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Myths of the Forgotten Part I: Sins

Started by OmegaMasterDeath, March 24, 2008, 08:25:11 PM

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(Original story)

Chapter 1: The Letter

In the beginning, there was a young woman who created reality. Her name was 'Existence' She lived a long life alone. She created a young man and named him 'Time'. The two spent the eras of existence together by each others side. Time was not supposed to create anything. He did anyway. He made another woman and named her 'Peace'.

Existence was furious that Time did this. She sealed him away to watch over all she created, but made sure he could not do anything nor say anything. She then created a black serpent and struck down Peace. As Peace was dying, a bright light flashed forth. Thus the universe was born. 'Life' was born.

This infuriated Existence who fought a brutal battle against Life. The battle raged on and on with no meaning or purpose.

The Serpent, feeling betrayed, struck and mortally wounded Life and Existence. He then sealed them both away on a planet.

The women had other plans. They sealed the serpent to the planet and forced it within reach of the mortals that came into being. The serpent, named 'Death', had to guard the women regardless of what he wanted or desired.

To this day, nobody has been able to take the power of creation.

The year is 500 YE (Year of Exile). 500 years ago, Earth was destroyed by the war known as Ragnar?k. Those that did not wish to be a part of the war, fled. They were the only survivors. Humanity now resides in far away. The military has been forced into quite a bit of red tape to protect the civilians. The military became the police force. There are a few planets belonging to brigands. However, only humans are to be found. No other sentient species have been found t this time.

The teachings of Neo-Creationism are wide spread with many followers. The priestess set the bible down and closed her eyes. Her followers left the church. One of which was a commander of the military special forces. She wore her blue uniform with pride. Her many medals were kept at home. She hid her face with her hat as she made many enemies over her 20 year career. Her long brown hair was kept in a ponytail. Her blue eyes were deep and hardened. She walked back to base to get an update on what was going on.

She walked past a man she knew well. His gray eyes shot at hers and made her feel uneasy. His unruly black hair was all over the place. He was quite the creep. However, he always did what she asked and did not complain. He walked into his room and opened a letter. He read it and smiled. He took something out of a drawer and ran out.

Several enlisted man watched on and laughed. The leader of the group turns to his subordinates. "Today is the day he gets dumped."


Chapter 2: Unusual Day

The doors slid open at a violently fast speed allowing the woman to enter the room. Inside were several desks and a visual board. It was a standard military briefing room. This is where assignments were given out to the various commanders. Nobody else was in the room. She walked over to a desk with the name "Alice Summers" engraved in the name plate space. After all, that was her name. She took a book out of her pocket and opened it.

It was a book on history. Recent history to be more precise. It talked about the year 2999 AD, the last year on Earth. It talked about how humanity repeated practically all the mistakes it made in the past since the dark ages. It talked about how all the religions were almost destroyed by corruption. Those religions were still around, but the numbers were extremely small. All now taught the ways of peace.  It talked about how quite a few humans chose to flee Earth and form a new society in  a far off region space. It talked about how the scientists watched helplessly as Earth was destroyed from within through their telescopes.

It talked about the three houses of government. All three had equal power and all three had 100 elected officials. One for each sector of the colony named, "Rome". The houses were named, Parliament, Senate, and Council. That was as far as she read.

She closed it and quickly put it away when the door opened. Several other commanders came in and sat at their respective desks. The Admiral, Karen Serass, came in with her usual bad mood. She briefed them on yesterday's successes and failures. Those that had failures had to clean up the mess. Alice, having success with her assignments, got a new one. This time it was a simple gang uprising that had to be stopped.

She was also tasked with finding two rings. Each ring looked like a dragon's head. One was black and had red eyes. The other was white with green eyes. The mouth of each ring was to face away from the person who wore the ring. She would be given more detail when she had both rings. Alice was a little dumbfounded at this assignment. She had no clue on why these rings were important. She was also told not to tell anyone about the second assignment.

