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FFCC: My life as a Smasher

Started by DededeCloneChris, May 10, 2008, 07:04:20 PM

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A king.

That is a rank that I didn't knew I'd get so soon, but I was wrong.

My name is Chris, a person of the race of the Clavats, or my other name for all is King Chris, the king of the Smash Kingdom, a prosperous land full of hard worker citizens, where they live in harmony thanks to the works of the previous king, who was my father, I'm only 10 years old and I'm already a king, the youngest one since my point of view.

Now you're probably wondering, why is a 10 year old prince a king? Well...let me tell you my sad story...

10 years ago, my mother gave birth to me, but that is where the sadness come, my father told me that my mother died after she gave me the life and my father was very sad for losing her, I was still a baby but he told me that I was crying when I saw her eyes closed and didn't opened again...the whole kingdom was there at the funeral, many were crying, lots of tears fell to the soft ground along with the rain, but my father maintained his self and didn't cried, because she left something very precious to him, and that was me.

But 2 years later, an event cheered me up, since it was my second birthday, it was time for me to have a guardian who shall protect me every time my father needed to leave the kingdom for royal matters with the other kingdoms, I was still young, it was obvious...


"Father, have you found someone who can protect me?" I asked worried while I was sitting in his lap on the throne.

"No my son, it's hard to get someone these days, people hardly wants a job to serve the royal family of this kingdom," My father explained to me. I looked down to the floor in dissapointment "But don't fear, I have the feeling that this is going to change very soon"

"I'm only a burden to your job, right?"

"Don't think like that, you're not the slightest burden to me even a little bit"

I blinked before looking at him "...Maybe...if we make the daily patrol as we always do in the kingdom can help us in some way..."

He smiled a little "As you wish"

My father and I were always taking a walk around the kingdom, all the citizens were always saying their blessings to us, of course, my father not only wanted to walk around, but he was always inspecting the kingdom for any kind of trouble that could become worse in a close future, his discussion skills were the most amazing since it always had an answer that could or can resolve any problem, that was the only thing that made the kingdom so prosperous.

While he was discuting with the people, I was always walking around the kingdom on my own, even if I was alone, the persons were always saying "Good morning Prince Chris!" "It's good to see you!" "You're looking good this day as you do every day!" that was always making a smile on my face, full of happiness.

That day couldn't be better, my father told me that he found the perfect guardian for myself, I was very happy to hear that, he told me that he was going to appear in the castle in the morning of the next day...

But he told that he was only going to stay for one day...because the guardian was a very busy person and my father didn't had another option but to pay him a huge amoung of gil by the end of the day.

Nevertheless, I was very excited to see him at least once, I wished him to be a good person, not scary, tall, strong and a formal person with good manners, the only thing that I wished the least was all the contrary or if he was some kind of monster, the monsters scared me a lot when I was only 2 years old.

The next day, I woke up very excited, today I was going to have a guardian which was going to protect me because my father was going to the Palutena Kingdom to have a discussion with Queen Palutena, she is like my father, a person with very good manners, has the top army of the kingdom (which my kingdom didn't had, but she is very peaceful), the only thing that was different between both is that she was a queen, not a king.

However, my father already left leaving a note saying that the guardian was going to wait for me at the entrance of the castle at the first glance of the sun in the east, for my surprise, I saw the first glance of the sun to the other side of the window and I ran with great entusiasm to the entrance to welcome him.

My hopes were at the height of the sky, my smile was as happy as a Lilty, my energy was as corageous as a Selkie and my soul was as peaceful as a Yuke, today was going to be the most exciting day in my life.

When I opened the big doors of the castle, I closed my eyes and smiled to him to give a warm welcome to the castle, the first thing I felt was a big shadow covering me, one of my wishes came true, now there were only 4 more wishes to came true....

But for my horror...I screamed in terror after I saw the first thing my eyes saw in front of me.

Sure, he was tall, but the horror was for the next statements, he was scary, he wasn't a Clavat, a Selkie, a Lilty or even a Yuke, his legs were black, his lap was blue but there was a black circle running around like he was wearing a black belt, above the circle, there was yellor fur covering his chest, his back and stomach, my eyes widened more when they saw a spike...IN HIS CHEST...but to fed up my horror, 2 more spikes were in both arms, a long blue tail was coming from his rear, his hands were black but after passing the wrists (Or spikes, since they were in his wrists) his arms were blue, in his shoulders there were 2 black rings, his face was the most terrifieng and scariest thing I've ever seen before, a black marking was covering the most part of his face like he was some sort of guy who loves to wear masks (Good thing I didn't told him that or he would already killed me), his eyes were always shooting a very menacing glare, and it was worse since they were red, behind his head, there were 4 black sacks hanging and finally, his ears were blue, which made me think if he was a dog. He was completely the contrary person I was thinking I could come across in my life, did my father forgot about my fear againts the monsters?

"A-a-a-a-a-are you the guardian who was going to stay with me today?" I asked trembling a lot.

"You're right, my name is Lucario" He responded introducing himself with crossed arms, I trembled more when I hear his voice, deep and scary as he already is.

"W-w-well...m-m-m-my name i-"

"You're Prince Chris" He said narrowing his eyes (Something in this "Lucario" was telling me that he likes to scare people...especially childs like me).

"Th-th-that is correct," I replied trembling "I-I-I was going to the fields outside the kingdom to play...c-c-can you follow me please?" I asked.

