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Perfection Incarnate: A Kingdom Hearts RP

Started by Dr.Hobo2, April 05, 2008, 03:05:39 PM

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"I don't know," said Ienzo. "But... uh... what's-his-face over here is looking for some Keyblade... people."

As he said this, he gestured towards Benvolio.

((Hey.... Benvolio... Sounds familiar.... DH2 has been reading too much... I think...:P))


"Well, whatever, but Riku...what was it like, fighting Xemnas?"

"It was hell Jonathan, pretty darn hell." Riku said with a chuckle. Then, he became tense.

"What's wrong?" Jonathan asked.

"Somebody's looking for us."


"Yes, I'm looking for people who weild the keyblade...but specifically, I'm searching for Sora and Riku." Benvolio said. "And I suppose that I should introduce myself. I'm Benvolio."


Idiot. He's giving out his name to total strangers. These people could be Heartless or Nobodies... or worse... thought Ienzo, rolling his eyes, but saying nothing.


Sora was taking a stroll around the island, getting bored. He saw Riku talking with Jonathan and walked over.

"Hey, Riku, what's up?" he asked.


"There's Sora!" Jonathan pointed towards Sora and they both walked over to him.

"Hey, nothing much on our end." Riku cheerily said.

"Sora, you promised that you would spar with me today remember?" Johnny said.


"I did?" said Sora, thinking for a moment. "Oh, yeah! Alright! Wanna do it right now?"

Max Headroom

Mira turned towards to Riku's and Sora's normal fighting spot, jumped in the water, then swam to that location.


"Hey Benvolio, I'm Boogie. This is Shantae." He made a gesture towards his friend. "Who are you?" Boogie said, looking towards Ienzo.


"Okay." Boogie, Shantae...Got it. "So are you two keyblade weilders too?"



"Yes, we are." Boogie said to Benvolio. He looked over at Ienzo. "I dunno... I was just asking to be polite."


"Sure! You can use your keyblade if you want, and don't try playing dumb with me, I know you have one." Jonathan picked up a wooden club and headed over to the arena.


"Politeness isn't worth much if that person might rip you to shreds," commented Ienzo.


Sora shrugged and followed him, drawing his Keyblade on the way.


(( Hey, you ended up choosing the name I thought up for the good guy :D. I just want to warn you ahead of time that I know nothing about KH, and it's alright if I start out in the island you are all at, right? ))

Name: Moki
Age: 19
Keyblade: Lionheart
Personality: Fun-loving, daring, adventurous
Background: Not much is known about him because he is on no record. It may be because he never had a home and mostly traveled his life, living on the streets. One would think that would turn him into a cold harsh person, but if that is part of his persona, he doesn't show it often.


((hey birdie! nice to see you.))

"Alright, even though you have a keyblade, you cannot use magic attacks, only physical attacks, ok?" Jonathan went into a battle stance.

"I hope your ready Johnny! Because Sora will whoop your a**!" Riku joked.