
<+Clu> was cute sure but it doesnt even mention homosexuality

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The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest (Megaman Legends Arc)

Started by DededeCloneChris, March 04, 2008, 02:00:26 PM

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Quote from: thunderhero4 on July 24, 2008, 12:34:17 PM
Sorry to interrupt, but you know how you can get more than 2 people to read this and come back for more? Bring members and other people into the fan fic! Members always have more fun with a fan fic when they can interact with it or just see themselves in it.

I hope this helps! :)
I already used the names of my friends and other authors in another site (including yours) in the Kirby arc. You're Brandon the Waddle Doo. :P

And this is not an interactive story like your interviews.

(Oh crap, it's 3 days and not 3 weeks.)


Quote from: wiiboychris on July 24, 2008, 12:37:03 PM
Quote from: thunderhero4 on July 24, 2008, 12:34:17 PM
Sorry to interrupt, but you know how you can get more than 2 people to read this and come back for more? Bring members and other people into the fan fic! Members always have more fun with a fan fic when they can interact with it or just see themselves in it.

I hope this helps! :)
I already used the names of my friends and other authors in another site (including yours) in the Kirby arc. You're Brandon the Waddle Doo. :P

And this is not an interactive story like your interviews.

(Oh crap, it's 3 days and not 3 weeks.)

I like Team Chaotix in this story. They're stupid, but funny. ^_^

The Seventh

Quote from: Triforce_Luigi on July 24, 2008, 02:27:07 PM
Quote from: wiiboychris on July 24, 2008, 12:37:03 PM
Quote from: thunderhero4 on July 24, 2008, 12:34:17 PM
Sorry to interrupt, but you know how you can get more than 2 people to read this and come back for more? Bring members and other people into the fan fic! Members always have more fun with a fan fic when they can interact with it or just see themselves in it.

I hope this helps! :)
I already used the names of my friends and other authors in another site (including yours) in the Kirby arc. You're Brandon the Waddle Doo. :P

And this is not an interactive story like your interviews.

(Oh crap, it's 3 days and not 3 weeks.)

I like Team Chaotix in this story. They're stupid, but funny. ^_^
The entire thing is good!  Heh, if you're ever at a loss at a name to use, just put Spencer here or there (yeah, it's my name...).  But don't use it too much...

I always try and squeeze a time to read a chapter here or there.  Sorry I haven't been commenting much!


Chapter 63: A not so bad Halberd

Team Rose and Bloody
Seaside Hill

Seaside Hill


"Aw, the calm waves of the ocean, the sand around the place, the seagulls flying by, the palms creating shadows to shade us from the sun's rays, crabs walking around the beach, nothing can ruin this moment! Right Cream?" Chris asked as Cheese was sitting above his head to try to relax.

Cream nodded with a smile. "Right, I haven't been in a place like this in so long, except for the resort a while ago."

"Oh well, because I think there's really something that can ruin this moment though..."

"Really? What?"

"ROBOTS!" Chris yelled in shock as 6 Eggman Robots ran towards them. But as soon as the 6 robots were 10 inches away from them, they exploded instantly. "...Hey Cream! Cheese has the power to make robots to explode!"

"Chao chao chao!" Cheese said happily.

"Weaklings." Meta Knight said as he sheathed his sword, because he destroyed them with great speed.

"Chao chao chao!" Cheese said angrily.

"Now I see why he acts like he's the toughest one." Amy said. "Hey look! There's a big downside ahead!"

"Wait, we're going to run all the way down? What if I trip?" Chris asked.

"Don't be silly, you can't trip! Here we go!" Amy said as the 4 of them (except Mewtwo and Meta Knight who floated above but were affected) began to accelerate overtime.

"WHOA!" Chris was almost feeling why Sonic liked to run so fast, but probably he runs faster even if there isn't a downside like the current one. "This is so fun!"

"See? I told you, nothing to be worried about!" Amy said.

"Except for that huge block!"

"Away." Mewtwo said doing a wave of his hand to create a psychic slash that made the block to be destroyed into crumbles.

"Good job Mewtwo!" Chris said as they ran.

"This is so easy." Mewtwo said, but Chris thought it was a complain.

"But be positive, our path is going to be good!"

"Did you forget about the danger this world has? There are no worthy menaces ahead for a time, that it's a shame for me."

"But I like the easy way." Big said.

"Your tastes doesn't concerns me."

"Why not?"

"Just stop it!"

"Ahem! More robots ahead!" Amy said, but the robots exploded again. "And Meta Knight took them out again..."

"Another reason of why our path is easy..." Chris said sighing.

The teams entered inside a cave and they found a cannon.

"Jump inside! The exit is up there!" Amy said pointing above.

"Where?" Chris asked.

"Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh above." Big said.

"Now we're going to be the cannonballs?" Chris said as somehow all of them were able to enter inside the cannon, just to be shoot 3 seconds later and making it to the top. "My head's spinning..."

"Amy! Look at that!" Cream said pointing to a big horde of Eggman Robots with spears in a bridge leading to another island.

"Alright! Now we can attack at the same time!" Amy said excited as she took out her hammer. "YAH!" She crushed 2 robots at the same time.

"Huy!" Big used the help of Cream as a human bullet to fire her at 3 robots, destroying them in an explosion.

"Now time to see if I can use the Falcon Punch, here I go!" Chris made a fist and ran at one robot, as soon as his fist made contact with the robot however, all that he could make was a very red hand. "OWW! OWW! OWW!" He flailed his red hand to cease the pain. "Mewtwo! Attack him!"

"Fine." Mewtwo destroyed the robot by throwing it away to a wall, destroying it.

"What I couldn't do the Falcon Punch?"

"You need more experience for that, but you can use the Raptor Boost for now."

"The Raptor Boost?" Chris looked to a robot charging at him, he raised his fist in the air a fire surrounded it, he instantly ran quickly to the Eggman Robot and punched his chin with the fire rising up. "Wow, that was awesome!"

"My turn!" Cream said as she ordered Cheese to slam into the same robot in the air and the Chao destroyed the robot as he flailed his hands. "Hehehe, Cheese, remember, Chris helped too!"

"Chao Chao!" Cheese said trying to sound tough.

"Okay, let's go!" Amy said as Meta Knight destroyed 5 more robots that were blocking their way, the 2 teams began to ran across the bridge, finding more robots to keep them away.

"Meta Knight!" Chris yelled and Meta Knight flew ahead to cross the robots in a blink, a slash was heard and the robots exploded. "Haha! Nobody can beat you!"

"That was a pathetic try to get a compliment from me." Meta Knight pointed out.

"...Ouch..." Was Chris's reply.

Now for the next stunt for the team was a new terror for Chris, a 20 foot tall loop of 3 paths for each member.

"Are we going to run into THAT huge loop?!" Chris asked scared as they ran at 3 huge loops ahead of them.

"Just let your feet go along with it!" Amy said as they entered, which really scared Chris out of his mind.


"YEAH! I KNOW, IT'S FUN!" Amy yelled as they were upside-down, Chris only thought of running without stopping or he'll crash into the floor, his other 2 companions didn't cared as they went in their ways.

"PLEASE, I WANT TO BE IN SAFE GROUND AGAIN!" Chris yelled terrorized as they made it to the normal perspective. "Phew, it's over..."

"Now let's use that boost pad from over there to jump reaaaaaally high." Big said calmly as they ran to a boost pad that was going to help them to cross a huge gap without the bridge, Chris saw 3 rainbow rings floating in the air.

"Mewtwo, take the lead!" Chris said.

"You too Big!" Amy said as both power members stepped in front of their teams creating a triangle formation, the 6 characters stepped above the boost pad and were shot at the rings, Amy and Chris got inside the left ring, Big and Mewtwo got inside the middle one and Cream and Meta Knight in the right one.

"Alright!!!" Amy, Cream, Big and Chris said excited (except for Meta Knight and Mewtwo, who only said humph) turning their backs and doing a pose before landing on safe ground.

"More robots?" Amy complained when she saw more robots ahead.

"Dr. Eggman had so much time in hands probably." Cream said.

"I think he doesn't has a life." Big said and they stared at him. "...What? Did I say something weird?"

"...You're a little weird Big." Chris commented.

"Begone!" Meta Knight and Mewtwo said as the knight used Drill Rush to go through 4 robots and the Pok?mon using confusion to crash 4 other robots into each other.

"Amy, I can see a big palace!" Cream said as she spotted a large palace going by the ocean.

"I can see more! Sonic is probably around there!" Amy said excited. "Let's go!"

"What are we waiting for?" Chris asked as they entered inside the Ocean Palace.

Ocean Palace

Ocean Palace

"Wait, stop!" Mewtwo said as they stopped from crossing a corner. "There is a horde of enemies to the left side, we need to go down straight this path!" Mewtwo said pointing to another downside in front of them.

"But the Halberd went to the left!" Amy said.

"Sometimes you need to take other ways to reach your objective, keep moving." Meta Knight said as everyone except Chris ran away.

"Hmm..." He looked at the path of the right. "There's someone else comin-AAHH!" He stumbled and fell on his butt. "How did I stumbled?... Nevermind, I need to follow them!" Chris said, got up and left the 4-way path.

Team Chaotix and Sword

The reason of why Chris stumbled was because of Espio, the chameleon was using his ninja skills to become invisible and take the enemies that Mewtwo previously mentioned, he came from the path of the right all alone to sneak from the robots and destroy them before they could notice him or the others.

"Ugh...who was that kid?" Espio asked to himself as he got up. "...Forget it, concentrate on the mission, go!" Espio ran to the path of the left and carefully sneaking around the Eggman Robots with shields, the chameleon took out a big shuriken and threw it at their backs, creating a chain reaction to destroy everyone in sight. "The path is clear, you can come out now!" He said as he became visible again.

"Good job Espio!" Charmy said as he, Vector and Team Sword ran to him.

"Between all of you, I think Espio is the only one who doesn't acts like an idiot." Marth said.

"In many ways, that is right." Espio said.

"Pure lies! I'm the real genius of this team!" Vector said.

"Are you an idiot or something?" Roy asked annoyed.

"Hey, watch your mouth pal, I'm the leader of my own agency!" Vector said proudly.

"Marth, can you tell me how did we ended up with this jerk again?" He wispered to Marth and Pit

"Well, Vector compliments himself most of the time as I've been seeing it with my own eyes." Pit said.

"Vector, you're hopeless." Charmy said chuckling a little.

"Shaddup Charmy and open that weird teleport" Vector said trying to find a name for the weird mechanical flower.

"Flower!" Charmy said excited as he opened one of the flowers that had a mysterious power to teleport anyone, then they jumped inside to appear in another site.

"The wind is so strong is this area, and it's coming from below!" Roy said as he tried to grab his cape.

"Espio, Charmy, remember that movie with the plane formation for sky diving? Let's do that to cross to the other side!"

Marth looked at him. "We're going to make a circle formation by grabbing the hands of each one to float?"

"Yeah! Like this!" Vector jumped into the air with Espio and Charmy, the trio grabbed the hands of each other and they began to float above the strong air. "What are ya waiting for? Join us!"

"...This is so embarrassing..." Pit muttered as the 3 swordsmen joined the other team by grabbing their hands and going along, floating above the strong wind that pulled all of them in the air.

"...You know...this is so fun!" Roy said.

"Yeah!" Charmy said laughing.

"I see land!" Vector said as he found cement that was joined to another long way, they landed safely on the ground and started to run to cross the palace. "Espio! Turn invisible and kill those robots!"

"Roger." Espio said.

"I'm not Roger, I'm Vector!"

"..." Espio did a handsign and instantly disappeared in a tornado, the chameleon saw 2 walls close to each other and jumped to one and putting his feet to keep himself sticked to not fall, then, the next thing he did was to jump from wall to wall to make it to the other side before using his kunais in the right spot to make the robots to explode. "Done."

"I don't know why we need to hide from the enemy, we're so many anyway!" Pit said.

"Rule number 34! "Do as the client says you need to do, or the pay will be less!" That's a very important rule!" Vector said proudly.

"You know Vector, I think you forgot that rule when we kidnapped Cream instead of letting Vanilla to know if she was right an-hmhmhmhmhmhmh."

Vector took Charmy under his left arm and blocked his mouth and whispered to him. "Shaddup again Charmy, I'm trying to look cool to our new friends and..." He breaks the fourth wall as usual and points at the readers. "Especially to our great fans!"

Charmy looked at the readers. "Oh yeah! I forgot about them! Hey there Spencer! Hi Brandon, it's Dawei and Dave there too?"

Marth saw that Vector and Charmy were looking at him as Vector thought Marth wasn't in front of them. "...Fans? What are you two talking about and why is Vector pointing at me?"


"I refrain from answering that question." Espio said shuddering.

"Keep going!" The walkie-talkie said.

Pit narrowed his eyes at the machine. "You know, even if that voice sounds too stupid, the voice is a little familiar to me..."

"Who said that?"


"I don't remember any Pit, just keep going through Dr. Eggman's strong army of robots!"

Roy destroyed one robot by kicking it. "They seem pretty weak."


"'re one weird person."

" go ahead!" The walkie-talkie said sweating.

"To tell the truth, I think I've unvelied the mystery of our mysterious client..." Vector muttered to himself.

"Did you say something Vector?" Marth asked confused.

"Nah, nothing...ya know, I'm sick of staying hidden from those idiots, let's do it the Chaotix way!"

"Don't do that!" The walkie-talkie said.

"Sorry! But you haven't said why we need to hide in the first place, I demand action! CHARMY! ESPIO! THE INSTRUMENTS!"

Charmy and Espio gasped in unison. "V-Vector! We can't use that here, there's no one around!" Charmy said.

"That's why we're going to those guys!" Vector said pointing at 4 hordes of 20 robots in each squadron.

"R-run!" Charmy said as Team Chaotix and Sword ran towards the robots, Marth, Pit and Roy were wondering what Vector meant with the instruments they suddenly took out.

"NOW!" Vector shouted as the whole area gets dark and prevents anyone from seeing anything.

"Wh-what happened?!" Pit asked as a spotlight shones on Espio playing a japanese guitar.

"Hahahaha!" Another spotlight shones on Charmy playing the drum in front of him.

The last spotlight shones on Vector holding the microphone, who inhales deeply to yell extremely loud.

"...Why do I feel this is going to end ba-" Marth was interrupted.

"AaaaaaAAAAAAAaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Vector yells at the top of his lungs creating a big shockwave that destroys all the horde of enemies in one attack, but unfortunately, Marth, Pit and Roy had the bad luck of hearing them sing together and they block their ears in pain and fall on the floor, twitching in pain.


"I HAVEN'T HEARD SOMEONE SING SO BAD BEFORE IN MY LIFE!" Marth yelled twitching in pain.

"THE PAIN! UGH! IT'S INTOLERABLE!" Roy yelled as he rolled a little.

"Great going Vector, we just killed them!" Espio said as their instruments disappeared.

"I told him it was a bad idea, I swear!" Charmy said.

"Nobody can resist the strength our of team combination!" Vector said proudly.

"Or our horrible voices to sing in reality..." Espio said sweatdropping. "That reminds me, why do we have that weird attack?"

"Vector's idea for sure." Charmy said narrowing his eyes at Vector.

"D-don't look at me!" Vector said with a dumb smile.

"Then whose idea is?!" Espio asked angrily.

"Er...umm...Mighty! Mighty the Armadillo! That bastard did it!"

"Not that idiot who left us a long time ago, you idiot!"

"It was his idea before leaving us! He told me that day he wanted us to be a singing group instead of a detective agency!"

"Or the other way around Vector!" Charmy said glaring at Vector. "The main reason why Mighty left us is because you had to tell him that we were going to make a band, it was too much for him!"

"...And somehow leading us to create this detective agency..." Espio muttered to himself.

"Yeah yeah, all that we know is that it was Mighty's idea!" Vector said proudly.

"WE SAID YOU, YOU IDIOT!" Espio and Charmy said angrily, shoving their faces at Vector.

"FIGHT!" Vector yelled and the 3 members jumped to each other and made a cloud of dust were they started to fight stupidly.

