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Camp NSFCD: Mysteries of the Campfire

Started by Macawmoses, October 22, 2008, 08:36:24 PM

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Note: This will be revealed along with Camp, if you like it, and don't want spoilers etc. stick with reading this thread, but note that it might not make sense until camp is over. Also, criticisms wanted.

The night was cold, and it overwhelmed the man as he opened the door to the long, dark train. As he stepped up and in to the train, the creases on his face softened. He was surrounded by friends and colleagues, a warm fire, and an inviting atmosphere, besides, the cold shouldn't wreck his fun. He took a seat at the nearest table, and examined his surroundings further.

To his left, a baby grand piano, glowing as Thirdkoopa belted out harmonies. To the right was another table, decorated with a cob-web cloth, and there sat Trace, Java, and Rob, bantering about their beloved House. He eyed the three up; Trace was dressed up like the legendary Moriarty, of Sherlock Holmes fame, Java was dressed as a Fool, and Rob was mean and green as the Riddler.

The table behind him sat his superiors from work, the ones organizing this. Nick, Vaati, and Silver, in all of their glory...needless to say, he was nervous in their presence. He glanced back, and noticed the extravagance of it all, Silver was dressed like royalty, from head to toe he was wearing silk, lace, makeup, and jewels, it seemed fitting. Next to him was Nick, who donned the attire of a veteran, complete with camouflage, and he even had a gun. He gulped, hopefully it wasn't real. Finally, there was Vaati, simply wearing a shirt, pants, and coat, seemingly in his normal attire. However, something caught his eye, Vaati had a cane.

Something seemed strange about the three, but this was their game, who was he to question it. Looking forward, was a table of four, the chairs and table were simple, but chillingly enough, they were bone white. Seated there MYL, DOODLE, Dill, and Sync. Slowly, he continued examining them, MYL dressed as Link, from Legend of Zelda....sword in hand. Thinking aloud, he murmured his contempt for all these seemingly real weapons. DOODLE was dressed as a vampire, and his goblet was filled with a dark red liquid, rather curious. Dill sat there discussing with Sync about who knows what, Sync dressed as a hockey player, with a lovely black eye, and stick to match, and Dill dressed as Dick Cheney. Once again murmuring, he said "God help us if he gets a hold of Nicks gun..."

Just then, he was interrupted, as Lightning sat down, shaking the table.

"Hi," LS enthusiastically chuckled, "you ready?" He shook his head, and averted his eyes, he wasn't ready. Just then, he started to realize he had ignored his immediate surroundings. He looked to LS, and jumped at the site of his costume.

"You can't stop being Probst, can you?" he joked.
"Nope, and I see your true colors are shining through." Lightning retorted.

Indeed they were, as he looked down at himself, he was shocked at how well his costume turned out. His musty clothes, weathered and worn, along with his 2x4, and blood stained attire summed him up nicely, he just survived an apocalypse of sorts.

"It's just what I wanted," the man laughed, "I've really outdone myself."

Suddenly the trains horn blared, and the car fell silent, this is what they were waiting for. A light shone down, seemingly from the sky, and all that could be seen was mote, dancing in the light. The doors at the front of the trolley burst open, and out came three men, all wearing tuxedos. He instantly recognized them; Snorkel, Zovistograt, and Phaze.

"Ladies...err, Gentlemen, welcome to the first ever Murder Mystery Event, brought to you by NSFCD! Tonights festivities, for lack of a better term, will begin shortly. The lights will go off, and someone will be murdered, at random. Of course, this isn't real, they'll just be briefed on what to do. The murderer already knows whom they are, and will be out to throw you all off. You have until sunset to deliberate, but once the sun is up, you must come to an agreement, along with basis as to why the murder took place, and how. If you can't do it, the murderer wins!" Snorkel proclaimed.

The crowd started mingling, talking about this and that, all waiting for the lights to dim, where one would be whisked away by Zovi and Phaze. The train's conductor stepped out, though, and began talking.

"Attention, my name is Mystic, please, respect my train, please. We'll begin moving shortly, and then the game truly begins!"

The crowd stopped, none aware that the train would be in motion. It lurched forward, and everyone instantaneously sat. The lights dimmed, and then vanished....the murder would take place soon. The mans heart beat furiously, he was excited.

A shriek pierced the air, and everyone stayed perfectly still, suspecting a ploy from the "tuxes". When the lights came on, Phaze rushed toward the middle of the room, next to the piano, opposite of the man.

"Attention, there has been a murder" he huffed.

"We know! We know" the group chanted.

"I don't think you understand, the murder was real, this is not part of the game." Phaze continued huffing.

Vaati rose, and merely said, "Go on, then."

"I-it's Thirdkoopa....he was beaten to death, it seems. Follow me." Phaze stammered.

He looked around, sure enough, the bench at the piano was toppled, and Third was gone. His heart sank, there wouldn't be any more music this evening. The crowd followed Phaze to the back of the car, and into the next, there, in a puddle of blood, was Third, with Snorkel and Zovi standing over top.

"How long were the lights off?" he questioned.

"Twelve minutes, thirty seconds." Zovi responded.

"Thirteen is the lucky number." Snorkel commented.

"The killer must be on this train, gentlemen, let the game begin." Vaati proclaimed.

He stood there dumbfounded, he was a witness to a murder, and everyone was a suspect, he knew what needed done.