
<+Clu> was cute sure but it doesnt even mention homosexuality

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The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest (Megaman Legends Arc)

Started by DededeCloneChris, March 04, 2008, 02:00:26 PM

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...THE POLL IS CLOSED! You lost your chance everybody!

The next world is....

Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door!

But the situation it's still a chapter will be up tomorrow!


Chapter 45: In paper style!

Smash Mansion

Since Roy was fataly wounded in the last chapter by Lucario, there wasn't any choice left but to...cover his whole body in bandages. All the Smashers were there with him, but Chris was kneeled to the right side of the bed.

"I'm so sorry Roy! I swear this isn't going to happen again!" Chris said preocupied "Lucario! Apologize now!"

"He started it." Lucario said with crossed arms.


"...Fine, if you say so...forgive me Roy." Lucario said.

"Don't worry, I deserved that in all matters." Roy said under the bandages.

Chris looked at Master Hand "Is he going to be fine?"

"Well, Lucario broke both of his arms, six ribs and I'm afraid he ruptured various organs in the process."

Nana's jaw dropped "What?!"

"But one of his arms was bent in the wrong way!" Chris protested.

"You just saw one, not all." Master Hand said.

"dangit Lucario! You had to be so hard in him, didn't you?!" Chris asked angrily.

"I'm rage blinded me totally." Lucario said ashamed of himself.

Chris sighed "...I need to train you harder then..."

"Don't worry about Roy! He's going to be fine!" Master Hand reasured "He just need...hmm...let's say...100 Heart Containers."

"Do we have that many?" Pichu asked.

"Well no...but we have Maxim Tomatos...but it will take 200 Maxim Tomatos to heal him completely."

Crazy Hand came wearing a huge nurse tiara "And I'll be the nurse!" He made a Maxim Tomato appear in his hand and he approached to Roy "Now open wide!"


"Open wide!"


"I said, OPEN WIDE!"


Crazy Hand got angry and he started to pummel Roy with the tomato "DAMM YOU! OPEN WIDE! YOU HEAR ME?!"

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Roy screamed in fatal pain.

"OH MY GOD, STOP HIM!" Pikachu yelled in shock and all of them started to hit Crazy like....crazy.

10 minutes later...

"I lied actually," Master Hand said panting "We need 300 Maxim Tomatos PLUS 200 Maxim Tomatos for Crazy Hand," Crazy Hand was all covered in bandages next to Roy's bed "And the shop is closed for now."

"Just great, I was going to buy something." Chris said.

"Somebody has to watch for these 2, who wants to help?" Master Hand asked and somebody raised his hand...or her hand.

"Me!" Jigglypuff said wearing a nurse tiara "I always wanted to be a nurse!"

Pikachu stared at Jigglypuff "I thought you wanted to be a singer."

"I have many dreams you know!" Jigglypuff said "I'll go for the tomatos!" She said leaving the infirmary.

"...Can we go to the command room now?" Ness asked.


"Oh wait!" Master Hand said stopping them "Chris, I need to talk to you in private, everyone else, wait for us in the command room please." All the Smashers except for the hand and Chris "Alright, follow me please."

"Where are we going?" Chris asked.

"We're going to a secret room in this hallway....and it's" Master Hand pressed a part of the wall and a door appeared to the right of the button, Chris blinked in confusion and they entered the room.

Secret Room

It was pitch black inside, there was nothing, except for them of course.

"Why did you brought me here?" Chrs asked. When he asked, a screen appeared showing the current Smashers on his team with red bars at the right side of each one, some were full, but others were half-filled "What's this?"

"This," Master Hand said "It's the partnership screen."

"Partnership screen?"

Master Hand nodded "Yes, the partnership screen shows how well you and another partner works together in a battle."

"I know this is useful...but for what? It's some kind of trust level or something?"

"It's ALSO a trust level, let me show you your level or partnerships with the others, here," Master Hand handed over a strange machine to Chri-

"Wait a second, this is MY DS!" Chris said with his blue DS in his hands.

"Well duh! I've made some changes to your DS, it'll now show you the partnership screen along with more interesting features, but first, take out your pen and touch the arrow pointing down the screen the scroll down, give it a try and inspect the levels."

Chris did as Master Hand told him to do and he examined the screen.

Partner: Percentage Level

Lucario: 100

"This one is obvious." Chris said.

Pichu: 80

Roy: 80

Mewtwo: 60

"Wait, 60?"

"It seems you need to fight alongside Mewtwo if you want the level higher than that." Master Hand said.

Pikachu: 75

Jigglypuff: 75

Pit: 70

Ice Climbers: 85

"Before you scroll down the screen, I need to tell you something. If the level is in 50 or less, that person doesn't trust you enough, and it's worse if it is below 40."

"...Okay (Gulp!)" Chris said and thought worried "(But wait, the last 4 are Fox, Falco, Ness and Marth, what could be possibly wrong with any of them? I mean, they're friendly enough with...)"

Fox: 50

Falco: 35

Ness: 80

Marth: 75

"WHAT?! HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN?!" Chris asked terrified "WHAT DID I DID WRONG?!"

"Let me see...HUH?! What in the world is this?!" Master Hand wondered surprised.

"They don't trust me enough?! But I thought it was the contrary!"

"Calm down! You don't need to panic! Let me explain what is the true meaning of this too!"

Chris started to pant a little scared "O-okay...go ahead."

"First, you saw Lucario's partnership level at 100, right?"

"Right, he trust me completely, right?"

"That's correct, but also, it helps them in another way."

"It helps them in another way? How?"

Master Hand paused for a moment before speaking "It gives them strength."

"This may sound repetitive again?"

"There are jobs that are actually a copy of themselves right? Their powers, skills, dexterity and abilities are all passed to you."

"But I need to unlock them first by fighting, isn't that right?"

"Of course! Well, your job is to unlock all the abilities and raise the levels to their maximum intervals, after that...something good will happen..."

"What?" Chris asked again.

"Maybe an attack combined with you and another Smasher working in perfect synch or making your partner stronger than he actually is by launching a devastating attack, basically, you make combined Final Smashes...but not now, you need to work hard in your battles if you want to discover those special powers."

Chris paused for a moment and he started to thought.

"Oh right, you want to know how to raise their levels?" Master Hand asked and Chris nodded "There are many ways to raise the levels, spending time with them, fighting with them, have fun together, help them and any other cheesy thing my mind lets me think of!"

"(Any cheesy thing?) Oh...well...I' my best! I swear!"

"That's the spirit! (One step closer to reveal his real moves! I imagine you as the son I never had before! Sniff!)" Master Hand said and thought crying a little.

"It's something wrong?"

"No son, I mean, Chris!"

"...You're starting to creep me out."

"...I know."

Command Room

"Hey, where did this came from?" Ness asked finding a red book with a Starman printed on it.

"It was above Crazy Hand's desk, so he could have been reading it." Mewtwo said.

Ness opened the book " has something written on it."

Master Hand and Chris came to the room "Hey, what is that book?" Chris asked glancing at the book.

Ness gave the book to Chris "Why don't you read it for us?"

"It could have a nice story!" Pichu said excited.

"Well...let's see..." Chris cleared his throat.

Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door Intro (Music)

Ahem! Today...

I'm going to tell you the story of the Thousand-Year Door.

"A Thousand-Year Door? Ooohhh! This is getting interesting!" Pichu said sitting on the floor.

An awfully long time ago...

In a strange and far-off land, a big, bustling town thrived.

Chris flips the cover to discover a big, white city in a picture.

It was a town where all
people lived very happy lives.

And it was said that the
town was very prosperous.

But one day...tragedy befell
this blessed place.

"What happened next?" Pikachu asked.

A great cataclysm struck
the town and its people.

"A-a-a cataclysm?!" Popo asked scared, Chris flips the page to see the big city in chaos, the waves were furious, the sky was firing thunders, the buildings were being destroyed and the background was dark.

Darkness filled the skies, and
the earth roared and shook.

It was as if the very world
had come to a violent end.

And in but a single night...

The town sank into the
depths of the earth...

"It's hard to believe that something like that happened." Fox said.

"It's possible." Pit said, Chris flips the page again, revealing a picture of a small settlement with ships and clouds with happy smiles, the background was now calmer than before.

Many moons rose and set...

Stories of the town passed
into the pages of fairy tales...

"Because IT IS a fairy tale!" Falco said.

"Shh! The best part is coming!" Pichu said angrily.

And when the town's site no
longer held relics of its past...

People gathered at that spot
and built a new town.

"And they lived happy there after!" Nana said.

"Well...that's not all." Chris said, clearing his throat again and reading the book in the next page, it was showing a picture of a treasure in front of a door.

But word soon spread among
the people who moved in...

Than an ancient city lay
deep underground...


And that a magnificent
treasure rested there.

"Wa-wait, a magnificent treasure?!" Falco asked a little excited and Fox frowned to himself.


This is the tale of the
fabled treasure of Rogueport.

Chris flips the book and a weird looking town was shown in the picture along with a tiny image of a princess and a seller on the street.

