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The eevee who couldn't evolve

Started by Zora Link, April 18, 2008, 05:25:23 PM

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Zora Link

First of all, sorry about the last one...just kinda lost the will to do it.
This one will finish through though, and better yet, I'm making all the sprites myself. :o

There are no signups this time around, but I guaruntee you, it will still be good.
I'm going to start making the first sprite, then I'll post the proluge.
Hope ya enjoy. ;)

Here's our main Character. An Eevee like any other, but with one difference. An Everstone somehow in unknown ways, got inside his egg before he was born. He's always known about the "stone in his body", but never knew what it was until he reached puberty. The time that every eevee started deciding which evolution they wanted to be. A decision that he never got to make...

It may seem like nothing special now, but it will get better, trust me. ;)

Zora Link


"I've decided!" an Eevee exclaimed. "It's Vaporeon! I know that's who I want to be!"
"Well I'm gonna be a Jolteon," another jolted at the first(pun?). "Then you better watch out." >:-)
The first replied "If you can even find me as I dissapear into the water!"
"I'll just shock the whole pool then." The second eevee sneered.
*fades into background, but still able to be heard slightly*
"Everyone else seems so sure." Eevee thought. "What do I want to become? There is no rock type, or else that'd be obvious...Why can't I decide?!? I don't get it!"
While eevee was thinking this, another one came up to suprise attack, but was seen.
"Hey Eeveol." Eevee said.
"Ah, come on now, your no fun. Lighten up Rocky."
"You've been calling me that since 2nd grade...It's time to let it go."
"No way Rocky. It doesn't bother you, does it?" Eeveol appeared to be having fun.
"No, but it does get repetitive"
"Oh, well. I just came over to say that I decided."
"And who is it?" Eevee got suddenly interested.
"Umbreon, that's who."
"Well I'll scratch Espeon off the list then"
"Hey! not fair!" Eeveol was suprisingly displeased.
"That's the way the cookie crumbles!" Eevee laughed.

Just at that time, an announcement came over the school intercom.
"Would Eevee Smith please come to the main office? thank you."

Eevee looked confused.
"Huh, guess Evers ratted on me again."
"That sucks, really." Eeveol said. "Good luck."
"Thanks." Eevee replied, and with that, he started off towards the main office.

Zora Link

Chapter 1
The Suprise of a lifetime

Eevee went into the main office where the clerk led him to the principles office.
"ummm...." Eevee stuttered. "do you know what they want with me in there?"
The Clerk suspiciously replied, "Why? Do you have anything to be worried about?"
"ummmm...uh, no. I don't think so. It's just that the principles office means...well..."
"oh, silly me. For a second there I actually thought you were in trouble."
The clerk snickered as Eevee stepped through the door, and left.

Eevee looked at the principle nervously. He had been here only once before, and that was when his friend Evers Told on him for teasing him a little. Eevee was persistant, so he had done it again just the day before.
Getting ready for a long, boring lecture on teasing, and a possible suspension, Eevee sat on the floor on the other side of the principles "floor mat desk" and waited for the principle to speak.

"Well, well, well. Haven't you been in here before?" The principle said pleasently. "I think it was....Eevee, isn't it?"
"Yes, sir." Eevee replied.
"Ha! I knew I could remember you! but still, before we proceed, I must ask you a question only you would know. Your parents have provided that question, and as soon as you answer it, I will tell you what were here for.
"What? You mean I'm not going to detention?"
"Oh, heavens no! this is much better than detention."
Eevee flinched at this remark, as the principles idea of "better" was usually just the exact opposite.

"Now for the Question, You have kept a secret for a long time now. Only you, and I know the answer to this. They would have been proud that you have kept it so well, and it will be the answer to the question that is your doorway to the future!"
The principle had a bad habit, that is, dragging things out and over-dramatizing everything. Irritated, Eevee said, "The question? I already know what it is, but just ask it before I fall asleep."
The principle looked annoyed, and thought about continuing just to spite, but decided against it.
"Your parents are unusual. All of your friends know them as being a Flareon and an Espeon. But their true Identity's are.....?"
*sigh* "Hitmontop and what do you want?"
The principle looked dissapointed. "ah, come on now, the way I introduced it, you should have said Celebi and Jirachi themselves!"
"Then I would have lied and got the question wrong. Please, I want to get back to recess."
"oh, well you won't be going back to recess, nor will you even go back to class..."
Eevee thought: "Here comes the suspension. This will be ugly when I get home to uncle..."
"It's time that you knew the truth. The reason they all call you "Rocky" or "Mr. Stone". You realize what it is, don't you?"
Slightly suprised, eevee answered, "Of course! I've got a Rock pieces stuck in my skin and bones. Is that all that this was about? I already knew."
"Oh, but you don't know." The Principle smiled.
"What? what do you mean??"
"That is no ordinary rock, that is an Everstone."
"Huh? what's that?"
"It's a stone with an unusual effect on pokemon. By merely holding one, A pokemon will forever be doomed to never evolve. Even if it only lasts for less than a minute, it's a lifetime of under-evolution."
" what your saying is......I CAN'T EVOLVE?!?!!!????" Eevee wasn't sure whether he wanted to listen to anymore, but an invisible force seemed to keep him glued to the ground.
"No, you can't evolve. But It doesn't end there, that is obtained by merely holding the stone. Now, the stone being a part of you.......that's a whole 'nother issue."
"Oh, great." Eevee rolled his eyes. "What could possibly be worse than an Eevee that can't evolve?!?"
"Not worse, but better." The principle was still smiling.
"There's that word again" Eevee thought.
"You will enjoy this little bonus, I'm sure. ........Since your body is made up of one fourth rock and three fourths Unstable DNA, You now need not to evolve."
"I don't follow" Eevee was getting curious.
"You now have an ability no other pokemon could hope to achieve. You as of right now are a Normal type, correct?"
"Well, take a look at this!"

