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The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest (Megaman Legends Arc)

Started by DededeCloneChris, March 04, 2008, 02:00:26 PM

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Chapter 24: The search for Riley in Veilstone City!

Deep inside the Great Maze

"General L has failed and he returned to his normal self Lord Tabuu, the Subspace Bombs were also desactivated and we broke our help to the Aparoids as well" The Ancient Minister said.

"Just what I thought what would happen" Tabuu shook his head slowly.

"What are your next plans?"

"I know what world should be invaded, prepare the next invasion!"
He teleported away.

The Ancient Minister looked away "'re the only ones who can help my race...but I don't want to betray him now..." He muttered to himself.

Smash Mansion
Command room

"We're here!" Chris greeted.

"Ah, you're here, it went well as we planned right?" Master Hand asked.

"Yup! Fox and his team are well!" Pichu said. Master Hand looked at the trophy Mewtwo was holding "Isn't that Lucario?"

Mewtwo nodded "What should we do to him?" Roy asked.

"We should return him to his original form" Master Hand touched the trophy stand, the trophy shone, after 2 seconds, Lucario was standing there confused.

" I?" He asked looking around. Master Hand and the others explained all the things to him.

Riley's Lucario looked at Chris and his Lucario "I thank you for rescuing me, I would have been under Tabuu's control if it weren't for you"

" you know who is Riley?" Chris asked.

"Riley? Yes, he is my trainer and my friend"

"Good, he knows" Master Hand sighed in relief.

"What are you going to do now?" Pichu asked.

Riley's Lucario thought for a moment "I want to return to Sinnoh with him"

"Why?" Chris asked "Are you going to help us?"

Lucario shook his head "No, the only reason that I joined this tournament it's because Riley told me to do it, but after all the things I went through, I don't want to be in this sittuation anymore"

"But that means you're giving up your spot!" Chris said.

"No," He looked at Chris's Lucario "I have a replacement right here"

"Me?" Chris's Lucario pointed at himself. Riley's Lucario nodded "That is right, I couldn't see your battle style, but I think you're stronger than me, I would normally be upset about a thing like this, but it is for the better, besides, I want to stay with Riley again"

"If that's the case..." Master Hand looked at Chris's Lucario "You're now the replacement of Riley's Lucario," He looked at Riley's Lucario "But you can always return here when you want to fight"

"Thank you" Riley's Lucario said.

"So, it is ok to go to Sinnoh?" Chris asked.

"There are no Primid activity currently in any world, so I'd say yes," Master Hand pointed at Chris's Lucario "But you need to recover your energy, you look a little tired after the previous mission, and also Mewtwo, Pichu and Roy"

"Good thing, there are Pok?mon Centers in Sinnoh, I can take Mewtwo, Pichu and Lucario there for recover" Chris said.

"Go on without me, I don't want to be in a Pok?mon Center" Mewtwo said.


"Because since I'm a Legendary Pok?mon to many trainers, they won't hesitate to catch me, and since I'm in this condition, it would be a bad idea, don't worry, I'm going to recover here in the mansion"

"Alright, I understand, what about you Pichu?"

"Well, I guess I could go...but...I'm going with you too!" He said jumping in Chris's shoulder "I need to be healed in the Pok?mon Center too!"

"Are you coming Roy?"

"Nah, I need to train a little with the Sandbag, last time I was bad in battle, I don't want to be defeated the next time" The red haired swordsman replied.

"Everything it's ready, do you know where is Riley Master Hand?" Chris asked.

"Why yes," He thought for a moment "If my memory doesn't fails I remember that Riley was heading to Veilstone City"

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot, when we were fighting in Corneria, I somehow casted PK Starstorm, how did I do that?"

"What? PK Starstorm?" Master Hand asked surprised

"Yes, when I was glowing, I grabbed Chris when he was unconsious, I was sad and I pressed my face in his shoulder and I started to wish for his safety, when I opened my eyes, I stopped glowing and Chris was fully healed, he was also glowing like I was" Chris's Lucario exclaimed.

"Well, I honestly don't know," He pointed at Chris "But I think the job that you're currently using is the explanation, I mean, you're using the PK Kid job and it's the same PK attacks as Ness's right? And since the power of Lucario is equal as a Final Smash, it was enough for you to use it"

"So I can use a different Final Smash if the job is different?" Chris asked. Master Hand nodded "That is awesome!"

"Hey hey, you're not that excited!" Crazy Hand said.

Chris blushed a little and he rubbed his head "Well, sometimes I lose control of myself when I'm getting excited"

"Ok ok, I know now, what are you waiting for?" Master Hand asked.

"Oh right, we have to go to Sinnoh, let's go!" Chris said pointing the Wiimote at Pok?mon Diamond, a portal was created and Chris, Pichu, along with the 2 Lucarios stepped inside and dissapeared.

"If you excuse me, I need to meditate to recover" Mewtwo floated away.

"And I need to go to train" Roy walked away. Suddenly, Pit's icon was flashing.

"Hey! The angel boy's icon is flashing!" Crazy Hand pointed at Pit's icon on the screen.

"Hmm, it appears his world it's fine, I wonder if I can call him to come over here?" Master Hand asked to himself.

Pok?mon Diamond

Veilstone City

A man with a blue hat and blue clothes stepped inside the city, his hair was black at there was a black shirt with a yellow marking on it.

He sighed "Lucario...I'm starting to miss you now, I hope you're fine wherever you are in that tournament"

Veilstone City
Near the Pok?mon Center

"We're in Sinnoh!" Chris said excited, he somehow changed his clothes to his normal clothing he always wears, his eyes also turned like Ash's eyes "I think I can't use my abilities here since I can't use the jobs"

Chris's Lucario was in his normal appearance too, but he was feeling rather fine, Chris looked at his Lucario "It's something wrong?"

"No, it's just, I'm in my home"

"...Hey, that's right! Sinnoh it's your homeland!" Chris said smiling "We could find your family after all!"

"Yes, I know, but first we need to go to the Pok?mon Center now" Chris's Lucario said, Chris nodded and he along with his current 3 Pok?mon went to the Pok?mon Center, it was too colorful as Chris thought it would, there were many trainers in there too with their Pok?mon, and Nurse Joy was in the counter with a Chansey.

"Hi Nurse Joy!" Chris said.

"Hello there, do you have a problem with your Pok?mon?" She asked looking at Pichu and the 2 Lucarios.

"Yes I do, I need my Pichu and my Lucario to recover here from a battle we had-" Chris paused for a moment when he remembered that his last battle was againts a general under the control of the Primids "-againts the Pok?mon of a trainer!"

"Don't worry, we can heal all the wounds of any Pok?mon here, you just need to give me your Pichu and your Lucario in their Pokeballs"


"Yes, or you can give me your Pichu without his Pokeball and your Lucario inside his Pokeball"

Chris remembered he hasn't got the time for grabbing Lucario's pokeball in his house in the real world, he hoped if his Pokeball was inside his pocket.

"Where is it, where is it, where is it...huh?" Chris felt a round object inside his pocket, he took out a Pokeball with blue and black colors modeled after Lucario's head, there was a note attached to the Pokeball too.

I took my time to model your Pokeball after Lucario since he is your Pok?mon and I dropped it inside your pocket when you weren't looking, I hope you like it!

Master Hand

PS: Good luck!


PSSS: That was Crazy Hand again

"My, what a pretty Pokeball!" Nurse Joy said looking at the Pokeball.

"Okay Pichu hop on the counter" Chris said to Pichu "Pichu!" He said smiling "(Wait, he can't talk to me?)" Chris thought and asked to himself "Okay Lucario, return to your Pokeball"

"(Alright, search for Riley while I'm here recovering)" Chris's Lucario said through his mind, he talked through his mind because he didn't wanted to scare any trainer or Nurse Joy. Chris pointed his Pokeball and Lucario returned inside his Pokeball, Chris handed the Pokeball to Nurse Joy.

"What about your other Lucario?" Nurse Joy asked.

"He's not my Lucario in reality, I have to find his trainer in this city to return him"

"I see, you can return in 5 hours and your Pok?mon should be fully healed when you return"

"Alright, thanks Nurse Joy!" Chris left running outside with Riley's Lucario.

"Hey, wasn't that the Lucario of the Gym Leader?" A trainer asked to another one sat next to him.

"No, I've heard her Lucario got lost when they were training and ever since she hasn't taken any challenge from any trainer, apparently anyone can find her sobbing in the Gym"

"I would do the same if my best Pok?mon went missing too"


Veilstone City

"Where do you think Riley could be?" Chris asked.

"When I left, he said he was going to challenge half of the Gym Leaders because he was going to challenge the other half with me"

"Let's find the Gym now, every second that passes he will get away from us!"

Chris and Riley's Lucario ran through the city, they separated so they could find him in less time, every trainer that saw Lucario thought it was the Gym Leader's missing Lucario, but they thought after it wasn't.

After an hour, Chris found the Veilstone City Gym in front of him, Riley's Lucario was still searching in the city.

Veilstone City Gym

Chris stepped inside the Gym, the lights were off but the light of the sun was brightening the place through the windows, the floor was made of wood and the place looked like a dojo.

"Hello? Is anybody here?" Chris asked.

"Go away! I don't want to fight now!" A voice shouted from afar.

"Where are you? I can't see you!"

"I've said go away!" After that, the voice started to cry and sob.

Chris knew the voice was from a girl, he searched for her inside, there was an arena with the Pokeball logo on the center, on the other side, there was a hall, he walked and he found many rooms on both sides of the hall, he didn't found her in any of the rooms, but he noticed another room at the end of the corridor and the cries and sobs were close now.

From the other side of the room, there was a beautiful garden with a pond, rocks and trees, there was a couch on the middle of the room, but Chris's attention was for the garden and he passed the couch.

"I've never seen a garden like this's beautiful..."

"Get out of here now!" The voice from the girl shouted again.

"Huh? Where are you? I can't see you!" Chris looked around the garden, he didn't saw anyone around, but when he turned his back, he saw a girl in the couch looking away from him.

The girl had pink hair, she was wearing white pants and her feet was visible, she was also wearing a shirt with a big blue color and tiny black spots on them, if Chris could see her face, there was a big bandage covering her nose, her hands were inside blue gloves but her fingers were out of the gloves.

"I don't want any challenge now, get out!" She yelled.

"But I don't want to challenge you!"

"That's great, now go away!"

"Wait, I need to ask you something first!"

"What is it? Quick!"

"I've been wondering if you saw another trainer looking for a challenge before me in this day"

"No! I haven't accepted any challenge since one week ago and I didn't turned down any trainer in this day either!" She started to cry again.

"(There is something wrong with her)" Chris thought to himself, he approached to her and placed his hand in her shoulder "You have a problem right?"

She stopped and she started to sniff "Yes...I have a problem...and a big one..."

"Good, you can tell me"

"N-no! I don't want to say it! If the other trainers hear this, I could lose my title as Gym Leader!"

Chris's eyes widened "Wait, you're the Gym Leader of this Gym?"

"That's right.."

"Please, I need to see your face"

"No...I don't want to..."

"It's really uncomfortable if you're like this, trust me, I'm almost the same as you"

"And...why almost?"

"Because I'm a boy and you're girl"

She stopped her sobbing and then she let out a small giggle "Hehe, you're right, I'm sorry to be actiing like this" She got up looking at the hall, she wiped her tears from her face and she turned her back to see Chris "You're the first one to comfort me" By the look of her face, Chris knew she was blushing a little. Chris noticed she was almost his size, but she was like only 1cm less taller than Chris.

"It's good to know another person, I'm Chris, what is your name?"

"I'm Maylene and I'm the leader of the Gym of Veilstone City" She said smiling.

"Why you were crying and sobbing a while ago?"

"It''s because....I...I lost my best Pok?mon"

"Lost? How?"

"Well...everything started one week ago..."


"We were training in the woods alone as we always do every day, I may look like, but I work a lot on my Pok?mon, especially him, I met him when I was a child, in that day, something weird happened to him, he first closed his eyes, I asked him what was wrong, then, he ran away at high speed!"

"Hey! Come back! We aren't finished with our training!" I shouted

"But he didn't listened, he just dissapeared in front of my eyes in the woods, after that, I thought he would come back on his own to the Gym, but 3 days passed and he didn't returned, and since I always use him in every Gym battle, I can't fight anyone without him"

End of flashback

"And now...there are a lot of trainers coming here to challenge me, but most of them haven't left the city, and that is a big trouble for me...I don't know what to do!" She said, she was looking down to the floor and she was about to cry.

