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Super Mario Bros. 1-3: Prelude to Terror

Started by shadowmarioguy, June 24, 2008, 09:34:19 AM

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It's time for a new chapter!  Just as a quick note, the plural of Yoshi is still Yoshi.  One Yoshi, Two Yoshi, Yoshi Island, etc.


Chapter 6: Splitting Up

?So? Where does the map say the next Shadow Key is?? Luigi inquired.

Mario reached into his pocket and pulled out a worn out map.  ?It looks like it?s on? Yoshi Island!?

Goombario opened his tattle log up once again.  ?I?m not sure how we?re going to get there.  The weather back in Toad Town is probably too extreme to try sailing there.  According to my tattle log, our best bet would be to get some rest while the storm settles down.?

?Sounds good,? Mario agreed.  ?I could use some rest.  Let?s get back to Toad Town.?  He walked up to Wise Wisterwood.

?What can I do for you?? Wise Wisterwood asked warmly.

Mario put the map back into his pocket.  ?Can you take us back to Toad Town??

?Yes I can.  I take you found what you were looking for??  Wise Wisterwood paused and waited for them to nod in concurrence.  ?Good.  I must warn you, though.  A terrible storm is brewing in Toad Town.  I strongly believe that this storm relates to an unnatural cause.  Be careful.?  His mouth, acting as a door, opened.  Mario, Luigi, and Goombario stepped inside.

* * * * * * * * * *

When they emerged in Toad Town, they found themselves submerged deep underwater.  Mario was the first to reach the surface.  He was gasping for breath as he swam madly toward the nearest rooftop that was not underwater.  ?What happened here?  Toad Town is flooded?  That storm didn?t seem that dangerous!  How is this possible?? he wondered aloud.

Seconds later, Goombario and Luigi came to the surface of the water.  Luigi was waving his hands wildly about, screaming.  ?Help!!  I can?t swim!!?

Mario held his breath and dove into the freezing cold water.  He swam up to Luigi and Goombario, grabbed them, and pulled them to safety.  For minutes they just sat there on the rooftop, too shocked to do anything else.  They were all soaking wet, and the water level was steadily rising.  Finally, Mario spoke up.  ?Is everyone else okay?  Do you think all of the Toads drowned??

Goombario peered into the distance.  ?No? I can see a lot of lights coming from Mushroom Castle.  I?ll bet everyone is taking cover inside of the castle.?

?We should join them,? Luigi added.  They all got up to try and swim to the castle, but a huge wave that seemed to come out of nowhere plunged them underwater once again.  They struggled desperately to reach the surface, but the tide carried them away.  They were now under the mercy of the sea?

* * * * * * * * * *

?Hey, wake up!  Are you okay?  Wake up!!? a blue Yoshi shouted.

A green Yoshi joined in.  ?That?s Mario!  Get up, Mario!  C?mon!?

Mario?s eyes slowly opened.  He coughed up a mouthful of water before struggling to his feet.  ?Where am I??

?You?re on Yoshi Island,? the green Yoshi replied.  ?Well? I should say, New Yoshi Island??

?What happened to the original Yoshi Island?? Mario questioned worriedly.  ?There?s something really important there, and I need to find it!?

The blue Yoshi seemed to shed a tear as he answered.  ?We?ve been driven off of our old island by Bowser Jr.  So we set up our own island right beside the original.  However, it could never replace our old home, so we sent out search parties to go find you.  We were positive that you could help us.  Supposedly, you, a green guy, and a Goomba were found drifting in the middle of the ocean and were brought here.?

Mario looked back and forth frantically.  ?Where are they??

The green Yoshi pointed to a nearby patch of sand.  ?They?re talking about some kind of plan.  Maybe you should go talk to them.?  Mario noticed a strange grin on the blue Yoshi?s face, but didn?t think anything of it.  He turned and walked up to his comrades to help them think of a strategy.

?Mario!  You?re awake!?  Goombario exclaimed.

?Good; take out the map,? Luigi commanded him.  ?It?ll help us plan our next move.?

Mario dug into his pocket.  ?Sure?  Wait? Must be in my other pocket?  Nope!  My shirt pocket?  No?  My other shirt pocket?  Nada?  My overall pocket?  Zip?  My ?super special secret pocket?? Yeah!  Wait? No??

How many pockets does he have?!  I hope he didn?t lose it, Goombario thought to himself.

?I? l- lost it?? Mario stammered.  ?I lost the map!?

?WHAT?!? Luigi thundered.  ?You lost the map?!  Now what do we do?!  What?s wrong with you?!?

?Well maybe if you reminded me to secure in my pocket when we got caught in the flood, we?d still have it!? Mario shot back.

?Don?t drag me into this!  This is your fault!? Luigi howled angrily.

?That?s it!  I?m always the hero!  I save you constantly on a daily basis!  And now, after I make one little mistake, I?m a useless piece of trash?!? Mario exploded with rage.  ?Well, no more!  I?ll handle this myself!  I?m out of here!?  With that, he turned and stormed off.

On a nearby hill above them, the two Yoshi from earlier began to laugh.  The blue Yoshi took off a mask and wiped off some makeup, and was revealed to be Boshi.  The green Yoshi turned out to be another familiar thief in a Yoshi costume.  After unzipping the clever disguise, Croco emerged with the Shadow Key map in his hand.


Chapter 7: Up to Luigi

?Perfect!  They took the bait just as we thought they would!? Croco snickered as he scanned the Shadow Key map.  ?I snatched the map from Mario?s pocket while he was sleeping, and then he gets blamed for losing it!  Priceless!?

?Lemme? see it!? Boshi snapped, ripping the map from Croco?s hand.  ?It looks like the map tells where we can find stuff.  But what stuff does the map lead us to?  And why does the map show that one of these objects is in the exact same place as Bowser Jr.?s new castle??

Croco glanced at the map again.  ?It looks like one was also in Flower Fields, and there?s a tiny little check mark next to it.  That means Mario has already got whatever was there.  But maybe we can swipe it from him!  After all, stealing is what I do best!?

Mario stormed along the beach toward Bowser Jr.?s new castle.  ?Maybe pounding Bowser?s idiot son will help ?persuade? Bowser to let Peach go.  At the very least, it?ll help me burn off some extra stress.?  Just then, a tiny bomb flew out from some nearby bushes.  Mario quickly dove out of the way as the bomb let off a mini-explosion.  ?Who?s there?!?

?Oh, just some old friends,? Croco chuckled as he and Boshi stepped out from the bushes.

?That?s a relief.  I almost mistook you for a threat,? Mario taunted, clenching his fists.

Boshi showed Mario the map.  ?Is this yours?  I thought so.  We don?t want any trouble, so just hand over whatever you found in Flower Fields and you can have your map back.  It?s that simple.?  I don?t need the stupid map.  I already know that whatever is on the map is somewhere around Bowser Jr.?s castle.

Mario shook is head rebelliously.  ?If you got me into that fight with my friends, there?s no way I?d make a deal with you.  I?d much rather pummel both of you and keep the map and the Shadow Key.?

?Shadow Key?   That sounds important!? Croco exclaimed.  ?Have it your way!  Let?s get him, Boshi!?

Croco threw another miniature bomb at Mario, who avoided it by jumped up into the air.  Boshi swallowed the bomb before it touched the ground and laid an egg that contained the explosive.  As Mario plummeted helplessly toward the ground, Boshi tossed the egg-bomb at him.  It exploded and sent Mario tumbling onto the ground.

?I got him!? Boshi exclaimed triumphantly.

Mario struggled to his feet.  ?Ack? Croco?s bombs always do a number on me? I can barely move??

?Let?s finish him!? Croco urged his partner as they both charged at him.

Mario raised one of his severely bruised arms and tried to aim a Fireball at Croco.  ?I think I can manage? one last Super Fireball??

