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The Mansion atop Von Karma Hill

Started by Dr.Hobo2, September 13, 2008, 07:19:19 AM

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"The legend is that there once was a wealthy man named Winfred Von Karma. He was rich beyond belief but never spend it on anything except for his precious, gigantic mansion. He was greedy beyond comparison. He'd make Ebeneezer Scrooge seem like a giving kind of guy. The only act of kindness he committed was that he let the rest of his family stay there. However, he hardly ever talked to them and if he did, he treated them as if they were peasants to him. He lived a long and lonely life despite living long enough for his kids to have grandchildren who also stayed in the mansion. The day he died, he said 'I may be dying but I tell you, my family, this. My hoard of treasure is to never be touched!' With that final, Scrooge statement his life left his body. The family, of course, didn't obey him. 'He was mean to us even though we were his own family. Why should we listen to him?' They said. 'He's dead now, he won't mind if we take all the money and treasure.' All the precious gems and jewels, all his cash, all his golds and silvers were all in one room, Winfred's room. So the family decided to go in there and from that day forth, they were never seen again. It is said that this mansion is now haunted by the Von Karma family, thus the hill got its name of the Von Karma Hill." Said a young boy in his early teens.

"And the mansion has remained undisturbed for 700 years with all that treasure inside it! I say we should go and snatch that treasure! I'm not going to believe some stupid ghost story." Said another who was slightly older than the other boy.

"Are you crazy!? If the legends are true, then we may DIE if we go in there." Said the younger one.

"Ah quit being such a baby, Thomas. We'll get some friends to come with us. We'll be fine!" Said the older one already running off to find some other people.

"Mike! Wait! Don't leave me here alone!" Said Thomas running after Mike.

Rules:...Okay, I'm pretty sure everyone knows all the rules...

Sign-up sheet:

My characters
Name: Mike
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Appearance: He wears a T-shirt with a treasure hunter's map picture on it. He wears blue jeans.
Personality: Acts without thinking. Dislikes when others are cowards but hates bullies even more.
Miscellaneous: He wants to become rich without working too hard. He loves the idea of treasure, it just needs to be found and then he's rich. He's best friends with Thomas despite his cowardly personality.

Name: Thomas
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Appearance: He wears a white and blue striped T-shrt and blue jean shorts.
Personality: He thinks things through before doing something. He's cowardly and tends to be a bit shy around people he doesn't really know.
Miscellaneous: He befriended Mike because when he was young and being bullied at school for being such a wimp, Mike came and stood up for him.


Sign-up sheet:
Name: Lance
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Appearance: Wears a black T shirt and black pants.
Personality: Shy. Quick witted.
Miscellaneous: Lance knows more than people think.



Mike was in his won neighborhood. "I should be able to find some people here." He said to himself.


Lance saw Mike. " Hey. Haven't I seen you at school?"


"Oh, yeah. I think I've seen you around too." Mike said. "So, I was just looking around to see if anybody would want to go into that mansion on the Von Karma hill.


" Are you kidding!? Isn't it haunted?"


"I bet it was just some stupid story that was made up." Mike said. "Also, I bet that fortune that Von Karma guy had is still in there somewhere!"


" Maybe. But, if I come, I need to bring a few things. We might be there for awhile."


"That's a good idea. That mansion sure is big. It could take a while to find that treasure."


" Ok," Lance replied," meet you there at 8:00."
He ran home.


Okay, so that's one more person...I wonder where Thomas is. I must have lost him...oh well, I'll find him later. Mike continued walking around the neighborhood.


Name: Nathan
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Appearance: Blue tshirt and jeans. Black hair, brown eyes.
Personality: Quiet, at least until somone annoys him. Acts bored and indifferent to most things, but is still vaguely intrigued by the Von Karma fortune. Intelligent.
Miscellaneous: None.

By the way, you left out Thomas's age, DH2.


((What are you talking about? It's there. :P...And your character is accepted.))



Nathan exited his front door and noticed someone walking around the neighborhood.

Great, he thought. Another one of those idiots handing out religious pamphlets of selling something.

He walked past the guy and hoped he wouldn't be stopped for something stupid.


Name: David

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Appearance: Average height, has black hair, wears jeans and a hoodie.

Personality: Very social most of the time. Very relaxed but knows when things get dangerous. Seems to be more interested in the legend and ghosts rather than the treasure.

Miscellaneous: Carries a small but nasty weapon in his pocket and a strange book in the other pocket. (I live in NJ, you do what you got to do. Also it is a pocket knife, not a gun)
...Friend codes were probably implemented by the same people who wanted tripping in Brawl...
...It's quite obvious...