"Hey! With that attitude you're not going nowhere!" Chris yelled, snapping Maylene out of her sadness.

"But, I've already searched for him and I didn't found anything about his whereabouts..."

"And you're giving up?"

"N..No! I need to find him as soon as possible!" She said. Chris placed his hand on her shoulder "What are you doing?"

"I'm going to help you"

"What? I..I can't accept your help, I don't want to interrupt anything in your journey..."

"No, I'm going to help you, you're in a big trouble and you need help, besides, your title as a Gym Leader is at risk! You don't want to lose it right?"

"I don't want to lose it....but finding him is more important to me now..."

"Then we're going to find him no matter what happens"

" means so much to me" She said giving a little smile "But, why are you helping me?"

"Isn't obvious? We're friends!"

"I know what are you going to say after...friends help each other right?"

Chris smiled "That's right, if you can't do it by yourself, we're going to do it together, what do you say?"

She looked away for a moment "I say..." the scene changes to outside of the Gym, Maylene locks the door of the Gym "Let's go!" She said smiling.

"With this kind of entusiasm we're not going to fail, I promise!" Chris said, just then, someone was coming from behind them, it was Riley's Lucario standing there.

"Hey Lucario, did you find him?" Chris asked, Lucario shook his head "I guess we need to find Riley first, hey Maylen-hey, where did she go?" Chris didn't saw Maylene where she was a second ago, he looked around and she found Maylene...hugging Riley's Lucario very tightly.

"Oh Lucario! You're back! I was so worried about you! I won't let you go away from me ever!" She said smiling.

"Um, Maylene, the person you were going to search was a Lucario?"

She nodded smiling "That's right! My best Pok?mon of my team is Lucario!"

"I don't want to ruin your happy moment....but...that is not your Lucario..."

She made a confused face "What? Then of who is this Lucario?"

Just then, the same tall man who entered Veilstone City came walking to the Gym behind them, he saw Chris, Maylene (still hugging Riley's Lucario) and Riley's Lucario, his eyes widened when he saw Riley's Lucario, the 3 of them turned to see him and the eyes of the Aura Pok?mon widened a lot.

"Who are you?" Chris asked.

"He is....he is..." Lucario was about to say his name.

"Lucario!" The man shouted.

"Riley!" Lucario said, confirming the name of the person, he quickly shoved off Maylene out of his waist (And eventually she crashed her head to the wall and fell unconscious in the process, and Chris went to her) and he jumped in the air and landed knelted in front of Riley "I'm back" Lucario said.

"Lucario, I didn't knew you would return so soon, why?" Riley asked.

"A lot of things happened when I was alone, but that doesn't matters now, I've returned to your side once again" Lucario said looking at Riley.

Riley blinked for a moment  and then he smiled a bit "I hope you were enjoying your stance in the tournament"

"I...kind of did"


"Nothing" Lucario chuckled a bit "Chris helped me returning here, you should thank him" He pointed to Chris, who was holding Maylene's head.

"I thank you for helping Lucario" Riley said to Chris.

"It was nothing, really, but could you please help me with her?" He looked at Maylene, her eyes were swirls and she was talking with words that didn't made no sense at all.

"1 Aura Sphere....2 Hyper Beams...3 Tackles...4 Quick attacks....5 Splashes..." She said.

"MAYLENE! SNAP OUT OF IT!" Chris yelled, Maylene shook her head and she regained her consciousness.

"Huh?...I'm alive?"

Chris rolled his eyes "Yes Maylene, you're still alive"

"Hurray! I thank the Machops!" She said, Chris just sighed, then, Riley's Lucario punched her head and she fell unconscious again "WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" Chris asked angrily.

"She is not alright" He said.


"I'm not dead!" Maylene said waking up. Lucario rolled his eyes and he was just about to punch Maylene in the head again, but Chris quickly pulled her to him "STOP THAT!"

"Lucario, stop it" Riley commanded.

"Yes Riley" Lucario said.

"Phew, finall-" Chris noticed that Maylene was just below his head and in front of his chest, Maylene also noticed it and both of them blushed and quickly separated from the other looking away embarrased.

"..." Maylene didn't said anything.

"..." Chris didn't said anything.

"This moment never happened" Both of them said in unison.

Riley just chuckled a bit "That was at least interesting to watch"

"IT WAS NOT!" Chris and Maylene said in unison.

"Alright, it wasn't" Riley said.

"Anyway, I need to go to the Pok?mon Center to pick up my Pok?mon, do you want to come Maylene?" Chris asked.

"O-ok, I'm going too" She said.

"Wait, I'm going too" Riley said.

"Why?" Chris asked.

"I'm think something bad happened to Maylene if she was hugging my Lucario like that," Maylene looked away embarrased "And I want to help her in her trouble"

Chris thought for a moment, then he nodded "Fine, you can come with us"

"Thanks, this is also my thanks for returning Lucario to me"

"See Maylene? Everything is starting to get better for you!" Chris said smiling.

"I think so" She said.

Veilstone City
Pok?mon Center

"Nurse Joy! I've come for my Pok?mon!" Chris said entering the Pok?mon Center.

"You're here! Your Pok?mon are in perfect conditions now, you can take them with you again" She handed over Chris's Pokeball and Pichu, he jumped to Chris's shoulder.

"Hey Pichu, are you alright?" Chris asked.

"Pi Pichu Pi!" He replied smiling, here is the translation "(I'm feeling better than ever!)"

"Good!" Chris said, obviously, he didn't understanded Pichu at all.

"Oh, Maylene, you're here too" Nurse Joy said looking at Maylene.

"Well...yeah...I'm here..." She said rubbing her shoulder.

"A lot of trainers are waiting for you to fight them for the Gym's Badge, why are you not accepting challenges?"

"Yeah! Why?!" A trainer said walking to Maylene.

"We have been waiting to fight you for the Gym's Badge!" Another trainer said walking to Maylene.

"We can't go on in our journeys because you're refusing the fights!" Another trainer said walking to Maylene. She was hiding slowly behind Riley in fear.

"I...I'm sorry...but...I...I...I-"

"YOU WHAT?" All the trainers inside the Pok?mon Center asked angrily. Maylene was closing her eyes slowly and she was going to cry, until...

"STOP NOW!" A voice yelled from the entrance of the Pok?mon Center. Everyone looked at the source of the voice and all the trainers (Including Riley and Maylene) gasped in unison. There was a woman standing in front of the door, she was tall, she was wearing a long black robe and her hair was long and blond, she was also wearing 4 black sacks on her head.

"Who is she?" Chris asked.

"It'''s the Champion of the Sinnoh League, Cynthia!" A trainer said confirming the name of the woman.

"What is happening here?" Cynthia asked.

"The leader of the Gym of Veilstone doesn't wants to accept any challenges and she has been turning them down since a week!" A trainer said pointing at Maylene.

"And?" Cynthia asked.

"And we can't proceed to the next Gym!"

"Hmph," She walked towards Maylene "If she doesn't wants to accept any challenges then you have to go to the next Gym"


"Sorry, but she can do that if she wants, but obviously, she need to fight againts a trainer who challenged her as soon as possible or else her title as a Gym Leader will be lost," She looked at everyone in the Pok?mon Center "I'm sorry, but you have to wait until then" She said smiling.

"(I don't think they're going to understand so easily with tha-)" Chris's thought was interrupted.

"ALRIGHT LADY CYNTHIA!" All of the trainers said smiling and they quickly left the Pok?mon Center, leaving only Chris, Pichu, Maylene, Riley, his Lucario, herself and Nurse Joy.

Chris just blinked at the event "...They surrendered so easily"

"Cynthia! You did come after all!" Maylene said getting out of Riley's back.

Cynthia smiled and nodded "I knew your Lucario went missing too"

"Wait, missing too? Do you mean your Lucario also escaped from you?"

"That's right, when we were training, he closed his eyes and he ran away from me, I knew there was something wrong with him, then you called me 4 days after saying that your Lucario was missing too"

"Now that we're talking about Lucario..." Chris took his Pokeball from the counter "What a pretty Pokeball!" Maylene said looking at Chris's Pokeball "Go! Pokeball!" He shouted tossing the Pokeball in the air, a light came from it and his Lucario came from the Pokeball, he was alright now.

"I'm feeling better now thanks to Nurse Joy" He said smiling to Nurse Joy.

"Be sure to be healthy!" Nurse Joy replied with a smile.

"It's good to see you're fine Lucari-" Chris was once again interrupted.

"OH MY GOD! YOUR LUCARIO IS SO COOL!" Maylene shouted, she was now hugging him tightly as she did with Riley's Lucario before.

"Wow, this one is so tall" Cynthia said looking at Chris's Lucario.

"And I see you have been training him very well Chris" Riley remarked.

"HOW IN ARCEUS's NAME DID YOU MADE HIM SO TALL?!" Maylene asked excited.

Chris rubbed his forehead with a finger "I think it was just luck..."

Preview of the next chapter

"I'm Chris everyone!"

"Hello there"

"'re Professor Rowan!"

"It is I indeed"

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm going to appear in the next chapter"


"Because something strange has been happening around Sinnoh"

"I see...what?"

"You will see in the next chapter"

"Can you tell me now?"








" about now?"


"Next time: The mysterious Valley of the Aura! How about now?"



Chapter 25: The mysterious Valley of the Aura!

"Ok Maylene, you can stop hugging my Lucario now" Chris said tapping Maylene's shoulder.

"I don't want to!" She said. Chris's eyes widened when he saw the face of his Pok?mon turning into the purple color "I mean it! You're choking him!"

"I...can't....breath..." Chris's Lucario said, Maylene looked at him and she realezed him from her arms "I'm so sorry! Please, forgive me!" She said bending.

His face returned to his usual blue color and he sighed "It's fine...for now"

"Finally," Chris sighed, then he looked at Cynthia "You said your Lucario was missing too?"

She nodded "That is correct, not only that, I've heard in all the region that all the wild Lucario dissapeared too"

"All?" Riley asked. Cynthia nodded "There must be some kind of event going on in Sinnoh then..." Riley got in a thinking position.

"That's why I called a expert for this job" Cynthia said.

"Who?" Maylene asked.

Just then, the doors of the Pok?mon Center opened, and a man with a white beard, white hair, wearing brown coat and under it there was a lab coat and he was holding a briefcase in his right hand came stepping inside.

"Ah Cynthia, you're here already" The man said.

"Professor Rowan, how is your investigation about the evolution of the Pok?mon going?" Cynthia asked.

"It's going well, but I was interested about your problem"

"I'm glad you took your time to help me"

Professor Rowan looked at Riley, his Lucario, Maylene, Chris and his Lucario "And are they your friends?"

"Yes" She said.

"Good, now let's have a seat over that table" He pointed to an empty table with a couch, all of them sat on the couch (except for the 2 Lucarios, who remained stood)

"What's this all about the dissapearance of the wild Lucarios?" Chris asked, Rowan opened his briefcase and he took out a map, he placed it on the table so everyone could see.

"See the circled points?" Rowan asked pointing to red circles on the map, everyone nodded "Those are the locations of where the wild Lucarios had been roaming, but," He pointed to a big circle on the map "They have been spotted running to this location"

"It's near Mt Coronet" Riley said.

"That's right, I've heard from many sources that they have been climbing into a hidden valley near Mt Coronet" Rowan said.

"A hidden valley?" Maylene asked.

"Yes, a hidden valley that it's almost impossible to enter, the valley is surrounded by high cliffs and pits, his geography could be only matched with Mt Coronet's geography"

"So, we need to enter the valley then?" Chris asked.

"That is the hard part, many have tried to enter, but when they're close, they suddenly are attacked by Aura Spheres coming from nowhere, after that, they fall unconscious to the ground, the next thing they see it's the point where they started to go through"

"It sounds very weird to be attacked by Aura Spheres from nowhere..." Cynthia said.

"That it's because there are Lucarios living there!" Riley said in surprise.

"Do you mean they live there and they attack any traveler who wants to pass?" Maylene asked. Riley nodded "If they don't want any person inside their valley, it's because they are hiding something very valuable"

"But what could it be?" Maylene asked.

"I don't know for sure"

"That's where you 6-"

"7 if you count Pichu" Chris said pointing to Pichu.

"That's where you 7 enter, your mission is to infiltrate the valley and find what is going on with the Lucarios, it won't be easy, so I suggest to be prepared if you dare to go" Rowan said.

"What do you think Lucario?" Chris asked to his Lucario.