Yes, this is where it begins,
in the sea town of Rogueport.

The tale of the quest for
the legendary treasure...

And the Thousand-Year
Door...starts here.

Chris closes the book and he receives some claps from Pichu, Pikachu, Ness, Popo and Nana.

"Basically, a legendary treasure rests beneath the city." He said smiling a bit.

The Seventh

A very interesting way to begin the next world, and another interesting plot twist...


Suddenly, the alarms went off, and the screen showed a city near the sea.

"Wait, that is Rogueport!" Master Hand said "What a coincidence...wait again, what is this Assist Trophy doing here?" He asked glancing at an Assist Trophy in the room.

Ness took the Assist Trophy "How do you open this?" He said pointing quickly the trophy at the roof and it broke, then someone came out of it, it was...

"Where am I?" The person looked around and he found Ness looking at him "Ness? What are you doing here? Is this the place where you have been participating?"

"It is!" Ness said smiling.

"Jeff?" Chris asked confused. The person was Jeff indeed, who adjusted his glasses when he glanced at Chris.

"Is that you Chris?...Wow, you're actually taller than us in reality, interesting...wait, Ness, I have a request to ask you."

"What is it?" Ness asked.

"It's my dad, Dr Andonuts, he was kidnapped by someone from a distant future when he was sleeping in the bathroom...again."

"EEEWWWW!!!" Nana squealed shaking the thought off her head.

"Dr Andonuts you say?" Master Hand asked.

Jeff adjusted his glasses again when he saw Master Hand "A hand? Without a wrist or a body? Remarkable indeed and yes, do you know where is he?"

"Hmm, I remember someone like him in Nowhere Island, who wants to go to get him?"

"I want to do it!" Ness said raising his hand.

Chris quickly opened the portal to Mother 3 and Ness stepped inside, not before he said something "I'll be right back! Don't leave me behind for the next world!"

"...This place is actually interesting." Jeff said breaking the silence and seeing everything in the room, even the Smashers "A rat, a flying cat, an animal, a bird, another tiny rat, and a guy who doesn't has dignity and wears a tiara."

"HEY!" Pikachu, Mewtwo (Even he), Fox, Falco, Pichu and Marth said annoyed.

"I wonder what is Ness doing there?" Chris asked getting in a thinking position.

30 minutes later...

In the meantime, Chris changed to his Aura Apprentice job.

"Ness! Come back! We're gonna leave you!" Pikachu said to the portal, just then, Ness came out with Dr Andonuts following him.

"Thanks Ness for taking me back to my lab, I was already missing it...but...this isn't my lab!" Dr Andonuts said looking at the room, then Jeff walked towards him.



"Glad you're back, let's return to Winters now." Jeff said crossing his arms behind his back.

"(What a way to receive his dad)" Popo thought.


"...Where did that sound came from?" Nana asked looking around.

"!!!" Someone was surprised.

"Dad, why is your lab coat shaking from behind you?" Jeff asked glancing behind Dr Andonuts, he found someone hiding behind his father "Who are you?"

"Err, don't say anything! Really, I don't want to see anyone now!"

"I got to remark, you look like Ness."

"Ness? Who is him?" The person asked scared a little.

"(Wait, that voice, I remember that voice somewhere)" Chris thought walking towards the doctor "Is that you...Lucas?"

"Ch-Chris? Is that really you?" The person asked a little surprised, he peered from the back of Dr Andonuts and he glanced around terrified "D-d-don't harm the doctor! I swear I'm going to kill anyone who touch him!"

Ness touched the doctor "Ooooooooohhhhhhhhhh......" Lucas fainted, if this was an anime, his soul could have been seen escaping from his nose.

1 second later...

"He's coming back."

"Man, he is as weird as Ness."



"Shut up you guys! You're going to scare him again!"

"Shh! He's fine now!"

"Ugh...what happened?" Lucas asked confused. By the time he woke up, Jeff and Dr Andonuts left saying good bye to Ness (Yes, they left in one second).

"Ness over here touched the doctor and you fainted." Popo said.

Lucas looked around trembling "I-i-i-is this where you go to another worlds like mine?"

Chris nodded "Yes!"

"W-w-well, I just know 4 persons of all of you...WHO THE HELL IS HIM?!"

"Lucas, that is Lucario."

"He is Lu-Lu-Lucario?! He's even scarier than the last time!"

Lucario growled and Lucas sweated a lot "Lucario! He didn't mean to insult you!"

"...Sorry." Lucario said apologizing.

"P-Phew, t-that was close." Lucas said wiping out his sweat.

"Lucas, why did you came here?" Nana asked.

"W-well, I saw this Ness walking with the doctor to that portal and I thought it was an enemy, I was with Boney at that time and I left a note quickly saying a lot of things to everyone back in the new Tazmily since the Pig Mask Army was defeated, Boney left wagging his tail and I ended up here...I hope you're not mad at me."

"So Lucas is here already?" Master Hand asked.


"Relax! It's just Master Hand, the host of the tournament! He's not a bad person...when he is not on Final Destination of course." Ness said panting Lucas's back.

"Wait, I know you, I saw a recording of you and 3 other kids in a cinema in New Pork City!"

"Nice to meet you, I'm Ness!" Ness said holding his hand in front of Lucas.

Several minutes later after some introductions...

Lucas was able to maintain his composture (But nearly fainted after looking at Mewtwo's eyes) and he learned everything about...well, everything.

"I-I see now...c-can I please join your team?" Lucas asked.

"I don't see why not!" Chris said smiling a bit.

Lucas joined your team!

"But he is new in this thing, Lucas, do you know how to fight?" Marth asked.

"I-I know many abilities like PK Love, PK Healing and PK-"

"You can't use ANY of those abilities here." Master Hand said.

"Wh-why not?" Lucas asked confused.

"Master Hand, can I be Lucas's tutor please?" Ness asked raising his hand.

Master Hand thought for a moment before speaking "Alright Ness, you're going to teach Lucas about how to fight...but, approach your ear to me."

Ness did it and got upset after hearing Master Hand "WHAT?! Is he going to be a clone of me?!"

"A-a-a clone? I-I know we look the same, but we're not clones!" Lucas said studdering again.

"Grr! Fine, at least someone else can represent my symbol in the matches besides me." Ness said sighing a little "Chris! Open the portal, now!" He ordered.

"Umm, ok?" Chris said creating the portal to Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door and Ness stepped inside dragging Lucas by the hand "Isn't Ness being a little hard on Lucas?"

"Let him be, I was upset like him when Falco was a clone of my moves." Fox said, but he noticed Chris staring at him "...It's something on my face?"

"(I have to raise the level of him now, but I need to be friendly with him if I want to earn his trust)" Chris thought and he quickly hung his right arm around Fox and pointed to the portal "Let's go! My sneaky partner!"

"Sneaky partner? What are you talking about?" Fox asked confused.

"It's simple! We have to save that world from the Primids, right?"


"So! My point is, let's kick them out!"

"B-but wait! I can't go! How do you know if I can go?"

Chris pointed at Falco who ran in a hurry inside the portal "If he can go, you can too!"

"I don't want to go thoug-"

"TOO BAD!" Chris said throwing Fox to the portal using the red scarf on his neck and the leader of Star Fox went blasting off to the next world (Everyone sweatdropped at this and backed away from Chris in the process), then Chris ran towards the portal "Can anyone else come with me?" He asked to Master Hand.

"Well, the level of danger is at medium and since there are many species on that world, you can take 4 more party members of any kind."

"Lucario! Pichu! Pikachu! Pit! We're going in!" Chris said leaving, the mentioned characters paused for a moment before entering the portal and it dissappeared.

"...Chris is acting so strange all of a sudden." Marth said to Mewtwo.

"He must be energetic...or he is high on sugar." Mewtwo said shuddering.

"High on sugar perhaps." The Ice Climbers said in unison.

Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door

Underground City

The group safely appeared beneath Rogueport...but upon stepping out of the portal.

"What th-MY EYES! WHAT HAPPENED TO MY EYES?!" Falco asked in panic after he noticed something very different on him.

"Why I'm feeling I'm so flat?" Pikachu asked.

"My wings feels weird." Pit said trying to flap his wings.

"Wow, it's just me or Fox suddenly grew up and reached my size?" Chris asked confused "And Falco too?"

"...We don't feel any different though." Ness said and Lucas nodded.

"...Wait, we're flat..." Chris looked at Falco's eyes and they were different "Our eyes changed..." He looked at Fox "Our sizes changed...that only means something..."

"My eyes are different too." Lucario said, his eyes were now round red eyes shooting a glare like he always do (If they were black, his marking could hide it, don't you think?).

"...WE ARE OF PAPER!" Chris yelled revealing the status of the group, they were now transformed into paper forms of themselves, their eyes were now like Ness's and Lucas's (Because they look like that), their sizes changed, now Chris and Lucario were at the same size as Fox, Falco and Pit, but Lucario's eyes were red instead on black "...Actually, we could be cuter than our real forms in this way." Chris said embarrased.

