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A Ryan's Review: Soul Calibur 4

Started by Nayrman, August 01, 2008, 05:29:11 PM

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Premise, Gameplay, Graphics, Sound, Overall Entertainment, "In one sentance"

Been playing the heck out of this game, for lack of anything else out at the moment. Needless to say this is probably the biggest game for the late summer/early fall, again, pretty much by default of anything else. Of course, since it's in the Soul Calibur series, you would expect something good, and this game an extent. Oddly, I have gotten to play both versions of the game.

Differences between systems:
-Yoda is the cheapest fighting game character since Gon in Tekken 3
-Vader is the only truely balanced character in the game
-PS3 tends to load a little bit faster for online, and is less suseptible to lag depending on connection

Premise: It's a fighting game, what do you expect? Since we've had three Soul Calibur titles (well...technically four if you actually count that god awful Wii beat-em up), this game is pretty much the same thing. Play as a wide array of fighters with a wide array of weapons in search of the ultimate power in Soul Edge/Calibur in order to meet each characters goals. However, as a fighter you'd also expect a light story. Unfortunatley, this game is even lighter than usual, with merely a five stage story mode for each character, and the only story elements being a beginning prolouge and a short ending. That's it. Of course there is the standard arcade, versus, and an interesting "challenge" mode, but overall there isn't anything you havent seen before. Probably the biggest change from previous games is that there is an online mode. In all honesty I was hoping for something along Soul Calibur 2's story/mission mode, which has sadly been left to the wayside in favor the the fairly standard challenge mode.
Premise - 7/10 If it ain't broke don't fix it...even if it tastes a bit stale

-yea...I don't get it either...

Gameplay: Like with the premise, it's a fighting game. Basically enter an arena and beat the poop out of each other. However, like the premise this is starting to get old. It's definatly a good weapons brawler, but the fourth installment does little to change the formula, and the series' age is beginning to show with this installment. The game just doesn't feel as fresh as it used to. It's still fun with all the characters, but it's evident Namco is running out of ideas when nearly half the characters may be new, but they play nearly exactly to other characters in the game (we have like...four rapiers, three shishiohs, etc.). The other most noticable flaw is that, at least in my experience, many of the characters are broken or this turns into a button masher. Yoda is beyond unfair, Sigfried and Kilik have longer reaches than are deserved, and so on. Some characters are balanced, but tell that to the people spamming Yoda and Killik button mashing online.

I'm not trying to badmouth the gameplay, but of the three main games for some reason this game doesn't feel as polished in terms of the gameplay department merely because half the moves feel like pure luck. Some basic moves are duable but the game feels button masher, and compared to the previous games this game feels samey. I'm not trying to rag, because it's a good fighter, but after Soul Calibiur 2 and 3 did such a great job, this almost feels like a letdown. This is especially evident in the weapon "select", which is a staple of the series. It just feels much more tedious and convoluted than before. Editing existing characters (giving them the look/weapon you want) it just a hassle at times to the point where just sticking with the default is perfectly fine for friend matches. The create a character mode returns as well, and I must say it is very robust. Plenty of options for those who want to make their own truely unique fighter (or just make Chuck Norris...whatever. I made RAINBOW MAN!).

On a side note, online is a good addition with plenty of modes, but it falters from the standard online community faults. Spammers, Button Mashers, and Yoda/Seigfried/Killik spammers abound... I mean I get absolutely obliterated just because I like using the Apprentice and Mitsurugi. Sadly, the online community is just plain broken. Stick to friend matches unless you feel like getting your ass wooped or if you spam Yoda.
Gameplay: ?/10 - If your new to the series you'll enjoy it. If you're a seasoned vet, this game will feel very samey

-alas, two of the few balanced characters in the game. Many characters tend to have one "cheap" quality about them

Graphics: Fighers tend to have good graphics, due to lack of in-game content, and Soul Calibur 4 follows suit. The graphics are pretty astounding, and some areas (particularly the Death Star and Arabian Areas) look positively beutiful. Every character model is exquisetly rendered, with great fluidity in their motion without any real problems. Of course there are some bump mapping issues near walls and edges, but that's always been present in SC games, so I'll let it pass merely becaue there really isn't a way to fix those problems. My only complaint on the graphics front is that Namco didn't bother to change the lip animations to fit the dialogue. It's not a big deal, but it feels like it belongs last generation. I mean, Metal Gear Solid 4 was able to do that, and that game has far more dialouge than than this game. Again, a minor complaint, just something nagging me for a while.
Graphics: 9.5/10