The principle then proceeded to pull a rock necklace from behind his back.
"Your parents gave this to me when you were in first grade. I was to give it to you when you were in 8th grade. And here it is."
"What is it, exactly?" Eevee responded.
"A rock neclace, but do you notice the rock at the end? what would you say it looks like?"
"A Water drop, so?"
The principle put the necklace on and said, "It is a very unique necklace. It's only one of 17 in the world."
Eevee seemed bored. "Am I supposed to be impressed?"
"You'll see..." the principle stated.
Taking the necklace off, he said, "I want you to take this, but don't put it on, whatever you do. Until you think you are ready, DO NOT WEAR IT AROUND YOUR NECK!"
"And how am I supposed to know this?"
"When you feel like you want to be a Vaporeon, put it on. When you have the true, heart-felt desire to become a Vaporeon."
"But I can't become..."
"Just because you can't, doesn't mean you won't want to. Now off you go, I have other things to do."
Eevee than repeated the line that they all had to memorize on their first day in kindergarten. If they ever got called to the principles office, they were to leave only after they had said it.
"Yes sir, thank you very much sir."
The principle than gave his customary response, "Your very welcome."
But this time, when Eevee said those words, it didn't feel customary like it did before, it felt like something else. Like he actually meant it....though he didn't seem to know why....

Zora Link

Chapter 2
It's time

Eevee got home that day after school and Immediatly began questioning his Uncle.
"What's going on? Why was I never told before? What's this rock supposed to do? How am I supposed to know how to use it? When do I use it? Why did mom and dad have the principle do it instead of you? Did you know about all this before?"
"whoh, slow down sport." The uncle looked about ready to faint."First of all, what are you talking about?
Eevee then proceeded to explain to his uncle what he had learned that day.

The uncle looked suprised. "What? Your that old already? I swear just yesterday you were going to the first day of school..."
"So you knew then?" Eevee asked.
"Doggonit! Of course I knew! Now lets get to your questions....ONE AT A TIME!"
"Why was I never told before?" Eevee asked.
"Because you needed to be old enough to be able to handle it first. I dare you to go tell a 6 year old eevee that they can't evolve when they grow up." He then folded his arms, a sign that he had the last word.
"I guess you have a point....But Why the Principle of my school over anyone else?"
"Well Back when your parents know....I wasn't exactly who I am today. A bum on the streets who would do anything to get a penny...even sell an invaluble treasure like that necklace your holding. The principle was the only one they could trust."
"But why didn't they just wait to do it themselves...Unless they knew beforehand...."
The uncle jeered, "I love it when someone answers their own question! Makes it easier on me!"
"But how could they have?"
"That is none of your buisness whippersnapper! continue please!"
"okay....What's this rock supposed to do?"
"That's for you to find out on your own. As for how to use it, just put it around your neck. And'll know. Just follow what your Principle told you and you'll know."
"But why me???"
The Uncle then grabbed the necklace and put it around his neck.
And what happened afterwords was.........................nothing.
"Well it doesn't work very well on me now does it? I trust it doesn't work on your principle either?"
Eeve then remembered that his principle did in fact put the necklace on.
"oh, I guess not."
"Okay then! Problem solved! Now hurry up! dinners gettin' cold."
"Yes Uncle."

A few weeks passed by, and each time that Eevee even thought the word "Vaporeon" he reached for the necklace...but it seemed cold and hard and clammy. Somehow, each of those times, he knew it wasn't time yet.
One day at home, Eevee was looking through some family photos and saw a picture of his great-great-aunt...a Vaporeon. He'd seen this picture many times before, but this time, he noticed something different. His great-great-aunt appeared to only be half there. He was a little blurry and smeared. Eevee then realized that his Great-Great-Aunt was in the process of dissapearing in the picture, or turning into water Vapor. He then remembered what an Eevee said just a couple weeks ago...
"If you can even find me as I dissapear into the water!"

Eevee got interested and went on his laptop to reasearch Vaporeons.
-Apparantly they have total control over the element of water. The only other pokemon capable of this is Kyogre.- Etc, etc. etc.
Eevee looked and searched frantically, learning more and more and more. And all of a sudden he stopped.
"When you feel like you want to be a Vaporeon, put it on. When you have the true, heart-felt desire to become a Vaporeon."
"But I can't become..."
"Just because you can't, doesn't mean you won't want to."
Eevee went over to his drawer, opened it and took the necklace by the paw. It felt warm, suprisingly light, and when he held it and just stood there, he felt happy, carefree, like he was on top of the world. And all of a sudden, he knew. It was time.

Eevee grasped the string on the necklace, reached up, and slid it onto his neck. All the time wondering what it could possibly do. It was finally time, and he was about to find out.

Zora Link

Chapter 3
The Power of Water

The gem started to shine so bright, that eevee was literally blinded. He then felt an undescribible feeling...The gem was sinking into his body! But it stopped short at halfway. Eevee now looked like a normal eevee with a water droplet shaped gem showing on his skin.
Eevee stood there for a couple minutes, wondering if anything else would happen, but nothing did. He had regained eysight though, which seemed very unusual, as the light was bright enough to permanently blind someone with their back faced toward it. He also felt lighter, not much, but jsut a little bit lighter. He then realized that the Everstone was gone. He got so overjoyed that he didn't even notice his tail fall off and dissapear...