"...Um...guys...we're leaving you..." Pit said from afar with Marth and Roy, Team Chaotix were yelling and screaming in pain by bites, explosions, pinchs, low-attacks and even indian burns which was way worser than the previous ones. "...Guys?"

Marth rolled his eyes in disgust. "...Let's move on without them." He suggested and they nodded.

Charmy peered outside the cloud of dust and laughed a little to leave the fight between Vector and Espio and go with Team Sword. Then Espio got out and dusted off his gloves, leaving Vector to fight only...with himself.

"Look! The Halberd!" Roy said pointing at the Halberd that was flying to the north, in a big metropolis that was far, far away.

"The Macbet?" Charmy wondered.

"Halberd Charmy, Halberd." Espio corrected the bee.

"Marth, isn't weird that this bridge looks endless?" Roy asked to Marth.

"Yes it is weird...and there are other bridges not too far away from us..." Marth spotted a far away bridge to his left, before noticing that a huge shadow passed above them with the apperance of a red hawk, and above the red hawk, Dr. Eggman appeared and landed in front of them.

"Grr! Why do you have to interfere with my plans?! I'll show you the power of my creations!" Dr. Eggman said above the Egg Hawk, the name of his machine.

"You're the same guy from the Space Colony ARK!" Roy said.

"Who the hell are you? Get away or be destroyed!" Dr. Eggman said angrily, as he flew away.

Egg Hawk

"Don't let him get away, I think he wants to attacks us from afar!" Marth said as they ran after Eggman.

"Get them!" Dr. Eggman yelled firing robots from his machine which surrounded the 2 teams in a sandy area.

And just then, Vector came up all badly damaged, he bit his own tail, punched his own eyes and even his chain neck was a little broken.

"Vector! Use that attack to destroy them all!" Charmy said excited as Vector began to eat something in his mouth.

"BLUUUUUUUUUUUUUARGH!" Vector shot a lot of big bubble gums from his mouth that exploded and eliminated all the enemies.

"What? How did those bubble gums exploded if they weren't bombs?" Marth asked confused.

"It's my little secret!"

Roy wondered if he could do that too, but Pit gave him a face which told him: "Are you stupid or something?"

"ARGH! Now take thi-"

"DOWN! NOW!" Marth yelled and everyone thought for what, until they saw the reason multiplied by four where the Halberd was and ducked by covering their heads, the reason was because the Halberd shot 4 lasers at the 4 bridges, and one of those lasers incinerated Dr. Eggman and the Egg Hawk completely, well, not exactly Dr. Eggman, he managed to survive and flew away in his weird machine that he always uses...whatsitcalled? Egg Clown Car? Whatever.

Team Dark and Y.S.

"Beam of high frecuency has destroyed the menace in front of us, proceed with caution is necessary until further attacks." Omega said as the others got up. They were fighting against Eggman and his Egg Hawk machine but the Halberd shot the same laser from the four to destroy his machine.

"But why the Halberd shot that laser to defeat Dr. Eggman?" Rouge asked in a thinking position.

"Don't think about insignifican things like that, let's go." Shadow said bluntly as he ran away to the farthest place in the bridge.

"P-Pikachu..." Lucas trailed off scared.

"Yes Lucas, what is it?" Pikachu asked.

"It's okay to follow them?"

"Of course! At least that's what I think..."

"The more the merrier!" Kirby said excited.

"Yeah...maybe that is the reason..."

Grand Metropolis

"...How did we ENDED UP here?! Here?! Here?! Here?! Here?! Here?!" Pikachu asked when both teams were high above a skyscraper of 50 foot tall height as his voice echoed through the big metropolis.

"T-t-t-t-t-t-t-tall....h-h-h-h-h-h-height..." Lucas repeated scared as he peered down the building while his sweat fell from it, he put a hand near his right ear to hear the drop touch the floor but it didn't and he gasped in terror.

"I have a better question," Rouge began. "What are you 3 doing here with us?"

"You decided to let us go with you, also, Omega said it was for the better!" Pikachu said.

"Omega, stop giving them ideas!"

"I only think about the success of this mission, with more persons aiding us, the percentage of Dr. Eggman winning is of 20 percent, but according to my analysis, Dr. Eggman flew inside the battleship known as Halberd to investigate the source of the beam." Omega explained.

"Leave that for now, we got a mission to clear." Shadow said with crossed arms.

Kirby looked at the long blue path with a loop. "Ooh, let's go!" He said running with Team Dark.

"See Lucas? We can step in this weird path, follow them!" Pikachu said as he ran down the blue path, Lucas looked at them going away and looked behind him, trembling.

"...W-wait for me! I'm scared to be alone!" Lucas yelled and ran down the way to catch on with them.

"YIPPIE!" Kirby said happily as the 2 teams stepped above a boost pad, causing them to jump above a bottomless pit (and giving Lucas a heart attack, almost) to cross to the other side.

"Leave this to Omega." Shadow said as he spotted 5 Eggman Robots with shields, Omega jumped into the air and used Shadow and Rouge as bullets to destroy their defenses and themselves in the process.

"We will eliminate them all!" Omega said as they ran above another bridge that was activated when they defeated the robots.

Spores of light appeared in the air and dropped more robots, this time, it was Team Y. S. to act and attack them. However, just as they appeared, Shadow started to destroy them with Homing Attacks.

"PK Freez-" Shadow destroyed another robot.

"PIKA-" Shadow, once again, destroyed another robot.

"AAA-" Before Kirby could swallow a robot, Shadow destroyed it too.

"Oh come on! Leave at least one standing for us!" Pikachu complained.

"It's not my fault that you're slow." Shadow said as they run further ahead.

"Slow? I'm keeping up! See?" Pikachu said as he was at Shadow's left side, but Shadow was only holding back and accelerated with his team members. "H-hey, that's not fair! I can run like that too! Ugh!" Pikachu began to accelerate as well but it was tiring him out, fortunately, he catched up with Shadow...before starting to decrease his speed.

"Shadow, don't leave them behind." Omega said.

"You don't tell me what to do." Shadow said.

"Sorry, I'm more worried about the success of this mission."

"Humph, fine." Shadow said as they waited for Team Y. S.

"Finally!" Pikachu said panting. "You're bein nice at least for this time!"

"" Kirby said panting.

"Hey Shadow," Rouge began. "What about if we use that Chaos Emerald that we found in the seaside?"

Shadow took out the Red Chaos Emerald. "Use this to destroy another army of enemies if they appear? That's not a bad idea."

"Shadow, my sensors indicate that you can use the Chaos Control to give me more power and stop time for a moment." Omega pointed out.

Kirby looked at some platforms up ahead and found 20 enemies waiting for them to arrive. "There they are!" He said.

"Rouge, lift me to the air, Shadow, insert the Chaos Emerald in my circuits." Omega commanded as the Chaos Emerald shone brightly.

"CHAOS...CONTROL!!!!" Shadow yelled and inserted the Chaos Emerald inside Omega, giving hima powerful laser that eliminated the 20 robots in a blink, stopping the time around them too.

"Unfortunately, allies seems to be affected as well." Omega said as he glanced at Pikachu, Kirby and Lucas, who were floating in midair because they were about to attack the robots. "Leave them to me, I will carry them in my claws."

5 minutes later...

"YAH!" Lucas jumped off from Omega's claws along with his teammates.

"Good, you're back to your senses." Rouge said.

"D-don't scare me like that Omega!" Lucas said grabbing his chest where his heart was.

"We should keep going, my radars indicate that the Halberd is near here." Omega said as Kirby stared at him in curiosity. "It's there any trail of mud in my armor?"

"No, I was just thinking what kinds of machines do you have inside you?" Kirby asked curiously.

"I have radars, sensors, lasers, beams, missiles, a digital map, memory with all of Dr. Eggman's events like the Space Colony ARK, the creation of the lastest robot of the E-series, Gamma and records of Dr. Eggman's successes, his current count of him winning against Sonic is of 0 against 14039856."

" you have a cooking machine inside?"

"Unit Omega was not created for culinary purposes, only to destroy his enemies and own creator, Dr. Eggman."

"Nah, you're not interesting at all."

"That response from character Kirby was expected."


"That too."

Rouge looked above a building and found the Halberd landing on the skyscraper...but the building was 100 foot tall of height. "There! We need to reach the skyscraper and aboard the ship before it takes off!"

"But just look at that enormous building!" Pikachu said.

"Humph, we will make it in 2 minutes." Shadow said and Team Y. S. gasped in unison.

"2 minutes?! I can't even make it to the bathroom in 2 minutes when I'm so close to reach it!" Lucas complained.

"Too much information!" Omega complained, avoiding a short circuit caused by Lucas.

"Agree." Rouge said making a sick face.

Battleship Halberd
Control Room

"Stop!" Wolf yelled as he pointed his Blaster at Dr. Eggman. "Who are you and what are you doing here?"

"Spill the beans pal!" King Dedede said laughing some.

For their surprise, Dr. Eggman became a pool of mercury before materializing into an evil robotic version of Sonic, his clone had his blue quills, but of steel that were pointy with a particular shine, he had a cape behind his throat and he wore blue and silver metalic clothes that were reflecting their faces, King Dedede gulped and hid behind Wolf as the Star Wolf leader crossed his arms in amusement.

"Answer the question at once!" Wolf demanded with a glare.

"I've seen your actions when you shot the lasers at my machines to fool those fools, what is your intension to stop me?" The robotic version of Sonic asked with an evil tone.

"Sorry, but I'm afraid they're our prey to hunt."

"So do I, but that is not a permission to kill me!"

"What will you say if we make a deal?" Wolf asked smirking a little as he lowered his Blaster back to his belt.

"A deal? And what does that "deal" has for me?"

"It's simple, we try to kill them by joining our forces in secret, in exchange, I'll lend you more power that you would ever imagine if you drop the Subspace Bombs along the way where they are heading to."

"Subspace Bombs?" He asked and Wolf explained everything to him. "I see, your intention is to take the places scattered around here to your long as you don't interfere with my own plans, I'll trust you in defeating them."

Wolf stretched his hand to him. "Deal then?"

"Deal." The robot said stretching his claw to Wolf's claw, doing a handshake as they chuckled evily, but King Dedede was laughing scared. "When are you going to lend me that power?"

"When the time comes my friend...when the time comes..."

"Huh?! I sense unrequired visits coming at this ship, you must take off immediately!"

Wolf nodded. "Okay, now leave before they see you!"

Team Dark and Y. S.

The robot turned into Eggman again and flew away by hiding from Team Dark and Y. S., the Halberd was also starting to take off slowly as they were reaching the top of the tallest building.

"Darn it, it got away!" Shadow cursed under his breath.

"We have no choice but to follow it again until we catch it." Rouge said.

"I've got the feeling that this is going to be a hard day..." Pikachu trailed off.

"Factory is up ahead, jumping from building is necessary to reach it." Omega said as Shadow and Rouge jumped off the building.

"Wh-what?! We're going to jump from this height?!" Lucas asked trembling before he was grabbed by Omega, the robot thought Lucas was going to ran off and the "duo" jumped off the building. "MOMMYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!"

"Kirby! Grab me to descend to that area!" Pikachu said, pointing down at a far away floor as Kirby grabbed the yellow mouse and they floated to that mentioned part.

Team Sonic and Star Fox

"-yyyyyYYYYYYYYYYYYYYyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!" Lucas screamed at the top of his lungs as him and Omega descended quickly, if he looked carefully, he could have seen Knuckles on the other side of a mirror of another building.

"Huh? What was that scream just now?" Knuckles wondered to himself as he peered from the window and looked around.

"It's something wrong Knuckles?" Tails asked as he joined Knuckles in his search. "Are you looking for something? Because I doubt you'll find it in a such crowded place like this."

"I've could have sworn I saw someone yelling outside this window."

"That could be possible, but, who do you think someone will jump from that building? It's insane!"

Knuckles pointed at Sonic. "He could, and probably enjoy it too."

"C'mon! You're too slow!" Sonic said tapping his foot at the end of Grand Metropolis with Tails and Knuckles.

"Wait...wait...a minute...please..." Falco asked panting heavily. "Our speed member doesn't runs as fast as you..."

"What was that supposed to mean?" Fox asked annoyed.

"Guys please, you have been arguing all the way from the beach except for me, Knuckles and Lucario!" Tails said pointing at Lucario, who was leaned to a wall with crossed arms.

"Who wouldn't? Sonic is just so desperate!" Falco said, glaring at Sonic.

"I'm not desperate! You're starting to think weird things." Sonic said.

"STOP IT! JUST SHUT UP!" Lucario yelled loudly and they looked at him. "We're probably the only team that is not even near the Halberd! Chris or the others are probably aboarding the ship by now as you argue, can't you 3 just get along?!"

"NO!" Sonic, Fox and Falco said, crossing their arms and looking away with angry looks.

Lucario rolled his eyes and sighed. "...Fine, it's not my own business to interfere in these pointless situations."

Power Plant

"Hey, I hear a lot of noises from machines beyond this door, let's go!" Tails said.


"And possibly more Eggman Robots." Knuckles said.

Tails and Knuckles went ahead to the other side of the door to find a lot of machines working by themselves, they noticed that only Lucario was following them.

"Where are the other 3 complainers?" Knuckles asked.

"Still arguing behind the door." Lucario said.

"Well, do something, or anything to bring them here."

Lucario turned his back. "Don't forget, you said anything."

Just below the trio, there was another passage that was currently being passed by Team Rose and Bloody.

"Hmm..." Chris stopped just where Tails and Knuckles were above the floor. "I think there's someone else through that roof. Mewtwo, can you see?"

Mewtwo shook his head. "My psychic abilities are too weak in this kind of environment. I doubt Lucario could use his aura to detect us too."

"Who is Lucario?" Cream asked.

"Oh well Cream, he is-" And they began to walk through the passage as Chris explained to Cream who was the Aura Pok?mon, meanwhile, with Tails and Knuckles.

Team Sonic and Star Fox

"...That was the only way?" Tails asked sweatdropping. Because Lucario had Sonic, Fox and Falco above him while they were still arguing.

"At least we have dignity and use clothes! Not like you, nude!" Falco argued and Sonic blushed in embarrassment (and so did Tails and Knuckles).

"Wh-what the hell are they talking about?!" Knuckles asked, trying to stay deaf from the argument.

Tails looked behind him while he was blushing. "L-let's go, if we pass through here, I think the Halberd will be closer to us...KNUCKLES! More robots with shields!"

"Okay!" Knuckles said as he charged at the robots, breaking their shields using his fists. "That was easy."

"Don't be too confident, this was only the first wave." Lucario said (still with the 3 above him).

Knuckles looked at the 3 again. "Can you please stop arguing?! We have an important mission to clear!"

Team Rose and Bloody

The 2 teams found 2 big doors leading to different places and they looked around.

"Which way?" Amy asked.

"Once we cross a door, it will close automatically to prevent anyone else from tresspasing it, even heavy weaponry will be useless to destroy the doors." Mewtwo pointed out.

"What is heavy weaponry?" Big asked.

"Something that you probably shouldn't know."


Mewtwo closed his eyes in irritation.

"Okay, stop it you two, let's take the door of the left...but it's closed!" Chris said.

Meta Knight and Cream looked above them to find 2 switches, one for each door. "That switch can open the door, I think," Cream said. "But it's so high up."

"For this time, let's join forces to reach it." Meta Knight suggested.

Cream nodded slowly. "But how?"

"You will lift me to the air, and when you start to get tired, throw me at the switch to use my wings to reach it."

"Right sir." Cream used her long ears to fly above Meta Knight and grabbed him to reach the switch, the rabbit was starting to get tired but at the last moment, Cream threw Meta Knight above her as she descended slowly (it wasn't too much force, but Meta Knight was able to reach the switch after all).

"Good work Cream!" Amy said with a smile.

"Mr. Meta Knight should be the one who needs the thanks." Cream said as Meta Knight descended.

"Keep it only for you." Meta Knight said as he walked to the other side with Mewtwo.

"How rude!" Amy commented.

"That wasn't rude Amy, I think he wanted me to have all the credit instead of him." Cream said while she hugged Cheese.

