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Nightmares (Pok?mon One-shot)

Started by Retronintendodude7, August 17, 2008, 12:37:29 AM

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Hey everybody reading this, I'm Retro. :) This is a one-shot that I wrote back on oldsider that I finally decided to post on here. Right now, this is my first and only one-shot, but there might be more after I'm done with my other series. Any feedback is a appreciated, by the way. ;)

Notes- The story is pretty much told in flashbacks, which are in italics. The regualr font is supposed to what Retro writes down in his journal.

-Some of the characters' names are different than what they should be because I used the names from my game.

-The pictures were done really quickly on paint. :P


Dawn is Professor Rowan?s Assistant. She is very dedicated to her work and always willing to help people in need. She wants to complete her Pok?dex so she can help Professor Rowan. She also has a bit of a crush on Retro...



Adam is Retro?s best friend. He?s always in a rush and never likes to sit still. He tries his best to become a better trainer than Retro but he never does. Everyone knows he?s afraid of ghosts, but he won?t admit it.



Retro is a very strong Pok?mon Trainer, and the main character. He?s actually the champion of the Sinnoh region. He is almost always calm and can keep his cool under most circumstances. His Pok?mon really trust and respect him and that?s one of the main reasons he wins his battles.


(Part 1- The Old Chateau)

Thursday, May tenth, 2007.

It?s been a week since I became the Champion of the Sinnoh Region. I remember my victory pretty well?

?Go! Roserade!? Cynthia yelled out as a green human-like Pok?mon came out in a flash of light. It had blue roses on its left hand and red roses on its right.

?This battle isn?t over yet!? the blonde exclaimed.

I tossed a Pok? Ball and a black and white bird emerged. A black and red crest bounced on his head. ?Aerial Ace?? I said as my Staraptor quickly flew at the opponent with his wings spread.

After my victory, I came back to Twinleaf to rest for a bit. A few days later, I got a call from Professor Rowan.
I walked to the first floor of my house after playing a few rounds of Tennis on Wii Sports. I was about to leave my house when I heard my mother calling.

?Oh, Retro! I almost forgot that Professor Rowan called. He said that he wanted you and Adam to go to Sandgem town to discuss a few things. It sounded pretty urgent.? She explained.

I nodded my head, ?Okay, I?ll try to find Adam and get over to Sandgem as soon as I can.?

I started to walk towards Adam?s house and the door opened. I saw a blonde blur run into me and fall onto the ground. It was Adam, with his usual entrance. My friend quickly recovered and bounced back up.

?Hey Retro. Did you get a call from Professor Rowan too? He wants to talk to you, Dawn, and me and it?s pretty urgent. If you?re late, I?m fining you a million Pok?dollars!? Adam explained in a hurry.

Adam ran off to Route 201 as I chuckled and threw out a Pok? Ball. Staraptor emerged in a flash of light. I hopped onto my Pok?mon; even though I was much bigger than he was, he could still support my weight.

?Let?s go to Sandgem.? I told Staraptor as he nodded and flapped his wings.

When we landed in front of Professor Rowan?s lab, I threw Staraptor a Pinap Berry. He happily caught it in his mouth and returned to his Pok? Ball. I turned my head towards Route 201 to see Adam running towards me. He stopped in front of me and caught his breath.

?Why didn?t you just bike here?? I questioned.

After Adam caught his breath he answered with a laugh, ?There wasn?t any time to take out my bike!?

I rolled my eyes. Just then, the door to Professor Rowan?s Lab opened. A girl with blue hair and a black and white dress came out. It was Dawn.

?There you are! The Professor has been waiting for you!? Dawn exclaimed.

I put my hands behind my head, ?Hey, don?t blame me! Adam walked here, I just flew.?

?I ran here!? Adam defended.

Dawn and I rolled our eyes. It didn?t really matter what he did since he was still late.

?What does the old man want anyway?? Adam asked.

Dawn started to walk inside the lab and answered, ?He hasn?t told me yet. I had to wait for you two.?

Adam and I waited at the door. Dawn turned around and put her hands on her hips.

?Are you coming?? she asked, obviously annoyed.

So Adam and I went to his lab to see what was up. It turned out that he wanted us to investigate some paranormal events that were going on in Eterna Forest.

We walked inside the Professor?s lab. It was still the same as it was when I started out as a Trainer. It had cold, blue flooring and a bunch of machines everywhere.

Professor Rowan turned around. He was dressed in a blue suit and black tie.

?Good, you?re all here.? He sighed. ?Please, make yourselves comfortable.?

Dawn pulled out four metal stools for us to sit on. She laid them out in a circle where we could sit. Adam and Professor Rowan sat across from each other, leaving Dawn and I to sit on the remaining stools.