Going into the dining room to tell his uncle the news, he accidently tripped on a rug corner that had been folded over. He hit the ground with a large THUD! He got up and went to continue on his way, but stopped before doing so.
"Okay, that was wierd..." Eevee thought. "Why didn't I feel anything when I hit the ground....???"
There was no pain, there was no scratch or bruise, it was almost as if Eevee never tripped in the first place.
Curious, he went back to his room grabbed a book, and slammed it into his face.
He then kicked the wall as hard as he could, and in consequence, felt nothing.
The final test...Eevee took his arm and used Bite attack. It penetrated the skin deeply. Eevee felt no pain, but started bleeding. Not blood, but Water. Eevee was bleeding water!
Eevee was frantic, and he even got more exited as his skin repaired itself in a matter of seconds. His arm was as good as new.
"Wait!" Eevee was more exited than words can describe now. "SKIN! I have Skin!!! Not fur, but skin!"
And upon closer inspection....
Well as time passed eevee started feeling more and more different. His scales changed color to blue, His tail grew back in a new form, his ears fell off and dissapeared....and yet he could still hear.
Eevee ran into the bathroom as fast as he could and filled up the bathtub. It took awhile, which made eevee quite agitated, but eventually when it was full, he turned off the faucet and jumped in. It was literally a jump, not a climb. Even with that though, not one drop of the water left the bathtub in retaliation. He then closed his eyes, dipped his head under the water, and breathed. He could breathe underwater. More so, when He opened his eyes, hee could see underwater, clearer than he had ever seen above water before.
And with that, he realized he talked underwater just as if there was no water. And he also heard it, meaning he could hear underwater just like he could above it....and yet still no ears.
Eevee Jumped out, and again no water got splashed out, and ran to see his uncle.
In the hallway, he ran past a mirror, and finally saw what that little gem had done to him. He wasn't a Vaporeon, mind you, but it was so amazing that he didn't care whether he looked like a vaporeon of a Magikarp. In fact, he didn't look like any other pokemon on the earth.
He looked something like this:

He thought that if couldn't possibly get any better, that he couldn't have one more little tiny difference, and again, he was wrong. As he continued to run towards the kitchen where his uncle was, he just so happened to look down. In effect, he saw he wasn't running on the ground, but just slightly above it. Extremely curious he again ran into his room, and as he did so, noticed how light he felt. Not just no everstone light, but even lighter. Almost as if he were lighter than air itself. Well, he felt that way, because he was that way.
Eevee's body was now composed 100% of Water Vapor. No organs, no blood, nothing except water vapor. Who knows how he still managed to see, hear, etc. But he could, and it was a miricle.

Eevee soon taught himself to hover and float, and even compact all of those little water vapor molecules in his body and turn himself into pure water.
He then remembered reading that Water would obey a Vaporeons every command, and so he wanted to try it out. He had left the water in the bathtub, so that's where he went. He then, after much practice, proceeded to make a whirlpool int the tub, turn the faucet on from 10 feet away, and even make water from thin air.

After about 5 or so hours, he finally made it to his uncle. And when he turned and saw his nephew, his smile immediatly went away.


Zora Link

Chapter 4
Not Just Fun and Games

"So, you chose that route, huh?" Eevee's uncle asked.
"What do you mean? Is there something I don't know?" Eevee asked back.
"You mean your principle didn't tell you about the "Terms and conditions?"
Silence for a few seconds...
"Well He failed his job then didn't he? I suppose I could tell you, although now instead of deciding, your living with it regardless."
His Uncle went on.......
"Your stuck."
"I'm what?"
"Stuck, you'll never be able to change back to normal again."
"So?"Eevee looked relieved. "I love this! You have no idea what I can do!"
"I know perfectly well what you can do. And I also know what you can't do.........and what you have to do."
".....have to do?"
"This ain't all fun and games I'll have ya know, sure you can have fun occasionally, but with power, comes responsibility."
"Responsibility? Like what?"
"Like saving your parents."
"But you said they..."
"I know what I said!" The uncle yelled. "But listen to what I'm saying now! They're still alive, but I can't say that they're well."
"How so?"
The uncle paused for a minute, debating on whether to tell the truth or not. When he came to his decision, he said:
"Humans, that's how. Your parents were caught in strange little balls and carried off by a human. I don't know all the little details, but it's now your job to save them. There are 16 other necklaces like this one, as you know. And, if you listened in school, you would know that there are 17 pokemon types. It is your job to go and collect these necklaces, put them on, and gain their power. You are the only one that can gain there power. Each necklace represents a different pokemon type. ......are you starting to catch on?"
Eevee looked almost depressed. "Why did no one tell me this before?"
"I would have, but I assumed the principle did." His uncle replied. "Well it's too late now. Let me teach you a few things..."
He then proceeded to explain to Eevee what He couldn't do, such as change back to his former self. In this sense, Eevee learned that He is pretty much "Invincible." Two things he can't do are: faint, and die. That day, Eevee heard truths he never wanted to hear. He would never die, stuck in this world forever and for eternity. He could still feel pain with a few exeptions, depending on what type he was at the time, but he could not faint in a pokemon battle, and the "PP and 4 attacks" rules did not apply to him. He could use every attack of the type he was with no exceptions, but the flip-side was also true. He could not use any attack outside his current exceptions.
Upon learning the information presented in the last line, eevee stated: "Then how did I use A Bite attack after I put this on?"
"I'm assuming it was still in the transformation process, when you still had some normal-eevee in you. Go ahead, use a bite attack on me."
Eevee refused, but after much persuasion, finally tried....and tried...and tried....but couldn't. He knew how to use it, and did everything right, but it just wouldn't work.
Eevee then learned more about what he could do. Each type grants new abilitys. Ones only accessible to that type. He then learned about how he was no longer normal, and how it would hugely impact his life. The uncle didn't explain this and told Eevee that "He already knew." And eevee did. Water type, for example, can eat only fish, and drinks only water. If Eevee ate or drank anything else, he wouldn't die - as he can't die - but it might as well be dying.
After that catagory was over, The uncle than explained how, once he got a second type, he could switch between them. But Eevee was also reminded of the fact that he can no longer go back to normal, and he's stuck in his water form until he gets the second type. Upon talking about this, his uncle gave eevee a list. it was numbered 1 - 17 with a different type by each number. The first type listed was water, than bug, etc. etc. Eevee was told that he was to get the stones in this order. Not because it effected anyhing, but because of controlibility. apparantly, the farther down the list the type was, the harder it would be for Eevee to learn and get used to that type. Something peculiar was on the list though. numbers 1 - 16 were specific types, but number 17 was followed by three question marks. It was then pointed out that that last one was not to be reavealed until he got the first 16.
"It's for your own good" was all his uncle said.