He nodded "But I'm not going to play with you, playing it's a waste of time"

"A waste of time?! You're so rude!" I protested, forgetting the fact that he was a lot stronger than me so he looked at me with a glare which made me whine silently (My father was going to get a scolding from me for sure)


"Those are my thoughts and you can't do anything to change them" He protested, glaring again.

"...F-f-fine...follow me please..." I said, walking to the town with him behind my back.

Doing that was a big mistake, the people who were usually greeting me were escaping from not being killed by Lucario, they were as scared as me, I thought if they were thinking "(The king must have been crazy after choosing a monster as a guardian for a little child like the prince is)", murmurs and wispers were heard after passing through every person we passed together, that earned various glares to them by "courtesy" of Lucario, then they ran away scared. I knew it was wrong so I decided to act before any other Selkie could sweat and ran away.

"You know...I think it would be more...gentle if you stop glaring at the townspeople..." I suggested touching my fingers.

"Kindness are only for the weaklings" He said crossing his arms again.

"...Excuse me?" I asked confused "Kindness are only for the weaklings? What are you talking about? Being kind is good because it helps you to make friends!" I protested, I didn't cared if he glared at me, but I knew this guy was very wrong about his point of view.

"I only search for more power, having friends would just only slow me down in my training"

My right eye twitched "Are you out of your mind?! Does that means you don't have even one single friend?!"

"You're correct, I don't have a friend, I've never made one since I was born" He said.

"(Okay, it's time to change the way he thinks, if my father was here, he would do the same thing becau-)"

"(Go ahead, your plan it's futile and will fail miserably)"

I gasped and jumped in terror after I hear somebody else inside my mind "What the? Someone is inside my head!"

Lucario raised his hand "It was me"

"...You can speak to me in my mind?!" He nodded, now that was going to be harder than I thought, I have a guardian who can read and speak to the minds of the people surrounding him...this was going to be a long day for sure...

How can I think like that? My mission is to make him a good person!

The first thing on my list was to share a loaf of bread with him, fortunately, we were near the bakery where Link, the baker was working, he was still young at that time, but he was very skilled too, working with his father (Which I've never seen before besides him...neither his mother wasn't there too)

"Link! How are you today?" I greeted with a smile, Link had more years than me, so he was taller, but Lucario was taller than Link.

"Hey Chris!" He greeted, but then his eyes widened a lot when he saw my "guardian" "Y-y-you gotta eat my new recipe of bread...h-h-here!" He handed to me a new bread he made just today, it was looking delicious at first glance, and coming from Link, it is.

"Thank you! I'm going to the fields outside, bye!" I said waving to him, who waved back to me (Trembling because of you know who), outside the kingdom, there was a big, long field of grass going to other places, but the Miasma was a trouble for anyone who wasn't inside the range of a crystal, fortunately, the Smash Kingdom has one of the biggest crystals.

I looked to Lucario, who was meditating while walking "Do you want to eat this?" I asked putting the bread in front of his stomach (I was still tiny if you forgot), he opened his left eye and he glanced at the bread.

"No, I don't eat" He said.

"...You don't eat? Then how can you survive without eating anything?" I asked.

"I only eat vegetables and fruits," He stated "But not frecuently"

"...I see" I said in dissapointment, then I took a bite of the bread, and unfortunately, it was very tasty, so he was missing it.

My next plan was having a conversation with him.

"So...can you tell me about yourself and what places have you visited before?" I asked excited.

"No" Was his reply.

"What? You don't want to know about my lif-"

"You were educated with a strict education but you didn't get scolded because you worked very hard in your studies, that's because I find your way of talking somewhat remarkable at your age, but nothing really impresses me of you" He said.

"(He readed my mind)"

"(Correct)" He said to me and I got annoyed for that fact.

My next plan was to introduce him to my friends.

For my luck, Ness, Lucas and his brother Claus were running playing tag.

"Hey! It's Chris!" Claus said pointing at me, they walked to talk to me "How are you?"

"I'm fine, thanks for asking," I said smiling "I want to you to meet my guardian" I said introducing Lucario.

However, much to my dismay, their response were scared faces (Lucas was the most scared).

"T-t-t-t-t-t-t-that is your guardian?" Lucas asked terrified, but calling Lucario "that" was another big mistake, the response of the guardian was an angry growl and they backed away a little (But Lucas backed 4 feet away).

"C-c-calm down! W-w-we're not enemies!" Ness stated terrified too.

"Sorry, but that's his way he acts" I wispered to them, I was trying to make them friends of Lucario, but I remembered it was useless since I wasn't able to be his first friend.

"Well...I need to go now...want to come with us?" I asked giving a worried smile, first they looked at me, but then they looked at Lucario, then back at me, then back at Lucario, it continued for 3 minutes and they finally said their answer.

"NO, SORRY!" They said in unison running away screaming in terror (I could have sworn Lucas was screaming like a girl), I sighed in defeat and looked to Lucario.

"You're impossible..." I trailed off.

"And you're intolerant" He said with another glare. That made me a little sad from outside, but hurted a lot inside.

I finally gave up and we found the grass fields outside the kingdom, I looked around if there were fiends but luckily, there wasn't, I saw Lucario sitting above a hill meditating with closed eyes, something blue was surrounding his entire body, but I remembered it was something called "Aura".


Moggles were flying happily over the fields, I was always playing with them, they were just funny and friendly because they're like that, hearing them saying "Kupo!" every time they were happy makes me laugh and smile.