"I'm ready if you are" He said.

"Same for me if Riley wants to go" Riley's Lucario said looking at Riley.

"I'm good to go, this mystery is really intriguing me" Riley said.

"I'm ready too, I want to find my Lucario and I won't give up so easily" Maylene said (She was putting her shoes on)

"We're ready Professor Rowan" Cynthia said.

"Good," He stood up "I'm counting on all of you, be careful" He took his briefcase and he left the Pok?mon Center.

Maylene stood up and she made a fist in the air "Let's go!" She said excited. Everyone nodded and they left the Pok?mon Center.

Veilstone City

Just outside the Pok?mon Center, there was a Ice Cream man selling Ice Cream. Cynthia said she was going to pay if they wanted, they nodded and Cynthia bought Ice Cream for everyone....except her.

"Hey Cynthia, are you going to buy one for yourself?" Maylene asked.

"Just a minute, I need to decide which flavor I want to eat" She said, thinking in front of the Ice Cream man.

"Ok, you can take your time" Chris said.

1 hour later...

"Cynthia, haven't you decided yet?" Maylene asked.

"In a second" Cynthia replied.

1 hour later...

"Cynthia, we finished with our Ice Cream, are you done yet?" Chris asked.

"Just a minute" She said.

60 minutes later...

"Cynthia?" Riley asked.

"I'm almost done"

Another hour later...

"CYNTHIA!" Everyone yelled at Cynthia, then she snapped her fingers "I know what to choose now!" She said smiling.

"Really? What do you want?" The Ice Cream asked.

"I want Vanilla please" She said smiling. Everyone were left speechless and they fell in anime style (Even both Lucarios fell in anime style)

"What's wrong with all of you?" She asked while she was licking her Ice Cream "Nothing Cynthia, everything is fine" Chris said sarcastically while his face was on the floor.

After that little (and annoying) event, everyone regained their compostures and walked through the exit of Veilstone City...and Cynthia didn't finished her Ice Cream too.

Route 215

"So we need to cross the Route 215 and then we follow a secret path in the Route 210 near the Cafe Cabbin right?" Maylene asked. Riley nodded.

"Wow, does this Route ever stops raining?" Chris asked as he was getting drenched by the water.

"It's very rarely if the rain stops in this Route" Cynthia said, just then, the rain stopped and the light of the sun was coming between the clouds "Finally! I was getting upset with the rain!" Maylene said.

"Pss!" Chris's Lucario sneezed a bit "Take this, it will clear your nose" Maylene handed over a napkin to Lucario, he took it "Thanks" He said as he cleared his nose, Maylene gave a little smile at him and Lucario blushed a little.

"Wait, I need to see something here" Maylene said as she searched for something behind some trees, everyone else looked at each other and they went with her.

"What is it Maylene?" Riley asked as he looked around, there were a lot of rocks destroyed on the ground and there were also destroyed spots with some destroyed trees.

"This is...where me and Lucario usually train together every day" She said.

"This place looks a little destroyed you know..." Chris said.

"I know, it's because of all the Aura Spheres my Lucario have been shooting at me"

"Wait, your Lucario shoots Aura Spheres at you? Isn't that dangerous?" Riley asked worried.

She let out a small giggle "Not at all! It's really fun!" With those words, the eyes of Riley and Chris widened, but Cynthia was just staring at Maylene "That's because you have been kicking them back to Lucario right?" Cynthia asked smiling.

"That's right!" Maylene answered.

"What?!" Chris said, he looked at both Lucarios "Is that even possible to do?"

"I'm not sure if that can be done" Chris's Lucario said shooking his head.

"I don't know exactly either" Riley's Lucario said shooking his head too.

"That's the way we train together! He shoots his Aura Spheres at me and I return them back to him so he can dodge them at time! We also meditate below waterfalls between many other things!" She said excited, but then, she sighed looking at the clouds "I'm really starting to miss him too..."

"You and him are so close to each other right?" Riley asked.

"I met my Lucario since he was a little Riolu, and I still remember that day 7 years ago, I was little and it was my birthday, my dad gave me a Pok?mon Egg, he didn't knew what Pok?mon was inside until..."


"Daddy, what is this big egg?" Maylene asked looking at a Pok?mon Egg in front of her.

"That is a Pok?mon Egg, it holds a Pok?mon inside of it, that Pok?mon will be your present for your birthday" Maylene's father said.

"Really? Do you think he or she will befriend me?"

"For sure, you're such a cute little girl!"

"Daddy! Stop saying lies please!" She said smiling and giggling, then she looked at the Pok?mon Egg "I hope it is a Fighting type, they're my favorite type of Pok?mon because they're so strong!"

"Why do you want a Fighting type?" His father asked.

"Because I saw a fight with a Machoke againts a Hitmonlee, and the Machoke won because of his strength! I hope it is a Machop, I've heard it's the initial Pok?mon to evolve into a Machoke"

Just then, the egg was starting to shake, Maylene glanced at the egg and she smiled "It's hatching daddy! I didn't knew if would hatch so soon!"

"Let's see if you can get the type you were looking for" He said.

The top of the egg was cracking, after shaking for a while, the egg was breaking up, Maylene was getting so happy and finally, the egg hatched, but it wasn't a Machop.

Instead, another Pok?mon came from the egg and he looked around confused.

"Ri?" He said placing his hand near his mouth.

Maylene stood still for a moment, that wasn't a Machop for sure to her, but it was a Riolu.

"Wow, Maylene, you just got a Riolu!" Her dad said surprised.

"A Riolu? That is his name?" She asked looking at Riolu.

"Yes, I've heard they're so rare to get, and for your luck, he is a Fighting type!"

"Ri?" He approached to Maylene. Maylene just stared at him for a minute, then she smiled and she started to hug him tightly.

"Ooouuhhhh! You're so cute!" She said pressing her face to Riolu. Riolu blinked for a moment, then he smiled and he said his name repeatedly in happiness.

"Ri! Ri! Riolu! Ri!" He said.

"See? You're already his friend, I hope you can train him well" Her dad said.

"I will daddy! And also I'm going to become a Gym Leader using Riolu! What do you say Riolu?" She looked at Riolu "Ri!" He said smiling.

End of flashback


"And since that day, he became my best Pok?mon and best friend" She said looking at the group.

"That was a touching story," Chris said wiping a tear from his eye "But how exactly did you become a Gym Leader?"

"I become a Gym Leader by-!" She looked at the sky again, but after a moment of silence, she rubbed her head "I actually forgot how did I became a Gym Leader in the first place, silly me"

-.- "...I see..." Chris said.

"But let's go, I want to find him as soon as possible!" She said running away.

"She regained her energy now" Cynthia said.

"I think she was inspired when she met her Lucario" Chris said.


"Something is happening with Maylene, let's go!" Riley said running after Maylene, Chris, Cynthia and both Lucarios followed him.

When they found her, she was sat on the ground shooking her head, because she was going to be rammed by a truck that appeared on the road.

"Hey you kid! Stop appearing from nowhere!" A man said inside the truck, his hair was mysteriously light blue and he was wearing a odd looking space suit with a G on it. The same G was on the truck as the logo.

"Sorry, I wasn't looking at both sides..." Maylene said in her defense while Chris's Lucario helped her to get up, this made the man of the truck gasp.

"Oh no, oh no!" He said.

"What is it?" A girl with the same mysterious light blue hair and space suit with the G asked at the side of the man asked, when she saw the 2 Lucarios, she gasped too.

"It's something wrong sir?" Riley asked, just then, his Lucario and Chris's Lucario started to shot glares at both persons, after a second, they started to show their fangs in rage.

"Lucario, it's something wrong?" Chris asked.

"I don't like those 2 at all" He said.

"Excellent! Good bye then!" The man drove the truck at high speed out of them, Maylene looked at them confused "They were acting so weird, don't you think?" She asked.

"I remember I saw that G somewhere before" Cynthia said.

"There were a lot of eggs inside the truck" Riley's Lucario said.

"Why they were keeping those eggs inside the truck? There is a Day Care near here?" Chris asked.

"Nope, the only Day Care in Sinnoh I know about is in Solaceon Town," Maylene answered "And they were driving to Veilstone"

"Let's find the valley first, then we go back to Veilstone to search for that truck" Cynthia said, everyone nodded and they continued their way to the Route 210.

Route 210

After walking through the Route 215 and passing the Cafe Cabbin, they went inside some woods near there.

"If my memory doesn't fails, the valley should be on the other side of these woods, but after we cross, be careful to not step on a pit" Riley said.

Eventually, they crossed to the other side and they found a big cliff in front of them, it was really huge, they looked around for the pits but there wasn't any of them.

"I don't see any pit around here" Chris said.

"They must be hiding then," Cynthia walked to the cliff and she looked to the top "We need to climb this to pass to the other side"

"But I don't know if we can climb THIS one though" Maylene said.

"Even with the help of our Lucarios we won't be able to cross it" Riley said.

"Then we're going to fly to the top," Cynthia took a Pokeball and she tossed it in the air, a Salamence came from the Pokeball and he roared upon getting out "Now everyone, get on Salamence's back"

Chris, Maylene, Cynthia and Riley along with both Lucarios went above Salamence's back, Cynthia ordered him to fly to the top, he roared in agreedment and he started to fly.

"At this rate we can reach the top in no time!" Maylene said.

Just then Riley's Lucario saw shiny blue spots coming at them from above, he gasped when he realised that they were Aura Spheres!


"Salamence! Dodge them!" Cynthia ordered, Salamance flew avoiding the Aura Spheres, but when they passed them, they turned back and they were chasing them.

"Darn it, since they're Aura Spheres, they can't be avoided so easily, we have to do something!" Riley said.

"I know!" Chris looked at both Lucarios "Use your Aura Spheres to destroy them!"

Both of them nodded and they charged their Aura Spheres, and then, they began to fire at every Aura Sphere that was going to touch them, making them explode in the process.

"They don't even stop firing at us!" Maylene said.

"No matter what they try, we are going to reach to the other side!" Chris said.

"Look! There is a cave up there!" Riley pointed to a cave above them "Fly there so we can take cover from their attacks!"

"Alright, Salamence, fly to that cave now!" Cynthia ordered, her Salamence roared again and he flew evading the Aura Spheres in the process, they eventually made it inside the cave, the rain of Aura Spheres suddenly stopped and Cynthia thanked her Salamence and she returned him to his Pokeball.

"This cave is deep" Chris said looking at the darkness of the cave.

"I dunno, but I think this cave crosses the cliff and the valley could be on the other side" Maylene said.

"But it's so dark to see, and we don't have lanterns with us"

"I know the answer for this problem" Chris's Lucario said.

"You know?" Chris asked. Just then, his Lucario started to glow and with the light of his aura he made enough light to brighten the cave to they could walk further inside.

"I wonder..." Riley's Lucario started to glow as Chris's Lucario and he made more light with his aura, the group can now advance further in the cave.

"Good idea, using the aura of both of you to shine the path through this cave" Cynthia said smiling a bit. Without any interruption, they walked deeper to the cave, it was so silent, even a little sound could make a echo.

"So if we can cross this cave, the valley will appear on the other side" Riley said.

"AAHHH!" Chris tripped on the ground, they stopped and his Lucario knelted in front of him.

"Are you alright?" He asked worried.

"'s just a little bruise" He saw his leg bleeding a little, but it was enough to make him feel pain every time he walked using his leg. After a while, his Lucario stopped and he grabbed him with his arms.

"You don't have to, really" Chris said.

"No, I can't watch you suffering from your injure, let me help me you" His Lucario said.

"(He is the same as myself)" Maylene thought to herself, then she remembered something from a long time ago.


"Alright Riolu, use Force Palm on that rock!" Maylene ordered, Riolu nodded and he ran to the rock to destroy it, but he tripped in the middle of his trail and Maylene gasped and she ran to him worried.

"Riolu! Are you alright?" She asked worried.

"I'm...I'm ok, you don't have to worry about me"

"Huh? You can talk?" Maylene asked surprised.

Riolu nodded "Yes, I was a little afraid to talk to you while your father was close to us, and I choose this moment to talk to you"

Maylene looked at Riolu's leg and it was bleeding a little "We need to stop the training for today, your leg is in a bad shape"

"N-No! I can continue! See?" He stood up, but after walking a little he stopped because he was suffering from his injure, Maylene shook her head and she grabbed him with her arms.

"You don't have to! I can train!" Riolu said.

"Don't be stubborn! You need to recover now or else you're going to worse up your leg!"

