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Super Mario Bros. 1-3: Prelude to Terror

Started by shadowmarioguy, June 24, 2008, 09:34:19 AM

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As I mentioned earlier, I am going to redo the Super Mario Bros. 1-3 trilogy that I posted on old Nsider.  Once I finish with these three, I'll move on to SMB6.  Because it's summer, chapters should be up much more frequently.  Keep in mind that these three fanfics are much shorter than SMB4 and SMB5; each will have around 10 chapters.  Also, the chapters may be slightly shorter, depending on how much detail I can derive from the poorly written originals.

Chapter Index

Super Mario Bros. 1: Legend of the Evil Demon

Super Mario Bros. 2: Sunshine Adventure

Super Mario Bros. 3: The Ultimate Killer

Character Bios


This is Mario, the main hero of most Mario games.  Ever since he ended up stuck in the Mushroom Kingdom, he's been fighting off baddies left and right.  Inside of him, it seems that a deep power is sleeping.  But when will it wake up?  As of now, he doesn't care deeply about the Mushroom Kingdom or even suspect himself to be its true hero.  He's a bit indifferent and even immature at this point.  However, it will later be revealed to him how important this kingdom and all of its people are to him.


Luigi is Mario's younger brother.  He deeply respects his brother, and is often reminded of him.  Luigi can be a bit cowardly sometimes, but deep down he is very courageous and heroic.  Luigi can't stand the thought of anything bad happening to Mario.  In the past he has usually hid behind his brother, who usually does most of the work.  Of course, Luigi has had his moments.  For example, in Luigi's Mansion, Luigi takes the starring role and has to save his brother from King Boo.

Princess Peach

Peach is the ruler of the Mushroom Kingdom.  Time and time again she has been kidnapped by Bowser.  She has hidden feelings for Mario, who has saved the Mushroom Kingdom many times.  Princess Peach is sincere and caring, but she doesn't necessarily act this way around Bowser.

E. Gadd

This wrinkly old man made his debut in Luigi's Mansion, in which he provided Luigi with the Poltergeist 3000 so that he could defeat King Boo and save Mario.  Formerly a ghost hunter, he has a lab set up in Boo Woods, but also keeps a vacation home on Isle Delfino.  Speaking of Isle Delfino, E. Gadd invented the paintbrush that Bowser Jr. used in Super Mario Sunshine.  He also created FLUDD (Flash Liquidizer Ultra Dousing Device), whom Mario wielded to combat the sludge that covered Isle Delfino.  Since then, he has frequently gotten caught up in Mario's adventures and often stays at Peach's Castle while helping Mario out.

Croco and Boshi

(Top- Croco   Bottom- Boshi) These two scoundrels from Super Mario RPG have teamed up and are ready to get their revenge on Mario!  Croco once stole money from a good friend of Mario's, and Mario beat Croco at his own game to get it back.  Ever since, Croco has hated Mario.  Boshi was a speedy Yoshi living on Yoshi Island.  One day, Mario showed up and challenged him to a race.  It was a close one, but Mario won and rid the place of the greedy Boshi.  Eventually, Boshi and Croco met each other and conspired to take down Mario and his friends.  Will they succeed?

Metal Mario

Somewhere, out in the depths of space, this robotic monster was created and sent to the Mushroom Kingdom.  His sole purpose: conquer it.  He will do anything to achieve his goal, because he has nothing else to live for.  He is extremely power and his hands can morph into various weapons.  He is also equipped with a communicator and teleportation device.  As of now, Metal Mario's past is a complete mystery.  An even bigger question would be: Why is his design based off of Mario?  The only way a robot of Mario could be made is if its creator had been to the Mushroom Kingdom before.  But if its creator was already at the Mushroom Kingdom, why didn't he destroy it then?  All of these questions do have a connection, and will be revealed later.  Much, much later.


Mario's rival, Bowser has been trampled continuously since Mario first arrived in the Mushroom Kingdom.  This time, though, he is going to need a little help from the wicked mind of King Boo.  Bowser is very evil, although he is also very ignorant.  He bosses his minions around and can be quite obnoxious.  He is one of the biggest threats to the Mushroom Kingdom.

