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Remember... ~ A Pokemon Mystery Dungeon FanFic

Started by Light, May 15, 2008, 09:40:36 PM

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A/N: This is my first chapter fic that I'm going to actually try to finish. I hope you enjoy my story!


All lives have a beginning and an end. It is never up to us to decide when that end shall come. Therefore, you must always cherish that which is most important to you, for you never know when that time may come. Most believe that the memories of their most beloved or greatest times are the most important things in their lives. We?re just about to see how important those memories are.




?Would you tell me that story again? You know, the one that you always told me when I was a lot younger??

?Ah. You?re talking about the one about the island of dreams??

?That?s the one! I always loved it, especially when you were the one who told it to me.?

?Heh, but who else knows that story??

?I just liked hearing you say it. That?s all!?

?Hmm? ok, I suppose I could recite it again this one time??


?This story begins on a faraway island, one that isn?t even listed on our maps. It tells about the mysterious tale of a brother and sister, and their two beautiful parents??

Chapter One

The bright red sign dimmed as a male Pikachu stepped out of the room onto a tile surface through a sliding metal door. He had a light blue outfit on, as well as scrubs and a mask, which he was now taking off. He sighed, after being in there for so long. A small Eevee ran up to him, tears in her eyes from stress. ?Please, doctor, tell me; will my brother be alright?? The Pikachu calmly stared at the Eevee.

?The operation was a success,? he stated. ?A few weeks in a rehabilitation room, and he?ll be able to come home with you again.? The brown fox like Pokemon smiled in gratitude, and tears of joy began to pour from her eyes.

?Thank you, Doctor Starla!? She said as the Pikachu walked out of the hallway. As the door closed behind him, he walked into yet another room; this one considerably smaller. He took off his blue gown-like uniform, and sat on a small chair. Man, operating on such short notice is a pain? when the patient?s life hangs on a thread, you have to be ready to do anything?

He sighed, and then stood up, walking over to a locker with the words ?Kyle Starla? printed on it in large, bold letters. He opened it up and took out a white shirt with a black cloak. While putting the articles of clothing on, the electric mouse looked out of a window on the west side of the room, and watched as orange leaves fell off a few trees. He saw the bright pink sunset behind the scene. Huh? Autumn already?

He put a black top hat on his head, but it was slightly to the side so that one of his ears was sticking out. I wonder how Kristal?s doing?


?A voice cries out in the forest night??

A young Treecko picked off a few apples from a tree she was standing underneath. She was surrounded by many similar trees, and it appeared as if she was resting. She continued to sing the lullaby that she could never get out of her head.

?Hush little one, it will be alright??

She leaned down and put the bright red fruit into a light brown basket. She picked up the basket and slung it over her shoulder, and began to walk across the forest. She soon came to a clearing, where there were a few trees surrounding it with oranges in them.

?Ah, Kyle loves oranges!? She thought out loud, while picking a couple oranges and adding them to her basket. A strong gust soon blew by, and her brown coat puffed a little and fluttered behind her in the wind. She then closed her basket, and looked up at the sky, seeing that the sun was beginning to set. Hmm? I should start going home.

As she began to depart, something caught her eye. ?What???


?Ah, Starla-sensei,? A bright eyed Kirlia said to the Pikachu, who was passing by in a hallway. She had a bright blue uniform on like the one Kyle had on previously, and also had a small pink bow in her hair.

?No need to be so formal, Gina,? The Pikachu said, who had ceased walking after the mention of his name. ?We are almost at the same position, after all. Please, just call me Kyle.? The Kirlia who had been addressed as Gina gave a small giggle.

?Whatever you say, Kyle,? Gina said, trying to suppress her laughter. They began walking again, and in the same direction. ?So, how did the operation go?? She asked after a brief silence. ?It must have been difficult to operate on such a short notice!?

?It was more difficult than normal,? Kyle admitted. ?But the operation was still a success. If you ever want to be a great doctor, you have to be able to operate at anytime, no matter what the circumstances are.? They soon reached the front area of the hospital. A Wartortle sat in a chair at a desk in front of a door which led outside. He seemed to be writing something on a notebook. Perhaps it was the results of one of the operations that day. ?You remember about our operation planned tomorrow on the Meowth, right?? Kyle asked. Gina smiled.

?Heart blockage. Eighty percent of a major artery is blocked. Scheduled tomorrow at approximately three PM. We will be doing a bypass surgery. Patient is Kojima Katawa. How could I forget?? She asked, grinning even wider. Kyle smirked back.

?Just making sure. See you two hours beforehand for preparation,? he said, walking out the front door and into the slightly colder outdoors, leaving the two story building behind him. A red cross was just above the front door?s awning, and above that in bright red were the words ?Rendar Hospital?. Rendar, of course, was the name of the city.

Gina opened her mouth as to say something, but the Pikachu was already gone. Damn! You?re too slow again, Gina! Wait too long, and someone else is bound to pick him up? She leaned against a wall, still looking at the see-through door. It?s only natural, though? She sighed, and began walking down the hallway they had come from.

She?s a nice kid? Kyle thought, looking back at the hospital he had exited. He walked on a pathway surrounded by tall trees, whose leaves were turning into different shades of orange, red, and yellow. A few of the leaves fell off as the Pikachu slowly proceeded towards his residence.

A small gust blew by, and something rattled around Kyle?s neck. He ceased walking momentarily. He looked down at his chest at the cross-shaped necklace that dangled from a thin chain around his neck. He clutched the necklace, and held it even closer over his chest. He closed his eyes, and could almost feel that he was somewhere else, perhaps not even somewhere on that planet?

