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An Inside Job - A Pokemon Roleplay

Started by FearItself, September 24, 2007, 11:35:51 AM

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So he gave in? That was easier than I though. Venus thought to herself, reaching back to her pocket and pressing a small red botton that was disguised as the button flap over that pocket. A sort of distress signal was sent out wirelessly, and as soon as the signal reached a nearby Galactic stationed, which there were seven of, all hidden in this area, the nearest Galactic received the message and sent out his Arcanine to give the two of them a ride to safety.

"We'll see you later, then." Venus remarked as the Arcanine came into view behind her. It stopped right behind the two girls and lowered its belly to the ground, allowing Shaelyn and Venus to hop on. Both of the girls gave Mike a grin before Venus kicked her heels against the Arcanine's side and made it begin to run off.

Transient Link

ooc/ woah wait! edit that post you didnt read my whole post the (ive been outplayed) was thought what about what i said?


Ooc// I know the "I've been outplayed" was a thought, she was taking in what he said and got the feeling that he wasn't going to do anything serious because he was bluffing. But next time, don't put thoughts inside quotes, just use italics.

Transient Link

Quote from: FearItself on October 14, 2007, 11:15:03 AM
Ooc// I know the "I've been outplayed" was a thought, she was taking in what he said and got the feeling that he wasn't going to do anything serious because he was bluffing. But next time, don't put thoughts inside quotes, just use italics.

ooc/ ok


well that went real well....

"sigh...well I could give chase but catching up to an arcanine would be to hard on my charizard I wonder which galactic base they went to.... well for now im done here I suppose I'll head back to eterna and check the galactic HQ there. If I find nothing I move on simple as that."

he shrugged
"cmon guys return"
mike walked back towards eterna

Transient Link

ooc//Fear congrats on your 100th page rp. Keep up the good hard work. :)


Arcanine took them up the Bike Trail, but as soon as he got towards the end, he lept off the trail and landed down in the rocky grass below. A metallic device was implanted in a nearby rock, it looked like a password device. It was located strategically outside the cave known to have Gible in it, but it was more than that, it was a great Galactic hide-out with all of those maze-like lanes inside of it. Venus entered in the discrete password, and the object blinked, signalling that entry was granted. Inside the cave, lights illuminated it, which was odd, considering caves were usually pitch-dark. A Galactic grunt withdrew his Arcanine and looked to Venus as she entered, wondering why this small twerp was following her.

"She's the experiment." Venus said, gesturing towards Shaelyn.

Shaelyn gave Venus a slightly grumpy frown, crossing her arms and then giving a deep sigh. Atleast she was away from Mike. "Okay, so now that I'm with you guys, what do I do?"

"Well.. How about training those weak Pokemon?" Venus remarked, taunting Shaelyn into a battle. "You can battle me to train your team. If you ever defeat me, I"ll have you promoted to Commander."

She gave a laugh, running her hand along her pokeballs, as was a habit of hers. "That sounds fair. Do I get a special planetary name too when I become a Commander?"

"Unless you want to be Commander Uranus, I'm sad to say there aren't any feminine planets left." she remarked, laughing slightly at the joke she made. "There are plenty of Greek Goddess names to give you, though. How about Hera, Aphrodite, Vesta, Athena, Persephone?"

"Hmm... Commander Athena sounds nice." Shaelyn decided. She knew who Athena was, and felt it was suiting.

Transient Link

ic/ "yawn im bored out of my skull"

he said as he walked the bike path

he saw some fur on a ramp

Arcanine fur? no no I'm not strong enough to take them on I'll need some help.

he looked down and saw a cavern

well i know where she is but ill just leave her be for now shes safe


Ooc// I love how your character seems to be able to find out everything... >___>
Can't you just leave them alone for once? I don't want Shaelyn to interact with anyone else for a while. When she re-emerges from the "Bat Cave", she'll be a completely different person. -evil laugh-

Transient Link

ooc/ oh mikes not going now everythings better now anyways im surprised that you wernt surprised by me not jumping into the cave guns a blazin lol :D


Shaelyn looked to Venus for a moment, then to the Grunt, and then back to Venus again. "Okay, so... Now that I have my Galactic name, don't I get cool clothes too?"

"Only when you become a Commander, twerp." Venus remarked. "Now, let's have a battle and see how much training you still have to do."

"Alright then. How about a one-on-one, Tentacool versus that Lopunny of yours." Shaelyn suggested, grinning slightly at the thought of her Tentacool gaining experience, and possibly evolving in the span of her training in this cave.

"I accept." Venus said with a grin, stepping a considerable distance away from Shaelyn and then turning to face her opponent, setting the playing field. She took the first pokeball from her belt, tossed it out in front of her, and released her Lopunny, watching Shaelyn do the same with her Tentacool. "To be fair, I'll let you make the first move." she remarked.

"Fine." Shaelyn replied adamantly, looking to her eager Tentacool. "Tentacool, use Constrict, then Toxic."