King Boo

The sinister king of ghosts is back again!  In Luigi's Mansion, King Boo and his pals escaped from E. Gadd, captured Mario, and turned him into a painting.  It was up to Luigi to catch all of the ghosts again and rescue his brother.  Thanks to E. Gadd's technology, Mario was able to be restored to his normal self.  Now King Boo is back, and he wants revenge!  Will his sinister plan succeed?


Prologue: The Alliance

It was a sunny, crisp morning in the Mushroom Kingdom.  The birds were chirping, there was not a single cloud in the sky, and the sun covered the land in a cozy blanket of warmth.  Spring had arrived.  In the Mario Bros.? home, our heroes were just starting to wake up.  Well? One of them was starting to wake up, anyway.

Mario stretched and let out a long yawn.  He took a minute to admire the beautiful spring morning before heading into his brother?s room.  ?Hey Luigi, wake up,? he whispered.  ?C?mon, get up!?  It was no use; Luigi was sound asleep.  ?I guess I?ll let him catch up on his sleep.  Lately, Bowser has been trying to kidnap Peach much more frequently.  He?s probably worn out??

Dear Luigi,
      I?ve gone off to see Princess Peach!  Meet me there as soon as you can!
Your Bro,

After jotting down the message on a sticky note, he mischievously placed it on his brother?s forehead and left for Mushroom Castle.

?Princess Peach, Mario is at the door.  Is he permitted to enter?? one of the royal guards asked with a bow.  A very faint smirk could be detected on his face.

?Of course!? Peach shouted good-heartedly.  ?What do you think I want you to do with him, kill him?? she added with a sarcastic grin.

?Well? actually?  We had a slight? accident?? the guard stammered, turning away to hid his smile, which had grown even larger.

As if on cue, two more sentries walked in with Mario on a stretcher.  An arrow was wedged into his stomach.  ?You killed him?!? Peach exploded with rage.  ?The man that has saved us from Bowser countless times was assassinated by the very people that he rescued?!?

?Well? we?re still not used to having him here in the Mushroom Kingdom.  He?s only been here for a few months?  Besides, we still have-? the three guards burst with laughter as Mario leaped off of the stretcher and pulled the plastic arrow from his chest.

?Gotcha?!? Mario chuckled as he high fived the three sentries.  ?Playing pranks on you is the best!?

?Very funny,? Peach murmured.  ?Anyway, since you?re not dead, there?s someone that wants to see you.?

?Who?? Mario inquired, looking around.

?Me,? said a small, wrinkly old man.  On his head he wore thick glasses, and around his body was a white lab coat that seemed to be one size too big for him.  ?I?m Elvin Gadd, but you can call me E. Gadd.  I believe we?ve met before.?

Mario thought for a moment.  ?I remember now!  Luigi won this strange mansion, and when I went to check it out, I found out it was haunted by King Boo and his goons.  They captured me, and you helped Luigi save me.?

?Exactly!? E. Gadd affirmed.  ?But that?s not what I came to talk about.  For quite some time my Boo Radar hasn?t picked up anything, until just this morning.  As I was admiring some of my ghost paintings, my radar began to flash after picking up an extremely powerful signal from Bowser?s Castle.?

?So?? Mario asked nonchalantly.

?I want you to go to Bowser?s Castle and find out what Bowser is up to.  If Bowser teamed up with the malevolent mind of the Boo?s, the Mushroom Kingdom could be in grave danger.?

* * * * * * * * * *

Bowser was sitting at a king-sized desk, jotting down different ideas of how he could beat Mario.  ?Every time I kidnap Peach, Mario comes straight to my castle and beats me!  I need a new approach?  What if? I put a banana peel on his front staircase!  Then, when he would walk out of his house in the morning, BAM!  He slips and falls!  No, that?ll never work??  He crumpled up the piece of paper and tossed in a trash can already filled with other scrapped ideas.

?I have a plan,? a voice echoed through the room.

?Who is it?!? Bowser demanded, ready to strike any kind of intruder.

Almost out of nowhere, King Boo appeared.  ?It is I, the ominous lord of all ghosts.  I believe I have a plan for the downfall of the Mario Brothers.?

Bowser sat back in his chair.  ?Let?s hear it!  I could use a good plan.?

King Boo floated up to Bowser as if sharing a secret.  ?You?re going to have to work with me.  Think of it as payback for me getting you out of the Underwhere.?

