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HOWTO: Fan Art

Started by Dill, July 08, 2008, 10:33:32 AM

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You'll notice there are some changes.

-The Ink Shop is locked. From now on, artists can make their own shops, which will act as galleries. I'm not going to, one by one, lock everyone's galleries, though. Just be prepared in case members bring requests. If you don't take requests at all (what an uncreative bastard you'd be), state so in your gallery.
*If you are an artist and would like to join someone's shop, talk to the shop owner (in the thread, in PMs, by fax, I don't care)

-The Creation Gallery will be replaced with a Criticism Thread. This will be like a Recent Work Thread, except with a better title. Don't post your sigs there if you don't want them commented on. Better yet, don't post your sigs at all. Keep them locked away in your closet and don't show your face to the world until you build up the courage (and/or pride) to let people take a few swings at your newest Sonic sig that you forgot to put a border in.

-The Graphical Resources Thread is not locked; it's just unstickied. I encourage people to continue using it. It's a semi-okay idea, but it needs activity for it to work (like most of my threads (that's a subtle way for telling people to start responding to my posts with more than "lulwut educate;")).


That's about it for now. This thread will be left open for the abundant compliments and worship to follow.

It seems that there have been some changes in my absence. None of these changes really affect me though as I hardly ever come here.