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Big Brother: NSFCD - Eviction Results Up!

Started by Light, July 19, 2008, 01:36:02 AM

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Expect the Unexpected

Welcome to Big Brother: NSFCD, an online game for the members of the site here hosted by yours truly. In Big Brother, you will learn to make and break alliances, backstab, and - most importantly - expect the unexpected.

Eight to twelve contestants will be competing against each other to win the game. Each week, there will be a Head of Household (HoH) competition. Whoever wins will be the HoH for that week. The HoH?s job is to nominate two contestants in the game up for eviction from the Big Brother house. At the end of the week, all contestants (except for the nominees) vote for who they think should be evicted. Whoever is evicted must then leave the game.

But there?s a catch. Before each week?s eviction, there will be a Power of Veto (PoV) competition. Whoever wins the PoV can choose either to save themselves from being evicted if they are on the chopping block, save another person from being evicted, or not use it at all. The choice is theirs.

Once there are only three contestants left, the evicted houseguests will vote for who they think should win based on how they played the game. The person with the most votes will be the winner.

From now on, the contestants will be known as ?houseguests?. Oh, yes, and there?s the matter of a prize, isn?t there? Well, let?s leave that under covers for now (and no, it?s not a new rank). Good luck, houseguests. And remember: expect the unexpected.

Important Information:

- Not everyone participates in the Power of Veto competition. The nominees and HoH each choose one person to compete, usually making for a total of six competitors.

- The current HoH will not be allowed to participate in the next HoH Competition.

- The PoV may ONLY be used on one person, or no one at all.

Current list of contestants:
1 ) Riddler_Rob
2 ) `Matt` - Eliminated Round 1
3 ) MasterYoungLink
4 ) Java_Java
5 ) DOODLEboy99 - Eliminated Round 2A
6 ) Smashin - Eliminated Round 2B
7 ) Watergod
8 ) Spam - Eliminated Round 1
9 ) Phaze
10 ) mackormoses - Eliminated Round 4
11 ) Lavamania
12 ) Ridley - Eliminated Round 3

The Mole is Watching
Sign ups are currently CLOSED!
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Competition List:

Head of Household Competition: Round One

Good morning, houseguests. It is time for the weekly Head of Household competition. The Head of Household gets to choose the nominees for eviction at the end of the week. This competition has to do with the questions I sent out to you before the game. You now have to PM me in the eyes of your fellow houseguests.

You will look at the questions again, and send in answers based on how you think the rest of the house voted. Next to each question, you put the answer you think had the most votes, and how many votes you think that answer got. The closest without going over wins that point. Most points wins HoH.

- Winner: Riddler_Rob

Power of Veto Competition: Round One

In this week's challenge, each contestant must create a signature (add-on) for the winner and/or runner-up of the game. Simple; best sig add-on in terms of creativity and appearance wins PoV. You have until tomorrow at 5 PM PST to PM or post your entries, so you might want to start soon. Good luck!

- Winner: mackormoses

Head of Household Competition: Round Two

It's time to elect a new Head of Household. And in this competition, you get to decide! You each get to vote for who you think HoH should be. Trust will definitely play as a big part here. There's one slight catch, however - if your decision is not unanimous, the person with the least amount of votes (you have to have at least one vote) will be the new HoH. The choice is yours. After you decide who you think should be the new HoH, PM me with your answer.

- Winner: Lavamania

Power of Veto Competition: Round Two

Here's how this week's competition will work. You each have to post a number between one and six. You cannot choose a number someone else has already chosen. Inside one of those numbers is the Power of Veto. The catch is this: you do not know which number the PoV is in until after the competition is over.

There's more. After you choose the numbers, you have until 4 PM Pacific today to PM me what number you think the Power of Veto is in. You can choose up to three numbers. The thing is, you cannot compete in the next PoV round(s) for each incorrect guess. For instance, if you guess two numbers, and they are both wrong, then you will have to sit out the next two PoV Competitions, even if you are a nominee/HoH. The first person to guess the correct number wins PoV.

One last thing: if no one guesses the correct number, the houseguest who chose that number will win the PoV. Good luck.

- Winner: MasterYoungLink

Head of Household/Power of Veto Competition: Round Three

This round, you must make use of the arcade here. Simple; the person with the most highscores by 11:59 PM Pacific on Wednesday will be the new HoH. Also, the Power of Veto Competition has been intigrated with this one. I've chosen three games that have the possibility of holding the PoV. The first person to get the standing high score on one of those games will win the PoV.

Good luck.

- HoH Winner: Riddler_Rob
- PoV Winner: N/A

Power of Veto Competition: Round Four

This week's Power of Veto Competition is... a maze. It is composed of a five by three grid filled with dead ends, and, at the end of the maze, the Power of Veto. You progress through the maze by answering questions that I ask. They pertain to the evicted houseguests. I will say something that one of them said, and then you will have to guess who said it. Some quotes will be from the thread; others will be quotes I got from them. This helps decide how much you really know your fellow members.

Depending on who you choose, you will go in a certain direction. Some incorrect answers lead you into dead ends; others lead you off course. Try to be consistent and careful when answering.

If you run into three dead ends throughout the maze, you will be eliminated from the competition. The first person through the maze wins the Power of Veto. I will be PMing you each your questions for the beginning. Good luck!

- Winner: Java_Java
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Sig add-ons:

First Place:


Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.

The Riddler


Interesting, I wonder how this a will turn out... count me in.


I'm your third player.

Let's see how this will turn out.


Click me ^


I'd like to join, but when will the competition start?

In a week I'll be going on vacation for a week, so I may not be active.


This sounds cool. I'll join. :P


Seems like good times. I'll join, I suppose.

Water ☮

YES! Another one!

I wanna play I wanna play!



What the hell, i'll join.


@Java: The contest will begin on next tuesday with the first HoH competition. The PoV competition will be on Friday, and the eviction will be held on Sunday.

To everyone else, there is a max of three spots left, so hurry up!
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Quote from: LightningSword on July 19, 2008, 02:37:37 PM
@Java: The contest will begin on next tuesday with the first HoH competition. The PoV competition will be on Friday, and the eviction will be held on Sunday.

To everyone else, there is a max of three spots left, so hurry up!

Are you always so good with game shows?