Before Bowser could protest, glimpses of the past filled his head:

Back when Mario and his friends started a fifth Mario Party, Bowser decided to intrude.  He sent Bowser Jr. to cause mischief by splitting into three different Koopa Kids and then crashing the party.  Mario didn?t take this sitting down, however, and defeated the Koopa Kids once and for all.  In a final battle between Bowser and Mario taking place in space on top of Bowser?s space ship, it seemed that Bowser was going to lose once again.  But Bowser had a trump card.

Prior to the battle, he had all of his most intelligent minions concoct a potion that would make him ten times as large, drastically increasing his strength.  On his last leg, Bowser drank the potion.  Now towering over Mario, Bowser had the complete advantage.  That was until the floor caved in and Bowser was left exposed.  With nowhere else to turn, he used his amazing new powers to create a portal to the Underwhere, hoping Mario would be sucked into it.

Fortunately, the clever Mario was able to deflect some of Bowser?s attacks back at him and send him flying into the Underwhere.  A few weeks later, when Mario was captured by King Boo, it was all up to Luigi.  Thanks to his Poltergeist, Luigi sucked up all of the ghosts except for the King Boo himself.  King Boo refused to be beaten by a vacuum and summoned Bowser from the dead.  By possessing Bowser, he was almost able to beat Luigi.

Thanks to some swift vacuuming on Luigi?s part, King Boo had been defeated, and Bowser had been set free.  Since then, Bowser had been attacking the Mushroom Kingdom in a desperate, nonstop cry for revenge.

?Hey!  Bowser!  Can you here me?!? King Boo shouted at him.

Bowser came back to reality.  ?Oh, sorry.  I got lost in thought,? he apologized.

?Where was I?? King Boo wondered aloud.  ?Oh yeah, the plan.  Even if we worked together, Mario and Luigi could still beat us with enough effort.  So I did some research, and I heard of this place called the Shadow Shrine.  Deep within it, an extremely powerful demon is in an endless slumber.  Rumor has it that it was once created by a nearly invincible, god-like warrior to all of his bidding.  But the demon rebelled, and his creator sealed him away.  The only way to awaken this demon and break the seal is to collect all seven Shadow Keys and bring them to the Shadow Shrine.?


Chapter 1: Luigi?s Big Battle

?Where exactly are you going with this?? Bowser inquired, his eyebrows raised.

King Boo sighed.  He had forgotten that Bowser exceeded in physical strength, but he wasn?t exactly the smartest villain in the Mushroom Kingdom.  ?If we got this demon under our control, this whole kingdom would be ours!  With the blink of an eye, Mario and Luigi would bow down before us!?

As their conversation got more in-depth, Mario stood atop one of Bowser?s many chandeliers.  He was watching over the conversation like a hawk, and he was more than alarmed by what he heard.  Bowser and King Boo are going to try and summon some kind of demon, eh?  I?ve got to try and stop them, but I?m not sure if I can take on both of them by myself.

?Of course, we are going to need to add a few of our own details to the plan,? King Boo continued.  ?You see, Mario and Luigi are eventually going to catch on to what we?re after when people start seeing us travelling around the kingdom looking for Shadow Keys.  We?ll need some kind of distraction? something that will keep them busy while we work our magic.?

Mario clenched his fists angrily. I don?t think so!  

Bowser jumped up and down excitedly.  ?Why don?t we kidnap Peach??

?Is that all you ever think about?  Well?  I suppose kidnapping Peach could throw the Mario Bros. of a bit.  Let?s go get her before it?s too late!? King Boo exclaimed.  With that, they both started for the door.

Mario leaped down from the chandelier and stood firmly in their path.  ?Not so fast!  I heard all about your plan.  You?re not going anywhere.?

?I?ve been waiting for this.  Bowser!  Let?s take him down!? King Boo commanded.

Bowser exhaled long bursts of flames all across the room.  Mario ducked and weaved through the blaze with Bowser hot on his tail.  The oversized Koopa jumped high into the air and came crashing down toward Mario, who quickly rolled out of the way and greeted Bowser with a couple of Fireballs to the face.  ?Ack!  It burns!? the Koopa King cried out in pain, clutching his burning face.

?Remember that next time you mess with ?Super Mario?!? Mario bellowed sarcastically.

