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Super Mario Bros. 4: The Double Agent

Started by shadowmarioguy, October 04, 2007, 02:21:53 PM

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Chapter 28: The Ultimate Duo

?Mwuhahaha!  How can anyone stand up to my power?? Nightmare roared out in laughter.  ?That was your last hope!  The savior of the kingdom!?

?You? killed him?? spoke a voice nearby. 


?You killed my brother!!?  Luigi cried out as he ran toward Nightmare in frustration. 

?Yes, I suppose I did.  What are you going to do about it??

Luigi punched Nightmare directly in the face, knocking him back a few steps.  With another yell of frustration, Luigi threw about twenty more punches that each hit Nightmare dead on.  ?DIE!?

Luigi rapidly tossed Fireballs at him, causing a huge tower of smoke to erupt from the ground.  But when the dust settled, Nightmare was standing before him, unharmed.

?I have to give you credit; you actually hurt me.  No matter, for I am aware that humans bruise much easier.?

Luigi staggered backward in fear.  He tripped up and fell back.  Nightmare slowly walked toward him.

?Leave him out of this!!?  Mario bellowed as he emerged from the bay without a scratch.  ?Luigi, get out of here.  It?s too dangerous for you to be here.?

?Uh-huh.?  Luigi quickly hid behind an old building.

It was Nightmare?s turn to be scared.  ?H- How are you not hurt?  I saw you!  You had bruises all over and were about to drown!?

?You missed a bit of important information.  That bay was consisted of salt water, right?  Well I noticed this just as you were throwing me in.  All I had to do was hold my breath before I went under.?

?Then how did you heal yourself?!?

Mario threw his head back and laughed.  ?You aren?t too bright, are you?  Salt water heals wounds; everyone knows that!  Looks like you didn?t do your homework, eh??

Nightmare?s face turned red with rage.  ?You insolent little-?

?Wait, there?s more!  I?ve been holding back, but not anymore.  Now that I?m fully healed, beating you should be a snap!?

Mario appeared in front of Nightmare and kicked him in the stomach.  He fell to his knees, clutching his chest.  Mario grabbed him by the shirt and punched him, sending him flying into a nearby house.

?See?  I told you that you couldn?t win.?

?Well, then, it seems the party?s already begun,? declared a voice from nowhere.  ?Mario, we meet again.?

Metal Mario landed next to Nightmare.  ?You imbecile!  You were beaten too easily!  Let?s team up and destroy this pest.?

?Metal Mario?  What happened?  How did you-? Mario was cut off by his counterpart?s voice.

?It was your fat idiotic rival!  Do you remember the Palace of Memories?  Wario reactivated my memories before he found out that he activated the wrong person.  So then he rejoined Link and Waluigi and they triggered your memories.?

?That idiot!? Mario cursed.

?Yes, now do you see your true fate?  You were able to bend the rules of life once, but I doubt you?ll be able to do it again!?

Metal Mario tossed a wall of Silver Fireballs at Mario, who quickly dove out of the way.  Before he could react, Nightmare stood in front of him and delivered a couple blows to Mario.  Metal Mario joined in as the two ganged up on him.

Just then, Mario froze his metal counterpart with and Iceball and backhanded Nightmare away from him.  Metal Mario broke free of the ice, and Mario closed in on him.  As they engaged in close combat, Nightmare prepared a surprise of his own.

While Nightmare was preparing for the ultimate ambush, the other two went ballistic on each other.  The battlefield was prone to Fireballs, Iceballs, and large tremors. 

In the midst of all this, Metal Mario spoke up.  ?Mario, I?ll admit you?ve gotten stronger, but you?re still far too gullible!?  He jumped as far back as he could.  As Mario watched in awe, Nightmare shot an Ultra Fireball of dark proportions at him.

?No!? Mario screeched defiantly as he was nailed by the blast.  He lay on the ground, badly beaten.  He was out of energy, but if he had two minutes, he just might?ve been able to recover.

?Well, what do we have here?  A fallen warrior; how sad!? Metal Mario and Nightmare said in unison.  ?Let?s finish him off already.?

Luigi stood trembling in his hiding place.  Should he help or not?  If he tried, he would certainly die.  Just as he was about to make a decision, something awful happened.


Chapter 29: Desperation

?I?ll end this,? Nightmare claimed as he held an energy ball over Mario?s head.

I have to help him!  Luigi thought.  He began to rush onto the scene when he heard Metal Mario scream.

?No!  I get to kill him!!?

Nightmare paused.  ?Why??

?I have led this entire operation, so I get to kill him!?

With a great sigh, Nightmare stepped back.  ?Fine.?

As Mario watched in horror, Metal Mario created a Metal Fireball.  ?Join us, Mario.  Picture it, the three terrors of the world!  It would be great!?