?I?m sure you?re wondering why you are all here.? Rowan said. ?Well, it has to do with Eterna Forest.?

?Eterna Forest?? Dawn repeated.

?Yes. It seems that there have been mysterious laughs coming from the forest. There have been other reports of Pok?mon running out of the forest fearing for their lives.? Rowan explained.

?You think this has to do with a Pok?mon?? I inquired.

?Exactly. That?s why I want you three to go into Eterna Forest and investigate.? Rowan answered.

I looked over to where Adam was sitting. That is, where he was supposed to be sitting. I looked at the door. It was opened, and Dawn was standing by it. She turned to me and said that Adam already left.

Dawn and I left the lab with Professor Rowan behind us waving goodbye. Dawn said that Adam ran off when he heard Eterna Forest, so we figured he was there. That?s just him though; he?s been that way since we were kids. Always running off early without knowing the dangers he could get into. That?s gotten him into trouble in the past?

Dawn and I didn?t start talking until we got to the entrance of the forest. Dawn suddenly stopped and turned to me.

?Retro?? she started.

?Yeah?? I asked as I continued walking.

?I was just wondering how you and Adam got to know each other.? Dawn answered, walking behind me.

I continued walking a bit and finally answered, ?I used to be the only kid in Twinleaf. My mom was always too busy to take me anywhere and I had nobody to play with. About six years ago, Adam and his mom moved into town. Adam was quick to introduce himself, and being the only two kids in Twinleaf, we became fast friends. We got to be best friends after awhile.?

?Wow,? Dawn commented. ?The closest thing I?ve had to a friend is my Infernape. Working with Professor Rowan took up a lot of my time, so I never really had time for friends.?
We continued walking through the forest, the sun was already set and it was getting difficult to navigate through the forest. I pulled out my red Pok?tch and a small green screen lit up. Dawn looked over my shoulder to see what I was doing. I started tapping on a light red button on the device until a map came onto the screen.

?It will be easier to find our way around if we use this.? I pointed out as Dawn smiled.

?Yeah, I wish I had thought of that.? She laughed.

?You know that you have friends.? I said, going back to our conversation earlier.

?What?? Dawn asked, not knowing what I was talking about.

?What you said earlier, about you not having too much time for friends. Your Pok?mon consider you a friend and I?m sure you do to. There?s also Adam and me. We don?t see you too often, but we?re still kind of friends.? I explained.

Dawn laughed and opened her mouth to say something, but she was interrupted by a girl screaming. The sudden outburst made us both jump.

?What was that?? Dawn asked, astonished.

?I don?t know but it came from over there.? I answered, pointing to a set of weak looking trees.

When Dawn and I went into Eterna Forest, we started talking about friendship. We were interrupted by some girl screaming which led us to an abandoned Chateau.

I took a Pok? Ball from my pocket and tossed it into the air. Roserade appeared in a flash of white light.

?Cut those two trees in front of us, Rose.? I ordered my companion.

My Roserade leapt towards the trees and extended her hands. When she landed on the ground, the trees fell on top of each other.

?Good job, Rose.? I commented throwing her a Razz Berry and returning her to her ball.

Dawn and I walked past the cut trees towards the Chateau. In front of the building, we saw a brown haired woman wearing a green sweater and brown cut-off pants. It was Gardenia, Eterna City?s Gym Leader.

?Did that scream come from you?? I asked, startling Gardenia.

Gardenia turned around and saw Dawn and I. She looked relieved.

?Oh, it?s only you Retro. No, that scream came from inside this Chateau.? The Gym Leader answered pointing behind her. ?Have you guys heard about what goes on in there?? she questioned.

?You mean the laughs?? Dawn asked.

?Yes, but there?s a reason behind the laughs.? Gardenia started, getting our attention. ?Fifteen years ago, when I was at the start of my adventure, I had a friend who used to live here. Her family was pretty well off because her father used to be the Gym Leader of Eterna City. They had a lot of butlers and maids to clean up the house.  I remember that I used to go over to her place whenever I passed by this area. I stopped going there when it happened?? she trailed off.

?It?? I asked intently.

Gardenia closed her eyes. ?Thirteen years ago, there was a terrible storm due to Stark Mountain?s first eruption in two hundred years. The eruption made a storm spread through all of Sinnoh, with Eterna City getting one of the worst storms out of any of the cities. A strike of lighting caused a huge fire in Eterna Forest.?

?Where your friend lived?? Dawn sighed.
?Yes,? Gardenia answered sadly. ?The fire spread to her house and engulfed it. She and one of the butlers were in the building at the time. Her parents were safe because they went to visit a relative in Veilstone City. When they came back, they were devastated. Knowing me from the few years I spent with their daughter, they put me in charge of the Gym and left town. I haven?t seen them since? ?

