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An Inside Job - A Pokemon Roleplay

Started by FearItself, September 24, 2007, 11:35:51 AM

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Ooc// Please!!!! WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE!!!!! oh, and awe is spelled "Awe" ;)

Spongebob does not approve


Ooc// No excessive cursing please, Marluxia.
Wow, you like breaking unspoken rules, huh?

I don't know what to post just yet, considering the fact that I believe no one I've been roleplaying with lately is online.

And, I just realized... I'm the only girl and roleplaying the only girl character. xDDD Or atleast, I think I am, I'm not sure. But that's hilarious. xD


Quote from: FearItself on October 03, 2007, 11:48:28 AM
Ooc// No excessive cursing please, Marluxia.
Wow, you like breaking unspoken rules, huh?

I don't know what to post just yet, considering the fact that I believe no one I've been roleplaying with lately is online.

And, I just realized... I'm the only girl and roleplaying the only girl character. xDDD Or atleast, I think I am, I'm not sure. But that's hilarious. xD

OoC//Are you the only girl?Or is Boogie a girl???JUST KIDDING!!

Also,i'm usually on from 5:00 P.M. to  8:00 P.M. Est.


Ooc// Okay, that works. But you're online now though, right? So let's roleplay. xDD

IC// Shaelyn looked from Boogie to Martin, but then back to Boogie again. She sighed, thinking of how she would have reacted in the situations the two were in. Shaelyn was sure that, sooner or later, she'd have to talk back to those Team goons too. She could feel eyes on her already.

"Those evil Team guys are beyond creepy." she muttered, giving a fake shiver. "If one of those guys tries to get me to join them, I'll kick him where it hurts." Shaelyn added, grinning slightly at her little joke.


Boogie smiled,for the first time since he left the Pokemart,he felt like it was when he first met Shaelyn.

"I'll send out Alec to punch them in the head!"Boogie said,calling out Alec.


"So...we gonna start off ta' Oreburgh now?"Boogie said to Shaelyn.


Martin grinned at her joke. "Sure, we can go now. The faster we get out of this place, the better."

ooc// I'm usually on alot, just on certain days I'm busy. Like friday, I'm not on till' after 2:00. Cus' of something in the morning.

Spongebob does not approve


Quote from: MARLUXIA on October 03, 2007, 07:40:52 AM
Quote from: FearItself on October 02, 2007, 02:57:47 PM
Ooc// Hey Marluxia, no major plot twists without my approval, okay?
You seem to be taking charge of this roleplay and forgetting that it was I who created it. I never approved of that radical "Oreburgh Gym blew up" idea, but I let that slide just that one time. Also, using smileys in IC is a big no-no.

OOC/// I really didn't like that, I thought it was stupid...

Also are we allowed to talk to Rowan???


"Do you want any medicine?"


Ooc// Yes, you're allowed to talk to Rowan, though you yourself have to control him because no one officially does. He's just a "there-when-you-need-him" sort of character, like the random Rockets and such that show up.

@Felldoh: That stinks, I'll be on all day Friday because I don't have school. xD

IC// "Yep, we can head off to Oreburgh now." Shaelyn replied to the two men she was traveling with. This seemed like it would be a fun trip, being the own girl traveling with two guys. More intricate details didn't cross her mind except for the one thought that it would be fun to toy the two of them. As she turned around, she noticed another bunch of tall grass in their way, and a surprising cave on the opposite side. Shaelyn didn't think too much of that. After all, with all the rock-types in there, it would be a perfect place to train Tentacool. Though, it would be pretty dark in there. Nevertheless, Shaelyn started walking in the direction of the seemingly-small cave, pushing her way through the tall grass that was probably overflowing with wild Pokemon she had yet to see.


Ooc// Also, my sister makes me get off sometimes. So, I'm pretty unpredictable. XD

Ic// Martin thought about their little group, and how long it would be till' they split up.

Ooc// What time of day is it?

Spongebob does not approve


Avion and Terra finally made it to Eterna city
"Finally here, lets hurry and take down the gym leader, and go" said Avion
"Yeah, we should get outta here fast" said Terra, "but its also important that you get your badges".
Avion and Terra then made their way to the gym.
"Oh, I'm sorry, someone else is already going through the gym right now, come back a bit later ok?" said the curator.
"Oh, ok, we'll go to the pokemon center then" said Avion

Brawl FC 1504-5840-0611 name Avion, mains below(as of now)

Transient Link

Quote from: FearItself on October 03, 2007, 01:53:40 PM
Ooc// Yes, you're allowed to talk to Rowan, though you yourself have to control him because no one officially does. He's just a "there-when-you-need-him" sort of character, like the random Rockets and such that show up.