Croco and Boshi stopped dead in their tracks as Mario?s Super Fireball came whizzing toward them.  Unfortunately, Mario was too injured to aim accurately and the Fireball passed harmlessly above Croco?s head.  ?That last attack really took its toll on you, huh?? Croco sneered.

Mario collapsed on the ground in a heap.  ?Darn it??

?It looks like your nothing without your friends,? Croco mocked the fallen plumber.  After reaching into Mario?s pocket, he pulled out a purple glowing key.  ?This must be it.  Too bad I didn?t steal this when I stole the map, but I thought it was your house key.  C?mon Boshi, we?re going to Bowser Jr.?s Castle.?

Mario watched helplessly as they walked off into the darkness.  Slowly, his eyes began to shut.  ?It?s? up to? Luigi??

* * * * * * * * * *

Night had fallen by the time Croco and Boshi finally reached their destination?

?So, this is Bowser Jr.?s Castle?? Boshi wondered aloud.  ?It?s kind of big for someone so small??

?Let?s get inside and look for the Shadow Key,? Croco whispered.  ?Something as important-looking as a Shadow Key must be guarded carefully, so we?ll need to watch our step.?

They snuck in through a window on the side of the castle.  Inside was an enormous throne room lit only by two rows of torches on either side of the long red carper that stretched across the room and up to the throne.  Several Koopatrol guards walked up and down the length of the room.  Amongst all of the loyal servants was Bowser Jr. himself.  Beside him was a pedestal surrounded by dozens of security lasers.  Bestowed upon this pedestal was the Shadow Key.

Croco elbowed Boshi.  ?We can?t get that key? We?ll be annihilated!?

Boshi nodded in agreement.  Seconds later, a wicked grin appeared on his face.  ?Maybe we don?t need to get the key??

* * * * * * * * * *

Luigi and Goombario trudged up the dirt path that led to Bowser Jr.?s Castle.  Luigi?s face was wet with tears.  ?I can?t believe he just left us??

?Don?t worry,? Goombario reassured him.  ?I?ll bet Mario is already in there, battling all of Bowser Jr.?s minions at once!?

Luigi?s face lit up.  ?Really?  Let?s go help him!?

They rushed through the front door into Bowser Jr.?s Castle.  Instantly, all of the guards surrounded them, carrying a variety of weapons.  ?I don?t think Mario wasn?t here yet?? Luigi said weakly.

* * * * * * * * * *

?That?s a great plan!? Croco affirmed.  ?But it looks like Luigi just got himself surrounded by the whole legion of sentries.  Go find Mario, and feed him this.?  He handed Boshi a Max Mushroom.

Boshi nodded and grabbed the Max Mushroom.  ?I?ll be back soon- Or should I say, Mario will be back soon!?


Chapter 8: Bedtime Story

?Luigi!  Use this!? Croco shouted as he threw a Mega Mushroom to him.

As he caught the mushroom, Luigi began to wonder who this mysterious ally was.  ?Who are you??

?I?m? uh? one of Mario?s old friends!  Now eat it!? Croco demanded.

Luigi complied and swallowed the entire Mega Mushroom in one bite.  Instantly, he grew more than ten times his original size.  ?It?s time to crack some skulls!?

As the oversized Luigi began to thrash all of his best men, Bowser Jr. became uneasy.  ?They must be after the Shadow Key!  King Boo warned me that they would be here!  I need to stay calm?  At least I?m safe over here.?

?Well? Not quite,? Croco snickered.  ?Hand over the Shadow Key, and I?ll let you go.?

?Never!? Bowser Jr. refused.  ?The Shadow Key is mine!  Dad gave one of his to me as a gift!?

So there are more? And Bowser has them?  I?ve got a plan!  ?Try looking at the bigger picture,? Croco coaxed.  ?Mario is on his way right now along with another one of my allies.  Soon your guards are going to be toast thanks to Luigi, and that makes the score four to one.  Do you really think you can take on all of us?  Give me the key, and I?ll trick the Mario Bros. and get them out of our hair.  Wouldn?t you rather let me have the key than let your dad?s worst enemies get their hands on it??

Bowser Jr. thought for a moment.  ?Alright, I can agree with some of the plan; but after you finish tricking the Mario Bros., I want the key back.?

Croco sighed.  ?Fine.  At least it?ll get us away from those pesky plumbers.  Why don?t we meet once they leave??

?Good idea,? Bowser Jr. agreed.  ?We?ll meet in the docking room where I keep my airship.  Oh, and how do you plan to trick the Mario Bros.??

?Leave that to me,? Croco chuckled.  ?Just do exactly what I?m about to tell you, and they?ll fall for it.?

* * * * * * * * * *

Boshi found Mario where they had left him.  After feeding him the Max Mushroom, Mario was up in a flash.  ?Boshi?  Why would you help me??

?Right now everyone else, including your brother, is at Bowser Jr.?s Castle.  We? uh? needed your help.  So? If you could give us a hand? That? uh? That?d be great,? Boshi stammered.

The two of them rushed to the castle as fast as they could.  Mario burst through the front door with Boshi behind them to see Luigi, Goombario, and Croco standing around an unconscious Bowser Jr.  ?It?s over?? Mario wondered aloud.

?Well, I guess they managed to beat everyone without us,? Boshi explained sheepishly.

?Where is the Shadow Key?  And where is the key you stole from me?? Mario challenged.

?They?re all yours!? Croco exclaimed.  ?Take ?em.  It turns out these Shadow Keys aren?t so valuable after all.?  He handed Mario the two Shadow Keys and the map.

?So you guys stole the map?!? Luigi thundered.

?It?s okay, they gave everything back,? Mario replied calmly.  ?I guess you two aren?t as bad as I thought.?

Croco forced a smile.  ?Nah, we?re just a bunch of dirty thieves.  C?mon Boshi, we?ve gotta? go!  See ya? around!?  With that, Boshi and Croco left in a hurry.

Goombario glanced at his watch.  ?It?s getting late.  ?We better set up camp outside.?

For the next hour they worked on making a tent and starting a fire to keep them warm.  Once they were all warm and cozy, it was time to go to bed.  Just as everyone was about to go to sleep, Goombario spoke up.  ?Mario, can you tell me a bed time story??

Who does he think I am?  ?Super Mario? doesn?t tell stories!  Well? He has done a good job so far.  He deserves it?   ?Sure.  I?ll tell you the story about how Luigi and I ended up in the Mushroom Kingdom.?

?Once, a kind and powerful man lived in a place called Brooklyn.  He had two sons, both that took after their father.  For many days, the man and his children lived in peace.  But one day, the man took his children to a strange place underground.  He told them, ?You both are destined for great things.  Don?t be sad that we must part; this is what I must do.  Someday, you will understand.  Someday?  You will take my place??

Those were his final words to his infant sons before dropping them into a strange pipe.  They ended up in a strange kingdom, called the Mushroom Kingdom.  They lived all alone, until a beautiful stork picked them up.  ?Poor babies, you must be terribly lonely.  I will take you somewhere safe.?  The stork flew across the kingdom, hoping to find the parents of the babies.

Meanwhile, the young Bowser and his faithful servant, Kamek, foresaw that these boys would cause them much trouble in the future.  ?Bring me those babies!? Bowser commanded, and Kamek set out to find them.  It wasn?t long before she found the stork that carried them, and she attacked.  She captured young Luigi, but the stork dropped the poor Mario down onto Yoshi Island.  Determined to save his brother, the baby Mario teamed up with many brave Yoshi until they finally rescued him. 

For three years, Mario and Luigi lived with the Yoshi.  But Kamek continued to try and kidnap the poor babies, so the Yoshi did what was best.  They sent him back in the pipe from which they came, and they grew up as normal children in Brooklyn.  Memories of their father would always return to them, but they could never find him.  Days passed, and the boys became adults.

They became plumbers, and began to work on the sewers below the area.  And do you know what they found?  They found a pipe!  After investigating it, they fell in, and found themselves in the Mushroom Kingdom once again.  Ever since, Mario and Luigi have lived to save to kingdom and thwart the evil Bowser.?