"...Seriously Cream, you defend the people who walk over you a little too much." Amy said as the whole team walked to the other side of the left door.

"OOF!" Unfortunately, Chris's bandana named Reddy became stuck in the door, leaving a small red cloth on the other side. "Reddy!" Chris shouted grabbing his bandana. "You're still here. don't worry, daddy is going to protect you..."

Meta Knight stared at Chris for a moment before sighing.

Team Sonic and Star Fox

Back where they previously were, the other 2 teams (Team Sonic and Star Fox) already appeared from the right door, fortunately, nobody was arguing this time.

"See? Just if we think instead of fighting, we can come to an easy conclusion." Tails said.

"Exactly buddy," Sonic said as he crossed his arms. "There's no chance we're the only ones behind them anyway, we came all this way by working together."

"..." Lucario found the piece of red cloth that Chris accidentaly left on the floor and he kneeled to grab it. "What's this?" Lucario asked.

"Looks like a piece of red cloth." Fox said.

"But I think I've seen this before..." Falco began to think before gasping a little. "This is from Chris's bandana! Meaning that we are REALLY behind! See Sonic?!"

"Hey! What if this is from another person?" Sonic asked.

And the trio who were arguing a moment ago began to argue again.

"And there they go again..." Knuckles said.

Tails looked above him where the right door was to find a switch attached to the roof. "Lucario, can you throw me at that switch to open the door?"

"Yes." Lucario grabbed Tails and threw the fox towards the switch as Tails used his tails to fly faster and touch the switch, thus opening the right door.

"Thanks, now let's move on everybody...that includes you too..." Tails said to the 3 complainers.

The 3 complaine-I mean, Sonic, Fox and Falco looked at Tails. "Oh...right...that..." Falco trailed off as they entered inside.

"Sonic, look over there!" Knuckles saw a yellow shiny object at the top of a power plant. "That is a Chaos Emerald!"

"Heh, now I know what are you meaning." Sonic said with a small smirk before accelerating to the top of building, which was the power plant.

"See? He's desperate!" Falco said.

Tails rolled his eyes. "Whatever, he likes to act like that, let's follow him!"

Team Rose and Bloody

The 2 teams found the yellow Chaos Emerald at the top of the building they currently were.

"A Chaos Emerald!" Amy said pointing at the emerald. "We have to get it quickly!"

Chris looked at Cream and Meta Knight. "Combine forces again to reach it!"

Meta Knight had no other choice but to nod as Cream grabbed him again, after a short time of flying, Cream threw Meta Knight again to the emerald and the warrior took it and descended to the teams.

"Nice work you guys! Now we have a Chaos Emerald in our hands!" Amy said as she took the emerald and kept it safely.

"Hurray!" Big said.

Chris looked behind the building were a big blue path was that leaded to another building. "This way!" He said as he ran down with the others at high speed.

Team Sonic and Star Fox

"YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.........HUH?!" Sonic ran to the top of the building where the emerald is...or was, because the yellow Chaos Emerald was no longer there as he made it. The hedgehog stood in the tallest point and began to look around.

And his other teammates came panting, except for Lucario and Knuckles.

"Sonic! Did you find it?" Tails asked panting.

"Nope, it disappeared!" Sonic said throwing his hands above him.

"What? How could an object disappear if it doesn't moves?" Fox asked.

"Maybe someone came here and took it before Sonic?" Knuckles asked.

Sonic appeared just in front of Knuckles. "Then it's a challenge!"

"A challenge?" Everyone except Sonic asked confused.

"Yeah, don't you see? There's someone around here and he or she is getting away from us because they stole the emerald!" Sonic explained.

"I doubt Chris took the emerald." Lucario said.

"...Or he did, there's another piece of red cloth close to where the emerald was." Fox said as he showed them another piece of cloth of Chris's bandana.

"I wonder with who is he?" Tails asked, getting in a thinking position. "Oh, that's right! I have a radar to locate the emeralds just in case!" The fox took out radar which showed them the location of the yellow Chaos Emerald, it pointed at the north 100 meters ahead of them and increasing. "It's getting away!"

Sonic found the path Chris previously found. "He took this way, let's go!"

Team Rose and Bloody

"I bet Sonic is waiting for me at the top of this huge building!" Amy said as she joined her hands together.

"What makes you think that?" Chris asked.

"It's obvious!" She dramatically fell to her right side as a spotlight appeared from nowhere and shone above her, even Mewtwo and Meta Knight looked around for that light. "The man who is waiting for her true love to show up at the top of the biggest building to see the sunset slowly disappear in the horizon is what happens commonly in the movies," She opened her hand at the elevator that went down to them. "And just by entering the elevator of the true destiny shall reveal my love for the entire life, and his name is Sonic the Hedgehog!"

Chris looked around because an audience was applausing to Amy from somewhere, as Cheese threw flowers above the pink hedgehog while Cream and Big applauded to her too.

"...Er...just a problem Amy..." Chris said.

"What?" She asked smiling and closing her eyes.

"It's just 11 ? clock and it's still morning here!"

Amy sweatdropped as she held her position before all the flowers around were burned by the fire she instantly created, making Cheese to hide behind Cream, who hid behind Big, who hid behind Mewtwo, who pushed Big using Confusion, but just a little to not crush Cream and Cheese under his back.

"...Okay captain obvious, now what?!" Amy asked while her Piko Piko Hammer appeared in her hand with a "poof!" sound.

Chris started to sweat crazily. " the elevator of the true destiny!"

The fire disappeared and she smiled. "Alright! You DO believe in me!" The fire appeared again. "RIGHT?!"

"YES MA'AM! YES AMY!" Chris said bowing 3 times.

"Then let's enter!" The fire disappeared and they entered inside the elevator "of true destiny" according to Amy, taking them at the highest point of the building.

Team Sonic and Star Fox

Just as the elevator disappeared from sight, 30 robots came blasting off the door where the 2 teams came as they panted heavily.

"Man...that was tough..." Sonic said.

"No obstacle can stop us from advancing, right Sonic?" Tails asked and Sonic nodded.

"Tails, how far is the emerald now?" Knuckles asked.

"'s just above us..." The elevator came back again and it opened. "Let's use this to go!"

"Yeah." Fox said as they entered inside the elevator...not aware of who was at the top.

Team Rose, Bloody, Sonic and Star Fox

"So Amy..." Chris began. "Where is your true lover?"

"I can't believe it! There are no such things as the man of your dreams waiting for you in this stupid power plant!" Amy said disappointed. "Fine fine, you get to keep the emerald."

"Hand it over!" Chris said proudly as Amy searched for the Chaos Emerald because Chris made a bet with her if Sonic appeared on the same building.

"That was a stupid bet." Meta Knight said bluntly.

"And that is also why I don't talk with these kind of things." Mewtwo said frowning.

"Wait Amy, maybe Sonic is going to appear in the sunset, we should wait for him." Cream suggested.

"But Froggy..." Big said lowering his ears sadly.

Amy looked at Big. "...No." She shook her head. "We need to find Chocola and Froggy, I don't care anymore if Sonic comes here."

Cream, Cheese, Big and Chris gasped in unison. "...Cream! I think this is not the Amy we know about, she must be an impostor!" Chris said to Cream.

"You are probably right!" Cream said surprised.

"...Can you stop your stupid acts now?!" Meta Knight said snapping.

"Huh?" Chris said confused.

"My ship is getting away as we speak! If we don't succeed in retrieving it before it escapes," He took out Galaxia and pointed it at Chris. "I swear I'll kill you!"

"...C-c-calm down Meta Knight...I-I promise I'm going to recover the Halberd for you!"

"Meta Knight, sheathe your sword, now." Mewtwo said calmly as Meta Knight grunted a little and sheathed his sword.

"Then let's go, we can't waste more time here."

"Right, now we're talking!" Amy said just before the elevator came up again and they looked at it, and backed away to stand in a fighting position. "There's someone coming to us!"

"Be prepared! I don't like how the things looks to us!" Mewtwo said as his hands started to glow.


The elevator's doors began to open up slowly, Amy's face quickly changed from a serious one to a happy one as the 6 persons inside the elevator stepped outside looking around, Sonic's spine was trembling before he found her "girlfriend" as Amy took the emerald back from Chris's hands.

"Found you! My dear Sonic!" Amy said with smile, proudly of herself.

"Amy! What are you doing here?!" Sonic asked scared.

"Oh good, we found you guys too!" Chris said smiling a little, before noticing that both teams were starting to fight by no reason. "...Er...guys? Why are you fighting in a place like this and a moment like this too?"

Team Sonic and Team Rose stopped in midair before they could attack each other. "...Wait, why we were going to fight against Amy?" Tails asked confused.

"I don't know either." Cream said.

"I just...sorta wanted some action..." Sonic said.

"What were we thinking?" Amy asked confused.

"This is soooooooo confusing." Big said.

"I agree with you in that one." Knuckles said.

"Chao chao chao chaoooo. (It's because that's what happens in this story)" Cheese explained and Cream looked at him.

"Cheese, I don't think Tails meant that." Cream said.

"Chao chao chao! (No! You don't understand!)"

"Well, Cheese apologized."


Mewtwo looked at both teams. "...Why are you still floating by no reason in the air?"

And they fell to the floor in unison.

Chris ran to Lucario and gave him a hug. "Lucario! It's good to see you again!"

Lucario smiled a little and patted Chris's back. "I agree with you, I admit I was a little worried about you."

"Me too, don't worry anymore." Chris laughed a little.

Big looked at the Halberd that was getting away. "Look at that big shiny beam coming at us."

The other 11 (or 12 counting Cheese) looked at what was Big trying to say and their eyes widened in unison.

"OH..." Amy began.

"MY..." Cream added trembling.

"DEAR..." Falco added surprised.

"AND..." Fox added as his eyes twitched.

"HOLY..." Chris added.

"SAINT..." Tails added very surprised.

"DIVINE..." Knuckles added in shock.

"UNIQUE..." Sonic added in utter surprise.

"CHAO!" Cheese added.

Meta Knight looked at all of them and frowned to himself. "QUICK! THE HALBERD IS FIRING A LASER AT US, DODGE IT!"

"That's impossible!" Mewtwo as he looked at Fox and Falco, our to be more precise, their belts. "USE YOUR REFLECTORS, NOW!"

The Star Fox members looked at their Reflectors and then at them, nodding with a small grin as they stood in front of all of them to activate their reflectors.

"WAIT! THE REFLECTORS ARE NOT STRONG ENOUGH TO-" Tails was unable to finish his sentence before a big explosion took place in the building, creating a big cloud of smoke that surrounded the entire area.

Team Dark, Y.S., Chaotix and Sword

"LASER APPROACHING AT HIGH SPEED TOWARDS U-" Not only the other four teams were affected, the Halberd and shot another laser at the other four teams on the top of another building, just when Team Dark was about to attack Team Chaotix.

...And...they survived you ask?


"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" 25 screams and yells were echoing through the entire city...

Preview of the next chapter

"Targets have disappeared from sight, leader Wolf."

"Excellent, now let's drop the Subspace Bombs in these areas along the way to where our helper is." Wolf said smirking before laughing evily...and coughed after that. "Humph, I'm not used to this..."


The author sticks a note on the screen, saying: "Next time: A not so expected combination!"

Do you want to save your data?


Overwrite file?


Casino Park


Chapter 64: A not so expected combination

Battleship Halberd
Control Room

Wolf and King Dedede were shown laughing at their victory over the 25 characters with a simple attack with 2 beams of high frecuency. A ROB Sentry rolled towards them to tell the status.

"Targets have disappeared from sight, leader Wolf."

"Excellent, now let's drop the Subspace Bombs in these areas along the way to where our helper is." Wolf said smirking before laughing evily...and coughed after that. "Humph, I'm not used to this..."

"Hehehehehehehe! Except for me! Hehehehehe!" King Dedede said laughing.

"(...Bunch of idiots, even though they're not around here, the explosion made them to be blasted off to different places far away from this metropolis...Fox! Be alive so I can defeat you without tricks!)"

Power Plant

The robotic version of Sonic was standing at the tip of a yellow needle as his cape flew to the east by the winds, he narrowed his dark pupils to examine the area to find what was left of them.

"No sign of life in 1 kilometer close to this area, targets have been scattered beyond the range of 1 kilometer," He said. "Then they're near the casino area, troops!" He said to all the robots that were in the metropolis and far away from him. "Capture and take all of them to the Egg Fleet to dispose of them!"


"( I...dead?... Is everyone else dead too? Even...Lucario?... No...not Cream too...she was so young...and Amy...and Big...he probably wouldn't mind...or not...what am I thinking?... Is even Cheese dead?... What about Fox and Falco....this is probably the first time...I...screwed up... I couldn't spend enough time...with Meta Knight or Mewtwo... Sonic is probably mad at me...for not knowing me well...and Tails...he was happy to have Fox around...I could tell from a mile away...hehehe...maybe this is not bad after all...hehehe...those tickles at my face...are cheering me's weird too...hehehehe...or this is seriously bad...hehehe....and Knuckles...I haven't said anything about him...hahahaha...he was so concentrated in his own things...hahahaha...why aren't those tickles going away?... It's like they're touching my face right now...with my eyes closed...)"


"(...Huh?... That voice...that serious can't be...)"


"(Is that...really you?)"

"Chris...wake up...please..."

"Hahaha! Hahaha! Hahaha! Please! Stop licking my face! Hahaha!" Chris opened his eyes slowly to find a tongue licking his face, upon more inspection, it was a weakened Lucario who was licking his face slowly.

"'re okay..." Lucario said weakly.

Chris opened completely his eyes and looked around, it was night already and he was laying on a red carpet very close to Lucario, who was by inches from Chris's face to try to wake him up by licking his face.

"L-Lucario! Oh no!" Chris got up from the carpet and he grabbed Lucario's head. "What happened?!"

"That beam that...shot us...made us in this place by the explosion..." Lucario said.

"But why I'm feeling okay?"

"I...shielded you...from the aura is at a very high level now..."

Chris was starting to cry. "Lucario!" He held Lucario's face next to his cheek. "You're the best friend I ever met in my life, shielding me from an attack was so brave of you!"

Lucario smiled a little. "I'm glad that...made you happy..."

"Good, you 2 are fine."

Chris looked behind him to find Meta Knight panting heavily, there was dust in his cape and mask, but he managed to stand up.

"Meta Knight! You're fine too?" Chris asked.

Meta Knight nodded slowly. "Yes...fortunately, we managed to survive from that laser of my own ship...and probably the others are still he alright?"

"Who, Lucario?" Chris looked at Lucario, who coughed a little before standing up. "L-Lucario, can you walk in that condition?"

Lucario nodded slowly. "I can do this...I need to protect you..."

"But I'm going to be a bad trainer if I let my only Pok?mon to keep fighting!"

"And I'm going to be a bad Pok?mon...if I let my own trainer to be killed without my protection," Lucario kneeled to Chris. "Please...let me go with you outside my Pokeball..."

"It's better if we go in this state onward." Meta Knight suggested.

Chris thought for a moment before he rubbed Lucario's head. "Alright, alright, you can stay outside your Pokeball to protect me, but don't push yourself too much, you got that Lucario?" Chris asked with a smile.

Lucario opened his mouth in surprise and looked down at the floor with closed eyes. "Whatever you want, I' it just for you."

"That's my Lucario!" Chris said happily. "Meta Knight, are you starting to like to share your time with others now?"

Casino Park

"Humph, don't think I accepted this idea just because of you." Meta Knight said.

" you 2, let's find the others if they're alright...and meanwhile..." Chris took out his DS. "Doctor, how is my partnership level with Meta Knight?" He whispered to Kawashima.

"Here." Dr. Kawashima said.


"...80?! He's almost believing in me then!" Chris said happily.

"...Not're holding the DS upside-down..."

"..." Chris turned the DS at the right direction.

Meta Knight: 08

"I hate you." Chris whispered angrily to Dr. Kawashima before putting the DS in his pocket. "Lucario!"

Lucario got up slowly. "Yes?"

"Use your aura to see if there is anyone close to us in this area!"

