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Games Revisted: Medal of Honor: Vanguard

Started by Sk8teland85, November 11, 2008, 04:22:59 AM

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As some of you know I have a good size collection of Wii titles and such. Many of them I have enjoyed but there is a group of them that I got for the sole reason of holding me over while Super Smash Bros. Brawl was delayed earlier this year. Well recently I got back to some of my older games since I have been fairly bored and I figured today I would jump into one of these Wii titles I got while Brawl was delayed.

Medal of Honor Vanguard was a gift my mom picked up for me after seeing me play Medal of Honor Heroes 2. I did not ask for it or anything but hey it was a free gift and it was not Ninjabread Man so it can't be that bad right. Overall it really is not a bad game at all actually and it has some nice moments to it. While it is not the best FPS on the Wii it is far from the worst.

Where to begin, well lets start with the controls since this is a Wii game afterall and the controls are usually an interesting part to talk about. Medal of Honor Vanguard has a decent control scheme but it is not with it's issues. For one most of the motion sensitive controls just feel sluggish when trying to execute them. One major flaw was that they seem kinda tacked on and not thought out right.

For example to crouch you flick the Nunchuk down and to rise up you flick the Nunchuk up. This is not too bad but add in that to turn around you have to flick the Nunchuk left and to reload you have to flick the Nunchuk right and you can see it can be very sluggish and unresponsive at times and trust me it really is. Luckly you can turn off the motion sensitive controls in the options menu which I do recomend doing.

The aiming while not bad is not as precise as in games like Medal of Honor Heroes 2 or Metroid Prime 3. It just feels too loose to me. You can adjust it like in Heroes 2 but even after adjustment it never quite feels as sharp and accurate as it does in Heroes 2. This is not too bad but still is kinda annoying at times, especially when you need to aim precisely.

As for the game itself well the levels offer a nice variety and all but just feel too short at times. But don't let that fool you into thinking you can beat this game fast since you really can't. There is a fair bit of fire fights in each level and these all revolve around advancing forward and going from cover to cover in a slow and steady pase. While nothing new it does make the game feel more realistic, rather than just running in guns a blazing shooting everything that moves like some shooters have you do.

Visually this game is not too bad overall really. It might not have the best visuals for the Wii but it is far from the worst. The levels each have there own look to them and it never feels like you are in the same place over and over again which is always nice. Also, the visuals on the air drops when you start a level are very nicely done with planes flying all around and flak everywhere it really makes you feel small and vunerable at times.

Overall this is a decent game and has it's fun moments. It is by far one of the better FPS games out there for the Wii and while the controls may not be perfect they are far better than many of the other FPSs for the system. I cannot say it is worth buying but it is at least worth a rental IMO.