Eevee then set off on his mission. He would find a lake or ocean and sleep in the water for the night. Then the next day, He would set off for the Museum of Bug history, where he would look for the medallion he needed to continue his quest. It shouldn't be that's only protected by 5 guards, 2 infared scanners, and a tazer growlithe cop. No biggie.

But that's for next time....

Zora Link

Chapter 5
Catching the Bug

Eevee woke up the next morning and found himself at the bottom of a lake. It didn't take long, though, to remember what happened the day before, and what he was supposed to do today.
He got up and caught some breakfast, swam up to the top of the lake, and started planning. He had a lot to deal with. The first thing he made sure to remember is that as soon as he got th necklace, he was to immediatly put it on. In that way, no one could take it from him. It was just a harmless bug museum, right?

The museum was just a short walk away, and he got there in no time. He paid the enterance fee and started to look for his prize. Granted it looked quite odd. Water pokemon don't usually go to the bug museum, and especially not one that looked like Eevee. As Eevee turned the corner, the receptionist Called in security and told them to keep an eye on him. Since Eevee looked so different, and was the very first non-bug type to walk through the doors, they didn't want to take any chances.

About an hour later, Eevee was still wandering the halls, so far unsucesful in his search. The guard in that hallway just so happened to be at his first day at work. He apparantly never got the memo, so he politly said to eevee, "You seem there anything I can help you find?"
Eevee replied with a gentle smile and said, "Yes. I'm not quite sure what it's called, but it's a necklace with a rock stringed on it."
"Would the rock be shaped like a spider?"
"Possibly, I really don't know anything except it's a rock on a string with the bug type symbol."
"That would be the spider! Right this way."
The guard then led Eevee to the other side of the enourmous meuseum. Upon arriving, the guard stayed for a bit to look at it with eevee. Eevee started to get annoyed, hoping for a long time that the guard would leave, but then he saw the five guards and the growlithe standing by, and knew he should have thought this out better.
He asked his guide, "Why so much security for this one little necklace?"
"Well..." he said. "They say the necklace has magical properties."
Eevee pretended to be suprised and curious. "Oh really? What do you mean?"
"Well...they say that if a certain someone puts it on, they'll gain power over bugs and will be able to do everything and anything that they want with that power. Many people have tried it on, including myself, but nothing ever happens."
Eevee saw his chance. "Well have they all been bug-type? it would seem that the special someone would probably be a non-bug that growlithe over there."
"Good idea!" The guard seemed ecstatic, and motioned over the Tazer wielding growlithe.
The guard said: "How about you try this on? My friend here came up with a wonderful idea on the possibility that it's not a bug type that has to wear it."
The growlithe tried it on, but nothing happened.
Eevee took his opening. "How about me? I'm a water type."
The guard agreed after much persuasion, and gave eevee the necklace.
He then put it on, and ran.

Eevee ran as much as he could, which wasn't very much at all. Eevee had forgotten the fact that there were five guards in the room...very strong, fast guards. No, Eevee didn't get very far at all. But what suprised him more is that his body didn't change. At first, he had thought that it would take a minute , but then he realized that the spider strung on the end hadn't even fused with his body. In this his thoughts raced as the guards carried him out, but then he remembered: "I'm not changing, so I still have my water powers!"
And with that, to much of the guards confusion, eevee vanished into thin air. Eevee was now millions and millions of water vapor molecules in the air. But strangly enough, He could still see, and hear...but not speak.

Eevee reformed outside of the museum, still very confused. He looked at his prize closer and saw this writing: "Replica produced for display purposes."
He was crushed, but in turn, it only gave him more want to find the real one. And with that want came a feeling...It said: "behind the room." Eevee walked back to the lake, and started to get ready for the long night that was ahead.

That night, after the Museum closed, eevee spread apart his molecules, and entered the building through cracks in the doors. He then proceeded to enter the room where he had been humiliated only 5 hours prior. It seemed like it would be so easy. He could get almost anywhere in his "Vapor" form, and he didn't have to worry about traps or alarms. And to much of eevee's dissapointment, it was easy.
He got into the room and slipped through the Keyhole in the door on the back wall.Saw the medallion, used his mind to turn it into water vapor, and easily escaped.