Mario gathered up some of his strength and shook his head defiantly.

?Fine!  Have it your way!?

There was a blinding flash of light.  Everyone shielded their eyes as their vision blurred.  When Luigi could see again, he saw Nightmare on the ground.  He was slowly being encased in metal like his ?ally?.

?H- How could you?? Nightmare asked as he became a metal warrior.

?I had a great idea!  If I used a Metal Fireball to turn you to metal, then I?d be able to absorb you!?

Metal Mario liquefied and surrounded Nightmare, who became a liquid as well.  The metallic goop combined to form a single puddle.  That puddle morphed into a giant version of Metal Mario.

?He?s huge!? Mario gasped.  He struggled to his feet.

?Hah!  You think you can beat me?!  I?m invincible!?

Luigi dashed next to Mario to help.  ?With us working together, we might be able to win!?

The metal titan kicked Mario up into the air and grabbed him.  He slammed him into the ground, creating a huge crater.  Luigi charged at Metal Mario, who scooped him up and tossed him into a nearby building.

?No one can stop me now!?

?Hey you!  You can?t just toss our rivals around like that!!? Wario bellowed.

Waluigi shook his fist at the giant.  ?You metal moron!  Go stomp yer big feet on some other town!?

?Ah, Wario.  The one responsible for bringing me here.  Now I get to thank you personally!?

Metal Mario punched at Wario who quickly rolled out of the way.  The metal monster ripped his fist out of the ground and slapped Wario, who flew across the ruined town.

?Wario!!?  Waluigi grabbed onto Metal Mario?s hand and climbed up his long arm.  Metal Mario merely brushed him off.

?You monster!  Stop this right now!? Mario commanded from a pile of rubble.

He jumped into action and went straight for Metal Mario. 

?What?!  You?re telling me what to do?!  Ah ha ha!? Metal Mario roared out in laughter.

He grabbed Mario and held him up high.  ?I?ll grind your bones to dust!?  He wasn?t kidding.  Metal Mario was crushing Mario with his strong hands.

?AHH!!!? Mario cried out in agony.

?You know what, I actually feel sorry for you!  So I?ll end this now and eat you alive!?

What could anyone else do?  Waluigi and Wario were easily swept aside.  Luigi had been tossed away like garbage.  And Mario was about to be eaten by Metal Mario.  It was all over.


Chapter 30: The Power Within

With that, Metal Mario gulped down Mario in one bite.  Mario slipped down mind-boggling amounts of different pipes.  Back and forth he went, like a ball in a vending machine.  At last, he fell into a cramped metal room.

?Ah ha ha!  You?ll never escape!  You will be forced to sit there as I destroy your friends, just as you destroyed my reputation!?

Luigi forced himself into a sitting position.  ?No, it can?t end this way.  I won?t let it!?

He struggled to his feet and created a Fireball in his hand.  ?Hey metal-head!  Eat this!?

He tossed the Fireball, striking Metal Mario dead on.   He whirled around to face Luigi.  ?How dare you strike me!  I am your master!?  He stomped toward Luigi.

?You may be strong, but you are not my master!? Luigi retorted, feeling anger welling up inside him.

Metal Mario kneeled and swatted Luigi into a pile of rubble.  ?No one can comprehend my power!? he roared.

?You fat ball of junk!  I?m sendin? you to the junkyard!!?  Waluigi bit his lip as the tyrant turned around.

?Excuse me?!? Metal Mario cried out in anger.  ?No one insults me and lives to tell the tale!?  He kicked Waluigi like a football.

Wario emerged from behind a large deformed building.  ?You?ll pay for that!  I?m gonna send you to the trash heap!?

?Oh really?  I?d like to see you try!?

Wario yelped as Metal Mario slapped him across the ruined village.

?Mario!  Get up!  Your friends are dying out there!?

?Huh?? Mario staggered to his feet.  ?Where am I?? 

He was standing in the middle of nowhere.  A wall of whiteness spread out in front of him.  Before him stood Skulleon.

?Mario, the time has come.  You must use your skills to defeat Metal Mario and end this for good!?

Mario veered forward.  He was desperately struggling to keep his balance.  ?But how?  He?s injured me so badly.  I don?t think I can fight.?

?You must Mario!  Do it for your friends.  Do it for your kingdom.  Do it for the world.?

?What now??  Mario was sitting on a metallic floor.  ?Whoa, that was some dream.  No, it was more than a dream.  It was reality.?

He pulled himself up and limped across the room.  ?I can?t do this.  Not now.  I need to borrow? some of their strength.  Skulleon taught me this little trick before I left.  If they possess some kind of element, I can draw power from them to fuel my own strength.  Since they all can use the element of fire, it should work.  I just need their permission...?

