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The Curse of the Blue Moon *One Shot*

Started by THEBIRD, April 24, 2008, 03:42:36 PM

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The Curse of the Blue Moon

It was a crowded and cheery morning. Not a person seemed to be inside and everyone chatted heartily. Little boys and girls played tag by the pond, while adults sat under trees with blankets, setting up picnics. Not a person wasn?t celebrating. It was the festival of the Blue Moon, after all. One particular family seemed to be glowing that morning.

A young man with a wide smile sat under an elegant Oak as he spread peanut butter onto a sandwich, looking to be in his mid twenties. He had untidy chestnut hair and small rimmed glasses that covered his brown eyes. He was wearing a blue Polo shirt and worn out blue jeans. Although he was now putting jelly onto his sandwich, his eyes were looking far away from the food on his plate. He was staring into the eyes of a young lady, swimming in the pond.

She had beautiful curly blonde hair and shining blue eyes and looked to be in her early twenties. Her breaststrokes were uneven and clumsy, but she couldn?t help looking beautiful doing it. Finally, she reached the shore of the pond, and tried to get out. She slipped and fell back in, making the man chuckle. Finally, she scrambled out, revealing her yellow polka dot bikini.

The lady noticed him smiling at her, and she returned the smile with a thumbs-up. She then proceeded to skip over to him, where he handed her a towel.

?How was swimming, honey?? he asked, taking a bite out of his sandwich and offering her one.

She took one gratefully and answered, ?Oh it?s wonderful. I never knew there were so many ways to swim besides doggy paddle.? As she took a bite of the sandwich, she revealed a six carat engagement ring.

?I love being married,? he said as he eyed the ring. She smiled and played with her hair. He leaned up to kiss her, but she rejected.

?Not now, James. The kids are watching,? she warned.

?Fine, fine. But it?s not like they?d know what we were doing,? James replied. The girl, Lily, laughed and said, ?Last time they thought you were doing CPR on me. But it scared them, none the less.?

Just then, a girl with straight brown hair in pigtails ran over to them. ?Mama! Johnny won share!? the little girl whined. She still had all her baby teeth, but other then that and her brown hair, she looked just like her mother.
?What does John have, Rebecca?? Lily asked.

?He taked my Barbie!? she pouted, pointing over to a little blonde infant playing with a truck and a Barbie doll. ?He wanna save her with his G.I. Joe, but I don wanna mess up Trisha?s hair!?

?Let Johnny have a turn, okay honey??

?F-fine!? pouted Rebecca before stomping off. James wrapped an arm around Lily as she snuggled in with him. A couple hours passed where the couple watched their kids playing and chatted. Finally, James grumbling belly told them that it was time for lunch.

?Rebecca, lunch time! Can you help your brother?? called Lily. Rebecca helped Johnny by carrying his toys as he crawled over to James and Lily. James started emptying the contents of the picnic basket that had laid, almost invisible until now, by the great Oak. Lily scraped corn into little bits for her son, while Rebecca started to critique the chicken.

?This piece is burned,? she said with disgust, spitting out what was once a perfectly good bit of chicken. Lily went through the trouble of cutting up all the good parts of all the chicken legs and putting them on Rebecca?s plate.

All was great for the family. They were happy, to say the least. But, across the pond, in the clearing, there was someone that was other than happy. Even with the August heat, the man wore a long black cloak. His breath rattled and just the sight of his red eyes could send chills down anyone spine. His hands were together, scaly skin and long dirty finger nails. Hygiene was not a word this man would know, he reeked of dead fish.

?Happy... After all the threats... Oh but not for long... Happiness never lasts long... You soon too will feel it... And then... That?s when you?ll know your time has ended on this land...? The voice sounded detached, and if it wasn?t for the shaking of the man?s hood to indicate he was talking, some one might have mistook the hissing for a snake.

The man in the hood disappeared into the woods behind the pond. His bloodshot eyes looking like headlights in the darkness of the forest. But soon, like every light, the eyes soon faded with the rest of him. Even though the man had left, an eeriness seemed to have been stained upon the place.

The Hawk family finished eating, with much complaining on Rebecca?s part, and Lily took out a board game from her big bag she had been carrying. They were playing Pictionary, and when Johnny?s team lost for the second time, he started crying. They quieted him down by handing out dessert.