Upon getting outside, he and the medallion reformed and Eevee grasped the Spider and checked for writing. There was none. Overjoyed and exited, Eevee slipped on the necklace. The Blinding flash Made Eevee Blind once again, but this one also came with pain. An excruciating pain on both sides of his stoumach, inbetween his four legs. This pain caused him to pass out.

No one, not even me, knows how long Eevee was out. But when He did come to, He opened his eyes and couldn't believe what he saw. Everything was Black and White. He couldn't see in color, but it seemed like that was compensated for, as he could see for miles around him. His eyesight had been sharpened, so much that he could see everything in perfect clarity for nerely 50 miles around him. Because of this, he saw the lake, and started to run towards it to look at his reflection, and upon doing so, realized what that pain was from. He now had 6 legs, three on each side. He also noted he could run slightly faster because of this.
When he got there, he looked in the water and this is what he saw:
(He saw it in Black and white, but I'm giving it to you in color. ;))

There was the brooch, half in his body, half out. 6 legs, and "Bug eyes".
Eevee was very exited as he started to move around and figure out just exactly what he could do...

Zora Link

Chapter 6
The Minds Eye

Eevee was just getting ready to observe his new forms powers, when he noticed something in the bottom of the lake...It was completly covered in mud, so it's no wonder he didn't see it before. His improved eyesight had caught a shimmer of light on something when it was totally covered, not a millimeter of the object was showing. Seeming it odd that he "Saw through the mud", Eevee wondered what it could possibly be. So he changed into Water form and Dived in. What he pulled up wasn't anything like what he thought...

It was an eye on a string. Just like the spider and water drop. Eevee immediatly knew what it was. The Gem that would give him Phychic powers. Slightly hesitant, Eevee looked at the list, and saw Psychic sitting at #8.
"Aww, that's not too bad." He said. "It's not like it's # 15 or something."
And with that, he slipped it on.
The same flash of light happend, and again, it blinded Eevee. The Gem Pushed it's way into the scales of the water Eevee and took over. But it didn't stop half-way...It kept going and going. When it was all the way in, It changed directions. Going up Eevee's neck, up, up, up....after what seemed like ages, it reached the Brain. Eevee Felt all this as it was happening, and was obviously worried.
The Gem Fused with the Brain, and caused the Brain to grow...bigger and bigger and bigger. It eventually grew so big it took up Eevee's whole body. But, Eevee could tell that this was no bad thing, because as his brain grew, He got smarter and smarter, and smarter. Eventually, when the brain could grow no bigger, Eevee ran an I.Q. Test on himself. It took about three seconds, and he estimated his own I.Q to be around 1,000,000,000,000,000 points. He didn't have time to continue on the thought on how that was amazing when he started to think about other things. His brain composed of his entire body so How could he breathe, see, etc.? He figured out the answer within less than a half a second, and moved on. Thinking and thinking and thinking...He couldn't stop. He had totally lost control of his brain.
He looked in the water and saw..........

The gem sank all the way in, but there was still an eye in the spot it entered? And How Could he see with closed eyes. His brain answered both of those answers in one swoop, and moved on. The answer was: The eye is your eye.
Curious, Eevee put his paw up and covered the eye, and his sight went black for just a second...he then could see normal again. He was seeing right through his paw!
His Mind Was still going uncontrollably, so Eevee went to see his uncle for help. He started to walk when his brain took an eigth of a second to say "Telport". Eevee Realized that he could in fact teleport...his brain was on the subject of the necklaces...and in 17 seconds, about 1 type a second, Eevee learned everything he could do with every type. Water, Bug, Phychic...even the ones he didn't have yet.
Armed with this new Knowledge, eevee teleported home. His uncle Reacted at first saying: You've got that many already??"
Eevee was about to answer, but his brain did it for him. In about 2 seconds, his brain told Eevee's uncle everything through telepathy.
"Ah, I see." His uncle said. "Out of control, are we? Well now you know why I gave you the list. The only thing you can do is let it wear off...even having your body be purly made of your brain, You will run out of things to think about. Wait until then, and then come see me. But whatever you do, do not Change to water or Bug type until I say you can. Understand?"
Eevee's brain was too busy on the subject of atomic weaponry, that eevee said: "Yes uncle. I don't think I'll ever doubt your judgement again."
And with that, Eevee went to his room...Hoping that it wouldn't take too long...


This is an interesting story. And the sprites are pretty cool too.
Dude .

Zora Link

Chapter 7

A month. That's how long it took for Eevee's mind to calm down. Well, 37 days if you want to get technical, but let's not be that specific. ;) It was the longest and worst month Eevee has ever had. The Mind wasn't the only thing that went wrong though...His powers, for a few days, went bezerk. Teleporting everywhere, moving houses, destroying signs, etc. All of it was unintentional, but How could he tell the community that? That he found stones with magical powers, but he happened to put one on too early? Yea, right. They had become outcasts. Eevee and his uncle were forced to leave, and never return. Except for the one day that Eevee would be forced to come back and reverse all the damage he had caused.

On the bright side though, Eevee finally gained control of all his powers, including his mind. He now oly thought what he wanted to think. This not only enabled him to undo all the damage, but manipulate the mayor of the town into letting them back in. Being so smart meant eevee could do almost anything. Of course there always seems to be a downside to everything...

