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An Inside Job - A Pokemon Roleplay

Started by FearItself, September 24, 2007, 11:35:51 AM

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Quote from: FearItself on October 06, 2007, 12:56:28 PM
Ooc// I thought you were the one to tell Joeofmars to not quote such big posts..

OoC//Ha!I was gonna say that!XD

Also...all of your evil laughs have been scaring me.

Also:Also:I'm just waiting for Shaelyn to come back to post a message,or should I reveal a little of Shantae's past?hhmmm...

Also:Also:Also:I like saying also...




Shaelyn tried the best she could to close her eyes, but it was no use. When she shifted in position, her whole body hurt, and it hurt for a while afterwards. There was no point in laying still if she couldn't even enjoy relaxing.

Nearby, prying eyes focused on the injured trainer. Though Shaelyn hadn't even noticed it, one of her nurses had other ideas in mind besides letting the patient rest. Removing the apron-like outfit, in the darkness, Venus revealed her true form, a faithful member of Team Galactic. She had been keeping an eye on this girl. This kid seemed to like causing trouble, which was just what Team Galactic wanted.

"You seem miserable." Venus remarked from the shadows.

"Wha-?" Shaelyn muttered, her eyes suddenly open and alert. She sat up quickly, but almost immediately after, she hunched over in pain, gripping her stomach and giving a groan.

"Getting nervous won't do you any good." the familiar phrase came from Venus's mouth as she gave a slight chuckle. The Team Galactic Commander walked over to the bed Shaelyn was resting on, hands on her hips, looking down at the pathetic sight. "My my, you sure can get yourself into trouble." she remarked.

Shaelyn looked up to the woman, the sight of the Team uniform catching her off-guard. She gasped, backing away slowly, but being stopped by the wall behind her. Shaelyn just watched as the figure of Venus became clearer in her diallated pupils, which made her realize just what this person was up to. "It's none of your business." she replied defiantly, her right arm slowly reaching back to her belt. Though, as soon as the arm moved, Venus's arm reached out and her hand clasped hard around Shaelyn's wrist, preventing the already-weakened arm from traveling any further.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." the Commander joked, twisting Shaelyn's arm around in a painful Indian rug burn (basically twisting the arm back and causing painful friction) and causing Shaelyn to cry out in slight pain. "Now, what are your views on Team Galactic?"

"You're a bunch of vile, disgusting, ruthless savages." Shaelyn began, the words just flowing from her mouth as her new pain made her upset and furious at the same time. "You have no respect for people or Pokemon, and you are so full of yourselves, thinking that you can control the world when you'll never be that strong-"

Venus's hand jerked forward, twisting Shaelyn's arm back even more, causing her to cry out louder in pain. A tear dripped down her face as she looked up at Venus one last time. Venus grinned, her fist starting to tighten around Shaelyn's wrist. "I'm sorry, what was that? I'm afraid you'll have to say that again. Now, as I asked before, what are your views of Team Galactic?"

Shaelyn had finally found a second fear. She was speechless, biting her bottom lip as she tried to pry her eyes away, but it almost seemed like this lady was using a Pokemon Attack like Mean Look to keep her from turning away.

"That's what I thought." Venus remarked.


Ooc// NJNETSFAN15, you are accepted. =)


OOC// wouldnt John have done something since he was still in the room?


Ooc// Umm... He was? xDD
Crap... xP

Aw man, there goes my plan... >_<

Transient Link



elite: its true sir all of it!


giovonni suddenly remembered himself and calmed when he spoke again it was ice

giovonni: how did team galactic infultrate oreburgh

the elite gulped than said-"they were disguised as townsfolk they must have been there since before we came in"

giovonni: if it wernt for my brother and this suicune id go there myself and aprehend them can you handle it?

elite: yes sir ill prepare a squadron


as mike walked in to the pokecenter once more who knew something wasnt right

"thats it somethings happened im heading to oreburgh"

he walked up to nurse joy and asked"can you please tell avion and his girlfriend that ill be back in a few days? and that im sorry to make them wait?"

