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Started by Triforce_Luigi, June 07, 2008, 08:40:49 PM

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If you could have one Pokemon, what would it be? Personally, I'd choose Mew. Cause it can use Transform to become any other pokemon.


Probably Mew or Darkrai.

Gwen Khan

Daft Pink

My favorite Pokemon ever, Ditto. :) I love Ditto. Then he could transform into any Pokemon he wants.

I WANNA HAVE A DREAM ABOUT THAT NOW.  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( It would be so cool. Anyone have any tips on how to get me to dream about me owning a Ditto?

Flying Chickens

...Chansey. Instant health care.

Or Snorunt, just 'cause.


Riolu, or Torchic.


Gengar could help me scare people and sneak into places, and Sceptile just because he's cool.


Poliwrath cuz he's so darn awesome, or Wailord cuz i can ride the ocean on him. no boat required 8)


MUNCHLAX!!! why? hes freiking awsome. Can eat anything, loves to sleep and i can say my munchlax ate my homework


I would want either an Umbreon, Leafeon, Flareon, Gengar or a Young Mewtwo! ^_^


Anything involving Eevee...
Actually, I want all 8 ;_;


Pikachu. Because I wouldn't be afraid of Lightning. ^-^


Quote from: Nayrman on June 10, 2008, 02:02:21 PM
Anything involving Eevee...
Actually, I want all 8 ;_;
Eevee would make such a cute pet.

Poliwhirl would also be pretty cool or maybe the classic Pikachu.

Aaahhh too many to choose from.