mouth "You mean someone can join us to fight this battle?" Master Hand nodded "Alright! I'm in!" Let's go Lucario!"

"As you wish" Lucario said.

"Oh, one last thing before you 2 leave" Master Hand pointed his finger at the 2 and a light shot them and dissapeared.

"What was that?"

"I gave you 2 the ability to change powers"

"Change powers?"

Master Hand nodded "Yes, during your adventures, it will be necessary to gain different abilities to do the fight easier, let's call this a "Job system" for now"

"You know, the Job System is actually a system of Final Fantasy" Chris pointed out.

"Really? Maybe I got the idea from that place" Master Hand blushed a bit.

"No you didn't!" Crazy Hand said.

"Oh shut up Crazy!"

Lucario looked at the games, flashing in a purple light "Where first?"

"Man, you got many games Chris!" Crazy Hand said looking at the games, then he saw some others flashing too "And even the Primids wants to take the worlds from, hmm...." He approached to the weird discs and gasped "Worlds where they didn't have anything to do with the invasion!"

"They want to take the other worlds besides the planned ones! If they managed to do that, everything will be done for!" Master Hand said.

"Then, I want to go to.....EarthBound" Chris said holding the game "EartBound" in his hands.

"So you want to help Ness? Ok, point the Wiimote at the game and then it will transport you to....well...where Ness currently is, be careful though, you need to defeat the Primids and only them, but if by any chance you need to help Ness in his personal things, then you have to do it until the Primids are defeated, then return here by calling us"

"How?" Chris asked.

"Oh just go there now and I will send you something!"

Chris stared at Master Hand before rolling his eyes, then he pointed the Wiimote to the game, Lucario placed his hand in Chris's left shoulder and a light came from the control and struck the game, a light was surrounding the 2 and they dissapeared.

"Now Crazy, let's do some changes at this place!" Master Hand said as Crazy nodded.


Chapter 2: EarthBound, the tutorial

After going to EarthBound, the duo landed in Winters.

"I should have taken our scarfs if we knew where we were going to land" Chris said sneezing a little.

However, Lucario felt a little strange.

"What is it Lucario?" Chris turned to Lucario, but his eyes widened when Lucario was more tiny but still he was taller than Chris "Hey, when did you get so big?"

"And when were you tiny and had those eyes?"

"What do you mean-" Chris gasped when he saw his body tiny than the last time, his head was big but his body was almost of the same size as the head, his eyes were now wider instead of being round "Master Hand! What happened to us?!"

A book fell from the sky and Lucario took it.

"This is a...tutorial?"

"Let me see!" Lucario gave the book to Chris, indeed, the book is a tutorial, he opened the book and readed it loud.

Welcome young travelers, so it seems you have been traveling to other worlds huh? Well, this helpful guide will help you in all your doubts, just go to the next page to learn how to venture in all the worlds

"I hope this does help us in any way!" Chris flipped the page.

The first thing you will notice is a process called transformation, this happens if the world you are currently visiting has a different kind of air (example: if you go to a world where everything even the people looks sharper, you will look sharper too, if you go to a world where everything is so tiny, you will be tiny too) however, if someone who is from another world and travels to another world, the differences will be lesser

"That explains your situation Lucario" Chris pointed out.

Job System

This system allows you to change abilities, depending of the place you currently are, is possible to learn the abilities of that world, for example, if there is a place where, let's say, strength is more lethal, you can learn it too, if there is a place where magic can be learned, you can learn it too, also, if you manage to get a least an ability, you will change your uniform with the uniform for that job

To select a job, first you need to navigate through the world and find someone who can teach to you, be warned, some persons can learn more jobs than others

"I'm totally useless in this state then" Chris said looking at the floor.

Rules of traveling

Every world has his own way to travel, but the most important thing is the type of form to travel, for example, some worlds needs to be traveled by fighting monsters in turns, while others needs to be traveled using items and defeating enemies in the open field

However, when you're fighting the Primids, you will fight them in a phenomenon called "Sidescroller" this happens when you want to fight a Primid and you need to defeat them by dealing damage to them and then blasting them off with a strong impact, there are some Primids which have health instead of a "Damage meter" so you need to be careful in all times

"I think this is enough, I'll keep this in my pocket" Chris said keeping the book inside his pocket.