From behind him, King Boo fired an orb of pure ice that struck Mario while his back was turned.  Instantly, the plumber froze where he stood, unable to move.  ?Take that, ?Super Mario?,? he sneered in a menacing voice.  Bowser emerged from the flames and slashed at the helpless Mario, shattering the ice and sending Mario flying into a wall.  ?Well done, Bowser!  That blow knocked him out cold!?

?Yeah, I know.  It all comes naturally,? Bowser boasted.

?Let?s tie him up before we go after Peach.?

* * * * * * * * * *

Luigi had finally woken up and arrived at the Mushroom Castle?s front gate.  Exhausted, he asked one of the guards between breaths, ?Did Mario? already? pull the prank? on Peach??

The sentry nodded solemnly.  ?I missed it too.  Too bad I?m on guard during the afternoon shift, or I?d have gotten to see it.  From what I heard, it was pretty funny.  I?m just glad Peach has a sense of humor, or someone might?ve lost their job.?

?Is Mario still here?? Luigi asked.

?Actually, he left about an hour ago.  Someone sent him off to Bowser?s Castle to investigate strange Boo activity,? the guard replied.

?Man, those things creep me out.  I?m sure glad I wasn?t the one sent to Bowser?s Castle.  I was stuck in a mansion filled with Boo?s once, and it was awful.  Oh well, I?ll go visit Peach and see how she?s doing,? Luigi declared.

Just then, a loud foghorn went off nearby.  The sentry drew his sword.  ?That?s the signal of intruders!?

?Intruders!? Luigi parroted.  ?Sorry to leave, but I... uh? I have a dentist appointment? and I, uh? can?t be late??

?Would you mind staying to help?  We could use some extra reinforcement,? the guard requested.  ?C?mon, help us out.  We?ll be right behind you the whole time.?

?Okay,? Luigi answered skeptically, his whole body trembling.  Just then, dozens of nearby guards were sent flying into the air and came crashing down.  Bowser and King Boo stepped forward.

?What a bunch of sissies!? Bowser chuckled.

?AGH!!!? Luigi screamed when he saw King Boo.  ?Not him!  Anyone but him!!?

?Hello, Luigi.  It?s been a while.?


when will you be done with the whole thing

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Quote from: guido123 on June 26, 2008, 12:51:40 PM
when will you be done with the whole thing
If you mean the first three, then most likely by the end of the month.  If you mean all three trilogies, (1-3,4-6,and 7-9) maybe a few years or so.  :P


Chapter 2: Battle For Mushroom Castle

King Boo waved his stubby arms and created several orbs of ice.  With a snap of his fingers, they scattered and attacked Luigi.  ?Dodge them if you can, coward!? King Boo taunted.

?Yikes!? Luigi shrieked as he dove backward.  Three Iceballs struck the ground where he just stood, covering it with a sheet of ice.  He let out another scream when he saw five more orbs coming at him and backed up against the castle?s gate.  He veered right as two of them froze the solid metal gate.  He cut to the left.  Yet another pair almost stopped him in his tracks.  Luigi ducked just before the last one nailed him in the head.

?That?s it!  I?m coming for you!? Bowser roared as he charged madly toward the cornered Luigi.

Luigi?s mind was racing.  What would Mario do?  That?s it!   He turned around and ducked again.  Bowser began to gain speed as he lowered his head, aiming to strike Luigi with the two razor-sharp horns on his head like a bull.  Just as he was about to collide with the cowering plumber, Luigi performed a back-flip over his head, causing Bowser to crash head-first into the rock-solid gate.  ?I actually pulled it off!? Luigi cheered before being hit by more of King Boo?s ice orbs.

* * * * * * * * * *

Meanwhile, in Bowser?s Castle, Mario had recovered from his injuries.  ?Why?d they have to tie me up before they left?!  I?ve got to break free!?  He wriggled and squirmed about the castle floor, trying to undo to several tight knots Bowser had tied on the rope that restrained him.  ?Now what?   This rope isn?t coming undone, period.  Maybe if I can trick one of Bowser?s guards?  Hey you!?

One of the nearby Goombas patrolling the area stopped and turned around.  ?Me??

?Yeah, you,? Mario retorted.  ?Can you untie these ropes??

?I can, but I won?t,? the Goomba sneered.  ?Good luck!?  He turned around and left, chuckling to himself.