@Felldoh: That stinks, I'll be on all day Friday because I don't have school. xD

IC// "Yep, we can head off to Oreburgh now." Shaelyn replied to the two men she was traveling with. This seemed like it would be a fun trip, being the own girl traveling with two guys. More intricate details didn't cross her mind except for the one thought that it would be fun to toy the two of them. As she turned around, she noticed another bunch of tall grass in their way, and a surprising cave on the opposite side. Shaelyn didn't think too much of that. After all, with all the rock-types in there, it would be a perfect place to train Tentacool. Though, it would be pretty dark in there. Nevertheless, Shaelyn started walking in the direction of the seemingly-small cave, pushing her way through the tall grass that was probably overflowing with wild Pokemon she had yet to see.
occ// lol i got friday off too i can only be on till about 12 pm est cause i gtg to see resident evil apocolipse btw fear how do i get a pick of my old rank im not sure how to? u can just pm it to me if its eaisier i want my tingle rank back :(

ic// meanwhile as mike was battleing through the gym

giovonii: are we there yet?

elite rocket: almost boss what should we do if galactic intervienes?

giovoni: what else? crush the scum

the elite grined

elite rocket: yes sir!

back at the gym

bug trainer: "screeches" HOW DO YOU BEAT ME SO FAST!!!!

mike sighed
" told you i was an experiaced trainer. so are you the last one?"

bug trainer:.....yes just go on ahead she will be waiting

so mike walked through the forest until he found the gym arena with the leader standing at the other side of it

gym leader: so are you ready?

"lets get on with it"

g leader" GO BUDEW!!"

budew: bud budew!

"sigh.... youve got to me kidding me GO CHARZARD!"

charzard: ROAR!


budew was washed in the flames and fainted

g leader: BUDEW!

"wanna quit?"

g leader: in your dreams ive got one more pokemon go roselia

roselia: rose roselia!

"charzard fire blast"

roselia fainted

g leader: NO! its not possible.... to beat me so fast...

"listen kid im pokemon league champ in my region just hand over my badge will yah?"

the leader hands him the badge
"thank you charzard return"

with that easy win mike walked out of the gym

occ/// ok avion are you here yet.... cant do much more till you show up

Transient Link

Quote from: Avion-Finch on October 03, 2007, 02:07:04 PM
Avion and Terra finally made it to Eterna city
"Finally here, lets hurry and take down the gym leader, and go" said Avion
"Yeah, we should get outta here fast" said Terra, "but its also important that you get your badges".
Avion and Terra then made their way to the gym.
"Oh, I'm sorry, someone else is already going through the gym right now, come back a bit later ok?" said the curator.
"Oh, ok, we'll go to the pokemon center then" said Avion
occ/oddly enough it fit perfectly...and you didnt even know i was in there and... wow like same wavelength there dude lol :D

ic// mike walked back to the pokemon center only to see a familiar face

"well at least he is safe..for now"



OOC/// Alright Fear


Walks off to the P.C. box, then calls Rowan

"Rowan I just realized I never recieved my pokedex when I got my Cyndaquil."

"Really?" He said confused

"Yeah, do you know when I can get it?"

"Hmmmm." While he stroaked his beard. "I will have one of my assistants meet you, where are you anyway?"

"At Jubilife City Professor."

"How much longer will you be there?" he asked curiously.

"Ummmm about another day, because I found this injured pokemon, and I won't leave his/her side untill that pokemon is all better."

"How nice." he had said "I will send one of my assistants now."

"Alright, thank you, and see you later!"
I had said to the Professor, then he hung up.


OOC/// How is it possible toalready have a Charizard... :|???


Too bad I don't have cut... Then i could skip Eterna Forest altogether.... Oh well.
Eterna Forest was a quiet peaceful forest, and John didn't mind too much about having to go through it. John was nearly through the forest, when he noticed something through some skinny trees. The Old Chateau. Legend has it that a rare ghost type pokemon lives in one of the TVs there. Floon stared at the mansion for a while, being a ghost type, and let out a sigh, like helium leaving a balloon.

As John left Eterna forest, He could see Eterna City just past a bridge. As he crossed the bridge, a fisherman landed a particularly large magikarp, sure to become a powerful gyarados one day.

"Finally. Eterna City."