"But what if we need to read more?" Lucario asked.

"Nobody reads the manual the first time they have the game in their hands anyway"

"Look, someone is jumping that fence in that building" Lucario said looking at 2 kids near a building with uniforms.

"Jeff, promise me you will be careful in your journey" The kid with a hat, red hair and uniform inside the fence said to the other, his name is Tony.

"Thanks, I will do everything to save Paula and Ness, cover me in the classes" The other one, Jeff, a little boy with glasses and blond hair with a uniform of school said to Tony.

"Ok! Good luck in your journey then!" Tony said waving his hand to Jeff, while he was entering the school as Jeff was walking alone to a store near the school.

"Should we go now?" Lucario asked.

"Yes, let's go!" Both of them ran towards the store. Jeff got out with a monkey chewing a bubble gum.

"Hmm, what do I have here? A kid and his dog" Jeff said looking at Chris and his dog. Lucario glared at Jeff.

"Errhm, he is not a dog, he is Lucario" Chris pointed out.

"Oh, sorry to be a little rude then, if you 2 excuse me, I have to rescue 2 friends from some zombies in a creepy town" Jeff walked out, but Chris grabbed his shoulder.

"Wait, we want to go with you"

"Really? I would appreciate that, but may I ask why?"

"Because along the way there are evil creatures and we want to defeat them" Chris said.

"Hmm, your assistance could be helpful then, but what can you and that do-I mean, Lucario do?"

Lucario approached to a tree and punched it, then the tree was torn apart and fell to the ground.

"Wow, interesting, your strength could be useful" Jeff remarked.

"Alright, is a deal!" Chris said happily.

"But what can you do?" Jeff asked.

"Well, for the moment I can't do anything because I need to learn a skill first" Chris said dissapointed.

"...That is not important, but you can come too if you want to find that skill"

"Ok" Chris smiled.

"Then off we go" Jeff said as the quartet (Including the monkey) left to the woods of Winters......until they come across a enemy!

Gruff Goat

Jeff  Chris  Lucario
48    59      189

Gruff Goat stomps on Jeff!

Jeff receives 8 damage!

Jeff uses his Pop Gun!

Gruff Goat receives 18 damage!

Chris defends!

Bubble monkey spits in Gruff Goat's eyes!

Gruff Coat receives 12 damage!

Lucario punches Gruff Goat!

Gruff Goat receives 239 damage! It became tame!


Jeff and company receives 20 EXP points!

Jeff level up!

HP by 4!
Offense by 2!
Defense by 1!
Speed by 3!
Oh baby! Guts by 5!
Luck by 1!
Vitality by 3!
Oh baby! IQ by 6!

"Wow, that is the style of traveling in this game" Chris said.

"Excuse me, but what game?" Jeff asked.

"Nothing! Nothing!"

The quartet then finds a investigation camp inside the woods.

"Hello travelers! We're the Tessie Watching Club!" One man said.

"We currently are investigating the legend of the legendary monster of this lake, Tessie, do you want to know about it?" Another man said to the quartet.

"Well, we're in a hurry now, so maybe later" Chris said.

"Ok! But if you want to know, come to us!" Suddenly the Bubble Monkey runs away to the lake "Hey you! Come here, I spent my hard earned $1 dollar on you!" Jeff said chasing the monkey.

"...Hard earned $1 dollar?" Chris and Lucario said in unison, then they went after Jeff and the monkey.

After catching the Bubble Monkey, he was trying to grab something from Jeff's pocket. And he took a bubble gum from it "This is not the time for chewing gum!" Chris said.

Suddenly, from the lake, a head came out, revealing to be the legendary Tessie.

"Speaking of the devil" Lucario muttered to himself.

"Interesting, Lucario just spoke to himself" Jeff said moving his glasses, staring at Lucario in awe.

"Hey watchers! Here is Tessie!" Chris yelled to the watchers.