Mario thought hard for a moment.  ?That?s it!  Why can?t I just burn the ropes off? ?  He created a small Fireball in his right palm, and the rope slowly burned away.  ?Man, I?m such a genius!?

* * * * * * * * * *

Bowser staggered back and forth, still dazed from ramming into the castle gate.  ?When I don?t feel like vomiting anymore, I?ll make Luigi pay!?

King Boo rolled his eyes.  ?You?ll have plenty of time to recover; Luigi won?t be thawing out for some time.?

Out of nowhere, several Fireballs bombarded the frozen Luigi, causing him to melt from his icy prison.  ?I?m free!?

?Hey Bowser!  I see you?re as smart as ever!? Mario snickered as he emerged from the shadows.

Bowser was dumbfounded.  ?How?d you escape?  I made sure to tie you up before we left!?

Mario shot a few Fireballs in Bowser?s direction.  ?Take a guess!  C?mon, you can figure it out!? he taunted.

?Why you little?  This time I?ll make sure I pound you until you can?t even move!? Bowser howled, sending flames all about the area.

?I?ll distract King Boo!  You get Bowser!? Luigi shouted over Bowser?s loud, repetitive groans.

Mario easily weaved past Bowser?s attacks and got behind him.  As King Boo tried to stop him, Luigi leaped in front of him and fired a row of green Fireballs.  While the ghost king recovered from his burns, Mario grabbed Bowser?s tail and swung him in small, swift circles.  At last, he released Bowser, sending him crashing into King Boo.  The two villains struggled to their feet.

?We?ll get you for this!? Bowser cursed.

?We have a lot of planning to do!? King Boo snapped in agreement.  They turned and left for Bowser?s Castle.

?We better explain to Peach and E. Gadd what happened here,? Mario sighed.


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Chapter 3: The Note

Bowser sat at his throne, waiting for King Boo to arrive.  ?He said he?d be right back.  Where is he?? he grumbled.

King Boo slowly floated into the room.  ?I?m back,? he sighed.

?What were you doing?!  You were gone for more than three hours!? Bowser roared in frustration.

King Boo smiled wickedly and pulled out two dark, glowing keys.  ?I was looking for these.?

Bowser calmed down immediately.  ?Are those? Shadow Keys??

?You bet they are!? King Boo affirmed.  ?I spent two hours looking for the first one.  Since the Shadow Keys let off a dark glow when they are near another Shadow Key, I was able to track the next one down within an hour.  I?ve even mapped out the location of every single Shadow Key in the kingdom!?

?Why would we need a map if you could?ve found the other five Star Keys within a few hours?? Bowser asked curiously.

?Well? even after gathering two Shadow Keys, I?ve caused quite a commotion in the areas that I?ve looked in.  We don?t want the Mario Bros. to catch up to us and ruin our entire plan.  So I figured we could play a little game with them.  All I have to do is hide these two keys in separate areas of the Mushroom Kingdom.  Then we make a copy of this map, and tear it so that it only shows the locations of the two keys we hid.  Once the new map is done, we send it to the Mario Bros.  By the time they get the two keys we hid, we should have found the other five keys.  All we have to do after that is ambush them and get the last two keys.?

Bowser just stood there, astonished.  ?Ingenious? But how will we convince them to go after the two Shadow Keys??

King Boo grinned.  ?Don?t worry; I?ve got that covered.?

* * * * * * * * * *

?And that?s the whole scoop, Peach,? Mario finished.

?Good thing we beat them before they got to you, huh?? Luigi added.  ?That King Boo really gives me the creeps.  With his brains and Bowser?s strength, we might have had a big problem on our hands.?

?Oh well, you guys taught them not to attack Mushroom Castle,? Peach chuckled.  ?You two always come through for us.  What would we do without you?  Well? it?s getting late.  I think you?ve both earned a good rest.?

?Good night!? Mario called to her as he walked out the door.  Luigi waved goodbye and followed behind his brother.

* * * * * * * * * *

Mario and Luigi were dog-tired.  As soon as they got home they collapsed into their beds and slept through the whole night.  They were completely unaware that someone had placed an envelope in their mailbox.  An envelope that would start an entirely new journey?

