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Pokemorph: Infection

Started by Pokemaster218, March 21, 2008, 04:10:55 PM

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Pokemorphs: Infection

Hoenn had been quiet for far too long, it had seemed to most. The silence was almost eerie. Something was amiss, however, in the far reaches of the ocean. Team Aqua and Magma had come across new technology at the same time, in an undersea cavern outside Sootopolis. They stopped outside the doorway to the final room, and began to fight about who was the rightful owner of the interesting technology. Why both of them wanted it was a mystery, but as they opened the door, they got it.

Spread from the seawater and then transferred into the air, a mysterious miasma traveled out into Hoenn. Humans were unaffected by it, but the pokemon were. It seeped into the pokemon's blood stream and got to their minds, making the pokemon easily angered and violent. This was how it would spread to humans. With even the slightest scratch, humans were at risk from contracting pokemon DNA, and forming a human-pokemon hybrid. Scientists deemed this new species 'pokemorphs'.

The process was painful. The spot of infection would start to burn, and the body would follow. The wound would quickly heal, yet the subject would start experiencing intense cold symptoms. Normally, a cold sweat hits and the subject is forced to stop acting and lie down. That?s when the problems begin. The body begins to react and transform to the new DNA introduced to it, and soon it is a human-like pokemon, or a pokemon-like human.

While a cure is being looked into, nothing has been found so far. The virus was locked away to keep it from spreading again, but after being tampered with, Team Aqua and Magma had released the virus onto the world.

And they said, "Perfect."


Welcome to the darker side of the pokemon world. A few weeks ago, a virus was released to the world of Hoenn. The virus attacks pokemon, infecting them. There are no visible signs of infection. The pokemon experience aggression and often attack humans for relief from their hellish virus. Once the virus is passed on by a bite or scratch, the pokemon DNA travels through the wound and into the human.

The process has already been described. The changed subjects are neither human nor pokemon... they are half of both. A hybrid, some might call it.
Humanity is desperately struggling for a cure. However, some humans... don't wish for a cure to be found. They have made it their jobs to capture and train these pokemorphs like pokemon. The species are beginning to separate... and the division is evident. Towns around Hoenn are left vacant and distraught, while the few remaining humans begin to close themselves off from Pokemorphs. Signs have begun appearing on shop windows and around towns, saying "NO POKEMORPHS" or "POKEMORPHS MUST BE LEASHED."

Why the harsh words? Humanity fears what it cannot understand, of course. This virus struck only a few days ago... and there still isn't a cure.

However, the pokemorphs have also improvised in a time of crisis. They quickly retreated from the towns that grew to hate them, and soon came to the forests around Hoenn, beginning to build small villages of pokemorphs alone. They take in recently changed and infected humans, and their numbers steadily grow. Their city remains hidden, however, from the ones known as the "Pokemorph Wranglers."

However, this story does not begin here. A small hospital on the outskirts of lilycove had been quarantined for cases of the pokemorph virus... at the moment, over two hundred cases of the virus were at work. On the coming Friday, they were to all be released. This is where the story begins... on the Thursday before exodus.


-Follow the Guidelines To RPing
-Literate to semi-lit please. No chat speak
-no Gmoding
-no flaming
-no killing, Period
-keep OCC to a min please
-I will allow legendary pokemorphs. Just choose from the list of legendaries in the second post.
-every one that has a pokemorph character starts out at, or going to, the lilycove hospital, no exceptions.
-you can Rp as a human
-you can have more than one character, up to three.
-No one-line posts. At least two or more.
-Pm All profiles to me Titled "Neither human nor Pokemon" To show me that you read the rules.
-You break the rules, I break your face ((Not really))


Character Name: Your Characters name.
Age: How old your character is.
Sex: What gender your character is.
Birth town: What town in Hoenn your character is from.
Species: What Species your character morphed into (EG, Absol morph, Raichu morph, ect.)
Morph Type: What element your character is after the morph.
Special Attacks: Moves brought on from the transformation, such as fire manipulation, ect. Must correspond with element, though.
Appearance: Describe how your character looks.
Personality: Describe your character mentally.
Biography: Describe your characters history

Character Name: Your Characters name.
Age: How old your character is.
Sex: What gender your character is.
Birth town: What town in Hoenn your character is from.
Appearance: Describe how your character looks.
Personality: Describe your character mentally.
Biography: Describe your characters history

My Profile!