"I hate my eye!" Eevee yelled. "I can't see hardly anything because it's down so low, PLUS there's only one! It's like I have visors on!"
"Learn to deal with it." His uncle sighed.
"There has to be a way to fix this!"
"Well then think of one. A brain like yours shouldn't have any trouble thinking of anything."
"I've tried! It's useless!"
"Then that means there is no way. You, with your immense IQ, should know that."
And with that, Eevee's uncle folded his arms. The conversation was over.
"So when will you let me change back? And how about getting the rest of them?"
"I told you you could change back a long time ago." The Uncle laughed.
"No you didn't. I remember everything. And even if I had forgot, I can read your mind and tell your lying."
"Then read what I'm thinking now."
Eevee shut his eye, and thought....
"Your telling me that I can change now because I...passed the test?"
"Correct! That statement was merely a test to..."
Eevee inturrupted and finished: " if I knew how to use my powers or not."
"You've got to stop doing that." His uncle retorted.
"Why? It's so much fun!" Eevee laughed. You don't even have to talk to me anymore."
The uncle was about to say something, but stopped.
"Yea, I wouldn't have said that either." Eevee said Rolling on the floor in laughter.
"Cut it out! You don't know everything, you know. Your still a whole 1,000,783 IQ points from that. So don't push it."
"Try me." Eevee smiled.
"Tell me," The Uncle was smiling...and before anything else was said, eevee looked sick to his stomach.
"Oops, you don't know after all...That huge brain, and you can't even figure out the 17th type on your list. tsk tsk."
Eevee tried searching His uncles mind for the answer, but didn't find it.
"I thought you said you can remember everything. And you can't even remember that I told you I don't even know?" It was now the Uncles turn to laugh.
"Ha, ha. Very funny. You know I've forgotten everything from before I put this on. That wasn't fair."
"Life ain't fair kid, deal with it. And are you going to change or not? And I think it's time you go find the next rock. I trust I need not tell you where it is."
"Oh, right." Eevee changed into his Bug form and left for his next destination...Rivervalley Swamps.

Zora Link

Chapter 8
The Poisine swamps

"Hmm...that's odd." Eevee thought. His bug eyesight just allowed him to read a sign when he was about a mile away.
"That says Poisine Swamps...Is that really it's name? Or was someone stupid enough to not know how to spell poison?"
Eevee stopped and switched into his phychic form, and stared at the sign he could now just barely see. After a few seconds, he was right next to the sign.
"I really need to learn to do that more often." Eevee thought.
He continued to stare at the sign, and saw "it's past."
"So it was a misspelling, on purpose? how funny. Wanting it to not drive away customers, are we?"
Eevee laughed.
"Now that I have the psychic abilities, this whole gathering thing will be too easy."
And without even stepping into the swamp, there he was, looking at the stone of poison. It was shaped like the skull on a Koffing's head.
Eevee didn't want to ruin the fun, so he switched into bug form, and started guessing what he would be like.
"Like a Grimer?" he thought. "I hope not, it'd get way too messy. A koffing? The gas would be cool, but I prefer movement." He smiled. "Ah! Ekans! a snake would be way cool.......but on second thought, hmmmmmmm.......nah."
Eevee stood contemplating for a while, but after awhile got bored. So he finally decided to get on with it. And with that, the stone went on.
Immediatly, Eevee felt the stone sink in, but it wasn't like usual. On the way in, his fur started rippling. Like what happens when a rock is thrown in water. It stopped halfway, as usual, and the effect was immediate. Eevee's eyesight turned blurry and red. Then...(as an Nsider2mod would say) *removed and censored*
It took a while for eevee to realize what just happened, but he did realize just in time to see all of what he just puked dissapear. He was now empty, and it was time for something else to fill that hole. He realized that his breathing was accomplishing that job. He was inhaling, but not exhaling. He felt like a bttomless pit. Once he was all filled with gas, he noticed that he still did not, and could not, exhale. Instead, his body just cycled the air through and as he inhaled, what was displaced came out of his fur in blobs of Poison gas.
HE was now completely filled with poison gas. Getting to that point was slighly undesirable, but Eevee figured out that since it was Poison...he should have known dicusting would be in the mix somewhere. And in more ways than one. Eevee thought he smelled different, so he put his nose right next to his fur, and took a whiff. What filled his nose was a pleasent smell. Eevee thought he had died and went to heaven. It smelt wonderful! A perfect combination of dead fish, dirty underwear, and cow dung with a hint of rotten egg.
Eevee couldn't get enough of the smell, but apparantly the flowers though otherwise, as they slowly wilted to their death.
"okay, so I stink." Eevee thought. "But hey, whoever knew stink could smell so good?" He laughed.
He attempted to view himself in the water, but couldn't. Try as he might, when he looked down, nothing reflected back up. Just the water, red as the sunset. Eevee than changed to psychic and figured out that as poison, he was gas. His fur was there, but only visible to him. It was as if he was a deadly gas. The ones that are invisible to the eye, and can only be smelt.
Eevee switched back to poison and out of guessing, figured his looks to be something like this:

..........but that was just a guess. No one would ever know exactly what he looked like.
He pulled out his list and checked off poison. Then went to experiment. Bug, psychic, and poison. He could experiment with all three and finally find out what he could do.

Zora Link

Sub-Chapter 1
What He can do.