Mario saw that Goombario was beginning to fall asleep.  He wondered to himself where his dear old father went off to.  What could have happened to him?  Not even Mario knew?


Chapter 9: Ruination

Croco and Boshi had been waiting in the docking room all night.  Morning had finally arrived, and there was still no sign of Bowser Jr.  ?Are you sure he?s going to meet us here?? Boshi asked skeptically.

?He better,? Croco replied bitterly.

Just then, a half-asleep Bowser Jr. stepped into the room.  ?How long have you been waiting for me??

?All night!? Boshi snapped.

Bowser Jr. seemed surprised.  ?Why?  You could?ve gone to sleep.  That?s what I did??

Croco clenched his fists.  ?Whatever; at least you?re here.  Let?s get him, Boshi!?  They rushed forward and knocked Bowser Jr. over.  Boshi swallowed him and trapped him in an egg.  ?Make sure he doesn?t get away!?

?He?ll be stuck in this egg for a while,? Boshi reassured him.  ?He won?t be going anywhere.?

Croco nodded and picked up a phone that resembled Bowser?s face from a nearby table.  After dialing some numbers, he heard someone pick up the phone on the other end.  ?Is this Bowser?? Croco inquired.

?Yeah, what do you want?  This better be good for interrupting my beauty sleep!? Bowser roared impatiently.

A wide grin spread across Croco?s face.  ?Listen up, buddy.  I?ve got your son and his Shadow Keys, and I understand that you have more of these strange keys.  Send them over to me, and I will return your son safely.?

Bowser?s facial expression remained the same.  ?I have no use for that little ingrate if he lost the keys to the likes of you.  Do as you please with him.?  Bowser hung up.

* * * * * * * * * *

Mario, Luigi, and Goombario had just finished breakfast and were preparing to depart.  Mario stared at the map, bewildered.  ?There are a few problems with the map.  First off, it only points to three locations, and Bowser said there were seven Shadow Keys.  Second, the third location is Bowser?s Castle.  Is this some kind of trick?  Bowser told us specifically not to come to his castle, or Peach would die, and yet he wants us to come to his castle to collect the next key!  Luigi, throw me one of the Shadow Keys.  Maybe it?ll give us some kind of clue.?

Luigi took out a key and threw it to Mario.  ?Oops, bad throw,? he muttered as he realized that he threw it a little too far to the left.  It hit the ground and shattered as if it was made of glass.

?It? broke?? Mario wondered aloud, too shocked to comprehend what had just happened.  ?The keys were fake!  Croco and Boshi must?ve made fake keys and gave them to us so they could escape with the real ones!?

?I think they?re still in Bowser Jr.?s Castle!? Goombario exclaimed.  ?Let?s go get them!?

?What should I do with the other fake key?? Luigi asked.

?Just hold onto it!  We?re going after Croco and Boshi!?

* * * * * * * * * *

?Uh-oh!  Mario and the others must?ve found out the keys were fake!? Boshi warned Croco.  ?They?re inside the castle and heading straight for us!?

?Then get into Bowser Jr.?s airship.  We?ll ditch these losers and fly straight to Bowser?s Castle.  Once we get there, we?ll assault the castle and get those Shadow Keys the hard way!? Croco announced.  ?Get the engine started!  We?re leaving!?  He grabbed the egg that contained Bowser Jr. and placed it in the corner.

* * * * * * * * * *

Mario, Luigi, and Goombario stopped in the docking room and saw Bowser Jr.?s airship crash through the roof.  ?They?re getting away!? Mario thundered.  ?I?ll get them!?  He rushed forward and began wall-kicking his way up to the ceiling.  Once there, he took several steps back before running full speed at the escaping airship.  Finally, he launched himself into the air and went hurling forward.  Luigi and Goombario marveled at one of the greatest long-jumps performed in history.

Mario crashed through a window in the back of the airship.  His mind was racing.  Now what?  How can I get Luigi and Goombario up here?  He searched frantically for something that he could use.  At last, he found the anchor that was used to stop the airship if it was ever on water.  Using a Fireball, he carefully burnt the part of the rope that held the metal anchor onto it.  Now that it was just a normal rope, he threw it down to Luigi and Goombario.

?Mario threw a rope down for us!  Let?s go!? Luigi shouted as he grabbed Goombario and jumped onto the rope.  As they started to climb, Luigi found himself struggling.  ?Ack!  Climbing is harder than it looks!?

?At least you have arms.  How am I supposed to climb?? Goombario muttered.

?I?ll carry you,? Luigi offered as he grabbed onto Goombario with his free hand.

Meanwhile, Mario tried to figure out where they were heading.  At last, he found a window that allowed him to see where they were going.  ?Bowser?s Castle!  But his castle defenses will destroy us!  We?re just one tiny airship!  We?d need an entire fleet to get to Bowser using airships!  That?s why I always walk to his castle!?

Cannonballs shot out from the castle and whizzed past the airship.  Luigi screamed as he was almost hit with one of Bowser?s many radar missiles.  In fact, Mario could hear his brother?s shouting over all of the noise that the airship was making.  Now motivated to climb up to his brother, Luigi began to ascend at a rapid rate.  Soon, he and Goombario met Mario inside of the ship.  ?Let?s go find Croco and Boshi!? Mario bellowed over the rumbling of the airship.

The three of them stormed into the control room.  Croco rolled his eyes.  ?Not now!  We?re having enough trouble steering this piece of junk!?


A cannonball struck the airship, and the engine burst into flames.  ?Oh no!  We?re going down!? Boshi yelled.

?Give us back our Shadow Keys!?  Mario challenged.

?You can have them,? Croco sighed, tossing them the real Shadow Keys, ?but we?re getting out of here!?

Croco and Boshi took the only two parachutes and dove out of the airship.  A sudden jolt sent Goombario and Luigi flying into a wall, knocking them out cold.  ?I?ve got to think of something,? Mario told himself, ?or Bowser will steal the keys after we crash land.?

Seconds later, the airship crashed into the side of Bowser?s Castle.  Bowser walked over to the wreck and grinned.  He snatched the two Shadow Keys from Mario?s hand.  ?It worked?  We have all seven Shadow Keys!?


Chapter 10: Conclusion

?Where are we?? Mario wondered aloud as he found himself in a dark, cold cell.  Beside him were his two barely awake companions, Luigi and Goombario.  Mario had a throbbing headache, and he felt as if he?d just been hit by a train.  ?What happened??

Goombario studied their surroundings.  ?Bowser must?ve captured us.  I think we crashed??

?Where are the Shadow Keys?!? Luigi exclaimed.  ?Do you have them?!?

Mario searched his pockets.  Even his ?super special secret pocket? was not left unchecked.  ?Nope; Bowser robbed me dry.  But do you still have that ?fake key? I told you to hold on to??

?Yeah,? Luigi replied, showing him the key he kept in his pocket.  ?What about it??

* * * * * * * * * *

Bowser and King Boo stood at a colossal altar in front of an enormous glowing door with seven keyholes in it.  ?This? is the Shadow Shrine,? King Boo said with a sweeping gesture of his hands.

?Just put the seven keys in already and be done with it,? Bowser snapped impatiently.

King Boo presented the seven Shadow Keys.  Six of the keys magically rose and inserted themselves into the six keyholes they were designated to, while the seventh remained in King Boo?s hand.  ?I guess I have to put this one in.  Maybe it?s supposed to make things more dramatic??

He floated up to the door and carefully placed the key into the final keyhole.  ?Yes!  We will finally rule over this world!  Not even the Mario Bros. will be able to stop us!  We will reign supreme!?

?Finally!? Bowser roared.  ?At last, I can destroy those pesky plumbers!?

Purple static electricity emitted from the door and began zapping the seventh key.  There was a loud rumbling noise as the ground began to tremor.  Suddenly, the seventh key shattered into tiny glass pieces, and the seventh keyhole remained unlocked.