Sound: The sound is fine. Music is purely "meh" during most stages, fitting the theme of the stage but still having the "trumpets blarring as our magnificant warriors fight!" feel. It's fine at first, but it almost begins to get on your nerves for a while. Maybe I'm just pickey, but I'd like some variety rather than, like the rest of the game, the "samey-ness" of everything. Granted, some songs are really good, and you never get enough of playing Vader to the Imperial March on the Death Star. Voices are also well done. There are a few wierd voices, but for the most part everyone works just fine, and selecting the voice for your custom character is purely hilarious (I'm a seven foot heavily muscular dude with a massive battle ax but with the voice of sucking on helium YEEEEE!).
Overall I really have few/minor complaints in this category.
Sound: 8/10 - suffers from samey-ness

Overall Entertainment: As I've said before, the game pretty much does nothing to change the formula from pervious games, and if anything takes things out. The first sign of death for a franchise is when it suffers from samey-ness and monotony. Unfortunatley, the Soul Calibur series is suffering from this. I also question some development decisions (where is the massive story mode from Soul Calibur 2? Where is the simple weapon select from Soul Calibur 3?). Overall it's still a pretty good fighting game, and I highly recommend picking it up for your fighting fix (frankly, Bleach: Blade of Fate isn't going to cut it until Tekken comes out). If you have Virtua Fighter 4 and are content with that, then I don't see a reason to pick this game up (unless you feel like pissing people off as Yoda and the Apprentice: Force Lighting FTW). However, if you need a fighter fix I recommend it. It's not Soul Calibur 2's status (IMO the best fighting game ever made...I want Link back ;_; ).

The guest characters are starting to get particularly wierd as well. I think everyone was fine for Soul Calibur 2 (and the cameo of KOS-MOS in SC3), but Spawn on Xbox? Star Wars? This is starting to get ridiculous Namco. Keep it within the realms of believability and charaters that actually worked (Link is the prime example. Marth, Ganondorf, Yoshimitsu, etc. are fine because they actually work and aren't wierd for the time period, game, etc.). I honestly fear for Soul Calibur 5 if Star Wars characters are deemed fine...I mean what's next? Ninja Turtles? Power Rangers?
Overall Entertainment: 6/10 - Prepare for the button mashing X_X;;

-This is fine, since Link uses swords, shields, etc.

-Lightsabers? Cool...but no. Make it actually PLAUSIBLE Namco

In one sentence: "Soul Calibur 3 + nothing new + online = Soul Calibur 4"

- No, seriously, where is the Wii version with Link? I mean you guys made a fortune on the Cube version! Link and Ganondorf would work and be epic as well. GET ON IT! XD


I've been into the Soul Calibur series since Soul Blade (PSX game based off the arcade game Soul Edge). You hit the nail on the head on this one {especially when it comes to Yoda}. I am suspecting that the online part took up more space on these disks (I got the Xbox version only) than they expected. I could tell that there could have been more, but several staples of the series (Battle theater {CPU vs CPU}, Exibitions, even the Team Battle} were taken out. Granted I was let down a little, but I still think it is one of the better fighting games out there. Namco probably sacrificed more that they wanted to in order to impliment the online part.

At least the stories in Soul Calibur 4 made sense, unlike Mortal Kombat Armageddon {trust me, Mortal Kombat Armageddon was that bad. And this is coming from a Mortal Kombat fanatic.}

Also, as I stated earlier, Soul Blade is part of the series so it should be counted. The original Soul Calibur is the sequel to that PSX game (which in the arcades was known as Soul Edge). Not sure if you actually knew that or not so I thought I'd let you know.


