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Super Smash bros. Rise of the Emissary

Started by Triforceman22, October 03, 2007, 12:33:08 PM

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Hello guys!
This is a Super smash brothers fic!
It will be about what happens in Subspace emmisary mode.
Even though I don't know what will happen... But this is my version.
feel free to comment on this.
Enjoy! :)


Prologue: This World....

In this world, trophies fight.

They know nothing but fighting. Fighting is the sole reason for their existence.

Being turned back into a trophy, being unable to fight, is much like death.

Those are the rules of this world.


When someone...or something...breaks those rules, the world will pay a terrible price...

The world will soon meet this terrible price.....


Chapter 1 The beginning of the end


"GO!" Yelled the announcer, as two opponent's feet touched the ground.
One was wearing navy overalls, and a blood red shirt. The golden buttons on his overalls shone brightly, as he took his fighting stance. He also wore a hat that was the same colour of his shirt.
It had a large "M" stiched to the hat.

"Hmmmmm..... I wonder what i'm-a gonna do?" The man thought, as he scratched his finely brushed Mustache.

The other opponent, was a small round pink entity. His feet were light red. He was about three feet in hieght. his saphire eyes gleamed, as he also took his fighting stance.

The rules were simple.
Whoever was defeated, would be turned back into a trophy. Which was like being killed, only much much worse.
In Ninten, those were the rules. No one ever broke these rules, for there would be dire consequences that would soon follow.

As the crowd in the stadium roared in excitement, the man in red ran towards the pink puffball.
The man swiped at the other with his fist, but the pink one dodged swiftly, causing the man to lose his balance.

As the puffball saw his chance, he took out a large wooden hammer. It had a yellow star painted on it. as the man got back up, the puff swung the hammer with all his might.
It hit the man square in the stomach, and sent him flying.

As the man hit the ground, the puff then took out a curved blade.
he then, jumped into the air. He spun around, and then he came down.
Once he hit the ground, his sword turned into a wave of energy, and it was coming closer to the man.

The man got up once again, and jumped over the wave of energy, and dashed towards the puffball.
"This ends-a now!" Yelled the man, as he grabbed the pink ball.
The ball squeeled in pain, as the man threw him to the floor.
He then started to pummel on the defenceless ball.

He was one more hit away from having the ball turn back into a trophy.
The man raised his fist, and looked at the ball straight in the eyes.
The blue eyes had fear, and sadness in them, a small tear dropped down his pink cheek.

The man hesitated a little more, until he made up his mind.
The man got off the ball, and raised a hand towards the pink ball.
The ball looked at the man, and then grabbed his hand.

Once he pulled him up, he looked at him again.
" You don't-a deserve to be a trophy." The man said.
"No one-a does. This is something I should have-a thought about a long-a time ago."

The man raised his hand once more.
"Friends?" Asked the man.
The pink blob nodded, and smiled, as his small pink hand grabbed the white glove.

The crowd boo-ed with dissapointment.
As the two ignored all the negative cheering, they noticed that the blue sky above them, was turning crimson.

Then, out of the clouds, came the deafening roar of a floating battle ship.
The front of the ship had a white metal mask on it, while the back of the ship, had purple wings.

"This doesn't look-a good..." the man uttered to himself.

Well thats chapter 1.
I hope you all liked it.
Next chap will be up sometime tomorrow. :)

QuoteRobotnik: GET A LOAD OF THIS!!!!!!!!


7 views and no one replies.....  :(

I need to see if people like it.
I got an intresting plot for this.
But I need readers....

Also, if you read it, please post.
I love criticism.

QuoteRobotnik: GET A LOAD OF THIS!!!!!!!!

Water ☮

i liked it ;D really good.the part where kirby gets beat up makes me sad :'( :'( though kirby didnt get beat up that bad in the movie.


well, i'm glad someone is posting......
here is chapter 2.
Enjoy! :)

CHAPTER 2: Primids and Pirhana's

The large battle ship covered the whole stadium in it's shadow.
Most of the crowd has fled already in fear.
The man in red, and the pink puffball kept staring at it. They had a worried look on thier faces.
Just then, a hatch on the ship opened, and purple blobs of ooze came pouring out of it.