"Wait! We can't go without our notepads and stuff!" A voice yelled from a tent, then a crash was heard "Wait a minute!" The Bubble Monkey made a bubble, then Jeff grabbed the monkey and Lucario grabbed Chris jumping in Tessie's head, then Tessie moved to another place with the quartet in top of his head.

"Poor watchers, they didn't saw Tessie" Jeff pointed out.

"Strange, we have been travelling for a time and there is no clues about the Primids yet" Chris said to Lucario.

"I'm not sure if they are waiting for us" Lucario said.

"Who are those Primids things?" Jeff asked.

"The Primids are foul creatures who want to take over the world including this one"

"Wait, when you mean including this one do you mean there are other worlds besides this?" Jeff asked.

"Indeed" Lucario answered.

"This is quite interesting, I must research more for this"

"Look! I see land!" Chris said pointing to safe land (For now) The quartet jumped off from Tessie's head and he went away to the lake.

"HELP!!!" Someone yelled from afar. Lucario ran in a hurry towards where the voice was coming.

"Hey wait for us!" Chris said with Jeff and the Bubble Monkey following behind.

Preview of the next chapter

Hello, my name is Jeff, wow, those Primids are invading the Brick Road, what a boring place to invade actually, but Chris and Lucario take the business too serious, there is something interesting from them? And what is that bomb with the countdown in the middle of the road? I must research this deeper to find out, next time: Invasion! The Primids attack!




Chapter 3: Invasion! The Primids attack!

Chris, Jeff and the Bubble Monkey reaches where the voice came from. Lucario was helping a guy to stand up.

"There are evil purple monsters inside the Brick Road!" The man told the quartet "I'm Brickroad, the dungeon master by the way"

"Did you see anything else?" Chris asked.

"Well, I saw those weird robots carrying a bomb with a red X mark on it" Brickroad pointed out. Then Lucario ran inside the Brick Road.

"Geez, he doesn't even waits for us didn't he?" Jeff asked. Then the other 3 ran inside.

(A/N: Is more interesting if you read the chapters while playing the music for the part)


Chris's. Lucario's and Jeff's heads appears below the screen with 0%, and the whole place turns into a sidescroller.


Primids appears from the roof holding blue lightsabers, however, Lucario acts quickly and starts to beat them up.

"If I can calculate the radius of the trayectory of the Bottle Rocket..." Jeff said using a rocket and directing it towards a group of 5 Primids, it explodes and blast them away "Then this would be quite easy.

"I can't do anything yet, I don't know any attack!" Chris said.

"Then use the help of the Bubble Monkey" Jeff pointed out, the Bubble Monkey was just standing in front of Chris chewing gum.

"Uh, spit gum in those Primids over there" Chris pointed to 3 Primids and the Bubble Monkey spitted gum in their eyes, and somehow they began to attack each other and destroy themselves "I will think about why those Primids are so dangerous"

"I can see that X bomb Brickroad told us about" Jeff said moving his glasses looking at the bomb with a countdown of 3:00 minutes.

"Hiiiiiya!" Lucario punched with great force to the bomb, but it didn't budge at all "What?" He continued punching it but without any success "I can't destroy this thing!"

And more Primids appeared surrounding the 4.

"Hmm, this bomb will be quite a challenge to disable, protect me while you're fighting the Primids" Jeff started to check the bomb to find any part to disable while Chris, Lucario and the Bubble Monkey were fighting.

"There, there and there too!" Chris was commading the attacks to the Bubble Monkey and every attack hit the Primids's eyes, destroying themselves with the blue lightsabers "They're pretty stupid you know" He pointed out.

Lucario was surrounded by 8 Primids, they pilled themselves above him, but he lifted them up and threw them of the screen. But unfortunately, the Bubble Monkey ran out of gum. And 5 Primids were surrounding Chris and the Bubble Monkey.

"Help!" Chris yelled, Lucario used Extremespeed to beat them in a flash "Thanks!" Chris smiled at Lucario.

"By my analysis, the way to disable this bomb is..." Jeff ducked and saw a little button with the "Turn Off" words in it and pressed it "by pressing this button" The bomb turns off and the screen fades with a crowd cheering at the heros.

