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Comic-a-GOGOGO - [[Beatnik Won]]

Started by Super, June 10, 2008, 07:00:31 PM

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This, I think, is NSF's first little comic thing.
Anyway, let me explain what this is.
This is a little comic contest. Nothing too big or anything.
Basically, you submit a comic that fulfills all of the requirements (listed below), and a few select people will grade them based on three categories: Awesomeness, Style, and Imaginativeness.

-No sprites. (Mario sprites, Zelda sprites, etc.)
-Must have some sort of storyline (no matter how retarded)
-Must have 3+ panels.

How grading works:
Each one of our judges will review each comic entered, out of 5 for each category. The highest rated comic will be the winning comic, and the creator will be rewarded with the special Comikaze rank, capable of cool stuff. Here are descriptions of the categories:

Awesomeness - Generally how awesome the comic is. Kind of an overall grade.
Style - What the drawing is like, and how effectively it portrays what is going on.
Imaginativeness - How refreshing your ideas are, and how funny they are.

You can make simple stickfigure comics, or very detailed ones. It can be hand-drawn or mouse-drawn. It's up to you.

You can submit up to three comics.




[21:51]   <Smashin>   No one likes a sad fat kid.
[21:51]   Mystic has left #nsider (Leaving.)


Good luck to all entrants. You're going to need it.

Also, edit post.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


The special rank was going to be Comic Whore, but Silver disagreed. D:


I disagree with silver.
If the KoH's vote for it, we override. :D

also uh this contest iz raep n stuf



Hector, that is totally gay.

A: 3/5- Um, it's okay. Falcon punch would be better.
S: 2/5 - It lacks substance.
I: 3/5 - Eh, okay.


A: 4
S: 2 1/2
I: 3

commetz cum laytr meby


Quote from: SUPERKOOL on June 10, 2008, 07:52:52 PM
Hector, that is totally gay.

A: 3/5- Um, it's okay. Falcon punch would be better.
S: 2/5 - It lacks substance.
I: 3/5 - Eh, okay.
Thats what I was shooting for :)


A: 1/5 No Captain Falcon, but there's Falcon Kick? Falcon Kick belongs to Cpt. Falcon. No inclusion = fail.
S: 1/5 I couldn't understand any of it, save for the fact that some loser killed Dawei's dog. Fail.
I: 1/5 It's been done before. Fail.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


You grade right away :O? Also, I've got my rough draft all drawn up, I just need to scan and edit it or whatever.


Quote from: Birdie of Aces on June 10, 2008, 07:58:04 PM
You grade right away :O? Also, I've got my rough draft all drawn up, I just need to scan and edit it or whatever.
Yes, we do.

And good, another entrant.  ;D


Totla, you have to say mean things if you want to be Simon. D:
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Totla is too corrupt to be a judge, hehe.


Awesomeness: 1/5

Umm...ya, no, that sucked, the 1 is merely because you know Dawei is rape.

Style: 2/5

Not terrible, fire looked decent.....but still, it sucked.

Originality: fail/10

Ya, I can give that as a score, and now you know. You can leave.