Riolu gasped after she said that to him, he looked at his leg again and it was still bleeding, then he nodded agreeding about his health.

Maylene smiled as she was walking to her house with her Riolu on her arms "Finally, you admitted it" Riolu looked away blushing a little, Maylene saw his blushing and she laughed.

"(You're so cute when you blush)" She thought.

End of flashback

"(Don't worry Lucario, I'm going to find you no matter what happens)" She thought with a determined face.

"Shh...I can hear something..." Cynthia wispered to everyone.

"What?" Chris asked wispering.

"It sounds like...leaves..." Riley wispered.

There was light coming in front of them, their eyes widened a little and they ran to the ligh-

"IT'S BLINDING ME!" Maylene shouted.

...As I was saying, they ran to the light, both Lucarios stopped glowing and when they made it to the other side, there found a lot of trees, bushes and grass everywhere, there was a waterfall and a river too.

"We finally made it to the hidden valley" Riley said. Admiring the splendor of the valley, there wasn't any Pok?mon there, which was very strange.

"Isn't strange that this valley it's empty?" Maylene asked confused.

"Wait, something is coming" Cynthia said narrowing her eyes.

"Yes, I can hear something approaching too" Chris said.

"HALT! WHO DARES TO ENTER THE VALLEY OF THE AURA?!" A voice echoed coming from nowhere. Chris and Maylene were scared by the sound of the voice.

"W-we!" Maylene said.

Just then, a moment of silence came to them, after a minute, a lot of noises were coming from the trees, bushes, and in the river, the group looked at everything to be prepared for any kind of attack.

And suddenly, many figures came from everywhere jumping to anything, surrounding the group in the process, after a while, the figures stopped, revealing to be a lot, no, many Lucarios glaring at them, hundreds of them were showing their fangs to the group.

"O-ok....d-don't make any brusque move...w-we are just going to return to the cave..." Chris looked at the entrance of the cave they came from and there were a lot of Lucarios blocking the cave "...n-n-nevermind...w-w-we just wait for them to....k-k-kill us..."

Maylene blinked for a moment "W-w-wait......KILL US?!"

"GGRRRRRR!!!!!" All the Lucarios said in unison after Maylene shouted. That made Chris hid behind his Lucario in terror.

And there was an Aura Sphere coming towards Maylene!

"MAYLENE!" Chris, Riley, Cynthia and both Lucarios shouted in unison, Maylene froze up as the Aura Sphere was coming closer to her.



Whoa. I did not see Maylene and Cynthia coming.... Good job.


Chapter 26: Lucarios, Riolus and Maylene

As the Aura Sphere was coming closer to Maylene, there wasn't much time for her to evade it, all of them noticed that they were a little too far from her.

But then she looked straight at the Aura Sphere and she jumped into the air.

"HIIIIIIIIYYYAAAAAHHHHH!!!" She said, kicking the Aura Sphere back to his owner, it was a Lucario standing in front of her, and he just simply stepped away and the Aura Sphere passed through his shoulder, crashing into a nearby tree.

"That was...awesome!" Chris said, still above his Lucario's arms.

"I remember that Aura Sphere," She looked at the Lucario who made that Aura Sphere and smiled "Lucario!"

"Maylene!" The Lucario revealed himself to be Maylene's Lucario, he ran to her and she did the same with tears coming from her eyes, when she reached him, she hugged him "Lucario! I was so worried about you! Where have you been?" She asked crying.

"I'm so sorry Maylene, I needed to come to this place by myself, I'm such a idiot for leaving you" He said.

"That doesn't matters now, I finally found you!" She said smiling, but she was still crying.

"Um, Maylene..." Chris said.

"What?" She asked.

"If you forgot, we're being surrounded by hundreds of killer Lucarios...who at the same time..." All of the Lucarios were charging up hundreds of Aura Spheres "..are probably making those blue orbs to kill us"

Maylene looked at every single Lucario and all of them were charging up their Aura Spheres while they were glaring at her and everyone else.


"Yes Maylene?"

"Do you think we can return all those attacks in time?"

"...Judging by all of them, no"

"..." She hugged him tightly now "I DON'T WANNA DIE!!!"

"STOP!" The same voice from before yelled and all the Lucarios stopped their Aura Spheres.

"Who's there?" Riley asked, he looked at Cynthia and there was a Lucario knelting in front of her "That is your Lucario right?" She nodded and smiled.

Just then, another Lucario came from the huge crowd of Aura Pok?mon, but he was different from the others, he was tall (and he even surpassed Chris's Lucario) there was an scar crossing his left eye and his arms were crossed behind his back, he looked quite intimidating too, which made Pichu hide totally behind Chris's Lucario.

"Humans? Visiting this holy ground?" He asked looking at Riley, Cynthia, Chris and Maylene "I'm the leader of this valley, what business do you have here?"

Chris gulped "W-we don't want to cause any trouble here, we just wanted to find our Lucarios, that's all"

The Lucario from the valley looked at Chris, but when he saw Chris's Lucario, his eyes widened a bit "I don't believe're..."

"He is what?" Chris asked.

"He son"

"WHAT?! YOU'RE HIS FATHER THEN?!" Chris asked pointing at the Lucario.

He nodded "He is my son, we lost him when he was still in his egg a long time ago near the Southwest of the Sinnoh region"

"Wait, I found an egg near Jubilife City as long time ago too, but I gave it to a trainer after he helped me with something," Riley said "But how did Chris obtained that egg?"

"Um, I think I met the same trainer who you met and he gave me his egg" Chris said (Obviously lying and trying to evade the truth who could make many questions to all of them) "Wait, did you said "we"?"

Suddenly, another Lucario (Who was shiny because her (Yes, it was female) fur was yellow where it was supposed to be blue, she was tall too (But she was tiny comparing her size with Chris's Lucario's size)) came from the crowd of Lucarios and she stood behind the leader, apparently, she was crying a little.

"Have you....found my baby?" She asked to Chris's Lucario's father.

"Not yet, but fortunately, we've found our first missing son" He pointed at Chris's Lucario, she looked at him and she started to cry even louder "My son! You're here!"

Chris's Lucario went with his father and mother (He left Chris on the floor) and he ran at his mother and hugged her while he was crying a little "Mother! Father! I thought I was alone in the world, but I never thought either I could find you here!"

"Wow, this is just incredible, not only we found the Lucarios of Maylene and Cynthia, but also we found Lucario's family too and he is the son of the leader of this valley" Chris said looking at Pichu.

"Pi Pichu Pi (It's good for him)" Pichu said.

"Wait, "our first son"?" Chris looked at Lucario's family "Do you mean you have another son too?"

"Not a son, but a daughter" The leader of the valley said.

"I see, that is the motive for calling all the Lucarios of all Sinnoh right?" Cynthia asked smiling a bit.

"That is correct, but it sounds rather odd for just calling all of them for just finding our daughter, but there is a major problem in reality"

"What major problem?" Maylene asked.

"Everything started 7 suns and 6 moons ago..." The leader of the valley remembered an event that happened 1 week ago in the night.


"On the middle of the night, we were sleeping under the stars of the sky, in that day also, we were waiting for a major event that was going to happen very soon" Chris's Lucario's father narrated.

"What was that event?" Maylene asked.

"The only important event that was going to happen was the most interesting in the whole story of the Valley of the Aura"

"A fight againts a Legendary Pok?mon?" Chris asked.

"No, more important than that"

"Something about the Lucarios?" Riley asked.

"You're close, I'm giving you a hint, from what thing are the Pok?mon born?"

"Pok?mon Eggs?" Maylene asked.

"Correct, and what are first the Pok?mon that are Lucarios?"

"Riolus" Cynthia responded.

"Correct, and we had many eggs containing Riolus inside that were going to hatch, and one of them was my daughter"

"And what happened to them?" Chris asked.

"That is where I want to explain"

The scene shows the Lucarios living in the valley sleeping in caves and above trees, there was an area with many Pok?mon Eggs far away from there, and suddenly, 10 shadow figures appears sneaking inside towards the eggs.

"That night, humans started to infiltrate our valley while we were sleeping, when they saw the opportunity, they took every single egg from us"

Once the figures finished stealing the eggs, one of the Lucarios woke up by the noises they were making, after he saw 6 of them climbing the cliff, he glared at them and he charged up an Aura Sphere, he fired it at one of the figures, it made a explosion and the light coming from the sphere revealed their appearance, they were wearing space suits with light blue hair haircut and with G on the suits, the Lucario roared and it woke up every Lucario on the valley, and after they saw the mysterious thiefs climbing down the mountain, they all jumped to the cliff to chase them, but they didn't see anything, but there was a black helicopter flying away from the valley far away in the air.

"Since that night, we used our Aura powers combined to call every Lucario living in Sinnoh to help us in finding the eggs"

End of flashback

"And now you know why we called every Lucario to the valley"

"And did you found them yet?" Chris asked.

The leader shook his head in dissapointment "We haven't, we are starting to worry about the eggs and if they were taken to another land far away from Sinnoh and the valley"

"Wait...I remember something about eggs..." Cynthia said trying to remember if she heard of Pok?mon Eggs before.

"Yeah, I remember it too" Maylene said, also trying to remember.

"Didn't my Lucario told us something about eggs before in Route 215?" Riley asked looking at his Lucario.

"Yes...the truck!" Chris said in surprise "You said the mysterious thiefs were wearing spacesuits with weird light blue hair and a G on their suits right?" The leader nodded "We saw them on the way here, Riley's Lucario saw something inside the truck and there were lots of Pok?mon Eggs in it!"

The leader gasped "Are you sure?"


"Then we need to assault them and take the eggs back to us!" The leader said, he looked at every Lucario on the valley.

"No, wait, leave this to us" Cynthia said placing her hand on the leader's shoulder.

"We can't leave this to you! We need to retrieve the eggs and fast!"

"I know you want to retrieve them, but with force?"

"That is right! We are going to use the force!"

"Sorry, but that is a very bad idea actually"

"What?! Why?!"

"Using force is never going to resolve anything, you have to think carefully before acting, besides, if you use only brute force they're probably going to escape"

The leader looked at the floor, then Chris's Lucario placed his hand on his other shoulder "Leave this to us father, I promise I'm going to rescue my sister with the help of my friends"

"...Fine, you can go, but you need to fulfill your promise, or else"

"Thanks father, but do us a favor in return"

"What is it?"

"When all of this is over, every Lucario that was under the control of any trainer is going to return to his or her owner"

"You have my word" His father nodded.

"Please, save your sister son" Her mother said with tears coming from her eyes.

"I'll promise mother" Lucario said smiling a bit.

" that everything it's settled..." Chris stood up, his leg recovered a little, but it was enough for him to walk "We're going to begin the operation "Bring back the Pok?mon Eggs" what do you say everyone?"

"Pichu! Pichu Pichu Pichu! (I want to rescue them!)" Said Pichu.

"I'm in" Riley said, his Lucario nodded.

"I'm goint too, it would be sad if the eggs hatches in their base" Cynthia said, her Lucario nodded.

"I won't say no to this, it saddens me for those cute Riolus to be kidnapped away from their own home" Maylene said, her Lucario nodded too.

"I thank all of you for your help, now go and rescue them!" The leader said and the team nodded "We have a hidden path that connects the base of the mountain and the valley together," He pointed to a cave inside the valley "Go inside that cave, it will take you to the base of the mountain"


Route 210
Hidden entrance to the Valley of the Aura

"This path was sure well hidden" Chris said as he and Pichu got out from a hidden hole near the cliff.

"Alright, now let's think for a moment, where did the truck was heading again?" Maylene asked.

"You said it was heading to Veilstone City" Chris's Lucario pointed out.

"Exactly, we need to return to Veilstone City and search for the truck"

"And then we find the base and sneak inside!" Chris said.

After passing again the Cafe Cabbin, Chris saw not far away from his position a very familiar tall girl clothed in a big green robe, her hair was also green and long, she was smiling because she had a very familiar jar with honey inside.

"Um, where did we saw her before Lucario?" He asked to his Lucario.

Lucario looked at the girl and he tried to remember where did he and Chris saw her before "I don't know...but she is vaguely familiar...and that jar with honey too..."

"Hey guys, go on without me, I'm going to ask her something first" Chris said leaving them as he went with the girl with the jar with honey.

"Oh hello, may I help you with something?" She asked, still smiling.

"Yeah, what's your name and where did you got that jar with honey?" Chris asked.

"My name is Cheryl and I got this honey from a big beehive of Combees near Eternia City" She said, introducing herself as Cheryl.