Soon, it was midnight. Both kids were sleeping, even though Rebecca had bragged to Johnny that she could stay up as late as grownups. Lily and James were free to do whatever they pleased now. Surprisingly, they just cuddled and watched the Full Moon.

At first, everything seemed normal, besides the fact that the Moon was very close to the hearth. Suddenly, there came a rumbling and red, blue, and green sparks started shooting out of the craters of the Moon. Everyone clapped and whooped. Next, the sparks started surrounding the ?Green Cheese? and with a big Boom! and a slight rumble that hit the land the villagers were all sitting on, the Moon turned blue.

Everything was silent. Next second, clapping and whistling emitted throughout the entire land. This sudden outburst of emotion woke Johnny up, although Rebecca still slept on soundlessly. Neither James nor Lily noticed this, for their lips were locked in celebration to the events.

Johnny looked up as he yawned and saw the Moon in all it?s blue glory. He stared at it for a couple seconds, and complete and total elation filled his heart. It was a joy he could not think possible and to show his happiness, a wide smile and a hiccup escaped his lips.

Lily?s eyes glanced over at the sound and she pulled away from James and gasped in horror. ?Johnny, no! Look away from there!? she screamed, scooping up her son and hiding the Blue Moon from view.
?Honey... There could be a chance he didn?t see it,? James said, but his voice cracked.

?James! He was staring right at it! Oh how could of we been so stupid? We should have kept an eye on them, or brought them inside and closed the curtains!? Lily cried. Johnny did not know what was going on. All he knew was that his life could not get any better then it was at that exact moment.

?You know we couldn?t keep them inside! But this... It?s all just a folks legend. It won?t, it can?t-? James began.

?James, don?t be stupid! You read the threats! ?It all starts with the legend... And it all ends there.?! You read it! You were there!?

?D-Don?t have a break down. Let?s take the kids inside, read Johnny the story. He?ll understand in time,? James replied, although he sounded strong, tears filled his eyes.

?J-James... You don?t mean?? Lily replied, dumbstruck.

?We might not have to. Let?s just get the story over with, and... And if we need to, at least we can.? Lily just nodded, silently sobbing. James carried Rebecca as they crept inside. Not a single soul alive, besides one other, noticed the outburst or the family tip toeing inside. Every single soul, besides one other, was busy with the celebration of the Blue Moon.

With a deep breath, the cloaked figure crawled out of its hiding place behind a tree and watched the door close behind the old house of number 16, Hyrule Square, perhaps for its final time.


The Blue Moon was created by the Goddesses. They had always wanted one true beauty in the world to exist. But, not one could be decided.

?Water is the true beauty of the world,? proclaimed Nayru.

?No, the land which we live upon,? disagreed Farore.

?Fire and volcanoes are the most majestic of all,? Din explained. They argued and fought centuries on this matter. Sometimes, their fights would hurt the people in Hyrule. Floods were set out, to show water?s hypnotic flow. Volcanoes erupted to show fire?s power. Earthquakes shook, to show earth?s movement.

Many people thought it was there fault that their land was being destroyed. Profits were sent to the Goddesses in Temples. But, each time a gift was sent, that Goddess thought it was to support their decision. Blind in the face of beating out the other, the wars raged on.

Finally, the Moon and the Sun decided that they had to stop this nonsense the Goddesses were continuing with. ?Please young ones, you must stop before you destroy the world,? Moon pleaded.
?We are afraid of your power. If you can not reach a decision before the next Full Moon, I shall wipe out the world before you do,? warned the Sun. So it was settled. Moon was keeping time, while Sun was destroying the world. The Goddesses had to do something.

Each segment of their time, the Moon came down to talk with the Goddesses and give ideas.

?Maybe, you can try something other then water, fire, or earth,? suggested the Moon when their time was almost up. The three of them sat there, thinking, when suddenly, Nayru had a plan.

?You can be our beauty, Moon,? she gasped. ?You are kind, generous, and perfect for us!? Farore and Din jumped up after much sitting and nodded in agreement.

It took much work and preparation, but they were able to fulfill their dream. Once every 100 years, it was decided, the Moon would shine a bright blue. Sparks would shoot from it and anyone could watch in awe. But then, the Hero of Time came and saved the world. The Goddesses had no tribute for this man, but then they realized...

