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Started by Spam, August 13, 2008, 06:24:50 PM

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So what's something interesting that happened to you today?



and I also had to take the US History Regents (NY state exam) because I committed epic fail a month and a half ago and screwed up the times for my exams and thus missed it giving me a 0.  So I was the only nerdy/smart person among the people who I never see because they are in the...uh...below average classes and did take the test but failed miserably from lack of care etc.  I felt like I was in The Breakfast Club or something.  I was totally out of it, which wasn't I didn't finish the DBQ.  I think I owned on everything else enough to make up for it though.
"I lovat a gabber.  I could listen to maure and moravar again.  Regn onder river.  Flies do your float.  Thick is the life for mere." - James Joyce (Finnegans Wake, page 213)


Umm... I got a haircut...?

Doodle rained. That's about it. :P


I heard my beautiful voice.


I went to the Cubs vs. Braves DOUBLE-HEADER (Cubs won both...woot!), and I move into my dorm tomorrow. Big stuff happening to me the next few days :)


Nothing. Nothing at all.
Quote<+Mithos> My mom grounded me for being gay.


Went out and rented Super Paper Mario, and I'm still waiting on my RAM to get here.

Quote from: Kaz on August 13, 2008, 07:43:32 PM
Nothing. Nothing at all.

Stupid sexy Kaz.
[21:51]   <Smashin>   No one likes a sad fat kid.
[21:51]   Mystic has left #nsider (Leaving.)


Just played Madden 09 with a few of my friends.  Boring because every time the match was over, they'd argue over who cheated bla bla bla, and they'd look at me begging me for a rematch while I stand there laughing at them.

Other than that, nothing really happened.


i came back to this place.
[23:04] <RedRaider> join #intercourse me to intercourse  me
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My sister's pug had puppies... all but one of them died though. Dx
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


[23:04] <RedRaider> join #intercourse me to intercourse  me
[23:04] *** Mystic has joined #intercourse me
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[23:04] *** Kilroy has joined #intercourse me


I beat Fire Emblem.


I had pancakes for breakfast...
it's the most exciting thing, I just woke up.