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An Inside Job - A Pokemon Roleplay

Started by FearItself, September 24, 2007, 11:35:51 AM

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The Tentacool drew closer and closer to the shore, it's head and body now more visible than ever. Just as Stantler finished drawing in enough energy to his liking, he looked up, his Intimidate ability coming into effect just as it had done in the first battlehe had with Martin's Zangoose. It wouldn't really do much good, considering Tentacool was more of a Special Attack battler than an Attack battler, but it was a useful tool nonetheless, just in case that Tentacool had a trick up its sleeve.

"That's it, Stantler. Now use Psychic!" Shaelyn commanded.

The bulbs on Stantler's ears, just like before, glowed a bright color as the psychic energy built up within him. He closed his eyes as the energy grew, and at the climax of the build up, he opened his eyes, and at that very instant the energy released itself in various waves towards Tentacool. Unfortunately, Tentacool immediately dove underwater. After a few moments, Stantler's Psychic attack stopped, and both Stantler and Shaelyn looked into the water at the familiar shadow, wondering if the attack had done anything after the Tentacool supposedly avaided it.

After a few moments, bubbles could be seen, followed by the limp body of the Tentacool floating up to the surface, swirls in its eyes, meaning that it was unconscious. Of course! Psychic energy isn't affected by physical boundaries. Shaelyn thought to herself, thinking previously that the fact that the body of water would terminate the attack, but realizing that Psychic energy, being a mental energy, couldn't be penatrated by physical obstructions.

"Thanks, Stantler." she complimented the buck, petting his head softly and taking an empty Pokeball off of her belt. Briefly, Shaelyn looked at the capsule, a slight grin coming to her face as she realized this was the first Pokemon she had caught on her own. "Pokeball, go!"

She tossed the Pokeball, watching it knock against the Tentacool and then bounce back a bit. The capsule opened, and a red light shot out of it like a laser, absorbing the Tentacool's limp body in its crimson and then finally drawing itself into the Pokeball. The capsule then plopped down on the surface of the water, surprisingly bouyant, and started to tick back and forth. Shaelyn looked on nervously, until the Pokeball made its final click and she reached into the water to pick it up.

"Wow... That was surprisingly easy." she muttered. Shaelyn was never the prideful type, so she didn't boast.. Though she probably would later on. Oh, their group's first camp-out and campfire in the woods would be a blast. "Now you have a Pokemon to help you in the first gym, Stantler. I hear the leader gives the challenger a choice between a two-Pokemon-each single battle or a single-pair double battle."

Stantler nodded, grinning slightly as he looked to the Pokeball. The Big Horn Pokemon watched as Shaelyn clipped the Pokeball onto her belt where it belonged. A little bit of him inside was jealous, knowing that he wouldn't get Shaelyn's full attention anymore, but he supposed that he would have to learn to live with that fact from now on.


Ooc// As long as you use grammar, punctuation, spelling, and sentence structure to the best of your ability, then yes Marluxia, you can join back in. No auto-hitting though, okay?

I think Avion and I are on Route 204.


Avion turned toward Shaelyn, "Good job on your catch." he said happily, Avion then walked around in the grass looking for some good training pokemon, suddenly a blue and green pokemon jumped out.

"Lotad!" yelled the pokemon

"Ah, a lotad, ready saph?" asked Avion looking at his pokemon, who answered him with a nod.

"Ok Saph, use Wing attack!" ordered Avion, Sapphire then shot towards the lotad with its wing glowing.

Brawl FC 1504-5840-0611 name Avion, mains below(as of now)

Transient Link

Quote from: FearItself on September 29, 2007, 02:43:53 PM
Ooc// As long as you use grammar, punctuation, spelling, and sentence structure to the best of your ability, then yes Marluxia, you can join back in. No auto-hitting though, okay?

I think Avion and I are on Route 204.
occ//yah imsorry about that :( also there is one thing actually 2 first 1 of my pokemon knows future sight and i just want to let people know i will call it cheating if u say u dodged a future sight attack since its impossible(im saying its suppose to be a KO just want all fairness here) also my scyther knows flamethrower and its possible if u REALLY want to know y that bad pm me but if not just know its possible. also my battle tacktics are odd but i look at battle from every single angle possible(just my thing lol ok back to rp)(also i dont use capitals sry to much hastle.)

ic:/ mike was just heading north to route 204 when she saw an odd looking girl with a stantler by the water. at first mike ignored her then he recognized the guy with her.

"HEY YOU! i cant believe its you!"

he runs towards them the girl gave him the (wtf are u crazy look)


Sapphire hit the lotad very hard, oddly knocking it out.