The Tentacool flopped forward, using her long tenticles to propell herself into the air. The Lopunny looked as though she were ready to move, and did, jumping to the side and dodging quite easily. But just as Loppuny landed, Tentacool's tenticle jabbed out, coated in a purple slime that, when it hit Lopunny in the side, poisoned her. Lopunny fell to the ground, twitching from the worsening pain of the poison, but standing up again nonetheless.

"Nice first move, but before this poison hurts my Loppuny, that Tentacool of yours will be finished." Venus said.

"Oh really? I wouldn't bet on that." Shaeyln remarked boldly.

"Lopunny, use Thunder Punch." Venus commanded.

Lopunny stabilized itself, then jumped forward at an incredible speed hitting Tentacool right in the gem before Shaelyn even had a chance to tell Tentacool to dodge. The Electic-type attack was super effective, and shocked Tentacool through its exoskeleton, causing the Water/Poison-type Pokemon to faint in one hit.

"I'd say you have a long way to go before you become a Commander." Venus remarked, taking out her pokeball and withdrawing her poison-plagued Lopunny. "Try again after your Tentacool can take a hit."

Shaelyn rushed to her Tentacool's side, taking the Max Revive out of her bag that Mike had given her a while ago. She used the crystal on her Tentacool, and watched as the Pokemon happily raised onto her tenticles, looking to her trainer gratefully.

"I'm glad you're okay, Tentacool." Shaelyn said. "But man, I didn't know Venus was that tough. I think we have some training to do before we challenge her again, huh?"

Tentacool nodded, its large upper body swaying forward and back in the nodding motion. Training in this cave would certainly be fun, especially with little Gible to beat up in the process. Shaelyn didn't want to catch one, because she already had a ground-type on her team, and she knew how much people wanted Gible, so she didn't want to use something that was overused already. But perhaps there would be desirable Pokemon near this base that would add to her team.

Transient Link

ic/ mike arrived in eterna grumpier than ever

"im tired im hungry and worse yet IM BORED!!!!"

he shuffled to the pokemon center

the pokemon center was the same as before he walked up to the counter

joy:oh hello again

"hi can you heal my pokemon for me?"


after a few moments

joy: here you are

"thanks a bunch"

he walked out

"time to get some food!!!!!!!"




Actually,I will say:HAPPY 100 PAGES FEAR!!!


Boogie went into the room with Shantae in it.She sat up and looked over at Boogie worried face.She gave one back,so Boogie gave a forced smile.

"I know what you're going to say."Shantae said,but Boogie didn't hear her.

"See.I said you should not have gone into the battle."Shantae got off the bed."You could've got hurt.You did get hurt.I was worried and luckily it wasn't severe."She moved closer to him,he didn't realize."I-I...I was standing here worried.I was confused."She grabed his hands.

"Boogie."She said softly.

He was still talking on.

"Alex!She said his real name,now louder,to get his attention.

"What?"He said in aggitated voice.

"Shut up."She said,and kissed him on the lips.They stayed there for 10 seconds,but for Boogie it felt like an eternity.A good eternity,that he never wanted to end.


Ooc// Lol, romance. xD

IC// Shaelyn let Tentacool stroll on ahead of her as the two looked for a wild Pokemon to battle in the immense, maze-like cave. She took cautious steps, not wanting to disturb any Pokemon she couldn't fight off. Tentacool stopped suddenly, giving a slightly happy and aquatic-sounding purr as she found a small Pokemon to take our her losing anger on.

"A Gible, huh? Perfect." Shaelyn remarked, stepping back, knowing her Tentacool needed room. "All right, use Water Pulse Tentacool."

Tentacool reared her head back, then let her head thrust forward, sending out pulsing, blue, circular waves towards Gible. The frightened young Pokemon gave a reptile-like "eep" and ducked, but the Water Pulse hit dead-on. The poor thing tumbled backwards, but it was an endurant little maggot, so it got up on its feet and looked to Tentacool with rage. The little dragon opened its large mouth and released a blue substance, a Dragon Rage.

"That's it... Tentacool, use Mirror Coat." Shaelyn whispered to the Pokemon.

Tentacool's body glowed with a slight purple glow for a moment, sustaining the attack without damage, and repelling it as if it were a rubber ball deflected off of a trampoline. The Dragon Rage was redirected at the Gible, which hit the small Pokemon, but it wasn't a direct hit. The little thing still had some fight in it nonetheless.

"You're a lively little thing, aren't you?" Shaelyn remarked. "I like this Gible's attitude, I think I'll catch it when we're done here." she added, contradicting her first thoughts. She knew how hard they were to train, but she liked the challenge.


Avion and Terra where making their way to Veilstone
"which way do we go?" asked Avion. Terra, looking at the map for a second, then replying
"We need to go to Solaceon, then north of there is a route, to the left of the route is a route leading to Veilstone." said Terra, Avion looked on with a look of consternation.
"" said Avion in a confused voice.

Brawl FC 1504-5840-0611 name Avion, mains below(as of now)
