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An Inside Job - A Pokemon Roleplay

Started by FearItself, September 24, 2007, 11:35:51 AM

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Shaelyn gave a sigh, a long sigh, looking to Martin and Boogie as they seemed to be prepared to leave. She was the one that suggested it, but on second thought, she wasn't really tired physically. Mentally, she was exhausted, and just needed some alone time to gather her thoughts.

"Actually, you guys go on ahead..." Shaelyn said to the rest of their loose group. "I'm going to take a walk... I'll join you later on tonight."


"Okay, bye. " Martin walked to the pokecenter.

Spongebob does not approve


"Okay, if it's fine with you." He said because all he wanted now was some sleep. He headed to the pokemon center.


Boogie and Shantea followed Martin in the Pokecenter..


After making sure the others were gone, Shaelyn gave another deep sigh and headed out towards the left side of the mines. She made her way up the various rockbeds that allowed her to climb higher and higher up the side of the mine until, finally, she was perched atop the large cave-like structure. She sat down with a slight lazyness, stretching her legs out before her and putting her arms diagonally behind her to support her form. An idea came to her mind, which made a slight smile come to her face. She reached for the fourth pokeball on her belt and unlatched it from its spot on said belt, releasing the Gible she had most recently caught.

"Gib, Gible!" the female Gible squealed happily, jumping into Shaelyn's lap. For being such an adamant and spunky fighter back in the cave, it just seemed like this Gible was more of a go-getter than a blind-fighter. She was a good-natured Gible, seeing as how, when she jumped onto Shaelyn's lap, she practically fell right to sleep, getting a chuckle from Shaelyn in the process.

Her hand gently stroked the blade-like fin at the top of the small Gible's head as the big-mouthed dragon Pokemon took a nap in her lap. Shaelyn did need something to cheer her up, and this was just what she needed to see, the fact that atleast someone was still comfortable around her.

"I'll hate myself forever if those guys never trust me agian." Shaelyn said to herself, giving a long sigh afterwards. "I just hope that doesn't happen."


Martin went to bed. He thought about how Shaelyn wanted to be friends again. He didn't mind. But Boogie seemed nervous, and very suspicious.

Spongebob does not approve


Ooc// lol what's with you and sitting on large rock structures? :P

Ic// Zaroff checked into his room and let out his pokemon to get some stretch space and have a nice bed to sleep on instead of a small metal sphere. "There you go guys." After he said that, he fell onto his bed and started sleeping right away.


Quote from: FearItself on October 18, 2007, 03:05:34 PM
After making sure the others were gone, Shaelyn gave another deep sigh and headed out towards the left side of the mines. She made her way up the various rockbeds that allowed her to climb higher and higher up the side of the mine until, finally, she was perched atop the large cave-like structure. She sat down with a slight lazyness, stretching her legs out before her and putting her arms diagonally behind her to support her form. An idea came to her mind, which made a slight smile come to her face. She reached for the fourth pokeball on her belt and unlatched it from its spot on said belt, releasing the Gible she had most recently caught.

"Gib, Gible!" the female Gible squealed happily, jumping into Shaelyn's lap. For being such an adamant and spunky fighter back in the cave, it just seemed like this Gible was more of a go-getter than a blind-fighter. She was a good-natured Gible, seeing as how, when she jumped onto Shaelyn's lap, she practically fell right to sleep, getting a chuckle from Shaelyn in the process.

Her hand gently stroked the blade-like fin at the top of the small Gible's head as the big-mouthed dragon Pokemon took a nap in her lap. Shaelyn did need something to cheer her up, and this was just what she needed to see, the fact that atleast someone was still comfortable around her.

"I'll hate myself forever if those guys never trust me agian." Shaelyn said to herself, giving a long sigh afterwards. "I just hope that doesn't happen."

OOC// Lol i see what you did there


Ooc// Well, I just like landscapes, that's all. xD But I do like rocks a lot.

IC// Again, Shaelyn looked back down at the Gible. The young dragon Pokemon just looked so cute down there. She remembered that her other Pokemon hadn't seen the new addition to the team, and surely Stantler would want to. Shaelyn took the other pokeballs off of her belt and released Onix, Stantler, and Tentacool, all of them surprisingly able to fit on the top of the massive mine cave.

"Hey guys." Shaelyn said in a soft voice, and watched as her three other Pokemon turned their attention to her. "This is Gible. She's asleep now, but Tentacool knows that I just caught her earlier today. She's the newest addition to our team."

The rest of her Pokemon smiled, especially Tentacool. The other two looked at Tentacool and gave her congradulatory smiles, knowing that Tentacool must have been the one to help their master catch it. Tentacool gave a happy purr and went over to hug Shaelyn. Pretty soon, Stantler walked over and layed down beside her, resting his head on her leg. To finish off their formation, Onix coiled around the group, allowing Shaelyn to lay back on Onix's body and have a nice, day-dreamy nap without stirring Gible. She was definately cheered up now.


Quote from: missignomaster on October 18, 2007, 03:15:39 PM
Quote from: FearItself on October 18, 2007, 03:05:34 PM
After making sure the others were gone, Shaelyn gave another deep sigh and headed out towards the left side of the mines. She made her way up the various rockbeds that allowed her to climb higher and higher up the side of the mine until, finally, she was perched atop the large cave-like structure. She sat down with a slight lazyness, stretching her legs out before her and putting her arms diagonally behind her to support her form. An idea came to her mind, which made a slight smile come to her face. She reached for the fourth pokeball on her belt and unlatched it from its spot on said belt, releasing the Gible she had most recently caught.