He could only win the battle once he gained seven years. At age seventeen, he was able to save the world. So, the Goddesses planned to put a curse on the Moon.

?If anyone younger than the Hero of Time himself looks upon the Moon at it?s final stage, a horrible curse shall be thrust upon you,? Din warned.

?Those at the perfect age of Seventeen, will gain riches at the sight of this event,? added Farore.

?And to those who stayed inside, fear of the Moon at it?s fullest will be imminent,? breathed Nayru. It was to that day, that everyone celebrated this gift, this joy, because the Goddesses had told them so. Those with children feared for their safety, but forgot about any worries at the sight of the Blue Moon. And those who did not wish to see the festival, sought cover when the Moon was full.

The gift was cruel, but any bad thoughts were replaced by good when the Moon was blue, so no one thought too much about how bad it was, but only about the feeling they would get when they saw the Moon.

There have been many strange disappearances around the Blue Moon. Signs of no struggle, clean houses, no bodies, all these being symptoms of the curse. There is only one true account of the Blue Moon tragedies, and it has been twisted and turned in so many ways that no one is sure if it is true anymore.

One day, a man got a letter in black with blood red lettering. It read:

The Blue Moon approaches. You must fear the safety of the ones you hold dearest. Seek coverage and keep them close. One beloved one may fall before your very eyes. It all begins with the prophecy... And ends with the prophecy...? the man thought this was some practical joke. He merely laughed it off and shrugged the letter away. But, the letter was stamped in his brain, and he couldn?t help but heed its words. Soon, the Blue Moon came. With the feeling of such total happiness, the letter was driven from his mind. He did not take precautions, and his young daughter awoke when she felt rumbling and caught sight of the Blue Moon.

The man saw this, and a feeling of dread filled his heart. He quickly grabbed his daughter and ran inside. He was prepared to save her at any cost. Though he was not sure he could fight the Goddesses.

But, it was not the Goddesses that arrived at his door. It was a horrible man in a black cloak. A man that reeked of feces and had long dirty nails with scabbed skin. The man clicked his snake-like tongue and dust began gathering from the ground. The poor man yelped in horror as the dust turned into a long scythe.

?Come... To... Me...? the Reaper hissed. The little girl slowly got up and began walking towards him.

?No! No, Ashley, no!? cried out the man, but he was silenced by another hiss from the Reaper.

?Come... To... Me... Come... To...Me...? the Reaper said in excitement. ?I... Have... Waited... Too... Long... For... This... Freedom...?

?What are you saying?? shouted the man. ?That?s my girl! That?s my daughter!?

?No!? silenced the Reaper. ?She... Has... Seen... The... Moon... Prematurely... Now... She... Is... Cursed...?

?No! Take me! Take me instead of her!? sobbed the man.

?Oh, but you will be taken... You both...? hissed the Reaper. He seemed to be gaining strength and more human features with each step the girl took. It seemed to take a minute for her to lift each foot. And the man could not get up, though he struggled so many times. Soon, the room no longer stunk, and the Reaper?s hands were not quite as scabbed.

?ASHLEY! GET OVER HERE NOW!? screamed the man, finally fighting the magical bonds the Reaper put on him and standing up. When she did not listen, he reached over and grabbed her, but let go in pain. ?She is boiling hot! What have you done??

?She is fine... She can not feel... She is half dead...? and then, Ashley reached the Reaper. He grabbed her and gave her the scythe. ?Use it well...? She turned and, with a wicked smile, walked back to her father. He was crying and ran to hug her. But, she held up the scythe and as he reached her, it pierced his heart.

His eyes widened in horror, and when he opened his mouth to speak, blood trickled out instead. Finally, he ushered the words, ?Why?? before dropping to his knees and coughing more blood.

?The warning was clear. You did not heed it like I said. Now you and your child must pay...? the Reaper said. ?And now I am free...? What looked like black clouds began coming out of the man instead of blood. They whirled and flew towards the Reaper.

The Reaper began controlling the wind, making the clouds of blackness whirl around him, and finally, he directed them right at the old man?s heart. With a loud scream of pain, the man dropped to the ground, dead.