After the debriefing, she left. She went to her station and told her subordinates what was going on. All she was allowed to say, but they knew something else was up. The unit was too tightly knit together to hide anything. They also knew something was up with Lt. Ryan Deimos, who had the apt call-sign of 'Creep'. He was the man with the unruly black hair she passed earlier that day. Although they did not see what he did, they knew he slipped something onto the commander's hand. She slapped him. If he was trying to get a date with her she had to stop this before they both got executed for fraternization. It was considered treason as several incidents had happened that ruined the military's good image with the public. She sent them out. Once they left, she looked at the object on her hand. She put it away in her pocket post haste and in shock. She then went to Ryan's locker and tried to figure out his pass-code.

Try as she might, she found no way of knowing the pass-code. Ryan always wore gloves so fingerprints were not going to be found. The pass-code pad itself was holographic so wear and tear checks were out of the question. She reached over to start plucking away at the pass-code pad to guess what it was. Then another hand shot out in front of her and slid a card down the side. She jumped and looked to her left, where the hand came from. The man standing there had gray eyes, long properly groomed brown hair, and a military uniform. He was Admiral Arthur Deimos, one of the most influential Admirals in the military. He gave her a stern look. "I hear my son has a new girlfriend."


Chapter 3: The Jig Is Up

While awaiting the return of the team, Admiral Deimos and Commander Summers went to the barracks to figure out what was going on. They asked questions and nobody gave any answers. Commander Summers looked around something was not right. "I think it is time."

The Admiral, knowing what she meant took a deep breath. He pressed  button on his right shoulder. "INSPECTION TIME!!! I DO NOT LIKE WHAT I SEE HERE!!!"

The cadets and enlisted just looked at him and laughed. They thought this was the best joke one of them has ever pulled. They stopped laughing when the inspection teams came bursting through the doors and put the place on lockdown. They cringed. They had no idea he was actually an Admiral.

He saw what she saw, very dirty walls, security cameras in a state of disrepair, clothes and whatnot on the floor. All in plain sight and in violation of several safety and heath protocols. The cadets and enlisted had to clean it all up. The Admiral and the Commander personally inspected all trash. They found love letters in the trash of one cadet Rina Smith. The commander shook in rage. The love letters were in Ryan's handwriting.

Rina knew she was busted. She paniced. "Hey, please chill out. It is only a prank to set him straight. He picked up a note I left for my civilain boyfriend by mistake and replied." She did not look anything like the Commander, but if one uses words, those words could be used for either one. "Brian, Charles, and myself just want to toy with his heart then shoot him down to teach him
a lesson."

Cadet Brian Gots, who was nearby in uniform, backed her up. "That's right. Poor Ryan will be in tears once she returns the ring to him."

Rina looks at Brian in confusion. "What ring?"

Brian pulls out a love note from Ryan and reads it. "'My love, I hope you will allow me to be so bold. Earlier today, I have given you a ring and did not have time to tell you what it is. I made it myself for you to wear at our wedding...'"



"I never saw him today. He did not give me any ring."

Brian was dumbfounded. "What? If you didn't get the ring....then who...?"

The commander stepped over to Brian and punched him in the face with her left fist. "You dumb ****!"

The Admiral waved his hand and MPs came. "You made my son fall in love with Commander Summers?"

Brian is knocked out and lying on the floor. The other cadets looked on in shock. They learned very quickly that trying such a prank was not a good idea. Rina looks around and shivers. "Oops. This was not part of the plan."

The MPs took Rina and Brian away to be processed and then dishonorably discharged.

The Admiral looked around and saw one cadet walking over to a violet haired female cadet. His eyes looked as if they were burning embers. The female cadet was too shocked from seeing Brian KO'ed to notice him. The Admiral approached the female cadet and got there before the male cadet did. "Are you also a part of a plot planting false love?" His stern voice caught her attention.

"I love nobody." She then saw the male cadet looking at her as if she was already dead.

A brunette female cadet popped up with a violet wig. "Sir."

Both men spun around.

"She was not part of the plot you can see."

The male cadet rushed her and got knocked down and out by the Admiral. He motioned for this brunette female cadet to be taken away. "I hope for your sake this man accepts you being dishonorbly discharged."

The violet haired cadet turns to the Admiral in confusion. "Why's that?"

"He's from Atlantis."


Chapter 4: Nightmare

While the inspection of the barracks was underway, Commander Summer's team had arrived at the site of one of the latest incidents. The team consisted of Creep, Thor, Valkyrie, and Hathor.