I asked them if they can make Lucario to play with them, they said "Kupo!" agreeding with my plan and they flew towards Lucario, they flew around his head and Lucario opened his right eye to watch them, I smiled and ran to him, but I tripped accidentaly, after I got up however, the Moggles were gone, but I saw a red cotton ball...coming from Lucario's mouth!

"What the?!" I blinked terrified, but the moggles appeared from nowhere and they flew away scared. Was Lucario eating them?...That can't be possible!

"Hmph, scaredy pests" Lucario said glaring as they went away.

"How can you say that to them?! They didn't hurted you!" I asked angrily.

He looked at me with a menacing glare "I don't tell you how to think about the others, so shut up"

"What kind of guardian are you? I'm trying to be friendly but the only thing I receive from you are either glares, protests or negative thoughts about everything or everyone you come across, you're the worst guardian ever!" I said enraged, but suddenly, I felt a shadow covering me and it was him looking furiously at my face and I backed away.

"And you're just an annoying prince who just wants to change the thoughts of people like me and doesn't stops trying something that will not happen even if you keep trying, YOU'RE THE WORST PRINCE I EVER MET IN MY LIFE, GO AWAY FROM ME! I DON'T CARE FOR THE MONEY NOW!" He said with a voice that was echoing through all the field, I stared at him for moment and I tried to not cry...but I did the contrary and he turned his back away with crossed arms.

I cried out loud, I was letting all my tears escaping from my eyes, there wasn't anyone there to cheer me, except the cold guardian who doesn't cares for anybody than himself.

"...You can stop now...." He said looking over his shoulder to me, but I didn't listened and continued crying "Seriously...stop now..." I was ignoring him "...You're just hurting yourself..." He said turning to see me, but I sat on the grass crying covering my eyes with my hands "...Stop..." I didn't listened "...I...I hate to see people crying...." He said, but I ignored him again "...Please...I beg of you...stop...." He wispered because he didn't wanted me to hear those words coming from him.

Just when I was about to stop crying, something grabbed my leg and it pulled me to the air, I uncovered my face to see an Ochu trying to eat me!

"AAAAAHHHHH!!!! SOMEBODY HELP ME!!!!" I cried trying to get help, but the creature shot a horrible stench that made me fall unconscious while it prepared to throw me inside his mouth (That was his head), everything was coming to an end to me....

"AURA SPHERE!!!" Lucario shouted firing a blue orb of energy coming from both hands, it went straight towards the vine that was grabbing my leg and it was destroyed, the Ochu screamed in pain and I was falling to the grass, but a blue arm got me before I could hit the grass, to my surprise, it was Lucario!

"NOW I HATE MONSTERS WHO ATTACKS CHILDREN LIKE HIM!!" He said enraged, I didn't see anything but the aura around him got bigger and bigger every second it passed, then when I noticed, his aura was bigger than the Ochu, his eyes were glowing intensely and he made another blue orb, but this time it was bigger than the last one and he fired it to the plant monster, a blinding light went towards the Ochu and it yelled in pain, after 7 seconds, it dissapeared leaving no trails of it.

When Lucario noticed, I was unconscious over his shoulder, he saw tears strolling down my cheeks, he knew I was very scared since the monster wanted to eat me.

"You'''re not an annoying prince...please forgive me...." He said worried.

I stopped my tears and I started to move my hands to touch anything, I touched Lucario's nose and I pressed it a little hard, that made Lucario to sniff a little and then he sneezed all over me, I laughed heartily after feeling something touching my face quickly.

If my eyes were opened...I could see the first smile in Lucario's face...


Lol, My Life as a Smasher=My Life as a King?

Good job! ^_^


Eh, it's pretty good.

Needs some proofreading, since I notice some English mistakes while just skimming through it.
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The Seventh

Hmmm...  interesting.  I like.  Despite not finishing your previous fic...

But now I feel a plot twist coming...  it seems like there has to be some relation to your previous fic!

Ooh, there has to be!  I think
[spoiler]That the one mysterious person who was never identified in the previous one did this!  Or maybe it's just me...[/spoiler]

Erm, I guess I speculate too much.


Quote from: red7js on May 11, 2008, 10:13:37 AM
Hmmm...  interesting.  I like.  Despite not finishing your previous fic...

But now I feel a plot twist coming...  it seems like there has to be some relation to your previous fic!

Ooh, there has to be!  I think
[spoiler]That the one mysterious person who was never identified in the previous one did this!  Or maybe it's just me...[/spoiler]

Erm, I guess I speculate too much.
I'm doing this fic because I'm researching all about Fire Emblem in my next arc, since I don't absolutely nothing about that game, so this is a one-shot.

The Seventh

Quote from: wiiboychris on May 11, 2008, 10:15:57 AM
Quote from: red7js on May 11, 2008, 10:13:37 AM
Hmmm...  interesting.  I like.  Despite not finishing your previous fic...

But now I feel a plot twist coming...  it seems like there has to be some relation to your previous fic!

Ooh, there has to be!  I think
[spoiler]That the one mysterious person who was never identified in the previous one did this!  Or maybe it's just me...[/spoiler]

Erm, I guess I speculate too much.
I'm doing this fic because I'm researching all about Fire Emblem in my next arc, since I don't absolutely nothing about that game, so this is a one-shot.
This shows I speculate too much >_>

But, nevertheless, a very good temporary fic.  I doubt I could make such a good temproary fic to save myself :(


When I woke up, I found myself laying in my bed in the castle, it was the afternoon already and I sighed in relief for staying alive.

I turned my head to see my guardian looking at me.

" saved me from that monster?" I asked and he nodded "But I thought you didn't cared for me anymore..."