Music ends

"Thank you for your help! I didn't knew there were 4 persons like you coming this way!" Brickroad said happily.

"We were just doing our work, that's all" Chris said rubbing the back of his head. Suddenly, the Subspace bomb turns into a ray machine and the only one noticing is the Bubble Monkey, the he grabs Jeff's left hand.

"Wait a minute please" Jeff said, the Bubble Monkey then grabs Chris's left hand "Not now, we can't ignore this guy" He muttered to the monkey, the Bubble Monkey gets annoyed, then grabs Lucario's left hand "What do you want?" He asked, the monkey points his finger to the bomb, Lucario turns his head and his eyes widens.

"I don't know how to repay you however" Brickroad said in dissapointment "Wait, what is that sound?" He asked looking around, Jeff turns his head and sees the ray beam pointing at Lucario with a countdown of 0:10 "Lucario, move out now!" Chris said.

"I...I can't! When I saw that ray my body froze up suddenly!" Lucario couldn't move at all, at the beam was at 0:07. Jeff ran to the machine and examined it "I can't dissactivate it with this time!" He said touching many buttons at the same time. The countdown was now at 0:03 and Lucario was trying to move, but it didn't do any effect.

"No!" Chris ran towards the front of the ray and blocked Lucario, the ray shoots a purple light and hits Chris punching him to the other side of the road, the ray machine explodes and Lucario can move now. He runs towards the other side with Jeff, the Bubble Monkey and Brickroad following behind.

"Chris!" Lucario yells when he spots Chris, but he was shoudred in a purple ball and then shines, everyone block their eyes and when it stops, there was a tiny person besides Chris in the floor.

" I..." The person opened his eyes, and he sees Jeff, the Bubble Monkey and Brickroad standing in front of him "I'm lost?" But however, he sees Lucario and his eyes widens "A monster! Somebody help me!" He rans outside the Brick Road, and then he enters to a cave.

"Where is Chris? And who was that kid?" Lucario asked.

Jeff moves his glasses "It may seems odd, but that kid was Chris in reality"

"What?" Lucario looks at Jeff.

"Indeed, he is Chris, that tiny kid was wearing the same clothes and his skin color was the same as Chris's, that ray must have taken away some years from him, now he is a 5 year old boy, less or more"

"But why did he ran off when he saw me? He didn't recognized me?" Lucario asked.

"Probably because Chris didn't knew about you in that age and he took you as a monster, I mean, If I were a 6 year old boy I could have run away if I see you standing in front of me" Then Lucario ran outside and heads inside the cave "Do you ever wait for the others just for one time?" Jeff asked annoyed.

"He should be careful, that cave is not ordinary, that's the Pond Cave" Brickroad pointed out "I heard there are mysterious things going on inside"

"Thanks for the information sir" Jeff left the Brick Road with the bubble Monkey following "See you in another cave and good luck in your journey!" Brickroad yelled at them.

Meanwhile inside the Pond Cave...

"Daddy? Mommy? Where are you? I'm alone..." Chris said shivering at the dark place. Suddenly 5 animated mushrooms appears and surrounds him in a corner "Help! I don't want to be hurted!" He ducked in terror and closed his eyes, he was about to cry until he felt something falling above him and he heard some punches and things breaking.

"Huh?" He opened his eyes and saw someone punching the last mushroom and it became a normal mushroom again. He standed up and it was Lucario who was punching them, then he approached towards Lucario.

"You're not going to run away from me?" Lucario asked worried, but instead of running away, Chris hugged his leg "Huh?"

"Daddy! I knew you would come to rescue me!" Chris said happily, Lucario just blinked confused at the situation.

"Sorry, but I'm not your father, I'm Lucario"

Chris backed away and he made a sad face, Lucario quickly acted before the first tear could come "...Fine fine...I'm your father" Chris hugged his leg again "Daddy Lucario!" He yelled happily.

Then Jeff along with the Bubble Monkey came and saw Chris hugging Lucario's left leg "Did I miss something?"

"(Chris thinks I'm his father)" Lucario said to Jeff's mind through telepathy.