Character Name: Alex
Age: 14
Sex: male
Birth town: Lilycove
Species: Pikachu
Morph Type: Electric
Special Attacks: Thunder shock
Personality: Upbeat and energetic, Alex like to make friends. He get along well with people he knows but he has a bit of a temper. He reassures people who have lost hope about the cure despite himself not believing.
Biography: After being attacked and bitten by an infected pikachu he was trying to draw, Alex was taken to the lilycove hospital. He has been there during the first cases so he does not know much about what is going on outside.


Profiles page:

User name: ShOrTi
Name: Keisha

Age: 22

Sex: Female

Birth town: Doesn't know...

Species: Arcanine

Morph Type: Fire

Special Characteristics: Dog ears, claws, tail, good sence of smell

Special Attacks: (Jump high up, run very fast) A variety of attacks using flames... ex: creating firey twisters, toxic flames


Personality: Independent. She's nice if you get to know her... unless someone ticks her off... That's when you're supposed to run like hell.

Biography: She stayed in a large city, had friends, and a great career... until she changed. That's when she ran away. Why stay? Everyone she knows would hate her.

Character Name: Jas (Jasmine)

Age: 16

Sex: Female

Birth town: Lilycove

Species: Jolteon

Morph Type: Electric

Special Attacks: Thunderbolt, electricity manipulation


Personality: She?s an athletic, smart, determined, tomboy. Jas will go on a huge temper tantrum when angry, and she loves food. She stands up for herself, what she loves, and is independent. Sometimes she?s hyper while other times she just don?t give a crap. Oh, and two words: potty mouth

Biography: After a Jolteon running wild in a theme park bit her, Jas fell off a railing she was sitting on while in line for her favorite ride. She hit her head, and was knocked unconscious, giving her slight amneisia. However, she does remember her family and close friends, years of Tae Kwon Do (and still knows how to fight), loving soccer, how to cook (and the career in Culinary Arts she wanted), and being crazy about roller coasters (she still is).


Character Name: Lily Arriele

Age: 15

Sex: Female

Birth town: Mauville

Species: Frosslass

Morph Type: Ice

Special Attacks: She has developed cryokinesis, the ability to control ice.

Appearance: Black short sleeve shirt, with a purple/maroon skirt. She has blue eyes and long blonde hair.

Personality: Lily is for the most part optimistic, although she is a bit temperamental. She is easily angered and often gets a bit sarcastic.

Biography: Lily was Nick's best friend until they were attacked by a Pokemorph infected Pokemon. Nick was about to be infected, but she saved him. However, she was infected in his place. She went to Lilycove Hospital and lived there. When she heard of the exodus, she was overjoyed.

User name:LightningSword

Character Name: Kyle Rose

Age: 21

Sex: Male

Birth town: Mauville

Species: Pikachu

Morph Type: Electric

Special Attacks: Thunderpunch, Shock Wave

Appearance: Wears a white shirt and a black cloak over it. Also dons a black top hat.

Personality: Very quiet, and sometimes goes with the flow. Is not a born leader, but will take charge when lives hang in the balance. Likes board games such as Go and Chess, and can't resist a game of Black Jack or Poker. Always wanted to be a doctor.

Biography: Kyle grew up with a peaceful life in Mauville, and went to a doctoring school. As soon as he turned twenty-one, he went to the casino area. As soon as he came out from the casino, however, his vision went black, and the next thing he knew, he was a Pikachu.

User name: Wolfpika
Character Name:(originally Alex, but now goes by Spike)
Age: 16
Sex: Male
Birth town: Orphan, so no clue.
Species: Cubone
Morph Type: Ground/Fire
Special Attacks: Bonemerang, and Flamethrower
Appearance: Human() Pokemon ()

Personality: Spike is very smart, and athletic. However, when his friends are threatened, his temper...well, that's your cue to.....just...yeah.

Biography:Alex won many awards for his school and his karate, but when practicing in the tunnel that was near Rustburo City and found a cubone. He greeted, which in return the cubone was frightened and angered. The cubone attacked by biting Alex's arm. He was found by Nurse Joy and returned him to Lilycove City. Unfortunately, Alex was in one of the worst cases, where his transformation is actually 95% complete, leaving only some color differences and the bone club is red and glows green which is similar to his spike pendant. He plans on running away, even though the nurses promise him a full recovery. He hopes he can find people who are also like him.