"And maybe this is going to sound weird, but, did you received any help while you were searching for that honey?"

"Why yes, I got help from a very nice group of trainers while I was searching for the honey," She placed a finger in her forehead "I remember their names were..."


"Oh! I remember! Their names were Ash, Dawn and Brock!"

After hearing those names, Chris's eyes widened a lot.

"They were too nice to me, Ash had a Pikachu with him, it was so adorable, but his friend Brock was very weird, I thought he was trying to kidnap me or something, although he was also a very good guy, I needed to leave him by saying a lie by looking at a Beedrill who was flying by, and he fell for my lie" She responded smiling.

"Um...thanks...I-I need to leave now..." Chris said backing away a little "Good bye!" He said waving his hand at her and running away.

"B-but, wait! You didn't told me your name!"

"It's not important!" He said dissapearing in the distance.

"...What a strange kid..." She said to herself.

Route 215

When they were heading to Veilstone City, they were challenged by 2 trainers, they asked to challenge both Chris and Maylene in a double battle.

"Are you familiar with double battles Maylene?" Chris asked.

"I don't think so, but let's give it a try!" She said.

They found a open area to fight againts the trainers, they realesed 2 Ursarings, Chris ordered his Lucario to step on the field and Maylene did the same, Cynthia and Riley along with their Lucarios were watching from the middle of the field.

"Ursaring! Use Hyper Beam!" One trainer shouted.

"Dodge it and use Force Palm!" Chris said.

"Lucario! Assist him with Bone Rush!" Maylene said. Her Lucario suddenly made a blue baton in the form of a bone long enough to use with both hands.

"Stop him with Slash!" The other trainer shouted.

Chris's Lucario evaded the Hyper Beam and he used Force Palm right into the stomach of the Ursaring, he yelled in pain and it was instantly paralyzed, Maylene's Lucario swung the bone colliding with the Slash of the other Ursaring, but with enough force, the Bone Rush was too much and the Ursaring was going to fall back.

"Use Force Palm on the head!" Maylene commanded, her Lucario jumped high in the air and his fist glowed and it punched Ursaring in the forehead, the Ursaring was getting weaker, but suddenly he fell on the floor defeated.

"Ursaring!" His trainer shouted worried.

"Ursaring, use Karate Chop!" The first trainer ordered, the hand of the Ursaring glowed and it was going to hit Chris's Lucario until...his Lucario grabbed the glowing hand with one hand.

"Huh?" Maylene said in surprise, Chris's Lucario looked behind him and he lashed the Ursaring still using his hand to the floor, the Ursaring bounced 2 times and he fainted.

"Ursaring!" The first trainer said worried.

"We won!" Chris and Maylene said in unison jumping, Pichu was also jumping. Their Lucarios returned to their sides and the trainers called their Ursarings back to their Pokeballs, they thanked both Lucario's users and they left.

"As I've said before, you have trained very well your Lucario Chris" Riley said smiling.

"I was very surprised at how your Lucario was able to lash that Ursaring with just one hand" Cynthia said.

"And to think that Ursaring was bigger too!" Maylene said. Rubbing her Lucario's head "One of these days, I want to challenge both of you!" She said pointing at Chris.

"....Well, sure...we can have a fight later...." Chris said rubbing his head "Let's move on, we can't waste any second in this task" He said walking away with his Lucario. Cynthia, Riley and Maylene with their Lucarios followed them. It was very close the city now, Maylene looked at some trees in the way and she remembered when her Riolu evolved.


"Why did you...had to punch that Mightyena? He is surely searching for us to eat!" Maylene said as she was holding her Riolu in her arms, he was very hurted, there were a lot of bruises in his body, and he could barely even walk.

"I'm sorry Maylene...I think I overdid it a little...I never going to understimate my foes..." He said in a weak tone.

It was raining too, Maylene and Riolu were escaping from a Mightyena that Riolu had punched him on the face while he was sleeping, he woke up enraged and he saw Riolu in a fighting stance, the Mightyena was fast and slashed Riolu several times using his claws and fangs, after Maylene managed to distract the Mightyena to grab Riolu and run away, they ran as fast the feet of Maylene could take them.

"AAHHH!!!" Maylene tripped on the ground and Riolu fell too "My hurts so much!" She said holding her left leg.

"Maylene!" Riolu shouted walking to her, he somehow was able to stand up without tripping "Are you okay?"

" leg hurts so much...Riolu, you must flee away from here now, hurry!"

"What? I-I can't do that! What if that Mightyena tries to kill you?" He asked with teary eyes.

"It doesn't matters...I just want you to live!"

"I can't do it! Sorry Maylene....forgive me..."

Just then, the Mightyena finally appeared in front of them, he was growling as he was showing his fangs in rage, Maylene gasped and she started to cry for her life. But Riolu stood in front of her with his arms opened.


"RIOLU!" Maylene said crying.

"RAAAHHHHHH!!!!!" The Mightyena lunged at Riolu with his mouth opened, Maylene clossed her eyes to not see how Riolu was going to suffer, and then, Riolu's eyes widened when the fangs of the Mightyena bit his right arm.

"RIOLU!!!" Maylene shouted, her voice was echoing in all the rain.

"(I'm sorry Maylene....if only I were bigger and stronger....)" Riolu thought crying.

Suddenly, Riolu began to shine intensely, the eyes of the Mightyena widened, he backed away and he closed his eyes, Maylene opened her eyes when she saw the light coming from Riolu, she saw Riolu growing, his tail got bigger as well as the rest of his body, the little steel parts of his arms turned into sharp spikes and one also appeared on his chest, his ears grew and his sacks on his face dissapeared and 4 new sacks appeared behind his head, his torso was no longer blue, yellow fur grew on it instead, 2 black rings formed on his shoulders and his eyes turned sharper and the black marking of his face was now crossing his head in both sides of both ears, his nose was now a little longer, there was also a black marking around his lap that looked like he was wearing a belt. Since Maylene was still a little girl, Riolu was now bigger than her.

"AND THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT I'M GOING TO USE TO PROTECT HER!" He said glaring at the Mightyena, Maylene also noted that his cute little voice turned into a menacing voice. She saw the wounds of Riolu dissapeared in the process too. He ran with his fist ready to punch Mightyena, he did and Mightyena went flying to a nearby tree and he yelled in pain when he fell, then he shook his head and ran away scared.

"Ri-Riolu" Maylene said very surprised at the sudden change of Riolu.

"I'm no longer Riolu," "Riolu" turned his back to see Maylene "I'm now Lucario"

"Lucario?" Maylene asked. Lucario nodded and he knelted to her "Your leg is still hurting you?"

"Y-yes" When she said that, Lucario grabbed her with his arms carefully to not touch her leg "You don't have to!"

"No, it was my fault for enraging that Mightyena in the first place"

Maylene blushed a little and she nodded slowly, Lucario smiled a little "Now let's go to our house, If I remember your mother is making rice for dinner"

"Y-yeah! Let's go!" She said smiling and blushing, Lucario walked to their house as he was carrying Maylene on his arms, in the middle of the way, Maylene yawned and she closed her eyes, she moved her head to Lucario's face and she also wrapped her arms around his neck, Lucario closed his eyes and smiled. Then the screen looks slowly to the rain and the clouds disperse and the light of the sun came from the sky once again.

End of flashback

A tear appeared on Maylene's left eye and she wipped it out.

Veilstone City

"Now where could that truck be?" Chris asked looking around.

"It's over there" His Lucario said pointing to the truck with the G on it, it was opened from behind and the mysterious men were in front of the truck talking to a little group of their team, Chris and the others sneaked carefully behind the truck and they found the eggs inside.

"...whoa...just look at all the eggs!" Maylene said smiling, she saw all the eggs piled above more eggs, the truck was just full of them because they were literally touching the roof of the truck.

"They weren't joking about the amount of eggs" Cynthia said.

"But how are we going to carry them before they start the car?" Chris asked.

"I have everything ready," Cynthia looked at her Lucario "Use Psychic to carry the eggs"

"Yes Cynthia" He said, he started to glow in a purple light and he pointed his hands to the eggs, the eggs were now floating towards them slowly, Riley and his Lucario took the eggs to hide them behind some trees, after half of the eggs were retrieved, Chris entered the truck along with Maylene and Pichu to carry the remaining eggs to Riley and the other 3 Lucarios.

"Are there more eggs inside?" Riley asked.

Chris, Pichu and Maylene looked behind them and they smiled "Nope, we're done" Maylene said.

Just then, the back of the truck closed quickly and Chris, Pichu and Maylene were trapped inside, Cynthia, Riley and the 4 Lucarios gasped in unison and the truck was driving away from them.

"LUCARIO!!!" Both shouted in unison inside the truck.

"Hey, did you hear something from the eggs?" The man of the truck asked to his partner.

"Nah, it must be a fly or something" She replied.

"CHRIS!" Chris's Lucario, Riley and his Lucario shouted in unison.

"MAYLENE!" Cynthia, her Lucario and Maylene's Lucario shouted in unison.

"We have to save them now!" Chris's Lucario said.

"But what about the eggs? We need to keep them!" Maylene's Lucario asked.

"2 of us will stay behind while 4 of us will follow the truck without being spotted," Cynthia said "Riley, we should stay behind and let our Lucarios to do the job"

"Alright Cynthia, be careful along the way," Riley said to the 4 Lucarios, all of them nodded and they ran away chasing the truck carefully "Why did you choose them anyway?"

"Because they are Lucarios" Cynthia replied smiling.

Preview of the next chapter

"I'm Chris's Lucario"

"I'm Maylene's Lucario"

"I'm Riley's Lucario"

"I'm Cynthia's Lucario"

"They took by accident both Chris, Pichu and Maylene to a hidden base near the Route 215"

"If they ever lay one finger to Maylene, they are going to die"

"Calm down, we need to think carefully or else this mission is going to fail"

"I agree with him"

"You're right, we should think before acting"

"I can't concentrate well if I know that Maylene is in danger!"

"Relax, we're going to rescue them"

"The key word for this mission is teamwork"

"Alright, let's rescue them now!"

"Next time: Revelations! Good bye Sinnoh!"
All of them said in unison.


Chapter 27: Revelations! Good bye Sinnoh!

Route 215
Inside the truck

Chris, Pichu and Maylene were still inside the truck, only their eyes were showing in the darkness of the truck.

"Let's see, we rescued the Pok?mon Eggs, but we forgot to get out of the truck right?" Chris asked.

"It appears so" Maylene said.

"Pichu Pi (Uh-hu)"

"Man, things can get any worser"

"Open the gates!" A voice yelled from outside, the sound of gates opening up were heard.

"Did you said something?" Maylene asked narrowing her eyes at Chris.

"No" He said grinning.

"Pi Pi Pi! (LOL, you got owned!)" Pichu (Surprisingly) said.

"They are not looking, let's move on" Chris's Lucario wispered to the other Lucarios, all of them ran quickly to the other side of the gate while the mysterious people weren't looking, they hid behind a pile of boxes near a base.

"I just can't wait to see the face of Commander Mars to see the Pok?mon Eggs, she will be very pleased if Master Cyrus thank her" The man said.

"Stop dreaming and drive this thing inside the base!" The woman said annoyed.

"Look, they're opening that door" Riley's Lucario said.

"The coast is clear, go" Maylene's Lucario said, all of them ran inside the base and they hid in another pile of boxes.

Route 215
Mysterious base

"Did you hear something like something grabbing this truck?" Maylene asked.

"Yeah, I did, I think this is not the interior of the truck, but instead, it's a big metal box"

"AAAHHH!" The big metal box shook violently and the 3 of them fell on the floor, they moaned in pain. Outside, the big metal box was being carried away with a crane to a big treadmill leading to another place of the base. The group of Lucarios looked around to see if there was anyone looking, unfortunately, there were a lot of persons walking at different places at the same time, leaving the Lucarios stuck in their positions as the big metal box dissapeared to another room.

Mysterious Base
Commander Mars's room

"And now Sir Cyrus, let me introduce you your present" A woman in the same space suit but with a different desing and red hair said pointing to the big metal box coming from the long treadmill.

"I hope this is useful as you told me before, I'm very busy with my work now" A man in the same space suit with blue hair said staring blankly at the box.

"You will not regret it! Inside this box there are a lot of Pok?mon Eggs!" She said smiling.

"Are you really sure that those eggs are going to help us in our research for the energy they emanate when they evolve?" He asked, still his face was staring at her blanky, showing no emotion at all.