?I?m sorry?? Dawn apologized.

?Wait.? I said after staying silent for most of the story. ?If your friend?s place was burnt down, then why is it still standing in front of us??

Gardenia turned to the building and started talking, ?Shortly after you became the Champion, the laughs and strange events started happening. I went to investigate, and the building was rebuilt exactly as it was all those years ago. I went inside and?I saw my friend.?

?But didn?t she die in the fire?? Dawn asked worriedly.

?Yes?? Gardenia responded.

Another scream came from the building. Dawn and I looked at each other and ran towards the Old Chateau.

Gardenia turned and uttered a ?Good luck.?  To us before we went in.

When we came to the Chateau, we saw Gardenia. It turns out that her friend used to live there until her and a butler died in a fire.
Shortly after I became the Champion, the Chateau appeared again and all of the strange things started happening. What would this have to do with me becoming Champion?

I opened the old doors to the Chateau. The floors were made of brown tiles and went into a second floor. Dawn pointed at Adam rocking back and forth in a corner. We both rushed over to him.

?Adam, what happened?? I asked my friend, who was really pale.

The blonde kept rocking back and forth, ?Eyes?staring?wall?girl?television?? he muttered. 

Dawn knelt beside him, ?Who was screaming?? she questioned.

?That was him?? answered a voice, making us turn around.

In front of us was a transparent girl about twelve years old. She was wearing a red dress with a large red bow in her hair. Her eyes were just white, she didn?t have any pupils. She was clutching a short, brown Ursaring doll in her hands.

?I-is that Gardenia?s friend?? Dawn asked, obviously scared.

?Is Gardenia here?? the girl asked excitedly.

Dawn looked at Adam and I, ?She was outside a minute ago?? was her response.

The girl couldn?t hide her smile as she floated through the door leading outside. She left images of herself that faded every few seconds.

Just then, Adam shook his head and seemed to act normally. ?When did you guys get here?? he asked.

After going into the Old Chateau, we found Adam huddled in a corner muttering a series of words. We saw the ghost of Gardenia?s friend who was excited to hear that Gardenia was outside. I don?t think that she even knows she?s dead?

?What did you mean when we first tried to talk to you?? I asked Adam.

?Huh?? He asked, confused.

?You said ?eyes, staring, wall, girl, and television.? Don?t you remember?? I answered.

Dawn looked at Adam, ?When he said girl, he probably meant Gardenia?s friend.? She announced.
?Who?s Gardenia?s friend?? Adam questioned.

I looked at Dawn and then at Adam, ?Dawn will explain it to you later.? I replied with a grin. Dawn looked at me in surprise.

Adam got up and started walking upstairs. ?Well, I remember a strange picture upstairs. Maybe we should look there?? he suggested.

Dawn and I nodded our heads and followed Adam. We ended up in a small room with a purple portrait hanging on the wall. There were two yellow dots on the portrait that stuck out. They seemed to follow our movements?

?That one was one of Master?s favourites?? an old voice commented behind us.

The three of us turned around to see a transparent elderly man in a tuxedo. He didn?t have any pupils either, but his glasses hid that pretty well.

Dawn jumped back a bit upon seeing the ghost and Adam screamed like a girl and fell to the floor. The butler looked down at Adam and asked if he?d be all right.

?He?ll be fine.? I chuckled, looking down at Adam. ?You must be the butler that died in the fire.? I observed.

The ghost hung his head for a bit and replied, ?Yes, I?m the butler who couldn?t save Mistress Mimi??

?So, the girl?s name is Mimi?? Dawn questioned.
?Yes. I?m sure that you heard about our story from Gardenia. It is quite the sad one, and I regret not being able to save the Mistress?? the butler sighed.

?I?m sure it wasn?t your fault.? I said, trying to comfort him.

The butler turned away for a moment and replied, ?It was. If you knew the whole story then you would understand how I feel.?

Dawn looked at the butler, ?Maybe you could tell us the whole story?? she suggested.

After talking to Adam, we decided to go to a room upstairs. We saw a peculiar portrait that followed us with a pair of eyes. While we were in the room, the butler that died in the fire appeared and revealed that the girl who died in the fire was named Mimi.  He then started blaming himself for her death.

The butler raised his right hand and the room started to spin extremely fast. The four of us ended up in a newer version of the same room we were in. Just then, a door opened and a livelier Mimi came in the room and locked the door.

?Okay, Thurston! Now you have to count to twenty and come find me!? Mimi exclaimed happily.

The butler snapped his fingers and the room started to spin again. We ended up in a room with a television in the middle of it. The butler was behind the television, adjusting the wires, when he suddenly started screaming. His hand quickly jerked away, but he was still shaking. He had been electrocuted.

