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A look at Galaga Legions

Started by thunderhero4, August 21, 2008, 07:31:59 PM

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Hello all! I would like you to know that this is my last review, for i will be leaving very soon! I am so excited! I will be FREE!

Name: Galaga Legions
Platform: Xbox 360 (Xbox Live Arcade)
Genre: Arcade Shooter
Developer: Namco
Publisher: Namco
ESRB: E (Everyone)
Retail: 800 Microsoft Points ($10.00)
Also On: N/A
Input: Xbox 360 Controller
Release Date: August 20, 2008
# of Players: 1

I could not find any images for this game i could use (imagine that) so I am afraid you will have to go to this link and look at the screenshots. Trust me, it's worth it!

This is the official sequel to the greatest arcade shooter of all time, Galaga! Galaga's legacy and popularity make it the very best, and it's a blast to play. Of course, Geometry Wars was better, but that was a classic.


This is freakin Galaga. Why would there be a story?



Like all games, gameplay is the main focus of the game. In this case, it's really the only focus of the game. Lucky for you, like Geometry Wars, this game is 100% top notch!

You start with your ship and can move across the entire screen. You start with 5 lives. Just like Galaga, right? Wrong. This time, you are accompanied by 2 things called "satellites" which enhances the game more than triple fold! These 2 satellites start connected to your ship, and they make you fire 3 times as fast (you have rapid fire in this game, unlike the single shoot in the old one). By moving the right stick in any of the 4 main directions, you can place one of the satellites at that spot, facing that direction. You can then place the other one in the same way in another spot. Think of it like 2 turrets that fire on your command. To reconnect them, simply touch them again. To fire, you use RT, and by pressing RT you can make everything on the screen under your command rapid fire. This new main element gives it a HUGE strategic take. I love it, it's a blast to use!

It's a good thing you have those satellites, because the screen will comepletely fill with enemies when it gets going, and geting around the pack is the best strategy. There are so many enemies on the screen at once, you will poop yourself trying to figure out how the frame rate holds up! If you never thought more enemies could be on-screen than Geometry Wars 2, then you are wrong.

When the amount of enemies on-screen gos REALLY high, a new element appears. It's called a Galaga Black hole, and by shooting it enough, it sucks in every freakin enemy on the whole screen and shifts them to your side to join your satellites. You now have the firepower of 16 satellites, and you can clear a screen full of enemies in less than 5 seconds. Watch it, though, because having your turned enemies touch another enemy kills it, and it will no longer be there. Yeah, you think your cool when an enemy fighter took your ship and you took it back with twice the firepower? Wait till you see this. it is stunning to watch!

there are 5 levels, each getting harder than the last and with a boss at the end of each one. Which reminds me, this game is hard! It's not impossible, but it will take you a few tries just to beat a level. The better you get, the easier it will be, so buy this game and practice up! Or you can download the demo, but it will make you want to buy it even more.

There are 2 main modes in this game: Adventure and Championship. This time, Championship is alot easier than the typical mode, when it's usually harder. In Championship, you can do any of the 5 levels just to collect points. Achievements can be gotten in either mode, but there are some specific to this one.
The other mode is Adventure. In this one, you get 5 lives and you play until you beat level 5 or lose. It is REALLY REALLY hard to even get to level 3! But the achievements in this mode are worth much more and it's more like the original.

If you want to learn how to play, there is a nice Tutorial that is optional (not optional on the demo though).

This is the amazing new gameplay of the amazing new game announced at E3! 5/5

Replayability and Fun Extras

As far as fun extras go, there are different skins for gameplay! You start with Classic and Vibrant. Classic is the default and has an alien look to it. Vibrant uses the models from the original game! As you comeplete levels in Adventure, you will unlock more. Beating level one unlocks the Ancient skin, which makes em look like machines you would see from an old Sci-Fi movie. I actually enjoy this alot, and it keeps the game fresh to look at.

The replayability is no less than the original: never ending, addictive fun. Period.

Although, it would have been better if it included the original as a bonus...but it wont take off



Nice! This game, like Geometry Wars, is very colorful and vibrant! It looks just like an epic pace battle when in motion, and with all of the enemies on the screen, there will be color everywhere! Color is no problem for this game. And every single skin was made to stand out and each look like they were made carefully!

As far as the models and menus go. Menus look really nice and you will hear alot of familiar sound effects. And during gameplay, all enemies and objects (except when using the Vibrant skin) are nice 3D. makes a beautiful game even more beautiful!

4.5/5 Looks nice!


Like I said, you will hear alot of familiar sounds in this game. The music is awesome! It tightens the heat of an epic space battle, and without it the game wouldn't feel the same. Plus, the remix of the old theme is really cool. Everything sounds right, and I have no complaints.



Control is super smooth throughout the game. Thats really all I can say about this...



This game is a great value, and it's alot of fun and very addicting! It is actually better than the original Galaga, because of it's gameplay! i give this game an overall 9/10 Excellent for all of it's amazingness!

You will enjoy this will, just try it!

This has been a final review of Galaga Legions by Thunderhero4. I am Thunderhero4 and i approve this message, see ya!