?Now... I am free...? the Reaper said, his voice sounded melancholy. He took off his robes and threw them on top of the dead man. Then, he grabbed the girl and rose into the air.

The man, underneath the robes, slowly rose to his feet. He pulled the robs off of him and looked into a broken mirror. A horrible sight met his eyes. Maggots crawled into his black sockets and his teeth were rotting and gray. The smell of dead fish leaked out of every pore in his body. He groaned in pain and felt the Reaper?s scythe within him. He was the new Reaper... Destined to kill and take the next innocent child to free his body from the horrible agony consuming him.

And if he did not do it soon, he would rot in the underworld where he would forever live, tending to the limb of the devil who ruled within it. The fire would lick his bones, slowly rotting him even more. Soon, he would become a black crisp, wanting to die, but forever living on... Within the chambers that concealed him...


(( The Curse of the Blue Moon *One Shot* Continued... ))

Lily finished the story, putting her son to sleep. Everything seemed fine, Lily and James were hoping for the best. Could it be possible that the whole story was a lie? Was it safe to say no Reaper was coming? Lily stayed in the room with Johnny, stroking what little hair he had grown.

It was dead silent outside. Not even the crickets wanted to be heard. A rattling breath was the wind as the night was slowly turning into day. Lily fell asleep kneeling by Johnny?s bed, while James fell asleep sitting on a chair by the door into Johnny?s room. Suddenly, James jumped awake.

He had, had a dream that a horrible man with a scythe had ripped his heart out. Shivering slightly, James got up to go to the bathroom. On his way, he checked the clock in Johnny?s room. It was six o? clock in the morning. With a small groan, James gave his head a massage. He didn?t even need to, when he reached the bathroom, he jolted awake.

The door was locked, and he heard water trickling inside. But, he had seen Lily asleep with Johnny, and he could hear Rebecca?s snores in the next room. What was going on? Was that an intruder, or his imagination?

?Hello?? whispered James. The water stopped, and James could distinctly hear shuffling towards the door. James then realized he was unarmed, and quickly looked for something to defend himself with. The only thing that caught his eye was a picture of his family hanging on the wall, happy and smiling.

A tear trickled down his face as he unhinged it. This was a picture of them before the events of the Blue Moon. Before they were so careless... The door unlocked and opened. Standing before James was the same man in the cloak with the scythe that was in his dreams. James let out a scream of horror and dropped the picture as the horrible smell suffocated him.

?Come... To... Me...? it hissed. Then, James heard Lily yell and scrambling in the other room.

?What did you do?? yelled James.

?Come... To... Me... Yes... Come... To... Me...? continued the Reaper. James turned to see what the Reaper was looking at. Johnny was walking mistily towards them both. James gasped, Johnny couldn?t walk that well yet. What was going on? Then, Lily came running out of the room, sobbing.

?It?s happening!? she cried, trying to grab her son.

?You did not... Heed the warnings... Now you must... Pay...? explained the Reaper.

?What took you so long?? growled James, bawling his fists.

?Time was on... Your side...? James was not sure what that meant, or if the Reaper was being truthful, but he did not ask.

?Let my son go!? cried Lily. ?Take me instead!?

?You both will pay for your sins... After the one who saw the Blue Moon immaturely is dead...?

?Why would the Goddesses put us in such pain?? Lily sobbed. ?We?ve never done anything to offend them!?

?You have much... To learn...? Johnny was almost to the Reaper now. James wondered why the Reaper did not just reach out and grab him. James himself would do that, but the only thing that could move was his mouth and eyes. The Reaper was using the same spell in the tale that they knew now was true.

Suddenly, the Reaper gasped in pain and fell to his knees. Behind James was a window, and the sun was beginning to shine through it. The scream was loud and high pitched, like a Banshee. James wanted to cover his ears so badly, but he could not move. His eyes started watering from the pain and he wished more then anything that the Reaper would shut up.

?No, my master! Do not banish me away! NO!? he shrieked. James found the strength to move and ran towards Rebecca?s room. He swung open the door to see her awake from the noise.

?Dada?? she mumbled, rubbing her eyes. James took a Harry Potter book that Lily was reading to Rebecca and through it at the window in her room. It smashed open. With a few more kicks the window was cleared. Lily had run in, holding Johnny. Slowly and tearfully, they nodded heads.