Avion then looked at Mike in a confused matter, after looking left and right, he then asked ""

Brawl FC 1504-5840-0611 name Avion, mains below(as of now)

Transient Link

Quote from: Avion-Finch on September 29, 2007, 02:58:05 PM
Sapphire hit the lotad very hard, oddly knocking it out.

Avion then looked at Mike in a confused matter, after looking left and right, he then asked ""

"yah sorry i ran off like that awhile back where is the rest of the gang? and who is the pretty lady over yonder?" points to Shaelyn.


Ooc// Odd-looking? xD
And you just controlled my character at the end of your post. That's a big no-no.
Posting how my character reacts is my job.

Ic// Stantler turned almost immediately and growled at the young man approaching them. His eyes narrowed as if using his Intimidate ability, though he was only being defensive of his master. Now that he knew he had competition for Shaelyn's attention thanks to their new team member, Stantler was dedicated to showing how much he cared for his master in return for how much she cared for him.

"Easy, Stantler. Easy.." she tried to calm the buck in soft whisper, stroking his head once or twice with her gentle palm. Though Shaelyn knew that wouldn't do much, it was a natural reaction. It was odd how Stantler was wary of this man. She had seen him once before, but didn't pay much mind to him and his actions. Shaelyn supposed that she would just have to watch her back around him.


Quote from: missignomaster on September 28, 2007, 06:26:05 PM
Zig suddenly collapsed. He got up, but looked very tired.

"It looks like you were right. That stuff is bad.... Hm... looks like we should get our pokemon to the pokecenter fast."

OOC// seriously, we need to stop and wait until Fearitself gets back on. She is the starter of this RP, and She's missed a lot.

OOC/// I think she is back now

IC/// Yup, we need to hurry you have any pokemon that can help us out???

Transient Link

Quote from: FearItself on September 29, 2007, 03:03:07 PM
Ooc// Odd-looking? xD
And you just controlled my character at the end of your post. That's a big no-no.
Posting how my character reacts is my job.

Ic// Stantler turned almost immediately and growled at the young man approaching them. His eyes narrowed as if using his Intimidate ability, though he was only being defensive of his master. Now that he knew he had competition for Shaelyn's attention thanks to their new team member, Stantler was dedicated to showing how much he cared for his master in return for how much she cared for him.

"Easy, Stantler. Easy.." she tried to calm the buck in soft whisper, stroking his head once or twice with her gentle palm. Though Shaelyn knew that wouldn't do much, it was a natural reaction. It was odd how Stantler was wary of this man. She had seen him once before, but didn't pay much mind to him and his actions. Shaelyn supposed that she would just have to watch her back around him.
mike eyed the stantler realizing its weakness for showing its feelings. then he thought back to when he first met scyther and how he was the same way. he sruged knowing full well going on about it wasnt going to solve it though he fingers his necklace.


Ooc// Phoenix, please use quotation marks when your character is talking so we can tell the difference between speech, thoughts, and actions.

Transient Link

Quote from: FearItself on September 29, 2007, 03:06:29 PM
Ooc// Phoenix, please use quotation marks when your character is talking so we can tell the difference between speech, thoughts, and actions.
occ// do i really have to bold mine? or can i just use quotations? also can i request that u shorten your posts abit fear? if its gets this bad in a battle ill be here all day lol. sry and reading in such depth is nice but.... it just seems to droll on.


Quote from: FearItself on September 29, 2007, 03:06:29 PM
Ooc// Phoenix, please use quotation marks when your character is talking so we can tell the difference between speech, thoughts, and actions.

OOC// Whoops every now, and then I forget, everyone does so sorry, and can I do this

What me, and my pokemon are saying I would use quotes

What I am thinking, I would use glow

and what I am doing, or my pokemon use astericks

Can I?

IC/// There must be something that we can do to short out the tracking device, because if they find us we are in trouble...

"We need to run everywhere we go, and use stuff to fake out our enemies!"

*strats running*


Lux started running as well, with Luxio in his arms.


Ooc// Marluxia, the point in a roleplay is to be descriptive. So what if the battle would carry on? So what if I don't post as fast as you would like me to? I'm not going to shorten my posts just because you don't want to have to read that much.

@Phoenix: The glow is fine, I like the idea, but using asterisks for actions is a sort of "short-cut" method.
Just type as if you were telling a story. Actions don't need asterisks, they're usually in complete sentences.

I'll give you an example.

Now... The only trouble is training Tentacool before the first gym.

Shaelyn crossed her arms, looking to the other two males that were conversing.

"I don't know why you're bothered by them Stantler. The guy seems friendly enough."

The underline is what actions usually look like. They don't have any special boldings, quotations, or anything, they're just sentences.

Transient Link

ic// "dude you still havent answered me?"

"you aight?"

suddenly mike gets a chill up his spine from what he is not sure he hasnt felt this shaken in a long time..........