?Ridiculous,? he muttered, letting the necklace fall back into place over his chest. He opened his eyes and continued walking. After all, that time has not come yet. We?ll just have to see what the future has to offer. Hmm? I wonder if Kristal has gotten home yet.


?Shouldn?t I be dead? I mean? I was starving, and I had been traveling for days? I also had a bad wound in my arm, so I could?ve died from loss of blood? I hear a voice? I wonder who it is??

The Treecko bent over a river, taking a cloth and letting it absorb the rushing water. Her basket laid to the side of her. She soon got up and walked over to what looked like a light brown monkey. He had bandages wrapped around his left arm, and was sleeping soundly underneath a large apple tree nearby. He also had slightly torn shorts and a white shirt on.

The Treecko put the cloth on the Chimchar?s head and began to walk back to her basket when she heard the monkey-like Pokemon grunt softy. She turned around, and realized that his eyes were beginning to open. She stood over him, smiling slightly. A leaf from the tree he was lying under came down and gently landed on his nose. The Chimchar brushed out of the way silently, and looked up at the Treecko standing above him.

??Who are you?? He asked, his voice struggling to get the words out. It was obvious that he hadn?t had anything to drink in the past few days, as when he was able to speak, his voice cracked slightly. The Treecko handed him a small wooden bowl filled to the rim with water. He drank greedily.

?Shouldn?t I be asking you that?? The Treecko asked, smiling slightly. The Chimchar stopped drinking momentarily. The Treecko set down her light brown, fluffy coat, and underneath was a white shirt. She also had navy blue pants on. She leaned underneath the tree next to the Chimchar, and sighed. ?I?m Kristal. Kristal Starla.?

?Harver Rose,? the Chimchar said more freely, setting the bowl down. It was now less than half full. He looked down at his left arm, realizing that it was covered. ?Did you??

?I applied emergency first aid,? Kristal said, handing Harver an apple. She took another one out of her basket and took a bite out of it. After she had swallowed, she continued. ?You had lost quite a bit of blood, but I didn?t have any spare for a transfusion. Also, I had no idea what blood type you are. So, I simply made a quick laceration of the long scar on your left arm, and patched up any of the rest of your injuries.

?No bones were broken, luckily. You didn?t have a fever either, but I just wanted to be careful.?

?Wow, you sure know a lot about the medical business,? Harver said, eating his apple. Kristal smirked.

?Well, it sure helps that my brother is a doctor,? she said, setting her apple down. ?He works at the hospital in town. Whenever he?s going over an operation to perform the next day, he always reads the problem out loud to himself and goes over the possible procedures. He occasionally tells me about how to perform surgeries, and he also went over how to perform first aid on someone.?

Harver smiled gratefully, setting his half-eaten apple down as well. ?Well, then I suppose I?m very lucky that you were passing by.?

?Which reminds me,? Kristal said, sitting up straight. ?What were you doing that got you so scratched up?? Harver?s smile turned into a face of surprise, and then he frowned. ?I mean, those weren?t normal tree branch scratches. And that long scar across your arm; you obviously got into some trouble.?

?Well, you have that right,? Harver said, bringing his legs closer to his body. ?The truth is, I was just passing through.?

?Passing through??

?Yeah. You see, I went through this forest heading to the town. I don?t live there, or anything, but I thought it would be a good place to start out.?

?Start out?? Kristal inquired, becoming very interested. ?Don?t you have a family?? Harver shook his head.

?No parents. I did live with my grandfather for awhile, but he?s been getting really old lately, so it?s hard for him to pay for both of us. So, I set out on a journey. I stopped on my way out of my village to ask a kind old lady for directions to your town, since I heard it?s very peaceful and quite easy to make a living in, and she told me two ways to get there.

?One was by a long road around the forest, and she said it was about a four day trip. The other was only a one day trip, and it was through the forest. She said it was a very dangerous way to go through, though. But since I didn?t have enough supplies to last me through four days, I decided to go through the forest. After all, I did know how to fight relatively well.

?Unfortunately, I was ambushed by four wild Pokemon far more experienced than me. They caught me by surprise, and I was forced to run for it. While I ran away, a Beedrill shot many small needles at me. It must have been Pin Missile. I dodged most of them, but a fairly large one hit me. That must have been what got my arm so badly scarred.

?It gave up the chase after that, though. After walking for a few more hours, I felt as if all of my strength had been sapped away. I closed my eyes, and the next thing I knew, I was waking up here.? Kristal nodded, and then looked up at the sky, which was now getting darker.

?Sounds like you?ve had a rough day,? She said, smiling. Harver grinned, and then stretched, trying to get most of his muscles working again.

?Well, it comes with the job,? he said. Kristal then looked like she was confused.

?What job??

?The job of living,? he said, smiling even larger. Kristal relaxed, and then grabbed her basket and stood up.

?What do you say about this,? The Treecko started, giving Harver a hand to help him stand up. Harver grabbed the hand thankfully, and slowly got to his feet. After wobbling for a little bit, he regained his balance and could walk again. ?Since you don?t have any place to sleep for the night, you can stay with my brother and I.?

?Really?? Harver asked, smiling. ?Are you sure your brother won?t mind?? Kristal scoffed.

?He won?t care,? She said promisingly, and they began to walk through the forest. ?And if he does, I?ll persuade him.?
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


This is pretty good. And now I know the background of some of your RP characters... ^_^


Yes. Yes you do.

The only characters I use commonly in RPs (both here and not here) that are currently not in the fic are Mimi and Mori. I might decide to put them in, or I might not. I'll decide once I get my new laptop (hopefully next week. Only three days of school left! ^_^).
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.