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An Inside Job - A Pokemon Roleplay

Started by FearItself, September 24, 2007, 11:35:51 AM

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"Alright Avion, get ready. Ace! to the sky!" Dan flung the starly into the sky and Ace prepares for battle.
"Fire of battle, reveal my heart, Psycho Burgundy!"


"I'll begin, Ace! Sand-Attack!"  Ace swoops down towards the Cyndaquil and sends a wave of sand
"Fire of battle, reveal my heart, Psycho Burgundy!"


"ah, nice, but I predicted this, Crimson, use Swift!" Commanded Avion, Crimson then shot a few stars of energy straight towards Ace.

Brawl FC 1504-5840-0611 name Avion, mains below(as of now)


Unfortuantly Ace couldn't dodge the blow and took some damage. "Fine, if that's the way you want it, Airial Ace!" Ace then swoops in and attacks Crimson.
"Fire of battle, reveal my heart, Psycho Burgundy!"


Noticing many people had already received their Pokémon, Duo rushed over to Professor Rowan excitedly. In his hurry, Duo managed to trip at the door and landed right on the Professor himself! Aww jeez, I barely get here and I'm already casing trouble. He smiled and waved at Professor Rowan rather shyly and giggled in a rather poor attempt to try and break the silence.

The Professor then stood up and said in a very serious tone "I think you may have injured me. You better hope you have some money with you, or else you won't be getting a Pokémon from me anytime soon!"

Duo began to bounce of the walls in fear of not receiving his new friend. Continually bowing down, he told the Professor. "Please let me have a Pokémon!! It was an accident, I swear!! I'll do anything to make it up to you!!"

Noticing how seriously Duo was taking his rather mean joke, Professor Rowan finally spoke up while trying to suppress a small laugh. "Calm down lad, it was merely a joke. You can still have a Pokémon and I'm perfectly fine!"

Duo fell to the floor in shock as the Professor let out a small laugh.

"You must learn to take a joke young one, now, which Pokémon would you like as your very first partner?"

Duo dusted himself off and stood up. What a strange guy.... "I'll be taking a Misdreavus sir."

"Ahh, quite the interesting choice you've made. It's not every day that somebody choses one of those. Let me go fetch one for you."

Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!!! I'm finally gonna get a Pokémon of my own! Duo thought to himself as he jumped happily in place

The Professor came back and handed him the Pokéball containing his new friend. "Well, here you are. Would you like to give it a nick name?"

Duo stared at the ball rather curiously. "No thank you sir, Misdreavus is just fine! Sorry about running into you earlier."

"Not a problem, I'm sorry for playing that joke on you."

Err...yea...T_T "Thanks a bunch , I hope you have a wonderful day!" With that, he rushed out to let out his new friend!


Occ// that figures, oh well.

Taking the Blaze, Ace was exausted. Dan knew this, and started calculating something. "Blast... if a starly has about 20 hp at level 5, say swift takes 4... and flamethrower takes 9... darn... another flamethrower and it's curtains! Fine then, Ace! Wing Attack!" Starly's wings glow as he flys towards Crimson, and prepares to give it his all.
"Fire of battle, reveal my heart, Psycho Burgundy!"


Strafer was running along the route to Jubilife. He saw a battle in progress, but he didn't want to watch. He wanted to get his first badge as soon as possible! I need more Pokemon though. He thought. "There's no water types or grass I can get at the moment.....So I guess I'll have to leave it all up to Hailey." Strafer looked at his Pokeball. "Go, Hailey!" The small Pokemon came out of her ball and stretched. "We're gonna travel together....YOu know that, right?" Strafer asked his Ralts.

She nodded.

"Good!....Now to find something to battle...."


Crimson was hit head on by Ace's attack. "Darn, I dont think Crimson could survive another attack.....but if I use flamethrower now, and it misses, if Crimson does survive, swift wont be able to finish off Ace.." said Avion, Avion then looked at Crimson who still seemed to be recovering from the wing attack.

"Crimson." said Avion, Crimson then looked up at Avion, "Do you think you could survive another attack from Ace?" asked Avion.  Crimson then seemed doubtful, the wing attack was a very potent hit.  "Ok then, you think you could land another flamethrower?". Crimson then nodded slightly. "Ok, as much as I hate completely relying on luck, I beleive in you," said Avion understandingly. "One last Flamethrower Crimson!" comanded Avion. Then Crimson blasted yet another flamethrower at Ace.

Brawl FC 1504-5840-0611 name Avion, mains below(as of now)


Ooc// Yay GrayFox. ^__^

Ic// Thank goodness for the gift of breeding.. Shaelyn thought as she saw the approaching Zangoose. It still had some life left in it, after a blow from a Psychic attack. Stantler grinned at about the same time Shaelyn grinned. The two of them knew what this was going to come down to. Both of them hated losing, and if they fell, they would take Zangoose down with them.

"Now Stantler, let's make our last move count! Back up against that tree and use Psychic." Shaelyn commanded.

Stantler hopped back a step, right before the Zangoose would have been close enough to attack him in his previous position. He stabilized himself against the tree and withdrew his head, the bulbs on his antlers glowing bright as the waves of Psychic energy radiated outward, all of them directed at the approaching Zangoose. Shaelyn wasn't sure of whether or not this would work, because that Zangoose seemed like it was moving pretty fast in that Quick Attack and might be able to dodge the Psychic waves. But, of course, Stantler was backed up against the tree for a reason. If the Quick Attack in fact hit, it would ram both of them into the tree, resulting in the last of their Pokemon's stamina being used up and ultimately resulting in a probable draw. The plan seemed almost perfect.


I'll play I guess.

Name: Fen
Age: 14

Gender: Male

Personality: Quiet, extremely intelligent, kind.  He can learn a person's true intentions just by looking at their faces. A master of strategy


History: He has never known his parents.  He lived in an orphanage for the first 10 years for his life, and cared for the pokémon there with all his heart.   He wouldn't let anyone adopt him, because he knew that none of them meant him well.  He was finally adopted by a professor specializing in human-pokémon communication. He has been studying with him since.
Starter Pokemon: Horsea

Nickname - Selesnya
Gender - Male
Moveset -
Aurora Beam
Focus Energy
Signal Beam

Favorite Pokemon Type: Dragon/ Psychic/ Water


Ooc// Fenris, Electabuzz isn't a first-evolution Pokemon. :P
And I think someone else already has an Elekid.


Quote from: FearItself on September 27, 2007, 03:53:59 PM
Ooc// Fenris, Electabuzz isn't a first-evolution Pokemon. :P
And I think someone else already has an Elekid.
But it was a first evolution when it come out! T_T
Fine, I'll find something else. T_T


Ooc// Sorrehz... D:
I think something of the Dark/Psychic/Water type would suit your character nicely. :3


Unfortunatly for Ace, he couldn't get out of the way and fell victim to the blaze. On the Brink of fainting Ace trys to stand up and prove he's tough, but he faints.

"Ace!" Dan dashes over to the Starly "Too tough for your own good... huh. Return." Dan returns Ace to his pokeball and then turns to Avion and says "Your the better combatant this round. I am defeated." And with that, Dan dashes to a pokemon center to give Ace a check-up.
"Fire of battle, reveal my heart, Psycho Burgundy!"


I realize this is gonna be a draw. So, I'll just make the best of it.

"blast, dodge....."

Blast dodged, and struck stantler. Also striking the tree. Both fell to the ground. Martin hurried over, and returned his tired zangoose to his pokeball.

"Good battle."

He reached out his hand, and attempted to shake hands.

Spongebob does not approve