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New World ~ A Semi-lit Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Roleplay. (Open)

Started by Light, October 02, 2007, 06:22:40 PM

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ooc// I think he'll be okay if you wanted to be on a different team, after all, it is an RP right, but good idea, we should ask him

inc// "Wait!" Wolf said.

"Before you go, let's have a battle!" Wolf dared

"Oh we go again." Leslie cuffed her face in her hands.


Ic// Blast heard the challenge. He didn't want to do it in public. Especially if pokemon knew that he was an explorer, they may see that as picking on an innocent pokemon. Then again, seeing no one around, and being that he was bored. He said: "Okay."

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"Alright, Thunderbolt!" Wolf let loose a surging bolt of lightning directly at Blast.


Blast quickly jumped out of the way. He then rushed towards wolf with his claws extended. He quickly struck with a crush claw.

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"GAAH!" Wolf got slashed across his right arm, leaving him in pain. He tried to get up, when he suddenly realized that the ground was wet from the Lake.

"Hmm, aha!" Wolf attacked the wet ground with a Thunderbolt, and it followed a path that was heading into Blast.


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Wolf chuckled to himself and ran over to Blast to help him up.

"Sorry about that, didn't mean it to hurt that much. But hey, nice battle! We definitely need to hang out sometime." Wolf offered an Oran Berry to Blast as he ate one himself.


((Wow, we actually have regular RPers here besides me and Nils for once. XD))

Gyatsu squinted as he looked around, seeing that his eyes were adjusted to the bit darkened interior of the restaurant. He followed the other as they began to head towards where Elder Whiscash was.



Just then, Wolf noticed a Riolu walking in his path.

"Hey excuse me? Are you looking for a Squirtle about ye high?" Wolf motioned with his hand.


Blast took the berry and ate it. "Thank you." He said as the Riolu walked by.

Ooc// I was gonna teach you a lesson about knowing when the fight was over....Buuut.....You posted before me. XD

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ooc//Sorry! you were offline i think!

inc//"No problem."

Lesie was very frustrated that Wolf got himself ahead of things, but quickly started to meditate.


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