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Fallen Mystic Swampert

Started by Mystic, September 21, 2007, 10:13:50 PM

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*I'd like to point out that some chapters will be pretty short. I did it on purpose. It is not due to lack of writing skill. As I said, if you guys like it, I'll post more chapters*

For those who didn't see. This story is about 5 teenagers in 2010 that are descended from 5 magical warriors who were "killed" in a war in 1710.

Chapter One...

The End

   "They're invading the city." Heavenly Saint Luna observed from the window.
"Heavenly Saints were created to protect the world! How can you sit there and say that so calmly?" Heavenly Saint Hayou cried out in frustration.
   Before Luna could answer, an explosion erupted outside the Treasure Room, where Hayou and Luna were currently situated.
   "The protections around the palace aren't going to last much longer at this rate." Luna sighed quietly. Hayou's frustration boiled deep within him, which could clearly be seen on his face.
   "IT'S OVER!" A voice boomed, from where, they did not know. The sound shattered their ears, carried by and massive explosion. Their lives, just as they had no meaning in those past few minutes, now ceased to exist.


First Dream

   Ring. Ring. Tommy thought to himself. Friday, the final day until Spring Break. These last 15 seconds are killer on him.
   "Finally!" Tommy yelled as he ran from the classroom.
   The hallways were packed with students, in a rush to escape the imprisoning walls of their high school. A lot of people kept ramming into each other. Of course, Tommy did his fare share. He had plans. Nothing will get in my way. He thought to himself, as he rushed down the hallway.
   "Going to leave without me?" A sweet voice called out from behind Tommy.
   He turned around to come face to face with Catherine Johnson, his girlfriend for almost 4 years.
   "Yeah, you know, I was thinking of heading down to the bar with some guys. Maybe pick up some girls on the way." Tommy replied in a sarcastic manner.
   "Ha-ha. Very funny." Catherine replied.
   Catherine is from Australia, complete with an accent. Tommy loves the way her voice sounds, and adding sarcasm to it makes it even better. Catherine knows this very well, and knows she can use it to her advantage.
   The couple walked out the front door together, down the steps, to be met by Jake Park. All three have been best friends since first grade.
   "Hey, Jake!" Catherine greeted him.
   "Hey Kitty Cat." Jake replied. He turned his attention towards Tommy, "Hi Tommy. Got any exciting plans?"
   "Of course not. I'm just going to lie in bed all day and watch TV." Tommy said.
   "Whoa there Tommy, don't overdo it all in one day." Jake replied, then giving attention back to Catherine. "You excited for Spring Break?"
   "I was, but then it started." She replied.
   "She's saying that since Spring Break is already here, she can't look forward to what is already happening." Tommy explained.
   "Man, she's too smart." With Jake's words, a wide grin grew on Catherine's face.
   They turned onto Ash Street, on which Jake lives. Jake wrapped his arms around Tommy's shoulders and said, "You're one lucky guy."
   "Thanks." Tommy replied.
   "Bye Jake." Catherine said suddenly, as they approached Jake's house.
   "What? Trying to get rid of me?" Jake asked with a pout on his face.
   "Maybe." Catherine said with the smile still on her face.
   "Alright, well, see you two later. Assuming you're not too wrapped up in your plans."
   Jake retreated to his house. Catherine and Tommy continued walking.
   "You're still coming over to my house, right?" Catherine asked.
   "Well, considering my house is that way," he pointed over his shoulder," and we're walking this way," he pointed towards her house a block away, "I think it's safe to say I'm still coming over to your house."
   "Simple yes would have worked too." She replied, and kissed him on the cheek.
   "Hey, you're not the only smart one around here."
   They walked through the driveway, passing Catherine's mom's garden, consisting of many types of flowers. There were also small bushes, and pine trees, growing in the garden. Strawberries also grew in the garden. The family loves strawberries.
   As they walked in, they were met by Catherine's mom, Debbie.
   "Hey kids. So, got any big plans set out for the break?" Debbie asked as she walked to the kitchen.
   "Not really. I guess just whatever comes up." Catherine replied.
   "Something smells good. What's cooking?" Tommy noticed a distinct smell coming from the kitchen, almost chocolate like.
   "Oh, I'm making some cookies, chocolate chip. I'll bring you some when they're done." Debbie answered, as she stood by the entrance to the kitchen.
   They thanked her, and headed up the stairs, to Catherine's room. Noticing that the room was pretty warm, she walked to the window, located behind her computer, and opened it to about half way.
   They sat down on the bed, sitting close to each other, and started to watch a horror movie. They both love them. They got tired, and decided to lay down, eventually falling asleep a quarter of the way through the movie.