"I'm so sure of it!" She took out a button "And with just one click, this box is..." She clicked the button and the big metal box's walls fell apart, revealing to be a big metal cage "Holding so many eggs that are touching the roof of the cage!" She said smirking.

"...You really dissapoint me"

"Of course I always dissapoint yo-WHAT?!" She looked at the cage and instead of "many eggs" she revealed 2 kids with a Pichu staring blankly at her "THIS MUST BE SOME KIND OF MISTAKE!"

"They look like humans, they smell like humans and they sound like humans, therefore they are humans" Cyrus said staring blankly at them.

"I SWEAR THAT THERE WERE A LOT OF EGGS JUST A MOMENT AGO!" She said pointing at the cage.

"Sure, they were," He turned his back and he crossed his arms behind his back "Expect a lowering in rank tomorrow" He walked away from her.

"But...but...but..." She bent looking depressed at the floor.

"Geez, get a life please" Maylene said narrowing her eyes.

"Yeah, I mean, stealing eggs from a valley it's just plain wrong" Chris said.

"Pichu Pichu Pi (You're a loser)" Pichu said.

"...Hehehehe" She said.

"What was that?" Maylene asked.

"If I'm getting my rank away from me..." Commander Mars looked at them while grinning "Then you're really going to pay for that...."

"How? We're inside this cage and you're out of it" Chris asked. Just then, she took out a Pokeball, she tossed it in the air and a Purugly came from it.

"I don't get your point still" Maylene said staring at the Purugly.

"I just use Supersonic to torture you 3 from what have you done to me" She said smirking.

"You wouldn't dare!" Chris said surprised.

Team Galactic Battle

"WATCH ME! PURUGLY! USE SUPERSONIC!" She shouted, her Purugly opened his mouth and ultrasonic waves came colliding with the cage, the 3 blocked their ears in pain as the sound of the attack was hurting them.

"UGH! STOP IT!" Chris shouted.




Purugly nodded and the Supersonic attack grew in size, the 3 were screaming in pain, blocking their ears wasn't enough to protect them.

"I hear something coming from the other side of the treadmill" Riley's Lucario said.


"CHRIS! THAT'S IT!" Chris's Lucario glowed in an intense light and he ran to the treadmill, in doing so, all the personnel inside the base noticed them.

"FORGET ABOUT THE PLAN! WE NEED TO ATTACK THEM NOW!" Maylene's Lucario said glowing too, he jumped high in the air and he charged an Aura Sphere shooting it at some machines around the area.

"STOP THEM! WE CAN'T ALLOW THEM TO DESTROY THIS BASE!" One man shouted taking out a Pokeball, every single member took out a Pokeball and all of them called different kinds of Pok?mon out of the Pokeballs. Riley's Lucario and Cynthia's Lucario stood in a fighting stance and all Pok?mon lunged at them.

A big explosion was heard in all the base, and Purugly stopped and he noticed the noise coming from the treadmill.

"Huh? What was that big noise?" Commander Mars asked. The back of the treadmill was suddenly glowing and Chris's Lucario came from it and he quickly punched Purugly to the wall. Purugly crashed to the wall and he fell unconscious with swirl is his eyes.

"Purugly!" Commander Mars ran to her Purugly "You little bastard! How dare you to hurt my cute little Purugly?!"

"GUUUUUUAAAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" Chris's Lucario roared. Chris, Maylene and Pichu unblocked their ears and opened their eyes and they noticed Chris's Lucario glaring at Commander Mars and Purugly.

"S-so? With that kind of emotion you're not going to scare m-"

Chris's Lucario stomped the floor and it broke leaving a huge mark of destruction on it.

"You know what? Nevermind! Bye!" She said grabbing her Purugly and running away scared.

"Lucario!" Chris said smiling, his Lucario looked at the cage and he stood in front of the bars, he grabbed 2 of them with each hand and he broke them without any problem. Chris stood up and ran at his Lucario to hug him.

"I was a little worried Chris" His Lucario said rubbing Chris's head.

"Where is my Lucario?" Maylene asked looking around.


"Lucario!" Her Lucario came from the treadmill and the 2 hugged each other. Maylene was smiling happily.

"Pichu Pichu! (Let's get out of here!)" Pichu said.

"Right, we need to escape from this place" Chris's Lucario said. Chris, Pichu, Maylene and her Lucario nodded. All of them ran inside the treadmill.

"Are you tired yet?" Riley's Lucario asked panting, Cynthia's Lucario was at his right side looking back "No, and you?" He asked panting. A lot of Pok?mon were laying unconscious on the floor, probably because they defeated them.

"They are too powerful! We need to escape now!" A member said to the other.

"No! We need the order of Commander Mars first!"

"RUN AWAY IF YOU WANT TO LIVE!" Just then, Commander Mars came from a door holding her Purugly, she was rather scared too.

"RUN!" Every member shouted taking back their Pok?mon to their Pokeballs.

"Bunch of cowards" Cynthia's Lucario said crossing his arms. Chris and the others came from the treadmill.

"Now let's go!" Chris said, all of them ran outside the base to the gate, after passing through the gate, the stopped to catch their breathe.

"Ooof...we did it...right Maylene?" Chris asked.

"Yeah...we did it" She said smiling.


"What's wrong Pichu?" Chris asked.

"PICHU PICHU PICHU! (We're surrounded!)" Pichu said scared.

"Huh?" Chris looked and he gasped when he saw many members of Team Galactic surrouding them, they were holding a lot of high tech guns and pointing at them.

"Did you think we would surrender so easily?" Commander Mars came out of the crowd smirking "That is where you are wrong kids"

"Darn it! They don't stop calling me kid!" Chris said annoyed. His Lucario glared at them and he charged up an Aura Sphere.

"Halt! If you shoot that orb, we will shoot at you with our guns!"

"Grrr..." Lucario stopped charging up his Aura Sphere.

"Now...surrender now...or else..." She said.

"Guess there isn't any choice left then..." Chris dropped to the floor, Maylene and Pichu did the same "We surrender"

"Excellent, now take the-" She was interrupted because she heard a noise coming from the bushes, but in reality, all the bushes around them were moving "Huh? Who is there? Show yourselves!"

"If you say so!" A familiar voice said smiling, suddenly, from the bushes came hundreds of Lucarios walking towards the members of Team Galactic, all of the Lucarios were glaring at them, some were above the trees with crossed arms and some were high atop the trees. From the crowd of Lucarios, Riley and Cynthia came walking along with the leader of the valley.

"Guys!" Chris said getting up surprised at the sudden help from all the Lucarios.

"Oh you gotta be kidding me! I had everything perfectly planned to steal the eggs from these freak-" When Commander Mars said that annoyed, all of the Lucarios grunted at her and she stopped sweatdropping.

"Commander Mars! We're waiting for your orders! What should we do now?" A member asked looking at all the enraged Lucarios.

"LUCARIOS OF THE VALLEY OF THE AURA! PREPARE THE AURA SPHERES!" The leader ordered and all the Lucarios stood in the position for charging the Aura Spheres as the aura of each one was concentrating between his hands.

"I....I....I...I-" She studdered in terror, what was she going to do now?

"Commander!" All the members said.

"I orde-"

"ATTACK!" The leader said and all the Lucarios fired their Aura Spheres at Team Galactic, Chris, Maylene and Pichu ducked and a big explosion was created from the attack and the poor members blasted off to the sky.

"I order to ask for my RRAAANNNKKKKKK!!!!!!" She said as she and the members dissapeared in the cerulean sky.


Pichu, pichu, pichu, pi, pi. (So many Lucarios, but still good.


Route 210
Valley of the Aura

Everyone returned to the Valley of the Aura to return the Pok?mon Eggs.

"So, you 2 went here after we were trapped by Team Galactic and asked for the help of the Lucarios?" Chris asked to Riley and Cynthia, both nodded.

"We are in your debt for rescuing all the Pok?mon Eggs, you have my regards" The leader said knelting. His wife was holding a Pok?mon Egg in her arms.

"Isn't that Pok?mon Egg Lucario's sister?"

She nodded smiling "That's right, very soon my daughter will be born from this egg"

"Hey look!" Maylene said pointing to the eggs.

"What?" Riley asked.

"They're shaking!"

Indeed, all the Pok?mon Eggs were shaking, even the egg of Lucario's mother was shaking too, all of the Lucarios watched as the eggs were breaking up from the top, Chris, Pichu, Maylene, Riley and Cynthia were also watching.

"They're going to hatch at the same time! It's amazing!" Riley said surprised.

When they stopped shaking, every single egg broke and as expected, Riolus came from the eggs saying their names in baby-ish tones, many Lucarios (who were female) walked to the Riolus and grabbed them smiling, every Riolu was too happy to have their mother in front of them.

And that was also the same reaction for Chris's Lucario's mother. Her daughter was also a Shiny Pok?mon as her.

"My baby!" She said hugging her daughter in her arms. Chris's Lucario approached to her and he saw his little sister looking curiously at him.

"Isn't great Lucario? You have a little sister!" Chris said smiling.

"Do you see him?" Chris's Lucario's mother pointed at his son "He is your big brother"

"Big brother?" The Shiny Riolu asked putting his little left hand in his mouth.

"Wow, she can talk too!" Maylene said surprised.

"Big brother!" His little sister said trying to hug his brother. Lucario approached closer to her and she hugged his right arm.

"Aww, isn't cute?" Maylene asked to Cynthia with closed eyes. She replied by nodding and smiling.

"Say, aren't those the new Riolus that hatched just now?" Chris asked, Maylene turned her back and she saw all the Riolus looking at her curiously.

"Hey!" She bent to them "Aren't you the most cute little things in the world?" She asked smiling. Every Riolu looked at each other. They blinked in unison and...they leaped to Maylene, causing her to fall on the ground.

"Ri! Ri! Ri! Ri! Ri! Ri! Lu! Lu! Ri! Lu!" They said above Maylene.

"AAHH!! PLEASE! STOP! YOU'RE ALL TICKLING ME!! HAHAHAHA! PLEASE! I BEG FOR MERCY PLEASE!" She said laughing, tears were coming from her eyes since all the Riolus were tickling her "HEY! THAT'S MY CHOCOLATE BAR!" She said looking at a Riolu staring at the Chocolate Bar he took from Maylene's pocket, he took a bite of it and the Riolu smiled.

"Riiii!" He said in happiness.

"AWWW! YOU'RE SO CUTE!" She said smiling and laughing.

"'re impossible" Chris said frowning, everyone laughed at this for a while, even the Riolus were laughing too.

"Hey you, come here for a moment" Chris's Lucario's father said to Chris.

"Huh? For what?" Chris asked.

"Just come, quick" He said leaving inside a cave, Chris made a confused face and he followed him.

"What is it?"

"I need to show you something very important"


"Yes, and it is right here" He stopped in front of wall, there were torches with fire around the cave, in the wall, there was a picture of a giant Lucario glowing. letters were shown around the image too.

"What is that?"

"That," He turned looking at the wall "Is my son Lucario"

"Huh? And why is he in that wall?"

"I need to tell you a myth of the Valley of the Aura," He turned his back to look at Chris "Is a myth of a Legendary Lucario"

"A myth?"

"Yes, a myth that has been here in the valley since his existence, there was a old legend about a bloodline of the strongests Lucario in the region of Sinnoh, I am one member of that family"

"So, that means..."

"Correct, your Lucario is also one of those members, however, he is special"

"Special about what?"

"There was an old saying about a Lucario who will have the special task that will prove his strength between all the Lucarios of the family," He looked at the wall "The saying was this: One Lucario of the family will have a special destiny that will be used in good hands, this Lucario will help and protect a certain special being to save a great catastrophe that will engulf and destroy all the universe out of existence, the special being is the World Traveler, the human who is from another world and will save all the worlds from the ultimate destruction"

"Wait, does that mean I'm the World Traveler? You knew all about me from the beginning?"

He nodded "Since you took a step inside the valley, I knew everything about your past and your destiny, I'm honored to have a son that will prove his loyalty to a human like you"

Chris looked away "...I...I didn't knew that I was THAT important...I just wanted to help to save the worlds....that's all"

"You have nothing to be ashamed of, remember that you still have him as your guardian, he will step in front of the danger for you"



"The saying has something that it didn't told too"

"Impossible! What was the only thing that the saying forgot to say?"

Chris looked at him and smiled "That the special Lucario will be his best friend forever in his life"

"Friendship? That was the only thing then?" He asked surprised.