The next morning was nothing like the previous one.  It was dark, gloomy, and a storm had begun to take shape.  It was the kind of day where you want to just curl up in bed and sleep the whole day.  And that was exactly was the Mario Bros. intended to do, until they checked their mail.  ?Hey bro!? Luigi shouted.  ?I just went to see if we got any mail, and there?s a letter addressed to both of us.?

Mario had just crawled out of bed, brushed his teeth, and slipped into his casual clothing. ?Let me see it.?  He opened the envelope and began to read it.  As he did so, Luigi noticed Mario?s hand trembling.

Dear Mario Bros.,
   While you were sleeping peacefully in your beds, we took advantage of this opportunity to kidnap Princess Peach.  If you want her back in one piece, you had better collect all seven Shadow Keys indicated on the map I included. Do not come to my castle and try to fight your way to Peach.  If you do, Peach will die.

?So? Where exactly did you hide those Shadow Keys?? Bowser asked King Boo casually.

?I sent the first one over to your son, and I left the second one well guarded by your new ?Ultra Piranha Plant?,? King Boo replied.  ?Maybe they?ll even die trying to get the two keys I hid!?

?Maybe?  But you?ve at least left them enough obstacles to keep them busy for a while.?


This story's pretty good so far. There are a few spelling mistakes here and there, and that's all I can see right now. I'd watch out for homonyms, since spell check won't catch those. ;) I'd also use Youtube for the music, since they'll play automatically.

Good work so far, keep it up. ;)


Quote from: Retronintendodude7 on June 30, 2008, 09:15:13 PM
This story's pretty good so far. There are a few spelling mistakes here and there, and that's all I can see right now. I'd watch out for homonyms, since spell check won't catch those. ;) I'd also use Youtube for the music, since they'll play automatically.

Good work so far, keep it up. ;)
Thanks for the suggestions.  ;)  If it's not too much trouble, next time you read, could you point out any spelling mistake you might see?  You don't have to go through it with a dictionary, just any obvious ones that might take away from the story.  :P  Also, the next chapter will be up momentarily.


Chapter 4: The Journey Begins

?So, where do we start?? Luigi asked.

Mario carefully studied the map.  ?The first one should be in? Flower Fields!?

?Where?s that?? Luigi inquired, puzzled.

Mario sighed.  He had forgotten that Luigi had stayed home during his adventure to save the seven Star Spirits.  ?It?s a sacred place where flowers, Bub-ulbs, and other plant-like creatures live.  A Star Spirit was held there once, and it was up to me to rescue it.  It looks like we?re going to have to pay them another visit.?

?Oh? Now I remember!  I wrote about that in my secret diary- uh? I mean? Let?s get going!?

Luigi ran off to Toad Town.  Mario rolled his eyes and started to follow him.  ?He still thinks I haven?t found out about his secret diary??

* * * * * * * * * *

Toad Town was just as dark and gloomy as it was around the Mario Bros.? house.  It had begun to drizzle outside, but the rain was sure to get heavier.  Most Toads stayed in their homes, not wanting to get caught in a downpour.  ?Here it is!? Mario exclaimed, showing Luigi the flower garden.  It was a large circular patch of soil with four glowing colorful flowers that were surrounded by smaller, normal plants.  In the center of the garden was a single wooden door with nothing standing past or before it.  It was as if someone just bought a door and crammed it into the middle of the garden.

?This is the flower garden?? Luigi wondered aloud.  ?What?s with the door??

?It?s the gateway to Flower Fields,? Mario answered confidently, ?so let?s- Hey!  It?s Goombario!?  Mario pointed to a small Goomba wearing a blue hat.  Beside him was an elderly female Goomba.  As he went over to talk to his former partner, a lone Shy Guy emerged from the shadows and knocked the older Goomba over.  After searching through her pockets, the Shy Guy grabbed her wallet and ran away toward Mario?s direction.

?Grandma!? Goombario shouted just before helping her up.  ?Are you okay??

?Give that back, you jerk!? Mario thundered as he cut off the Shy Guy?s path and gave him a solid blow across the face.  The Shy Guy dropped the wallet and scurried away.  Mario picked up the wallet and returned it to Goombario?s grandmother, with Luigi following.  ?Every now and then those guys come out and steal stuff.  Luckily I was able to catch him.?

Goombario?s face lit up when he saw Mario.  ?Hey, Mario!  How?s it been?!?