Luigi shuffled a few feet toward Metal Mario and collapsed altogether.  ?No? We can?t fight anymore.  I?m sorry bro.?

No.  It?s not over yet.  Luigi, I need you to create a Fireball.  I think I can use it to increase my own strength.  Put everything you have into that Fireball!  It?s our only hope.


Just relax and keep the Fireball in your hand.  As long as you're willing to, it will pass on its energy to me.  This is an old trick that Skulleon taught me.

"I will.  Metal Mario?s gonna get what?s coming to him.?

?I hate being beaten up by that oversized toaster,? Wario muttered.  ?But I can barely move.?

Wario, you have to lend me your power by creating a Fireball.  If you do, I?ll be able to beat Metal Mario.

?No way!  I?ll beat him myself? As soon as I can get up, anyway.?

Waluigi felt pain all over.  It was almost as bad as the injuries Chaos had given him.  ?He treats us like toys.  I can?t take it.?

Waluigi, you have to let me borrow your strength by creating your strongest Fireball.  With it, I?ll send Metal Mario back to the factory!

?As much as I don?t like it, I guess I have no other choice.?

?Phew, I collected quite a bit of elemental energy from them.  I hope it was enough,? Mario sighed. 

He stood up and attacked one of the walls.  Nothing happened.  He tried again.  Nothing.

Wario!  Hurry up with that Fireball!


I?ll give you twenty gold coins if you do!

?I?LL DO IT!!!?

Mario attacked one of the walls head on.  He broke through Metal Mario?s chest and landed right outside.

?Y- You blasted through my chest?!? Metal Mario cried out in rage.  ?DIE!?

He blasted a huge Silver Fireball right at Mario.  It appeared to hit Mario directly.  The blast went off like a time bomb.  When it was safe to look, Metal Mario scanned his surroundings.  ?Got him.?

?Not quite!?  Mario stood unharmed atop a pile of rubble.  Instantly, he was in front of Metal Mario and knocking him senseless.

?How did you get this strong?? Metal Mario asked, quaking in fear.

?I had a little extra help, that?s all,? Mario replied briskly.  ?Now, I have a job to finish!  It?s over!?

Metal Mario seemed to turn red with rage.  ?Only I decide when this battle is over!!  No more mercy; I?m going to destroy this entire kingdom!?

Metal Mario drifted up skyward.  He lifted his hands to the heavens, and a giant silver ball of energy formed.  ?This is the end!?  He tossed the ball.

?Mario!  You can?t stop that!? Skulleon roared from nowhere.

?I have to try,? he said dryly. 

Mario created an attack of his own: the Ultra Iceball.  He shot it at the ball that would bring the kingdom to its demise.  It was more of an Ice Wave because it wasn?t in the shape of a ball.  Mario was converting it into a wave to reverse the ball?s direction.

It had no effect.  ?Darn!  What do I do now??  The ball drew closer to hitting land.  ?I?ve got it!?

In one hand, Mario created another Ultra Iceball.  In the other, he made an Ultra Fireball.  With one last hope, he launched them at the Silver Ball of Doom, which was only a few feet from his face.

?Hah!  You can?t win with those silly attacks!?

The Fireball and Iceball merged to become a larger, purple sphere of pure energy.  It swallowed up Metal Mario?s blast and hit him directly.  ?My lord will destroy you one day!  Long live the-? Metal Mario was cut off as he slowly deformed and faded away into oblivion.

?Mario!  You did it!? Luigi yelled as he ran to his fallen brother. 

?I guess I did.  Metal Mario is gone for good, and there?s no way he?s coming back,? Mario replied dreamily.

?Bro, do you know what this means?  No more framing, and no more adversaries.  It looks like we can finally live in peace.?

Skulleon descended from the sky.  ?Mario!  You were amazing!  You completely annihilated him!  Not only that, but you mastered the Ultra Iceball.?  He gave Mario a smile of approval.

Mario glanced up at the sky.  ?I don?t know?  Something?s not right??

?Like what??

?I?m not sure, but I feel like something terrible is going to happen.?

?Don?t say that; it?ll all be fine.  Now let?s go help out Wario and Waluigi.  I?m sure they?ll be happy to know that we?ve won,? Luigi responded, his face beaming.  ?So, it looks like Bowser?s ?big bad invention? wasn?t so bad after all.?

?Yeah, but it was the worst possible time Bowser could?ve attacked.  Oh well; that?s our luck!  At least we can finally live together again.  Good job, bro,? Mario sighed before collapsing from exhaustion.

It was a good feeling; a feeling that you get when good things are to come.  But all good things come to an end.  And this time, it may just end permanently?

The End