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A private spar

Started by Kuro Tsuwamono, October 02, 2007, 04:32:09 PM

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Kuro Tsuwamono


1: No god moding.
2: Nothing overpowered, and no one liners.
3: This takes place in a grassy field


It was a fine sunny day, with the suns brilliant hot rays beaming down on the sea of endless green grass. No one would have noticed it, but there was a man laying down underneath those tall, damp blades. He has his hands folded behind his neck with his elbows outstretched. His right knee was pointed into the comforting air. The man in a plain white T and jeans was sleeping. He rolled over to his right side and onto his sheathed wakizashi, waking him up with a grunt. The man slowly rose into a sitting position, and looked over the scenery of tall grass. There was nothing, but he had a feeling someone was going to come.

Kuro grunted again and began to think about his dream...


Shizure admired the true beauty of the scenery as he entered the grassy plain from a forest a while back. He had removed his body-length white cloak to travel better through the terrain. Unfortunately, he was not accustomed to it and tripped on a rock stuck into the ground. "Ooooof!" He hit the ground and the wind went out of him, but he stood up and shook it off. As he continued, he brushed the dirt off of his near-skin tight white sleevless shirt and his somewhat loosely fitting white jeans. It was near frightening how unharmed the clothing was, especially considering his previous journey.

He stopped as a small wind gust blew past him. He could see no one anywhere near. But, the wind seemed an omen to a future conflict.
Creator of The Brotherhood of Zeranthia. Join the fight! Pm me for link.

Kuro Tsuwamono

Kuro heard Shizure's clumsy antics and stood up, ticked off. He saw the figure brushing the dirt off his clothing, and wanted to kill him. Simple as that.

Kuro unsheathed his wakizashi and stuck it into the ground. He then took a few steps to Shizure. "I have no idea who you are, but you are keeping me awake. I'll make this quick."

A spear of pure blue energy appeared pointing at Shizure's heart, and it stabbed in...


"Yikes!" The body that Kuro stabbed disappeared with a pop and poof of smoke. From the spot he had earlier tripped the true body of Shizure stood up, covered in dirt. "I knew it was a bad omen..." He frowned as he examined his dirt covered white clothing.

He looked up at his enemy. "You're dangerous...Your energy is dark." In his vision, the energy of Kuro appeared black and "hissing". In response, he reached into the air and pulled a slim sword seemingly out of thin air.
Creator of The Brotherhood of Zeranthia. Join the fight! Pm me for link.

Kuro Tsuwamono

The sliver of shining blue energy would still hover next to Shizure. With a downward wave of Kuro's right arm the sliver would shatter into fragments of smaller slivers, each flying in random directions. Each fragment then emited a strange magnetic disturbance, which took a hold of the blade and sent it off flying out of Shizure's hand.

Just as the blade was taken out of Shizure's hans, Kuro motioned his opened hand sharply to the left, and a wave of blue energy would slash across Shizure's stomach. Kuro then raised his left hand into the air, and twelve orbs of energy surrounded the area...


Shizure try to jump back but was a bit to slow and the slash scratched his stomach. "Owch." He then quickly raised a shield of mirror energy to stop the shards from hitting him. As soon as he thought they were gone, he released the shield and stood up again. This time, he reached into the air and pulled out a sword of pure white. The sword itself seemed to flicker in and out of reality. "Looks like metal won't work here."

He then turned his attention to the twelve orbs. In response, he summoned up his own twelve orbs of energy, each made of varying elements and one of kinetic energy. He shot one of each at each one of Kuro's orbs.

Finally, he turned his attention to Kuro and raised his blade. It "hardened" and became encased in a shiny green energy. He quickly brought down the sword to make a cut from his right should diagonally down.
Creator of The Brotherhood of Zeranthia. Join the fight! Pm me for link.

Kuro Tsuwamono

The demonic orbs merged with the compacting orbs and corrupted them. Now Shizure's twelve orbs were Kuro's. Kuro put his hand forward, and the spheres of varying elements soared to him, in every direction, including from above.

Kuro began to weave the wild, signatureless mana from around him into his own signature, for his own use...

Xeta Cai

A man appears and watches the two.