* * * * * * * * * *

Mario began chuckling to himself.  ?Those idiots!  They were so caught up in the moment they didn?t even bother to search Luigi!?

Luigi was puzzled.  ?What good does a fake key do us??

?You still don?t get it?? Mario snickered.  ?Just before we crashed, I switched one of the real Shadow Keys I had with the fake Shadow Key I told you to keep.  Bowser and King Boo only robbed me, so they took six real Shadow Keys to the Shadow Shrine along with the fake one.?

Luigi stared at the ?fake key?.  ?So this is actually? a real Shadow Key??

Mario nodded.  ?Yup, and without all seven keys Bowser and King Boo won?t be able to get whatever they?re after.?

?About that?? Goombario spoke up in a choked voice.  ?I?ve been doing some research on Shadow Keys in my tattle log, and I came up with some info.  ?Once, a lord with great power travelled across the universe, conquering all land that he came across.  He grew tired of doing all the work himself, so he created a demon.  This demon soon became known for causing chaos wherever it went, and it soon became known as Chaos.  One day, Chaos rebelled against its master and attempted to take over, but the lord overpowered Chaos and sealed him away in the Mushroom Kingdom.  The only way to ever release this demon is to collect the seven Shadow Keys and bring them to the Shadow Shrine.?  Neat, huh??

?I?ve got to get to the Shadow Shrine and put a stop to this!? Mario shouted.  ?Even if they don?t have all seven keys, they?ll surly come back here for them!  I need-? He then realized who was in the cell across from them.  Peach and E. Gadd sat upright, listening in on the conversation.  ?Peach!  E. Gadd!  You?re both okay!?

?We were going to speak up, but Goombario?s story really caught our interest,? Peach explained.  ?Anyway, I got this key from a guard when he wasn?t looking.  I didn?t bother to try and escape because I knew that Bowser or his guards would catch me.  Maybe you can use it.?  She tossed the key through the iron bars of her cell to Mario, who used the key to open up their cell.  He then opened Peach and E. Gadd?s cell.

E. Gadd gave Mario the Poltergeist 3000.  ?I used it to try and fend off King Boo, but I?m getting a little too old for ghost hunting.  Hopefully you can put it to better use.?

Mario strapped the device onto his back.  ?Everyone should get back to Mushroom Castle.  I have the Poltergeist 3000, which is the only thing that can beat King Boo.  There?s no point for anyone else to come with me.  Understood??

The rest of them nodded hesitantly and headed for Mushroom Castle.  Mario used his Shadow Key?s ability to glow when it is near other Shadow Keys to search for the Shadow Shrine.

* * * * * * * * * *

?I don?t understand? How can a Shadow Key break?? King Boo pondered.

?If it was fake, it could!? Mario taunted as he arrived on the scene.

King Boo stumbled backward.  ?That device?  It?s the Poltergeist 3000!?

?If we work together, we can beat him just like we did last time!? Bowser reassured him.

King Boo smiled wickedly.  ?We?  Sorry, but I had other plans for the final confrontation with Mario!?  He became transparent and entered Bowser?s body.

?What did you do to him?? Mario inquired fearfully.

?I possessed him,? ?Bowser? responded mechanically.  ?Now hand over the last Shadow Key, or prepare to face the combined force of Bowser?s strength and my brains, Booser!?

?Why don?t you take it away from me, ?Looser??!? Mario mocked.

Enraged, Booser stepped forward and breathed a tower of flames at Mario, who rolled through Booser?s legs to avoid the blast.  Booser whirled around tried to stomp on the frantic plumber, but Mario once again dodged with great agility.  His mind was racing.  How can I fight him?  He?s too big!

?What?s a matter?  Am I tougher than you thought?? Booser sneered.

Mario finally came up with an idea.  That?s it!  I can use his size to my advantage.  Right after he uses ?that? attack, I?ll strike!

Booser took out a few giant balls covered in a layer of spikes.  Laughing to himself, he tossed them directly at Mario.  ?Now?s my chance!? Mario screamed as he took out the Poltergeist 3000 and sucked the spike balls up.  He fired them back at Booser?s head, sending it flying off of his shoulders and onto the ground.

King Boo emerged from within Bowser?s body.  ?You knocked my head off!  Well? not my head, per se, but you know what I mean!?  He began to fire orbs of ice at Mario.

Mario immediately began sucking King Boo up with the Poltergeist 3000.  However, King Boo escaped back into Bowser?s body and tried to put Bowser?s head back on.  To Mario?s amusement, he put the head on backwards.  Mario took cover as Booser ran around, bumping into things.

?Look over here, you big tub of lard!? Mario teased him.

Booser took out more spiked balls and began wildly tossing them about, hoping one would hit Mario.  Our hero took advantage of this opportunity to fire them back at Booser with the Poltergeist 3000, once again literally ?knocking his block off?.  King Boo, severely weakened, collapsed onto the ground.  Mario ended the battle by sucking him up into the Poltergeist.  Bowser?s head once again attached to his body, but Bowser remained unconscious.

?I did it,? Mario sighed.  Just then, the Poltergeist 3000 began beeping.  He saw E. Gadd?s face on the built in communication device.

?Mario, you just stopped the biggest catastrophe the Mushroom Kingdom has ever faced!  We?re all very, very proud of you!? E. Gadd congratulated him.  ?Furthermore, Princess Peach is holding a party at her castle to celebrate.  Hurry back before it starts!?

?I?ll be there!? Mario affirmed as he ran off into the distance, heading for Mushroom Castle.

Back at the Shadow Shrine, the Shadow Keys were left behind, including the one Mario had.  The seven keys began to glow before a strong whirlwind picked them up and send them in different directions across the kingdom to prevent another situation such as this from ever happening.  However, a crack had appeared on the front door on the Shadow Shrine?

The End
(Continue reading for SMB2 and 3)


Chapter 11: Vacation Gone Wrong? Again

Mario, Luigi, and Princess Peach sat in a private plane heading for Isle Delfino.  Mario read over the letter that he had received earlier:

Dear Mario,
   We are sorry for the misunderstanding during your first visit to the humble Isle Delfino.  As a token of our appreciation for you helping us even though you had done nothing wrong, we would like to offer you and two friends a free trip to our island.  This time, we hope you have the opportunity to enjoy your stay.

Isle Delfino Justice Department

Mario put the letter away.  ?It sure was nice of them to give us another chance to visit them.?

?What?s it like?? Luigi asked, beginning to daydream.

?It?s amazing,? Mario breathed.  ?At first it wasn?t so great, seeing as how I spent most of my first day in jail.  But after I rescued all of the Shine Sprites, the land really seemed beautiful.  I even brought FLUDD with me so it could seem like old times.?

?By the way,? Peach mentioned casually, ?How did they figure out you were innocent??

Mario recalled the many legal events that had to take place before the problem was resolved.  ?It wasn?t easy.  They had no actual proof that Bowser or his son were ever on the island in the first place.  Eventually, it all came down to what my motives could have been to pollute the island and why I would work so hard to clean it up afterward.  They let me off the hook, but one more slip could be all it takes to get me hauled off to prison.  No matter what happens, we need to stay out of trouble.?

?Way to stay positive,? Luigi muttered.

Mario sighed and glanced out the window.  ?We?re here!?

The plane landed safely without running into any sort of monstrous goop.  Mario, Luigi, and Peach stepped off of the plane.  ?Your hotel room will be ready shortly.  In the meantime, feel free to visit the various tourist attractions here on Isle Delfino,? a Pianta in a black suit told them.

?I think I want to spend some time at the beach,? Peach decided.

?Me too,? Mario agreed.  ?What about you, Luigi??

Luigi shook his head.  ?Nah; I?m more of a fishing person.  I?ll be at Rico Harbor.?

* * * * * * * * * *

Mario and Peach spent the entire duration of the day lounging at the beach.  There was not a single enemy to speak of.  Everything was just as a vacation should be.  The two of them walked back to the hotel as the sun began to set.  Back at the hotel, their blissful day was ruined by the absence of Luigi.

