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An Inside Job - A Pokemon Roleplay

Started by FearItself, September 24, 2007, 11:35:51 AM

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Quote from: PHOENIXBLAST on October 10, 2007, 05:18:26 PM
Quote from: Triforce_Luigi on October 10, 2007, 05:14:40 PM
"what is going on over there?"said Lux. "There are Rocket Grunts! And that looks like that Mike, Shaelyn, and uh, Zangoose boy.!

"Yeah, it looks like it! Lets go over there and watch!"

OOC/// I was just talking to Fear and maybe someone should recap what happened or we should stop posting.

OoC//Yeah.I was talking to Fear about that also.Maybe once this topic reatches 100 pages we should start a new topic?It could have all the summaries and current places of the people in the RP.


Boogie got up and followed Shantae into the fray.He threw out and Alec,Growlithe,and Croagunk.

"Alec,Ice punch!Growlithe,Flamethrower!"They both attacked the Rocket Grunts with full force."Croagunk,Poisen Jab!"The force of the attacks knocked several grunts backwards with their pokemon.

"Charmeleon,flamethrower!Porygon,Psybeam!"Shantae's pokemon also obeyed,knocking down more grunts and pokemon.

Boogie looked over at her with a smile,she looked back at him.Without none of them knowing,one of the grunts they attacked got back up and sent his koffing at Shantae.The poisonus gas filled her lungs and and she fell over and fainted.Boogie's smile faded,and he ran over to help her.He felt her pulse,there still was one.Great.Another trip to the hospital.Boogie thought as he picked her up and recalled his pokemon.Her pokemon followed Boogie over to the hospital wing,into an emergancy room,and to a familiar small room that Shaelyn once stayed in.


Well one battle just ended..... but there's no telling if anyone else is going to show up either...John was paitently watching both battles from the sidelines


Without saying anything after the battle with Venus, he left for the pokemon center. "Riolu, you deserve a rest." He said to the pokeball with Riolu in it. Zaroff then entered the Pokecenter. "Hey, could you heal my Riolu?" He handed Nurse Joy the pokeball.

"Why of course!" she said with a smile.

"Okay." He walked to a couch and layed down on it. Hm...I never really found out which one was the real Venus but I'm pretty confidnet that the one I saw earlier was the real one. I still have a good bit of catching up to do. People are heading to Eterna and I still don't have my first badge! Just like always, I'm one step behind. He continued thinking deep into his thoughts of his past.

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ooc/ thanks for waiting up fear I owe you one.

ic/ Mike watched the elites crobat get hit by slash

"you need to learn to controll your pokemon better"

Elite: shut up twirp!

"HEY! im the one helping you if you hadnt noticed"

"Anyways focus your attacks on galactic, dont go for the trainers.Besides youll probobly be better rewarded for taking out a galactic commander than a couple of trainers yes?"


After the slash, Martin decided to finish it off. "Use quick attack!" Said Martin.

Blast leaped forward, and attacked the crobat with blinding speed.

Spongebob does not approve


ooc//*continues catching up*

ic//After that battle, i continnued running forward, when i found a sitrus berry on a i gave it to my zangoose.

then a galactic grunt jumped out of nowhere, and challenged me to a battle.

The galactic grunt sent out a zubat.
"go, zangoose!"
"zangoose, use thunderpunch!"
The thunderpunch attack knocked out zubat fairly quickly...
then the galactic grunt sent out an onix.

"Onix, use bind!", the grunt said.
the bind attack trapped zangoose, hurting it for a while.

the onix then used a dragonbreath attack on zangoose, leaving it wery weakened.

"Zangoose, use ice punch!"
"Onix, use iron tail!"

the two attacks collided...what would happen next?
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.

Transient Link

Quote from: Felldohs_wrath on October 11, 2007, 09:56:15 AM
After the slash, Martin decided to finish it off. "Use quick attack!" Said Martin.

Blast leaped forward, and attacked the crobat with blinding speed.


he said when the elites crobat was knocked out.

"GET OUT OF MY SIGHT! and tell brother he has pathetic wimps for rockets!"

the elite ran along with the rest of the grunts

"darn well at least the trainers should stop attacking now since rockets bailed now to deal with...her"

giovonni watched the happinings through his monotor, it was being filmed from his satilites.

giovonni: "DAMN IT! cant they do anything right my brother just this once i root for you take out that galactic scum!"


"Good job Blast, return." Martin returned Blast to his pokeball. "Hey Mike, what was that all about?!"

Spongebob does not approve

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Quote from: Felldohs_wrath on October 11, 2007, 01:03:25 PM
"Good job Blast, return." Martin returned Blast to his pokeball. "Hey Mike, what was that all about?!"
he looked toward him
"what do you think im trying to get rid of the galactic scum! i have certain.... conections with rocket anyways you gunna help me take her down or are you just gunna stand there?"


"Well......She kinda.....Ummm.....Helped me in my fight with the magma grunt......Well, not really. She was going to though, so I......ummm......." Replied Martin nervously.

Spongebob does not approve

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Quote from: Felldohs_wrath on October 11, 2007, 01:18:26 PM
"Well......She kinda.....Ummm.....Helped me in my fight with the magma grunt......Well, not really. She was going to though, so I......ummm......." Replied Martin nervously.

"DONT YOU GET IT! she messing with your heads all she wants is either you to join galactic or all your pokemon shes useing you! sigh"

he closed his eyes

"her seed may have rooted to deep i may not be able to rip it out i must do something otherwise....."


"Well, okay, I get it. Alright? You seem to care TOO much...."

Spongebob does not approve

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Quote from: Felldohs_wrath on October 11, 2007, 01:29:37 PM
"Well, okay, I get it. Alright? You seem to care TOO much...."
"darn it why are they always so curious!"

"more like I dont want to see good trainers go to the darkside"


"Alright then, Fine." Martin said, as he sat back down on the ground.

Spongebob does not approve

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"ok just be lazy then. just dont do anything stupid..or get in my way"