Creep was the overhead camera operator and spotter for the team. His methods might be questionable at times, but his skills had few equals. He used only a standard pistol as he saw no real danger since he was away at a secure position at HQ.

Thor, a muscular African descendant, was the main brute force in the team. Weapon preference was an over sized morning star. His armor was heavy and bulky. He was an orphan and had no real name. Then again, most of the military were orphans so call signs were used as real names in many cases. He had no hair, but that didn't stop him. In fact, he says that he preferred not to have hair because 'it gets in the way'.

Hathor was the sniper of the unit. Her long flowing curly red hair was always kept in a make-shift ponytail. Her aim and precision were among the best in the military. Cold hearted and preferred to remain alone. She hated life because of how poorly she was treated at the orphanages she spent her childhood in. Her blue eyes saw much pain. Her weapon of choice was the M-74  "Wasp". A sniper rifle with a built in scope that uses 50 cal rounds. The silencer was built in to avoid being noticed from any range.

Valkyrie, a woman of near peerless beauty, rounded out the unit. As skilled with a med-kit as she was with a knife. Her tongue had a tendency to be as sharp as her knife. Ranked #4 when it comes to close quarter combat, she is as dangerous as she is beautiful. Her weapon of choice was a dagger of arabic design. She named it the "Scorpion's Stinger". Apt because it looked similar to the stinger of an actual scorpion.

Commander Summers herself was Ranked #2 in all categories. She spent years of long days and nights to perfect all the military had to offer. The only one that was in the military that outdid her in every way possible was none other than Admiral Deimos himself.

Once Creep got the camera online, he saw the wasteland that was once a huge residential area. His eyes became wide with shock. "Holy crap! Looks like Ragnarok came to this sector." All the buildings had at least half of them in shambles or as rubble. It looked like a scene from hell.

Thor looked around and smiled. "My kind of place."

Valkyrie turned to Thor and slapped him. She hated seeing so much destruction.

Hathor looked around through her sniper scope. She saw two groups of obviously gang members. Both were in different buildings and probably in rival gangs. She kept looking and saw a man in a black hooded cape, a mask she could not make out the details of, black armor that made him look like a dragon, and a sniper rifle without a scope. "****!" She dived for some cover behind an overturned large trash container. "Guys. He's here."

The others dove for cover behind cars. Valkyrie made a slight sound as she landed in the bed of a pick-up truck.

The man shot his eyes over at the truck. He saw nothing, but knew someone was there. He kept an eye on the pick-up truck. He was right handed, but used his left eye when it came to aiming the gun. He fired one shot. It was loud and the gangs jumped. The bullet went through the metal that made the bed of the truck, through the armor on Valkyrie's upper right leg, through the leg itself severing a major artery, through the armor on the other side of the leg, and through the metal that made most of the rest of the truck, including the empty gas tank. All this and with no line of sight or a scope.

Valkyrie cringed in pain and started to perform surgery on her leg. It took thirty seconds, but she managed to stitch the artery back together. She lost quite a bit of blood and needed extraction. The blood seeped into the man's view.

A gang member went to see what the noise was and saw the man. He immediately fired two shots at the man with a pistol even though the man was well out of range and hid behind the steel foundation pillar, something designed to take a beating and could stop most bullets. The man fired through the pillar and the bullet went right through the pillar like it wasn't even there. It also went through the gang member's heart causing it to shatter.

A gun battle ensued between the two gangs and the man. Thor and Hathor took the time to extract Valkyrie. Some rockets were fired at the team, but Hathor shot them down with extreme precision. The mysterious man shot down a few himself as if to tell her that he could do it as well. Thor spun around and knocked the head off a charging thug with his morning star. The team left quickly. The mission was a failure. Creep reported what happened to the Admirals. Although they were not pleased with the results, the man the team encountered, was someone that was too powerful for even the entire military to take down.

The mysterious man had no name. He was skilled in every weapon known to man. He faced Admiral Deimos in a duel a few weeks ago. The Admiral lost. Several hundred troops died to extract the Admiral. This man knew no equal. Feared by all, loved by none.