"(So you can also talk through telepathy, interesting)" Jeff said moving his glasses "(He thinks you're his father now? What did you do to made him think that?)"

"(I defeated 5 monsters who were going to attack him)"

"(Hmm, now I think you should take care of him while I search for a cure for this predicament)"

"(There is a way to cure him?)" Lucario asked.

"(I don't exactly know, but I will do everything in my hands, but don't rush me at my work)"

"(Fine, I'm counting on you)" Lucario closed his eyes and nodded.

"Daddy Lucario, can we leave this place? Is creepy" Chris asked. Lucario placed his hand over Chris's head and rubbed it "Yes" Lucario smiled a little bit.

And so, our 4 heroes continued their journey in the depths of the Pond Cave of Winters.

Preview of the next chapter

"I'm Lucario"

"I'm Jeff"

"Why this is happening to me? We got rid of the Primids but Chris is now a 6 year old boy, and I need to take care of him wherever he feels sad or about to cry"

"But I've seen you have enjoying it wherever Chris smiles at you"

"I'm still his best friend, it makes me happy if I'm with him"

"Fortunately, I think I should have found the solution very soon"

"I wish for it to happen soon"

"Next time: Daddy Lucario? Protect me!"


Chapter 4: Daddy Lucario? Protect me!

To change the things a little besides our 4 heros, let's see what are Ness and Paula doing below Threed

"...Sooooo Paula, what do you do in your free time?" Asked Ness.

"Sometimes I help my mom with her kinder to calm down the kids"

"Oh" There was a moment of silence between the 2 PK kids.

"...And what is your favorite food?" Paula asked.

"Steak, my mom knows what I like" Ness answered.

Another moment of silence.

"Do you think you can call Jeff again if he's heading here?" Ness asked.

"I used the last of my mind to call him, I only hope he can make it here" Paula answered.

Then another moment of silence passed. A kricket was making sounds.

"Do you ever remove your cap Ness?"

"...Now that I think about it, I always remove my cap when I go to sleep, but I don't remove it until bed time"

"Oh" She said only that.

Silent moment before spoking.

"Do you know who is the other fourth kid?" Ness asked.

"I think I know his name, but I forgot, but it rhymes with poo"

"That is gross, who has a name like that?"

"Ask his parents genius" Paula said.

Moment of silence.

"Isn't weird that the Graveyard is above us?" Ness asked.

"Why are you asking that anyway? Remember that we fought a trash can?" Paula asked.

"...Oh...right, that is also weird, how a trash can can have hatred deep inside?"

"Probably because his owner didn't recycled him yet, there were a lot of gross things in there" Paula shuddered at the thought on her head.

Moment of silence.

"...Do you want to play what is thinking the other person?" Ness asked.

"No, we can read people's minds, that would be cheating"

"That's not cheating, that's strategy" Ness pointed out.

"I hate when people says that" Paula said annoyed.

"How about if we lift a rock with our psychic attack and see who can lift if the most time?"

"I'm in then" Both of them grabbed a tiny rock above their fingers, looking at each other. Although that will take a long time for sure.

Meanwhile in Winters, inside the Pond Cave

The Bubble Monkey threw a rope to the other 3, Jeff climbed first and last, because Lucario grabbed Chris and jumped to the top.

"There is air coming near here, the exit should be near then" Lucario pointed out.

"What is that shiny light?" Chris asked pointing at a strange light blocking a exit.

"I don't know, but the exit is in the opposite direction" Jeff said looking at the exit, Chris ran outside alone "Just how energetic was Chris in his childhood?" Jeff asked with the Bubble Monkey and Lucario following behind.

"Aaahhhhhhh! Snow!" Chris said noticing all the snow in the floor and running to a side a picking a little, Jeff, Lucario and the Bubble Monkey got out of the cave. Suddenly a female monkey with a ribbon in her head walks just in front of the 3 and the Bubble Monkey catch a sight of her.

"Kye uki kukye..." The Bubble Monkey said.

"What did he said?" Jeff asked.

"He said that she is his type" Lucario pointed out, then the Bubble Monkey ran towards the female monkey and the 2 ran away, the Bubble Monkey waves his hand at the 2 and dissapears out of view with her. Then someone throws a snowball to Lucario's face.