The butler snapped his fingers again and we ended up where we originally were.

?So you see, because I decided to continue working rather than play with Mistress Mimi, I died. She was still waiting for me to find her when the fire started?? the butler explained.

I looked at the butler and then at Dawn. ?That television you showed us, is it still here?? I asked the butler, who looked at me, confused.

?Yes, it is in the same room. Why do you ask?? he asked.

?Yeah Retro, what?s so special about it?? Dawn echoed.

I looked over at Dawn again; her hands were on her hips. She looked pretty annoyed that I was keeping my thoughts to myself.

?I?m not sure yet. If I?m right, I?ll tell you when I get back.? I answered. I then turned to the butler, ?Can you take me to the television?? I asked.

The butler turned around and started floating through the door. ?Of course. Follow me?? he answered.

I started to follow him. When I got to the door, Dawn started to walk with me. ?Stay here.? I commanded as I continued walking.

It turns out that the butler wasn?t killed in the fire. He was electrocuted while trying to fix a television set. When I saw the television, something didn?t seem right about it. I asked the butler if he would take me to where it was. I left Dawn in the room with Adam so they wouldn?t get hurt if I did.

The butler stopped at an old wooden door. ?This is where the television is, but why do you want to see it?? he questioned.

I turned the doorknob and pushed on the door. ?It might not have been your fault?? I said before walking into the door.

The room that I entered was very bare except for the lone television in the middle of the room. It was flickering on and off. I walked up to it and traced my finger along the screen. I felt a shock and jerked my arm back.

?Maybe?? I thought to myself as I started turning the knobs on the television. The screen never changed, but the television started to shake and made a strange outline on the screen.

I stepped back. Whatever the outline was, it was coming out of the television! I pulled out a Pok? Ball, ready for anything.

?So, you?re the mortal who dares to enter the forbidden Chateau?? bellowed a deep voice.

 I looked around the room; nobody else was in there. The outline on the television was turning a blinding orange.

?If you manage to survive this, then maybe I?ll let you find me.? The voice called again, right before the orange outline flew through the television.

The figure that came out of the television looked like an orange light bulb. It floated inches above the ground. I flipped open my Pok?dex to see if it was a Pok?mon. Once I pulled out my Dex, the orange creature closed its eyes and shot electricity at the device.

The screen on my Pok?dex started to change colours as dark blue letters came onto the screen:

   If you must know, I am Rotom. I single-handedly rebuilt this Chateau after hearing of a new Champion. I was instructed to do so by my Master. Unfortunately I brought back a few spirits of the people that died in the Chateau. Just as well, seeing as I electrocuted the butler leaving the girl to die.

  ?So that was you?? I realized while reading. I looked at the creature that called himself Rotom, ?Who?s your Master?? I asked. My Pok?dex started shaking again, and I looked at the screen.

He?s not quite a human; he?s more of a nightmare to your species. You might meet him later on. That is, if you manage to defeat me.

I looked up at Rotom, it was smiling fiendishly at me. Its eyes then looked at my Pok?dex causing it to shake.

Let us see how much of a Champion you really are, SHALL WE?

The lettering on ?Shall we? was bigger than anything else on the screen. I looked up at the Rotom again, it was still smiling.

?You want a fight?? I asked as I threw a Pok? Ball in the air. ?You got one.? I finished.

I entered the room with the television in it. The television was still on and I fiddled with some of the knobs. After I did that, I had a voice telling me that he might let me find him if I survive what was about to happen. A Pok?mon named Rotom flew out of the television and explained that he killed the butler. He then challenged me to a fight.

The Pok? Ball I threw opened up and a lion-like creature came out in a blinding light. It was Luxray. He had long, black fur and a few blue parts around his body. His tail which looked like it had a star at the end surged with electricity.

?You ready Ray?? I asked my partner.

My Luxray nodded and threw himself at the Rotom. When Luxray was about to crunch his teeth on Rotom, it faded away, making Luxray crash into the television.

Luxray struggled to his feet and shook his head. He looked around for Rotom, but it was nowhere to be found. My Pok?dex started to shake again:

Heh, you?ll have to do better than that. Good luck finding me?

Just then, electricity came through a wall and hit Luxray. Rotom faded back into the room, still smiling. Luxray?s body started to shake with electricity, he stepped forward and a spark of electricity flew towards Rotom. Luxray?s attack hit Rotom, but it didn?t seem to hurt him much. Rotom then faded away again.

?Okay Ray. Try to concentrate on where he?s going to fade in.? I instructed. Luxray nodded his head in understanding.

My partner slowly looked around the room. He suddenly stopped and leapt towards a wall. Rotom faded into the room behind Luxray, who was counting on this happening. The lion used his front legs to kick off the wall and hurl himself at the enemy. Rotom was caught off guard by this and couldn?t avoid Luxray?s crunch. The ghost flew back in pain.