When Creep learned about what the commander found, he shook nervously. He had plans to get married to her. All crumbled before his eyes. He was escorted back to his quarters to await trial. The next morning, however, the MPs found Creep hung on a rope. He tried to kill himself. Admiral Deimos went in as they cut his son down. He loomed over his son in disgust. "And to think I call you my son." The Admiral then slapped his son knocking him out. He left as if he was about to explode. Creep, on the other hand, went to the courthouse for his trial. He was later found guilty of attempted fratenization. All involved in the prank were sentenced to 15 weeks of isolation. water and food were put at a minimal to ensure the punishment was effective. Had this been real, they would have been dishonorably discharged and executed for treason.

Things got worse. After the Commander's daily briefing, Hathor burst into the room in fear. The door shut behind her. "I think he's following me." Hathor explained that at breakfast, some punk came into the local diner she usually goes to for breakfast and started boasting that he was that individual that defeated Admiral Deimos. The man approached her and tried to hit on her. She didn't buy it and called his bluff. The man couldn't hit a can from 15 meters with the stance the man in black used. Then he took out a sword and swung wildly he kept boasting about his skills. What happened next was that the man this punk claimed to be, was run through by the black blade that did not reflect light, the man in black armor's trademark blade. Unlike the man in black armor, the sword had a name, 'Destroyer'. It was very apt since it could destroy anything it cut. No armor could stop it. No energy shield could stave it. It was a blade rumored to be made out of the purest of hatred. The real man in black came walking out from the alley. The man walked toward Hathor. Hathor got scared and ran.

The commanders calmed her down. The man would never dare set foot in this place. They showed her the way out and opened the door. Sure enough, the man in black armor was right there. With a wave of his right hand, everyone was flung toward the wall on the opposite side of the room. Some crashed into desks, some hit the celing, and the others hit the walls. The force from whatever the man did knocked them all out. When they woke up, they were in the infirmary. They had been out for three hours. Granted, magic use was becoming common within the past 50 years, but magic on this scale was unheard of. Hathor, on the other hand, was nowhere to be found.


More to come soon.

(Meaning I have been too busy with my personal life and school to think up of a good chapter)


Chapter 5: Wake Up Call

It seemed like hours since Hathor went missing. The Commander started to get desperate and went out herself. She opened the door and the next thing she knew, a wall of water slammed into her face. She screamed with her eyes closed. When she opened them, she saw the other commanders as well as Admiral Deimos. He was briefing them on the day's events. She was soaking wet. They looked at her like she was nuts. She looked around and saw Creep and Hathor flanking her with empty buckets.

Hathor spoke first. "Admiral, sir, I told you she was asleep."

Commander Summers wondered how long she was dreaming and searched her pockets. She found the ring she had taken a while ago, but showed it to nobody.

Creep and several commanders were laughing all the while. "You need to get some more rest at night ma'am. You went to sleep long before da.....I mean Admiral Deimos came in." Creep's remark made Commander Summers give him a dirty look.

Admiral Deimos got curious. He was also a little worried. "What was the dream about?" He looked on with an angry desire to know.

She told the people in the room all the details of the dream. Who was involved, every location with extreme accuracy. Every last detail. She even talked about the love born from a lie in the cadet living quarters.

Creep looked at her. "That was one heck of a dream. I now regret waking you up."

The part about the magic made quite a few commanders laugh. That only happens in dreams. The Admiral, did not see this with the same attitude the others did. He remembered his history report from way back in high school about a similar incident that happened on Earth a few weeks before the 'Flight' when the last remaining humans fled Earth. Magic was used back then, but nowadays, nobody could pull it off to save their souls. He gave her a violent nod. It meant that she had to tell this to the High Priestess as well as the other Admirals. They left silently. The others tried to follow, but another admiral stopped them. It was Admiral Damion Phobos. He continued where his best friend, Admiral Arthur Deimos left off.

Admiral Deimos and Commander Summers past by the medical sector and saw Valkyrie still being operated on. They had to remove her leg because it was disintegrating by a powerful acid. The commander shook her head in shame. The admiral looked at her.

"Relax. That man is impossible to track. There was no way anyone could have known."