"Understood." Lucario said glowing and closing his eyes to search through the casino for the others, after 1 minute, he found someone. "There is someone up ther-"



"Cream! Oh no, she is in trouble!" Chris said in shock. "I can't let anyone make Cream to cry! Let's hurry and rescue her!" He said in shock and both current members nodded and ran inside a building with sparkling lights. "Lucario, can you create the biggest Aura Sphere to defeat those flying robots?" He asked pointing at 5 flying robots with clown make-up that were blocking the stairs that leaded to Cream.

"Yes." Lucario said concentrating his aura on his hands, the Aura Sphere that was growing bigger and bigger appeared between his hands, it was big since his damage was so high at the moment. "GRUUUUAAAAH!" Lucario fired the Aura Sphere that went rocketing towards the robots, making a big explosion that also left a huge mark of smoke around the place.

"Lucario...that was definitely the most, strongest Aura Sphere you ever made!" Chris said as he looked at Lucario in surprise.

"That...surprised you?" Lucario asked with curiosity.

"Of course it did! You're amazing!"

Lucario smiled a little. "T-thank you..."

"Stop talking and let's go now!" Meta Knight said as he flew quickly.

Both of them saw Meta Knight going up and they shook their heads in unison." We can't waste more time or Cream will suffer!" Chris said in shock again.

"HEEEEEEEEELP!" Cream cried as she was surrounded by 10 Eggman Robots with spears and shields, her attacks were useless against them so she dropped to her knees and started to cry while she hugged Cheese.

"Weaklings..." Meta Knight appeared in front of the duo with his sword pointing outside the casino, before the 10 robots exploded in unison.

"Mr. Meta Knight, thank you for saving me!" Cream said as she wiped out her tears and setting Cheese free from her.

"Creeeeam!" Chris yelled as he appeared from the stairs with Lucario.

"Chris! You're okay!" Cream said with a smile as she ran and stepping between Meta Knight and Chris. "I thought that beam finished you...who is him?"

"He's Lucario, the person I was talking about."

Cream bowed her head at Lucario. "It's really a pleasure to meet Chris's best friend." Lucario blushed a little at this.

"Chao chao chao!" Cheese said happily.

"Mr. Lucario, can you please help us to find Amy and Mr. Big? I think they're here somewhere because me and Cheese decided to look around as soon as we woke up, but those robots blocked our path and attempted to attack us!" Cream asked while she joined her hands together.

"Don't worry Cream, Lucario is already helping us." Chris said reassuring Cream.

"Thank you so much!"

Lucario was a little puzzled by her response but he nodded, glowing again to find the others. "...Hmm..."

"Is he using his aura abilities you told me about Chris?"

"Yes, they help a lot in these kind of situations." Chris said.

"...I found someone else a little ahead beyond that mirror." Lucario said pointing to a cube of mirror that was hanging above a long slide.

The quartet stepped above the glass door and Chris saw Meta Knight raising his sword above him. "Wait! I'm not ready yet to slide in thi-"

"HA!" Meta Knight broke the glass and they fell to the long slide, luckily for Cream, she was enjoying the long descend with Cheese abover her lap, unfortunately for Chris, he was screaming because he was afraid of falling off at the end, at least Lucario grabbed him by the hand to jump at the right moment to a platform that was a huge checkered floor.

"The lights around this place are making me dizzy..." Cream said.

"Who in their insane head made this huge place? It's stupidly big!" Chris said.

"Did anyone called me?"

They turned their backs to find Big sitting above a pile of scrapped metal of robots as he was taking a sip of tea.

"Mr. Big!" Cream said with a smile.

"Oh, hello there Cream, I was enjoying my time by taking a sip of my tea, those robots tried to attack me but I defended myself from them, after that, I decided to rest here until someone appeared." Big explained as he took a sip of his tea.

"So much for a day's works for you, right Big?" Chris asked smiling a little.

"You could say that."

"And where did you get that tea?"

"I'm always taking my tea with me to all the places I go with Froggy...FROGGY!" Big's ears perked up after remembering the reason of why he was there. "FROGGY!"

Chris noticed that Big was grabbing his legs. "B-Big! Calm down! We're going to find Froggy! I promise!"

"R-really?" Big asked with teary eyes before Lucario lifted Big above him to keep him away from Chris.

"Lucario, put him down, he's just worried about Froggy."

"...Fine." Lucario said putting Big down.

"Cream, look," Meta Knight said to Cream as he glanced at some floating red coins that were floating towards another platform. "Take Chris with you to the other side, I'll take Big with me."

"But what about Mr. Lucario?" Cream asked concerned.

"He can cross by his own, am I right Lucario?"

"Right." Lucario said as he jumped from red coin from red coin to cross the abyss below him. Cream grabbed Chris by the hands and she flew to the other side with Cheese too, Meta Knight had trouble with Big but he managed to cross to the other side.


"Amy!" Cream, Big and Chris yelled in unison after hearing Amy screaming close to them.

"This way!" Meta Knight said, pointing at some stairs that were leading to the top of the building that they were, after 5 minutes of running to the top, they found her laying unconscious on the floor.

"Amy!" Cream said preocupied and dropped to her knees to see if Amy was fine. "Amy! It's me, Cream! Are you okay?"

Before she could get a reply, Amy got up angrily and she smashed her hammer that appeared out of nowhere to break 8 red lasers that were blocking her path to other stairs on the other side, but the lasers retaliated by electrocuting her and Amy fell unconscious again.

"Why is she attacking those lasers?" Lucario asked confused.

Amy got up, but before she was about to hit the lasers, Cream grabbed her left hand and she looked at her. "Cream! Oh, I was so worried about you!" Amy said, putting her hamer down.

"Me too Amy...but what were you doing just now?" Cream asked with curiosity.

"I was trying to get pass through these lasers because I saw Sonic running to this direction, and for making everything else worse, he ran off once he saw me...again!" Amy said irritated. "Then these lasers were activated and I've been trying to destroy them!"

"It's futile," Meta Knight began. "We can't proceed further inside this place...unless if we can find another way."

"And what about breaking this window to fall inside that cannon of below to shoot us to that building from over there?" Big asked, pointing outside a window where a cannon was above a floating platform above another abyss, trailing his finger to the other building in front of them.

"...Sometimes Big, you can find the most dangerous routes..." Chris said with closed eyes.

2 minutes later...

"LUCARIO! DON'T LET ME GO!" Chris screamed as they were fired at the other building as cannonballs, Lucario grabbed Chris before jumping and the team with different allies crossed to the other side.


After landing in the next building, Chris crashed accidentaly with someone who was flying and crying at the same time, he tried to get him off his face, but Lucario grabbed the person and held him to show him to the others.

"...Charmy?" Cream asked.

The person was Charmy who was crying uncontrollably, but after hearing Cream's voice, he instantly stopped like nothing happened. "Oh, hi Cream!" Charmy said smiling.


"So what are you, Vector and Espio up to?" Amy asked as she took out her hammer.

Charmy flailed his arms. "W-wait! We're not here to kidnap Cream again by accident! I swear!"

"Then what are you doing here?!"

"A beam that came out of nowhere when we found Shadow and Rouge made a huge explosion, sending all of us to different directions, I woke up in this place and then, I couldn't do anything else and started to panic around!" Charmy explained.

"You too then?" Chris asked and Charmy looked at him, confused.

"Hey, who are the new guys?" Charmy asked.

After 5 minutes of explanations...

"How funny, you have also the name of my old friend Chris, Chris!" Charmy said laughing a little, "So. are you like him by any chance?"

"Not at all." Chris said.

"Charmy, do you want to go with us to find the others?" Amy asked and Charmy got in a thinking position.

"Weeeeell, you guys treat me better than Vector does..."





"WHY NOT?!" And both allies started to fight a cloud of dust.

Espio sighed in disappointment. "Another useless discussion over the remote control..."

End of flashback

Charmy realized how stupid that fight was and sweatdropped. "I'm still accepting the idea, let's tag along for now!"

Big looked ahead of him. "What a big pinball machine."

Bingo Highway

Amy's eyes twitched. "Don't tell me we're going to climb that thing! It's just too big!"

"Sadly, we must be the balls...I'm really going to hate this." Meta Knight said.

"We too." The others replied in unison.

1 hour later...


"IS ANYONE TIRED OF THIS STUPID OWW! GAME?!" Amy asked as she was pushed by the flippers again.

"OF COURSE OWW!" Chris replied as he crashed into a wall. "WHO IS CONTROLLING THIS THING ANYWAY OWW!"

Not far away from them, actually, above the huge pinball machine...

Tails didn't had any clue about Sonic's whereabouts, he wondered and wandered around the casino thinking only about him (and ONLY about him, to tell the truth, 90 percent was about Sonic, 9 percent was about Fox, 0.9 percent was about Knuckles and 0.1 percent was about the others), fortunately to cheer up the fox with 2 tails, he found a pinball machine next to him and began to play it with 7 balls, not only he did it for fun, because if he got the high score, the green Chaos Emerald was the price for completing the game.

"Here it comes, ha!" Tails said as he hit a ball with the right flipper.

Below him...

"OUCH!" Charmy was hit by the right flipper.

Above them...

"Another one!" He said hitting another ball with the left flipper.

Below him...

"UGH!" Meta Knight was sent rocketing to the top of the machine because the left flipper hit him.

Above them...

"I haven't had so much fun before in my life!" Tails said happily as he continued to hit all the balls inside the machine.

Below him...


Above them...

If you haven't realized, the pinball machine was activated as soon as the team that was trying to find the others stepped inside, in that moment, Tails was walking around and found the machine suddenly turning on, the 7 balls were actually the 7 characters (Cheese didn't counted because he was small), then, he decided to play...using them as human balls to play, the pinball that Tails was using was commanding the huge pinball from below him, not knowing about all the pain that he was causing to them accidentaly for 1 HOUR, luckily for the fox...

"One more to score 1,000,000,000 points! NOW!" Tails hit all the balls to hit the top part of the pinball to score 1,000,000,000 in unison to win the game, after he managed to get that score, a siren appeared saying that he was the winner and the green Chaos Emerald was given to him by a robot that was working there.

Although when he hit all the balls to hit the same place 7 times, the "balls" went through the roof or floor in Tails's view, the fox jumped surprise and gasped when he saw the 7 (or 8 with Cheese) team members with many bruises and dust around their bodies.

"E-everyone! What happened to you?!" Tails asked as he ran to them while he kept the green Chaos Emerald.

"Some lunatic used the huge pinball machine below to use us as the balls." Charmy said with swirl eyes pointing outside the window, Tails looked outside and realized that he accidentaly used all of them to win the emerald.

"Umm...y-yeah...I bet that lunatic ran away after you came here...hehehehe..." Tails said laughing scared, and sweating. "A-and...look! I found a Chaos Emerald!" He showed them the emerald.

1 hour later...

"News flash: MORE ROBOTS." Charmy announced, pointing to more Eggman Robots with clown make-up, the weird thing was that they fell in the center of a platform where huge slot machines were blocking their sight. Just then, Dr. Eggman appeared laughing.

"Hahahaha! I hope you like to fight against my army of robots!" Dr. Eggman said laughing.

"Dr. Eggman!" Amy said.

"We know his name Amy..." Chris said looking away ashamed.

"...Anyway, where is Sonic and everybody else?" Amy demanded, as her hammer appeared on her right hand.

"And do you think I care? Even if I knew I wouldn't tell you because Sonic obviously hates you!"

Fire started to appear around Amy and she glared at Eggman. "Say that again and I'll whack you but good!"

"Argh! Now drop the Subspace Bomb!"

"The what?" Tails asked confused when a Subspace Bomb fell from the sky, causing them to back away to avoid the impact, the countdown started from 3 minutes and counting down. "This is the same bomb that was embedded to the Biolizard in the colony!"

"Get them!"

Robot Carnival

"Tails, can you deactivated the bomb before it blows up with us?" Chris asked a little worried as Tails began to examine the bomb.

"Hmm, I'll take 1 minute to deactivate this...but in the meantime, protect me while I'm on it!" Tails said.

"Behind you!" Charmy yelled before Chris fell on his back to evade a bullet from a robot, Lucario got enraged by this and he trusted his palm into the robot to destroy him, using Force Palm.

Cream saw Big sitting on the floor as more robots appeared from the sky. "Mr. Big, can you do something to help us?"

"In a minute Cream, I need to relax for a while."

"Relax in a time like this? Stop being lazy and fight!" Meta Knight said angrily as he sliced 3 robots with shields.

Charmy, however, was in trouble because without Vector and Espio, he was defenseless. "C-can somebody please help me to attack?"

Chris walked to him. "For what?

Charmy instantly grabbed Chris and kicked him to 2 robots as a electric shot, fortunately for the World Traveler, it didn't hurted him at all. "But I feel kind of dizzy again..." Chris replied.

"Big! Do something and help us!" Amy said while she received various shots to her, but she jumped in the air to smash the flying robots that were shooting at her.

"Patience Amy, if we have patience we will win." Big said, taking out his tea again.

"GET OUT!" Meta Knight yelled as he used Mach Tornado to pull 6 Eggman Robots with lances into the tornado, slashing them to scraps of metal as Meta Knight stopped while he looked at the bomb. "That bomb...I saw one of those bombs inside my ship...then..." He looked above him to find the Halberd flying away to a nearby canyon. "The Halberd dropped the bomb!"

"I need more time, keep it on!" Tails yelled as he found cables beneath the bomb.

"Raptor Boost!" Chris yelled as he punched a robot in his chin with fire, then Lucario jumped over Chris and crashed his fist into the robot to destroy him. "Good work Lucario!"

"Thanks, but don't rest yet, there are more!" Lucario said as he glared at more spores of light that made even more robots than before.

"Robots, robots, robots, robots and more robots! I'm sick of them! Why can't Dr. Eggman make a beast for a change?" Amy asked angrily while she tried to destroy a shield of a robot.

"But Amy, beasts are more scary than robots..." Cream said as she told Cheese to slam into a robot.

"I know, but changing strategies is sometimes good and entertaining!"

"I agree with you, but changing of themes, I'm really tired of only using Raptor Boost over and over again! Why I can't use the stupid, Falcon Punch?!" Just when he said that, his fist became surrounded by fire and punched a robot in the stomach, sending it flying across the slot machines and he looked to his right hand. "'s about time but...I'm not going to yell the name..."

"Big!" Charmy yelled as a stupid amount of robots appeared surrounding the group.

"Okay, okay, here I go..." Big got up and he took out his fishing rod and started to swing it above him. "Hmm..." The hook became a big, spiky ball with fire that went across all the robots, similar to a chain reaction, creating explosions around the party and eliminating all of them as Dr. Eggman descended and pointed angrily at them.

"Don't get too excited boys! Those were only the eeeeeeasy ones!" Dr. Eggman said furiously as he flew away from the scene.

"...There!" Tails finished to deactivate the bomb in less time than expected. "The bomb was deactivated!"

"Good." Meta Knight said simply.

"I admit it, that battle was so easy." Charmy said as he fell on the floor above his butt. "Man, I didn't felt menaced either."

"The Halberd went to that canyon, we should move on." Meta Knight suggested as he flew away using his wings.


"Yes Chris?"

"Can you carry me until we get there? I'm really tired..."

Lucario grabbed Chris and smiled a little. "As you wish."

"Thank you." And so, Lucario jumped off the platform with Chris.

"Let's go Cream, Big, Cheese and Charmy!" Amy said excited as she jumped off the platform with the mentioned characters, using the flight members to descend slowly and go to the next area.

Rail Canyon

Rail Canyon wasn't exactly the easy place to survive, because for one, the place was literally high above the ground, two, a lot of rails were there, three, Chris didn't liked to be grinding above rails so Lucario decided to carry him again until they reached another platform, four, more annoying robots, five, the canyon was a really big base by Dr. Eggman and six, it was the longest place of all the levels.

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!" Chris screamed above Lucario's arms as the 9 members went inside a spiral of rails that went directly inside a base a grinding, inside the enormous orange rocks. It was even more embarrassing to him since Cream or Charmy didn't screamed as they were on their own rails.