"CUTER?! HOW I AM SUPPOSE TO IMPRESS WOMENS?!" Falco asked in shock.

"Wait, impress womens?"

"Errhmm, I mean, recover my original form?!"

"If we return to the mansion, we could regain our original appearances, but we need to save this world from the Primids first." Chris looked around "...And I think we're below Rogueport, near a pipe where...wait...I forgot, I can't remember where are we!"

"Chris, we're in...wait...I can't remember!" Lucario said.

"But I know this place!...But I forgot completely about this world! Lucario, you were playing this game recently, do you remember anything?!"

"...I'm afraid I don't know anymore."

"...How could this happen?" Chris wondered.

"Hey you! Out of the way!" Someone said behind them, it was a old woman with a tiny purple body along with 2 more purple ladies, they didn't had feet, the old lady was wearing a pointed striped blue hat and her hair was a pale, purple color, the other lady was fat, she had orange hair sticking out of her pointed stripped yellow hat , there was another lady, but she was more innocent, her hair was pink making a swirl in front of her pointed stripped red hat, her hair was also on her back, the 3 shadow figures's eyes weren't visible since their hats were bigger than their heads "We just got beaten by Mario and his annoying friends!"

"By Mario? He defeated you?" Ness asked.

"Wait, you know the red pest?'re a little useful from my point of view." The old lady said.


"Yes Vivian?"

Vivian (The girl with pointed stripped red hat) wondered "What if they are Mario's partners? We could kidnap them to lure Mario into a trap!"

"ARE YOU STUPID OR SOMETHING?!" Beldam (Old lady) asked furiously and Vivian started to tremble (Lucas was trembling too).

"Guhh." The fat lady said.

"Oh wait! I know! We could kidnap them to lure Mario into a trap!" Beldam said smirking.

"Bu-but Beldam! That was my idea!" Vivian protested scared.

"Shut up! It was my idea! Right Marilyn?"

"Guhh." Marilyn (The fat lady) said.

Beldam looked at Chris's group "Hmm, 9 enemies....this should be easy to take all of you out in one single attack!"

"...Is she for real?" Falco asked.

"Shut up! You bird with the strange Brooklyn accent!" Beldam said in fury.

"(Brooklyn accent?)" Falco asked to himself in his mind.

"That does IT! We are the Three!" Beldam said.

"Shadow." Marilyn said.

"Beauties!" Vivian said excited.

"The Three Shadow Beauties?!" Lucas asked surprised.

"...VIVIAN! You nincompoop!" Beldam said enraged and Vivian was trembling again "IT'S "SIRENS"! NOT "BEAUTIES"! And where are the 3 beauties?! I see only 2 but YOU!"

"Be-Beldam! Don't be so harsh on me please!" Vivian begged for mercy.

"She actually made a point." Pit said.


"Guhh." Marilyn said.

"...Okay..." Vivian wispered, then they ran towards the group starting a fight.

Fox stood in a fighting position "We're fighting againts girls?...Okay, if there isn't any choice lef-" He was interrupted because a long red curtain covered the whole screen and it went up and the scene changes to a theater with little public watching the fight from the seats.

Shadow Sirens

Chris, Ness, Fox and Falco walked to the stage from the left and the Shadow Sirens came from the right.

Chris: 30HP
Ness: 25HP
Fox: 35HP
Falco: 35HP

"Wait, where in the hell are we?" Fox asked looking around.

Chris looked around "Well...I think this is how we fight in this world."

"By making a play?" Falco asked looking at the public of 40 spectators.

"Not exactly...but I know how to fight in this world! Listen to me please!" They looked at Chris "First of all, we fight in turns, currently, is our turn and we can attack without them defending from our attacks."

"What are those strange icons above your head?" Ness asked pointing to some icons with the words like (From left to right) "Attack", "Items", "Special Moves" and "Tactics" above Chris.

"These are the commands to choose, if you hit the icon..." Chris hits the icon and a list of attacks appears "You can choose which attack are you going to use."

Force Palm
Double Team 3 FP

"...Wow, I'm short of attacks it seems. Well, let me choose "Force Palm" for example." Chris chose the attack and a comment box appeared below them with a instruction "See the text below us?"

Press the A button when the bar is filled!

"...The A button?" Falco wondered to himself.

"(What do I do now? What if...) Think in your minds that you're pressing that button in the right time and if you succeed..." Chris walked towards Vivian and he started to concentrate his attack, a bar appeared starting to fill itself, then he fired a little blast of aura from his hand, thinking he pressed the A button in his mind and the bar stopped at the right time "4! The attack could have done 3 if I didn't thought of the A button being pressed in my mind, basically, if you press the button at the right time, you deal extra damage!" He returned to them "Now, try it!" He said and a spotlight shone on Ness.

Tactics         Items

Ness hits the icon of Attack.

Normal Attack
PK Fire FP 3
PK Thunder FP 4
PK Flash FP 7

Ness chooses the Normal Attack and he walks towards Vivian with his bat ready to land the first blow.

Hold the Control Stick to the left and realese it when the star lights up!

A bar with 3 dots and a big star appeared with the control stick above, Ness thought he was holding it to the left and when the big star turned on, he hits Vivian, damaging her with 6 of damage and he returns to his group. But she falls in defeat after that.

"Sorry Beldam..." She said fainting.

"Great, just great!" Beldam said.

"I get it!" Ness said. Then the spotlight shones on Fox. (Same commands as Ness) He chooses the Attack too.

Normal Attack
Reflector FP 3
Fire Fox FP 4
Fox Illusion FP 6

"I choose this one!" He said choosing Fire Fox and he walks towards Marilyn.

Press the A button when the pointer is at the center and don't miss!

Another bar appeared with a red mark on the center and a pointer was going to each end quickly and Fox thought about pressing the A button at the right time as fire was surrounding his body.

But he accidentaly fails by stopping the pointer at one end and burns himself, receiving 3 of damage instead of dealing damage to Marilyn and he returns to his group.

"You ok fox?" Falco asked.

"No Falco, I just got burned...BY MY OWN ATTACK!!" Fox said furiously as the spotlight shones on Falco.

"Let ME teach you how this is done." Falco said and he chooses Attack.

Normal Attack
Reflector FP 3
Fire Falco FP 4
Falco Illusion FP 6

"This one is the best!" He said choosing Falco Illusion and he stands in front of Beldam's group.

Press the right buttons quickly as they appear!

A pale orange bar appears with the A, B, X, A, A, Y, A buttons and Falco focuses his mind in pressing them without falling.

He succeeds in doing it and he quickly slashes both Marilyn and Beldam 7 times crossing the stage, doing 1 of damage in each attack.

"See now? This's how is done!" He said making a thumbs up and the pinkish word "STYLISH!" appears to his right and the spectators goes wild "Are they cheering me?"

"Correct! After you execute an attack, you can do something like backflips to impress the public and they will cheer you in the battle!" Chris said.

"Sweet! I like this style!" Falco said as he returned doing backflips but the crowd stops their cheers "...Why aren't they cheering me now?"

"Probably because it's too late to do more impressions." Ness said.

"What? Come on people! I'm doing this for all of you!" However, the spectators were all holding rocks above their heads and Falco's eyes shrunk, I should have mentioned that the spectators were all X-Nauts before "They can't harm me with those rocks, can't they?" Falco asked in shock.

"Actually..." All the X-Nauts threw their 40 rocks at Falco and he received 40 of damage and falls defeated "They can hurt you if you don't attack one of them to stop their attacks."

"..." Falco was apparently dead.

"Is our turn you losers!" Beldam snickered and Marilyn starts to shake and opens her arms, shooting down thunders from abov-

"STOP!" Chris yelled and the thunders stopped various inches above their bodies "Press the A button to decrease the attack!" He said and his group thought pressing the A button, covering their heads and receiving less damage of 1.


"That hurts!" Ness complained "Is there any way to not receive damage?"

Beldam dissappears in her shadow and she appears in front of Fox "What now?"

"Fox, press the B button at the exact moment her attack lands on you!" Chris yelled and just about the attack of Beldam lands, Fox spins above his feet dealing a counter of 1 of damage to Beldam and she returns to her position cursing under her breath "That is how you don't receive damage! But it's harder than defending with the A button, you need to press the B button at the exact time the attacks hits you to counter it!"

"Got it!" Fox said.

"Our turn!" Chris said but he looks at Falco "Hmm...we need to change of allies it's time to explain the Tactics coomand!" He hits the Tactics command and another list appears.

Swap Partner

"Swap Partner is obviously change any party member on the stage, but careful, you sacrifice your turn in the process!"


"Appeal is for impressing the spectators by doing something like waving at them or blow a kiss! It varies depending of what character appeals!" Chris explained.


"Cover yourself, increasing the defense for one turn but returning your defense back to normal when the enemy's turn ends!"

Run Away

"Run away when you're low of Heart Points! As I said before, run away to fight another day!"

Do Nothing

"Need I say more?" Chris asked chuckling "Time to open the menu for party members!" He said choosing Swap Partners and yet another list appears.