They arrived at the main briefing room, the one for the Admirals get their briefings so early in the day. The High Priestess was already there. She stood in the middle of the room. She wore a traditional Japanese Shrine Maiden's wardrobe. Her long black hair was put up nice and neatly in a ponytail. Her back was to them. "Is this the woman who had the vision?"

Admiral Deimos knew she was not psychic, but had a spy in the room that gave her every last detail. The spy had long gone as far as he knew.

Commander Summers introduced herself and told the High Priestess her dream. Admiral Deimos relayed the conversation to the others by his comm link on his collar. Once the explanation was done, the Admirals dismissed it as hogwash. The High Priestess, on the other hand, found it interesting. With a snap of her fingers, Both violet haired female cadets and the Atlanthian from her dream were forcefully pulled into the room by MPs. The Admirals stopped laughing.

The High Priestess turned around. She looked very ordinary for a woman rumored to be extremely beautiful. Her green eyes seemed different from that of a normal human though. "Are these the cadets involved in the false love?"

The commander nodded.

The High Priestess snapped her fingers again and the cadets were taken away. "As we have all read in history books and recent teachings, this wasn't the first time this scenario happened."

Admiral Deimos shot her a quizzical look. "You talk about the downfall of 'One With No Name'?"

The High Priestess closed her eyes and nodded. She then opened her eyes saying, "The very same."

Commander Summers slumped to the floor. She took out the ring. "It is as if history wants to repeat itself."

Admiral Deimos left because of a personal problem that came up. He respectfully asked for permission to leave. He got it and left.

The High Priestess whispered a few things into Commander Summer's left ear. The commander nodded and gave the ring to her. Once the High Priestess had the ring, she left. Commander Summers left the room and went to the reservoir. She was asked to look into something trivial that bothered the High Priestess.

Later, the High Priestess went into her room in the Holy Cathedral to meditate. She put the ring on the table near her bed. As she meditated, she felt a presence behind her. "The fool we trusted was careless."

A right hand picked up the ring. The person examined the ring and put it on. It fit nicely. A female's voice was heard. "I hope that we will not have to worry about him talking."

The High Priestess stood up and turned around. "Will you...'take care' of this problem for me my chosen guardian?"

The figure on the shadows nodded. "It shall be done." The woman left.

The High Priestess then sat on her bed. "So he has returned. Evalys, Goddess of Creation, I fear that that time is drawing near."


Chapter 6: Visions

Not able to shake the bad feeling her dream gave her, Commander Summers made a pit stop at the diner she saw in her dream on her way to the water purification plant. As she entered the place, she saw Hathor sitting at the bar. She got very uneasy. Hathor turned around and saw her. She waved for the commander to sit at a barstool next to her. Hathor ordered two sodas.

Alcohol was not on the menu as strict enforcement of 'anti-drunk' laws were always in effect due to so many violent crimes related to alcohol abuse. All patrol units are to shoot and kill any drunk they saw on sight no questions asked. The bars wisened up after a few bloodbaths. A few months ago, gangs made moonshine in Neo Berlin. As a result, the biggest riot on record happened. After three weeks of fighting, the Military High Command cast Neo Berlin and it's entire population into the sun after the military forces inside pulled out. Neo Berlin was a central hub for many of the sectors of the gigantic space station humanity now lived in. Nothing was put in the space where Neo Berlin occupied, nor was it allowed for anything to be there. 15 thousand people died. That was one third of the population of the space station. Since then, the gangs wisened up and stopped trying to make alcohol....for the time being.

The thoughts of the bloodbaths at this particular bar years ago still lingered in Commander Summer's mind as she was a child who watched in horror when the first bloodbath happened. Sure enough, when she sat down, some fool claiming to be the man in black armor came up and tried to hit on Hathor. The ladies looked at each other silently and got up to leave.

Commander Summers told the fool that someone else claimed to be the man in black armor. She pointed to a man across from the bar. She told the truth as the man was Isika Norialy, a Yakuza fanatic who was recently cast out of the Yakuza for reasons nobody would talk about. Isika did in fact claim to be the man in black armor and still does to this day. The fool attacked Isika and proceeded to get his rear end kicked while the ladies ran out the back door. The bouncers had their hands full with the fight.