"Who just threw this snowball at me?" Lucario asked wiping out the snow out of his face.

"Chris did it" Jeff answered, Chris was laughing and holding several snowballs in his hands, then he threw one behind a stone and someone yelled in pain, at that was a Cave Boy, he spots Chris and roars, then he rans towards him with his mace in hand, Chris gasps and runs away terrorized, but he trips and cries and the Cave Boy was about to hit him, but Lucario standed in front of him and the mace hit him, but somehow the mace broke in half when it touched Lucario's arm, he retaliated and punched the Cave Boy hard in his stomach, sending him to a tree and fainting in the process.


Jeff and company gains 618 EXP points!

Jeff level up!

Jeff level up!

Jeff level up!

Jeff level up!

Jeff level up!

Oh baby! HP by 30!
Offense by 17!
Defense by 14!
Oh baby! Speed by 25!
Guts by 10!
Luck by 3!
Oh baby! Vitality by 26!
Oh baby! IQ by 27!

"Daddy Lucario! Thank you!" Chris said with a smile.

"Just when did your strength grew up suddenly?" Jeff asked.

"What are you talking about?" Lucario asked.

"I remember the battle againts that Gruff Goat and your force was inferior than this time, I calculated that strength and it multiplied by 3 or 4 somehow when you punched that Cave Boy" Jeff said moving his glasses.

"I just wanted to save Chris, that is all"

"Perhaps your desire for saving Chris made you so strong is such little time, but just temporaly" Jeff spots a building away from the stones "I don't see anything more than that building over there, we should enter" He went to the building. Lucario nodded.

"Daddy Lucario, can you carry me please?" Chris asked.

"No" He said, Chris made another sad face and Lucario gave up again like the last time and rolled his eyes "Fine" He grabbed Chris and placed him in his left shoulder. He hugged his left ear in happiness. "(What did I do to deserve this?)" He thought while walking inside the building.

"Visitors?" A man in a lab coat asked as he saw Jeff, Lucario and Chris entering inside "Wait a minute...I remember those glasses and that blond hair somewhere it son?" He asked approaching to Jeff.

"You're my father? Wow, it was quite bad of you leaving me alone" Jeff remarked moving his glasses "But the only thing that matters is that I've found you at last...althought I didn't went to search for you in the first place"

"Oh, right, hehe, sorry about that" He said moving his glasses "Oh, I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Dr Andonuts, meaning your surname is Jeff Andonuts" Dr Andonuts pointed out, then he sees Lucario carrying a kid who was hugging his ear "When did you tamed that monster with the kid?"

"He is not a monster, he is my daddy Lucario!" Chris said angrily.

"...Did that kid just said that this mons-I mean, Lucario is his father? I don't see any similarities between them" Dr Andonuts said.

"Well..." Jeff explained it all to his father "And that's the gist of it"

"So Chris was transformed into his 6 year old self by accident and you want to find a cure?" Dr Andonuts asked, Jeff nodded "I have a machine for that kind of predicament, only problem is that is not finished yet, do you want to build it?"

"Yes" Jeff answered.

"Ok, then son, grab that machine over there, but it will be hard to complete if you don't have the neccessary tools"

"Is not a problem actually, I can finish it in less time that I expected"  Jeff said moving his glasses while looking at the broken machine "Oh, I almost forgot, dad do you know a way to go to Threed?"

"The only way to go there is by using the Sky Runner" Dr Andonuts pointed to a weird looking ship "Is already finished, you and those 2 can go, but do you know how to use it?"

Jeff was looking inside the ship, he placed the broken machine inside "Is not so hard to ride, we can go now right?"

"Of course" Dr Andonuts said as Lucario went inside the ship with Chris still grabbing his ear, the Sky Runner blasted off to the sky "Good luck" Dr Andonuts said as the ship was getting away in the sky.

"We should arrive to Threed in 2 hours at this rate, meanwhile I'll fix this machine" Jeff said repairing the broken machine.

"Look! There is a lot of clouds outside daddy!" (You know who) said pointing to a group of clouds.

