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A Ryan's Review: Code Geass

Started by Nayrman, July 02, 2008, 04:33:27 PM

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Hiya, and welcome to the first official "Ryan's Reviews" thing. Basically I review whatever the hell I feel like reviewing at the time, whether they be t.v. shows, anime, movies, games, what have you. So, I'll just explain the ground rules: Games rated the same way as IGN/most game sites, and tv/movies are in the following format: Premise, Characters, Execution, Performance/Animation, Entertainment/Overall, and a "explination in one sentence" for those of you who don't want to read the whole darn thing. Requests can be sent via PM, but I may not do them (depending on mood, or if I have it or not X_X;; )Let's get on with the first "official" Ryan's Reviews. (First was MGS4, READ IT!)

Code Geass:

This is a little anime currently on Adult Swim/Youtube and one I've been watching lately. (Mostly due to half the anime's I watch currently in filler/not interesting at the moment, sigh).

Premise: The idea of the show is of a teenager named Lelouche Lamperouge (and I spelled it right! OWN!), a former prince of the ficitonal "Britannia" empire, who one day meets a "which" during a terrorist attack, and gains the power of the "Geass" a special power that is different per person. Lelouche's Geass gives him absolute control over anyone one time. Gaining this power allows Lelouche to begin his plans to destroy the Britannia Empire and make the world a better place for his crippled sister, and liberate Japan (and I assume the rest of the world as well).

Overall it's not a bad idea, but it's not something we haven't really seen before. Besides the geass itself, the show is basically a "mecha" show, which is a good and bad thing. Like I said, we've seen this before, and the general idea isn't too origional, almost afraid to take risks at times. Not enough is spent on the Geass at times, which is of real interest due to that power being origional to just about everything I've seen before. Not bad, not good, but simply average.

Characters: This is probably the show's weakest fault. This show basically follow's Naruto's path of not having many likeable characters. Lelouche throughout much of the show is a failed cloning of Light Yagami from Death Note (minus a notebook of death and Shinigami), but comes across as more arrogant than smart. The problem with Lelouche is that you don't really have a reason to root for him (or against him). Not to mention he's quite the egotist at times, but then again who isn't I suppose. Most female characters = fanservice. Sorry Kallen fans, that's why she's there. My biggest complaint has to be Suzaku (Lelouche's former best friend turned enemy). He's naive as all hell...which seems to be a problem for most characters in this show.

On the plus side, the creators seemed to have realised they didn't seem to make very interesting characters. There isn't a whole lot of backstory of any particular character (well, not enough to have a full backround anyway), which is nice since there isn't much need for one. Most of hte main characters are given a reason to be there, and it is left at that. I suppose I should be thankful, since half of them are dumb as crap anyway at times. However, at least like Inuyasha it isn't all about them, so I could forgive this...a little. It's still pretty bad when the characters are the worst part of your show.
3/10 - I hate Suzaku...

Lelouche Lamperouge

Execution: The main issue I have with this area is that the show can't decide what it wants to be. It seems to have an identity crisis. Some of the time, it wants to be a mecha (which is hte worst aspect IMO, since it can't really nail fighting), a philosophy/moral story, or dramedy (drama + comedy). This wouldn't be so bad if it didn't change so sporadically. THere basically is no room for adjustment. One episode we'd be in a battle, and the next Lelouche is at school dealing with his crazy friends in some comedic fashion. It just doesn't work. All good anime's know what they are, and don't deviate too much only to give a break now and again (see FMA, Ghost in the Shell, etc.)

I will say that the show does know where it's going though (besides occasional filler ep), which is nice. I've always hated when shows get sidetracked for no apparent reason (see Inuyasha after the first quarter...ugh). The show usually stays focused on the task at hand, only to get confused at random moments as to what is going on.  Another not good, but not horrible moment. Seen better, but seen FAR worse

Animation: This is probably the highest point of the show. The animation is rather good in my opinion, since there really isn't any drop-off. For as schitzophrenic as the identity goes, the show knows what it wants to look like. It's a nice balance between eerily real and cartoony...which is wierd I suppose. The characters (besides a few...) look like they actually belong in this particular world, so it doesnt look wierd when something happens (see Elfen Lied to see how NOT to do it). I will give this one bit of advice though, don't be stupid with the mechs. The show is starting to get a little tech happy trying to create newer and badder "Knightmare" frames (the mechs). Any further and we're going to get into Gundam territory with all these different types of machines and it's getting confusing distinguishing them at times.

Entertainment/Overall: It's an okay show. There is enough to keep you interested, but it does enough to turn you off if you aren't diehard about it. I just can't tell what the creators were going for in this show. I have seen worse, and if you need something to put you through the massive amounts of filler lately (Bleach, get back to Hueco Mundo...NOW!), it's not too long, at only about 40 episodes currently (some skippable if you want to look at Wikipedia). Just don't expect anything too fantastic.
Overall: 5/10
Explination in one sentence: "Death Note - any intelligence - the awesomeness of a character like L + mechs = Code Geass"


tl,dr but good review!

I never thought of reviewing anime here.  Enlightenment!
"I lovat a gabber.  I could listen to maure and moravar again.  Regn onder river.  Flies do your float.  Thick is the life for mere." - James Joyce (Finnegans Wake, page 213)


Quote from: Zovistograt on July 03, 2008, 03:56:16 PM
tl,dr but good review!

I never thought of reviewing anime here.  Enlightenment!
bout time someone actually commented.
*tl,dr = ?*

I was hoping to generate some discussion on the show/etc. with reviews and such but apparently no one cares enough. X_X;;