?He probably lost track of time,? Mario explained.  ?I?m sure there?s nothing to worry about.?

?Mario?  I think you should see this??

Mario ran over to Peach.  Her face was pale, and she was trembling violently.  ?What?s wrong??  His question was immediately answered by the sight of an enormous hole in the wall of the kitchen.  ?That shape of the hole?  Bowser?  I?m going to Corona Mountain!  Bowser is probably there with Luigi.  He should still be weak from the whole ?Shadow Key? incident, so I?ll most likely be back soon.?

* * * * * * * * * *

Mario arrived inside of Corona Mountain with FLUDD strapped to his back.  Boiling hot magma covered the floor, with only a few pieces of land floating on its surface.  Many pillars protruded from the magma, each equipped with either automatic retracting spikes or flamethrowers.  ?Ah? Corona Mountain?  How nostalgic!?

Mario switched to FLUDD?s hover nozzle and used it to jump toward the first flame pillar.  The water Mario used to hover over to the pillar automatically doused the fire on it.  Next, he cautiously waited for the spikes on the next pillar to go down before proceeding to it.  He continued to make it past similar obstacles until he came to a chunk of land in the midst of the magma.  It had a single crate on it along with a sprinkler that Mario used to refill FLUDD.  Beside it was a boat that seemed to be resistant to the intense heat of the magma.

?I can use this to move,? Mario told himself as he hopped into the boat and switched to FLUDD?s spraying nozzle.  By spraying the magma with FLUDD, Mario was able to push the boat along the sea of lava until he came to one last island.  On it was a red box with E. Gadd?s face printed on all of its sides.  He jumped onto the box to open it and equipped FLUDD?s rocket nozzle.  Many clouds had formed above Mario in a linear formation that seemed to lead him directly to Bowser.  Using the rocket nozzle, he made his way to the top of the mountain.

Mario emerged at the very tip of Corona Mountain.  A pool of steaming hot water filled the entire area.  At the center of this pool was Bowser?s submarine- the very same one he had used in Super Mario 64.


Chapter 12: The Return of Shadow Mario

Mario noticed Luigi all tied up on the front of Bowser?s submarine.  Luigi?s face lit up when he saw his brother.  ?You came! I just knew you would!?

?Of course I did!  Bowser has a lot of nerve ruining my vacation again!? Mario cursed.

?Oh, sorry about that,? Bowser chuckled, emerging from within the sub.  ?I need to ?borrow? your brother for a little while.  You see, I?m working on a new invention, but I need a guinea pig.?

Mario clenched his fists.  ?No way!  Perform tests on one of your minions, not my brother!?

Bowser rolled his eyes.  ?No; that?ll never do!  I need someone who isn?t already evil, such as Luigi!  But if you?re willing to take his place, so be it!?  He took a deep breath and prepared to engulf the whole room in flames.  However, Mario had experienced Bowser?s fire breath technique so many times that he devised a way to counter it.  Mario shot a Fireball directly into Bowser?s mouth!

?Nice shot, bro!? Luigi cheered.

?AGH!  My tongue?s on fire!? Bowser screamed as he dipped his head into the pool.

?This won?t take long,? Mario mumbled to himself.  ?He should?ve rested a little while longer before he decided to challenge me again.?  He hid behind a large structure on the sub that had Bowser?s face engraved on it.

At last, Bowser?s head surfaced.  He whirled around, his eyes red with rage.  ?Where are you??  He began to search around the submarine.  When his back was turned, Mario snuck up behind him and seized his tail.  ?Why you little??

?When are you going to learn that your tail is your biggest weakness?? Mario sighed.  He spun Bowser around and around.  Luigi tried to follow Bowser?s movement, but he ended up too dizzy to see straight.  At last, Mario released him, sending him flying into the distance.  ?Let?s get back to the hotel.?

* * * * * * * * * *

?Dad, what happened?? Bowser Jr. asked his defeated father.

?Mario came and beat me again, just as we planned.  Was it enough of a distraction for them to allow you to hack E. Gadd?s system without anyone noticing?? Bowser inquired.

Bowser Jr. nodded.  ?I?ve found out loads of information about him, including where he?s staying at this very moment.  It seems he has a vacation home on Isle Delfino, and that?s where he?ll be for the rest of the week.?

?Good.  Proceed as planned.?

* * * * * * * * * *

Mario and Luigi returned to the hotel late at night.  After assuring Peach that everything was fine, they all went to bed.  The three of them slept like babies, and awoke prepared to spend the day having fun.

Luigi was the last one up.  ?Nothing can start the day off better than some TV!?  He flipped a switch on the TV, and the news channel popped up.

As they ate their breakfast, Mario mentioned casually, ?What do you guys want to do today?  I hear Pinna Park has this brand new roller coaster and-?

Just then, a news report caught their attention.  ?An old man?s vacation home has just been covered in thick, slimy goo similar to the goo that plagued our humble island not too long ago.  This man?s name has been confirmed to be E. Gadd.  More details will arrive at eleven.?

?E. Gadd?? Mario parroted.  ?I?ve got to go help him!?

?Let me go too!? Luigi requested.

Mario shook his head.  ?No.  This may be a trap to lure us away from Peach.  Stay here and look after her.?

?Bring me too, Mario,? echoed FLUDD?s mechanical voice.

?Good idea.  You can help clean of the sludge on E. Gadd?s house.?

* * * * * * * * * *

Inside E. Gadd?s vacation home, a familiar figure threatened him.  ?Listen, old man, I need you to upgrade my paintbrush.  You made it in the first place, so you can upgrade it.  Here?s what I need it to be able to do.?  He whispered into E. Gadd?s ear.

?No way!  I know exactly what you would do with that kind of ability!? E. Gadd shouted defiantly.

?Then you also know what I might do to you if you don?t upgrade my paintbrush!? the figure threatened him impatiently.  He waved his paintbrush to show that he meant business.

?Fine, fine,? E. Gadd complied.  ?Just leave as soon as I finish, and remove the goo from my home.?

?How long will this take??

?Thanks to my new duplication chip, it should be done in just a minute!? E. Gadd boasted.  Carefully, he took apart the paintbrush and inserted the chip onto a large circuit board with many wires attached to it that ran all through the inside of the device.  Finally, he closed up the paintbrush and sealed it shut.  ?There you go!  Now remove the goo from my house!?

Just then, Mario and FLUDD arrived on the scene.  ?It looks like the goo is disappearing by itself??

Shadow Mario emerged from the front door.  ?Just as I thought; you?re here.  This?ll work out perfectly.?


Chapter 13: Mario?s Bad Day

?So, Bowser Jr. is back on his feet already,? Mario acclaimed with a hint of sarcasm in his voice.  ?Or should I say, Shadow Mario.  You know, you and your father could use a break from fighting me, although you ran away before I could pummel you the last time we met.?

?Croco and Boshi set me up!? Shadow Mario snapped.  ?They ganged up on me and trapped me!?

?I?m surprised you fell for one of their tricks,? Mario shot back.  ?I guess some people just aren?t that smart.?

Shadow Mario calmed himself down.  ?Ah, I know how you work.  You get your opponent all riled up with your clever little insults, and then you take advantage of them.  Well, it won?t save you this time.  I just ?persuaded? E. Gadd to upgrade my paintbrush, making me unstoppable.?

Mario shook his head emphatically.  ?Forcing old men to fight your battles for you; you should be ashamed.?

?You?re the one who?s gonna? be ashamed!? Shadow Mario retorted, dashing toward Mario with his paintbrush held high above him.  Mario quickly doused him with water, but he wasn?t in the least bit affected.  Frustrated, he threw a quick punch at Shadow Mario.  But the punch went right through Shadow Mario, and then he seemed to vanish.

?An illusion?? Mario wondered aloud.