Lucario HP 45/45

A hard ally to defeat! Try to store his damage and his attacks will grow!

Pichu HP 20/20

His thunder attacks are strong! But he receives a little damage for using them.

Pikachu HP 25/25

This one is powerful at using electric attacks of all sorts!

Pit Hp 30/30

This angel is not dead! Use his arrows to not fail!

Lucas HP 20/20

A starter in using PK abilities! They can deal a lot of damage too.

Chris chooses Pikachu and Falco's dead body jumps and shrinks towards Chris and Pikachu jumps out a little confused.

"Where am I? First that red curtain falls and now I'm here?" He asked confused and Chris sacrifices his turn "But somehow, I know how to fight in this stage!"

Thunder Jolt
Quick Attack FP 2
Skull Bash FP 4
Thunder FP 8

Pikachu selects Thunder and he stands in the center of the stage gathering electricity in his body.

Press A, B, X, and Y buttons in order to gather up electricity!

Pikachu thinks pressing the right sequence of buttons, he does 6 in a row and then, Thunder falls from above doing 6 of damage to Marilyn and Beldam and they were defeated by Pikachu's Thunder and he returns to his group.

"Guuuhhh..." Marilyn said before fainting.

"Nooo!!!" Beldam yelled before fainting.

The crowd whistles because they receive 28 Star Points!

"Star Points are EXP points in this world, when we reach 100, our level goes up! Try to defeat all the enemies in your way to level up faster!" Chris said and the camera focuses on the 4 "Now do something to show you won at the audience!" He said and he waves happily to the spectators, Ness says "Okay!", Fox crosses his arms and nods and Pikachu waves at them too and the screen pans out.

The next scene is now back to normal and it shows Vivian, Marilyn and Beldam laying on the floor.

"Urgh! I'll get you next time! Marilyn! Vivian! Let's run away!" Beldam ordered and she runs away with Marilyn, Vivian got up but she tripped, she got up again before looking again at Chris's group and she runs away.

"...Now you know how to fight in this world, right...where is everyone?!" Chris asked, nobody was there except of him and Lucario "Lucario! Did you see where'd they go?"

"I remember them jumping at you like they were being draged by a strange force." Lucario said.


"Did you hear something?" Chris asked looking around.


"It's near here." Lucario said.


"They are! Aren't they?"

"LOOK INSIDE YOUR POCKET!" Many voices yelled at the same time. Chris made a confused face and he examined his pocket and for his surprise, all of them were inside in smaller versions of themselves.

"AAAAAAHHHHH!!!" Chris yelled surprised.

"GET US OUT OF HERE!" Pit demanded struggling out.

"But how?!"


"(Alright, all that I remember is that Mario could only take 1 partner out in the field, but sometimes they appear in conversations...but MY team wants to get's it!)" Chris thought "FOX, FALCO, PIKACHU, PICHU, PIT, NESS, LUCAS, YOU'RE ALL FIRED!" He yelled and by magic, all of them jumped out instantly returning to their normal sizes.

"Fired? What do you mean by that?" Ness asked.

"Well, that was the only way to get you out of my pocket (Which means Mario had his partners inside his) but if you don't want this to happen again, all of you need to make teams for your own safety...NOW!" Chris yelled and everyone else except for him and Lucario made teams "So let's get this straight, the teams are Fox and Falco (And Obvious team), Ness and Lucas (Another obvious team), Pikachu and Pichu (Duh!) and Pit stays alone because he doesn't has any partner to choose from."

Pit looks down sadly and sad music plays.

"Now that everything is under our control, let's move on and find Mario!" He said walking with everyone else to a pipe connecting the surface with the underground, they enter and appears in Rogueport.

Rogueport's East Side

"And welcome to Rogueport! The sea town of bandits, the mafia and many other dangerous things!" Chris said.

"Bandits, mafia and many other dangerous things?" Ness asked.

"Well, that's true, but you need to be careful in this town if you don't want to lose something," He said as he walked with everyone "See that person with the mask and blue clothes?" He pointed to a Bandit with a rather evil face "That's a Bandit, be careful with them."


"Watch were you going!" Falco said to a Bandit who crashed into him.

"Heh, you too." The Bandit said leaving with a smirk.

"That's exactly why you need to be careful." Pichu said.

"But he started it!" Falco said.

Pit looked at the Bandit and he spotted something the buglar was holding in his hands "Say, when did he got that gun?"

"...Actually, that's Falco's-" Ness was interrupted.

"HEY! HE STOLE MY BLASTER! COME BACK HERE!" Falco shouted raising a fist in the air and the Bandit ran away with Falco chasing him.

"...Well...Fox, I think you should help Falco in his trouble." Lucas suggested and Fox went running behind Falco.

"I'll be careful but not like Falco!" Pichu said running to the west, when he got out of sight, he found someone else on the other side "Guys! I found him!"

"You found Mario? Good job Pichu!" Pikachu said running with everyone to the center area of Rogueport.

Rogueport's Shop Area

"Where is Mario?" Pit asked looking around.

"I didn't found Mario, but I found Luigi!" Pichu said pointing to Luigi, he was talking to a tanned Blooper to his right side.

"Oh? Who's there?" Luigi asked as he turned his head to see the group "Hey guys! I didn't thought I'd find you here after the tournament!"

After Luigi asked who were Chris, Lucario, Pit and Lucas, they introduced themselves to him.

"What are you doing here?" Pikachu asked, while the Bandit from before was running in the background with Falco chasing him.

"I've been on my own adventure to save Princess Eclair from the Chestnut King!" Luigi said excited, then Fox cames from the right looking around for Falco and the Bandit "Do you want to hear my story? It'll not take no longer than 5 minutes!"

"2 stories in one day? Yes!" Pichu said excited and he sat on the floor, Fox was looking to the left and the Bandit cames from the right at high speed and Fox spins above his feet and he falls on the floor, then Falco runs above his poor leader and he runs away.

"(Wait, what was the thing about Luigi's stories?)" Chris wondered as Luigi started his tale.


"As soon as my ship docked on the Pudding Continent, I set out for the volcano. To reach my destination, I spent several days fording through dense jungle...Scary beasts were all over! More than once I thought I was done for, guys! I may have screamed a bit. To scare them off, you know. But as fate would have it...A Blooper named Blooey heard me shrieking and found me in this one town. Blooey was on a journey of his own, but he joined me after hearing my tale. Now, Blooey's a madman.  Back in his hometown, they call him "White Torpedo"! Yeah, he's a tough guy. Anyway, he helped me fight to Rumblebump Volcano. This place was all about bubbling lava pools and heat that'd make the sun
sweat. AND, the place was lousy with evil traps designed to protect the compass piece. The scariest one of all was this gigantic, 100-foot-tall statue that stomped around. Now, the weakness of this giant statue, guys, was a red gem on its forehead...Now, I can jump high, but not high enough to reach this thing by a long shot. So I came up with this plan for Blooey to hit that weak spot! "All you, man!" I said. I waited for a pause in the statue's movements and hucked Blooey up there! And bull's-eye! The White Torpedo saved the day! That jewel got whacked! It was a critical hit, and that stone statue toppled and crumbled into pieces! Once that was done, it was an easy stroll to the room where the treasure was. Unfortunately, Princess Eclair was nowhere to be found...But I got another piece of the Marvelous Compass, and put it in the base...Now the compass pointed west, to Plumpbelly Village on the Strudel Continent. So I set sails once again and came back here to Rougeport to recharge. That's what happened to me lately, but I'll be heading back out soon..." Luigi noticed that Chris, Lucario, Ness, Lucas, Pit and Pikachu were all snoring and sleeping above their feets except for Pichu and his Blooper named Blooey "So did you listened?" He asked ignoring the most obvious fact that they were sleeping, then they woke up.

"I course we did!" Pichu said excited "I can't wait to hear your next adventure!"

"Well, how about if you wait until I return?" Luigi suggested.

"Yay! I will!" Pichu said excited. Blooey floated towards Pichu and he wispered something to him.


"Hey there, I'm Blooey...And this guy is a total liar! Don't listen to him! You heard his story, right? Well, he did TRY to throw me, but he completely tripped! And what happens? I end up landing in lava! LAVA, man! You think that feels good? Thanks to him, you can stick a fork in me! I'm well-done! My pale skin's crispified! I'll NEVER forgive this guy! I'm gonna make him pay if it takes my whole lifetime! That's the ONLY reason I'm still hanging around with him. YOU'LL PAY, LUIGI!" Blooey wispered angrily and Luigi looks around confused.

"Weird, I heard someone saying that I'll pay or something." He said.

Now back with Fox...



"Fox, can you hear me?"

"Wait, that voice...father?"

"Follow my voice Fox, and you will find me when you open your eyes."

"You're not joking right?"

"Of course not son, now wake up!"

"FATHER!" Fox yelled waking up from the ground and he hugs the first person in front of him.

"Wow, Fox got all happy all of a sudden. But even if you are a friend...STOP HUGGING ME!" Chris demanded embarrased, Fox opened his eyes and he gasped when Chris wasn't his father and stopped his embrace.

