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A Ryan's Review: The Dark Knight

Started by Nayrman, July 20, 2008, 10:41:32 AM

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Now that the spoiler warning is out of the way...I bring you by far the best Batman movie, and one of the best superhero movies possibly ever least in my opinion. This will not follow my typical review pattern, merely because I wish to talk about my impressions, and what I thought of the movie (in the typical review sense). This is merely because the movie is in theaters and therefore only seen it there and haven't had a chance to go over the movie a few times (which is what I usually do).
Let's get on with the show then!

Batman: The Dark Knight

Going into this movie my expectations where undoubtedly high. First off, Batman Begins was already a great movie, and putting the nod to the Joker at the end made me more than excited for the sequel. Like most people my age I grew up with the 1989 Tim Burton's "Batman" starring Michael Keaton and Jack Nicholson. With that movie being more than anything short of fantastic (besides Prince music...ugh), going into another round of Batman vs. Joker (my favorite villain ever) was going to be tough. To start off I'm going to say this movie more than delivered.

When Batman set out to be a symbol during the course of Batman Begins, he became more than just a symbol of hope to the people. He became a symbol to the criminals for them to rely on one of the most unstable men to break out of Arkham Asylum during the panic of the first movie: The Joker. Along with new District Attorney Harvey Dent (Batman fans will know how this ends almost immediatley), Chrstain Bale sets out to do his Bat thing and set out to stop a madman from terrorizing the city.

The movie is realistically gritty (but it has some day scenes...hooray! LIGHT!), but still a little comic-book like in order to keep the movie grounded in fantasy enough. This is due to some great blending of sets and real life use of Chicago's inner city for some scenes (but no Wrigley Field? Shame on you Christopher Nolan! jk). Of course, this is the look I'm sure Nolan was going for when designing the movie rather than the feax gothic 40's look of Burton. CG seems to be at a minimum (besides some obvious points of necessity), and the pacing is generally good besides some generic "convienant transition so we can get obligitory character A to point B in a matter of six seconds or so". It's a minor gripe because these are practically necessary for all superhero films or else we'd be sitting in this movie forever.

Speaking of sitting forever, this is rather long for a comic movie...running pretty much at two and a half hours. However, you should be happy to hear the movie doesn't drag too long. Any movie that long will have some drag, but it's usually in places where you'd expect, and it isn't long enough to break the pacing of the movie. There are also some nice twists in the movie between a "social experiment" (as Joker likes to put it) putting citizens against jailbirds, and a clearly SAW inspired choice of death between two important characters (I won't reveal something like that too bad), and a certain coin-flipping bad guy making an appearance.

- Much better than Tommy Lee Jones ever was.

The acting is even better than the first movie, with Bale really setting into his role as Bruce Wayne. As t.v. shows prove, it sometimes takes a while to settle into a part. Not to say Bale was bad in Batman Begins, but it seems he's figured out that fine line between Bruce and Batman he didn't quite have before (while in contrast Keaton somehow figured out in his first go...but I digress). He still has the gruff voice, but it's not raspy or sounding like he'll cough up a lung at any time now. Bale also seems more in control of himself, letting things play out in scenes rather than trying to do so himself. That was my only complaint of the first film, as it was more about "me" rather than everyone else. Hooray for fixing minor flaws! Gary Oldman returns as our cop pal Gordon, and also does a fine job. Mr. Cane also returns as Batman's butler and moral figure, Alfred. I really don't have much to say about these two merely because they do a good job, but they really aren't worth mentioning because the three main roles were done so much better. I already talked about Bale's representation of Batman, and now to the moment you've all been waiting for.
So here...we...go!


Yep, the real reason everyone went to go see this movie: The Joker. Anything less than an Oscar winning performance by Heath Ledger would be a dissappointment when comparing to the already fantastic portrayal of the character by Jack Nicholson. And oddly enough, apparently gay cowboys make great psychotic clowns. This Joker is creepy, sadistic, and cold-hearted beyond belief; making for some truely scary moments involving cutting up other people or mercelessly messing around with hostages. He's scary, creepy, and captivating all at the same time (don't bring the kids...nightmares abound!). The voice and laugh are spot on, not to mention the manuerisms a psycho like him would have. Much like Jack before him, Heath is the real star of this movie making you not even care about the flying rodent. My only complaint stems from the fact he's not really "funny" (or joking) save for one or two scenes in the movie. (I'm going to make this pencil dissappear!)