?Not quite!? Shadow Mario exclaimed, appearing behind his foe and covering Mario with slimy, electrifying goop.


Mario fell to the ground in agony.  ?I?m not? finished yet??


Mario once again writhed in pain.  Shadow Mario began chuckling to himself.  ?That goo will shock you once every five seconds.  It won?t kill someone as strong as you, but it?ll keep you from getting anywhere for a while.?


?How did you? vanish? as I punched? you??  Mario inquired, his face reflecting pure misery.

Shadow Mario waved his paintbrush boastfully.  ?With this, I can create false images of myself that act as copies of me and remain intact until they touch someone else.  They?re very useful for avoiding blows.?


Shadow Mario turned to leave.  Before he went off, he held up his paintbrush until he began to glow.  In a flash of light, Shadow Mario changed into an exact copy of Mario, looking every bit as real as the original.  ?And now I?m off to ruin your life.?

* * * * * * * * * *

?Mario sure has been gone a while,? Peach sighed.  ?I hope he?s alright.?

Just then, ?Mario? walked into the room.  Luigi tapped him on the shoulder.  ?So, what happened, bro??  No reply.  ?Bro?  Bro?!?

Peach stood up worriedly.  ?Mario, are you feeling alright?!?

?Yes, and I?ll feel even better after I do this,? Suddenly, ?Mario? slugged Luigi in the gut.  Luigi collapsed.  Peach screamed.

?Mario!? Peach shrieked.  ?What are you thinking?!?

Ignoring her, ?Mario? walked up to the phone and dialed 9-1-1.  ?Hello?  Yes, this is an emergency!? ?Mario? bellowed.  ?Mario has knocked out Luigi and kidnapped Peach.  Please come at once!?  He hung up.  ?Mario? then pushed a button on his paintbrush, the button that would deactivate the goo immobilizing the real Mario.

* * * * * * * * * *

Mario struggled to his feet.  ?That electric slime really took its toll on me.  But I have to get to Luigi and Peach.  Shadow Mario must be up to something.?  He sprinted back to his hotel as fast as an electrocuted plumber could run.  When he stumbled inside, he was shocked to see him brother on the ground.  Peach was nowhere to be found.

There was a sudden knock at the door.  ?This is the Isle Delfino Police Squad.  We have the entire building surrounded.  You are under arrest.?


Chapter 14: The Secret Room

Three burly policemen broke down the door.  ?You?re coming with us, bub.?

Mario took a few steps back.  ?What?  I didn?t do anything!  Do you even know who I am?!?

?You?re Mario, the former prime suspect of the disappearance of the Shine Sprites.  You did do it, didn?t you??

Mario was frantic.  I can?t outrun these guys.  And I?m too worn out to fight them.  Besides, that would only get me in more trouble.  I?ll have to turn myself in.  ?I?m not going to fight you guys.  Do what you need to do.?

One of the guards heaved a sigh of disappointment.  ?No fight?  Aww?  I mean? Let?s get him into his cell until we meet him in court.?

* * * * * * * * * *

Mario?s only resistance came verbally.  The entire time he was dragged around, all he could do was claim him innocence.  It seemed ridiculous that one man could have been framed twice, so he wasn?t shown a bit of mercy.  He was immediately thrown in a special cell built for the trickiest criminals that ever existed.

?I didn?t do anything!  I was set up!? Mario pleaded one last time before a guard closed the door to his cell.  ?I?ve got to get out of here and tell Luigi what happened!?  He noticed a window nearby.  Mario launched himself into the air to the window, before realizing that it had bars on it.

The guard laughed at his attempt.  ?Trying to get out of there is like trying to climb a mountain with your hands and legs tied- impossible.?  He turned and walked away, snickering.

?Darn it!? Mario cursed, smashing the wall with his fist.



?A secret button?? Mario wondered aloud.  ?Why would a jail cell have a secret button??  The ceiling of the room slid into the wall, revealing another ceiling even higher up.  In the new space between the lower and upper ceiling, Mario could faintly make out a hole in the wall.  ?I get it!  So many master thieves must have been kept here that they created a passage to escape!?

He wall-kicked up toward the hole and crawled in.   He was now in a normal hallway with a door at the end.  Mario slowly opened the door.  He gasped.  ?Bowser Jr.??  Bowser Jr. was sitting at a desk reading over some files.  The rest of the room was completely empty, except for an open window.

?Hmm? These files might come in handy!? he declared.

I?m too fatigued to fight.  I?ve just got to sneak past him and I?ll be out of here.   Mario slowly crept up to the window, but the old wooden floor was extremely creaky.


?Hm?? Bowser Jr. whirled around.  ?Mario?!  You found the secret passage?!?

?What if I did?!? Mario challenged.

?Allow me to escort you back to your cell,? Bowser Jr. sneered as he transformed into Shadow Mario.

* * * * * * * * * *

Luigi sat at the hotel, all alone.  ?Did Mario really kidnap Peach?  He did slug me in the gut.  But something just doesn?t seem right?  I?ve got it!  He didn?t bring FLUDD back with him, so I?ll go to E. Gadd?s and look for it.  Either E. Gadd or FLUDD must know what happened.?

He called E. Gadd?s house in Boo Woods, which forwarded him to his vacation home.  ?E. Gadd?  Where is your vacation home?  I need to see you.?

?It?s right across from the red cannon doohickey.  I?ll be outside waiting for you.?

He dashed over to the red cannon Mario once used to reach Pinna Park.  Nearby, he saw E. Gadd and FLUDD sprawled on the ground.  ?What happened?  Did Mario really kidnap Peach??

?No,? FLUDD replied mechanically.  ?My data tells me Bowser Jr. has a paintbrush that allows him to become an exact copy of anyone he chooses.  There is a 92.348263% chance that he has framed Mario.?

E. Gadd glanced back and forth nervously.  ?About that paintbrush??


Yeah... Updates are becoming easier and quicker, so expect chapters to start coming a little quicker.  Just because I've already written the entire thing, I just need to revise it; chapters in any other of the SMB series won't be this quick.  ;)


Chapter 15: Escape

?You mean you made that paintbrush?!? Luigi thundered.  ?How could you give it to Bowser Jr.?!?

E. Gadd crippled in fear.  ?He told me to upgrade it.  When I refused, he threatened me.  I didn?t have a choice.?

?I?m sorry,? Luigi apologized, ?but Bowser Jr. must have used that paintbrush by now to get Mario in some kind of trouble.  I?m going to check the police station and see if Mario is there.?

?Be careful,? E. Gadd warned him.  ?Take this.  I have a feeling you might need it.?  He handed Luigi a Max Mushroom.

* * * * * * * * * *

Shadow Mario was in complete control of the battle.  He was knocking Mario senseless.



Mario was on the ground, beaten and bruised.  Still, he struggled back to his feet.  ?It?s not a good idea to fight me in prison,? Mario reminded him.  ?You?ll get in just as much trouble as I?m in.?

?Then I?ll have to finish the job quickly,? Shadow Mario chuckled.


Luigi dashed up to the police station.  ?That sounded like Mario??  A second scream erupted from within the station.  ?It?s coming from that window!?  He jumped up onto the roof, not caring about what trouble he might get in.  He looked inside of the window and saw Shadow Mario pounding on his older brother.  With a loud cry, he leaped inside and wrestled Shadow Mario to the ground.

Mario breathed a sigh of relief.  ?Luigi!  Thanks for helping out!?

?There?s no time!? Luigi snapped.  ?I?ll hold him down while you escape!  Eat this!?  He threw Mario the Max Mushroom E. Gadd had given to him.

Mario scoffed it down without hesitation.  Instantly, all of his cuts and bruises vanished.  ?Okay, now let?s take him down together!?

Luigi shook his head.  ?No!  Get out of here!  The police are already on their way here!  You?ve got to get out of here while I?m still holding him down!?  Mario opened his mouth to protest, but Luigi cut him off, ?Go, or this will all be for nothing!  NOW!?

