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An Inside Job - A Pokemon Roleplay

Started by FearItself, September 24, 2007, 11:35:51 AM

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Stantler gave a slight "brr" sound from his snout, bending his tough knees and resting. He was facing the small pond-like body of water, the same place Shaelyn had just recently caught the new addition to their team, the Tentacool. As he remembered the Tentacool, jealousy started to run through his mind again, but he shook it away, resting his chin on the shore of the water and taking in the tranquil sight of the still water.

Seeming as though she was joining Stantler, Shaelyn contradicted the choice the other young man made and sat down on the grass, turning towards the pond and becoming comfortable. She bent her knees close to her chest, then wrapping her arms around them and tilting her head forward only slightly to see the reflection on the water. Talking the quietest she could to Stantler, Shaelyn observed the moon's reflection in the water, not phased at all like she was just recently looking into the sky.

"This is the only way I can look at the moon.." she murmured in a volume she hoped only Stantler could hear. "If I look up into the sky to see the moon, I get chills, and I have to turn my eyes away. Space just seems to bleak, empty, bottomless, as if I could fall into it and be lost forever."


Ooc// Crud, I didn't see your post Avion. xP

Hold on a sec. >_<


Quote from: missignomaster on September 29, 2007, 04:43:08 PM
"See ya'll in the morning. i have a feeling it will be just as interesting as today so I dont want to be tired."

John pulled the brush Cover over his shelter.

"See ya, John,"said Lux as he pulled the cover on his own "door."


Shaelyn's attention was drawn away from the moon's reflection by the sound of Avion's voice. She stopped talking, feeling not as though she were interrupted but feeling as though it were best to stop talking to herself. Shaelyn stood up, looking over to the young man they had met earlier on today, and then back to Avion.

"Yeah, sure." Shaelyn replied, stepping away from the campsite a bit and giving Stantler a comforting wave to tell him she would return shortly.


Avion then sat with Shaelyn, he then spoke to her in an oddly solym voice

"I'm going to tell you something.....and you have to promise on your life that you will not tell this to anyone else, got it?" said Avion

Brawl FC 1504-5840-0611 name Avion, mains below(as of now)

Transient Link

little did they know that haunter was listening in on there conversation though mike is trusting to a point he still doesnt know them very well he has to be carefull...for now.

Transient Link

ooc// HEY cmon fear how long it take to say "ok" cmon this rp is getting good like a soap only a really good one with funny sigs


"Of course." Shaelyn said, looking over to Avion. Her smirk seemed to be just about completely replaced by an intentful, understanding look. She was curious, of course, but she was also just about the most trustworthy person anyone would ever meet. "I promise."


Quote from: Triforce_Luigi on September 29, 2007, 04:45:27 PM
Quote from: missignomaster on September 29, 2007, 04:43:08 PM
"See ya'll in the morning. i have a feeling it will be just as interesting as today so I dont want to be tired."

John pulled the brush Cover over his shelter.

"See ya, John,"said Lux as he pulled the cover on his own "door."

"Night guys, I will stay up a little while longer though, something doesn't feel right. Also would one of you guys mind making breakfeast tommorow morning, i am sure I will be hungry :)"

Hmmmmm the stars seem so bright over here, they are so peacfull, Cyndaquil seemed to be thing the same thing as me then he started walking over towards me. He seemed like he was scared of something, but he also seemed calm at the same time.
"Whats wrong buddy?"
Cyndaquil moved right over and sat on my lap as he spoke.

I knew I couldn't understand him because he was a pokemon, and I wasn't but I felt as though we had a connection, and I actually understood him. I out him into our shelter and left him there to fall asleep. He looked so peacefull sleeping.

As I walked a bit away from camp I thought I saw something, got a tad bit scared and then decided to head back over to my 'tent'.


Ooc// Plot thickening coming through!

"Ok, listen good, tommorow, I'm leaving to meet my friend in Oreburgh......the reason is I need to escort her to see, she is very afraid for one of her pokemon.." said Avion he then looked at Shaelyn extremely seriously.

"Her name is Terra, she occompanied me on my travels in the Orre region.....while there, she caught a very rare and powerful pokemon called Suicune....have you heard of it?" asked Avion.

Brawl FC 1504-5840-0611 name Avion, mains below(as of now)


Though his friendsdidn't know it, Lux didn't go to sleep that night. He was up all night looking at his sleeping Pokemon, hoping that the device could bedeactivated. He had heard that Zig had destroyed one and resolved to ask him to remove it the next day.


"Of course I've heard of it. Suicune is the North Wind." Shaelyn replied, wishing she could see the Pokemon up close, but knowing it was only a slight possibility. "Why does your friend want to go to Snowpoint City? Would Suicune be safe there?" she asked. "I think I know why she fears for it. The evil teams have been doing a lot of scheming lately, especially in Oreburgh."

Transient Link

little did they know haunter was getting every word of this jucy situation


"In snowpoint there is a place to get on a boat, she'll take that boat back to the Orre region, after the complete disbanding of both Team Snaggem and Cipher, that region is oddly peacful now, we could have gone to Canalave, but, I heard that one of the teams has set in to there" said Avion,

"The reason I'm telling you this is because, I needed someone to be aware, that we could be a large target of the teams, please, dont tell anyone, ok?"

Brawl FC 1504-5840-0611 name Avion, mains below(as of now)


While I was in my "tent" I was thinking about many things

1) How did Team Galactic even make those devices

2) Was the guy who gave them those Potions a part of Team Galactic or was he just used.

3) Did he recieve them from someone meant for his pokemon, or were they at the pokemoart meaning thousands of Pokemon could be at risk

4) What did I see before moving, was it an illusion, or was it something that could be a possible threat

5) Was it possible that the people I am with are just trying to use me just as the "teams" have used pokemon for their evil pans

6) How was Luxio, and Zig feeling

7) What was John, and Lux thinking about their pokemon, what was going on, and me

As these questions, and mysteries pondered through my head I tried to figure them out, which slowly made me become tired, oddly though I saw a flash then went to sleep, a few minutes later I woke up noticing that something seemed different, what was it?