He chuckled a little "Turns out I cared at the last minute"

"'re laughing!" I pointed out surprised "So you don't think that kindness is useless anymore?"

He looked away embarrased "...I...think so..."

"That is not a thing to be embarrased, you shouldn't be acting like that," I said "But why did you changed your mind at the last second?"

"'re the first person who showed me the meaning of having a friend"

"Then...I'm your first friend?"

He blushed, embarrased again "...Y-yes..."

I stared at him for 1 minute until I gave him a little smile "That is good to hear, I'm happy to know that you're not a cold person mother would be happy to hear that if she was still alive..."

"Wait, your mother is death?" He asked a little curiously.

"You didn't knew? I thought you did since you can read minds"

"I don't care for the life of the persons around me, but yours is different"

"'s true, my mother died when she gave birth to me, I've been living alone with my father ever since," I said and his jaw dropped a little from his mouth, he was a little surprised "It's something wrong?"

"'s mother died in the same way as you"

I gasped "Are you serious?"

"I've been living alone, without my father because he died 1 year after I was born, he died of a unknown disease, that day, I was very sad after losing both persons that raised me for a short time, then, I turned into a person who only seeks more power to eliminate any enemy who dared to kill me, now you see why I was so cold to you" He explained.

"...We're...almost the same person...." I said "We lost our mothers in the same way...but you suffered more than me...I'm sorry, I'm just only a stupid kid who didn't got the chance to love a mother, I'm an idiot!" I said before crying, after a moment, I felt fur touching my face, it was Lucario who was hugging me.

"Don't cry please, it's not your fault, sometimes the destiny can be cruel to everyone"

"But why it had to be me?! I don't understand!"

"We must struggle against this to be stronger, I can only say this because I know from experience"



"...Don't leave me alone..."

"...I'll think about that..."

I cried and whined silently to let my sadness escape from me, Lucario was also crying a little, I knew we were the same persons from the begginning, but he was calmer than me that made him different.

It was night now and my father returned from his trip to attend the Queen Palutena, both of us were waiting in the throne because Lucario was waiting for his money to continue his journey. I was sad for that fact and I thought he didn't wanted to stay with me.

"I see you protected my son while I was away, I really appreciate that," My father said with a little smile, then he was holding a bag with gil in his right hand "Take this, it's for taking care of him"

Lucario glanced at the bag of gil, but he looked at me, I was looking away with a sad and upset face, he did that back and forth and my father made a confused face.

"Do you have a problem?" My father asked.

"It's just..." Lucario trailed off and I looked at him "...I want to become his personal guardian" He smiled at me.

My father blinked in confussion "It's that your desicion?"

"Yes, I made up my mind after spending my time with him, you don't have to worry about paying me" He said and a smile grew on my face.

"...Then it's settled, you're now the royal guardian of my son, I wish you good luck in your job" My father said smiling and closing his eyes.

I jumped towards Lucario to hug him and he just stood there, both of us pressed our cheeks with the other and we laughed happily for being together from now, you won't believe how happy I was that day...or we were.

Even after that day, Lucario and me were always together wherever I went to, my father was glad that he finally found someone that could stay with me so he could work in his job with the other kingdoms.

Also, Lucario was opening slowly his compassion to the others, not only me, but the people of the kingdom were getting used at his presence, even Ness, Lucas and Claus were getting used too.

The times we were alone were the most fun of all, I usually begged to Lucario if he could play hide-and-seek with me, he agreeded after a while and I hid in some bushes, then he looked for me around, but I was an idiot since he can use the aura to find hidden things, and those things were me, I ducked behind the bushes but suddenly, his nose came from the leaves and it pushed me to the grass, he gasped after he did that by accident, but I blinked and laughed, he did the same and grabbed me by my lap and put me in his left shoulder, I hugged his head smiling and he placed his left hand in my head to rub it.

That lasted 6 years and both of us were still happy...


"I saw your tail wagging! That was hilarious of you!" I said walking towards the throne with Lucario.

"N-no! That's not true!" He protested blushing, trying to hide the truth.

"You're bad at lying, admit it! You were wagging your tail!"

"F-f-for the last time, I didn't wagged my tail!"

Now I was seeing Lucario as the guardian I wished for, my wish came true after all and he has all the things I wished, that made me very happy.

I folded my arms behind my head "Sure!" I said sarcastically, then I looked at the throne and my father was there sleeping, it was night too so I decided to wake him up "Father, wake up! You need to rest in your bed!"

But something was wrong with him.

"Father! Stop dreaming above the throne, you need to rest in your bed remember?" I asked smiling trying to wake him up.

"...He's not awakening..." Lucario said.

"Father? Are you sleeping?" I asked, then Lucario approached and he pressed his ear against his chest...and he gasped..."What?"

"...He is not breathing..."

"WHAT?!" I asked in shock, then I put my hand below his nose and I didn't felt air coming from it, I was starting to get worried about him "Okay father, you can stop your joke now...wake up!" I ordered but he didn't budge "Lucario...I'm scared..."

"Wait..." Lucario was starting to smell something odd in the air "That smell..." He started to search for the sourse of the odor and he found something behind the back of my father " can't be..."

"What is i-" Lucario quickly embraced me a little scared "Stop! I need to see what's going on!"

"I can't let you! It's too painful if you see it!" He said while I was trying to escape from his grasp, but I got out from him and I ran to see what was behind my father.

"There's nothing here" I said.

