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Are you talkative?

Started by Doodle, May 31, 2008, 10:55:15 AM

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Only if you give me caffine...


I'm not all that talkative.  If it's a one on one with one of my good close friends then yes I'll talk if I feel like it.  Most of the time I listen and take in what others say though.  I'm more of a listener then a talker.

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I don't talk that much unless I'm with my friends or someone ask me a question

The Seventh

It depends on several factors.  There are times where I can be what may seem like to some as a motor mouth (although, I've mellowed out some so I rarely get called that anymore), and there are times where I can be eerily quiet.

Sometimes I get the wrong mood and talk when I am not suppossed too, and quiet when some'd like me to talk.

Oh, well, as they (actually, my dad) says, "That's life!".

Gwen Khan

depends on how big a group I'm in, a large group I'm quiet, in a small group or with friends I'm talkative


When I'm around Chelsea, yes. When I'm around my friend Kevin, yes. My other friends...sorta. And as for people I don't know, it depends. If they're girls, I usually have an easier time being talkative.
Quote<+Mithos> My mom grounded me for being gay.