?Rebecca, can you listen closely to Mommy?? Lily asked.

?Okay, mama,? Rebecca replied.

?I want you to take Johnny and hide. Just like in Hide n? Seek, okay?? Rebecca nodded, but looked like she was about to complain about the choice of game. James stopped her with a look.

?I?m going to hoist you out the window. Hide outside and speak to no one,? he said.

?Why?? Rebecca asked.

?So no one will be able to give away your hiding place,? Lily replied. James could see a scaly hand reaching forward. The Reaper must have come to his senses again. James quickly picked Rebecca and Johnny up and dropped them down slowly. Next second, the Reaper had crawled inside. His breath was heavy, and the room was very cold upon his entering it.

?W-What do you want?? Lily asked. ?The kids are gone!?

?To... Keep... Me... From... Going... To... The... Underworld... I... Must... Take... Two... Lives... Or... He... Shall... Not... Let.. Me... Go...? whispered the Reaper. Before Lily or James could process what he meant, the Reaper got up and swiped the scythe across, hitting both their chests in one shot.

Blood gushed out of James chest, and his vision became clouded. He looked over and saw, through the blackness, Lily on all fours, vomiting blood. James was sure the scythe had poison in it. Could a swift slash really make you vomit blood?

?Lily...? whispered James, reaching out a hand. She gave him a feeble smile and collapsed. James wanted to cry ?No!? but could not force the words out. Instead he tried staring down the Reaper with hate. Next second, he turned around in disgust and began vomiting. He wished he had focused on something else. He did not want to die with the picture he saw in his head. He wanted to die looking at Lily, like she died looking at him.

James glanced over at Lily, pretty even when she was pale and still in a pool of blood. But the picture of the Reaper was forever embedded in his mind. And he died with worries and wonders, and hopes and dreams for his children. The last sentence to escape his lips was a blessing for Johnny. It was silent, but a prayer to the Goddesses nonetheless. Then, he too collapsed next to his wife.

The Reaper then reached down and began sucking the blood under James, like James saw him do to Lily. With the blood from two people, the Reaper knew he would be able to survive for a little more time. He was not sure how long, but what he needed more then anything was to find the escaped child. Without him, he could not ascend to the heavens and be freed of the misery... Once the Reaper was done cleaning up, he disappeared in a pillow of smoke.


Rebecca was carrying Johnny as she ran as fast as she could. She giggled softly and tried to find the best hiding place. Despite what her parent?s said, she asked a baker packing up his store where they could hide.

?Why in the alley way is a god spot. But, don?t keep your parents looking all night!? he suggested. As they ran off he added to himself,? Those parents just love their children a little too much. Why can?t they be horrible role models like the rest of us?? Shaking his head, he retired into his shop. But, waiting for him was more then his wife and kids.

Blood was all over the grounds and pictures, the baker yelped out in surprise and looked to see what was going on. A sucking noise could be heard in the bathroom. Slowly, the baker tiptoed towards the noise. He peeked inside and had to cover his mouth from screeching in anger. A man in robes was bending over the baker?s wife, seemingly kissing her. The baker was so angry he could kill something... or someone.

?WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY WIFE?? the baker yelled, jumping towards the Reaper. Quickly and swiftly, the scythe cut through the baker and he fell to the ground in a heap.

?Where... Are... The... Children?? it hissed.

?W-What?? the baker asked, spitting up blood as he struggled to get up. It was then that he noticed his wife?s mouth was distorted and blood was spilling everywhere. ?No! Mel! What have you done? Mel are you okay! Mel!? sobbed the baker, already knowing what had happened.

?The children... You helped... Where did they go...?? the Reaper asked again.

?No! MY WIFE!? cried out the baker, trying to get to his beloved who was slowly dying.

?Tell me... OR SHE DIES!? the Reaper hissed, his scythe over Mel.

?NO! INTO THE ALLEY! MEL!? screamed the baker. But it was too late, the Reaper slashed Mel and she was gone. The Reaper did the same to the baker, but left his two children to be. He didn?t kill innocent babies... Unless they were unfortunate enough to look upon the Blue Moon...


Sorry for the triple post, but I'd just like to say sorry, I accidently never took off the "Do not post yet" sign O.o