OR worse yet, Cheese didn't even felt menaced.

Fortunately, there wasn't any robot inside one of the many facilities...because the place was very dark.

"...Don't panic, I don't think anyone would attack us here..." Chris said as they walked further inside, with Cream and Cheese leading the way.

"Don't scream can do it...nobody can attack you here..." Cream muttered scared as she held Cheese close to her.

"If anyone is going to attack you and Cheese, I'll promise I'll kill him with my hammer." Amy said behind Cream with her hammer ready.

After a while of walking, they found light ahead to the left of a corner and Cream ran to the light and turned to them with a smile. "Phew! It's over! Now we can go outside an-"


Cream turned her head to the corner with light, finding a gun directly pointing between her eyes as her pupils shrunk instantly.

"...Ah...ah...AAAAAAHHHH!!!!" Cream screamed, crying and hiding behind Amy, who jumped instantly to the person who was pointing his gun at Cream.

"YOU BASTARD! BANZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIII!" Amy yelled at the top of her lungs.

The person began to sweat as Amy was starting to approach him in the air with her hammer ready to kill him. "W-WAIT! NO! STOP!"


30 minutes later...

The party was grinding above more rails with another member that they found 30 minutes ago, Amy, who hit him, apologized as they grind in the same rail.

"I'm so sorry! Forgive me for giving you that big bump on your head!" Amy said bowing to the person.

"I should be...the one apologizing..." The person said with a huge red bump on his head.

"That's what you get to point your gun at little girls like Cream, Fox." Chris said, revealing the person with the bump to be Fox.

"I'm sure he didn't wanted to attack me, right Mr. Fox?" Cream asked.

"RIGHT?!" Amy asked with the same fire appearing around her.

"R-right! I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Fox said sweating like crazy.


"...At least we're slowly gathering everyone little by little." Chris said.

"Amy, did you said that Sonic ran away from you?" Tails asked and Amy nodded. "Honestly, I don't know why he needs to run from you."

"For the obvious reason that Amy will glomp at him." Chris said

"What is "glomp"?" Cream asked.

"S-s-something you should know about when you get older. Believe me, you don't want to know now."

"...Oh...I understand...also Mr. Fox," Fox looked at her. "I'm sorry for thinking that you were Tails's evil cousin when I saw you."

Chris blinked for a moment before bursting out laughing. "HAHAHAHAHA! OH GOD, WHEN CREAM SAYS IT LIKE THAT, IT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO NOT LAUGH, HAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Even everyone else chuckled at this and Fox glared at all of them.

"Okay okay, we laughed at Fox for being the evil cousin of Tails, now concentrate please..." Fox said grunting a little.

"Tails! You didn't told me your evil cousin was so rude!" Charmy asked as he bursted out laughing as well.

"SHUT UP!" Fox yelled at the top of his lungs.

"...DEAD END!" Big yelled and everybody looked ahead to find no more rails going to anywhere, which was really bad.

"...TAILS! CREAM! CHARMY! META KNIGHT! GRAB US AND TAKE US TO SAFE FLOOR, NOW!" Chris yelled as all the flight members quickly grabbed who they can carry to the nearest platform, fortunately, they found one not so far away from the dead end and they descended to land safely.

"...I thought I was going to die..." Amy said as she grabbed her chest were her heart was beating madly.

"Lucario, can you use your aura to detect someone else here?" Chris asked as Lucario put him down, the Aura Pok?mon nodded and began to glow to find another person around.

"Hmm..." Lucario said.


Lucario pointed above a huge cannon. "There is another person up there, but is unconscious."

"Then here we go." Charmy said as he flew towards the cannon with the others following him from behind, the bee managed to catch sight of a red dot and flew towards it, it was a fainted Knuckles. "Knuckles! Wake up you dork!"

"WHO ARE YOU CALLING A DORK YOU IDIOT?!" Knuckles got up instantly with a glare to an innocent Charmy with crossed arms behind his back.

"Why do you have to be so mean to the people around you? Seriously?"

Knuckles cracked his fists. "OKAY BUZZ BOY, YOU ASKED FOR IT!"

"Hold it right there Knuckles!" Amy said as they reunited with the 2.

"You were going to murder Charmy? Knuckles, what's wrong with you?" Tails asked as Charmy hid behind Chris with teary eyes.

"Waaah! He tried to kill me!" Charmy said with an accusing finger to Knuckles and they glared at him.

"...Oh come on! You're not going to believe that liar instead of me, right?" Knuckles asked irritated.

"Well..." Cream thought for a moment. "This is not the time to be fighting, we need to find Mr. Sonic and Tails's evil cousin's friend too."

And Chris and Charmy fell to the floor, laughing madly at this.

"I thought you stopped calling me his evil cousin!" Fox said as he pointed at Tails.

"Sorry, I forgot..."

"Knuckles, did you ended all the way here because of the explosion?" Tails asked.

"I didn't thought it would be so strong but yes." Knuckles responded.

"We can't waste much more time now, we have to reach the Halberd!" Meta Knight said, finding the Halberd flying above them and getting away from the canyon.

Big saw another way with more rails. "Use this way."

And everybody got in the rails to grind down to another base, but Chris and Lucario were behind because Chris didn't wanted to stay in Lucario's arms again and grind for a change, but with the help of Lucario grabbing his hand to not let him fall.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Lucario asked as they grinded down the rails.

"Y-yeah, sooner or later I need to overcome my fear...AAAAAHHHHH!" After a second, they started to accelerate as the rails were turning into a big downside. "D-DON'T JUMP...DON'T JUMP...DON'T J-AAAHH!" Chris fell from the rails but since Lucario was grabbing him, the Aura Pok?mon put him on the rails again and Chris sighed in relief. "T-thank you Lucario...I could be dead if it weren't for you..."

"Good to hear that, now let's go."

Bullet Station

If you thought the Rail Station was dangerous, think again, the Bullet Station was 5 times dangerous than the previous level because it had 3 times more cannons, 3 times more Eggman Robots and 3 times the chance to die.

And it was to run around, evading shots, bullets and fire.

"How in the hell did Eggman made all of this?" Knuckles asked as he jumped above a flamethrower from a wall.

"I dunno." Charmy responded, dodging bullets from the robots.

"AAH!" Tails yelled in pain after he fire managed to burn his right leg.

"How could you!" Amy said furiously and raising her hammer above the flamethrower that burned Tails, smashing it into the flamethrower to destroy it in a single blow.

"Here, let me carry you Tails." Chris offered his help to Tails.

"N-no, I'm fine." Tails stood up but felt a pain running from his leg and dropped again in the floor.

"I'm serious, let me carry you!"


"DOWN!" Chris looked behind him to find Fox lunging at him to push him at the floor to evade a missile. "...That was close..."

Chris slowly stood up and looked at the source of the missile. "Lucario! Use an Aura Sphere on that cannon!" He looked at Tails who was being carried by Fox on his back. "..."

"What are you waiting for? Let's go!" Fox said as he and Tails ran away.

"...Did Tails prefered Fox over me?" Chris asked annoyed to himself before running ahead with the others.

"I've said let me go you bullies!"

"That was Kirby's voice!" Fox said surprised.

The party entered inside another facility to find Kirby inside a cage as he tried to break the bars with his Cutter attack. Knuckles charged at the cage and punched the bar with his fists to break them to set Kirby free.

"Kirby! Are you okay?" Chris asked and Kirby nodded with a smile.

"Yep! Those robots captured me when I was unconscious, they took Lucas and Falco to another place around here!" Kirby said.

"Inside here?" Big asked but Kirby shook his head.

"No, in another room inside the rocks!" The puffball pointed at what looked to be the holes for a big cannon. "But! If we enter the holes of the cannon that is above this place, we can reach them in less time than expected!"

Charmy looked at the holes. "Hurray! Another chance to be the cannonballs!"

"Oh joy..." Amy, Knuckles, Meta Knight, Fox, Lucario and Chris said sarcastically.

The 10 (11 in Cheese's case) entered inside the holes to be shoot by the cnnon to another long way of rails, this time, they saw more troubles because the rails were destroyed in some of their rails.

"RIGHT!" Meta Knight yelled from the front to tell to jump to the right rail in time to evade a fall. "LEFT!" They jumped to the left. "LEFT!" They jumped to the left. "RIGHT!" And so on until they reached another facility, they looked up to find Lucas and Falco inside a cage.

"Lucas!" Kirby yelled.

"E-everyone! Please get us out of this cage!" Lucas yelled from above before noticing that Meta Knight flew at the cage with a quick slash at the bars, cutting the bars in half and making Lucas and Falco to fall at the floor, Falco landed on his feet but Lucas landed on his butt. "Oww, there wasn't any better idea than that?"

"Thank goodness you're okay Lucas!" Kirby said.

"I was...I mean, we were captured by the robots when we woke up inside that cage, then they disappeared from this place, leaving us like birds inside their cage...n-no offense Falco..."

Falco dusted off his sleeves. "Don't worry about that, so, what's our objective now?"

"Follow the Halberd, the same mission, nothing else." Fox said.

"AND find Sonic!" Amy added.

"AND find Pikachu!" Kirby added.

"AND find Espio!" Charmy added.

"...What about Vector?" Cream asked.

"Meh, he can die in a forest if I care. Besides, hanging around with you guys is MUCH less painful than being with Vector anyway."

"But Charmy, think of all the good moments you and Vector have had before!"

Charmy got in a thinking position. "Hmm..."

More Charmy's flashbacks

Vector held a knife on his right hand as he chased after Charmy because he stole his headphones.

Vector held a gun on his right hand as he chased after Charmy because he painted his body of a blue color.

Vector held a hammer on his right hand as he chased after Charmy because he put on his back a paper with the words "I'm a dork, kick me!"

Vector held a missile on his right hand as he chased after Charmy because he set the agency on fire.

Vector held a rocket launcher on his right hand as he chased after Charmy because he broke his computer inside the computer room.

Vector was using a bulldozer as he chased after Charmy because he painted a pink happy face on his stomach.

Vector held a nuclear warhead on his right hand as he chased after Charmy because he sent thousands and thousands of e-mails in all the network with photos of Vector taking a shower with a rubber duck on the tub.

Vector held the knife, the gun, the hammer, the missile, the rocket launcher, the nuclear warhead on his hands as he rode the same bulldozer as he chased after Charmy because he even sent photos of Vector kissing Espio by accident.

Of course, Espio, for a change, joined forces with Vector.

End of Charmy's flashbacks

The whole group (except Lucario and Meta Knight) stared with wide eyes to Charmy after he told them all the things Vector did to him.

"...Charmy...sometimes...I feel sorry for you..." Amy said surprised.

"A nuclear warhead? That's way to much!" Falco said surprised.

"Nothing is too much for Mr. Kill Charmy apparently." Charmy said, throwing his hands up. "Good thing I survived."


"Dr. Eggman!" The growing party said in unison and they ran outside the facility to find Dr. Eggman above the Egg Hawk, who was above a blimp with robots with guns.

"You inferior beings! How dare you to come storming inside my base of operations! That's it! I shall end this here and now!" Dr. Eggman said angrily as the group gathered outside.

"Like hell you will!" Knuckles said smacking his fists together.

"Shut up! Now, let the destruction begin!"

Egg Albatross

"Fire!" Dr. Eggman yelled as the squadron of 6 robots fired at the group as the blimp was going away from their sight, the party had no other choice but to chase him as they evaded the shots from the robots.

"Can we catch up with him?" Charmy asked.

"Maybe, but don't stop running or he'll get away!" Meta Knight said.

"We have to run faster than this!" Amy said as she jumped out of the way to dodge more shots. "Oohhh! I wish Sonic was here just now!" She smiled and looked to both sides. "...I've said, oohh! I wish Sonic was here just now!"

Lucario pulled Chris to him to evade a missile. "Like if he is going to appear just if you wish." He said bluntly.

"A girl can always wish what she wants!"

And their long struggle went for seconds, minutes and 1 hour.

"Is anybody tired yet?" Tails asked, if you forgot, he was still being carried by Fox, who was slowing down.

"Yeeees..." Chris said tired.

"I'm sick of this already!" Charmy said. "We have been running for 1 hour straight, evading those missiles, shots and small lasers from Dr. "I don't have another thing to do but to annoy these guys" Eggman!"

"WHO ARE YOU CALLING ANNOYING?!" The walkie-talkie from his jacket said annoyed and irritated.

"...Dude, I mean Dr. Eggman, not you."

"...Oh...sure...right...hehehe...him and not me..."

"Lucario, just use an Aura Sphere and destroy that blimp!" Chris ordered and Lucario charged an Aura Sphere to hit the blimp, but Dr. Eggman activated a force field around the blimp to block the Aura Sphere and Lucario gasped at this. "Wh-what? But how? This wasn't supposed to happen!"

"Hehehehe! I'm always prepared you fools!" Dr. Eggman said laughing.

"Damm straight!" The walkie-talkie said.

"Damm NOT straight!"

Tails smiled after hearing that voice that was coming behind the blimp, or more accurately, just behind Dr. Eggman. "T-that voice is fro-"

"SONIC!" Amy added excited as Dr. Eggman turned his back to find Sonic sitting behind him, cleaning his right ear with his finger.

"ARGH! SONIC! GET OUT!" Dr. Eggman said furiously and trying to punch Sonic, but if anyone but Eggman forgot about Sonic is that he was a lot way faster than him, the hedgehog appeared in front of the chair where Eggman was sitting, taunting the doctor as usual by...well...remember the episode where Sonic smacks his butt to show it to Eggman above a rocket fist and sticking out his tongue?

Everyone slapped their foreheads at this, except for Charmy who enjoyed that and thought about doing it to Vector.

"SO, SONIC, YOU WANT TO FIGHT ME RIGHT?! THEN LET'S SEE IF YOU CAN WITH THIS!" Dr. Eggman pressed a button on the Egg Hawk and the blimp instantly changed to a big robot with the hawk's head at the top, and defying the law of physics because the robot was bigger than the blimp.

Sonic jumped out of the robot and joined everybody else. "It's good to see you all agai-"

"SONIC!" Amy instantly hugged Sonic with force and taking out his air from his body.

"A-Amy! Y-you're asphyxiating me!" Sonic managed to say in Amy's grasp before Chris separated both of them and pointed to the big rocket fist that was going to attack them, but Knuckles stepped in front of them to stop the fist from colliding.

Tails got off from Fox's back and ran to Sonic. "Sonic, what do we do now?"

"That's an easy question!" For Tails's surprise, Sonic took out the blue Chaos Emerald and showed to everybody else. "I found this inside the bases!"

"Now we have 2 emeralds!" Amy said, taking out the yellow Chaos Emerald.

"3 emeralds!" Tails added as he took out the green Chaos Emerald.

Suddenly, Chris felt that same emotion again when he and another character combine their attacks. "(There it is again! Now who am I talking to?)"

"(Huh? Who's there? Who's talking to my mind?)"

"(...Sonic? You? I thought it was Kirby this time!)"

"(This time for what?)"

"(...Um...nevermind...Sonic, I need to tell you something.)"


"(Our partnership level is probably filled...or maybe you get along with everyone, I didn't saw your partnership level with me to tell the truth.)"

"(O-okay, what's this partnership level stuff?)"

Chris sighed. "(Oh well, you haven't heard of it, look, the partnership level is a special factor to let me and anyone else to combine attacks to create an even stronger blow, when this happens and when we are fighting against someone, me and someone else or you get this feeling to talk through our minds to discover that attack, and it's time for us to use our combinated attack.)"

"(Let me get this straight, since I trust you completely the first time you saved me, we can use a combinated attack to deal a stronger blow?)"

"(Exactly, now, do you want to see our combinated attack on Dr. Eggman?)"

Sonic grinned. "(Of course I want to!)"

"(Okay...but no grins, smirks, cocky grins or cocky smirks to me, they're least to me.)"

Sonic smiled a little. "(Right.)"


"But I can't reach him with my speed!" Chris said.