* * *
   Catherine was in an odd place. Looked like a royal palace, a place that could represent power. She walked through a long hallway. She reached the door at the end, and entered. There was already a man inside.
   "Are the preparations ready?" Catherine asked.
   "Yes. Balesight's defense was ordered to be deployed immediately approximately 45 minutes ago." The man answered.
   "Very well. Has everything been transferred out of the Treasure Room?"
   "Completed 10 minutes ago. Although, I hate to inform you of this, but, Uniprowel has ordered an evacuation."
   "An evacuation? But our defenses are top notch. Wait, where are the others?" Catherine asked with added concern.
   The man turned around, and started pacing back and forth.
   After a pause that seemed like ages, he said, "The remaining three are fighting in the human world. Uniprowel is seeking extra defense forces. She is weak, as a result of her continuous fighting."
   "It seems we'll have to use our last resort weapon." Catherine sighed deeply.
   "You mean the --"

* * *

   Knocking on the door awoke Catherine from her sleep. She got up, and answered the door. Her mom was standing there, with a plate of steaming cookies in her hand.
   "Fall asleep?" Her mother questioned, looking at Tommy still lying on the bed sleeping.
   Catherine took the plate and said her thanks, then shut the door. She sat in her computer chair, thinking about the dream she had. It didn't feel like any normal dream. It felt as if it has happened already, in the past, as if she was seeing it through someone else's eyes. But if that's true, what is the magical place? What really frustrated her is that she didn't get to hear about the secret weapon. What was this weapon?
   Catherine wasn't tired enough to go back to sleep, so she just sat and thought, until Tommy woke up.


So far so good. Keep them coming please. :)


Quote from: Commander_Zero on September 21, 2007, 10:49:53 PM
So far so good. Keep them coming please. :)
I'll probably put the rest I have up tomorrow. I'm going to bed.



Hmm... The format (to me) is a little too bunched. For instance, if it were me, instead of:

   "Yeah, you know, I was thinking of heading down to the bar with some guys. Maybe pick up some girls on the way." Tommy replied in a sarcastic manner.
   "Ha-ha. Very funny." Catherine replied.

I would list it as:

   "Yeah, you know, I was thinking of heading down to the bar with some guys. Maybe pick up some girls on the way." Tommy replied in a sarcastic manner.

   "Ha-ha. Very funny." Catherine replied.

Other then that, this story is very intruiging. Keep it up! ;D
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


I see what you're saying. I'll remember that  ;D


Phone Call

   "You okay?" Tommy finally woke up, startling Catherine.

   "Uh, yeah, I'm fine." Catherine lied.

   Tommy gave her a cold stare. He knew she was lying. The room remained silent for what felt like an eternity to them. Catherine was first to break the silence.

   "A war." She said simply.

   "What?" Confusion wrapped around Tommy's head.

   Catherine took a deep breath and explained the dream she had.

   "Why does it bother you? It's just a dream." Tommy asked.

   "It felt so real, as if it has already happened."

   "Maybe it did happen. But it was in the past, there's nothing you can do." Tommy sat up on the bed as he talked.

   "What about me being there?" Catherine questioned.

   "Simple. You were just looking through someone else's eyes. But, I'm interested in what that secret weapon was."

   "Yeah, I'll get right on that."

   Tommy chuckled, then get up off the bed. He walked over to her and kissed her.

   "You'll be fine. If not, don't sleep." Tommy said as he looked into her eyes.

   "Actually, I am interested in figuring out what that weapon was. If only my mom hadn't of..." Catherine suddenly stopped speaking.

   "What's wrong?" Tommy asked.

   "I forgot, we got cookies." Catherine turned around and grabbed the plate. She had already eaten three before Tommy woke up.

   Tommy grabbed a cookie and took a bite, then asked, "Can you cook as well as your mom?" Tommy realized he had never eaten anything made by Catherine.

   Before she could answer, her phone rang. Tommy picked up the phone, and answered it upon seeing that the caller was none other than Jake.

   "Hey, Jake." Tommy answered, putting the call on speakerphone.

   "Hi. Sorry if I'm interrupting anything, but I have to talk to you." Jake was talking in a hushed voice, and sounded scared.

   "What's the matter?" Catherine asked worriedly.



Ok, the formatting on this site doesn't want to work with the formatting that I have from my word document. Would anyone object to me just posting a download for the chapters?


Quote from: Mystic Swampert on September 22, 2007, 10:39:23 AM
Ok, the formatting on this site doesn't want to work with the formatting that I have from my word document. Would anyone object to me just posting a download for the chapters?