User name: Dr.Hobo2
Character Name: Mephistopheles...But he calls himself Matt
Age: 14
Sex:  Male
Birth town: Lilycove
Species: Lucario
Morph Type: Steel/Fighting
Special Attacks: Can sense Aura and can shoot small burst of Aura out of his hand. He is also now very athletic and fast
Personality: He's normally very optimistic and cheery. However, he fears one thing, not being accepted by people.
Biography: He was wandering around Mt. Pyre taking pictures of pokemon but he got lost and couldn't find his way back. So he was wandering around when he came across a cave where he saw a blue glow come out of there. He got curious and went in. He was overjoyed to find a legendary, Lucario, to be exact. Of course, he snapped a picture of the Lucario. However, his glee of obtaining a picture of such a rare pokemon turned to fear when the Lucario ran at him and bit his arm leaving a nice row of teeth marks on his upper arm. Not too long after collapsing to the ground in pain, some explorers found him curled up in pain on the ground. The only thing that he could remember after that was that he woke up in the hospital.

Birdie of aces
Character Name: Jake
Age: 18
Sex: Male
Birth town: Slateport
Species: Mew morph
Morph Type: Psychic
Special Attacks: Move things with eyes only. Able to put a bubble around himself and float. Is more aware of peoples thoughts and feelings, although can't actually read people's minds.
Appearance: Black, spiky hair, green eyes. Wears a white T-shirt with a black jacket over it. Also wears sunglasses, blue jeans, and worn sneakers.
Personality: Very optimistic and loves to joke. He hates losing, has a big ego, and has a temper that he can't always keep in check. If he's not in his usual hyper mood, he can get pretty angry and vengeful. But that's only on a rare occasion when something actually gets to him.
Biography: He was a fisherman in Slateport for a while, until he decided to travel and see the world. He wanted to take pictures of rare and interesting Pokemon. During his travels, looking for a Mew and Mewtwo, he found a Mew. It was infected by the virus and attacked him as he was getting a picture.



Character Name: Nicholas Sayre (Called Nick.)

Age: 16

Sex: Male

Birth town: Mauville


Personality: Nick seeks to find a scientific explanation whenever strange things happen. He is often somewhat stubborn, and more than a little pessimistic.

Biography: Nick was born and raised in Mauville. His father was a politician and his mother a scientist. Nick was nearly infected with the Pokemorph virus when he was 12, but he was saved by his childhood friend Lily Arriele, who was infected in his stead. After Lily went off to the hospital in Lilycove, Nick's father was infected by a Seviper, but did not survive. His mother went into depression, but soon recovered by trying to find a cure. She constantly worked herself, and eventually died of a stroke. Nick was momentarily depressed, but has since gotten over it. He decided to go to Lilycove himself when he heard of the exodus at the hospital.

Character Name: Karizo
Age: 16
Sex: Male
Birth town: Fortree
Appearance: Brown hair with blond streaks, green eyes, a denim jacket over a green shirt, black jeans, and blue sneakers
Personality: He's an all around nice guy. Not too many really notice him, except when he's trying for attention. Whenever it comes down to it, he'll act brave and protect anyone that seems to be in danger.
Biography: Nothing major has really happened with Karizo, just an average teen who grows up in Fortree. HIs father went missing many years ago, and he hardly got to know him.

Legendary list:
Lucario-taken by Dr.Hobo2
Mew-taken by Birdie of aces


Okay, I PM'd you my application. How many characters can you have?


((I suppose I'll start things off...))

"Uh...what happened to me?" Matt woke up finding himself on the bed in the hospital. "Why am I here? I only got a bite from a Lucario..." He stood up and wandered around the room that he was in. Hm...let's see, what do I remember. I found a Lucario, I tried to take his picture, he bit me, and now the next thing I know I find myself in the hospital...Could his bite really have been that bad?


((What the f- when did all of you pop up outta nowhere like the matrix? Oh well, let's get this RP started.))

Jas opens her eyes, but quickly shuts them because of the bright hospital lights. "Gah!" A moment later they dim and start flickering on and off. "Man, what is this poop?" She mumbles, finding that the covers and pillows are now sticking to her. "Grr..." Jas gets impatient with the bedding that won't come off her and flings it across the room, where it lands in a heap on the floor. She sits cross-legged, and looks around. "Now where am I?"