Sonic grabbed his right hand and went rocketing towards Dr. Eggman using the power of the Chaos Emerald in his hand, just when they were behind the robot, Chris already knew what to do and so did Sonic, who turned into a ball to use the Spin Dash, but he remained in the floor spinning as Chris prepared his Raptor Boost to send Sonic rocketing towards the robot.

"Now!" Chris yelled as he ran directly to Sonic to punch him to the robot, with the power of the blue Chaos Emerald, the attack was greatly increased and Sonic went throught the robot's body like a bullet. "FIRE HEDGEHOG!!!" They yelled in unison, discovering Sonic's Level 1 Final Smash.

New ability learned! Fire Hedgehog!

Pull the second user using Spin Dash to the air while the first user uses Raptor Boost to send the second user rocketing to the sky, deals moderate fire damage

"Alright! We did it!" Tails cheered as everybody else sighed in relief for winning against Dr. Eggman, as Sonic came from the sky and landed on his feet, giving a thumbs up and a wink to Chris, who smiled a little after this and laughed heartily.

However, Cream looked above her to find Dr. Eggman falling to the floor with great speed and she gasped when his body didn't moved. "Oh my god! We killed Dr. Eggman!" She said in shock.

"You bastards!" Charmy said, earning a glare from everybody.

Everyone approached slowly to Dr. Eggman and approached slowly their heads to see if he was alright, but after 10 seconds of staring at the dead body, from the stomach came a cartoony face of Eggman playing a record while it laughed like a maniac and they jumped away from it.

"MWHAHAHAHAHA, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" The head laughed maniacally as it deformed by itself.

"This is...a fake!" Amy said a little furious and stomping the floor a little.

"So that means Eggman is still alive?" Knuckles asked.

"Phew, I'm glad he's still alive." Sonic said.

"...What? Why are you glad for that?" Charmy asked confused.

Sonic put his hands on each sides on his shoulders. "Because without him, my adventures are over."

"Yes," Chris began. "Because is always fun to save the Earth from imminent destruction that you want to pull out stunts to amaze the persons around, just when they're about to die."

"...Ouch, that was...cold..." Sonic said a little scared.

Meta Knight was outside the conversation as he saw the Halberd getting away into a swamp full of frogs, he quickly threw his cape aside to fly after it while the others were talking to themselves.

Big looked at Meta Knight getting away and he patted Amy's shoulder. "What's wrong Big?" Amy asked.

"Meta Knight is following the Halberd without us." Big said and Amy looked at the tiny spot that was Meta Knight getting away.

"...Rats! We have to follow him!" Amy said as her team jumped out of the floor.

"Lead the way!" Sonic said, jumping off the platform with everybody else, except for Lucario who looked back at the fake Eggman but shook his head to follow Chris and the others.

...And after 5 seconds, the fake Eggman turned into mercury and materialized into the evil robotic version of Sonic, who was the forgotten Metal Sonic.

"Data...has been copied..." Metal Sonic said as he glared at the party who was going slowly away from the canyon.

Charmy looked behind him because he swore that someone appeared where the fake Eggman was, but Metal Sonic disappeared before Charmy could take a look, the bee began to thought.

"(Was there anyone else besides us?... Nah, I must have imagining things again...)" Charmy thought before thinking about Espio and Vector.

Frog Forest


"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!" Chris, however, yelled in terror.

The group was now chasing down the Halberd inside a forest with big frogs that every time they "croacked", rain would appear to touch all the plants to grow extremely big, like long vines that would grow longer and longer if someone was grinding down, and those someones were the party, grinding down a long road around a big green mushroom.

"JUST STOP YELLING!" Falco said annoyed.

"I CAN'T! WE'RE SO HIGH UP!" Chris replied as he was dragged by Lucario.

"C'mon! This is fun!" Charmy cheered.


"Relax! There's safe grass in front of us!" Amy said.


"NOW JUMP!" Sonic said as everybody jumped off the vine and landed on the grass in a very tall plant of 100 foot tall height, the ground was even barely visible from their sight, the Bullet Station's abyss wasn't nothing compared to this.

"Froggy..." Big lamented after finding another frog who croacked and summoned more rain, soaking all the party instantly again.

"I'm gonna get a cold from all this rain...ACHOO!" Sonic sneezed.

"But Reddy isn't complaining at all..." Chris said.

Sonic raised an eyebrow. "Who?"

"Reddy, the bandana." Chris pointed at his red bandana around his neck and Sonic stared confused at the cloth.

" the way, do you noticed that it has holes all over it?"

"Wha-? REDDY! Oh no! This maybe happened when we were in that base on the canyons!"

Many of them backed away from Chris and "Reddy".

"VECTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR!" Charmy yelled loudly from the rain as his voice echoed through the forest and the rain itself. "IDIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT! ANSWER MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!"

"Charmy, calm down, we're going to find him and didn't you were mad at him just a while ago?" Tails asked and Charmy looked down sadly.

"W-well..." Charmy scratched his shoulder. "He may be a complete retard, idiot, dork, stupid, useless, hopeless, ugly, poor, bastard boss who make many mistakes and drags us into trouble, but he is my retard, idiot, dork, stupid, useless, hopeless, ugly, poor bastard boss who drag me and Espio into trouble!"

Kirby sweatdropped at this. "...He would bit your head off if he heard that."

Charmy cried a little. "I don't care if he bites my head off! He took me in the agency to join him and Espio! I really enjoy spending my time with those idiots...I really I'm starting to miss him in this short, little time..."

"...Wow, the rain hasn't stopped makes this moment a little sad..." Fox said, wiping out the drops from his face.

However, Falco eyed Fox closely. "How can we know those aren't drops at all?"

"A-are you saying I'm crying?!"

"Hehehehe..." Charmy laughed a little. "Just like that..."

"Huh?" Fox and Falco asked confused.

"Just like that...just like that is how we spend our time together...I wonder if I can find them..." Charmy looked above him to find an umbrella to prevent him from wetting himself, he looked to his right to find Espio holding the umbrella. "E-ESPIO!"

"I'm glad to see you fine Charmy." Espio said.

"...Y-you idiot..."

Espio closed his eyes. "I don't care if you say idiot to me, what matters now is that we're together once again...but of course, Vector is still missing somewhere else with Marth, Pit and Roy..."

"...Oh no, I completely forgot about Marth, Pit and Roy...and Pikachu and Mewtwo!" Chris said, but his face quickly changed from a worried look to a surprised look because Mewtwo was standing next to Espio. "M-Mewtwo!"

"If you're going to ask me how did I ended up here, it's because Espio offered his help to find you all." Mewtwo explained to them.

"...What a relief...everybody is slowly joining...that means the only persons that are still missing are Vector, Marth, Pit, Roy and Pikachu." Espio said.

"That's not true! We're missing the other 3!" Lucas said.

"Who?" Sonic asked.

"Shadow, Rouge and Omega!"

Sonic, Knuckles, Amy, Cream and Cheese's eyes widened a lot after hearing the name, Shadow. "Shadow?" Knuckles asked.

Lucas nodded a little scared. "Y-yeah...he was very focused at his mission with Rouge and Omega, Kirby, Pikachu and me didn't helped so much with them because they simply destroyed all the robots in sight in a matter of seconds!"

Sonic smirked a little. "Alright, Shadow's back for more then!"

"...Ahem...Sonic?" Chris stared at Sonic for a moment and the hedgehog's smirk disappeared.

"Oh...right...anyway, let's move on to find them and fast!"

Meta Knight nodded. "I agree, but if we reach the Halberd before finding them, we must abandon our search and take back my ship."

Everyone stared at Meta Knight.

"...But Meta Knight, is important to rescue the others so we can retrieve the Halberd properly!" Chris said.


"...What's that "and" suppose to mean?" Knuckles asked.

"I remind to you all, I'm here to recover the Halberd and leave after that, didn't you remembered? That was the reason of my presense here."

"Still, that doesn't means you have to be so harsh on everybody else!" Chris said defending him and the rest.

"...I don't care..."

A sudden shock fell above everyone after hearing those words, they have been traveling so far and yet Meta Knight was still acting rude and harsh, Chris forgot that his second mission was to spend time with Meta Knight and Mewtwo and was ashamed for not be able to do so.

"...Meta Knight..."

"Do you have something to say?" Meta Knight asked bluntly.

Chris shook his head. "'re right, we need to retrieve the Halberd as soon as possible..."

"Then don't waste more time and proceed with caution." And Meta Knight flew away to catch up with his ship, while everyone stared at Chris.

"You didn't say it seriously, right?" Fox asked with crossed arms.

Chris shook his head again. "Of course not...I've been trying to get along with Meta Knight but since we woke up in the casino, I was distracted to gather all of I'm starting to think if I did the right thing..."

"And you did!" Kirby said with a smile. "Meta Knight is just too worried about the ship he doesn't uses and cares only about it!"

"Thanks for trying to cheer me up Kirby...but..."

"That's it, what's wrong with you? You're starting to act a little emo to me!" Sonic said with crossed arms. "Who cares what he says? If you think you're doing the right thing that IS right, then don't stop, he'll regret it later!"

"I think you're right...I'm sorry."

Mewtwo floated to Chris and put his hand above his righ shoulder. "You don't need to apologize for that."

"...Thank you..." Chris wispered as he noticed Meta Knight again, standing in front of all of them. "Fine, we're going now Meta Knight."

"Good." Meta Knight said as they followed him, everyone except Cream who was hugging Cheese close to her while the rain was still falling all above the place, Amy looked behind her and walked to Cream with a worried look with Big behind her.

"It's something bothering you Cream?" Amy asked concerned.

"...Amy...I want to...I want to help Chris to get Mr. Meta Knight to like him...if he is trying very hard to do it...I'm willing to help him out..." Cream said.

"Chao...chao..." Cheese said sadly.

"Who cares about that idiot Cream? He can die in hell if he wants to, don't waste your time with guys like him." Amy said as she left with the others, leaving Big with Cream and Cheese.

"Cream, I'm with your plan if you want my help." Big offered his help to Cream, who looked up to him with a smile.

"Thank you Big! I'm sure we can do it together! Isn't that correct Cheese?" Cream asked a little excited to Cheese, who nodded happily.

"Hey! We're leaving you behind!" Shouted Charmy from afar the rain.

"C-coming!" Cream said, running with Cheese above her and Big. "(Soon Mr. Meta Knight will like you Chris...I'm sure of it even if I'm the only one who believes in him!)"

Preview of the next chapter

"Shadow!" Sonic said grinning as he evaded a Homing Attack from Shadow.

"Humph, so, Rouge told me that you and someone else like me fought a while ago, I won't lose this time." Shadow said.


"Are we out of this castle yet?!" Shouted Roy from inside a door that was upside-down.

Everyone opened the doors from all the walls to say their answers. "No!"


"At last...we came so far to enter the Final Fortress..." Chris said as all the 25 (we counted Cheese again too) landed in the darkish area of the Egg Fleet.

"Don't let your guards down, this is not going to be easy." Mewtwo warned all of them.


"After Sonic screwed it up BIG TIME, now we have to beat that sin against the holy nature that it's called...umm...Super Shadow Metal Overlord?"

"I've already said I'm sorry!" Sonic said annoyed for his big mistake.


"We are gathered here today to say our farewells to a beloved friend who fought along with us, you were a great inspiration to most of us, many thought you were useless, but me? I thought you were a great helper in the battles we participated in, and so, I leave the others to say their farewells to you, now excuse me." Chris said sadly.

"These kind of...funeral gets cry!" Vector said, wiping out his mucus from his nose with a napkin.

"Shh, it's Cream's turn!" Espio wispered angrily to Vector while he sweatdropped.


"Next time: A not so good idea!" Sonic said.

Do you want to save your data?


Overwrite file?


Frog Forest
Chris, Meta Knight, Mewtwo, Amy, Cream, Big, Fox, Falco, Lucario, Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Espio, Charmy, Kirby, Lucas/
Shadow, Rouge, Omega, Pikachu, Vector, Marth, Pit, Roy


Oh, by the way, I've been posting this story in this page of a popular site for fanfiction, if you want to read the previous chapters, then use this, also, many errors are fixed too!

This site is amazing, it has all kinds of fanfiction!


Chapter 65: A not so good idea!

Frog Forest

Croak, croak, croak and more croaks, the team had the bad luck of awakening the big frogs around the forest, creating an endless rain that went for hours and hours. Worse yet, Meta Knight lost the sight of the Halberd because of the rain.

"Good, we lost it." Meta Knight said.

"How about if we take a break? We need to stay out of the water to rest." Amy suggested.

"No, we have to find the Halberd."

Cheese and Charmy sneezed at that moment. "We're going to be sick if we don't find a cave to hide from the water! At least agree in this idea!" Knuckles said, Meta Knight, not having another option, sighed in rage and decided to follow them to find somewhere to stay out of the water.

Lost Jungle

For their luck, there was a cave which was big enough to keep them away from the rain, Tails, Cream, Cheese, Charmy, Kirby and Lucas were watching the rain from the entrance while the others were thinking what to do next.

"Where do you think Pit and the other 3 are?" Chris asked to Espio.

Espio shook his head. "Sorry, but I can't think of a place where they are."

"They're probably way back where we started our search for them...maybe we missed them in our way here." Amy said.

"But we inspected all the areas, didn't we?" Charmy said from the entrance.

"Of course, but what if they were captured by Eggman?" Knuckles asked.

"I doubt that could have happened." Lucario said.

"Meh, they'll be fine, trust me." Sonic said as he leaned to the rocky wall.

"Being carefree isn't always the best option." Chris said.

"What do you mean?"

"I...well...I want to make a difference between all the characters out there...I mean, there are so many carefree persons that they always think that all the problems that happens to their friends will be resolved only by themselves, but I'm different, I worry about the sake of the others...that about..." Chris whispered the last part before shaking his head. "You can't say that a baby will be fine by just himself against a horde of monsters for example...even if the person is not a baby, he or she will be in danger. I'll prove that just by making ideas and strategies are enough to defeat going to be hard...but...I think I'll do it someday..."

Sonic blinked for a moment before speaking. "Oh, okay."

"...What? It's that all you can say about it?"

"Don't get me wrong, need to have more than that."

Chris looked at Lucario. "There's something I'm not remembering?"

" not your style...probably..." Lucario replied.

"...Is not my style? Hey, I can make a good strategy if I want to, using my mind of course, I'm going to be a person who worries about the sake of the others and a strategist in battle too!"

"And you're willing to risk your life by using weak attacks?" Mewtwo asked, quite interested into this matter.

"Power isn't all, intelligence is better than that!" Chris protested.

Sonic grinned a little. "Hehe, then, let's see how you can fight against a single enemy when that times comes."

"...Please, don't taunt me, just cheer me up!"

Lucario put his hand above Chris's shoulder and smiled a little. "Don't listen to them, I'll be right behind you to help."

Chris smiled at Lucario. "Thank you, I knew I could count on you!" He narrowed his eyes at the others. "Not like these bunch of idiots who are not willing to help me or cheer me."

"W-who said that? I'm not against that idea, I'm with you!" Lucas said as he ran to Chris.

"Thank you Lucas!"

"M-me too! I know you can do it!" Kirby said sweating a little.

"Thanks Kirby! Now I think I'm not going to talk to anyone else except for you three! Leave the special combinated attacks for only us!"

"...W-wait a minute, I'm not saying I'm not with you, o-of course I'll help too!" Fox said.

"C-count me in too!" Falco said.

"Wow, I never thought I could change your opinions so fast, thank you guys! (...Hehehe, I'm surprised that they fell for one of my first was so obvious!... But Lucario was going to help anyway.)"

"H-hey! Don't forget me!"

"You too Pit!... PIT?!"

Everyone looked at Pit who was hiding in the darkness by accident.

"What were you doing in there?" Charmy asked.

Pit dryied his left wing. "I was inside this cave from keeping myself from wetting from the rain, then you all appeared out of nowhere and didn't even noticed me!"

"So angel boy, where are the others?" Sonic asked with crossed arms.

"Marth and Roy went out scouting to search for Vector, they said he fell somewhere in the swamp." Pit explained.

Charmy began to fly around the cave excited. "For real?! We must go now!" And he ran out outside the cave just when the rain stopped.