"...Search completely"

"Search completely? What do you mea-" My eyes widened a lot in horror after I saw the back of my father, I couldn't believe it..."BLOOD!" I screamed jumping back and my heart was pulsing a lot in that moment, my own self was very terrified and scared at the same time.

"Someone murdered your father!" Lucario stated.

"No! It can't be! I can't believe it!" I said dropping to my knees in the long red carpet. After that, I heard a lot of screams coming from outside "What is happening?!" I asked terrified, I ran outside with Lucario and I saw the most horrible and saddest view my eyes saw in my life.

"IMPOSSIBLE!" I screamed, now it was worser than the last time, all the townspeople were out in the streets crying above dead bodies of their beloved ones, horror and pain filled the entire kingdom which was once very happy, I ran towards the center of the town to look at the painful event, many people were dead...and for my misfortune...

"CLAUS!" I yelled after I saw my best friend dead on the floor, Lucas was crying above him and not only that, their mother was also dead close to them, Lucas's father was quite enraged after watching his wife dead in front of his eyes.

"NO! WHO COULD HAVE DONE THIS TO US?!" Lucas cried out dropping more tears from his eyes, his dog, Boney, was trying to calm him down by licking his face but it didn't worked and he whined sadly.

I hugged Lucario's right leg in terror "I...I...I'm scared...very scared...who...who could...have done...this horrible event?"

He rubbed my head "I don't know, it ocurred all of a sudden"

The once peaceful Smash Kingdom was now the kingdom who suffered a great and painful decimation, the king was dead and 1/4 of the poblation died by no clues or trails of the culprit, everything was at risk of being destroyed by the sadness of the kingdom...what I was going to do about this? I clenched my hands in his leg and closed my eyes with force to restrain my tears.

"GGGUUUUUUUUUUAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" A huge roar came from Lucario who soon created a long minute of silence around the kingdom and everybody stopped their cries of fears.

"Wh-why'd you do that?" I asked terrified.

"People of the Smash Kingdom!" He said with a voice echoing through the night "Today we have witnessed the cruel moment of blood spreading throught the streets coming from our beloved ones! I clearly demand to stop your cries of help and your yells for wishing a miracle that will not probably happen even with your wishes combined!" He said and everyone tried their best to stop their tears "The only way to stop this menace..." He trailed off and looked at the floor "Is with a proper funeral for their souls to rest in peace"

Everyone started to cry louder after hearing the word "funeral", but there wasn't any choice left but to do that if they wanted the bodies of their beloved ones in a safe place to visit.

A long night passed with many dead bodies being buried inside coffins and holes, many were crying and saying their sad speechs, I cried after I saw the coffin with my father inside being buried on the top of a hill to the left side of my mother's grave, after it was completely buried, I cried louder than before while Lucario was hugging me close to his chest, I could feel he was crying inside too, now we were both the same...without fathers to see each day...

The next morning...

Since my father was the king and he was assasinated, his duties were going to be transfered to me because I was the only heir to the throne, so a coronation was held today in the kingdom to receive the new

"I'm so nervous now..." I trailed off. I was inside the castle and the whole people of the kingdom were waiting outside to see me receiving the crown, Lucario was standing by my left side with crossed arms.

"Don't worry, I'll protect you from any danger that may appear in your way" He said giving me a determined face.

"...I hope nothing bad happens" I said, then I walked slowly towards the entrance of the castle, after opening the big doors, the streets were covered by the townspeople (Link, Ness and Lucas were in front of them), a small but preocupied smile grew in my face after seeing all of them looking at me, the crown was standing above a golden furniture with a red couch below the precious item, I walked towards it and I started my speech to cheer the kingdom.

"Today, is a new begginning to our lives, it's the start of something different that we thought it wouldn't come so soon, but after the tragic event of yesterday, the time for a new king has risen from the previous king, it's time for us to work harder for a better future, we're going to stand up to all the bad things along the way and we will work together as a big community of entusiastic workers," Many cheers were heard after that "The only thing I need from all of you is..." I closed my eyes "Your compassion and your help to build our great kingdom!"

All the townspeople were cheering louder than before, I decided it was time to take the crown to place it in the top of my head, I nodded to Lucario and he nodded back at me, he grabbed the crown slowly from his furniture and I slowly lowered my head and closed my eyes to receive the only important valuable for a king, his crown.

When the crown was finally above my head, I looked to all the people with a little smile and I bent to them giving my complete authority.

"LONG LIVE THE KING!" Link, Ness and Lucas shouted, the entire kingdom, after hearing their small speech, started to yell that to show their appreciation.

"LONG LIVE THE KING! LONG LIVE THE KING! LONG LIVE THE KING!" They said in unison raising their hands to the air, I looked to Lucario and he was happy to see his friend being the new king of the Smash Kingdom.

The present, 2 years later

The kingdom changed a lot after I took the throne, I decided it was good to have more soldiers at our disposal to not repeat the mysterious event of deaths in the past.

Also, I needed more personnel to assist me in my duties, having only Lucario was throwing my full attention to him and nobody else, that's why I hired more people inside the castle to live and help the kingdom.

"My king, the meeting is going to be held when the sun is on the middle of the sky" A pink creature spoke to me holding a scroll with many jobs in it, her name was Jigglypuff, the special helper to inform me of my important things to do.

Today, a meeting was going to be held in the castle with the kings and queens of the other kingdoms, the Palutena's, Mushroom's, Crimea's, Dreamland's and Hyrule's kings were going to be present this day to discuss the problems regarding the safety of our people.

