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Well I have two choices here...

Started by Zora Link, March 20, 2008, 06:07:16 PM

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Zora Link

1. I can move my Wii to a different TV instead of the main one
Pros: I'll be able to play while parents are watching TV - So I can play online when everyone else is online (like right now)
Cons: I'll have a weaker connection to wi-fi, as the T.V it's on right now is the closest to the router... but even that's a horrible connection as it is.

2. Leave it.
Pros: Slightly stronger connection, but still a horrible connection.
Cons: Will be forced to share a TV with parents, and if I want to play Brawl, and they want to watch, they will always win.

this sucks. -_-


Try getting a cable and directly linking it up.
Might help.

Or, change the router settings and move the Wii.


I suggest messing around with the settings on your router. I got a much better connection after I changed my channel and whatnot.

Oh, and move the Wii. Being on almost constantly is nice. :P


playing the game when ever you want is more important then having a slightly better wi-fi connection. i have a nice TV in the basement that i like to play on, but i always have to move it uptairs to a crappy TV in my older brothers room cause I can't play T games while my two little siblings are running around. i used to have a big nice TV in my room as reward for getting straight A's last year, but my parents took it away so they could replace the TV in the living room that was 20 years old and not working. that sucks.
The Brawl Shenanigans -Tibar's Team

I know, my sig is just awesome! Die spoiler rule!


Playing the game is more important, OR you could just move the wii back and forth when needed; but I doubt that will work well.
[21:11] <mackormoses> let's take a look at today's stats
[21:11] <Rosencrantz> stats today are high
[21:11] <mackormoses> holy intercourse ing poop
[21:11] <Rosencrantz> you adding all these standards
[21:11] <Rosencrantz> is really pushing us [/quote]
Quote from: JrDude φ on May 31, 2010, 08:32:13 PM
3 of my friends smoke weed. Why? Well I asked one time, and this is what they said: "Because I can blow out smoke and it makes me feel like a intercourse ing dragon"


I would move it. That way whenever you wanna play you can without worrying about if your parents wanna watch something.