"That bee is so hyperactive." Big said.

"W-wait for me Charmy! I want to show Sonic the true strategist I am!" Chris said as he ran outside. "AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!"

"What happened?!" Lucario asked.

"Go outside!" Meta Knight said as the entire group ran outside to find the source of Chris's scream, he was gone, but they found a hole in the grass that was leading to another place.

"He fell inside this hole?" Cream asked as she peered inside the hole.

"Chris!" Lucario jumped inside the hole and everyone looked at each other and nodded before jumping inside.

At the end of the hole...

"How did that beam took us here?" Rouge asked confused as she saw Shadow with crossed arms while he looked to a hole inside a tree. "It's something inside that hole?"

"Yes, but I sense more people coming right this way." Shadow said with a glare.

"Affirmative, multiple signs of life are rapidly coming from that hole." Omega said, as he took a yellow spot from his back. "I found Pikachu, unconscious on my back."

"...Strawberries...apples...Pecha Berries..." Pikachu mumbled to himself because he was sleeping.

"Cannot find information about what Pecha Berries are."

Rouge shuggred. "Who knows what he eats."

"AYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEH!" Chris appeared from the hole and landed just in front of Shadow, who looked at him with a glare. "...Oops..." He whispered scared.

"Now what do we have here? It's the same boy from the incident in the Space Colony ARK!" Rouge said, putting her hands on her hips. "Glad to have you around with us. Where have you been anyway?"

Chris was still staring at Shadow with terror. "D-doing a lot of things..."

"Oh, I see, and Shadow, please stop your glare."

"Humph, fine." Shadow uncrossed his arms and walked away a little to give Chris space to stood up.

"Oran Berries..." Pikachu mumbled in Omega's claws.

"Pikachu! You're okay!" Chris said as he ran to Omega and Pikachu. "Pikachu? Wake up!"

"Huh?... Good morning...hello..." Pikachu said grogily. "DUAH!" He jumped to Chris's shoulder when he noticed that he was above Omega's claws again. "Not again Omega!"

"Sorry, your presense behind my back was rather uncomfortable." Omega said.

"( feels good to have a Pikachu in your shoulder...)"Chris thought with a smile.

"Why are you smiling Chris?" Pikachu asked.

"Oh, it's nothing." Chris looked to Shadow who was holding 2 emeralds in his hands. "Y-you found the 2 Chaos Emeralds?"

Shadow nodded. "That's right, we found the blue one in the beach and the purple one in this swamp."

Just then, Pikachu's ears perked up and he glared at the water of the swamp, where bubbles started to gather and they took a fighting stance. "Undentified being approaching, please attack with extreme caution." Omega warned them.

Pikachu and Chris saw 2 capes floating above the water and they gasped when they saw 2 familiar faces. "Marth! Roy!" They said in unison.

The 2 swordsmen were unconscious but not alone, below them, a green crocodile rose up from the water carrying them in his arms, it was Vector.

"Be glad I like the swamp, or else you would have drown in there!" Vector said, pointing at the water. "Hey! You 3 again!... And you 2 too!"

"We haven't met before you idiot..." Pikachu muttered to himself.

"Really?" Vector asked as he cleaned his chain neck. "Well, you're the enemies of my client, so, get out of my sight!"

"We're NOT your enemies!" Chris and Pikachu said in unison.

"Ugh..." Marth and Roy muttered as they stood up, rubbing their heads. "Where...are we?" Marth asked confused.

"In the swamp, a jungle in the swamp to be precise." Rouge said.

"Finally! We reunited everyone else!" Chris said and walked up to below the hole. "I wonder if they're coming for me...OH CRA-"

All the remaining members that weren't on the scene fell above Chris and Pikachu, pilling themselves above each other in every second, except for Lucario, who rolled out of the way since he was the first to land, the only one that wasn't below the pile was Cream who jumped as the last person with Cheese.

"" Chris said under the pile.

"What...he...said..." Pikachu said under the pile.

Sonic swam inside the group and got out, shaking his head. "Don't tell me to jump in the same hole again!" He said angrily. (Because he accidentaly touched someone's breast inside the pile by accident, let's call her, Amy).

"YOU!" Shadow said with an acussing finger towards Sonic and jumped in the air to curl into a ball.

"Shadow!" Sonic said grinning as he evaded a Homing Attack from Shadow.

"Humph, so, Rouge told me that you and someone else like me fought a while ago, I won't lose this time." Shadow said.

"Neither I will!" Sonic said, taking a fighting stance.

Shadow smirked and took out the 2 Chaos Emeralds, but Sonic took out the 3 Chaos Emeralds as they grinned, before a fast force grabbed the emeralds and taking them out of them. "HEY!" They said angrily in unison.

Meta Knight was the one who took the emeralds from them and kept them inside his cape. "No time to waste since this is not the time to be fighting, the Halberd took a direction towards a darkish area and we shall follow it without discussion or useless fights, understand?"

By that time, everybody was staring at Meta Knight again (with Charmy hugging Vector as he cried).

"Who died and made you leader?" Rouge asked.

"Myself, now start to walk without interruptions." Meta Knight said bluntly, naming himself the leader of all the 24 characters (even Cheese).

"Nobody orders me around." Shadow said as he glared at Meta Knight.

"Too bad." Meta Knight said sarcastically. "You have to make exceptions sooner or later, the first one happening now."

"Wait, we just woke up and we don't know what is happening yet!" Roy said.

"I know there is someone who will explain everything to you. Now start to walk at my direction." Meta Knight ordered as he walked off, leaving all the characters to talk to themselves.

"So, accept his offer to follow him as the leader?" Falco asked.

Tails sighed. "We don't have any choice, I mean, he has all the emeralds under his cape, nobody can steal them without him noticing it."

Sonic gave a thumbs up. "Leave it to me! I'll get them back before he notices me!" And he ran at high speed towards Meta Knight with a smirk, but as soon as he was about to grab his cape, Meta Knight did a quick turn, grabbed Sonic's throat and pinned him down at the floor with his sword by 1 inch away from his throat and everybody gasped at this. "ACK!... No...way!... He'!" Sonic managed to say in the grass.

"My goodness! Even Sonic couldn't do anything against him!" Pikachu said surprised.

"Target is clearly far more concentrated on his surroundings, chances on landing a hit of him by a punch is below 0.1 percent, but the chances of being killed by him is above 99.9 percent." Omega said.

"Now, if anyone is against my idea to be the leader, then you should agree with me or you will end like this desperate fool." Meta Knight said bluntly.

"(I-I don't want to be at his mercy of his sword!)" Lucas thought terrified.

"(And there he goes again...)" Kirby thought.

"(G-gulp...)" Chris gulped.

"(Impossible, if Sonic can't reach him in time, Shadow has the same probability to fail like him!)" Rouge thought surprised.

"L-lame..." Sonic was able to say, as Meta Knight increased his force above his back.

"Did you say something?" Meta Knight asked coldly.


"Just leave him alone please!" Amy pleaded for mercy, Meta Knight grunted a little and released Sonic from his grasp and walked away to where his ship was heading.

Charmy was hiding behind Vector. "...The bad man is gone?" He asked scared.

"I don't think he's a bad man...we just...kind of...irritated him." Chris said scared. "And what are we doing staring at him getting away? Let's go before he does the same thing he did with Sonic!" Chris said as he ran to Meta Knight, with Lucario and Mewtwo following him.

"...You okay Sonic?" Knuckles asked as Sonic got up slowly.

" reacted so quickly..." Sonic said as both of them walked ahead with Tails.

"If he's like that in all the fights, think of what could he do in the official matches!" Roy said to Marth.

"At least he'd be a worthy opponent...a cold opponent." Marth said as they, along with Pit, walked ahead.

"(Come on Cream, you have to think in something before this ends...)" Cream thought on her mind as she, Cream, Cheese and Big walked towards the others.

"Shadow," Rouge began. "You're not planning to do the same thing right?"

Shadow shook his head. "This is the first time I got a little scared for real."

"Following the orders of Meta Knight would be the best to stay focused and alive." Omega said.

"...And alive? Sometimes you scare me." Rouge said as the walked off.

Mystic Mansion

The night came too earlier this time and the scenery was rather creepy, a huge castle was blocking their path, bats appeared shrieking and flying away to the darkness of the night and spiders crawled out of the small holes around the walls, there was a dark abyss surrounding the castle and a huge bolt of lightning appeared on the background, terrorizing most of the young characters.

"Y-you said the Halberd landed inside this castle, M-Meta Knight?" Chris asked, hiding behind Lucario who was glaring at the castle.

Meta Knight nodded, without a trail of terror. "Yes, it is rather pathetic to try and scare us with this "creepy" castle." He noted.

More thunders fell from the clouds and most of the young characters screamed.

"SHUT UP!" Said an annoyed Espio.

Meta Knight opened the giant double doors on the castle, creating an echoing sound. "Pathetic..." Meta Knight muttered as they ventured inside the castle, it was big, there were candles creating light to make the halls visible, the light of the thunders from outside shot intense lights from the windows, Lucas looked around scared and his eyes found a familiar bomb with a countdown in front of them in another room.

Inhaling deeply, he yelled: "SUBSPACE BOMB!"

"And it's right there? Tails, you know what to do!" Amy said and Tails nodded, the fox with 2 tails flew towards the bomb but as soon as he made contact to between the doors, he disappeared in a blink.

"...AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!" Cream screamed terrorized.

"H-he disappeared just when he was about t-to reach the bomb!" Pikachu studdered in terror.

"Tsk, that's not going to keep me away from the bomb!" Sonic said as he ran towards the bomb, disappearing again.

"...It seems this castle is haunted." Mewtwo pointed out with glowing eyes to detect the area.

"No, really?" Vector responded sarcastically. "The floating portraits above us," He pointed at the floating portraits that were flying to different directions above them. "The piano from over there playing by itself," There was a piano playing by itself with a scary music. "The portrait with the shifty eyes," A portrait with shifty eyes was looking at them. "The witch laughing maniacally outside the castle and flying away to the moon," A witch outside flew towards the moon, laughing maniacally. "The carpet that is lifting and taking us to where the bomb is," The red carpet below them were taking them to the room with the invisible portal. "Are a clear proof that this castle is haunted!"

"YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!" The young characters yelled terrorized and scared as they disappeared inside the invisible portal, taking them to another room where Sonic and Tails were.


"Hey, you're here!" Sonic said with a small grin.

"What's so great about it?" Pikachu asked annoyed.

"M-Meta Knight! Where are you going?" Chris asked.

"Obviously, every second counts in our way." Meta Knight said as he flew to the other room.

Filled with irritation, Vector spoke. "Find the ship!"

"(Replace ship with computer room and it's a classic.)" Chris thought.

And so, the party ventured further inside the mansion, soon, they found themselves inside a room filled with doors on the floor, on the roof and on the walls, it was very confusing but Meta Knight opened one of the doors, went he entered, he appeared above in the roof, looking up at them.

"Wait, how did you do that?" Charmy asked to Meta Knight.

"I pressume that every door has a distortion to take you to another door and step on the walls as a normal floor, but one of these doors leads to the correct path we must follow." Meta Knight said.

Fox noticed that there were at least 500 doors inside the room, and the room was big. "This is going to take forever." He said.

Sonic said a "heh" and started to open every door, but even with his speed, he needed more help and the others decided to investigate quickly by entering all the doors and scrambling all around the room by accident, sometimes, they would appear in the same place or entering inside the doors that were previously opened by anyone else.

And the time was running out for the bomb to explode.

"Are we out of this castle yet?!" Shouted Roy from inside a door that was upside-down.

Everyone opened the doors from all the walls to say their answers. "No!"

"Damit! This is so annoying!" Knuckles yelled angrily.

There was one character that wasn't entering a door, that was Cheese who looked at the door they used to enter the current room, the Chao opened the door and he found a very different room, thus finding the right door that was the entrance to the room filled with doors.

"Chao chao chao!" Cheese said to Cream, who was just above him in the roof.

"Everyone! Cheese found the right door!" Cream said as she tried to find a door to take her to the floor, eventually, they left the room to run through a hallway filled with robots.

"Seeing that this job is so annoying, I'm going to change it!" Chris said as he changed of jobs from the Racer job to the Chosen of Mana job as his light blue wings appeared on his back and flew to cast a spell. "Holy wings, I beg of thee to reveal thy power! Angel Feathers!" Light blue rings came from his wings crossing all the robots on the hall as he landed to continue to run, while many stared at him with wide eyes, especially Cream and Charmy. "...What?"

"Those wings are beautiful!" Cream said with a smile.

"Yeah! Where I can get one of those?" Charmy asked excited.

"I'M SURROUNDED BY ANGELS!" Vector yelled terrorized, earning a punch by Espio as Pit sighed and frowned.

"Er...I can only use this for me...sorry...that reminds, I quit my spot for the speed member, and I'm going to give my spot to...Falco..." Chris said as Falco made a fist and punched the air in victory. "I'm going to guess he didn't flew at all, right Fox?" He whispered to Fox who nodded, sweatdropping.

"Hurry!" Meta Knight yelled from the other side of the hallway, where more rails appeared, leading to another place as all the characters jumpd on them to grind down to a big room where a cascade was located, and a huge black robot was blocking their way.

"Here I go!" Sonic said as he used a Homing Attack to the robot, only to be punched and being threw to the bridge where they were standing, but landing on his feet. "This guy is strong!"

"In that case, Lucario! Burst through his defense!" Chris ordered to Lucario who nodded and ran towards the armored robot, the robot threw a punch to Lucario but the Aura Pok?mon blocked it with his hands to prevent the colliding from hitting him. "Now, Tails, fly above him!" Chris said and Tails flew above the robot to get his attention. "Next, Mewtwo, try to immobilize him using Confusion!"

"...I see now..." Mewtwo said and began to glow to stop the robot from moving, using Confusion.

"Now's our chance, Sonic, join forces with Shadow and use a Homing Attack on the center of the armor to break through!"

Both hedgehogs jumped high in the air and turned into quick spinning spheres and went rocketing towards the robot's armor, breaking through and crossing to the other side, the robot was making a short circuit and exploded before their eyes.

"That was...incredible!" Kirby said.

"I told all of you, I'm a strategist." Chris said calmly.

"Good work, but you need more fights to call yourself an expert strategist." Mewtwo said.

"...Of course, I can't be an expert strategist in one day...oh right, the bomb!"

Meta Knight found a warp pad behind the robot and he looked at them. "This way!" He yelled and entered inside, appearing on the same room where the bomb was, the rest of the group appeared and Tails went to the bomb to deactivate it.

"...No!" Tails exclaimed surprised. "They enforced the equipment on this bomb!"

"Does that means you can't deactivate it?!" Fox asked.

Tails shook his head. "Unfortunately no, I lack of many tools right now, but If we had something that can resemble a screwdiver and a source of electricity to alter the voltage that is making the countdown to stay on, I'd have a chance to deactivate it."

Roy looked at his sword. "Hey, use the tip of my sword to act as the screwdiver!"

Espio looked at Vector's headphones. "The source of electricity could be Vector's headphones."

Vector took his headphones behind his back. "No way! These headphones took a fortune out of me!"

After a death treat by Meta Knight...

"Now turn that screw to the right while I connect the cables to the headphones." Tails said to Roy who was using his sword as the screwdiver while Tails removed the barrier and connected the cables to the source of electricity of the headphones, altering the voltage of the bomb to stop the countdown. "There!" Tails announced as the bomb turned off and they sighed in relief.

"MY HEADPHONES!" Vector yelled worried and taking back his headphones. "Tell me they're working fine!"

"Don't worry, I took extreme precautions to not damage anything inside of it." Tails reassured Vector.

"You better say the truth or else I-"

The whole castle trembled, there was a loud sound of something taking off and Meta Knight's prdiction came true, the Halberd was indeed inside of the castle near them!

"The Halberd is probably taking off!" Pit said.

"And it is! There's smoke coming from that corner!" Rouge said pointing to a corner where smoke started to appear, Meta Knight, as before, flew at that direction at the fastest speed he could reach, everyone looked at him for a moment before following the rude knight further inside the hallway.