joy: why certainly


mike ran outside
"go charizard"
"lets go buddy we got to get to oreburgh and fast"

charizard nodded and mike jumped up on his back and they lifted off

back at rocket headquarters

a grunt burst into giovonnis office

grunt:SIR!!! mikes on the move he is heading towards oreburgh!

giovonnit: what?!?!? ha perfect prep a chopper we can finished the galactic pigs AND my brother the suicune can wait send a few elite to keep and eye on them

grunt:yes sir

ooc// wow this just got alot more intense

Transient Link

Quote from: FearItself on October 06, 2007, 01:28:34 PM
Ooc// Umm... He was? xDD
Crap... xP

Aw man, there goes my plan... >_<
ooc/just say u fell asleep but didnt realize it you know those "half-sleeps"


eh.... i suppose i left the room for some odd reason....


OoC// have made one evil character.I say the official most longest post award goes to FearItself for a very interesting post!Take that Mr.'Fear-can-you-make-your-posts-shorter-becuase-it-makes-them-boring'!That.Was.Not.Boring.

Now for my 'Shantae's past' post.


Shantae walked in her room after an intense night.

I shouldn't let him get close.

She sat down on the couch in the room and turned on the T.V.

I can't let it happen again.

She started to cry just thinking about.

No.I can't let it affect me.

She forced herself to stop crying,and went into the bedroom.She layed down,and fell asleep.


Ooc// Wahoo!  Venus isn't attacking me.. well I suppose it's bad for the person she is attacking.. but not for me!

Transient Link

Quote from: mariofan999 on October 06, 2007, 02:04:36 PM
Ooc// Wahoo!  Venus isn't attacking me.. well I suppose it's bad for the person she is attacking.. but not for me!
ooc/ how nice..... lol :D

ic/ as mike was flying through the sky he noted the bike path belowhim scanning for them but they were nowhere in site

"if there not even on there way here.....then it must be bad

he continued

ooc///thats it for me for the day good day sirs

this isredunculous


Ooc// Ya, I know I'm kind like that.


After walking a while, Max stopped to set up camp.  He let out Chimchar and fed him.  "Tired Chimchar?  Good fight out there!"
   Chimchar replied, "Chimchar!" and did a back flip.


Ooc// @MM: Lol, let's just say your dude took a potty break.
@Joeofmars: Lol, it's fun being evil. :P

IC// After making sure she inflicted as much pain as necessary, Venus pulled upwards on Shaelyn's wrist, causing the girl to stand. She then made a swift movement, jabbing her elbow into Shaelyn's abdomen to pin her against the wall perpendicular to the wall the bed was against. Another cry of pain could be heard from Shaelyn, especially because of that being the main target of her pain, and for the first time since earlier that day, Shaelyn passed out. Venus's mission was almost complete.

"That was too easy." the Commander murmured to herself proudly, kneeling down next to the collapsed body and reaching into her pocket. She pulled out a very small, circular object which, when Venus pressed her thumb against the back of the object, glowed a subtle red. She reached out and planted the device at the base of Shaelyn's scalp where it would be hidden. "Mind control is even easier." she remarked, standing up straight and stepping back from her finished work. Before leaving, Venus put her nurse disguise back on and walked up to the door. She stopped, turning and looking over her shoulder to see the rather amusing sight of the collapsed body on the floor of the room.

"You may not like Team Galactic now, but... I'll sure you'll come to your senses soon." Commander Venus grinned, giving a slight evil chuckle before leaving with the knowledge of a successful mission.


Martin was looking out the bedroom window with Blast. Martin was thinking of Shaelyn. Even if she was toying with him in the past, he thought she actually had feelings for him. Seeing as how she reacted when he walked away.

Martin admitted to himself, maybe...He too has feelings for her. He Took his hat off, and went to bed. Returning Blast to his pokeball, and putting his pokeballs in his shirt, To keep them safe. Tommorow, he would visit her again.

Ooc// I hate those kind of people. I meet them in the books I read all the time. It's just so vile and cruel. >_<

REDUNCULOUS!!!  I love that word now. :)

Spongebob does not approve