?Bowser kidnapped Peach again, and Luigi and I are trying to save her,? Mario replied.  ?Why don?t you come along with us??

?Can I, Grandma? Can I, pleeeeaaaaasssssse?  C?mon, let me go!  Can I grandma? Can I go?? Goombario pestered.

?Oh alright,? she agreed.  ?Make sure you stay out of trouble, and listen to Mario.  And remember to stay out of the fights!  Leave the battling to the Mario Bros.!?

?YES!? Goombario cheered.

His grandmother heaved a great sigh.  ?Why can?t they build a grocery store in Goomba Village?  Whenever we need food, we have to hike all the way over here.  And now Goombario?s off on another journey.  How am I going to break it to his parents??

Mario, Luigi, and Goombario opened the door at the center of the garden.  Mario and Goombario stepped through the door, and Luigi skeptically followed them.  There was a blinding flash of light, and they stepped out of the mouth of a giant tree.

Luigi marveled at Flower Field?s astonishing beauty.  The sun shined down on the plentiful flower patches.  He turned around and saw the door from which they came from was actually the mouth of an enormous living tree.  ?Who?s that??

?That?s the Wise Wisterwood.  He watches carefully over Flower Fields,? Goombario answered after a quick glimpse at his tattle log.

?Maybe he knows where we can find the Shadow Key,? Mario added.  ?Excuse me, Wise Wisterwood, but do you know if something called a Shadow Key is anywhere around here??

?Ah, it?s Mario.  You saved us from being trapped in darkness forever, and I am forever in your debt.  I remember hearing that there was such a key in the area where you first met Lakilester.  Just recently, however, Northwestern Flower Fields received a new gatekeeper.  I?ve heard that he doesn?t let anyone pass unless they give him a green berry.?

?Where can we find a green berry?? Mario parroted.

?I am the only tree in Flower Fields that can grow green berries.  If you can climb to the top of me and get one, you?re set,? Wise Wisterwood responded.

TeChNiCaL DiFfIcUlTiEs

I think it's pretty good so far!  It's kind of nostalgic, going back to the beginning of the series.  Of course, you had to stop right after SMB5 to do this, building up the suspense for SMB6. :P


This chapter was pretty good, and I didn't catch any spelling mistakes. ;)

Maybe Mario and Luigi should've went through a few ideas to rescue Peach, maybe they could've considered Bowser was bluffing and one wanted to go rescue Peach while the other didn't want to take that chance? But do whatever you want, it's your fanfiction. :P


Quote from: Retronintendodude7 on July 02, 2008, 03:26:04 PM
This chapter was pretty good, and I didn't catch any spelling mistakes. ;)

Maybe Mario and Luigi should've went through a few ideas to rescue Peach, maybe they could've considered Bowser was bluffing and one wanted to go rescue Peach while the other didn't want to take that chance? But do whatever you want, it's your fanfiction. :P

That's a good idea, and I've considered similar things in the past.  But for the sake of the rest of SMB1, I want to try and stick to the original as much a possible.  You'll see why in a few chapters.  ;)  Speaking of chapters, a new one will be up in just a few minutes.


Chapter 5: The First Shadow Key

?I?ll get it,? Mario claimed as he took a few steps back.  ?I?m sure a couple of well-placed jumps can get me up there.?

?Be careful,? Luigi reminded him.

Mario sped off toward Wise Wisterwood at full speed.  As he was inches away from colliding with the giant tree, he took a great leap and grabbed onto one of Wise Wisterwood?s branches.  He pulled himself up and continued to climb.  ?I think I see a green berry!?

?That was awesome!? Goombario exclaimed.  ?He took one big jump, and- WHOOSH!  He grabbed onto the branch!  Mario is the coolest!?

?Almost? there?? Mario mumbled to himself as he made his way up to the next branch.  ?Okay?  I think I can jump to it from here.?

?He?s gonna? jump?!? Luigi bawled.

?He?s a pro at jumping,? Goombario reassured him.  ?I?m sure he?ll make it.?

?Here I go!? Mario bellowed as he launched himself up into the air and snatched a green berry, landing skillfully on another branch.  As Goombario and Luigi began to cheer, the branch snapped below him and he was sent plummeting toward the ground.


Mario landed face-first on the ground with the green berry still clutched in his trembling hand.  Luigi grimaced.  ?That?s got to hurt??