I put a hand in my right pocket and pulled out a yellow and black ball. It was an Ultra Ball. I threw it at the weakened Rotom, its eyes became wide. The Ultra Ball opened and caught the Rotom in a light, the ball then closed as Luxray carefully walked up to it. The Ultra Ball shook once, twice, and then it burst open with a smiling Rotom. Luxray tackled the enemy as soon as it broke free. The Rotom flew back as my Pok?dex shook yet again:

I can see why you are the Champion now. I admit that you are a worthy trainer and I won?t be too upset if you somehow manage to catch me?

I lifted my head and looked at the Rotom. I picked another Ultra Ball from my Pockets and threw it at Rotom. The ball opened again and captured the Pok?mon in a light like last time. The ball shook once, twice, three times and turned black. The Pok? Ball flew into the air and disappeared into a familiar light. I looked down at my Pok?dex:

The Pok?mon: Rotom has been caught and sent to Box 2 in Bebe?s PC.

I nodded my head and threw my Luxray a Pinap Berry before sending him back to his Pok? Ball.

?Good job.? I complemented as I walked out of the room.

I used Luxray to fight with the strange ghost Pok?mon. It was a hard fight, put Luxray managed to weaken him enough so I could capture him. The Rotom seemed to have respect for me as a Trainer by the end of the battle.

I saw the butler standing outside of the room I was in. It looked like he was happy about something.

 ?What?? I questioned.

The butler looked at me, ?I saw what happened while you were fighting that Pok?mon. I feel a large burden being lifted from my shoulders now that I know that the Mistress?s death wasn?t my fault.? He explained, tears coming from his white eyes, which started to grow pupils again.

My Pok?dex started to shake and I lifted it up to see what was happening. A message came up on the screen:
Sorry for all of the years of grief I put you through. I?m glad that Retro came and managed to clear things up. My Master- I mean my Ex-Master probably won?t be very happy about what happened, but I don?t care. Retro is my new Master and I respect and trust him.

I looked up at the ceiling. ?Thanks Rotom.? I commented, not sure if he could hear me.

 I looked at the butler; he seemed to be getting less pale. He started to look more like a living human.

?I thank you Retro, and your friends.? The butler bowed. ?I can now rest in peace knowing that the Mistress?s death wasn?t my fault.? He sighed in relief.

The butler started to fade away as small rays of sunshine came into the hallway. I started to walk outside of the Chateau where I saw Adam, Dawn, and a Gardenia who had been recently crying.

 I saw the butler and had a small conversation with him. Rotom communicated with us through my Pok?dex and apologized to the butler. The butler passed on because he could rest easy knowing Mimi?s death wasn?t his fault. I left the Chateau and saw Adam, Dawn, and Gardenia standing outside the entrance.

Adam walked up to me, ?Hey bud!? he exclaimed. ?You could have told me you were dealing with ghosts! I would?ve helped you out being the fearless person I am!?

Dawn and I looked at each other and tried our best not to laugh, fully knowing what Adam would do if he saw another ghost.

Gardenia turned to me, ?Mimi came outside and was surprised that I grew up. She still thought that I would be twelve until I explained that she died.?

?How?d that go?? I asked as politely as I could.

?She was upset at first, but she eventually came to accept what happened. A few minutes ago, she started to regain her human look. She told me to move on before she faded away. I will try my best to keep her wish.? Gardenia explained.

Dawn sighed, ?Well, we better get back to Professor Rowan?s lab. We?ve been gone all night and he?s probably wondering where we are.?

Adam and I agreed and started to walk with Dawn to Sandgem. We waved goodbye to Gardenia who returned to her gym in Eterna city.

That?s when Gardenia told us that Mimi passed on as well. That made me feel better since she wouldn?t be alone anymore. Dawn, Adam, and I decided to go back to Professor Rowan?s lab and tell him what happened.

A few hours later, we went back to the Old Chateau only to find that it was gone. A letter was on the ground that was addressed to me. It said: ?Prepare for a living nightmare in three days. I will attack the ones that you love, Retro.? It was signed ?D.?

After reading the letter, I heard a maniacal laugh throughout the forest.  I have a feeling I?ll find out who ?D? is soon enough?


(Part 2- New Moon Island)

Monday, May fourteenth, 2007.

"Look not into the Pok?mon's eyes. In but an instant, you'll have no recollection of who you are. Return home, but how? When there is nothing to remember? Dare not touch the Pok?mon's body. In but three short days, all emotions will drain away. Above all, above all, harm not the Pok?mon. In a scant five days, the offender will grow immobile in entirety."
-A Horrific Myth

It had been three days since I got the strange letter from ?D.? I hadn?t gotten much sleep the past three days because I wanted to stay awake in case something did happen.
It was almost nightfall and I started to watch the news to stay awake. Apparently, it was going to be the first night in a few months when you wouldn?t be able to see the moon.