With the Joker being my favorite villain of all time, I'm rather torn between the two main actors who have played him in the past. Regardless I've only seen the movie in theaters, but in all honest opinion there is no definitive way to conclude Heath or Jack is the better Joker. Both are fantastic and fit their own ideas appropriatley, and both work perfectly in the movies they star in. Let me put it this way: Heath's Joker would never work in Burton's film, while Jack's Joker would never work in Nolan's film. Besides, why should we argue when both acting jobs are so perfectly done I'd rather just enjoy both performances rather than bicker about who is the "better" joker. I'm just rather sad we don't really see enough of this villain since Batman has such a wide array of baddies to combat. I mean we see enough "Luthor's" and the like, while the Joker is probably one of the few genuinely interesting villains out there. I am just pleased BEYOND BELIEF that this Joker doesn't end up dieing in the movie, allowing for hopefully equally as awesome returns in the future between some of the best hero vs. villainry in comics. I think the Joker said it best towards the end of the movie:
"You can't kill me because of your so called moral rightousness. Yet I can't kill you because it's too much fun! I think you and I were destined to do this forever! HA HA HA HA HA HA!"

- Let's put a smile on that face!

Finally moving on to Harvey Dent, Gotham's newest District Attorney, who surprisingly will NOT me returning next movie. Also, apparently Lobbyists make great District Attorney's as well. Aaron Eckhart does a good job; but is, as expected, overshowed most of the time by is villainous counterpart in the Joker and the hero Batman. It's nice to have a more believable hero in the movie, however. In a world of men in batsuits and killer clowns, it's nice to have a character more grounded in reality. Even though that will drastically change towards the end of the movie as Dent decends into the darkness of Two-Face and his standard double headed coin. It is rather interesting to see how someone goes from a hero to a more psycho side of things as the Joker is crazy to begin with (unlike the 1989 film where he gets an origin). Ekhart does a good job, and it's worth noting, but compared to the other two stars it isn't as good.

My only major complaint of the movie itself is the ending. It seems Nolan got all worked up about the Joker and his scenes he almost forgot there had to be an end to it. There is a satisfying conclusion, but not particularly good as Begins' finale. The Joker is still alive, so there is hope for that, but on the whole there isn't a hopefull ending. Batman takes the blame for Two-Face's crimes (at his own request), and is therefore kind of an "anti-hero" to the public. The ending just isn't as satisfying to me, because with the massive box office revenues this is going to make, the Joker still alive, etc. there is plenty of reasons to try a third film. However, there really isn't any set-up (like the Joker card in Begins), nor is there really any true resolution as to what is going on (besides the Dent story). It's truley sad at Heath's death, not just as a person, but as a movie fan because we easily could've gotten another Joker vs. Batman movie.

*Warning: Mini-rant unrelated to movie itself approaching*
It's safe to assume there is going to be a third (or general sequel to Batman), but the problem is either we have to start over (new actor, directer, etc.) or we continue on. With the Joker (not saying we can't, but ya know...Heath), Scarecrow (cought at start of Dark Knight), and Two-Face done, I honestly wonder who is left to trot out as the main baddie. The only main ones left are Riddler, Mr. Freeze (we are NOT getting the governator again), or maybe the Penguin. The problem is that many of the villains don't really fit the gritty pseudo-real look of Nolan's films. In process of elimination the Riddler is probably the best bet in terms of what might work for a third installment. I also wonder when we will ever get to the part of the story where Robin comes in. Although I suppose maybe that isn't the best idea, since the movies started going downhill at that point. My personal want: Either a return of Joker or Jim Carry returns as the Riddler. I think those are the only two that would realistically work since everyone else is a "super" baddie and therefore won't work in Nolan's films in my opinion.

-I wonder if Jim Carrey is up for another go? He was pretty good as the Riddler and the only thing saving that horrendous movie.