Not only that was going to happen this day, I was busy trying to get new personnel to patrol the streets in the night, if they wanted to help, first they needed to pass my test, which was going to get an important treasure inside a dangerous cave filled with fearsome beasts. So far, many failed miserably.

I sighed while I was sat in the throne "Thanks for letting me know, you can go if you want"

"Thanks, but I think I'll stay here to inform you of the new soldiers"

"Of course...I was forgetting that already" I said with a small chuckle.

"So many things have happened lately, don't you think?" Lucario asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, but nothing really cheers me up even as little bit" I said making an upset face.

Lucario was always trying to cheer me up whenever I was getting depressed, so he told me our past experiences together.

"Remember the night before the coronation ceremony?" He asked to me with a little smile.

"I still remember that...I was crying aloud in the night and you decided to rest with me in my bed to calm me down, but your plan didn't worked and I continued my act, but you know what happened next?"

Lucario laughed heartily "I know, I licked your face to make you laugh"

I laughed after remembering that "Yes! I was trying to get off from your assault of licks so I was trying to get away from you..." I chuckled "But you..."

"I grabbed you by surrounding your neck with my arm and then I pulled you below my face and I continued to lick your face while you were trying to get off me, you laughed a lot that night"

"Sometimes you're a big meanie for taking advantage from your size and strength to little kids like me!" I said laughing and he laughed too, Jigglypuff was chuckling a little after hearing this "I'll never forget that night!"

"If you want, I can do that again" Lucario suggested with a small chuckle.

"OH NO! PLEASE DON'T DO THAT AGAIN!" I said laughing and warning him.


"My king, if you're done, I have 2 more soldiers who came from the cave with the treasure" Jigglypuff said.

"Really? Let them pass please!" I ordered to 2 Lities standing next to the big doors of the throne and they opened them. From the other side, a vulpine like creature along with a person with the appearance of a falcon walked towards me, their way to wear clothes was quite interesting because I haven't see that kind of vests before.

I standed up from the throne to greet them "Good work for passing through the cave! You're the first 2 persons to pass my test!"

"Fox, we took a challenge from him?" The falcon wispered and asked to the fox...that his name was Fox by obvious reasons.

"(Oh no, they're judging me for being a kid again)" I thought in my mind annoyed.

"Looks like it" Fox replied.

"It's something wrong?" I asked with a tiny vein appearing in my forehead.

"Nothing, there's nothing wrong" Fox said shaking his head.

"...Fine...alright then, let me see the treasure to confirm your success of the mission" I said with crossed arms, the falcon took out from his pocket the most precious material for making weapons, the legendary Adamantite "The Adamantite, the only material in the world to make the strongests weapons of all times...guards! Send this material to the Blacksmith!" I ordered and 3 Lilties took the material away to deliver it to the Blacksmith of the kingdom, then I looked at the 2 soldiers with a little smile "Well done! I'm really impressed that 2 persons like you 2 were able to find and locate the Adamantite! You're officialy hired!"

"Follow me to show you your rooms" Jigglypuff said walking away with the 2 new soldiers and I sighed in relief.

"Well, I should start to get ready for the meeting now" I said to Lucario.

"Alright, do you want company?"

"Well...why not? Come with me!" I said smiling and both of us went to the Dining Room.

After 2 hours, the kings and queens from the other kingdoms showed up, from the Palutena Kingdom, Queen Palutena came along with her guardian, a captain from an army of royal soldiers called Pit, he was for what my knowledge lets me know an angel, from the Mushroom Kingdom, there wasn't any king or queen, instead, a princess came with the name of Princess Peach, she was accompanied by small guards with toad's heads, ironically, their names were Toad, from the Crimea Kingdom, Queen Elincia Ridell Crimea came with some soldiers from a group called Greil Mercenaries, her top soldier was one called Ike, from the Dreamland Kingdom, the most greediest king of all came, it was King Dedede, a person with the appearance of a blue penguin, he was accompanied by one of the strongest swordsman of the world, it was Meta Knight, a warrior with a mask that covered his face, he is small, but he's very talented in his skills with his sword, and finally from the Hyrule Kingdom, another princess came, it was Princess Zelda, remember Link, the baker? Well, his fathers were assasinated in the decimation and he went to Hyrule to train hard with his sword and he was able to be the guardian of Princess Zelda, I was very impressed at his sudden rank as a guardian.

"Now to begin our meeting, I thank all of you for coming to my castle to discuss the problem that can menace all of us" I said.

I've learned about something, all of their kingdoms were also assaulted with many deaths of their people the same night 2 years ago, it was obviously a plan deviced by someone or a group of assassins.

Princess Zelda stood up from her chair "As you remember, our kingdoms suffered a lot of deaths the night 2 years ago"

"Yes, along with the death of my father" I said.

"My impressions are that this wasn't a coincidence, but this was already planned from the begginning" Queen Palutena said and that raised some gasps (Coming from the Toads).

"It ocurred at the same time right?" Princess Peach asked.

"It appears so" I replied rubbing my chin.

"Bah! My kingdom can handle some deaths" King Dedede said waving a hand and that earned some glares.

"Ignoring the idioticy of King Dedede," I said and mentioned person glared at me "It's time to make a plan to reveal the assassins from their deeds and bring them to the law"

Queen Elincia stood up from her chair "I agree, we don't know if that is going to happen again in a near future"

"But to clarify something, one of my people identified one of them" Princess Zelda said holding a paper with a picture of someone on it with the word "WANTED" above.

"Isn't that..." Princess Peach trailed off.