?That?s right folks!? the anchorman on TV announced. ?Tonight the moon won?t be visible. So make the most of it and enjoy it while you can!?

?Right?? I sighed as I clicked off the television. I was pretty tired because I didn?t get any sleep the night before.

Just then, the door to my house opened. The person who opened it looked like Adam but it was hard to tell since there really was no moon outside?

?Retro?? Adam whispered. He didn?t seem like his energetic self. ?There?s something wrong with Dawn??

It took a few minutes for me to take in what Adam said. It was either the lack of sleep I had, or the shock that D might have fulfilled his threats.

?What?s wrong with her?? I asked, concerned.

?I don?t know for sure. I just got a call from Rowan and he said that she is having some kind of nightmare and won?t wake up?? my friend answered.

?That?s like?? I started, as Adam looked at me with a confused look on his face. ?Never mind, let?s go to Dawn?s house.? I finished.

After I turned off the television, Adam came over to my house. He told me that Dawn was having a nightmare and wouldn?t wake up. It reminded of the time I met that sailor?s kid who wouldn?t wake up. That?s also when I caught Cresselia?
Adam and I decided to walk to Dawn?s house to see what was going on.

I opened the door to Dawn?s house. Adam and I walked in and saw Dawn in a bed with her sister and Professor Rowan by her bedside. We walked up to Dawn to see what was wrong.

?Dar?k...r?ai?? Dawn screamed as she tossed in her sleep.

I looked down at her; it was exactly like the kid in Canalave city. I started to walk out the door.  When I was about to close the door, I heard Adam?s voice.

?Where are you going?? he questioned.

I started to walk to the Pok?mon Center, ?To check on something?? I responded quietly.

As I walked into the Center, I went immediately to the PC in the corner of the room. I started pressing buttons to navigate around the different screens on the device. I pressed a few more buttons on the keyboard and a blue and yellow ball emerged from the right side of the computer. It was the Quick Ball that I had caught Cresselia with.

?I hope this works?? I muttered to myself as I walked out of the Pok?mon Center and took Staraptor out of his ball. ?Canalave city?? I commanded as my Pok?mon flapped his wings.

When Adam and I arrived at Dawn?s house, she was having a nightmare. It was exactly like that kid in Canalave city that I met. I went to the Pok?mon Center in Sandgem town and got Cresselia out of her storage in the PC. Hopefully Cresselia will help me wake up Dawn like she did that kid?

 Staraptor landed at Canalave?s Pokemon Center. I threw him another Pinap berry before sending him back in his Pok?ball. I decided to talk to the sailor at the dock to see if he could take me to Full Moon Island again.

?Retro?? whispered a deep voice.

I stopped in my tracks and looked around the city. There was nobody around me?

?Over here Retro?? the voice said lightly.

I looked over where the voice was coming from. It was coming from a house that looked like it hadn?t been lived in for years. I decided to go and check what was inside. When I walked up to the door, my hand twisted the doorknob without me realizing it.

Inside the house was a bed and television. Maybe my brain was trying to tell me to get some sleep?

?Sleep for awhile, Retro.? The voice suggested.

  I instinctively walked towards the bed and lay down. My eyes started to get heavier as I drifted off to sleep. I swore that I heard laughbefore I passed out.

When I woke up, the sun was just rising. I yawned as I sat up and remembered why I came to Canalave in the first place.

?Dawn!? I yelled as I darted towards the docks.

When I came to the docks, I saw the sailor standing next to his boat. I found it unusual that his hat was pulled over his eyes.

?Hello Retro.? he greeted. ?Thanks again for helping my son out. As thanks I?d like to take you New Moon Island.? He announced as his voice started to get darker.

?Actually-? I started

?I insist! It?s the least I can do for you.? The sailor interrupted.

I realized that there was no point in arguing with him and reluctantly went on his boat. The sailor started the engine and the boat flew across the sea. The water particles splashed onto my face.

The boat came to a sudden halt and I fell to the ground. I quickly got up to see an island similar to Full Moon Island.

?Well, here we are.? The sailor explained. ?Enjoy your stay?? he laughed.

I ignored the sailor and started to walk on a dirt path. I heard an engine start and I turned around, the sailor had left me.

I sighed and threw a Quick Ball into the air. A swan-like Pok?mon with a blue body and yellow stomach emerged from a light. Coloured particles flew from the pink rings around her body.  Cresselia turned her head, the crescent-like item on it followed.