Goombario plucked the berry from Mario?s hand.  ?Uh? Are you okay??

?He?s not moving?? Luigi whispered in a choked voice.  ?Goombario, what does your tattle log say about green berries??

?Hmm??  Goombario began flipping through the thousands of pages that contained information about everything in the Mushroom Kingdom.  ?Ah-ha!  The green berry is a rare fruit grown only in Flower Fields.  It restores its user?s HP and FP to maximum.?

Luigi?s face brightened.  ?Let?s feed it to Mario!?

?But how will we get past the new guard in Northwestern Flower Fields?? Goombario asked.

Luigi searched the branch that had fallen from Wise Wisterwood.  ?Yes!  There?s another green berry on the underside of this branch!  We can use one to heal Mario, and still have an extra to get to the Shadow Key!?  Immediately, Luigi fed the berry to Mario.  In seconds, Mario was back on his feet.

?Did I get the green berry?? he inquired, puzzled.

Goombario nodded, and they all left for Northwestern Flower Fields.  Not too far into the trip, they ran into a colossal steel gate guarded by a tall green flower.  ?What do you want?? it snapped impatiently.

?We?d? like to- uh? pass?? Luigi requested timidly.  Large beads of sweat had formed on his forehead.

?Yeah, right!  No one has passed since I was put on duty!  And do you know why?  Because I don?t let anyone by without feeding me a green berry, the most sacred and forbidden fruit in Flower Fields!  Sayonara, losers!? the green flower snickered.

?Man, this guy?s annoying.  Just take this and shut up!? Mario spat irritably as he tossed the green berry into its mouth while it continued to laugh.

?ACK!? the green plant shouted as it began to choke.  ?Wait? Was that? A green berry?  That was the most delicious thing I?ve ever tasted!  You can pass? Just don?t tell anyone, okay??

The enormous steel gate lowered into the ground, and the group of three continued into a wide open field.  At its center was a huge, seemingly harmless plant, and just beside it was the Shadow Key.

?We found it!? Luigi gasped.  ?Let?s grab it!?  He scurried over to the key and scooped it up in his hand.  ?I wonder why Bowser wants these so badly.  They seem like ordinary keys??  Suddenly the gigantic plant came to life and took on the shape of a massive Piranha Plant.  Before anyone could react, its mouth opened and engulfed both Luigi and the Shadow Key.

?Luigi!? Mario screamed.  The Piranha Plant burped up a ball of flames the size of a boulder.  Mario leaped to the side as it collided with a patch of flowers, burning them all to a crisp.  With one of its giant leaves, the Piranha Plant smacked Mario high into the air.

Goombario took out his tattle log once again.  ?That?s? an Ultra Piranha Plant!  Now, what information do we have here?  ?It shoots out large bursts of fire and attacks with its two mammoth leaves.  It has a pretty bad temper, so try not to make it angry.  It will try and eat anything, no matter what it is, when it?s angry.  The Ultra Piranha Plant is commonly found in warm, sunny climates and-??

?I don?t care about any of that!  Just tell me how to beat it!? Mario screamed impatiently as he soared downward toward the Piranha Plant?s wide open mouth.

?Fine, Mr. Impatient!? Goombario retorted.  ?Let?s see? Here it is!  ?Like most plants, the Ultra Piranha Plant goes through photosynthesis, during which it uses sunlight to make energy.  Using its colossal leaves, it absorbs the sun?s rays and converts them into immediate energy for use in battle.?  Attack the leaves!?

Mario?s mind was racing. How can I destroy the leaves with his giant mouth in the way?  There?s only one possible chance?  He created a Fireball in his palm and closed his fists around it.  As the Ultra Piranha Plant closed his mouth around the heroic plumber, Mario executed a Flame Punch that pierced right through its jaw.  After escaping through the hole, he targeted the two leaves with a barrage of Fireballs, burning them to ashes.

The Ultra Piranha Plant writhed in pain as it collapsed onto the ground and coughed up Luigi.  ?You did it!? Luigi cheered.

?Do you still have the Shadow Key?? Mario inquired.

Luigi reached into his pocket and pulled out a purple key.  ?Of course I do!  You know I wouldn?t come back empty handed!?

?At this rate, we?ll have Peach back in no time!?