"Yes, it's Ganondorf, the sworn enemy of my kingdom" Princess Zelda pointed out.

Then, all of a sudden, everyone were holding papers with images of the enemies of their kingdoms, the problem was that nobody in the town identified my enemy.

"You don't know anything about your enemy King Chris?" Queen Elincia asked surprised.

"Not a single clue about him," I said "But the way he killed my father was weird...I saw 5 deep rips of blood in his back like someone attacked him with sharp claws"

"Then what are gonna do about this?" For once, King Dedede seemed interested in this matter.

"Our plan is to make our stronger guards to patrol our towns in the night, in that way, they can find the culprits in less time" I said.

"But we need to think first, the assassins can see our move and they will probably not come out" Princess Peach said.

"You're right, that's why the guards are going to hide" Princess Zelda said.

"I have no objections with that" Queen Palutena said.

"Neither do I" Queen Elincia said.

"It's there any kind of contradiction with our idea?" I asked and everyone shook their heads "Then after we return to our works in our thrones, we're going to held a special assignment the night of tomorrow," I said and everyone nodded "For now, I wish you all a safe trip back to your homes" I said with a smile and everyone left the room after eating.

I returned to my throne and sighed "How did I did?" I asked to Lucario.

"You did very well in the meeting, you were concentrated at your full potential" Lucario said giving me a little smile.

"Thanks, I was a little nervous but I went through without problems after all"

"Your father surely would be proud of you," He said, but I looked down sadly and Lucario kneeled putting his hand on my right shoulder "Please, I wasn't trying to make you sad"

"..." I didn't responded.

"Do you want to do something?" He asked and I looked to him.

"Yes, I want to practice my sword skills with you again"

"Again? Last time you didn't made a scratch on my face" He pointed out.

"Just because your spike is a perfect shield for you doesn't means I can't touch you"

He chuckled a little "I didn't even moved from my spot"


We were in the green fields training my sword skills, but...

"Come on! You're not even moving!" I said to Lucario, he wasn't moving from his position, but his arms were crossed and his eyes were closed, I was trying to land a blow to his body but he shielded himself with the spike on his right arm, I was getting angry because he didn't countered my attacks, so basically he didn't used 5 percentage of his energy to fight me.

"Fine then" He said opening his left eye to see me, he put his hand in my forehead and I saw one finger bent and then, he opened it pushing me and falling to the grass.

"...You're not funny!" I protested.

"You're not strong" He replied back.

After staring at each other for 1 minute, we started to laugh at our comments about the other and he grabbed me by my lap and carried me in his back walking to the castle.

End of flashback

"Alright, I don't know what to do now" I said laughing.

"Well, what if you start your plan againts the assassins?" He suggested.

"I almost forgot!" I said surprised.


The next day, I called all the soldiers to assign them on this special mission for tonight, they agreeded to the plan and it was night already and the plan was going to start after locating the assassin of the previous event. I told the townspeople to lock themselves inside their houses to stay out of the trouble.

"Tell the status" I ordered.

"It appears that nothing suspiccious has happened yet, but the soldiers are still hiding" Jigglypuff said.

"Good, try to tell them to hold their positions without being seeing"

"Affirmative" She said leaving to the town.

"What I was thinking in that moment?" I asked to myself frowning.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Lucario asked.

"Doing an operation to seek the assassin that will most likely not appear in a random night it's stupid"

"...You didn't thought very well right?"

"I'm afraid so..."

Suddenly, I hear screams coming from outside the castle, I couldn't believe it, the assassin appeared again? In this night?

"That came from...THE CRYSTAL!" Lucario said.

"He's after the crystal?! We have to go!" I said and we nodded, to not make any kind of delay, Lucario carried me in his arm and his speed let us reach the main area with the crystal that protects the kingdom from the miasma.

After we reached the place, I saw a lot of my soldiers kneeled trying to recover their energies and I gasped.

"Who did this to you?! Tell me now!" I ordered.

"A...above the crystal..." One Lilty soldier said and pointed to the top of the crystal before fainting, both of us looked above and there was someone with crossed arms standing at the peak of the crystal, he was scary, his face was covered in grey fur and there were sharp claws on his hands, his appearance was resembling a wolf.

"You're the assassin of 2 years ago!" I said angrily pointing at him "How could you did this to my father?!"

"What do we have here, a young little king" The wolf said grinning "This place has a poor way to choose their kings"


(Final part coming tonight)

The Seventh

Oooh!  Suspenseful!

*can't wait*


Ok, now you really need to work on your grammar.
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"Why'd you do that for? The father of my king was a very kind person!" Jigglypuff came from nowhere with an angry face.

"It's because of this" The wolf pointed to the crystal below his feets.

"The crystal?" I asked and he nodded.

"The crystal holds an unbelievable power of not only protect an area from the miasma, but also holds the power to create a kingdom like this, that's what my group is after" He explained.

"A power to create a kingdom like this?...You mean...the arquitek magic?"

"Correct, I tried to steal this crystal 2 years ago, but I was noticed and I didn't had another choice but to kill all the witnesses along with my comrades"

"So it was YOU after all, Wolf!"

I turned my back to see the new recruits of yesterday, Fox and Falco walking towards us.

"You know him?" Jigglypuff asked.

"He was my father's rival until he dissapeared, after that, Wolf has been roaming every kingdom to steal their crystals and try to create his own place to take control, but he doesn't realises that he has a large bounty of his head" Fox explained and Falco took out a WANTED image with Wolf in it.