Keisha starts to come out of the sleep she's been in. 'Hmmgh, why's it so cold?' She starts shivering even though the temperature in the room is normal. "Cold, cold, cold, cold," her shivering gets more intense when suddenly, flames shoot up from her body, leaving everything she was touching charred. She sits up slowly, heat still coming from her. "A hospital...?"
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


Matt found a mirror and toke a look at how bad the bite was on his arm. He lifted up his sleeve and saw that it was almost gone. "Odd...that was qui-" He stopped mid-sentence to see that his hair was completely blue. "Gah! What happened to my perfectly black hair!" He said running his hands through his hair in a panic. "W-what's going on?"


Kyle slowly opened his eyes, not knowing what to think. Ergh... my head... maybe I went a little overboard last night... As he sat up, he looked around where he was. It seemed as if he was in a white room, and there was a small desk next to his bed. He looked down at his hands, knowing that there was something wrong.

When he realized that they were yellow and smaller than usual, he came to one conclusion. I really went overboard last night. He leaned back in his bed, closed his eyes, and tried to forget it all.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Jas looks around, and decides to turn on the TV. She only touches the remote, but the TV comes on anyways. "Ghosts maybe...?" Jas looks from side to side nervously. 'I know I didn't do it... Did I?' After trying to calm herself down, she smirks and holds her hand out to the door. 'Let's close this then... Come on...' Lightning forms in her hand, and extends to the door handle. Jas pushes her hand a bit, and it closes. "... No freakin' way! I'm like 'Static Shock' up in this mutha!" Jas jumps up and starts playing around with her new ability while singing the theme song of the said show. "Super Heerroo Static Shock!"

Keisha looks around at the burned fabric around her. "Hm?" She picks up a piece of leftover fabric, but it burns to bits with her touch. "Well, darn... and what is that noise!?" For some reason she can hear the different hospital sounds, and smell various cleansers and foods. She can feel her ears fold back when someone flatlined. 'Wait, how are my ears moving?!' Keisha reaches for the top of her head, and feels two furry appendages there. "I swear someone put drugs in my drink..." She turns to the mirror, and sees that her dog-like features are still there. "Wow... I really did have to run away..."

((Static Shock for those who don't know.
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


As much as Kyle tried to fall asleep, it wouldn't work. He looked around, and finally found a small hand mirror. He looked at his reflection, and sighed as he saw an electric mouse. He had become a Pikachu. "Damn, what have I gotten myself into...?" He muttered, setting the mirror down. He pinched himself, making sure it wasn't a dream. It wasn't. Now what do I do?

((Three people viewing, yet no one posting? >_>))
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


((This looks really interesting... Would it be all right if my character starts out as a human, then somewhere in the story he becomes infected? If I can, then I'll PM you my profile. And also, if there's anything you want me to add, just let me know before I send the PM. ;D))


Matt had to sit down as he kept running his hand through his blue hair. parents are going to kill me once they found out that my hair has been least...I think my hair has been died. "Alright...I'm just going to close my eyes and everything will be okay." He closed his eyes but he didn't stop seeing. Now everything he saw had a very faint blue glow. How can I see? My eyes are closed! He turned his head toward the mirror and saw his own reflection outlined with a bright blue glow. He then noticed that he seemed to have a huge flame of the blue glow emitting out of him in all directions. He then openned his eyes and everything he saw was normal again. "I think I need to have a look around and find out what's happening here." With that, he left his room and went down the hallway hoping someone would have an explaination.


Kyle got out of his bed, and realized that he still had his clothes on. Even weirder, they now fit his new body. This is weird... He walked out of his room when he saw a Lucario walking. Maybe he can help me... "Hey," he called out, walking up to the Lucario.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Matt turned around and saw the human-like Pikachu walking up to him. He was dumbfounded by this. He then realized that his tail had knocked over something on the table nearby. Wait...Tail? When did all this happen? "Oh, um...Hi." He said trying to get the shocked look he had into a smile of some sort.


Kyle sighed, realizing he was unsuccessful. "So, I take it that you've just turned into a Pokemon as well?"
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


" that's what's happening..." Matt said to himself thinking for a moment. "Well that does explain a lot for me." I can't believe that Lucario did that to me. "Wait...I've heard of this thing before. I'm pretty sure this has something to do with Magma and Aqua...But I can't remember what it was called."