As they raced through the back alley, Commander Summers tried to lead Hathor to the water purification plant. On the way, Commander Summers fell to the ground as if in a daze. Her eyes were open, but she could not see that well. She saw the man in black armor. He was walking around a corner. She neither saw nor heard anything else. She led Hathor away from their current path not a moment too soon. Hathor spun around and saw the man in black armor walking around a corner...walking in their direction.

The chase was on. The man saw them. The women raced down alleys and back streets trying to evade him. It was as if he enjoyed this chase. He jumped into the air towards them and was able to cut off their route several times. They slipped by him every time until the made it into the water purification plant's side door. He landed short and walked towards it. The ladies slammed the door and locked it. Hathor peeked outside and saw the man was no longer there. Both slumped to the ground gasping for air.

Hathor broke into conversation first. "What the......what just happened?"

Commander Summers replied, "I....I think I changed the course of history. Had I not been there, you would have been....."

Hathor looked at her superior officer. "Dead?"

Commander Summers nodded.

"Commander Summers, Miss Hathor, What brings you here?"

They looked in front of them and saw several security guards for the plant. The leader of the group was no one she recognized. He was about 2 meters tall with long blond hair, brown eyes, and muscular. His name tag said, 'Jason'.

Commander Summers got up. "The high Priestess asked me to inspect this place. Something about this place has been troubling her. I need to inspect the reservoir itself."

Jason looked at her and waved for his men to stand down. "Inspect the reservoir?"

The commander nodded.

Jason grinned. "About time."

The commander and Hathor gave Jason a quizzical look.

Jason chuckled. "We have not had a chance to inspect the reservoir in some time. About 5 years I think."

Hathor snapped. "Even so, you should have checked it on a daily basis."

The Commander jumped in to support her underling. "She's right. For all we know, a subtle poison or a deadly virus could have been placed in it."

Jason shook his head. "I know, I know. However, what about the mysterious force field that is around it?"

The commander tilted her head. "What force field?"

Jason turned around. "Follow me."

Jason and his secutiry detail led them to the reservoir passing a second reservoir that Jason said was put up to bring water to the rest of the station. All the water going through the station now came from the second reservoir. When they got to the first reservoir, they saw the force field clear as day. The Commander reported this to the High Priestess via a comm link. Jason and Hathor argued needlessly in another area.

The High Priestess was shocked by the news. "Why would our divine protector, Evalys, let this happen?"

Commander Summers was puzzled. "Evalys, one of the original builders of the space station? The one who arrogantly calls herself the Goddess of Creation when..."

The High Priestess interrupted. "The same. We pray to her as she is our protector. She sacrificed herself in the incident with the 'Man With No Name'. She helped us to survive. Had it not been for her sacrifice, humanity would have been extinct long ago. I think she should be honored this way."

Commander Summers pondered what she heard for a second. "Point taken."

The next thing she knew, a bright light flashed and blinded her. When her sight returned, she was looking at a monster. The monster had the body of a snake, four limbs, two near the front and two near the back each with several talons in a circular shape at the end of each limb. It sported two wings made of flesh and bone. Its head was like four triangles. If it was right side up and facing you, the head made a cross shape. Each triangle had a red eye on it. It opened its mouth to roar loudly and reveal not only a lot of razor sharp teeth on the underside of each triangle, but a tongue with a serpent-like eye on the end.

Jason and Hathor heard the roar and went to investigate. Jason tried to call for back-up, but the comm link was being jammed. He ordered his men to attack the monster and rescue the Commander. Hathor stayed back to provide long range fire support while the men rushed in. As she got her sniper rifle ready, she felt a presence behind her. She spun around and gasped.


Chapter 7: The Seal

The monster did not attack Commander Summer. It only spoke to her in a language only she understood. The language it spoke was a mixture of ancient languages from Earth. Commander Summers knew and understood all that was said. She walked over to it and spoke a few lines to the monster in its native tongue. The monster soon vanished after giving Commander Summers a gift through magical means.

Jason and his troops stopped when they saw the monster leave. Jason approached the commander. "What was that?"