"...That amount of gil just for his head?!" I gasped after reading the price for his head, it was a large amount of gil of 100,000,000,000! "What kind of crimes has he commited?!"

"Many, assassinations, thievery, being an accomplice of other enemies, kidnappings and such" Falco explained.

"Basically, he's a threat for everyone" Jigglypuff stated.

"Let me guess, you 2 have been chasing him for a long time right?" I asked and they nodded.

"I'm impressed at the size of this crystal, this is by far the most powerful crystal of the others I've been seeing, so I hope you don't mind if I take it..." He said grinning.

"First of all," I said "How in the world are you going to carry the crystal? You're small to carry alone that"

I saw him snapping his claws and from nowhere, Goblins, Ahrimans and Iron Giants came holding many ropes and they attached the ropes to the crystal.

"Stop at once now!" I ordered.

"Or what?" Wolf asked raising an eyebrow.

"SOLDIERS! ATTACK!" I ordered and from the darkness of the night, the soldiers that were hiding came yelling and charging at the monsters.

A war was unleashed around the crystal, magic, hits, slashs and explosions were created in the sight of my eyes, my soldiers were fighting with all of their strength to protect both the crystal and the kingdom, Jigglypuff and me were out of the battle, but nobody noticed Wolf standing on the top of the crystal grinning, I gritted my teeths after remembering what he had done to my father, I grabbed my sword from my back and I ran after him.

"MY KING!" Jigglypuff yelled.

"Pathetic intent to kill me" Wolf said jumping from the crystal and landing in front of my eyes, I leaped with a jump attack, but he rolled out of the way and my sword got stuck in the floor, he was running towards me and I tried to pull out my sword, for my luck, I did it but I stumbled to the left side by accident, missing the claws of my enemy.

"Take this you monster!" I said slashing his back with my sword, he gritted his fangs in pain after feeling the pain running in his back, he quickly retaliated with a kick tossing my sword away from the impact leaving me defenseless, I gasped after his presence was coming closer to me and I crossed my arms in front of my face to resist.

"LEAVE HIM ALONE!" An enraged voice came from the battle and Lucario came delivering a strong punch on his face, Wolf was sent jumping of the floor 3 times before stopping his slippering digging his claws below him.

"Hmph, fools" He said wiping blood from his mouth, I realised that Lucario, Fox and Falco were making a shield in front to protect me from Wolf, Jigglypuff ran by my side worried about my movement.

"Wolf! By order of the other kingdoms who suffered because of your deeds, you're under arrest for assassinations, kidnappings and thievery!" I ordered.

"Sorry, but you have to wait for that" He said grinning, he noticed that his comrades were dead above the ground of battle and my soldiers were still standing, surrounding him completely pointing their spears, glowing hands with magic ready to attack and swords.

"It appears that you lost the fight, surrender now!"

He laughed rather evily, which made me a little confused "What is so funny?" I asked, then he grabbed a black ball from his pocket.

"Until we meet again" He said and he tossed the ball to the floor with force and a big curtain of smoke covered the whole area of the crystal and everyone were coughing, after it disappeared, Wolf was nowhere to be found.

"Search the perimeter for him, now!" I ordered and all the soldiers along with Fox and Falco patrolled the area to find him, I looked at the floor with clenched hands "My opportunity to avenge my father is gone now"

"Don't be so harsh on yourself, it's not your fault" Lucario said trying to comfort me.

"...I guess you're right..."

The next day...

The soldiers didn't found any trail of his whereabouts, luckily, there wasn't any civilian killed in the whole incident, but I felt horrible for not accomplishing my mission to avenge my father. The other kingdoms suffered the same attack in the same night, but they didn't got any trails of their enemies but their people didn't got killed fortunately

This day, I decided to visit the graves of my fathers with Lucario, Jigglypuff and the new recruits, I turned them into generals because of their knownledge about Wolf's crimes againts the other kingdoms, anyway, we reached the graves and I placed 2 ornaments of flowers in each one.

"Father, mother, how have you been in the heaven? I hope you're fine, my life as a king it's a little hard...but..." I looked at my servants with little smiles towards me and I looked back to the graves "With my people, everything it's going to be fine, I know it because it's true, unity and hard work makes a community a great kingdom right?  Like my father taught me to do it," I looked at the sky "I wish you're watching me above the clouds to make you both happy of my work as the king of the Smash Kingdom, your wishes are the only thing that makes me strong against the problems, troubles and threats that happens every day...for my last words, you don't have to worry about me, I'm fine, you can rest in peace anytime from now"

"Are you done?" Lucario asked.

I looked to him with a smile "Yes, I'm done, we can return to the castle now"

We walked down the hill, but I was behind them, suddenly, I hear something behind my back and I turned my head to see nobody there, I thought the souls of my fathers were there, but I saw a group of moggles flying around, I shook my head to abandon the thought and I ran down the hill to reach them.

But after we were far away from the graves, I looked back again and I saw 2 familiar persons in the graves, my fathers? I rubbed my eyes but when I opened them, they were gone...then I smiled, they're watching me from the heaven.

"It's something wrong?" Lucario asked.

"...No, I'm fine, let's go!" I said running to the castle, soon, the four of them ran with me and I thought I started a race by accident, but nevertheless, I was so happy in that moment...

...My life as a king it's going to be interesting after all...


The Seventh

Well, I have to say that was very good, despite just the slightest hint of incompleteness.

But, I shouldn't be too harsh to judge, since it is, after all, only a temporary fic.

One thing though...  Try and use preview to check your grammar.
Just thought I'd let you know so you can further improve your fics!