"But I heard my father!" Fox said defending himself.

"Yeah yeah, and I'm the president of Corneria, where is Falco?"

"But I!"

Chris got fed up in rage and he grabbed Fox's scarf again "Nevermind, you're going to follow us now and we'll find Falco!" He said dragging Fox to the West Side with everyone else following him (And sweatdropping).

Somewhere else besides Rogueport, maybe the heaven or Corneria? Who knows

James McCloud was taking a sip of his coffee and chuckling to himself "My son needs more things to learn." He said laughing a little and drinking his coffee.

Rogueport's West Side (Not the gangster one, mind you)

The group found Falco already killing the Bandit.

"ARGH! STOP IT! STOP IT! I've learned my lesson now, let me go please and tell Don Pianta that I'm not gonna mess with his guys!" The Bandit said.

"Falco, stop now." Ness said.

"Fine." Falco said letting free the Bandit and he ran away.

"Wait, Don Pianta? Who is him?" Lucas asked.

Don Pianta Office

"Huh? Boss, somebody said something about us." A yellow Pianta in black uniform said.

"Yes, I did hear it too, who was dat?" Don Pianta wondered and he peered outside the window "Nah, just 9 nuisances saying random things."

"Mario? Where are you going?" A female Goomba asked confused, she had a yellow ponytail and a helmet with a headlight on it, she was wearing a tiny red ribbon below her pink head. She was accompaning Mario and the plumber peered outside the window as well, then he looked at Don Pianta.

"What's dat? You want 9 more tickets now?! What do ya think this is? Get one ticket and take 9 free special?"

Mario thought for a moment.

"...Well, I don't want to visit the Glitz Pit in a while, so take them." Don Pianta said giving Mario 9 more tickets and he left in a hurry.

"Hey! Wait up!" The female Goomba said chasing Mario.

"And don't show your faces around here!" Don Pianta yelled.

Preview of the next chapter

"So what do you think about riding this airship?" Chris asked to Fox.

"Our Arwings are better" Fox and Falco said in unison.


"Look! It's Falco's cousin!" Pikachu said pointing to Rawk Hawk.

"Very funny!" Falco said sarcastically.


"No way my name in the ring is The Great Pedro you racist!" Chris said angrily.

"But your real name sounds boring." Grubba said.


"Hey! Watch were you going!" Falco said rubbing his head, but gasped after he saw who was "WOLF?!"

"You're finally here." Wolf said grinning a little.


"Next time: Of Glitz and Glory and Stupid Rules!" Falco said.

Do you want to save your data?


Overwrite file?


Chris, Lucario, Pichu
, Roy, Mewtwo, Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Ice Climbers, Pit, Fox, Falco, Ness, Marth, Lucas


Yay, the Glitz Pit! I wasn't expecting Paper Mario to win.

Good job!


Chapter 46: Of Glitz and Glory and Stupid rules!

"Okay, now that we're here, where is Mario?" Pikachu asked.

FLIP! FLIP!......OK!

"Where did that sound came fro-"

"This is Pikachu, the Electric Mouse Pok?mon, is actually kind of cute isn't? Max. HP: 25, Attack: 5, Defense: 0, be careful though! He can store electricity and paralize you with it! However if you defend correctly, you won't get paralyzed." The pink Goomba from before said while reading a green book.

"Who is sh-" Pit was interrupted.

"This is Pit, an angel...wait, if he is an angel, that means I'M DEAD?!....Just kidding. Max. HP: 30, Attack: 5, Defense: 0, he can also use a shield to reflect projectiles too and use arrows that never fails at hitting an enemy, if he doesn't proves that I'm dead, does that means he is Cupid?"

"I'm not Cupid!" Pit protested.

"This is Pichu, the Electric Mouse Pok?mon, he is the pre-evolution of Pikachu but is weaker than him (And cuter too!). Max. HP: 20, Attack: 4, Defense: 0, he can also paralyze you if you're not careful, but something that you should know is that his own attacks hurts him too, sacrificing his life in battle isn't good, you know?"

Pichu was now in fetal position with Pikachu trying to cheer him up.

"He is Ness, a boy with psychic abilities, don't you think his head is a little too...big? Just kidding again. Max. HP: 25, Attack: 6, Defense: 0, he can burn, paralyze and recover himself too? This boy is full of wonders, wonder if he could make a good partner with us?"

"I let the head part pass this time." Ness said a little upset.

"He is Lucas, another kid with psychic abilities, but he's having trouble fighting with his own abilities at this moment. Max. HP: 20, Attack: 6, Defense: 0, he can use the same abilities as Ness, but they are a little bit different in some parts, try to be kind or else he will be scared!"

"I-i-i don't have troubles with my abilities!" Lucas said protesting.

"He is Fox, the leader of Star Fox team and also, he has a secret romance with someone else....hmm, must be another fox, how romantic! Max. HP: 35, Attack: 6, Defense: 0, he can use a reflector to...reflect projectiles obviously, not only that, he can attack a whole bunch of enemies with one attack! Be careful with him too!"

Fox looked away blushing a little.

"He is Falco, another member of Star Fox as Fox, but more profesional in controling the Arwing, what is an Arwing anyway? Max. HP: 35, Attack: 6, Defense: 0, same abilities as Fox, nothing else...what? Is the truth!"

"Hey!" Falco said annoyed.

"He is Chris, a newcomer from a completely different world that can use many abilities. Max HP: 30, Attack: 4, Defense: 0, he can use attacks combined with his aura but doesn't know many of them, on a side note, if a certain partner is with him in battle, don't attack Chris or else "The aura will crush you"? What does that means?"

"(Seriously, I need to train my abilities)" Chris thought.

"He is Lucario, the Aura Pok? he lookng at me? (He's scary!). Max. HP: 45, Attack: 7, Defense: 3, whoa, he has better attributes. His attacks are all combined with his aura, wait, there is something else in this book, if he manages to store enough damage, his attacks will grow considerably too. Be EXTRA careful when fighting againts him ok?"

Lucario didn't do anything.

"Well, that all about them Mario." The pink Goomba said to Mario.

"Wait, Mario?" Pit asked, he found Mario and the pink Goomba looking at them.

"We finally met Mario in person!" Chris said excited but sighed "But he doesn't talks too muc-"
"You're-a wrong!"


"Nice to meet you, I'm Mario!" Mario greeted Chris with a handshake (Chris was very surprised).

"Wait, Mario, you spoke with words this time!" The pink Goomba said.

"Sorry for not telling this Goombella, but I like to listen instead of talking." Mario said to the pink Goomba with the name of Goombella.

"Ni-nice to meet you!" Chris said rubbing his head "(Wow, he's very nice as everybody says)"

"So Mario, you finally stopped your killing spree on Goombas and joined one of them?" Falco asked, looking at Goombella.

"Hey! I'm so much different than any normal Goomba!" Goombella protested.

"He's just joking." Mario said.

"But still, I take that as an insult! C'mon! Let me headbonk his head!" Goombella said trying to jump above Falco's head but Mario grabbed her by her back "Let me go! I need to teach this bird a thing or 2!"

After a long introductions of new persons Mario didn't knew about...

"Anyhoo, why did you wanted to take 9 more tickets?" Goombella asked (Now relaxed).

Mario took the 9 extra tickets out "Because they are going with us to Glitz Pit!" He said handing over a ticket to each one.

"Ticket for riding the Cheep Blimp which will take you to Glitzville, the flying city with the famous Glitz Pit where warriors show their powers and rise to the top as famous contenders. But I don't know if we need to go ther-" Suddenly, Chris's pocket was ringing and he grabbed his DS who somehow was now the Primid Radar "The Primid Radar has fusioned with the DS?...Hmm, it's pointing to the air to the THAT direction!" He said pointing to the east in the air.

"That's where Glitzville is along with the Crystal Star!" Goombella said.

"Crystal Star?" Pit asked.

After hearing all about the Crystal Stars...

"What are we waiting for? Let's go!" Falco said running towards the Blimp Cheep.

"What's wrong with your Brooklyn friend?" Goombella asked.

"He wants to find the treasure." Ness said.

"Oh. We too."

Rogueport's Train/Blimp Station

"You want to go to Glitzville? Show me your tickets please." A Cheep Cheep wearing a hat said and everyone showed their tickets to him "Okay, use the pipe behind me to take you to the blimp, then aboard it, have a nice trip!" He said stepping out of the way and all of them enter the pipe.

But appear far away from the pipe.

"Where are we?!" Lucas asked scared.

"Relax blondie, we're just in the background! Nothing bad can happen here!" Goombella said, then she saw the Blimp in front of them "There it is!" She said stepping above the platform.

"We're gonna ride this blimp? I can't wait to see the clouds!" Pichu said excited, stepping above the platform.

Just when everyone was above, the platform lifted and they entered the Cheep Blimp as the blimp was starting to float over the grass, after some seconds, it went flying away slowly with some relaxing music.

5 minutes later...