Eevee Spent the next 4 days on figuring out his new abilities. He devoted 1 day to each new form, and what he found out startled him. What his uncle said was true. He had more control over the type than even Acruceus himself.
He made a list for each, and they are as follows:

Walk a measured 3 millimeters above ground
Tun body into water, become invisible by seperating molecules
Extremely slight vision blur above water, 10X clearer under
Cause it to rain
Water obeys me if called
Hear without ears
Ability to Live underwater
Water remains motionless upon touching it
Float if in form for 3 hours prior

Climb walls - ceilings
See clearly for a measured 5 miles ahead
Run slightly faster
Spin a spider web
See in dark
Bugs obey me if called
Slightly shorter
Can only see in B&W
Beware of light in darkness
Grow wings and fly if in form 3 hours prior

Ingest poison & acid
Form body into liquid poison
Attracted to bad oders (what I used to know as bad anyways)
Smell apalling to others (I think it's quite pleasent)
Upon biting, target is either poisoned (living) or becomes poisonous (non-living) - no teeth
If skin is penetrated, source is poisoned
blurry, red vision
Seperate body molecules
Spit poison
Spit pure acid if in form 3 hours prior

Know almost everything
See into others future and past (not my own)
Move anything with mind
See through objects
Read minds
"Mind conversations"
Mind control if in form 3 hours prior

Eevee also wrote down what he noticed with all 4 types.

Not required to eat, drink, sleep
Can use all attacks from type - no outside type attacks
Discovered I can faint, but am instantly revived by gem
If gem is touched by another pokemon, turns them into that type.
Can not be 2 types at once
Only under certain undiscovered conditions: Eat anything.
Impossible to Kill me
If attacked by same type, has no effect

And that was as much as eevee got. If there is more than that, he doesn't know it yet.
He teleported back home and spent the night with his uncle. Just because he didn't have to sleep, does't mean his uncle didn't have to. He was going to his next destination in the middle of the night, and he wanted to be with his uncle before he left.

Zora Link

Chapter 9
Bye Psy, Hi Fly

When Eevee got home, his uncle looked very displeased. Eevee was afraid he knew something Eevee didn't want him to know, although he didn't know what that could possibly be. His uncle now knew everything Eevee did because as Eevee was at home learning his psychic abilities, His uncle came up to that rug corner, the same one that tripped Eevee before. Uncle had tripped on the corner and in doing so, fell onto Eevee. THe resulting blow caused him to touch the gem on Eevee's forehead, and it turned the Uncle into a Psychic type. At first Eevee was exited, but now, he wasn't so sure this was a good thing.

"You got the Poison gem without even stepping into the swamp!? Didn't you?!!!!?"
"Yea, so?" Eevee looked a little relieved, but not for long.
"SO?!? Are you kidding me? The Whole point of what your doing isn't for the gem! It's for the challenges getting there!"

Total silence filled the room. Eevee's Uncle looked in shock. His eyes were wide and he had covered his mouth. Apparantly, he had said something he shouldn't have, and was probably wishing he could turn back time. But not even Eevee could do that, as time is a tool that shall never be tempered with, Else the world could fall into a Black hole.

"I've said too much." The uncle said finally.
Eevee tried to search his Uncle's thoughts, but failed as his Uncle was blocking him out using his psychic powers.
Uncle then Folded his arms and said, "You will no longer use your psychic type upon arriving at the gems destination. You will go through and get the gem as if you didn't have psychic powers. No exceptions. If you go against this, I will know. And you can be sure there will be punishment as a result. Just because you have more control over the type than me, doesn't mean I can't deal out a  serious but-whoopin'. Understood?"
"Yes" Eevee replied sadly.
The mood had been killed, so Eevee left for his next destination early. He teleported out of the house, and found himself on a cloud high in the sky. He then started to figure out how he could prevent himself from falling. The answer came quickly, and he switched into poison type and started to float. He then began his long search for the gem that would allow him to fly.

Eventually he found it. But it took nerely 2 1/2 hours. Eevee started to really like the smell of things up there, but concluded that his other forms probably wouldn't. So he sat there, basking on a cloud for a few more minutes, enjoying the fragrent scent, then Switched to psychic and teleported down to earth.
That is when he put on the gem shaped like a birds beak. There was the flash, and the gem sank in halfway, etc. etc. etc. Nothing extremely wierd happened this time, except this one also came with pain. This, though was in a position on his body that could only be one thing: Wings. Eevee was finally getting real wings. He also felt his legs in pain, but this he could not figure out why. The combination of the two pains was unbearable, and Eevee fainted.

Upon waking up, Eevee tried to get up, but found it very difficult. He had Bird feet, and they don't bend very well. He then "Found his wings" and started flapping the one that wasn't against the ground. It took awhile, but eventually, he was able to get enough momentum to hop up, and that's when he got to examine himself. Feathers instead of fur, no tail, Wings on his back, Only two legs, and they were "Birds claws", and a beak.
It looked something like this:

Eevee immediatly took to the skies, and oh what a great feeling it was! Soaring hi up, letting the wind fush in your face, and with feathers that felt especially good, Doing loopdeloops and just having all kinds of fun. He then thought of something He had always been curious about with birds, and so he flew to his town, and much to his amusement, perched on a powerline. It may not seem like anything big, but he thought it was fasinating.
But He soon wanted to fly again, so off he went. He got up as high as he could. Up, up, up...until he thought he probably wouldn't be able to see the grround anymore. Well not only could he see the ground, but he spotted a little rat, scurrying along in a lawn that REALLY needed to be mowed. And this amazed him. He guestimated his height up to be about 8 miles, and yet, he could still see a tiny rat running in someones yard that hasn't been cut for a month. He then realized how good his eyesight was. Not only Is it better just by being up so high, but not even his bug form could have spotted that rat from the sky. He was able to safely guess that this form gave him the best eyesight out of any other form.
He dove back down to earth, and started to experiment. He realized that this for didn't allow him to do as much as the others, but What he could do made up for that. He realized that for the type "Flying", he had control over the element of "Wind" (Or air, whichever you prefer to call it). He could Flap his wings in such a way to whip up a Tornado, Inhale unceasingly, and exhale unceasingly. He could literally blow a house down, and suck in to raise it back up. He also came to find out that Air, Wind, and even other birds (animal, not type) would obey his every command.
It was getting late, so he switched to psychic and teleported home, where he would spend the night with his uncle. Making sure to thank him, because finding the gem the hard way, made it seem a lot more enjoyable...

Zora Link

Chapter 10
The Screw

The next day, Eevee looked at the list, and checked off "Flying" at number 4, than looked at number 5. His next type was Steel.
His uncle saw him and said, "Ah, to steel type, now are we? There's something I need to tell you before you go out."
"I'm sure I could figure it out myself, but what?"
"Ha, ha." The uncle said. "Very funny. But seriously, this one is different than the others. It is a necklace, but at the end of it is a screw. Not a screw shaped gem, but an actual screw. when you put this necklace on, just be sure you can handle it. Others have caused you pain because something was growing, correct?"
"Well this one will cause pain, but far more than you have experienced before. And I can say that with a 100% knowledge that it's true, because even though I can't read you mind like you can to mine, I can see your past, and I know you've never drilled a screw into your body. Well that's what will happen. It won't sink, it will drill."
"Then why on earth did you put it so early on the list!?!"
"Because your ready for it. As soon as you think your ready for it, you are. And this one, I will actually permit you to just teleport it here, because without a type you don't have yet, it is currently unaccessable. Just trust that I know what I'm doing. okay?
"I...guess..." Eevee obviously wasn't that confident.
"Here, go in this room and get and put it on." Eevee's uncle motioned over to a door that Eevee strangly had never noticed before.
"Why in there?"
"It's soundproof, there's no way that anything that goes on in that room will ever be heard outside of it. You sound a blowhorn in there, and not any sound will escape that room."
"Okay...but why do I need to be in a soundproof room?"
"So many questions...I thought you knew almost everything."
"Well I'm flying type right now, not psychic."
"'s for my sake. I hate to tell you this, but there is no way you will make it through this transformation without breaking your vocal chords."
"Gee, thanks for the confidence booster."
"Your the one who asked. anyways, If that screaming is heard out there, who knows what they'll think. I don't want to get the Death Sentence just because I tried to help you find your mom and dad."
"I guess that's true...okay, I'll do it."
"That's my boy!"
Therein followed a long, awkward silence. Both Eevee and his Uncle knew that Eevee was not "His uncle's boy."

"Sorry, got carried away." The Uncle explained. "Anyways off you go, and good luck!"
"okay, thanks." Eevee wasn't feeling too well...a little sick to the stoumach, but despite that, he trasformed into psychic type and soon was looking at the screw in his hand.
"This it?" Eevee asked.
"That's the one...but before you go, just remember: first, you can't die. Second, you won't die. Third, you will make it through. and Fourth, when the pain reaches it's max, think of your parents. That will help lower the pain for as long as you can keep focused on them. They're why your doing this, and they're worth it."
Eevee smiled and said thanks to his uncle, and stepped into the room.
Apparantly, Eevee's uncle didn't to install a light. Eevee's mind soon taught him that this was because it would break from his screaming. This is information that for once, he didn't want to know. As Eevee's uncle closed, locked, and soundproofed the cracks in the door, eevee accidently dropped the screw. He fumbled around for a bit when he remembered his bug type. So he switched to bug, and saw the screw. Then his uncle yelled in:
"Good thinking! bug chance back to psychic before you put on the screw, trust me!"
Eevee remembered that now his uncle, too, could see through walls. So he switched back to psychic, and after his mind answered his question on how he could hear his uncle, (soundproof in this circumstance only applies to sound from the inside going out, not vice-versa), He slipped on the necklace in a very slow, reluctant manner. It was a slow process, The string seemed like it would never touch his neck. After the second it took to do this (it seemed like a day to Eevee), The necklace stuck fast. Eevee all of a sudden lost his confidence and tried to yank it off, but alas, it was too late. The string was cemented to his neck. All Eevee had to do was let go of the screw and allow it to touch his thick neck fur, and the transformation would begin.

He stood there for a little bit, too scared to move. His Uncle yelled in:
"That's okay, take as long as you need. Be confident before you put it on, but think of it like this: The sooner you put it on, the sooner it'll end. It's already too late to turn back, so it's gonna happen no matter what. Your just prolonging it. But then again, that's fine. I don't want you to drop that screw until you know you are ready!"
Eevee thought about his uncle's words, all the time staring at the screw. It was true. The sooner he let go, the sooner he could get it over with. And, after nerely having to pry his hand apart, he finally let go.
The screw fell and swung back to come in contact with Eevee. Apon contact, it bounced off and realigned itself. It fell again facing perfectly horizontal, and Eevee felt the prick of thesharp end hit, and stay hit. It then did something strange. It turned slightly and grew longer. It was now the exact length and angle so that it would screw straight in to Eevee's heart. Even in his psychic form, Eevee had a really small heart. And that heart was about to be punctured.