Quote from: OmegaMasterDeath on August 01, 2008, 11:36:48 PM
I've been into the Soul Calibur series since Soul Blade (PSX game based off the arcade game Soul Edge). You hit the nail on the head on this one {especially when it comes to Yoda}. I am suspecting that the online part took up more space on these disks (I got the Xbox version only) than they expected. I could tell that there could have been more, but several staples of the series (Battle theater {CPU vs CPU}, Exibitions, even the Team Battle} were taken out. Granted I was let down a little, but I still think it is one of the better fighting games out there. Namco probably sacrificed more that they wanted to in order to impliment the online part.

At least the stories in Soul Calibur 4 made sense, unlike Mortal Kombat Armageddon {trust me, Mortal Kombat Armageddon was that bad. And this is coming from a Mortal Kombat fanatic.}

Also, as I stated earlier, Soul Blade is part of the series so it should be counted. The original Soul Calibur is the sequel to that PSX game (which in the arcades was known as Soul Edge). Not sure if you actually knew that or not so I thought I'd let you know.
Doesn't really count in the story mode. Soul Edge is just the arcade precursor. I'm just talking about the full fledged series, like how Tekken 5: Extra disc thing counts while there is no arcade machine of it :-X


Good review, but you made 1 mistake: 3 Soul Caliburs?

Soul Calibur - Dreamcast
Soul Calibur 2 - GCN, Xbox, PS2
Soul Calibur 3 - PS2
Soul Calibur 4 - 360, PS3

I am fairly new to the series (played 1 to death and played 2 a bit) and I never had a PS2 (never wanted one, hated em) but I do really want this one for the 360 (dont got a PS3, dont want one, hate it to) and it will likely be my next game.

And it seems no one is really reading and replying to reviews anymore :( Oh well, my reviews got me a job offer so I will continue. Yours are good too, I will continue to read if you continue to write ;)


Thank you thunderhero, sadly I don't seem to get many replies, but I get enough views so I'm fine with it. I'm going to continue writing obviously.

Also, you're forgetting the horrible Soul Calibur game for the wii, which is a mix between bad camera and beat em ups.
Oddly though I can't seem to find it on anything on the internet though, yet I can oddly find it in my EGM magazine from last year (yes, I keep old magazines, I go back to them for the lolz. "Nintendo should have some big news at E3 this year!" HA HA! THE LIES!)
It would seem even Namco doesn't wish to remember this. Ah well, whatever.

If you have the chance I highly recommed playing the death of Soul Calibur 2. Easily the best fighting game I've ever played, especially the story mode was fantastic! The saddest day of my gaming life was when I lost my memory card with my Soul Calibur 2 data...100% completion. I was too lazy and too stubborn to play through the entire thing again, since I had already moved onto 3 at that point. I do have to say this is the weakest of the 4 games so far, and if youre on the fence I recommend a rental at first just to be sure. Also...YODA = CHEAP


good review Nayr.

I hope they make Soul calibur 5 for the Wii.
No more that poop Soul calibur legends... god I hate that game. :|
They could have sonic for thier next guest star. :P

QuoteRobotnik: GET A LOAD OF THIS!!!!!!!!


Quote from: Triforceman22 on August 03, 2008, 07:20:26 PM
good review Nayr.

I hope they make Soul calibur 5 for the Wii.
No more that s*** Soul calibur legends... god I hate that game. :|
They could have sonic for thier next guest star. :P
THATS THE ONE! I forgot the name XD
I know I posted fast but I had to reply to the name finally.
Meh, if I had to have one implausible never should happen character I'd want Edward Elric because he could use Alchemy and thus have every weapon in the game XD


np man. I also like how you review movies. Nobody else really does that.

No offence, but you are a tad annoying when it comes to Sonic. Everywhere else your a pretty cool fool.

And I cant rent games ;_; my parents wont let me :(


ya i think it is kinda weird that they have link in the game and its not coming out fot the wii

Click here to level up my card!

ssbb  guido123 - 0989-2935-7676


Quote from: guido123 on August 03, 2008, 07:50:50 PM
ya i think it is kinda weird that they have link in the game and its not coming out fot the wii
wait...what? You're completely misreading what I wrote X_X;;
Link was in Soul Calibur 2 on the gamecube, there is no Wii version of SC4 and Link obviously isn't in it X_X;;