"Is a pretty view from here" Lucario said.

1 hour later.

"We're above a city now!" Chris was pointing to a city below.

"That must be Fourside" Jeff pointed out, still, repairing the machine "Is the biggest city in Eagleland"

"It says something in that sign" Lucario readed the sign with a picture of a fat kid with blond hair blocking his eyes and a gold teeth making a thumbs up ""If your name is Ness, get out of here immediately!"?"

"How can a sign can have those kinds of words?" Chris asked.

"Ask the fat kid in the sign" Lucario said.

"Hey you fat kid! What's that suppose to mean?" Chris yelled at the sign.

"Shut up you stupid kid!" Yelled a voice from a building with the letters "Monotoli" Chris hid behind Lucario in terror and he got out of the Sky Runner and charged up an Aura Sphere firing it towards where the voice was coming from "AHHH!!!" Yelled the voice. Lucario got inside again.

"Awwww, I'm tired" Chris let out his breath before sleeping in the floor, he started to sneeze a little, Lucario grabbed Chris and placed his head above his waist, above his yellow fur and Chris smiled before sleeping.

"(Look like Lucario is very protective over Chris's sake)" Jeff though to himself. Lucario also was tired and he slept too, he placed his hand in Chris's back before sleeping.

59 minutes later after crossing a dessert, the ship started to shake violently, Chris and Lucario woke up and Chris hugged Lucario in terror.

"What is going on?!" Lucario yelled and asked.

"We're running out of fuel! My dad forgot to add the fuel!" Jeff answered holding the broken machine.

"Daddy!!! I'm scared!!!"

"Don't worry, hold on to me!"

"We're going to need to have a dangerous landing, hang on to something! I'll direct the impact site in...that cemetery!"

And so the 3 landed abruptaly in the Graveyard and they made a hole in it, by coincidence inside the hole were Ness and Paula still holding psychically the rocks in their fingers, but when the Sky Runner came from the roof, they stopped in shock.

"Cough cough cough" Both were coughing by the smoke, 3 figures stepped outside the ship. The smoke cleared out, revealing 3 black figures.

"Seems we have survived somehow" Jeff took out his glasses to clear them with his uniform.

"I'm all black!" Chris said.

"Paula, so who won?" Ness asked.

"You dropped your rock first, so I win" Paula said proudly.

"That's not true, you dropped it first, so I win!" Ness said pointing at himself.

"Are they aware of us?" Lucario (Who was all black) asked.

"Uh, guys? I'm Jeff" Jeff said. Ness and Paula turn their heads "Jeff!" Paula said hugging Jeff, he blushed a little.

"Alright, I'm here, so what do you want?" Jeff asked.

"We're trapped and we need you to open that door" Ness pointed to the door.

"Convenient, I have the Key Broken Machine to open it" Jeff aproached to the door and unlocked it using the Bad Key Machine "There, we can escape now"

"Way to go Jeff!" Ness said with a smile "Who are those 2 by the way?"

"Them? They are friends I met along the way, the little kid is Chris and the other one is Lucario"

Paula approached to Lucario "So, you tamed a monster and he has been traveling with you?"

"Why do people keep saying I'm a monster?!" Lucario yelled and asked annoyed, Chris got scared and hid behind him "I didn't meant to scare you Chris" He came back in front with a sigh of relief.

"Whoa, he just spoke!" Ness said in surprise.

Paula touched Lucario's spikes, fur, hands and legs "It is real and not a person disguised"

"Are you done inspecting me?" Lucario asked.

"Pretty much" Paula answered.

"I think we should get out of here first, let's go!" Ness said leaving the room, with Paula, Jeff, Lucario and Chris following behind.

And they eventually made it out there.

"I never thought you could be so strong Lucario!" Ness said.

"Thanks to Chris because he trained me" Lucario looked at Chris and he smiled a bit at him, Chris closed his eyes and smiled to him.

"So what do we do now?" Jeff asked.

"We should ask around the town to gather information about the zombies and eliminate them once and for all" Paula stated.

"Zo-zo-zombies?!" Chris hid behind Lucario again "I don't want to be eaten by zombies!"

