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NSFCD Werewolf - Game Over

Started by The Riddler, August 22, 2008, 08:26:50 PM

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The Riddler

Everything is locked. Do you guys want me to wait til 11PM to post my story?


Quote from: Riddler_Rob on September 01, 2008, 01:50:52 PM
Everything is locked. Do you guys want me to wait til 11PM to post my story?

If I am allowed to post here, then yes, I would love to see what happens before I go to hockey practice later.
...Friend codes were probably implemented by the same people who wanted tripping in Brawl...
...It's quite obvious...


Quote from: Riddler_Rob on September 01, 2008, 01:50:52 PM
Everything is locked. Do you guys want me to wait til 11PM to post my story?
Now would be nice.

The Riddler

You're deadddd, get out. But wouldn't you like the suspense of coming back from practice to find it?


Quote from: Riddler_Rob on September 01, 2008, 02:03:59 PM
You're deadddd, get out. But wouldn't you like the suspense of coming back from practice to find it?

Suspence just killlls me. I supose it would be nice but Mac wants it now as well.
...Friend codes were probably implemented by the same people who wanted tripping in Brawl...
...It's quite obvious...

Water ☮



The Riddler

Mack slept peacefully, he knew that all possible outcomes needed him to be alive. The wind blew in through his window and he got a chill, but it wasn't enough to wake him. His door opened, a large silhouette maneuvered in. Mack sensed it's presence and woke up. He moon was behind his visitor, but the shadow's shape, he knew it was a Werewolf. There Werewolf lifted Mack from his bed, and threw him to the ground. Mack could feel his stitches tearing, and he screamed in pain. He tried to get up to defend himself, but his body wouldn't let him; His wounds had re-opened. Mack's attacker closed in on him smelling blood and howled, then jumped on him. The Werewolf bit into Mack's body and tore through his skin, but before Mack let himself give in, he said to his assailant, "You should have always looked a step ahead." The beast continued to devour Mack, who's vision had faded away. The Werewolf was satisfied with his kill, and returned home.

The Werewolf had reformed back into a human and arrived at his cabin. He opened the door, and as he walked in, he tripped on a loose floor board. He started to get up, but something landed on his back and slammed his face into the ground. It felt like two small knives were penetrating his neck, and he could feel his blood being drawn. He shook his body but couldn't free himself until it was almost too late. With one final violent shake, his unknown victim fell. He got a look at it's face and gasped, but nonetheless attempted to fight. He moved toward the Vampire, grabbing a lamp along the way, but couldn't swing it when he got near. He was too weak from blood loss, and fell back to the ground. The Vampire leaned down and licked a little blood from around his first bite marks, then bit in again. He drained the last bit of blood from the former Werewolf's neck. The Vampire tore his victim's shirt and using his fingernail, carved "Werewolf - 3/3" into his back. He stood up, transformed into a bat, and flew away from the cabin.

Rob woke up to a strange feeling. His watch read 6AM, but the moon was still out. He left his cabin and found two townsfolk who seemed equally as confused as him. "I don't like this." He didn't need to take a headcount, it was obvious there were only two people left. The small group went to Mack's cabin, and opened the door. The two with Rob turned their heads, one of them vomited. Rob stared at Mack... or what was left of him. In a pool of blood was Mack's head and almost nothing but bones. The Werewolf left him clean. Rob closed the door and the group headed to the other missing person's cabin. They knew what they were going to find, but they opened the door anyway. On the ground they saw Water face down with a lamp in his hand. They moved closer to the body, and Rob noted the markings on his back. "He must've been trying to defend himself, but failed." None of the three could bear to see another dead body, so they left the cabin.

As they exited, Rob stopped in his tracks. Silver and Doodle were right behind him. He turned around and looked them square in the eyes. They each knew what he was thinking. Silver started to shake, and Doodle grinned, showing his teeth. Rob and Silver started to run, but Doodle was too fast. He caught up to Silver and knocked him to the ground. Silver shouted out, "I put some gas in your car! It's not alot, but drive as fa..." He couldn't finish his sentence, the Vampire had sliced his throat. Rob looked back and saw Silver dead, but continued to run. Doodle finished up drinking Silver's blood and advanced on Rob. Rob had reached his car and put his keys in the igniton. He turned it to 'Start', but it wouldn't. He tried again; all the car did was puff some smoke. Doodle drew closer as Rob began to panic. He turned his key one more time... it started. Rob put the car in drive and floored it. Doodle stopped where he was.  The sun was rising. He laughed maniacally and ducked into the shadows and vanished, his laughter echoed through the now empty town.

Rob kept driving. He hit 100MPH and didn't lift his foot from the gas pedal once. A tear dropped from his eye as he thought about the horrible things he lived through the last five days. He knew the Vampires and Werewolves seemed more out to get eachother than the townsfolk, and he knew that the townsfolk made a mistake when they didn't lynch someone. There was nothign he could do now though, so he just kept driving. He started to run out of gas as he reached a large city. He sat in his car as he watched a riot and listened to guns firing everywhere. He knew that he was in for another rough week.

Mack was killed by a Werewolf; He was a regular townsfolk.
WaterGod was killed by a Vampire and revealed to be a Werewolf.
SilverHawk was killed by a Vampire since he was unable to lynch anyone. He was a regular townsfolk but was once the Doctor.
Rob ran for his life and may have found new problems.

The Vampires have won NSFCD Werewolf.

Congratulations to the Vampires and good try to everyone else.

My closing notes:
* There should have been lynching from the beginning. Discussion is encouraged in this game, and you guys had a tendency to not allow people to play their roles. Though you waited to lynch, not enough was known to find a good victim., thus your lynchings being human.
* Werewolves and Vampires made an almost dire mistake of leaving Mack alive, as he was the only person KNOWN to be innocent. The baddies got lucky when Super was lynched, thus ending all but one possible human victory.

Good luck in the next game, those who participate.

The Riddler