-sadly, I don't think this will work in Nolan's movies...


All things said this is probably one of the best comic/superhero movies ever. All the performances were fantastic, Heath should get his post-humous Oscar (C'MON ACADAMY! YOU KNOW YOU SHOULD!), epic scale, great visuals, and the single greatest semi stunt ever (trust me it is AWESOME). With the film industry falling apart in terms of quality in my opinion (Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants 2? YOU'VE GOT TO BE JOKING *lol*), this is one of those rare truly must see movies. In a year we get Iron Man to wash the taste of Spider-Man3 and Pirates out of our mouths we also get Batman's greatest film. Special Edition DVD: Here I come!
Overall: 9.5/10 - A few pacing issues and a "huh? thats it?" ending
In one sentence: "The greatest Batman movie and one of the best superhero movies ever"

Oh, and one more thing....



Great review.

I'd like to see the Penguin in a Nolan movie.  Maybe he can make him as psychotic as the Joker.  That would be interesting O_o
"I lovat a gabber.  I could listen to maure and moravar again.  Regn onder river.  Flies do your float.  Thick is the life for mere." - James Joyce (Finnegans Wake, page 213)


Quote from: Zovistograt on July 20, 2008, 04:36:23 PM
Great review.

I'd like to see the Penguin in a Nolan movie.  Maybe he can make him as psychotic as the Joker.  That would be interesting O_o
I would too, but sadly I think he's a little too out there to really fit IMO, but not to say it wouldn't happen. I just think the Riddler would be more fun..."Riddle me this, Christain Bale!"


Great review.  ;D

I absolutely loved this movie, as you can see by my avatar.
The one word for me to describe it would be intense.

I noticed you didn't mention anything about Rachel Dawes. Which actress did you prefer in the role? I preferred Maggie Gyllenhal much more than Katie Holmes and I'm saying this while watching Batman Begins on FX. XD 

I thought all three: Eckhart (sp?), Bale, and Ledger did amazing jobs, but as was expected The Joker stole the show. I was pleasantly surprised by Eckhart's performance and I was expecting Ledger to deliver, based on the previews.

I'd be kind of wary of seeing someone else playing The Joker as Heath Ledger did such a great job. I will admit that I haven't really seen much of the previous Batman movies, so I either don't know or don't remember what Nicholson was like as the Joker. I do want to see the other movies though (except for Batman & Robin, which I've already seen and I'd rather not see again >_>).

As for the next villain...
I'm really not sure who else would be a suitable villain at this point. I was hoping for Two Face to return, but we all know what happened to him.

And I would rather not and I really can't see this:
[spoiler][/spoiler] this particular series of Batman films.


Don't think a new joker is impossible...since they replaced Jack after Begins. He was origionally given the offer to do it again, but declined. You must see Batman and Batman Returns...both are rather good.
I've heard rumors that the Riddler is the next choice of villains should there be a third one...but they're just rumors so I don't know how credible that is. I really would like to see Jim Carry again, he was rather fact he was *spins cane and does pose*...FABULOUS! (Need to see Batman Forever to get the joke)


Quote from: Nayrman on July 21, 2008, 12:46:04 PM
Don't think a new joker is impossible...since they replaced Jack after Begins. He was origionally given the offer to do it again, but declined. You must see Batman and Batman Returns...both are rather good.
I've heard rumors that the Riddler is the next choice of villains should there be a third one...but they're just rumors so I don't know how credible that is. I really would like to see Jim Carry again, he was rather fact he was *spins cane and does pose*...FABULOUS! (Need to see Batman Forever to get the joke)
Yeah I know it's not impossible.
It's just...yeah...I don't know what it is. I guess I'm just worried another won't live up to Ledger's performance. Now I really want to see the first three again (although I heard the third wasn't too good).

I heard those rumors too. Actually, I wouldn't mind Riddler as a villain. I just wouldn't want him to look so cheesy. I'm sure Nolan would do a fine job in making him fit the style of the movies.


Lol, ryan's my name too. :P

Anyways, Great review.
The movie kicked so much ass.

I want to see CatWoman as one of the next villains.
She's insane D: (watch Batman returns, and you'll understand my point)

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