All of them were waiting to reach the floating city in the sky (Reminder, this is not Twilight Princess, besides, they could have reached that city in the wrong way) and Chris saw the opportunity to have time with Fox, so he walked towards him. Falco was also there with him looking outside.

"So what do you think about riding this airship?" Chris asked.

"Our Arwings are better." Fox and Falco said in unison.

"(Great going Chris, you're talking to guys who spend their entire days fighting in the air, think hard the next time!) I see." Said and thought Chris.

"Hey Pikachu! What does that cloud look like?" Pichu asked excited to Pikachu, the small mouse was asking the electric mouse about the shapes of every single cloud Pichu saw floating away.

"I dunno Pichu, a cloud?" Pikachu asked a little annoyed.

"Yes! You got it right again! Now, what does that cloud from over there look like?"

"A cloud?"

"And the other one?"

"A cloud?"

"And the other one?"

"A cloud?"

"And the other one?"

"A cloud?"

"And the other one?"

"A cloud?"

"And the other on-"


"Wrong! That cloud looks like your face!" Pichu said laughing, pointing to a cloud with the exact happy face of Pikachu "You said stupid to yourself! Hahahaha!"

"...I hate you." Pikachu muttered to himself.

"Hmm, I think I need to know about Lucas, what do you think Pikachu?"

"Oh please, got with him! I heard he likes to guess about clouds like you too!" Pikachu said pushing Pichu away from him.

"Yay! We're so alike!" Pichu said running towards Lucas.

"(Hehehehe, now let's see if Lucas can bear Pichu's game!)" Pikachu thought evily.

5 more minutes later...

"A cloud!" Lucas said smiling.

"Yay! and that one?" Pichu asked excited.

"Another cloud!"


"I can't believe this!!!" Pikachu yelled traumatized "(At least Ness isn't like them though)"

"Hey guys! What does that cloud look like?" Ness asked excited.

"A cloud!" Pichu and Lucas responded laughing.

"AAARRRGGGHHHH!!!!" Pikachu yelled traumatized for life. To his left, Lucario was staring a Pikachu.

"...You have problems, serious problems." He said walking away.

"I know." Pikachu said looking at the clouds with half-opened eyes.

"I see land!" Pit said spotting a dot far away in the clouds.

"Pit, we're above clouds." Chris reminded "Your life in Skyworld really afected you. That reminds me, where is the floor?"

"4 feets away from our feets!" Pit said pointing to a cloud below them.

"That's a cloud." Goombella said.

"Nope! That is the floor!"

"Pit, that is a cloud!" Chris said.

"A floor!"

"A cloud!"

"A floor!"

"A cloud!"

"A floor!"

"A cloud!"

"A floor!"

"A cloud!"

"STOP IT! IT'S TOO MUCH WITH PICHU'S GAME ALREADY!" Pikachu said walking away with his ears blocked.

"...A floor!"

"A cloud!"

"A floor!"

"I can see Glitzville!" Mario said pointing to the floating city.

"Yay!" Chris, Pit, Pichu, Ness and Lucas said excited.

Chapter 3: Of Glitz and Glory

A tiny Pit walks in and he sticks a note in the chapter.

Chapter 3: Of Glitz and Glory and Stupid Rules!

Attractions Area

They came from the lift of the Cheep Blimp and land above the city of attractions, they step out of the lift and they're greeted by another Cheep Cheep.

"Welcome to Glitzville! Home of the famous Glitz Pit and attractions!" He said smiling.

Everyone looked around to examine the city, a shop, a bar, a Hot Dog stand, many posters of fighters scattered around the city and the glorious Glitz Pit were there.

The Seventh

Pikachu really has problems.  Although if that kept going like that, I might get a little annoyed, too.

Also, keep up the good work!


"Where first?" Pichu asked.

"Glitz Pit!" Mario, Goombella, Chris, Lucario and Falco said.

"Hot Dog Stand!" Ness, Lucas, Pit, Pikachu and Pichu said.

Everyone looked at Fox.

"...Glitz Pit?" He said confused.

"We hate you." Ness, Lucas, Pit, Pikachu and Pichu muttered to themselves, then they walked inside the Glitz Pit.

Glitz Pit's Lobby

A yellow lobby was there with persons walking around, a door was in front of the entrance with another door above the stairs plus 2 doors leading to the back hallway of the arena, there was also a virtual screen to the right of the door of below.

"Fancy." Ness said.

"There is an arena supposed to be inside this place right?" Pikachu said walking towards the door "I hear many cheers inside!" He said opening the doors and they walk inside.

Glitz Pit's Arena

A huge amount of people were watching a fight in the center of the stage, there was a Dark Koopatrol being defeated by a big, muscular yellow hawk wearing sunglasses with long yellow hair on the center and the hawk beat the Koopa with a rolling kick.

"You call that a fight?! Pfff, the rocks are harder than you!" The yellow hawk protested.

"Just astonishing! Rawk Hawk has defeated another opponent with his strength! Rawk Hawk, do you have any comments of this fight you just had?" A rather short suspiccious guy wearing sunglasses, a red ribbon, a little vest with a green shirt underneath and black hat with orange hair asked, his lips were big and orange and his skin was a pale blue while his belly was white, a purple shell was on his back, he was pointing his microphone to Rawk Hawk (The yellow hawk).

"He didn't learned to mess with the RAWK until now! Kids out there surely take my advice very seriously!" Rawk Hawk said and the crowd went wild, then he holds up a belt with an orange star on it "This proves my power on the ring!" He said and the people goes wild again.

Pikachu was standing above Chris's head to see (Chris didn't minded).

"Look! It's Falco's cousin!" Pikachu said pointing to Rawk Hawk.

"Very funny!" Falco said sarcastically.

"Wait, isn't that...Mario! That is a Crystal Star!" Goombella said looking at the Crystal Star.

"Do you think a fighter can defeat you Rawk Hawk?" The announcer asked.

Rawk Hawk pointed at the crowd (Or the readers) "Ha! There's nobody out there who can't resist the power of the RAWK!!!" He said grinning and the crowd again goes wild.

The party left the arena and they return to the lobby.

Glitz Pit's Lobby

"That is the Crystal Star?" Falco asked.

"Yep! No doubt about it!" Goombella responded "Mario! What are we gonna do to get that star?"

"Steal that thing!" Mario said.


5 seconds ago...

"Yep! No doubt about it!" Goombella responded "Mario! What are we gonna do to get that star?"

"Fight our way to the top!" Mario said.


"You mean, fight to challenge him in a fight?" Lucas asked.

"There's no other way to do this." Lucario said.

"We could always steal that thing." Falco suggested.

"Unfortunately Falco, we're not burglars." Ness said.

"Sounds good to me!" Chris said walking away "But we need to register first. To where now?"

"Hmm? Isn't that...yes! It's you!" A white mouse wearing red glasses and red long shoes said walking towards Mario's group, her tail was curled up making an image of a heart, her name was Ms. Mows "Hey sweetie! What are you doing here?"

"Oh no, you again!" Goombella said "Are you gonna steal another badge around here?"

"Of course! I'm not a treasure-hunter for nothing! So are all of you plus the handsome mouse from over there," She said pointing to Pikachu "Enter the fights in this place?"

"You bet!" Ness said.

"Really? That's soooo dangerous and interesting at the same time! I'll cheer for all of you!" She said leaving, but she returns and kisses Pikachu on the cheek (With a heart popping out) and he blushes "Especially you dear!" Ms. Mows said leaving.

"The flirting type it seems." Pit says

"Y-yeah." Pikachu said studdering.

"...Let's register now." Mario said walking to the left side of the lobby where he asks a guard to enter the backstage and he does it with everyone else.

Glitz Pit's Back Hallway

Our heroes thought the hallway was going to be even fancier than the lobby, but it was the contrary, it actually looked like a dump, there were pipes with several holes and water drops came from them, it was rather loomy with guards guarding the doors.


"Yes Lucas?"

"This isn't the prison right?"

"It looks like a prison...but is not a prison for sure." Ness responded.

A drop fell above Pichu "Say Mario, can you please fix these pipes? You're a plumber right?"

Mario just continued walking, ignoring Pichu's conversation "Where is the room to register in the matches?" He asked to a guard.

"Over there." The guard pointed to a door which looked more normal instead of the others, the group walked inside and they were now in a fancy office with the announcer from before counting money.

Grubba's (Fancy) Office

"Who's there?" The announcer asked "Oh, more people who wants to fight in the arena?"

"Is this where we register to fight?" Pikachu asked.

"Of course you mouse, you all came to the right place. Pardon my manners, you're talking to Grubba, the manager and creator of this arena. You wanna live the glamorous life of a champion right?" Grubba asked and he walked behind the group "You know, I was a very good fighter myself back when I was young, but now, I'm just and old man with high hopes of a winner, the point is, if you dream big, you'll be BIG when you notice!" The camera focuses on his face "The real point is! Do you wanna be big in the arena?!"

"Yes! I want to be big!" Pichu said excited and jumping.

"That's the spirit kid! Now follow me to show you the places were you need to be." Grubba said leaving the office with everybody else following him.