The man and the ball took thier fighting stances.

As the blobs hit the ground, some of them moved towards eachother, until they made larger blobs.
Then, a figure rised out of each giant blob.
It had an olive green coloured body, while it's head was yellow, Purple, and black. It's red eyes glared at The man and the puff ball.

Just then, two women that were in th stadium ran towards them.
One woman jumped into the air. Then, long green straks of energy surrounded her, and she vanished.

She reappeared beside The man and puffball.
"Me, and Peach thought you two needed help." She said to the two.
"MARIOOOO....." Yelled the other woman.
The man looked up, and saw the woman, gliding with her white parasol.
"Peach, Zelda, It's-a good to see you again!" Mario said.

"This isn't the time for warm greetings," Zelda said, as she pointed to the creatures that were coming closer.
"All right. Let's-a go!" Yelled Mario.

"Stay where you are Primids!" Yelled an unknown voice.
Just then, the creatures stopped dead in thier tracks.
The four heroes looked around for the origin of the voice.

All of a sudden, a green creature, with yellow bulging eyes appeared.
He was on some floating device. The heroes wondered why it didn't have any hands.
It had a circular device under it. It had a red "X" painted on the metal ball.

Just then, the cable supporting the metal ball, let go, and the ball came crashing down to the stadium below.
The creature nodded it's head, as it flew towards the halted ship.
"That's what you get for breaking the rules!" It said, as he went back into the ship.
As the heroes took thier fighting stances once again, two robots appeared behind the ball.
They attached thier robotic hands to each side of the ball, and pulled.

Then, te ball split in two, and inside it, was a blue container holding a small black sphere inside of it. Blue electricity was sparking inside the container.
Then Mario noticed the timer below it.
"It's a bomb!" Mario yelled.

The moustachoed plumber ran towards it with all of his speed.
Just then, he heard an explosion behind them.
Mario turned around, only to have an onyx coloured cannon ball hit him in the face.
Mario screamed, as he flew out of sight.
A small star in the sky was all that remained of him.

The puffball looked around, and heared screaming.
The ball looked around and saw Peach, an zelda. Locked in elaborate iron cages.
Then thier captor lowered his big head.

He was an over-sized pirhana plant. He had orange petals around his large head.
As looked at the ball, he banged the two cages together, and roared loudly at the pink ball.
the ball took his fighting stance, and the battle begun.

I liked this chapter
I hoped you liked it. ;D
I need more readers, and if you do read this, please post.

QuoteRobotnik: GET A LOAD OF THIS!!!!!!!!



You didn't need to tell us the color of some things such as the cannon ball
...Friend codes were probably implemented by the same people who wanted tripping in Brawl...
...It's quite obvious...


Quote from: Ridley on October 04, 2007, 05:52:09 AM
You didn't need to tell us the color of some things such as the cannon ball

But I like detailing....  ;D

QuoteRobotnik: GET A LOAD OF THIS!!!!!!!!

Water ☮

Quote from: Triforceman22 on October 04, 2007, 11:59:28 AM
Quote from: Ridley on October 04, 2007, 05:52:09 AM
You didn't need to tell us the color of some things such as the cannon ball

But I like detailing....  ;D
it does make the story a bit better! still a good story.


Quote from: WaterGod on October 04, 2007, 12:48:06 PM
Quote from: Triforceman22 on October 04, 2007, 11:59:28 AM
Quote from: Ridley on October 04, 2007, 05:52:09 AM
You didn't need to tell us the color of some things such as the cannon ball

But I like detailing....  ;D
it does make the story a bit better! still a good story.
It seriously does!

I don't think you want a story like, "Once upon a time, there was two people. One was on one side, one was on the other. They did some stuff, decided not to do that stuff anymore, and a flying thing came."


But so far so good TFM!


i'm too busy today, so next chap. won't be up till tomorrow.

