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Started by LinkXLR, June 02, 2008, 04:00:28 PM

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My friends can't come over

We don't have a car, so we can't go anywhere. (And I'm not allowed out of the neighborhood without someone with me)

My internet is randomly disconnecting, so I can't do TF2.

I don't have any games that aren't beat, and my parents won't let me get the one I want. (MGS The Twin Snakes)

Nothing on TV. NOTHING.

And I can't buy anything online because I have no credit card.

Great. :/

That's me. :D ^

Also, join the Steam Nsider group for maximum fun.
Steam ID: KarthXLR


[21:51]   <Smashin>   No one likes a sad fat kid.
[21:51]   Mystic has left #nsider (Leaving.)