Champion's Room

They were taken to another fancy room, the champion's room, it was small, but it had many gifts, a golden bed, a picture with the current champion (Rawk Hawk), a closet and a dish washer "Now how you like THIS? Just feast yer eyes, go on! the champion's room."

"Can I sleep in that bed?" Lucas asked pointing to the bed.

"No way pal, you'll have to wait until you're the champion." Grubba said and Lucas groaned at this "This place is worthy of any champion isn't?"

The scene gets literally changed (Or replaced) quickly to another room full of fighters with lockers, pink floor, lockers, a single bed (I don?t even want to think about how they manage with one bed) and 2 red coushes on the center.

Major-League Locker Room

"Now, uh, here we have the major-league locker room. A lotta contenders here!" Grubba said grinning a little.

"(Pink floor? Gay)" Falco thought.

"Move out." A koopa wearing a pale green shell, boots and glasses said to Pichu.

"Eek!" Pichu said hiding behind Pikachu.

"At least the floor is clean." Pit said.

"Not exactly glamorous, but it's clean and comfortable. Totally sanitary, too. MAYBE I'm old-fashioned, but I CARE about my fighters, darn it!" Grubba said a little bit angry.

"(You ARE old-fashioned!)" Chris thought.

The scene gets again literally replaced and now they were back in Grubba's Office.

Grubba's (Fancy) Office

"Now...I'm sure you know this already, sons, but there ain't but one world champion. All of ya got the eye of the tiger to aim the champion's title!...But since there are so many of you, only one can become the champion...unless somebody is the leader of yer little groupie." Grubba said.

Mario raised his hand and they nodded, then a exclamation mark appears above Grubba and it disappears "Oh. You gotta sign a itty-bitty contract to be a fighter. It ain't no thing, just take a second or 2 of yer time. Just jot your names here here, ok?" Grubba asked and all of them signed the contract with their names, but when it was Fox's turn "Hey you!"

"Huh? Me?" Fox asked confused.

"You've already signed the contract a while ago! You're...oh yeah! You're that grey vulpine!"

"Grey vulpine? But my fur is brown! See?"

"Hmm, you're right son, go on and jot your name in the contract." Grubba said.

"(But still, grey vulpine?)" Fox thought in his mind and he finished.

Grubba took the paper and he started to read the names aloud "Mario, Chris, Lucario, Pikachu, Pichu, Pit, Fox, Falco, Ness and Lucas right?" He threw the contract "A bunch of boring names! Hmm...we need to change yer names...I know!" He pointed at Mario "How about if your name is...The Great Gonzales! Hoo! Ain't that a beaut?"

A globe with 3 dots appeared in everybody's heads and they disappeared "Not only that, I shall call all of you in this order, The Great Pedro, Spike, Yellow Menace, Dangery, Golden Crown Leaf of Despair, Brown Vulpine, Brooklinator, Head of Chaos and Blondie Power!"

All of them started to protest about their nicknames in the arenas.

"No way my name in the ring is The Great Pedro you racist!" Chris said angrily.

"But your real name sounds boring." Grubba said.

"Just because my skin is slightly tanned doesn't means you can address me as a mexican!"

"C'mon pals! Be entusiasts and use yer new names proudly!" Grubba said smiling.

"But Head of Chaos sounds a little offensive to me." Ness said.

"What the hell does Brooklinator means?" Falco asked confused.

"Dangery?" Pichu wondered to himself.

"Everything it's settled then! Ohh, Jolene? My dear? Can you please come in?" Grubba called from his computer on his desk, then the door opens and a Toad with pink polka-dots on her head walks in, she was wearing long glasses, a red uniform and red shoes, her hair was yellow and it was making a shape slightly looking like a banana in front of her face, she was also holding a clipboard and her name was Jolene.

"Yes sir? You wished to see me?" Jolene asked.

"Jolene, hon, this is The Great Gonzales and his team. Be a peach and take them to the minor-league locker room, all righty?" Grubba asked.

"Right away, sir." Jolene said and she looks at the group "Mr. Gonzales and his team? If you would be so kind, follow me please." She said leaving the room and they follow her outside the office.

Glitz Pit's Back Hallway

They exit the room and follow Jolene to the right as she explains something to them.

"First and foremost, what Mr Grubba says, goes. Period. You must do what he says. There are many other guidelines that I will explain as they become relevant." Jolene explained as they entered another room.

Minor-League Locker Room

The room was all dirty, there were 4 fighters inside, the lockers here were a little destroyed and kicked instead of the major-league locker room's, the couches were red, but springs were sticking out of it, there was also a bed to the right side (Again, I don?t even want to think about how they manage with one bed still), and the wall's paper were sheddred, there was also a purple GBA-look like screen to the left of the door.

"Well, here we are. This is your locker room." Jolene said.

Lucas looks around "I-it's little bit dirty, don't you think?"

"No, it's as dirty as hell is." Pikachu said.

"If you don't like this dingy room, I suggest you work your way up through the ranks." Jolene said adjusting her glasses.


After she explained everything about the matches and how to reserve a match in the GBA screen, she left.

"We're up againts the Goomba Bros." Goombella said "Although we can only take 2 of you."

"What was the rule again?" Chris asked.

"Defeat them in less than 5 turns." Pit said.

"Lucas! We're next!" Ness said.

"W-what?! S-so soon?!" Lucas asked terrified.

Just then, a guard came up from the door "The Great Gonzales, your match is ready." He said.

"Good luck Lucas!" Pichu said as Mario, Goombella, Ness and Lucas left the locker room.

Glitz Pit's Arena

"And here we are ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the first match of the unique, incomparable and rising to the ranks, THE GREEEEEEEEEAAAAAAATTTTT GONZALEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSS!!!" Grubba said over the mic pointing to the left of the arena, Mario, Goombella, Ness and Lucas came walking slowly to the arena while hearing some things of the spectators.

"Love that mustache!"

"I love his hair!"

"Is that a kid?"

"Nice cap!"

"He's sweating!"

"1 Hot Dog please!"

They stepped inside the arena, and from the other side, a group of 5 Goombas were there looking at them.

"This man needs reinforcements!" The first Goomba said staring at Mario's partners.

"So do you!" Goombella taunted.

"Hey there honey! Want to hang out with us?" The third Goomba asked.

"Sure, I'd rather be eaten by Piranha Plants!"

"Ouch!" The fifth Goomba said.

"Now now, the battle hasn't started yet, now for the rules of this match ar-" Grubba was interrupted by the first Goomba.

"Screw the rules! Hey Gonzales! Head's first!" The third Goomba said jumping above Mario, starting a battle!

Mario: HP 25
Goombella: HP 20
Ness: HP 25
Lucas: HP 20

Mario receives a cowardly attack by the Goomba, but he uses a Superdodge to counter it and he returns to his position.

"That's IT! Mario, let's take those guys quickly!" Goombella suggested angrily.

Finish this battle in less than 5 turns

"Hey Mario! Wait please!" Ness said.

"What is it?" Mario asked.

"Let Lucas defeat those guys!"

"Oh well." Mario said swapping his turn to Lucas.

"Err, what I need to do?" Lucas asked.

"Use your list of attacks!"

"O-oh right! I will!" Lucas said selecting his list of attacks.

Normal Attack

"What?! What about your other attacks?!" Ness asked surprised.

"W-well, I'm so confused right now." Lucas said embarrased.

"Use this then!" Goobella gave Lucas a Fire Flower.

"What's this?"

"A Fire Flower! Just plant it in front of us and it will launch fireballs to them! C'mon! Do it!" Goombella said, Lucas held the flower above his head and he planted (Even if the stage was of wood and not soft ground) and a flower came out, it closed his eyes before lauching several fireballs from its head and the 5 Goombas were all incinerated and defeated instantly.

And they receive 1 Star Point.

They greeted the crowd and left the stage.

The scene changes back showing them jumping in victory and the Goombas were dizzy, Grubba approaches to Mario to ask him a question about the match.

"So how do you think about this match Gonzales?" Grubba asked.

"It was oka-" Mario was interrupted.

"What's that? They should have never meet you because they lost to you because you're stronger than them because they punch like girls because they are girls because they took a gender change?"

"He didn't said tha-" Lucas was interrupted.

"Oooohhh!!! What a speech everyone! This guy really says it! He has the guts to reach the title perhaps?! Let's give him one final cheer!" Grubba said holding his hand in the air and confetti starts to rain down above Mario's group, but he makes a thumbs-up to the crowd and they continue to jump.

Minor-League Locker Room

"That was a terrific match Gonzales, seriously, you gave quite the impression back there, Jolene, give him his salary." Grubba ordered and Jolene gives Mario a very poor salary for his first match "Well, see ya pal, see you in the ring!" Grubba said leaving with Jolene.

"Hello there." A yellow koopa said walking towards Mario "My name is King K, nice to meet you. Hey, I saw your match back there, not bad, you're really getting used to this as all of us here, let me introduce you the people inside this room." He looks to a Bob-omb "He's Master Crash, his vocabulary is a little bad, but other than that, he's a good guy."