"Yes, it's the only thing that matters to me"

"I are indeed that special being after all" He said smiling a bit "He has the permission to travel with you until your adventure is over"

"Wait, what? Can't he stay with me?"

"Well, if he wants to stay with you, I won't discuss it"

"I want to stay with him"

"Lucario!" Chris said surprised, his Lucario appeared behind him "You heard all the conversation?"

He nodded "Yes, and I accept my destiny father, I'm going to travel with Chris to save the worlds and protect him in the process"

"Then I wish you good luck my son, but remember, you still have a family in this valley and you can always return to visit us, especially your little sister"

"I'll not forget that," He looked at Chris and nodded "Let's go"

"Yes, let's go!"

Veilstone City
Entrance to the Veilstone City Gym

"Well, you have your family now, a little sister to look after and a home to return," Chris said "And I guess it's time to leave now"

"Yeah," Riley looked at his Lucario "We're going to Iron Island to train for a while, after all the things that happened, we need a little break as we call it"

"Just a promise everyone"

"What Chris?" Maylene asked.

"Let's promise that we will never let anyone hear about the Valley of the Aura and that the Lucarios can talk, we will keep it as our little secret, if you see anyone coming to you if you're talking to your Lucario, you must stop talking to him and he can only say the only common thing every Pok?mon does"

"His name over and over again?" Maylene asked.

"Sadly, yes" Chris said grinning a little.

"Well, that's good for me" Cynthia said. Licking something familiar.

"Cynthia....isn't that the same Ice Cream from before?" Chris said narrowing his eyes.

"Yes, and look! I've finished!" She said tossing the cone away in a trash can.

"...Leaving that, we need to get going now, let's go Lucario" Riley said.

"Yes Riley," He looked at Chris "Thank you for all your help"

"Good bye Riley! Good bye Lucario!" Chris said waving his hand to them, they left waving their hands too.

"And I need to return to do some work around Sinnoh, it was a pleasure to stay with you, Lucario, return to our Pokeball" She said pointing her Pokeball at Lucario.

"Yes Cynthia" He said before returning to his Pokeball.

"Good bye Cynthia!" Maylene said waving her hand at Cynthia, she did it too and she left in the distance.

"Well Maylene, we need to go now, it was very fun to stay with you" Chris said smiling.

"Chris, thank you so much for helping me to be reunited with my Lucario, I've never been so happy before in my life...but I don't know how to repay you"

"You don't need t-" Chris was interrupted.

"Oh! I know how! Chris, I need you to open your hand and close your eyes, when I said the word, open your eyes"

Chris did it "Now what?" He felt something above his hand "Maylene, what did you gave m-" He was interrupted once more, but, the strange thing was, there was something in his cheek.

Chris's Lucario's eyes widened a lot, and Maylene's Lucario's eyes widened too.

If you have been wondering what was the other thing...

"Maylene, a-a-are you kissing me?!" Chris asked blushing.

"Okay, you can open your eyes now"

"Did you just kissed me on my cheek?"

Maylene blushed a little "Well...I....think I was a little too thankful"

Chris just blinked in embarrasment, then he looked at his hand and there was badge "Isn't this..."

"Yeah, that is the Cobble Badge of the Veilstone City Gym, you've earned it" She said smiling.

"But I didn't challenged you!"

"That doesn't matters, consider it as a thanks for reuniting me with my Lucario, without him, my Gym would be a dissapoinment for the Sinnoh League!" She paused for a moment "That's it! You should challenge the Sinnoh League!"

"Me? Challenging the Sinnoh League?" He looked at his Lucario "I'm going to think about it"

"That's great! I want to see you winning!" She looked behind Chris and there was someone coming to them far away "Look! There is a trainer coming!"

"Really? You should start accepting challenge with HIM!!!!!!!!" Chris's face was really scared of what he just saw coming, the trainer who was coming was too familiar, way too familiar to Chris. His Lucario saw his terrorized face, when he turned his head he made the same terrorized face, although Pichu was confused. Because that trainer was...

"Hey! I know who is him! He is Paul!" Maylene said smiling.

"PAUL?!" Chris and his Lucario said surprised. Chris grabbed Maylene by the shoulders.

"Chris! What are you doing?!" She asked confused.


"Why?" She asked still confused.


"O-ok! Got it!" She said scared.

"GOOD! LUCARIO! USE EXTREMESPEED AND LET'S GET OUT OF HERE!" Chris said stopping grabbing Maylene by the shoulders, his Lucario grabbed him and Pichu quickly and the trio dissapeared in front of Maylene and her Lucario.

"...You will remember his promise Maylene?" Her Lucario asked.

"You bet I will! Now for starting good in this day, let's beat Paul and regain our fighting spirit as a team!"

"Shh! He is coming!" He wispered.

"Oh shoot! You're right!" She wispered back.

"Hey, I want to challenge you now" Paul said with a blank face.

"You're on! Let's do it Lucario!"

"Lucario!" Her Lucario said nodding. Remembering Chris's promise.

Veilstone City

"Phew, that was close" Chris said clearing his forehead because he sweated "I can't believe it, we're inside the anime?!"

"We saw Paul, and Cheryl was also holding the same honey she got from that episode" Lucario said.

"Pichu Pi? (Do you know them?)" Pichu asked.

"Yes" Lucario answered.

"Now that everything is done here, let's return to the Smash Mansion" Chris looked around if there were persons looking at them, the coast was clear and he made the vortex, the trio stepped inside and they dissapeared, but the vortex didn't closed and a yellow figure walked inside along with a round pink figure, then the vortex dissapeared"




Wait... Paul.... He's the new rival guy in the anime, right?

Oh, well. Good chapter.


Chapter 28: Newcomers!

Smash Mansion
Command Room

"You were gone for the last 9 hours, what you were doing in Sinnoh?" Master Hand asked.

"Sorry, we got a little sidetracked, we discovered many things in the process" Chris said.

"What kind of things?"

Chris, Pichu and Lucario explained it all to Master Hand and the others.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you that you're the World Traveler"

Chris glared at Master Hand "You ALWAYS forget everything!"

A screen suddenly appeared in front of Chris with a picture of a person.

Pikachu joined your team!

And then another one appeared.

Jigglypuff joined your team!

"What? That's not true! I haven't seen them in Sinnoh!" Chris said.

"Hello? We're behind you"

"ACK!" Chris turned his back and there was Pikachu and Jigglypuff looking at him "How did you?"

"We followed you from Sinnoh, sorry to be so late, Ash didn't slept enough for my cousin to replace me" Pikachu said rubbing the back of his head.

"Wait, you're Ash's Pikachu?" Chris asked pointing at him. Pikachu nodded.

"Yep! And I want to help in your journey!" Pikachu said smiling.


"Pichu! How have you been?" Pichu jumped from Chris's shoulder and he hugged Pikachu.

"Yippie! Pikachu! You're here! I won't be so alone from now!"

"AHEM" Roy, Chris and Master Hand said in unison.

"Oh....sorry...I forgot about you...." Pichu said sweatdropping.

"And what about me? Are you gonna notice me now?"

"Jigglypuff!" Pichu ran to Jigglypuff to hug her.

Jigglypuff smiled "It's good to see you again Pichu!" She said.


"Hi Mewtwo! Are you ready to end our fight?" Pikachu asked smiling.

"Not now, we have important things to do now" Mewtwo shook his head.

"You're right, when I saw Pichu in Sinnoh, I knew it was the same Pichu from the tournament, and I thought something was wrong if he was traveling with him and that Lucario"

"You're so smart Pikachu" Chris said.

"Hi! Who are you?"

"I'm Chris, nice to meet you!"

"Hi Chris!" Pikachu said smiling.

"Enough with the introductions," Master Hand looked at Chris "When you and Lucario were away, I've invited 3 more allies to join us"

"Who?" Chris asked with a confused face.

From the other side of the room, an angel appeared wearing white clothes and 2 gold bracelets in both wrists, by the look of his clothes it looked like he was from a high rank of some army. He was holding 2 twin swords in each hand and his hair was brown with a gold leaf crown around his head, he also looked like he was a young teenager like Chris.

Pit joined your team!

"He is Pit?" Chris asked. Pit approached to him.

"Hello Sir Chris," He said knelting "My name is Pit, leader of Palutena's Army, and I have come to aid you"

"Sir Chris?" Chris asked confused.

"Um, yeah, he names almost everyone with sir, he even called by brother "Sir Crazy Hand" " Master Hand said.

"Listen, I know you're from an army at all, but you don't need to say sir to everyone you see walking near you" Chris said.

"I don't get your point Sir Chris" Pit said.

"Just stop saying sir and say only my name, try it"

"Alright, Si-I mean, Chris" Pit said embarrased.

"There! You got it!"

"You're right! I don't need to call sir to anyone! Thanks Chris!"

"Wow, he can change the way of the people" Master Hand muttered to himself.

"Who are the other 2?" Chris asked.

From the other side of the room, 2 kids wearing eskimos with each one holding a hammer in their left hands came, one was a kid wearing a blue eskimo and the other was a girl wearing a pink eskimo, the only differences between the 2 were the colors of their clothes and the style of their haircuts.

The Ice Climbers joined your team!

"Ice Climbers?" Chris asked. Both kids approached to him.

"Hi! I'm Popo!" The kid with the blue eskimo said shaking Chris's left hand.

"Hi! I'm Nana!" The girl with the pink eskimo said shaking Chris's right hand.

"We are the Ice Climbers!" They said in unison smiling.

Chris couldn't believe it, 4 new members just joined him in a second? And how did Pit, Popo and Nana appeared in the Smash Mansion?

"Say, how did Pit, Popo and Nana came here?" Chris asked.

"Well, the thing is, their worlds are in perfect harmony and the Primids doesn't have in mind to invade them, probably because they don't have anything important"

"Your mind says the contrary, it's because their worlds are pixeled and the Primids doesn't want a pixeled world, and with further analysis, you're also thinking that it a waste of time to invade them since they're not important" Mewtwo said, Pit, Popo and Nana glared at Master Hand.

"Hey! Stop reading my mind!" Said Master Hand.

"That is an insult to Goddess Palutena!" Pit said.

"Yeah! It's also an insult to our mountain!" Popo and Nana said in unison.

"I didn't meant to insult anybody! I swear!" Master Hand said sweatdropping.

"Hey calm down everyone!" Chris said "We aren't suppose to fight againts ourselves! Our enemy right now are the Primids!"

"...He is right" Roy said.

"I'm sorry for saying that your worlds were pathetic" Master Hand said looking at the floor.

"Apology accepted" Pit, Popo and Nana said in unison.

"Good, everything is fine again" Chris said sighing, then he yawned "Let me guess, it's already night righ-" He paused for a moment, then he thought about something and gasped "OH NO! I HAVE TO GO TO SCHOOL TOMORROW!"

Master Hand laughed for a bit "Oh what joke! You're so funny!"

Chris glared at him "Hey! I have a very good grade and I don't want to lose it!"

"Relax, it's still Saturday in your world" Master Hand said, Chris stopped glaring at him and he made a confused face again.

"It's still Saturday?"

Master Hand nodded "That's right, I used my powers to stop the time in your world and by thinking, you're not losing even a single second in the real world"


Master Hand nodded again "The time will flow normally again when you return to your world, and also, you're not agging inside this world too, you can live here forever and you will be always a teenager!"

"Hurray for the Fountain of Youth!" Crazy Hand said floating like...crazy.

"Wow, gotta love the mechanics of this place then" Chris said smiling. Then his stomach grumbled along with the stomachs of everyone else "...Can we eat now?"

Smash Mansion

Master Hand snapped his fingers and lots of food appeared before the eyes of everyone, it was like a big buffet if you could see the vast variety of food on the table.

Everybody grabbed their favorite food (Although Mewtwo and Lucario only took apples) Master Hand sat at the end of the table with his insane brother (Eating incorrectly his Sphagetti), various chairs away from them, Mewtwo was sitting eating a apple using his psychics powers, to his left, Lucario was also eating an apple, various chairs away from them, Chris was eating along with Popo and Nana, they were talking about siblings things and how they got their hammers, various chairs away from them, Pit was eating with Roy, they were holding the swords of each one, admiring the sharpness and how easy are they to hold, and finally various chairs away from both swordsmans, Pichu, Pikachu and Jigglypuff were eating together laughing at how the trainer of Pikachu made many mistakes in his journey in Sinnoh.

"Everyone! I have an announcement to make!" Master Hand said, everyone stopped their conversations and looked at him "Now that I have your attention..." He snapped his fingers and a Target appeared in the center of the table floating "Do you know what is this?"