"Gib, Gible!" the female Gible squealed happily, jumping into Shaelyn's lap. For being such an adamant and spunky fighter back in the cave, it just seemed like this Gible was more of a go-getter than a blind-fighter. She was a good-natured Gible, seeing as how, when she jumped onto Shaelyn's lap, she practically fell right to sleep, getting a chuckle from Shaelyn in the process.

Her hand gently stroked the blade-like fin at the top of the small Gible's head as the big-mouthed dragon Pokemon took a nap in her lap. Shaelyn did need something to cheer her up, and this was just what she needed to see, the fact that atleast someone was still comfortable around her.

"I'll hate myself forever if those guys never trust me agian." Shaelyn said to herself, giving a long sigh afterwards. "I just hope that doesn't happen."

OOC// Lol i see what you did there

Ooc// -gives you cookie- xD
I just kinda snuck that in, I didn't think anyone would catch it. Kudos.


Avion and Terra jumped back to dodge the black flash, which turned back and stood before Avion and Terra. "Mur Krow!" cawed the black creature. 
"Its a Murkrow!" exclaimed Avion
" duh?" said Terra Sarcastically.
Avion looked at Terra blankly for a second and refocused his attention back at the murkrow.
"ok little mood breaker, get ready!" said Avion madly at the murkrow as he reached for Topaz's pokeball.

Brawl FC 1504-5840-0611 name Avion, mains below(as of now)


Zaroff was sleeping on the bed and was starting to have a dream.

Mind-Control...Team Galactic...Rock Badge "Huh? Wha- What's going on?" Zaroff said standing in a black emptiness. "Wow...I never knew I was so empty headed." He said smiling to himself. All of the sudden his thoughts shifted to his child-hood and the worst day of his life.

"No! Don't take daddy." Said a young Zaroff.

"too bad!" He pushed the younge Zaroff back.

"Waaaah!" He started crying.

"No! don't take him!"  Said the real Zaroff.

All the sudden, the Team Magma leader appeared. "Join us and you can get back at what Team Aqua did to you." He held out his hand to him.

Zaroff started walking toward him but as he did, the leader started to drift away. Huh? Wait!" He said and started to run toward him but he floated away even faster.

C'mon, you better hurry up. You don't want to let them get away. Do you? Do you want them to take your father and you do nothing about it?"

In real life, Zaroff was twisting and turning in bed mubling "no." Riolu sensed his disturbance and woke up. "Rio?" He said in a confused tone.

Ooc// Wow, maybe this is what happens when you don't get enough sleep.   :O

Transient Link

ooc/ way to ignore my post.....

ic//mike watched as they walked away before he could catch up. he saw shaelyn walking the opposite direction of the rest he decided to follow after alot of climbing he caught up.

ooc/gtg bye typing on wii sry for grammer


Shaelyn heard steps coming up from behind her and her eyes opened. She looked over her shoulder, being sure not to disturb Gible or any of her other Pokemon, and she happened to see Mike there approaching her. Shaelyn knew not to be worried, because before she had left the cave, she saw what Mike had done. He was under control too, like she was, and unlike the others, she trusted Mike now.

"Hey.." Shaelyn said in a friendly tone. She was in a better mood now than before, certainly. "Rough day, huh?" she joked.

Flying Chickens

Oh, so I can join?
Wonderful, I am happy at this.

Pokemon: Snorunt
Nickname: None
Gender: Male
Moveset: Double Team, Bite, Protect, Icy Wind, Water Pulse, Ice Fang, Powder Snow.

Pokemon: Starly
Nickname: None
Gender: Male
Moveset: Quick Attack, Wing Attack, Double Team, Growl, Steel Wing, Aerial Ace.

Pokemon: Shinx
Nickname: None
Gender: Female
Moveset: Charge, Leer, Bite, Spark, Hidden Power.
Favorite Pokemon type: Ice

And now for the beginning of my adventure:

In character// Nik stood at the entrance to Rowan's lab. His right hand scratching the back of his head, his left reaching for the door handle. The door swung open, batting his hand out of the way with a thud. Professor Rowan stood in the doorway, gleaming a smile at the soon-to-be trainer. Nik scowled at him, then laughed and returned the smile. "Thought there would be more people coming to get a Pokemon." Nik said, glancing around behind him then looking past Rowan around the lab. Rowan shook his head, and said, "Well, many came awhile ago. I must say, the two that stick out most in my mind are a girl that got a Stantler and a boy who was given an Elekid." Nik frowned distastefully, "Yeesh, a Normal and an Electric? Ice is the way to go." Rowan moved to the side and issued Nik into the lab. "You have a particularily unique choice. Not many would go for a Snorunt. Well, most have had unique choices. Such as another who-" Nik rushed over to the table and grabbed the lone Poke-ball sitting on the counter. He grinned and did a somersault, his glee at getting his starter apparent to the lab assistants around him. He stood up and let out the Snorunt. It appeared amid a flash of red, and turned to face Nik with a smile on its face. Nik smiled back, and turned toward the professor. "Man I'm thirsty... I don't suppose you have any tea?"

     "Aw, geez. Snorunt. Rowan gives me a cup of tea, and you freeze it with icy wind!? Well, no use crying over spilt-milk..." Nik argued with his Snorunt as he made his way towards the path of his first route. Snorunt gave him an innocent, Poochyena eyed look, then bounced up and knocked the frozen tea from his hand. Nik scratched the back of his head, then picked up the styro-foam cup and lobbed it into a nearby garbage can.

Out of character// I just realized that I forgot the part where Rowan gives me my Pokemon, so I may as well put that in now.