"BOOM! Nice to meet you, the BOOM! name is Master Crash, hope to BOOM! see you in the ring! BOOM!" Master Crash, the Bob-omb said.

"Next, we have Cleftor the Cleft, his vocabulary is EVEN worser than Master Crash's." King. K said looking to a green Cleft.

"Cleftor no like you, go away and Cleftor win matches." Cleftor the Cleft said.

"(Where did this guy came from? The rock era? Hey! I made a pun!)" Ness thought in his mind.

"And lastly bot not least, we have Bandy Andy the Bandit. He doesn't stays in this room sometimes." King. K said looking to a green Bandit.

"Hehehe, nice to meet you buddies, if you have any doubt about the Glitz Pit, just ask me." He looked at Falco "Nice gun you have there."

"Oh no, not again!" Falco said grabbing the doorknob "If anyone needs me, I'll be looking around this place." He said leaving the room.

"Wait up!" Lucas said following Falco.

"I'm a little worried about Lucas." Ness said following Lucas.

"If you want to recover your energy, rest in that bed of over there, careful thought, it won't recover Star Power, well, that's all you gotta know, see you." King. K said walking away to his position.

Meanwhile, Fox was typing something on the GBA screen, he was looking through the list of fighters in the ranks.

20. Goomba Bros.
19. The Great Gonzales
18. Pokey Triplets
17. K.P. Koopas
16. Spike Storm
15. Dead Bones
14. Mind-Bogglers
13. Bob-omb Squad
12. Hand-it-overs
11. Punk Rocks
10. Armored Harriers

"Fox, what are you doing?" Chris asked.

"I'm looking for that grey vulpine Grubba said a while ago when he misunderstood me." Fox said still typing.

9. Tiny Spinies
8. Poker Faces
7. Shellshockers
6. The Fuzz
5. Magickoopa Masters
4. Craw Daddy
3. Chomp Country
2. The Koopinator
1. Grey Vulpine
Champ: Rawk Hawk

"(Yes, I took out Hamma, Bamma and Flare)" The author of this story said.

"Whoa, he's in the first place, does that means he is a good fighter?" Chris asked rubbing his chin.

"I don't know, but I want to know his real name." Fox said.

"Let's reserve the next match already!" Goombella said.

Glitz Pit's Back Hallway

Falco, Lucas and Ness were examining the place and they found it....rather gloomy and with a feel of seriousness.

"Falco, did you just walked away from that Bandit?" Ness asked staring at Falco.

"Alright alright! That's why I wanted to see this place! Remember that I got a brand new Blaster this day? I don't want to lose this one like the last Blaster!" Falco said, they were now going to cross a corner but they stopped "Bandits just creep me out and I don't like my things to be stealed!" Then he crossed the corner but crashed into someone else and fell on the cold floor.

"Hey! Watch were you going!" Falco said rubbing his head, but gasped after he saw who was "WOLF?!"

"You're finally here." Wolf said grinning a little.

Falco took out his Blaster and aimed it at Wolf "Okay, what are you doing here?" He questioned the leader of Star Wolf.

Wolf lowered Falco's Blaster and stared at the bird "Simple, defeat Fox in one-on-one in the arena."

"B-but how can you fight alone?" Lucas asked trembling.

"Heh, I have some support behind me." Wolf said pointing behind his back, there was a small Primid with big red overalls with gifts in them and his ears were white making spirals "Of course, when our match starts, I'll kill this guy."

"Lah dee dah! I'm Poppant! Nice to meet you!" The Primid (Poppant) introduced himself.

"...Your partner is a guy that has his own pants full of gifts?" Ness asked confused.

"You'll see how can he be useful in the battles later." Wolf said grinning evily (Lucas gulped as a response).

"Say Wolf..."

"What is it, bird-brain?"

"You got also a nickname as we did right?" Falco said smiling a little.

"...I don't want to talk about that." Wolf said looking away a bit embarrased.

"I-is not Grey Vulpine isn't? Mr Grubba said something like that to Fox." Lucas said studdering.

Wolf's right eye twitched a little "Errhmm, no, just no." He said walking away to the Major-League Locker Room with the Poppant singing "Shut up." Wolf said to the Poppant before entering the room.

"Wait a minute, if he is with the Primids, does that means he knows the location of the bomb we're searching?" Ness asked.

"....Oh crap! I forgot about that!" Falco said running to the Major-League Locker Room but he was pushed away by a guard "Hey!"

"Sorry, only Major-League fighters or Grubba and Miss Jolene are admitted here." The guard said staring blankly at Falco.

"C'mon Falco, we need to return to our lockers." Ness said walking away with Lucas.

"(I need to tell Fox about this and quick!)" Falco said running to the Minor-League Locker Room.

Minor-League Locker Room

Mario, Goombella, Chris and Lucario came from their fight againts the Pokey Triplets and their rank went up to 18.

"Oh my god, 20 of damage? That was awesome Lucario!" Goombella said to Lucario.

"All thanks to Chris." Lucario said looking at Chris, who rubbed his head embarrased.

Then, Falco, Lucas and Ness came running to the room panting.


"What's wrong Falco?" Fox asked confused.

"It's the Grey Vulpine!" Falco said.

"Who's the Grey Vulpine? You know him?"

"No, I mean, yes! He is Wolf!"

"Then I was right, Wolf is here to defeat me."

Suddenly, an earthquake was produced and everything shook a little in the area.

"What the hell was that?" Pikachu asked looking around.

"Oh, it must be that Grey Vulpine again, he does that a lot in his matches." Bandy Andy said.

"Wolf made that earthquake? But how?" Pit asked confused.

"Maybe this computer can show us the image of the arena." Mario said typing on the GBA screen, he found the option to look the arena from there and he waited for the image to appear, but suddenly, all of them gasped surprised (Except for King K. Master Crush, Cleftor, Bandy Andy and Lucario).

There was a big mark with the image of a huge claw on the stage, it was covering a quarter of it and Wolf and Poppant defeated the Koopinator.

"Astonishing Grey Vulpine! I've never seen someone using an attack combination like that before! Do ya have any comments of this fight?" Grubba asked pointing his microphone at Wolf.

"I do have one." Wolf said grinning and he pointed to the camera "Fox, I'm waiting for you in the first place, come on out and fight me!" He taunted by smirking "And never call me Grey Vulpine!" He demanded.

"Yeah yeah, whatever." Grubba muttered annoyed since Wolf has been saying that to him every single fight he was taking part of "Look's like Grey Vulpine is waiting for someone else to show up and beat him up ladies and gentlements! Let's look forward to that battle!" He said as the crowd cheered for Wolf and Poppant.

"How he was able to do that?!" Pichu asked terrified while hugging a terrified Lucas.

"The mark is too big, unless he grew up suddenly or something else!" Pit said.

"I think Poppant has something to do with that." Ness wondered.

"There's only 3 things to do here," Chris said and everybody looked at him "Retrieve the Crystal Star by defeating Rawk Hawk, find the Subspace Bomb hiding in this colosseum and watch out for Wolf."

Preview of the next chapter

"Hey guys, Mr Hoggle the hot dog vendor from outside is selling special hot dogs with some egg from a southern island, you gotta eat it before a match!" King K. said

"Egg with hot dogs?" I'll pass." Falco said, but his stomach suddenly grumbled "...But is better than nothing I think."


"These guys are invincible! We need to run away and forfeit this match!" Pikachu said.

"Count me in! Goombella suffered a lot already!" Pichu said while holding Goombella on his back.


"Hey you! You're my son from now on!"

"What?! Me?!" Lucario asked in shock.

"It's the other way around genius! Besides, you didn't saw him, you saw Mario on the screen instead!" Ness said pointing to Mario.


"Guys! Fox is missing!" Falco said.

"Wonderful! That counts 7 now!" Chris said angrily, not believing that they just lost almost all their teammates.


"N-next time: Fights, missing teammates and Yoshis!" Lucas said.

Do you want to save your data?


Overwrite file?


Glitz Pit
Chris, Lucario, Pichu
, Roy, Mewtwo, Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Ice Climbers, Pit, Fox, Falco, Ness, Marth, Lucas, Mario, Goombella, ?, ?, ?

The Seventh

Ahhh... yes.  I remember how ch. 3 went in that game.  A good chapter, albeit a annoyingly long one.

But it is proving to make a nice part of the fic!


The Seventh

Quote from: wiiboychris on May 25, 2008, 02:58:38 PM
Last part was editted. ;)
I noticed that.  I appreciate the hard work you're doing to make this in the first place.


Quote from: red7js on May 25, 2008, 03:07:50 PM
Quote from: wiiboychris on May 25, 2008, 02:58:38 PM
Last part was editted. ;)
I noticed that.  I appreciate the hard work you're doing to make this in the first place.
Thank you. :P


The Glitz Pit was good as a story chapter, but I agree that fighting through all those enemies just to fight the annoyingly easy-to-beat Rawk Hawk was a waste of time... But yay, the Yoshi kid! What is it's name gonna be? And what color?