Mario nodded and jumped out of the window. What do I do?  I?ve never been chased by police before!  Maybe I should stop by E. Gadd?s place.  He?ll know what to do!

* * * * * * * * * *

Peach was tied up on Bowser?s submarine, just as Luigi had been.  ?Let me go!? she demanded, struggling to break free.

Bowser shook his head.  ?When have I ever let you go??

Peach thought for a moment.  ?Let?s see? Just about every time you?ve been beaten by Mario, you?ve let me go!?

?Shut up!  I told you never to mention his name in my castle!? Bowser roared angrily.

?But I thought you were working with Mario.  He was the one who brought me here,? Peach inquired in a clueless tone.

Bowser rolled his eyes.  ?That was Bowser Jr., you imbecile!  Now that his paintbrush has been upgraded by E. Gadd, he can fool everyone into thinking he?s Mario!  Imagine how easy it will be for him to shatter Mario?s reputation!?

* * * * * * * * * *

?It looks like you?re going to be in a lot of trouble,? E. Gadd said with a frown.  ?And it?s all my fault??

?Is there anything I can do to clear my name?? Mario asked, now overcome with fear.

E. Gadd handed him FLUDD, equipped with the turbo nozzle.  ?All you can do for now is try to hide.  I don?t think the Isle Delfino Police Department would find you in the middle of the ocean.  That might be your best bet.?

?Maybe I can find my way back to the Mushroom Kingdom.  I?m sure I?ll be safe over there,? Mario affirmed.  Just then, he heard a mob of footsteps heading straight for the house.  He knew they were coming for him.  He dove out of the back window straight into the water and turned the turbo nozzle on.

?Good luck!? E. Gadd shouted after him.  He?ll need it.


Chapter 16: Court Room Peril

Shadow Mario trampled Luigi within minutes.  He tied him up and placed him in the corner.  ?The Mario Radar dad gave me shows that Mario is out in the middle of the ocean!  How are the police supposed to arrest him now??

?I?m telling you, the cell is empty!? they heard one of the guards shout.

?That?s my cue,? Shadow Mario chuckled.  He waved his paintbrush and turned into an exact clone of Luigi.  He ran through the secret passage Mario had used to get there and dove back into the cell.  A group of guards returned to the cell and saw ?Luigi? lying on the ground.  ?Ouch??

?What happened?!? one of the guards demanded.

?Mario?  He beat me up and ran away?? ?Luigi? answered.

?Which way did he go?? another sentry inquired.

A wicked smile plastered itself on ?Luigi?s? face.  ?I can take you directly to him.  But please, please sentence that horrible man to death.  This is the second time he?s severely injured me.?

* * * * * * * * * *

Mario sped across the ocean for hours on end.  He was tired, hungry, and above all, scared.  ?I can?t go to jail?  I just can?t??

?EnErGy ReSeRvEs FaDiNg?? FLUDD stated mechanically before shutting down.  They stopped dead in their tracks.  Without FLUDD, Mario would have to swim.  Minutes seemed like hours as he swam across the enormous blue ocean.  It was nighttime, so he didn?t even have the slightest clue where he was going.  Any minute could have been his last; he was on the edge of going mad.

?I think? I?d rather? drown? than keep this up?? Mario told himself.  This was it.  Not even Mario could survive alone in the ocean.  Just as he was about to give up and let himself drown, a tough metal object slammed into him and sent up plummeting underwater.  He quickly regained his senses and swam to the surface.  It was a ship, and a colossal one at that.  It stopped beside him and lowered a rope for him to climb.  ?Finally??

He climbed aboard, and was shocked to see who was there waiting for him.  ?Luigi!  You did it!  You escaped from Bowser Jr.!?  Mario ran over to his brother.  Luigi grabbed him and tossed him into the center of the boat.  A large group of burly policemen surrounded Mario.  ?Why?  You of all people know I?m innocent!?

?Tell it to the judge,? one of them mumbled.

* * * * * * * * * *

Mario, drenched and completely worn out, was dragged into the court room.  A tall, stern judge loomed over everyone else in the court.  ?Court is now in session.  Does the defendant have any opening statement??

?I was set up!? Mario exclaimed.  ?I didn?t do any of this!?

?Then why did you run from the police?  Why did you escape from jail?? ?Luigi? confronted him.

?Why are you framing me?? Mario shot back.  ?I know who you really are!  You disgust me!?

The crowd gasped and began whispering amongst one another.  ?Order in the court!? the judge cried.  ?Luigi, present your case.?

Luigi bowed.  ?Thank you, your honor.  Mario, the so called here of the Mushroom Kingdom, isn?t such a hero after all!  In fact, he beats up Lord Bowser time and time again just so he could have her all to herself.?

?You stole her in the first place!? Mario defended.

?Members of the jury, if that doesn?t sound like a selfish man, then I don?t know what does.  Furthermore, can you tell me where Peach is at the moment.  You did kidnap her, I might add,? ?Luigi? assaulted ruthlessly.

Mario put his head down.  He?s too good.  ?I have nothing else to say??  He hung his head, defeated.

?Very well then.  The jury has found you guilty, Mario.  As much as it pains me to say this, you are sentenced to? death?? the judge informed them firmly.

Mario closed his eyes.  C?mon?  I?ve gotta? think!   ?Judge, can I have one last chance to prove my innocence?  I have on last bit of info that I think you?d all like to hear.?

?Very well.  Make it quick!?

Mario?s eyes gleamed with hope.  ?I call ?Luigi? to the stands.?


Chapter 17: Mario?s Comeback

?Luigi? rolled his eyes and went up to the stands.  Mario?s eyebrows were raised with suspicion, and a faint smile could be detected on his face.  ?You claimed that I hit you and ran off with Peach.  Do you have any proof?  Do you have any bruises or marks??

?Luigi? glanced back and forth nervously.  ?No? But only because I?m a quick healer.  You?re just trying to turn this around on me!?

?Are you sure?? Mario inquired.  ?Maybe the reason you don?t have any bruises is because? you?re not Luigi!?

?Mario, have you gone insane?!? the judge thundered.

Abruptly, Mario flung himself at ?Luigi?, knocking him over and sending his paintbrush flying across the room.  ?Luigi? became Bowser Jr., stunning the jury.  Mario stood up with the paintbrush in his hand and used it to become various people in the room.  ?As you can see, this allows you to become just about anyone you want to be.  Bowser Jr., why do you possess such a device?  Why did you come to court disguised as Luigi??

Bowser Jr. was trembling uncontrollably.  ?It?s uh?  err? um?  I use it each year on Halloween!  Yeah, instead of buying a costume, I just change into someone else with that handy brush!?

Mario threw the brush to the ground.  ?Really?  Because you could have just as easily used it to frame a hero so that he would die and you could capture Peach.  Add in the fact that he used this to frame me the last time we came to Isle Delfino, and you?ve got a serious criminal on your hands.?

As if things couldn?t get any worse for Bowser Jr., Luigi and E. Gadd stormed in.  ?It wasn?t Mario that assaulted me, it was him!? Luigi shouted, pointing to Bowser Jr.

?He forced me to upgrade his device so that he could frame Mario,? E. Gadd added angrily.

The judge gasped.  ?This is truly shocking?  Mario was given all the blame for something he never did.  We are all truly sorry.  I think it?s only fair that Mario gets to choose the charges.?

Mario grinned.  ?Well, I won?t give him a death sentence?  So let?s start with a life sentence!?

?I?m not done yet!? Bowser Jr. cried, taking out a remote control.  He pressed a large red button, and the whole island began to shake.

?What?s happening?? Luigi screamed.

Everyone ran outside to see a huge robot that resembled Bowser slowly begin to emerge from underwater.  Bowser Jr. leaped on top of its head and slipped into the control room.  ?I?m not going to jail!  You?ll have to face the wrath of Mecha Bowser before I?ll go anywhere!?

?E. Gadd!  Where?s FLUDD??  Mario asked hurriedly.