QuoteRobotnik: GET A LOAD OF THIS!!!!!!!!


Hello again guys.
Here is hapter 3.
Enjoy. ;D

Chapter 3 Knight Vs. Plant

Petey Pirhana swung one of the iron cages at The puffball.
He barely dodged it. He lost his footing in the process, and fell back.

Petey roared in victory, as he stomped over to the fallen Pink puff.
The ball got back on his two feet, and took out his wooden hammer.
He charged at the plant with all his speed, and jumped towards the monster's green face.

with hammer in hand, he swung it in the air, and bashed Petey in the forehead.
The over-sized Pirhana plant screamed in agony, as he swung the cages around violentley.
The ball then leaped in the air, and started to float over the enemy.

Once he was on top of him, he curled his arms in, and shut his eyes.
Then suddenly, his soft pink texture turned to solid rock.
The now transformed puffball, came crashing down on Petey.

This time, Petey dodged.
the ball hit the ground with a loud thud.
Petey Jumped back, and fired a large cannonball out of his mouth.
as it came hurdeling towards the ball, he opened his mouth, and started to inhale.

The cannonball started to get pulled into the vortex, until it was in his mouth.
The Puff then swallowed it whole.
"It looks like he's pulling off his copy manoever!" zelda cried, as she hung onto the bars of the cage for dear life.

Then, the ball flashed, and a bright light emmited from him.
As the two princesses opened thier eyes, they saw the ball transformed into a giant cannon ball.

The ball flung himself towards the giant pirhana plant.
He hit Petey straight in the chest.
Petey was sent flying, as was the puff ball.
Petey convenientley dropped both cages onto the stadium.

Petey finally hit the colluseum's wall.

You see...
the arena was a floating platform, in the middle of a colluseum.
If the ball stopped, both would plumitt into a bottomless pit.

Then, the ball turned back to normal, and quickly floated to the safety of the arena.
While Petey fell into the abyss.
the ball unlocked the cages of both princesses.

"THE BOMB!" zelda yelled, to the almost detonated bomb.
The timer said only 10 second remained.
So Zelda quickly grabbed the ball, and Peach.

"FAROE'S WIND!!" she yelled, as the streaks of green flew around the trio, and in a second, they vanished.

Once the timer hit Zero, the Colluseum, and everything surrounding it, was engulfed in a black sphere of energy.

and in a flash, there was a giant hole replacing it.
The trio landed in a nearby tree, as they got down, they looked ito the distance where they once stood mere seconds ago.

"That was close...." Zelda said, as she let out a sigh of relief.
She turned towards the ball.
"Good job out there Kirby," she commented.

"I wonder where mario is?" Peach asked.
"Don't worry, he'll be fine...." zelda replied, "But we need to figure out whats going on...."
"Right..." Peach said, as the trio walked off.

Not knowing that Ninten would be in grave danger soon.

Well, thats chap. 3
I hope you liked it. :)

QuoteRobotnik: GET A LOAD OF THIS!!!!!!!!


...Friend codes were probably implemented by the same people who wanted tripping in Brawl...
...It's quite obvious...


QuoteRobotnik: GET A LOAD OF THIS!!!!!!!!


Quote from: Triforceman22 on October 07, 2007, 09:26:02 AM
Quote from: Ridley on October 07, 2007, 07:10:09 AM
How are you going to make chapter 4?

what do you mean?

I mean the only thing you could write about now is the part where Pit flies and that is not much.
...Friend codes were probably implemented by the same people who wanted tripping in Brawl...
...It's quite obvious...


Quote from: Ridley on October 07, 2007, 11:24:59 AM
Quote from: Triforceman22 on October 07, 2007, 09:26:02 AM
Quote from: Ridley on October 07, 2007, 07:10:09 AM
How are you going to make chapter 4?

what do you mean?

I mean the only thing you could write about now is the part where Pit flies and that is not much.

Do YOU know where Mario went? :P

QuoteRobotnik: GET A LOAD OF THIS!!!!!!!!