?Yes Retro?? My Pok?mon asked in a light, feminine voice. Since Cresselia was a Psychic Pok?mon, it managed to communicate with me through telekinesis.

?I need a Lunar Wing for Dawn.? I explained to my partner.

Cresselia nodded her head and closed her eyes. A few moments passed, but nothing had happened. The legendary Pok?mon opened her eyes and apologized, ?I am sorry, Retro. There is an unknown force on this island that is preventing me from using my powers.?

?It?s okay.? I answered. ?I guess I?ll just have to find the force?? I sighed.

Just then, Cresselia put her head into the air as a familiar laugh boomed.

?So, you came.? A deep voice said, slightly impressed. ?Follow the path to meet me??

I looked over to Cresselia who nodded her head, ?It is definitely the force.? She answered as we walked the path.

After I flew to Canalave, I heard a voice calling me. The voice was coming from an abandoned house, which I entered. I decided to catch up on some sleep since I was there.

When I woke up, I met up with a sailor who took me to New Moon Island against my wishes. When I got there, the sailor left me on the Island and I asked Cresselia to make another Lunar Wing. She couldn?t because of ?some unknown force.?

We were interrupted by a voice that told us to follow the path to find D. Who is D? What does he want with me?
Cresselia and I followed the path and it led us to a dead end. There was a puddle of water surrounded by flowers in the middle of the area. I sent Cresselia back to her ball and walked up to the puddle. I looked into the puddle and saw my reflection. My reflection?s eyes started to turn light blue with white pupils.

I stepped back a bit as my reflection started to come out of the water. The body started to shake and its parts started to change. Its arms morphed into large, black arms with claws instead of fingers. Its legs started to turn into a dress-like shape with black pieces trailing behind it.

?Welcome to your nightmare.? the ghost-like creature laughed
as its head started to spin. After it stopped spinning, it grew long, white hair and red teeth around its small head. ?I am D.? he explained, his voice was accompanied by at least three other voices.
?What do you want?? I asked angrily.

D extended his hand and lifted me up, ?You...? he answered as my vision started to get blurry.

I struggled to open my eyes. Once they were open, I saw that I was back at Sandgem. I looked around the town and saw Dawn, who was awake.

?Dawn?? I questioned.

Dawn stood in front of me without responding.  She just stared at me, making me feel uncomfortable.

?What?? I wondered.

Dawn said nothing and threw out a Pok? Ball. A white and brown ape emerged from a beam of light. It had hair made of fire and yellow pads around its limbs.

?Infernape,? Dawn announced. ?Use Flare Blitz.? She commanded as the Pok?mon wildly flew at me.

I was thrown back by the powerful attack. I struggled to get up because my body was sore. The Infernape jumped at me and held me down with his foot. Dawn walked over to me and smiled.

?Hyper Beam.? She ordered as her Pok?mon opened his mouth.

I closed my eyes, preparing for the worst. When nothing happened, I opened my left eye to see what happened. I realized that I wasn?t in Sandgem anymore. I was in a dark cave where a small, blue creature with two tails was floating in front of me. Its yellow eyes stood out from its pink head and ears.
?Retro?? It started. ?Do you remember me??

I looked at it, confused. ?Yeah, I caught you after you and the others helped calm down Dialga.?

?Good, you remember. You obviously have at least some willpower in this dream.? The creature explained.

?Dream?? I asked.

The creature rolled its eyes, ?Okay, it?s more of a nightmare created by a Pok?mon. You know him as D.?  he answered.

I looked at the Pok?mon, confused. The creature must have read my mind because it continued to explain what was happening.

?D is a Pok?mon. He gives humans nightmares by reading their emotions. That is how you are being manipulated right now. That is also why I?m here, since I am the Being of Emotion.? The Pok?mon said confidently. ?If you have no emotions, D can?t manipulate you. That will give you the chance you need to defeat him. All you have to do is touch me and you will have no emotions. It?s normally supposed to last three days, but I?ll make it last three hours since I like you.? The Being of Emotion joked.

I nodded and extended my hand. I grabbed onto the Pok?mon?s tail and had my emotions drained. The room started to spin as I fainted.

Cresselia and I followed the path which led us to a dead end. There was a puddle of water that held my reflection. My image came out of the water and turned into D?s true form. He sent me into some kind of nightmare where I was almost killed by Dawn?s Infernape. Luckily, Mesprit rescued me and explained what D was doing.

I agreed to give up emotions for three hours so I could confront D and save Dawn. I was prepared for anything?

I opened my eyes and saw D looking at me with his soulless eyes. The hand that was holding onto me started to shake and soon let go of me, letting me fall to the ground. D was surprised and angered by this.

?Gah! How can this be? How can you escape my nightmare?!?? D exclaimed, furious.