For their surprise, the castle was very weird from the outside, but in the inside, it was a big abyss with the Halberd slowly going to the sky of the night, a lot of robots that weren't Eggman Robots but ROB Sentries were inside the ship, transporting high-tech material around the facility inside, Meta Knight rushed towards the ship but he managed to grab a pipe near the door where the equipment usually got inside, then, the rest of the group jumped to the same pipe, grabbing to hold themselves as the ship took off the castle, the young characters sighed in relief as the darkness of the night was slowly disappearing.

Egg Fleet

"We did it! We reached the ship!" Chris said and most of them cheered for their success.

Something caught Omega's attention, it was the dark blue Chaos Emerald stuck on another pipe far away from them. "Chaos Emerald detected nearby, caution is necessary to reach the target."

Once again, Sonic smirked. "Leave it to me!" He said as he stood up on the pipe they were hanging, he leaned to the wall of the ship to not fall from it, carefully, he jumped to another pipe as he found a way to the Chaos Emerald above them, the hedgehog jumped and grabbed into the pipes each time the ship accelerated into the sky, after some minutes, he managed to reach and grab the emerald. "I got it!"

"Good work Sonic!" Tails remarked as Sonic gave them a thumbs up, but unfortunately, a very strong air pushed the hedgehog off the pipe and he went flying away, making everyone to gasp.

"Oh no, he's gonna fall at this height? We have to help him!" Roy yelled as Mewtwo got an idea, he pointed his hand at Chris and used Confusion on him to make his right hand to grab into another hand of the nearest character besides him, then, Mewtwo slowly moved Chris from the pipe to stay grabbed to Lucario's hand, slowly but carefully, Mewtwo made a huge chain with many of them to reach Sonic from far behind, Chris stretched his hand to grab Sonic's hand, the hedgehog opened his mouth in surprise before grabbing his hand, then Mewtwo sighed in relief as he pulled all of them to the pipe.

"Thanks Big!" Sonic said to Mewtwo.

"...My name is Mewtwo...idiot..." Mewtwo said and muttered the last part.

"...Oh, sorry pal." Sonic said scratching his neck in embarrassment as he handed the Chaos Emerald to Tails.

"Meta Knight," Shadow began. "Do you have a plan to enter this ship?"

Meta Knight shook his head. "It's impossible to infiltrate the ship once it takes off."

Kirby made a sad face before hearing a loud noise to his left, since he was the only character that was grabbing the far left end of the pipe, he looked to his left to see a chainsaw cutting the pipe. "Huh? A chainsaw?" He looked up to find a door opened with King Dedede using the chainsaw to cut down the pipe while he laughed. "King Dedede!" Kirby yelled and everyone looked at the mischievous king.

"So Kirby, ya here to wreck our plans eh? And look at yer voice! It's so annyoin'!" Kirby said with a smirk while the chainsaw cutted the pipe, then, another sound of another chainsaw came from the far right to where Tails was, he looked up of the owner of the chainsaw and it was...

"YIKES!" Tails yelled when he spotted Wolf cutting down the pipe.

"Don't get me wrong, I don't use this thing so often, but even so, it's the only way to prevent all of you to enter the ship." Wolf said bluntly.

"You!" Meta Knight said furiously to King Dedede and Wolf.

"I'm not afraid of ya anymore Meta Dork!" King Dedede said laughing.

Amy took out her hammer in rage. "You want a piece of my hammer?!"

Dedede took out his own hammer. "Don't make me laugh! Mah hammer is stronger than your poor imitation of a real hammer!"

"Wolf! I never thought you'd fall so low!" Fox said with a glare.

"How ironic, you're going to fall literally!" Wolf yelled as the pipe was torn from the Halberd and everyone except for Dedede and Wolf fell with high speed towards the ground, while Dedede laughed maniacally and Wolf smirking as they returned to the control room and reach Metal Sonic.

Final Fortress

"...Wait...the weather here looks dangerous..." Chris said as they fell inside black clouds.

Lucario looked to him. "Then that means..."

"...The Halberd took us to the last part!"

Rouge looked at him. "What do you mean by the last part?"

"...Um...well...I...knew it from the beginning...sort of...and...job change!" Chris changed his Chosen of Mana to his Racer job.

"Was that necessary?" Lucario asked.

"I don't know anymore Lucario! I'm freaking out because we're going to crash into the hard iron floor below us!"

"Do not fear." Mewtwo said simply as he glowed to concentrate his psychic abilities to the max, everyone else glowed in an ominous light and descended slowly into the dark fleet on the floor, and Mewtwo gasped for breath.

"Mewtwo, are you alright?" Chris asked.

"Yes...nothing is wrong with me..."

"At last...we came so far to enter the Final Fortress..." Chris said as all the 25 (we counted Cheese again too) landed in the darkish area of the Egg Fleet.

"Don't let your guards down, this is not going to be easy." Mewtwo warned all of them.

"Alright! This is the time were I kick Eggman's butt!" Sonic said, making a fist in the air as everyone else coughed to get his attention. "...And now let's go!" He tried to run away, but tripped because Meta Knight put his boot on his way and Sonic unfortunately crashed into a wall, upside-down. "What the hell man!"

" of...idiots..." Meta Knight muttered as his hand on Galaxia pressed the handle.

Chris gasped and remembered what Meta Knight told him a while ago. "Oh no...we didn't...we couldn't retrieve it..."

"You..." Meta Knight called coldly and Chris felt horror invading his spine.


"Remember what did I promised if we couldn't retrieve the Halberd in time before it went away?"

Chris gulped. " promised to kill me..."

Many of them gasped in unison (except for Shadow, Omega, Espio and Marth), and Lucario instantly glared at Meta Knight, showing his sharp fangs.

"...Right..." Meta Knight said calmly before he pointed his sword at the floor to prepare for his attack. "And know what is going to happen next after this?"

"...I'll...I'll die..."


Chris crossed his eyes to wait for the attack, but Marth stepped in front of him. "Wait! Meta Knight, you can't do this to him, is not his fault for what happened!"

"Move out, he already accepted the responsability of this mission and I shall end his life now." Meta Knight said.

"You can't!" Kirby said, stepping to Marth's left side. "You're not capable of doing such a thing!"

"Believe me Kirby, I'm capable of many things."

Lucas walked slowly to them. "T-that's just wrong! You can't decide who lives and who dies!"

"This case is an exception."

"I'm sorry but," Fox joined them. "You'll have to pass over us before you get to kill him."

"I agree," Falco said walking to them. "It's too crazy if you think about it! You're lacking of common sense."

"And you lack the power to fight me."

All of the Smashers stepped in front of Chris, trying to prevent Meta Knight from killing him, while the Sonic characters just watched the whole scene, however, Cream was the one most pertubed of all of them.

"Let me understand this, are you willing to sacrifice your lifes just for him?" Meta Knight asked and they nodded while they glared at him. "...So be it..." When they blinked, however, Meta Knight was gone.

"Where'd he go?!" Roy asked as they looked around.

"...But..." They turned their heads to find Meta Knight about to cut Chris's throat in half. "You're still weak..."

"CHRIS!!!" Everybody yelled in unison as Meta Knight prepared to slash Chris to kill him.


"UGH!" Meta Knight was pushed far away from the group and he looked at the source of the attack that he received. "Who did that?! Answer me!"

"It was me!"

"...Cream?!" Amy said surprised as Cream was flying in the air using her ears while she glared at Meta Knight with Cheese flying besides her, before Meta Knight could land the hit, Cream went rocketing towards him, using her feets to deal a strong impact on his mask and sending him away from Chris.

"Girls should be out of discussions like this, begone!" Meta Knight demanded but Cream was still in her position.

"And rude and stupid mans like you should be thinking about better things to do!"

"Do not summon my anger or els-"

"Or else what?! I'm so sick of you already!!!"

Everyone's eyes widened a lot after hearing Cream saying that.

"C-Cream!... You haven't been this mad since you defeated Emerl!" Tails said surprised.

"It's because it's time to tell him some sense from someone who values their friends and not useless things like battleships!" Cream said angrily.

"Chao chao chao chao chao!" Cheese said angrily.

"And what is a powerless girl like you going to do?" Meta Knight asked.

"Don't...hurt...him!" Cream demanded.

"Then stop me if you can!" Meta Knight yelled as he flew towards Cream, but as soon as he was going to reach her, Cheese tackled his body with force and Cream followed up by landing her feets in his mask to bury him on the floor, Meta Knight quickly stood up and tried to attack Cheese first, but Cream, once again, kicked him on his back. " could you?!"

"It's simple Meta Knight!" Cream said. "I don't care about very valuable things like most people like you do! I care about the people that are my closest friends...and...I'm not afraid to say that Chris is one of them!"

"...Cream..." Chris whispered surprised.

"And what will bring his dead? Nothing but...sadness!" Cream was starting to cry. "You'''re a pathetic person who lives only in your own sorrow and solitude!"

"...What?!" Meta Knight asked surprised.

"I'll tell you why!" Cream said crying. "You have no one to look for you! You have no interest in anyone else besides you! You only care for you! You only think that being alone will make you stronger! And...and...and you only think that once your job with others like Chris is done, you'll forget everything those persons risked their lifes just for you! They tried to be friendly too, but you turned them down!... Aha....AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!" Cream began to cry as the rain started to fall from the clouds and silence fell around the fortress, while Cheese was crying on her arms.

"...It's okay Cream..." Chris said while he hugged Cream. "I don't care anymore for Meta Knight if that's what you wanted to tell me."

"No!" Cream cried. "I'm trying to get him to like you...that's all I want to do!"

"...I'm giving up on that...sorry...there's no way to get Meta Knight to like anyone besides himself..."

"And never will! Mwhahahahahaha!!!"

Everyone looked above in the sky to find a big golden robot with Eggman's face with a lance and a shield, Dr. Eggman was probably inside the machine to fight all of them.

Egg Emperor

"Eggman!" Sonic said from the wall he was still stuck into.

"This is not the time you should appear! Wait a little longer!" Chris said.

"But this is the perfect time to get rid of all of you in one confrontation!" Dr. Eggman said as he laughed.

"I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind or 4!" Vector said as he cracked his fists.

"Dr. Eggman, your death shall be my victory!" Omega said as he adjusted his claws.

"A-are we going to fight him?" Lucas asked scared.

"The Subspace Bomb is probably further ahead of him, we should take him out and fast!" Pikachu said as electricity was being gathered on his cheeks.

"...I have no choice..." Meta Knight said. "Look, I'll forget all the things I told you before and join in this fight, if the Halberd escaped just because of my hatred towards all of you, joining your group would be for the best."

"...Meta Knight...are you serious?" Chris asked and Meta Knight nodded slowly. " did it..." He whispered to Cream who looked up to him with a smile with Cheese.


Meta Knight joined your team!

"...I warn have to do many things if you want to earn my trust first." Meta Knight said.

Chris nodded before a bullet torn "Reddy" in half and gasped. "Reddy!" He yelled as the bandana fell into the abyss below them by the air. "No! He was unique between all other types of clothing, don't worry Reddy! Every other person that wears a red bandana around his or her neck sucks!"

And Fox gave Chris a glare and Chris sweated and laughed scared.

Meta Knight's eyes shone in a weird green color. "...Or probably it will take you more time..."

"...Guys?...Dr. Eggman and his huge robot?" Rouge asked as Dr. Eggman got enraged by no reason.

"Enough of this! Sonic! Tails! Knuckles! Shadow! Rouge! Omega! Amy! Cream! Cheese! Big! Espio! Charmy! Vector! Chris! Meta Knight! Mewtwo! Fox! Falco! Lucario! Pikachu! Kirby! Lucas! Marth! Pit! Roy! Prepare to meet your maker!" Dr. Eggman said furiously and the whole party wondered how did he was able to say all their names without gasping for breath...or how he knew about most of the names of the Smashers since they didn't told him their names in the Space Colony ARK.

The Egg Emperor flew away and most of them groaned at this.

"Don't tell me we're going to chase that robot like the last robot!" Charmy said annoyed.

"...Wait, we have 6 of the 7 Chaos Emeralds right? Let's give them to Sonic so he can defeat that robot in less time!" Tails suggested as he looked around for Sonic. "But where is he?"

Sonic whistled from the wall he previously crashed into, because he was still stuck. Knuckles went to him to take him out and Sonic dusted off his gloves.

"Meta Knight! Give the other 5 Chaos Emeralds to Sonic!" Pit said and Meta Knight threw the 5 Chaos Emeralds to Sonic, who took them in the air and began to shone brightly to charge a powerful and stronger version of the Spin Dash.

"Wait just a minute Sonic! Let Shadow use it too!" Rouge said from below as Shadow joined Sonic to share the power of the Chaos Emeralds, both hedgehogs were spinning in midair, but nothing happened as they were still in midair as the group saw a huge laser that was going to crash into them.

"What do we do?!" Lucas asked as he panicked.

"Flight members! Take us above to dodge the beams, now!" Chris ordered and all the flight members (minus Falco) took all of them above the beam to evade it in time, then they landed on the floor and began to run after the Egg Emperor.

"Hurry up you two!" Amy said as she ran ahead.

"Take this!" Eggman yelled with his lance pointing at the clouds, a thunder fell on the top of the spear and the robot slammed the lance into the floor to electrocute the floor, causing severe damage to all the party.

"Wait a minute, you don't have that attack normally!" Chris pointed out as Dr. Eggman laughed.

"It's because I have my own Chaos Emerald with me fools!" Dr. Eggman laughed as Mewtwo glowed to find the emerald inside.

"The emerald is constantly changing places to keep it away from anyone inside the robot!" Mewtwo said.

Omega looked behind him to locate Sonic and Shadow still spinning in midair. "Target can survive even with just one emerald, retrieving the Chaos Emerald is necessary for the success of this mission." Omega informed.

"Let the power members attack just one place to torn it off from the robot!" Chris ordered as all the power members (he had to throw Lucas to the robot to cooperate), focused their attacks on the left arm, but the shield that the Egg Emperor used blocked their attacks and pushed them away to the air, but landed on their feets.

"Amy and Espio! Blow away the shield by combining your tornados!" Chris commanded.

"Roger!" Amy and Espio said in unison as Espio sneaked below the shield, he did a handsign to create a tornado under the shield, then, Amy created a tornado by doing a hard swing of her hammer in the air to struck Espio's tornado, that was turned into a typhoon and blew away the shield into the abyss.

"Power members! Resume your attacks on the right arm, now!" Chris ordered and the previous power members jumped towards the right arm where the shield was used before, using slashs, Aura Spheres, PK concentrated blasts, flamethrowers (courtesy of Vector), Confusions to prevent the arm from moving, punches and smacking it with a fishing rod, the right arm went down but the Chaos Emerald wasn't there.

"ARGH!" Dr. Eggman yelled angrily, fire began to surround the lance and like the thunder attack he did before, he thrusted his lance on the floor to create a hot temperature before it turned into flames that erupted from below their feets.

But before the flames were going to sprout out the floor. "Flight members, now!" Chris yelled and all the flight members grabbed 2 characters to fly above the flames to evade them. "And use us as electric bullets to the head, now!" He commanded and Tails, Cream, Rouge, Charmy, Meta Knight, Kirby and Pit kicked every person below their feets to shoot them towards the head. "Keep going and don't stop!"

"My head is spinning..." Kirby said as he was lunged at the head.

"YAH!" Tails kicked Knuckles with force to slam him into the head, with the last hit, the head exploded but the emerald wasn't there either.

"The emerald must be inside the lance, let's destroy the lance!" Meta Knight said.

"(But I doubt we can destroy the lance without him noticing us.) But we should take his lance away from him, in that case, all the speed members must distract him and let the power members grab the lance from him!" Chris said and ordered, Amy, Espio, himself, Fox, Falco, Pikachu and Marth ran around in circles around the Egg Emperor, distracting Egg Emperor and letting all the power members from take the lance from the hand, Eggman struggled to pull his lance away from them, but with a last try, the power members took the lance from him and backed away with it.

"Mewtwo! It's the emerald inside the lance?" Chris asked.