?Back at my house,? he replied.  ?They sent it to me after they took you to court, thinking I could fix it.?

Mario nodded.  ?Do you have the Poltergeist 3000??

?You should find that at my house too,? E. Gadd answered.

Mario turned and began to run toward E. Gadd?s home.  ?I?ll be right back!?  He dashed down the street at full speed.  Suddenly, a giant metal foot stomped itself in Mario?s path.  ?Bowser Jr.!  Move that giant piece of junk out of my way or I?ll move it for you!?

?Those are tough words for someone so small!? Bowser Jr. taunted from within Mecha Bowser.

A fleet of Bullet Bills shot out from Mecha Bowser?s chest and blasted toward Mario.  He jumped, ducked, and weaved through the mini-explosions that went off as the Bullet Bills collided with the ground.  Suddenly, Mario felt a strong wind coming toward his head.  He dove to the side as Mecha Bowser?s gargantuan arm came crashing into the spot Mario just stood in.  ?Luigi!  Can you hold him off?!? Mario requested from across the island.

Luigi faintly heard his brother and rushed over to help.  ?No problem!?  As Mario continued his sprint to E. Gadd?s house, Luigi scrambled up Mecha Bowser?s leg and began climbing up to his arm.  He began unscrewing it, causing Mecha Bowser?s arm to tumble onto the ground.  Enraged, Mecha Bowser fired more Bullet Bills from its chest.  Luigi dodged them and sent a Fireball hurling into the Bullet Bill generator, causing it to explode.

?Then I?ll just have to burn this place to the ground!? Bowser Jr. snapped.  Mecha Bowser?s mouth opened, revealing a colossal flamethrower.  Flames began to spew everywhere across the island.

?Luigi!  Catch!? Mario bellowed as he tossed the Poltergeist 3000 to him.  Luigi strapped it onto his back, while Mario put to rocket nozzle equipped FLUDD onto his back.  ?Listen; his head is his weakness!  Here?s the plan.?  He whispered into Luigi?s ear.

Luigi darted up close to Mecha Bowser and sucked up some of its flames with the Poltergeist 3000.  He then jumped onto Mario?s shoulders, and Mario used FLUDD to rocket them both up sky-high.  Now that they were right next to Mecha Bowser?s head, Luigi released the flames he had sucked up earlier onto its head, nearly demolishing it and leaving a very burnt Bowser Jr.

?No fair?? he mumbled as he collapsed onto the ground.

Just then, Bowser came onto the scene in his Koopa Clown Car with Kammy following.  He picked up Bowser Jr.  ?What a failure!? he grumbled.  ?Mario!  I hope you enjoyed your victory, because your about to face ME!?

?Wait!? Kammy interrupted.  ?We need to get a jump start on that invention you were so excited about making.  Then we can crush Mario!?

?Oh? right!? Bowser exclaimed.  ?Great thinking!  Let?s go back to my castle right now!?

?What about Peach?!? Mario demanded.

?Just take her!? Bowser roared, throwing her out of the Koopa Clown Car over to Mario.  ?I won?t need her!?

Mario caught Peach and watched in awe as Bowser escaped.  ?That was weird?  Bowser would never give up Peach without a fight.?

?I guess he was too scared to fight you again,? Peach chuckled.

Luigi was still nervous.  ?What do you think that ?invention? is??

?I don?t know, but we?ll handle it the same way we do everything else,? Mario responded confidently.

The End
(Continue reading for SMB3, the exciting conclusion to the first trilogy.)


Chapter 18: A Mysterious New Foe

Inside of a dark, eerie room, many computers and gizmos were at work.  At the center, a metallic robot stood in a chamber filled with a strange liquid.  This robot resembled a familiar hero all too well.  Suddenly, the glass chamber shattered, and the metal figure stepped out.  A mechanical voice echoed through the room.

?Metal Mario, you have awakened.  I am your master, your creator.  I am the only one in your data banks that you would bow down to.  I am a god of destruction.  However, a universal villain such as me can only be in one place at once.  That?s why I have created you, the strongest mechanical warrior ever pieced together.  I want you to go to the Mushroom Kingdom, and conquer it.  That is your life?s goal; your prime ambition.  Go now, in the space pod located on the far right of the room.   It has been preset to take you to your destination.?

* * * * * * * * * *

There was a knock at the door of Mushroom Castle.  A figure in a yellow raincoat waited patiently for someone to answer.  A storm had reared its head into the kingdom, and it wasn?t an ordinary storm.  Finally, Princess Peach opened the door.  ?Eeek!?

?What?? Mario inquired, taking his raincoat off.

?Mario, don?t ever do that again!? Peach scolded.  ?You almost gave me a heart attack!?

Mario sighed.  ?Oh, man!  I forked out forty coins for this coat, only for someone to tell me that it makes me look like a cereal killer.?

?Don?t take it personally; I just scare easily.  Especially since all the castle guards are off duty today,? Peach replied.

?Why are they off duty?? Mario parroted, hoping Peach would finally let him in.

Peach gestured for Mario to step inside.  ?I thought they needed a break, so I gave them one.  I?ve been kind of lonely, so would you care to join Toadsworth and me for lunch??

Mario nodded, hanging his raincoat on the nearby rack.  Peach led him through the labyrinth-like castle, until they finally reached the kitchen.  ?Do you have a map of the castle?? Mario asked, wearily.  ?It seems impossible for anyone to have memorized all of those different paths we had to take to get here.?

?Of course not!? Peach laughed.  ?I know this castle like the back of my hand.  I?ve lived hear my whole life.  Not knowing my way around here would be like you not knowing how to navigate your own house!  But enough about that; let?s dig in!?

An enormous banquet was laid out in front of them.  Just as Mario was about to chow down on his food, Toadsworth dashed into the room.  He was soaking wet and breathing heavily.  ?Master Mario!  Come quick!  There is an intruder heading straight into the castle!?

Mario slammed his fist on the table, sending ham sandwiches, salad, and many other foods flying into the air.  ?Bowser!  He never quits!?  He leaped down from his chair and sprinted toward the front of the castle, leaving a speechless Toadsworth behind.

?Your highness!  Please alert the Mushroom Guards and have them come immediately!? Toadsworth pleaded.  ?I fear the worst for Mario??

* * * * * * * * * *

As Mario darted through the castle, trying to find his way to the front, he noticed that the storm had gotten worse.  This seems all too familiar!  This isn?t any ordinary storm!  This is a storm that signals some kind of darkness approaching!  But Bowser has never been that dangerous before!  Unless?  He made it out of the front door, expecting to see an oversized Koopa.  He was wrong.

A metal figure that resembled Mario stood before him, walking slowly toward the castle.  He had hardly taken notice to Mario?s appearance.  At last, he stopped and looked at Mario.  Lightning flashed.  Thunder crackled.  Mario grimaced at his counterpart?s red, gleaming eyes.  The figure spoke up.  ?Is this Mushroom Castle??  His voice was calm and cool, and yet stoic enough to show that he would be merciless if he needed to pry the information.

Seconds passed.  Or was it minutes?  Mario couldn?t tell.  He stood there, frozen stiff.  Still, the figure stood there, expecting an answer.  No- demanding one.  Something about this guy isn?t right.  He?s got this? dark aura? that I can?t explain.  It?s worse than a nightmare- and it?s real.  Mario gulped.  He responded in a choked voice.  ?Y- Yes.?



?Are you Mario?? the figure demanded, his voice just as patient as it was before.

Mario tried to mask his fear with a smile.  ?You?re right again.?  He was trembling all over.  It seemed that his body was numb with terror.

?I am Metal Mario,? the voice informed him coldly, ?and I?m here to destroy you.?

Mario swallowed hard.  Was this truly happening?  Even though nothing had happened yet, feelings of dread loomed above Mario?s head.  Feelings that can make even the toughest person cry.  That storm wasn?t warning Mario about Bowser.  It was warning him to stay away from Metal Mario.