I continued to look at the Pok?mon; I reached into my pockets and threw a Pok? Ball. A giant, blue penguin emerged from a strong light. The Pok?mon had sharp, metal edges on the ends of his wings and a trident-like object in front of his head. It was Empoleon, my first Pok?mon?s final evolution.

?Hydro Cannon?? I said in a monotone voice.

Empoleon opened its mouth widely as a strong gush of water flew towards D. The ghost flew to his side and avoided the attack.

D laughed, ?It will take a lot more than that to take me out.? D then raised his hand and large rings flew at Empoleon. ?You may be able to escape from my nightmares, but that doesn?t mean your Pok?mon can.? He roared as he lifted up a half asleep Empoleon with his hand.

Just then, three beams of lights appeared between D and Empoleon. One was a bright pink, one was yellow, and the other was blue. The pink light turned into Mesprit. The yellow light turned into a similar creature with a round yellow head and closed eyes. It was the Being of Knowledge, Uxie. The blue light turned into a small blue creature with a cone-like blue head. It was the Being of Willpower, Azelf.

D dropped his hand and Empoleon was hurled to the ground, still sleeping. He turned to the three creatures. ?So, you have decided to assist this mortal? Why would you do such a thing?? he asked angrily.

The three mirages turned towards me. Azelf flew happily in a circle, ?We serve him now.? He answered.

D flew towards Azelf in rage. Azelf flew backwards from the quick attack. The mirage Pok?mon started to laugh.

?What?s so funny?? D asked loudly.

Azelf continued to smile, ?You forget. I am the Being of Willpower. Do you not remember the myths? ?Above all, above all, harm not the Pok?mon. In a scant five days, the offender will grow immobile in entirety.? Do you realize what this means?? The Pok?mon asked coyly.

D laughed, ?Hah! By the time I grow immobilized, I will have done what I need to do! Your pathetic attempt at defeating me has failed!? D raised his hands in the air. ?Now I will finish-? he paused.

D stood where he was, completely frozen. He was immobilized. Azelf laughed and turned to me. ?Catch him, if you wish.? He said.

I nodded my head and pulled out an Ultra Ball. I threw it at the ghost and he was caught in a beam of light. The ball then shook three times and disappeared. I looked down at my Pok?dex:

The Pok?mon: Darkrai has been caught and sent to Box 3 in Bebe?s PC.   

I looked up and saw that the mirages were gone. They probably went back to their Pok? Balls in my storage. I turned towards the path I followed, but fell down to the ground instead.

Without emotions, I managed to escape from D?s nightmare. I tried fighting him with my Empoleon but D managed to put Empoleon to sleep. The three mirages appeared and helped me catch D, whose full name was ?Darkrai?, according to my Dex.
I was about to leave the island, but I collapsed instead. The past three days must have taken more out of me than I thought.

  ??tro?ake?p?? I started to hear voices and opened my eyes. I was in my room in my house. Adam and Dawn were sitting beside me.

?Retro! You?re awake! I was getting worried.? Dawn cried.

I sat up on my bed. I then looked at Dawn and Adam, ?I?m awake? What about you?? I asked.

Dawn and Adam looked at me, ?What about me?? Dawn responded.

I looked over at Adam, ?Wasn?t she in a really deep sleep?? I questioned.

Adam looked at me, ?No, you?ve been in a deep sleep for at least three days.? He answered.

?What?? I wondered out loud. ?What about New Moon Island? And the letter from Darkrai??

Adam and Dawn both repeated ?Darkrai?? silently.

I got up from the bed and left my house. I ran to the nearest Pok?mon Center and went to the PC. I started navigating through the screens until I came to the third box. I saw the last Pok?mon to be sent there, it was Darkrai. He was smiling sinisterly at me.

The screen on the PC suddenly turned off, making me jump. Light blue words came onto the black screen:

   Everybody has Nightmares. There?s nothing you can do to prevent that. It?s telling the difference between a dream and reality that you really need to figure out. I?m sure you?re wondering, ?If I was dreaming for three days, then how did I catch you?? Heh, that?s for me to know, and you to never figure out?

The words disappeared after I was done reading them. The usual laugh echoed throughout my ears as I took the Ultra Ball that Darkrai was in and walked out of the Pok?mon Center.

I woke up inside my room with Adam and Dawn by my side. It turns out that Dawn was never the one who was in a deep sleep. I was. So that means the events on New Moon Island were all part of a dream, but I still have Darkrai, even when I?m awake.

How could this have happened? If I was dreaming, why was one part of my dream the only thing that transferred to reality? Why am I and a few of my Pok?mon the only ones that can remember what happened?

What parts were real? What parts were just nightmares? I guess Darkrai is the only one that knows the answer to that?