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A look at Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2

Started by thunderhero4, July 30, 2008, 08:06:29 PM

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Hi, I was very excited for this game and I am finally doing my review on Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2!

If you wish to see my review on Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved (the first) follow this link:

Name: Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2
Platform: Xbox 360 (Xbox Live Arcade)
Genre: Arcade Shooter
Developer: Bizarre Creations
Publisher: Activision
ESRB: E (Everyone)
Retail: 800 Microsoft Points ($10.00)
Also On: Exclusive
Input: Xbox 360 Controller
Release Date: July 30, 2008

Okie, now for the content!


Arcade shooter = no story



Wow, just wow. When it comes to arcade shooters, this is the king.

I thought Geometry Wars 1 was great, but I knew it could use alot more features. This game answers that call for more. There is this new element called "geoms" that spawn every time you kill an enemy. Grab these small green spheres to multiply your scores when you kill enemies!

This game is intense!

The game starts with 1 game mode:

Deadline. In this mode, you have a limited time to destroy as many enemies and gather as many geoms as you can. You have infinite lives but start with 3 bombs.

There are 5 more game modes that you can unlock too by playing the latest game mode enough:

King. This is going to be tricky to explain. You start in a blue circle. You may only fire when you are in that blue circle, and enemies may not enter. Your goal is to kill as many enemies as possible in a circle, leave, and grab as many geoms as you can while moving towards the next one. oh, and the circle changes colors while you are in it. Blue means you just got in it/havent touched it. Green means watch out, it's depleting. Red means get out, it is about to disappear! You have one life, make it count! Funner than it sounds, trust me.

Evolved. This mode pretty much is the whole first game in one mode. Start with 3 bombs and 3 lives and survive as long as you can. There is no time limit. This mode tells you that you dont need to buy the first if you dont have it.

Pacifism. Remember that Pacifism Achievement from the first? Well, this is pretty much the same thing, but slightly modified. You have one life, and cannot shoot. You must avoid enemies at all cost while flying through gates to give you points. The faster you go through the gates, the more points you accumulate! Intense? Yes. Very.

Waves. Your goal here is to for your life! The walls will shoot rockets at you, and you must avoid them, while destroying them to gain points. You have one life, get moving.

Sequence. This is the final mode, and possibly the best. You have 20 levels of predetermined enemies, in patterns. You have 30 seconds to destroy the enemies in each level. Die, and you go to the next level, but lose all 3 of your lives, and the game is over.

There is also a great multiplayer mode! there may be no online, but the local is solid. You have 3 ways to play: VS, Co-op, and Co-pilot.

In VS you have to get a higher score than your opponent.

In Co-op, you watch his/her back as you fight for yourself as well.

In co-pilot, one person controls the ship, the other shoots. I tried it with my cousin, its better than the last 2.

Oh, and each of these can be played in any game mode, so there are ALOT of possibilities! And you of course have your basic Retro game. Boring as it is, it's still there.

This is incredible! 5/5 easy

Replayability and Fun Extras

With multiplayer, you can pretty much multiply this x30 from the old game. And with 6 game modes, another x30. You will never get bored of playing this. You may want to stop for a while, but playing it will never feel boring. It is so addicting, fun, intense, and catchy that it deserves this award!

Alot of enemies will require some help...



I thought the first was colorful and pretty. I was right. But i never expected what I got from this game!

Multiple colors were everywhere, the neon levels were off the charts, and lights were amazing!

Plus all of the shapes are 3D and look like glass. It is absolutely beautiful to watch.

Nobody expected visuals like these on an arcade game!




The sound was epic. Everything made sound when you shot/touched them. Alot of the sounds are recycled, but aot are new. Either way, it still sounds great.

The music is super catchy and really fun to listen to. Techno remixes have never been so cool.



Just when you thought this game couldn't be any better, the controls are mentioned. It feels so smooth to control, way better than the already great first game! You wont have problems escaping and killing enemies at every turn, which is good because the amount of enemies vamps up REALLY fast!



This game did what I thought was already done: reinvent and perfect the arcade genre.

I am proud to announce that this game gets a 10/10 Perfect. No, it is not the best game ever made, but it is far better than any arcade game out there, and it hits what the genre gives in such a way that it is perfected.

Get this game, asap, because it is amazing.