"No zombie will ever eat you if I'm around" Lucario said putting his hand in Chris's head, Chris smiled and nodded.

After a while of asking around.

"You know, there is a mysterious tent to the south, why mysterious? It wasn't there before!" A guy told the 5 heros. They walked towards the south and they found a violet tent.

"A circus!" Chris said walking inside the tent, but suddenly, a evil face came from the tent and Chris yelled terrorized inside of it.

"Chris!" Lucario said.

"Wait! We have to defeat that monster first!" Ness stated.

Boogey tent

Ness   Paula   Jeff   Lucario
121      98       82      189

Ness attacks!

Boogey tent receives 66 damage!

Boogey tent uses PK Flash Alpha!

It has no effect on Ness!

It has no effect on Paula!

Jeff suddenly collapses!

It has no effect in Lucario!

Paula uses PK Freeze!

Boogey tent receives 119 damage!

"Daddy! Is scary in here!" Chris yelled inside the tent, Lucario's strength goes up!

Lucario attacks!


Boogey tent receives 638 damage! It dissappears!


Ness and company receives 5500 EXP points!

Paula level up!

HP by 3!
Offense by 2!
Defense by 3!
Speed by 2!
Guts by 4!
Luck by 1!
Vitality by 4!
Oh baby! IQ by 6!

After the battle, the tent dissappears and Lucario runs towards Chris who was crying.

"It was scary daddy!" Lucario grabbed Chris and placed him in his shoulder "Is fine now, you're with me" Chris calmed down and wiped out his tears.

"Hmm, what is inside that trash can?" Ness opened the trash can, inside, there is a Jar of Fly Honey! Ness picked up the Jar of Fly Honey.

"Let me guess, we will use this later as we do with the other things right?" Paula asked "Obvious" Ness said.

"Uh, guys? Can we go to the hospital? I'm a ghost" Jeff said, sure enough, he was a ghost with a halo, Chris saw him a cried again.

"Hurry! I can't tolerate his cries when he is near my ears!" Lucario yelled.

After going to the hospital and being magically revived, Ness's Receiver Phone starts ringing and he responds it, it was the Apple Kid telling about his new invention "The Zombie paper" which attracts zombies and sticks them to the floor, he hangs up and suddenly a Mach Pizza guy cames with the Zombie Paper, he hands it to Ness.

They went inside a normal tent (Chris hugged Lucario's ear more tightly after the incident) and Paula told the residents to evacuate the tent, they placed the Zombie paper in the floor, after 10 minutes of waiting, all the zombies came inside the tent and got sticked up in the floor.

"It works!" Ness said.

"See Chris? All the zombies were defeate-" Lucario stopped when he saw that Chris wasn't in his shoulder anymore "Chris?! Where are you?!" He looked around, glaring at everything he was seeing.

"Daddy!" Chris yelled from the woods inside the Graveyard, ghosts were carrying him inside a basement and ran (Or floated) inside. Lucario heared the yelling and he quickly ran off towards the Graveyard.

"Hey wait for us!" Ness said running behind Lucario "Is useless, I've keep saying that to him and he never understands" Jeff said running behind Ness "They took Chris in that basement that me and Ness were trying to enter!" Paula pointed out running behind Jeff.

Preview of the next chapter

"Hello everyone, I'm Paula"

"I'm Ness!"

"I'm Lucario"

"They took Chris inside that basement didn't they?"

"Yep, they want to do something to him"

"If they ever hurt him, they will die when I catch them"

"Hey calm down, we need to find his whereabouts as soon as possible"

"What's with this weird village with those creatures?"

"Maybe they saw where did they took Chris"


"There are a lot of them, so I expect someone saw him"

"It makes me feel more saf-"

"Did I hear someone crying from afar?"

"I did too"

"That's it, they are so dead!" He shuckles his hands and runs away.

"Hey Lucario! Wait for us, weren't not as fast as you are!" She runs away.

"Next time:Primids's second attack! The vomit monster appears!" He runs away as well.


...Friend codes were probably implemented by the same people who wanted tripping in Brawl...
...It's quite obvious...