"I know!"

"Alright Pichu, explain"

"That is a target! We use them to train our abilities to hit them, they are located through different locations in the stage and some of them can move too!"

"Correct, and what else?"

"Everyone has their own stage to destroy 10 targets!"

"Good explanation, but the part of their own stage is wrong now"

"What? Didn't we had our own stage to practice?" Pikachu asked.

"That was in the previous tournament, in this tournament, however, everyone has 5 stages to practice, the only difference is that everyone will use the same 5 stages, each one in a different difficulty"

"Sounds interesting to me" Mewtwo commented grinning.


"Who wants to try the first level?" Master Hand asked.

"Me! Pick me!" Roy raised his hand.

"Ok, Roy," Master Hand snapped his fingers and a teleporter appeared in the kitchen, a screen also appeared in the middle of the table showing the first level of the Target Test "Step in" Roy took his sword back from Pit and he stepped inside the teleporter and he appeared on the stage.

Break the Targets!

"READY?...GO!" A voice shouted from nowhere, Roy started to run after the targets in front of him, the first 3 were easy to break.

"Those targets are too big you know" Jigglypuff pointed out.

"It's because the first, second and third level have the targets big so they are easy to hit, the fourth and fifth, however, had it small so it can be hard to destroy" Master Hand exclaimed.

"Roy! You left one target behind you!" Chris shouted.

"Looks like he destroyed it" Lucario said.

"Now Roy only needs to destroy the 3 targets on the left on the stage" Pikachu said.

"Use your sword of fire young one!" Crazy Hand said (With Spaghetti hanging out of his mouth)

"Look above you!" Popo shouted.


Roy returned to the kitchen with a smile for clearing the first level.

"Well done Roy, now who wants to clear the second level?"

"Me!" Pikachu raised his hand.

"Ok Pikachu, you know what to do" Pikachu stepped inside the teleporter and he appeared on the second level, the screen showed him in the next stage.


Pikachu destroyed the first target behind him and then he jumped to the right and he destroyed the second one with his tail.

"Look! There is a Super Mushroom!" Pichu pointed to a Super Mushroom passing by in the stage, when Pikachu touched it, he shrunk instead of growing up.

"Guess that was Poison Mushroom" Jigglypuff commented frowning.

Pikachu jumped to the next platform above him and he pushed a crate with wheels and it went crashing to a near target in his road, Pikachu saw more targets above him and he used his Quick Attack to reach the next platform, he saw a Cracker Launcher laying on the floor.

"He is using the Cracker Launcher to destroy the far away targets!" Master Hand said surprised.


Pikachu returned to the kitchen, smiling after clearing the second level.

"Good job Pikachu!" Pichu said smiling.

Pikachu rolled his eyes "Geez, I forgot how many times Ash has been telling me that battle after battle after battle after battle after battle after battle after battle afte-"

"WE GOT YOUR POINT! STOP ALREADY!" Everyone said annoyed.

"Alright, who wants to pass the third level?"

"I want to do it" Lucario raised his hand.

"Good luck Lucario!" Chris said smiling.

"I will have that in mind, thanks" He replied, Lucario stepped inside the teleporter and the screen changed to the third level with Lucario in the upper right corner.


"There is one target below you!" Chris shouted, however, Lucario didn't listened and he stepped above a sled and he went flying to the other side of the stage, he saw a Smart Bomb laying on the grass, he tossed it at 2 floating targets to his right, it exploded causing them to be shattered. He continued downwards and he used tiny Aura Spheres to destroy 3 below him.

"Why he didn't listened to me?"

"Because he knows a better way to clear this test" Mewtwo responded.

"He is already an expert of clearing this level, it's amazing at how well he is doing it!" Popo said surprised.

"And he only needs to destroy the target Chris mentioned before" Pikachu said.

Lucario jumped in a yellow spring hanging in the air and he was elevated to the target Chris mentoned before and he did a kick, completing the level.


Lucario returned to the kitchen with his arms crossed.

"Amazing job Lucario!" Chris said smiling to him.

"Sorry if I didn't listened to you, I knew a better way to finish this level faster than your idea" Lucario said.

"Yeah, Mewtwo told us about that a moment ago" Chris pointed at Mewtwo, who nodded.

"I want to pass the next level" Mewtwo floated to the teleporter and the next stage was even harder than before, because it was made of ice now and Mewtwo appeared on the stage.

"Hey! We want to try it too!" Popo and Nana said in unison, they ran inside the teleporter with their hammers and they appeared in front of Mewtwo.

"Leave this to me, begone!" Mewtwo said narrowing his eyes.

"If it has ice involucrated, we want to be involucrated too!" Popo said pointing his hammer at Mewtwo.

"Hmph, fine" Mewtwo said annoyed.

"I almost forgot!"

"Again Master Hand?" Chris asked smirking a little.

"Yeah! I know! I always forgot everything! Happy?" Master Hand asked annoyed. Chris nodded "As I was saying, you can cooperate to eliminate the targets faster than before too"

"Still, it will be the same result" Mewtwo said looking away, the Ice Climbers glared at him.


Mewtwo floated quickly to the right side of the stage, Popo and Nana ran to the other side without slipping on the ice since their shoes were designed with 3 spikes below them. Mewtwo used a tiny Shadow Ball and he destroyed the first target coming from the ice.

"You know, it's actually interesting to cooperate with a partner to destroy the targets" Chris remarked getting in a thinking position.

"It is right?" Master Hand asked excited.

Popo and Nana destroyed the first 3 targets crossing in thier path, Mewtwo was having a hard time reaching the a target behind an ice which was aboce a chasm without platform, he waited for the Ice Climbers to destroy one target floating on the middle of the stage, after they used their move Belay to reach and hit the ninth target, Mewtwo fell below the target, but he jumped in the air and he used his tail to break it.


Mewtwo, Popo and Nana returned to the kitchen, Mewtwo was smirking a little, Popo and Nana were hugging each other in happiness for clearing the fourth level.

"Now, who wants to clear the last level?" Master Hand asked, then the screen showed the last level, it was a little creepy, there were a lot of chasms and the targets were located in different places that were hard to reach and return back to safe floor, hopefully, there were also items that could help...a lot.

"That stage looks...tough..." Pichu said shaking.

"Hmm...I want to do it" Chris raised his hand, Lucario looked at him quite concerned.

"But Chris, you're not used to this kind of level yet!"

"I...want to try it...and besides, there is nothing bad that could happen to me right Master Hand?"

"You can't be hurted in these kinds of practices, even if you fall, you won't be damaged"

"...Okay, I'm going now"

"Wait a minute," Master Hand snapped his fingers and Chris glowed for a second "There, you can use the double jump now"

Chris glared at him "Don't tell me you forgotted that part too!"

Master Hand scratched his...head "Fine! I won't tell you!"

Chris just frowned at this and he stepped inside the teleporter, when he appeared on the stage, he appeared on his clothes of Swordsman.


Chris saw the first target above him, he used his newly adquired double jump and he slashed his sword destroying the target, suddenly, he learned a new ability, a bow appeared on his hands and he used some arrows to hit a target floating above a chasm.

"Well, he is doing it fine for now" Roy remarked.

Chris jumped to the next platform and saw a Cracker Launcher laying on the floor, he saw a target not far away from his position and he shot various bomb from the launcher and the target vanished after one touched it. Chris fell to the left of the platform with the Cracker Launcher still in his arms and he saw another target to the left of some small platforms floating to the roof, he fired one bomb and it destroyed the target.

"You know, he looks like Link in those clothes" Nana said.

"When he landed near some spikes, he saw another target floating in the same chasm as the other one from before, the launcher had one more bomb to shoot, he used the last one on the target and fortunately, the bomb touched the target, destroying it, Chris jumped over the spikes and he jumped again over a chasm.

"Oh no, he is going to fall!" Crazy Hand said.

"Oh no! I'm going to fall!" Chris said, just then, he learned another new ability, the Spin Attack!

"HEEIIYYAAAHHHH!!" Chris was elevated to the air with a spin attack, he landed just in front of a Beam Sword, he grabbed it and he saw one target high above, he looked at the Beam Sword in his hand and he tossed it with enough force to reach the other target, when the Beam Sword destroyed the target, it went down and Chris catched it, he saw 2 more targets to his left and using the Beam Sword again, he threw it at the eighth target and the sword bounced again and it destroyed the ninth target below the eighth one.

"Chris! The last target is behind the wall behind you!" Popo shouted, Chris saw the final target to the other side of the wall and he jumped and used his sword to pass the wall and break the target, completing the stage.


"That was...really interesting to watch" Master Hand remarked, Chris returned to the kitchen panting after clearing the stage, Lucario approached to him and patted his back, Chris gave him a smile in return.

"I never knew I would do it...I don't know my own potential..." Chris said rubbing his head.

"That was incredible Chris!" Nana said smiling "What is your secret? Tell me!"

"What secret?" Chris asked confused.

"Nana, I think you're overxagerating a little" Jigglypuff said frowning.

"You think?" Nana scratched her hood.

Pikachu, Pichu, Popo and Chris yawned "We should rest for now, good night everyone" Master Hand said floating away, while he was grabbing his insane brother with Sphagetti still hanging out of  his mouth.

Chris, Lucario, Mewtwo, Roy, Popo, Nana, Pit, Jigglypuff and Pikachu nodded to each other and they walked to their rooms, Mewtwo's room was to the right of Lucario's room, Pikachu's room and Jigglypuff's room were located to the left of Ness's room and Lucas's room, who were to the left of Lucario's room too (Master Hand thought it would be a good idea to gave each psychic person a room close to another psychic person to talk to each other telepathically) Pit's room was in the next floor along with the room of Popo and Nana, Pichu's room was to the right of Pikachu's room and Roy's room was in front of Lucas's room.

Everyone said their good nights at each other dthey went to sleep to their rooms. Chris was obviously sleeping in Lucario's room. Chris hanged his green hat to a chair and left his sword, shield and bow above a desk, then he went to the bed with Lucario. After some minutes, he was now sleeping.



"Huh? Where am I?"


"Lucario! What happened to you?!"

"Stay away!"

A beam was coming in front of Lucario, he was badly injured and he couldn't move because he was dropped in the floor.

"LOOK OUT!"Chris shouted and he ran in front of Lucario, he opened his arms and the beam crashed into him, after that, he fell unconscious.

Smash Mansion
Lucario's Room

"Please...don't die...please..."

"Huh?" Lucario woke up hearing Chris sobbing while he was dreaming, he shook him a little and Chris woke up "Don't die? What do you mean?"

Chris stared a little at Lucario and he started to cry "Lucario! You were going to die by a beam, but I stepped in front of you to block the beam and I died instead of you!"

"A beam?" Lucario asked confused.

After that, Chris looked away crying, Lucario didn't knew what was exactly Chris's dream, but since Chris was crying after awakening, it was sure a very bad one for Chris to cry like that, he tried to calm him, but it didn't worked and he continued crying.

"(What to do....what to do....)" Lucario thought for a moment "(...I have no other choice left then...)" He approached his face to Chris's face.

"Huh? What is touching my face?" Chris felt something licking his face, his tears were dissapearing after every touch he felt, he blinked for a moment, then he started to laugh a little. After looking at the source, he saw Lucario licking his face!

"LUCARIO?! PLEASE! HAHAHAHA! I CAN'T STOP LAUGHING IF YOU CONTINUE TO LICK MY FACE! HAHAHAHA!" But Lucario didn't listened and he continued licking his face, apparently his plan was to lick the tears of Chris and making him laugh for a moment, he was feeling like a dog.


"If you say so" Lucario stopped and Chris was inhaling for air after laughing so hard.

"Lucario! I didn't knew you would do that just to comfort me!" Chris asked smiling.

"I just can't see you suffering and crying like that, and you wouldn't calm so easily too"

Chris looked away and he looked again at Lucario "You're such a nice friend, you know that?"

Lucario smiled a bit and nodded "You know more than I do"

"Thanks Lucario for comforting me" Chris said smiling.

After that, both of them went to sleep again, Chris thought what kind of dream was that, but after a second, he shook his head and smiled before sleeping, a minute later, he could have sworn that Lucario was placing his hand on his shoulder after he fell asleep.

The next morning...

Smash Mansion
Command Room

"So Chris, where do you want to go next?" Master Hand asked.

He pointed to a game "I want to go to-"



lol, Lucario acts like a dog sometimes. And I just realized, you actually ussed the Target Tests in the game!:O