She looked at him more calmly than usual. She then sighed. "The 'monster' was the guardian of the reservoir. Someone had disturbed the water recently. It asked for me to sacrifice the fool whom spoiled the water. Only then would the water return to normal. She then left Jason and his troops dumbfounded. She walked a bit and found Hathor.....dead. She called for a medic but got only static.

She tried several times. She almost gave up when a cocky man's voice came on the radio. Who he was and what he was doing, she had no clue. "Sorry babe, but we now are in complete control."

A shocked Commander Summers looked at her comm device in stunned silence for a minute. "What?"

"You heard me. It took way too long, but now, we own Central Rome."

Central Rome, where every system of the station was run from. The one fault of Rome. It fell this easily? No, what happened had to have taken decades or even a full century to accomplish. She raced to the maintenance shaft. She had to get there and overthrow the dictator.

Jason felt something was off when he saw Hathor dead and raced to the main doorway and found it sealed. "What the...?"

The entire military, save a select few were also completely isolated. Admiral Deimos was one that was lucky to not be isolated. He thought something was off and headed to Central Rome. It could be the only source of the problem. He ran headlong into Commander Summers and the few troops not isolated in a garbage tunnel. Commander Summers briefed them on what was going on. The group then dashed to make a desperate assault on Central Rome's 'Main Core'. They expected heavy resistance, but found only corpses. When they arrived, they found their target. He looked like an ordinary drunk. Torn clothes and everything. Long black hair, pale skin and dyed silver hair.

A few plop noises came from behind her. She spun around and saw Admiral Deimos slaying the last of the other survivors. He then looked at her. He pressed a button on his left wrist and revealed himself to be Creep. The commander was left dumbfounded.

Creep smirked. "Surprised? You shouldn't be."

She shook her head. "Why?"

The other man spoke. "To prevent a mistake that will soon happen."

Creep interjected. "The scenario that made the 'Man With No Name' was going to happen. I was their intended target this time around. Now, I have the chance to stop this before it begins."

Commander Summers went for her weapon, but the men were too fast. The beat her up. Punches and kicks so fast that the eye could not track. They threw her all around the room. Controls were smashed, save the self-destruct controls.

The drunk spoke. "Relax, everything will be fully automated once we are done."

As they pummeled her, a strange light came from within her. She was soon in the middle of the room and looked pure white, including her clothes. She stood up and let out a great energy pulse that destroyed the entire control room as well as the men inside. When she hit the ground, she fell unconscious. Her thoughts turned to what she did not tell Jason. The guardian had also told her, "The timing of this event is premature. Your awakening was not supposed to happen for another century. Whoever did this must be stopped." The gift the guardian gave her was the 'Crimson Light'. What it was for, the guardian only replied, "In due time, you will know."

The real Admiral Deimos came in a few moments later. The entire station was on high alert. He picked up Commander Summers and raced out of there. The place was transforming into something more dark and sinister. As he ran out. He barked, "Oris, Serpent of Destruction, Thou shall not have this Chosen One."

He was stopped by the man in black. "Oris wants not the woman." The man grabbed Commander Summers and threw her out of the arms of Admiral Deimos. He then punched the Admiral with such force that the Admiral was flung into the awaiting jaws of the serpent, Oris. Oris devourered his prey with joy. The man in black vanished into the shadows.

Commander Summers was taken away by the agent of the High Priestess. That agent...was Valkyrie. Valkyrie took her to an unknown area with an escape pod and fled into the cosmos toward the moon. There, Valkyrie made What she would call the 'Temple of Chosen Souls'. She placed Commander Summers into one of seven coffin-like structures in the center of the temple made in a somewhat circular formation. There, she would guard those who were to come here and awaken them at the proper time.

The High Priestess, with her visions, seeing what was unfolding, cast a sacrifical spell to safely bring the occupants of station to a nearby planet. She also used the last of her power to seal off Rome from the rest of the universe. In time, she hoped a select few would come back and take care of what was unleashed.

The planet's new occupants were not alone. Various fish and game animals were abundant in this world. It would take a few hundred years, but humanity would recover. They would name the High Priestess 'Sylvia, Goddess of Hope'. The High Priestess kept hope alive so, as tradition dictated, they named her by name, a goddess, and what she was most renounded for. The tradition started with the 'Goddess of Creation'.

End Part I